PLC Notes-3
PLC Notes-3
PLC Notes-3
Programmable logic controllers (PLCs) were introduced to industry between 1968 and 1970 as a way to replace large
expensive panels of relay, and counters.
A programmable logic controller (PLC) is a specialized Programmable device which is used to control machines and
processes. It uses a programmable memory to store instructions and execute specific functions that include on/off control,
timing, counting, sequencing, arithmetic, and data handling.
A programmable logic controller is microprocessor-based specialized computer, designed to operate in noisy industrial
environments that can perform control functions of many types and complex in nature.
PLC is a specialized digital computer used for automation of electromechanical process.
Increased Reliability: Once the program has been written and tested, it can be downloaded to other PLCs. Since the all the
logic contained in the PLC’s memory.
More Flexibility: It is easier to create and change the program in PLC than to wire and rewire the circuit.
Lower Cost: The cost of PLC is less as compared to the relay control system.
Communications Capability: PLC can communicate with other controllers or computer equipment to perform functions as
supervisory control.
Faster Response Time: PLCs are designed for high speed and real time applications.
Easier to Troubleshoot: PLCs allows user to easily trace and correct software and hardware problems.
Block Diagram:
Basic Parts:
Central processing unit
Input module
Output module
Racks and chassis
Central Processing Unit
It is heart of the PLC
CPU is used to store the program, reads the status of inputs through the input module and execute the stored program and
appropriate output to be activated based on the logic.
CPU has two memory section one section used to store the program and other section is used to store the data.
Input Module:
The I/O system forms the interface by which field devices are connected to the controller.
The purpose of this interface is to condition the various signals received from or sent to external field devices.
Input devices such as pushbuttons
Limit switches, sensors. Selector switches.
Thumbwheel switches are hardwired to terminals on the input modules.
Discrete Input Module:
This type of interface connects field input devices of the ON/OFF nature such as selector switches, pushbuttons and limit
switches. Likewise, output control is limited to devices such as lights, small motors, solenoids, and motor starters that require
simple ON/OFF switching.
It is interface between the Input field device and CPU of PLC Input modules perform four tasks in the PLC control system.
Sense when a signal is received from a sensor on the machine
Convert the input signal to the correct voltage level for the particular PLC and sends signals to the processor.
It contain the circuitry necessary to accept analog voltage or current signals from analog field devices.
These inputs are converted from an analog to a digital value, is expressed as a 12 bit binary or as a 3-digit binary-coded decimal
(BCD) for use by the processor.
Pressure, temperature, flow and weight are the types of Analog inputs given to the module.
Output Module:
Discrete output modules typically use to allow the PLC’s computer circuitry to send electrical power to loads.
It is composed of two basic sections: the power section and the logic section.
The output is a simple electronic switch to which power is applied to control the output device.
These are used to turn output devices either on or off and control the devices.
Output modules can be purchased with transistor, triac or relay output.
Analog output module interface with an analog sensor or control device with CPU of PLC through ADC.
CPU Module:
The CPU contains the same type of microprocessor found in a personal computer.
The CPU executes the operating system, manages memory, monitors inputs, evaluates the user logic (ladder program), and
turns on the appropriate outputs.
The advantage of using multiprocessing is that control and communication tasks can be divided up. And the overall operating
speed is improved.
The programmer unit allows the engineer/ technician to enter, edit and check the ladder program to be executed.
The programming units are of three types:
Hand held units
Full- size programmer
Personal computer
There are five languages for writing the PLC program, in that ladder logic is mostly using one in the control industry.
In ladder logic, there is no need of writing codes or words instead we use graphical symbols for implementing the
application logic.
If you know relay logic then it’s very easy to write ladder logic. Nowadays we are using computers and laptops programming
Programming tools are used for uploading or downloading the program, and also to monitor the inputs and outputs status
while PLC is in run mode.
Once the PLC is powered on, the CPU first performs internal processing under the control of the system program, including
hardware initialization, I/O module configuration check, power failure retention range setting, and other initialization
The PLC performs a self-diagnosis check every scan to determine whether the PLC’s own actions are normal, such as power
supply detection, whether the internal hardware is normal, and whether the program syntax is wrong.
