Cambridgeshire Flu Consent
Cambridgeshire Flu Consent
Cambridgeshire Flu Consent
01480 757098
To give consent for your child to have the flu vaccine, please click here:
Even if you do not wish for your child to have the vaccine, please complete
the online form so that we can record your wishes.
We also offer the flu vaccine as an injection, which is gelatine- PLEASE NOTE the flu vaccine will
free. This may also be the vaccine of choice for vegans. Please NOT be available to otherwise
healthy children after December
go to our website where you can find out more about the
15th at all, and so we urge you to
manufacturing of the flu injection, and then decide if the return the consent form as soon
injection is more suited to your child. as possible in case we are not
able to visit your child's schools
for a second visit this year.
You only need to complete one consent form for each child. If you later change
your mind, please call your local team. If your child has this immunisation Your consent will remain in place
elsewhere after you have submitted the consent form, you MUST inform for the entire flu season. If your
child misses a first visit, you do not
Vaccination UK rather than the school. need to complete a second form.
We understand that you may have questions about the vaccine. For more
information, please go to our website, where you can find a list of FAQ’s, as well USEFUL LINKS
as details of our community catch up clinics. We also have some FAQ’s enclosed
You can also find informational videos on our YouTube channel, including
subtitled versions for other languages.
Yours Faithfully,
Your Local Immunisation Team Our 2023/24 policy can be viewed here:
Vaccination UK
For data protection queries, please contact:
*The consent form needs to be signed by a person with
parental responsibility which includes:
Mother: automatic
Father: if married to the mother either when baby is born or marries subsequently
Unmarried father: if name appears on birth certificate (since 1/12/03) or legally acquired
Others: if parental responsibility is legally acquired
Parental Responsibility Agreement: signed, properly witnessed and sent for registration to
Principle Registry or the Family Division (High Court)
Residence Order: granted by the Court
Please note that young people under the age of 16 can give or refuse consent if considered
competent to do so by nursing staff.
Are there any side effects of the vaccine?
Possible side effects are: decreased appetite, headache, a runny or We do not eat pork products.
blocked nose, and sometimes a raised temperature. These are common,
Can my child have a different flu
but they pass quickly and can be treated with paracetamol or ibuprofen
if you feel your child needs it. vaccine?
nasal vaccine? The nasal flu vaccine is the best vaccine for
children and young people under 18 years of
You should let us know if your child has any of the following:
age as it is more effective at stopping the spread
A very severe allergy to eggs, egg proteins, gentamicin or
of flu and it is painless, but it does have a highly
gelatine – it is important for us to know if your child has been
processed form of gelatine (porcine gelatine),
admitted to hospital with a condition called anaphylaxis,
which is used in a range of many essential
triggered by these things.
Are currently wheezy or have been wheezy in the past 72 hours medicines. The gelatine helps to keep the
with asthma. There is an alternative flu vaccine that we can talk vaccine viruses stable so that the vaccine
to you about to ensure that your child is protected as soon as provides the best protection against flu.
Have a condition that severely weakens their immune system. If your faith or beliefs mean you would prefer a
vaccine that has no pork (porcine gelatine) in it,
Also, children who have been vaccinated should avoid close contact please complete the consent for the flu injection
with people with very severely weakened immune systems for around only. You do not need to complete a form for
two weeks following vaccination (By severely weakened, we both.
generally mean people who are isolating, such as those who have
received some types of chemotherapy or people who have had a If your child is vegan, please note that the flu
bone marrow transplant, for example). This is because there’s an injection is a cell based vaccine. For more
extremely remote chance that the vaccine virus may be passed to information, please see our FAQs page on our
them. website:
Contact with other healthy children or adults does not need to be
limited after having the vaccine.