Irregular Proton Injection To High Energies at Int
Irregular Proton Injection To High Energies at Int
Irregular Proton Injection To High Energies at Int
© 2023. The Author(s). Published by the American Astronomical Society.
How thermal particles are accelerated to suprathermal energies is an unsolved issue, crucial for many astrophysical
systems. We report novel observations of irregular, dispersive enhancements of the suprathermal particle
population upstream of a high-Mach-number interplanetary shock. We interpret the observed behavior as irregular
“injections” of suprathermal particles resulting from shock front irregularities. Our findings, directly compared to
self-consistent simulation results, provide important insights for the study of remote astrophysical systems where
shock structuring is often neglected.
Unified Astronomy Thesaurus concepts: Interplanetary particle acceleration (826); Space plasmas (1544);
Interplanetary shocks (829); Shocks (2086); Heliosphere (711)
The Astrophysical Journal Letters, 957:L13 (5pp), 2023 November 10 Trotta et al.
The Astrophysical Journal Letters, 957:L13 (5pp), 2023 November 10 Trotta et al.
Figure 2. Left: spectrogram of the irregular signal in seconds from shock vs. 1/v axes, with the velocity dispersion shown by the solid magenta line (top). Time series
showing the local θBn(t) angle. The red and gray dashed lines represent the average θBn and a 90° angle, respectively (bottom). Right: cartoon showing the corrugated
shock front with local shock normal, trajectory of a reflected particle ,and the SoLO trajectory (SolO model:
center of the relative energy bin and computed in the spacecraft magenta line in Figure 2):
rest frame, assuming that all particles detected are protons (see
Wimmer-Schweingruber & Pacheco 2021 for further details). tO (v) = ti + , (1 )
During the period of irregular particle enhancements, we also v
combined magnetic field and plasma data to compute the
particle pitch angles in the solar wind frame (Compton & where tO represents the time at which the flux enhancement is
Getting 1935), revealing that the particles detected by STEP are observed for a certain speed v, ti is the time of injection at the
closely aligned with the field (not shown here). Interestingly, source, and s is the distance traveled by the particles from the
by visual inspection, it can be seen that these dispersive signals source to the spacecraft. Thus, the argument is that the
are shallower going far upstream, consistent with the fact that dispersive signals are due to accelerated particles produced by
they are injected from more distant regions of the shock. different portions of the shock front temporarily connected with
The dispersive flux enhancements are associated with the spacecraft, as sketched in Figure 2 (right). We note that, due
irregular acceleration of protons along the shock front. Indeed, to the very high energy-time resolution of STEP, it was
due to their dispersive nature, the particles detected by STEP possible to perform the VDA on such small (∼seconds)
cannot be continuously produced at the shock and propagated timescales. Determining ti based on the time when the highest
upstream, but they must come from a source that is only energy particles are observed (ti ∼ − 130 s), the source distance
temporarily magnetically connected to the spacecraft due to that we obtain through Equation (1) is s ≈ 4 × 104 km
time and/or space irregularities. Then, the fastest particles (∼500di), compatible with their generation at the approaching
produced at the irregular source are detected first by the shock, for which we would expect s ~ Vshock Dt sin (q Bn ),
spacecraft, followed by the slower ones, yielding the observed where Vshock is the average shock speed and Δt is the time
dispersive behavior. Given the short timescales at which delay between the observation of the dispersive signal and the
energetic particle enhancements are observed with respect to shock passage. This is also compatible with the fact that the
the shock and the quiet behavior of upstream magnetic field in other dispersive signals observed farther upstream, such as the
the 10 minutes upstream of the shock, we assume that particles one before 21:54, about 500 s upstream of the shock (see
do not undergo significant scattering from their (irregular) Figure 2), show a shallower inclination though a more precise,
production to the detection at SolO. It is then natural to quantitative analysis of this behavior is complicated by the high
investigate the connection with the shock. The bottom left
noise levels of the observation and will be the object of later
panel of Figure 2 shows the local
statistical investigation employing more shock
q Bn (t ) º cos-1 (B (t ) · nˆ shock ∣B (t )∣) changing significantly
candidates (Yang et al. 2023).
when the dispersive signals are observed, indicating that the
spacecraft was indeed connected to different portions of the
(corrugated) shock front, which in turn is expected to respond 2.2. Shock Modeling
rapidly to upstream changes, as recent simulation work
elucidated (e.g., Trotta et al. 2023b). Note that, given the Further insights about shock front irregularities are limited
by the single-spacecraft nature of these observations. There-
single-spacecraft nature of the observations, the average shock
fore, we employ 2.5-dimensional kinetic simulations, with
normal computed with MX3 for both local and average θBn parameters compatible with the observed ones, to model the
estimation was used. details of the shock transition, where proton injection to
To further support this idea, similarly to velocity dispersion suprathermal energies takes place, relevant to our interpretation
analyses (VDAs) used to determine the injection time of SEP of the dispersive signals and enabling us to see how the shock
events (e.g., Lintunen 2004; Dresing et al. 2023), we chose the surface and normal behave at small scales (see Figure 2). In the
clearest dispersive signal (∼100 s upstream of the shock), and simulations, protons are modeled as macroparticles and
we superimpose the following relation (indicated by the advanced with the particle-in-cell method, while the electrons
The Astrophysical Journal Letters, 957:L13 (5pp), 2023 November 10 Trotta et al.
The Astrophysical Journal Letters, 957:L13 (5pp), 2023 November 10 Trotta et al.
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