If an abnormality is detected, the LED and abnormal relay of the CPU panel will be turned on, and an error code will be stored in
the special register.
The CPU can send a signal according to the type and degree of error, and even perform corresponding error processing to stop
the PLC from scanning or forcing. It becomes the STOP state.
When the PLC is operating normally, the length of the scan cycle is related to the length of the user application, the calculation
speed of the CPU, and the status of the I/ O points.
The scanning process of PLC is shown in Figure. The process of PLC program execution is divided into three stages, namely input
sampling stage, program execution stage, and output refresh stage.
Executive Memory:
The executive memory for the PLC is always in ROM since, once programmed and developed by the manufacturer, it rarely
needs changing.
Executive memory does the scanning, instructs the microprocessor to read each user instruction, helps the microprocessor
to interpret user programmed symbols and instructions, keeps track of all the I/O status, and is responsible for
maintaining/monitoring the current status of the health of the system and all its components.
System memory:
System memory a section of the memory is allotted for system administration.
System memory store intermediate results and information
Some PLCs use this area for storing the information which passes between programmer and operating system, e.g. the
operating system generates certain error codes store in the specific address in this area during the execution of user
program which can be read by user program; or the user may also give additional information to the operating system
before execution of user program by writing some codes in the specific address in this area, etc.
Each location has its own unique address.
During the execution of user program, the microprocessor scans the user program and interpret the user commands, the
status of input modules used are read from the input image table (not directly from the input module itself).
Various output device status generated during the execution of user program are stored in the output image table (not
directly to output modules).
Data Memory:
The data storage portion of memory is allocated for the storage of timers or counter preset/accumulated values,
mathematics instruction data and results, and other miscellaneous data and information which will be used by any data
manipulation functions in the user program.
Some manufacturers subdivide the data memory area into two sub-memories, one for fixed data and other for variable
The fixed data portion can only be programmed via the programming device. The CPU is not permitted to place data values
in this area. The variable portion of the data memory is available to the CPU for data storage.
Types of PLC:
There are various kinds of PLCs that are available. Some of them are mentioned below:
1. Mini PLCs
They are small, low-cost controllers that are ideal for simple control applications.
They typically have fewer input/output (I/O) points than larger controllers and can be programmed using ladder logic or other
programming languages.
Mini PLCs offer fast installation due to their small size and often come with built-in I/O capabilities such as digital inputs, analog
outputs, and pulse outputs.
2. Modular PLCs
They consist of a base unit that contains the processor module and communications ports, along with smaller modules that can
be added to extend the system’s functionality.
Modular systems offer more flexibility than fixed systems since they allow users to mix different types of I/O modules to meet
their specific application requirements.
3. Fixed PLCs
They are designed for dedicated tasks and cannot easily be modified once installed; however, they provide cost-efficient
solutions for many repetitive tasks.
Fixed systems are suitable for straightforward process control applications where parameters do not need to change frequently
or rapidly during operation.
4. Micro PLCs
They offer an intermediate level of complexity between mini models and modular designs; they are usually compact devices
capable of controlling multiple processes simultaneously without requiring additional hardware components like expansion
cards or rack units found in some modular models.
Microcontrollers can also feature integrated communication functions such as Ethernet networking protocols for easy
integration into a distributed automation system architecture.
5. Nano PLCs
They represent the latest generation of programmable logic controllers – these ultra-compact devices use advanced
microcontrollers combined with specialized programming software tools to reduce costs while providing high levels of
processing speed and accuracy.
Nano PLCs are even used in highly complex applications involving multiple axes movement or sophisticated machine vision
operations like object recognition algorithms & pattern matching techniques.
6. Safety PLC
A Safety PLC is designed to implement safety functions in industrial automation.
It ensures the protection of personnel, equipment, and the environment by adhering to international safety standards like IEC
Safety PLCs incorporate redundancy, and diagnostic capabilities, and are assigned Safety Integrity Levels (SIL) to ensure high
reliability and fault tolerance.
Redundancy in PLC:
Redundancy means providing an alternative control system in the fault condition. This will provide reliability to the process control
system as well as reduce downtime during a failure.
Definition of redundancy is different for every industry. Generally, redundancy is required for the process control system due to the
following reasons,
To keep the equipment as well as people working around safe.
To reduce downtime during a failure condition.
To keep running the critical process without intervention.
To prevent damage to critical machine or equipment.
Cold Redundancy
Cold redundancy is best suited where the process is not critical, as well as downtime and human operator intervention is
As an example, such as in a steel plant pipe finishing line, if a pipe coating machine fails then it will set off an alarm to the
operator about the problem. The operator acknowledges the alarm and requests the repair of the failed unit as well as starts
the other unit and resumes the operation.
In this example, the PLC failure is not a big deal, because the plant has several units in parallel.
This cold redundancy consists of an identical spare PLC or parts so that they can be easily programmed or replaced in fault
For that processes which are more critical, a warm and hot redundancy will be a better option.
Warm Redundancy
Warm redundancy design mode is best suited where time and response to the failure is important but still, a momentary
outage is acceptable.
As an example, if a RAL in a bag filter system fails to operate, the particular chamber can be disabled and maintenance work
will be carried out. Depending on the process there must be an acceptable time in which the product starts to deteriorate or
damage. The maintenance work should be finished and the process must be restored within this time.
Hot Redundancy
The architecture of the warm and hot redundancy systems are similar, but unlike a warm redundancy system, a hot
redundancy system provides an instant correction when a failure is detected. This makes it the best solution for the critical
Hot redundancy system is applicable in critical processes such as high speed running equipment like turbines, power plants, the
critical power systems in hospitals, blast furnaces, etc. In such applications, if a primary processor fails, secondary will take off
control immediately, so that there may be no damage to the critical equipment.
Disadvantages of PLC:
There is too much work required in connecting wires
It has fixed circuit operation
PLCs manufacturers offer only closed-loop architecture
PLC is new technology so that should require training
There is a limitation of working of PLCs under high temperature, vibrations conditions
Some PLCs turn on when power is restored and may cause an accident
There is a difficulty with changes or replacement
Some application that performs a single function is not efficient in the use of PLC
Limited usage environments, high temperatures and harsh vibrations can disrupt electronic equipment on the PLC
PLC is not considered necessary when it has applied to industrial systems that do not need to change the wiring
PLC is designed by semiconductors, which depends on the thermal characteristics
When uses PLC, a problem occurs hold up time is indefinite and usually long
A number of operational modules must be added to maximize flexibility and performance
PLCs are propitiatory, meaning that the software and the use of parts can't be easily used by one manufacturer in
combination with some uses by another manufacturer
Top PLC manufacturers in the world:
Allen Bradley
Schneider Electric (Previously Modicon)
Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) – Find new ways to operate faster
It is a type of application that gets operating data about a system to control and optimize a system.
Example: A petrochemical distillation process, a water filtration system, a pipeline compressor and so on. All businesses depend
on the requirement for enhancing return on assets through operational excellence.
Robotics –
Robotics have been used everywhere around us.
Right from surgery robots to entertainment robots, they help people to complete complex tasks.
They have made our lives so much easier and improved its quality. They can be used in performing various application tasks
such as allocating, painting welding, repairing and so on.
The role of industrial robotic systems play in the production process is vital as their work range from assembly to internal
treatments to testing.
What is an Address?
An “address” is essentially a means of referencing a location in memory.
Addresses allow for physical I/O as well as the data or status of instructions/elements to be accessed by the controller. These
values are stored in the Data Files portion of the PLCs memory.
I/O Addressing:
The most familiar addresses encountered by technicians would be those addresses pertaining to physical I/O locations.
The state of physical connection points on the I/O rack will be stored in the “I” and “O” files in the PLCs memory.
The format for an I/O address will start with the file type, (I or O), followed by its slot number in the I/O rack, It will end with a
reference to the specific terminal number (0-15) on the module of interest.
Virtually any microprocessor-based control device comes with a published memory map showing the organization of its
restricted memory: how much is available for certain operations, which addresses are connected to which I/O points, how
different memory locations can be referenced by the programmer.
The I/O mapping and memory locations on a PLC may differ as the models and PLC manufactures.
PLC Programming:
Basic Procedure for PLC programming:
The normally open contact (NO) is TRUE when the event is active and FALSE when the event is NOT active. While the normally
closed contact (NC) is FALSE when the event is active and TRUE when the event is NOT active.
1. Rails – There are two rails in a ladder diagram which are drawn as vertical lines running down the far most ends of the
2. Rungs – The rungs are drawn as horizontal lines and connect the rails to the logic expressions. Each rung is numbered in
ascending sequential order.
3. Inputs – The inputs are external control actions such as a push button being pressed or a limit switch being triggered. The
inputs are actually hardwired to the PLC terminals and represented in the ladder diagram by a normally open (NO) or
normally closed (NC) contact symbol.
4. Outputs – The outputs are external devices that are being turned on and off, such as an electric motor or a solenoid valve.
The outputs are also hardwired to the PLC terminals and are represented in the ladder diagram by a relay coil symbol.
5. Logic Expressions – The logic expressions are used in combination with the inputs and outputs to formulate the desired
control operations.
6. Address Notation & Tag Names – The address notation describes the input, output and logic expression memory
addressing structure of the PLC. The tag names are the descriptions allocated to the addresses.
7. Comments – The comments are an extremely important part of a ladder diagram. Comments are displayed at the start of
each rung and are used to describe the logical expressions and control operations being executed in that rung, or groups of
rungs. Understanding ladder diagrams is made a lot easier by using comments.
Instruction Set:
Instruction is nothing but the command that we give to the machine to perform certain tasks.
We can club multiple instructions to perform one logical operation. The sets of multiple operations are called as ‘Program’.
In PLC, the different instructions are used to control and maintain the operations.
Every instruction is having different specifications like – working principle, function, use, advantage, etc. Every instruction has
input and output.
Input is shown by two parallel lines- Normally Open (NO) or Normally Closed (NC)
Output is shown by Parentheses or round brackets.
Input Output can be shown in Ladder Diagram as below.
Different types of instructions set which are used for the ladder diagram PLC programming as below.
1. Basic PLC Programming Instructions
1. Input (I or X) Instruction
2. Output (O or Q ) Instruction
3. Set (S) and Reset (R) Instruction
4. Latch (L) and Unlatch (U) Instruction
TON Timer:
When programming a timer instruction, the programmer must specify the Timer address, the Time Base, and the Preset value,
which are listed in the instruction.
The format of the Timer address is T4:N, where N is a positive integer.
Each timer instruction should have a unique number that distinguishes its timer instruction from other timer instructions.
The Time Base value is an interval that the timer is going to use. This value can be set to 1 second, 0.01 second, or 0.001 second.
The Preset value specifies how many intervals a timer should count before the timing is complete.
A timer instruction must be located next to the right rail in a rung.
An ON-delay timer is enabled when its rung is true. A rung is true when there is at least one path made by the instructions that
are true from the left rail to the timer instruction.
An OFF-delay timer is enabled when its rung is false.
When a timer is enabled, its Accumulate value shows how many Time Base intervals have elapsed since the timer was activated.
A timer is done when its Accumulate value reaches its Preset value.
When an ON-delay timer or an OFF-delay timer is timing, its rung condition change, i.e. a rung changes from true to false for an
ON-delay timer or a rung changes from false to true for an OFF-delay timer, will cause the timer to stop and its Accumulate
value to be reset to zero.
A retentive timer works like an ON-delay timer with one difference. That is, when its rung condition changes from true to false,
the timer simply stops timing, but its Accumulate value is not reset to zero.
When its rung condition goes from false to true again, the retentive timer’s Accumulate value counts up from where it stopped
the last time.
To reset a retentive timer’s Accumulate value to zero, a reset instruction with the same timer address must be used. A reset
instruction is a controlled instruction, which means it must be located next to the right rail in a rung.
When its rung is true, the reset instruction becomes enabled and resets the timer according to the address that is assigned to
the reset instruction.
TOF Timer:
The Off Delay Timer is generally used to delay an event from shutting off.
On the Off delay timer, as soon as the rung goes true, The EN bit goes true as it does for all timers.
Since the Off delay timer does not delay the DN bit from shutting off, the DN bit goes high immediately.
Remember, the TOF instruction delays the DN bit from shutting off, not turning on. (Plus if we are delaying the
DN bit from shutting off, it needs to be high to begin with).
While the rung is true, the timer is not timing, and the ACC value is at zero.
When the rung is shut off, the EN bit shuts off immediately. The ACC value will start timing until it reaches PRE then the DN bit
will shut off.
3. Counter Instructions:
A PLC Counter is a function in PLC programming that is used to measure things like how many times an event has happened in a
process or how many times a product has been produced.
There are two basic counter types:
When the input to a count-up counter goes true the accumulator value will increase by 1 (no matter how long the input is true.)
If the accumulator value reaches the preset value the counter DN bit will be set.
A count-down counter will decrease the accumulator value until the preset value is reached.
Count-down counters are very similar to count-up counters. And, they can actually both be used on the same counter memory
PLC Counter Applications:
Bottle Filling Plant
Parking Space Application
Sequential Controller Application
4. Comparison Instructions:
1. Equal (EQU) Instruction
2. Not Equal (NEQ) Instruction
3. Less than (LES) Instruction
4. Less Than or Equal (LEQ) Instruction
5. Greater Than (GRT) Instruction
6. Greater Than or Equal (GEQ) Instruction
7. Masked Comparison for Equal (MEQ)
8. Limit Test (LIM) Instruction
Use the EQU instruction to test whether two values are equal. If source A and source B are equal, the instruction is logically true.
If these values are not equal, the instruction is logically false.
Source A must be an address.
Source B can be either a program constant or an address.
Use the NEQ instruction to test whether two values are not equal.
If source A and source B are not equal, the instruction is logically true.
Source A must be an address.
Source B can be either a program constant or an address.
Values are stored in two’s complementary form.
Use the LES instruction to test whether one value (source A) is less than another (source B).
If source A is less than the value at source B, the instruction is logically true
Source A must be an address.
Source B can be either a program constant or an address.
Values are stored in two’s complementary form.
Use the LEQ instruction to test whether one value (source A) is less than or equal to another (source B).
If the value at source A is less than or equal to the value at source B, the instruction is logically true.
Source A must be an address.
Source B can be either a program constant or an address.
Values are stored in two’s complementary form.
Use the GRT instruction to test whether one value (source A) is greater than another (source B).
If the value at source A is greater than the value at source B, the instruction is logically true.
Use the GEQ instruction to test whether one value (source A) is greater than or equal to another (source B).
If the value at source A is greater than or equal to the value at source B, the instruction is logically true.
Use the MEQ instruction to compare data at a source address with data at a compare address.
The Use of this instruction allows portions of the data to be masked by a separate word.
Source is the address of the value you want to compare.
Mask is the address of the mask through which the instruction moves data.
Compare is an integer value or the address of the reference.
If the 16 bits of data at the source address are equal to the 16 bits of data at the compare address (less masked bits), the
instruction is true.
The instruction becomes false as soon as it detects a mismatch.
Use the LIM instruction to test for values within or outside a specified range, depending on how you set the limits.
The Low Limit, Test, and High Limit values can be word addresses or constants, restricted to the following combinations:
If the Test parameter is a program constant, both the Low Limit and High Limit parameters must be word addresses.
If the Test parameter is a word address, the Low Limit and High Limit parameters can be either a program constant or a word
5. Logical Instructions:
Many times, we need to perform logical operations on input data. The logical instruction basically depends on the logic gate
concept. To understand programmable logic controllers (PLCs) and their applications, you must first understand the logic
concepts behind them.
Operations performed by digital equipment, such as programmable controllers, are based on three fundamental ladder logic
functions – AND, OR, and NOT. These functions combine binary variables to form statements. Each function has a rule that
determines the statement outcome (TRUE or FALSE) and a symbol that represents it.
Figure shows a situation where an output is not energized unless two, normally open, switches are both closed.
Switch A and switch B have both to be closed, which thus gives an AND logic situation. Only when A and B are both on is there
an output.
The ladder diagram starts with | |, a normally open set of contacts labeled input A, to represent switch A and in series with it
| |, another normally open set of contacts labeled input B, to represent switch B.
The line then terminates with O to represent the output. For there to be an output, both input A and input B have to occur, i.e.,
input A and input B contacts have to be closed.
An application of an AND gate is an interlock control system for a machine tool so that it can only be operated when the safety
guard is in position and the power switched on.
OR Logic Function:
Figure shows an electrical circuit where an output is energized when switch A or B, both normally open, are closed. This
describes an OR logic gate in that input A or input B must be on for there to be an output.
The ladder diagram starts with | |, normally open contacts labeled input A, to represent switch A and in parallel with it | |,
normally open contacts labeled input B, to represent switch B.
Either input A or input B have to be closed for the output to be energized. The line then terminates with O to represent the
An application an OR gate control system is a conveyor belt transporting bottled products to packaging where a deflector plate
is activated to deflect bottles into a reject bin if either the weight is not within certain tolerances or there is no cap on the
Figure shows an electrical circuit controlled by a switch that is normally closed. When there is an input to the switch, it opens
and there is then no current in the circuit.
This illustrates a NOT gate in that there is an output when there is no input and no output when there is an input .The gate is
sometimes referred to as an inverter.
Figure shows a NOT gate system on a ladder diagram. The input A contacts are shown as being normally closed. This is in series
with the output ( ). With no input to input A, the contacts are closed and so there is an output. When there is an input to input
A, it opens and there is then no output.
An example of a NOT gate control system is a light that comes on when it becomes dark, i.e., when there is no light input to the
light sensor there is an output.
Suppose we follow an AND gate with a NOT gate, the consequence of having the NOT gate is to invert all the outputs from the
AND gate. An alternative which gives exactly the same results, is to put a NOT gate on each input and then follow that with AND.
Both the inputs A and B have to be 0 for there to be a 1 output. There is an output when input A and input B are not 1. The
combination of these gates is termed a NAND gate.
An example of a NAND gate control system is a warning light that comes on if, with a machine tool, the safety guard switch has
not been activated and the limit switch signaling the presence of the work piece has not been activated.
Suppose we follow an OR gate by a NOT gate, the consequence of having the NOT gate is to invert the outputs of the OR gate.
An alternative, which gives exactly the same results, is to put a NOT gate on each input and then an AND gate for the resulting
inverted inputs.
The combination of OR and NOT gates is termed a NOR gate. There is an output when either input A or input B is 1.
Figure shows a ladder diagram of a NOR system. When input A and input B are both not activated, there is a 1 output.
The OR gate gives an output when either or both of the inputs are 1. Sometimes there is, however, a need for a gate that gives
an output when either of the inputs is 1 but not when both are 1, i.e., has the truth table.
Such a gate is called an Exclusive OR or XOR gate. One way of obtaining such a gate is by using NOT, AND and OR gates.
When input A and input B are not activated then there is 0 output. When just input A is activated, then the upper branch results
in the output being 1. When just input B is activated, then the lower branch results in the output being 1. When both input A
and input B are activated, there is no output.
In this example of a logic gate, input A and input B have two sets of contacts in the circuits, one set being normally open and the
other normally closed. With PLC programming, each input may have as many sets of contacts as necessary.
Unit 4: Introduction to SCADA
SCADA is an acronym that stands for Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition. SCADA refers to a system that collects data from
various sensors at a factory, plant or in other remote locations and then sends this data to a central computer which then
manages and controls the data.
SCADA systems are used not only in industrial processes: e.g. steel making, power generation (conventional and nuclear) and
distribution, chemistry, but also in some experimental facilities such as nuclear fusion.
SCADA system is an important factor of the industrial organization as they help to monitor process data as well as control the
processes and easily detect any issue within the process thus reduce downtime.
Generally, SCADA is completely a software package that helps to monitor the entire area of the plant.
Definition of SCADA: A collection of equipment that will provide an operator at remote location with enough information to
determine the status of a particular piece of an equipment or entire substation and cause actions to take place regarding the
equipment or network.
Functions of SCADA:
SCADA is the short abbreviation of Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition.
As the name suggests SCADA mainly does below operations:
DATA ACQUSITION: Furnishes status information & measured data to operator
CONTROL: Allows the operator to control the devices e.g. circuit breakers, Transformers, tap changer etc. from a remote
centralize location.
DATA PROCESSING: Includes data quality & integrity check, limit check, analog value processing etc.
TAGGING :Operator identifies any specific device & subjects to specific operating restrictions to prevent from unauthorized
ALARMS: Alerts the operator of unplanned events & undesirable operating conditions in the order their severity & criticality
LOGGING: Logs all operator entries, alarms &selected entries
TRENDING: Plots measurements on selected scale to give information on the trends e.g. one minute, one hour etc.
HISTORICAL REPORTING: To save & analyze the historical data for reporting, typically for a period of 2 or more years & to
The physical equipment like sensors connected to the PLCs or RTUs. The RTUs convert the sensor signals to digital data and
sends digital data to the master.
Centralize System
Monitor and control entire area
SCADA is a remote terminal unit
SCADA system utilizes a WAN and LAN network
Used communication between master station and devices
Level 3 (Coordination)
Level 3 is used coordinating computers are comes under level.
Generally, these computers are connected to multiple plants. So, it can help to gather data from different plants from one place.
At this level, the production planning, scheduling, event timing management are done by the plant in charge, managers, etc.
2. Supervisory System
This system acts as a communication server between the HMI software in control room workstations and its equipment like PLCs,
RTUs, sensors etc. Smaller Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition systems have only a single PC that serves as a supervisory or
master system. Larger Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition systems have multiple servers, sites for disaster recovery and
distributed software applications. The servers are configured as dual-redundant or hot-standby formation for continuously
monitoring server failure.
5. Communication Infrastructure
Generally, a combination of direct wired connection and radio is used in Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition systems. However,
SDH/ SONET can also be used for larger systems like railways and power stations.
Among the compact SCADA protocols, few recognized and standardized protocols deliver information only when the RTUs are polled
by the supervisory station.
6. SCADA Programming
SCADA programming in HMI or master station is used for creating diagrams and maps that provide vital information during process
or event failure. Most of the commercial Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition systems use standardized interfaces in
C language or derived programming language is generally used for such programming.
The advantages of the SCADA system include the following.
The quality of service can be improved
Reliability can be improved
Maintenance cost is less
The operation can be reduced
Large system parameters can be monitored
Manpower can be reduced
Repair time can be reduced
Fault detection & fault localization
It stores a large amount of data
As per the user requirement, it displays the data in various formats.
Thousands of sensors can be interfaced with SCADA for controlling and monitoring
Real data simulations can be obtained by operators
Gives fast response
It is flexible as well as scalable while adding extra resources.
The disadvantages of the SCADA system include the following.
It is complex in terms of dependent modules & hardware units.
It needs analysts, programmers & skilled operators to maintain
High installation cost
Unemployment rates can be increased
This system supports hardware devices and restricted software’s
The applications of the SCADA system include the following.
Generation and Distribution of Power
Public Transport
Water and Sewage System
Industries & Buildings
Communication Networks
Oil & Gas Industries
Power generation, transmission, and distribution
Water distribution and reservoir system
Public buildings like electrical heating and cooling system.
Generators and turbines
Traffic light control system
Difference between SCADA and PLC:
1 PLC (Programmable Logic Controller) SCADA (Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition)
2 PLC Monitors and controls industrial processes SCADA is a Graphical user interface for operators to
access and monitor processes
3 PLC has input and output modules for controlling SCADA does not have input and output modules
the plant
4 PLC Often used in conjunction with SCADA systems SCADA provides an interface between PLC and the
5 PLC has built-in safety and redundancy features SCADA is a simple workstation. We can add some level
of redundancy components in the computers.
6 PLC can be used to control and monitor specific SCADA can be used to control and monitor entire
equipment or machinery industrial processes over a wide area
7 PLC can be programmed with ladder logic or other Typically SCADA uses a visual programming interface for
programming languages creating graphical displays and alarms
8 PLC can be integrated with sensors and actuators SCADA can provide real-time and historical data on the
to control equipment and machinery sensors and actuators.
9 PLC has a compact and rugged design, suitable for SCADA is a programming software that can be installed
industrial environments in industrial-grade computers.
10 PLC is a cost-effective solution for small to SCADA can be deployed for small to larger operations
medium-sized operations that require complex and comprehensive monitoring
and control
This IoT SCADA architecture is also called as the Fourth Generation of SCADA systems architecture
This architecture comes with cloud computing technology.
Compared to previous architecture, this IoT comes with reduced infrastructural costs.
Here Integration and maintenance is very easy.
Interfacing PLC with SCADA System:
To interface a PLC with SCADA, we need to:
Create a proper communication channel or bus.
The monitoring PC, in which SCADA software is installed,
This software must be linked with this communication channel via its communication port.
Step5: Now, let open RSlinx. Click on option “DDE/ OPC” and choose “topic configuration”.
Step6: Following window will pop-up. Choose “New” to proceed.
Step7: Create a new topic as I have created communication and choose communication protocol. Click “apply” then
“done” to proceed.
Step8: Open InTouch SCADA. Create a new project. Here we have to use one button for input and one button for output.
Step9: Double click on a button will open up the following window. Choose “Discrete” will open up a new window.
Step11: Choose I/O Discrete in the “Type” option. Then click on “access name”.
Write a bit address in “item” for input which we have used in the programming software (RSLogix) (check step no. 4).
Step12: Clicking on Access name will open another window. Click on “add” as shown in the below window.
Step 13:
Access: Give any name
Application name: RSlogix
Topic name: communication (the name should be same we have used in step no. 7)
Choose “DDE” as a communication protocol and hit “ok” to proceed.
Step15: For output, we have select “fill color” property and choose “Discrete”.
Step16: Do follow the same procedure for output as shown in the below window.
Step17: One the communication has established we will have to test the logic. Keep a window in “runtime” and put CPU
in “run” mode. We can see in the below window output gets energized if we give the command from SCADA.
What is a Tag? Types of Tags in SCADA
A SCADA tag is a variable that is able to store data. Tags are the most common form of input for SCADA industrial
Tags can be used for variety of purposes, such as storing the current date and time, or the value of a sensor
The tags are typically assigned to input values by the user. These tags can be used in formulas to perform
calculations on data.
These Intouch tags provide a name for each value needed by the Intouch application designer.
A unique name such as a number and text is given to each tag so that they can be configured, stored, and
These tags can be string value, float numbers or positive or negative values.
It not only holds value but also contains properties such as a tag that can contain engineering units such as liters,
Degrees Celsius, or Pounds.
The tags also contain comments such as total product quality.
The tag name value and properties of the tag can be created, defined, and modified in the tag name dictionary of
the tag management tool.
Classification of Tags:
1) System defined
2) User defined
a) Memory Type
b) I/O Type
Types of Tags:
1) Device tags
2) Input tags
3) Output tags
4) Process tags
Logic or Scripting: The tags used in the script can assist operators with complex decision-making by performing
advanced calculations or evaluating and comparing values to reduce operator error and increase operator
Historical Information: The tags may be configured to log data historically and later to recall back data for analysis.
Alarm & Events: The tags may be configured to monitor and track alarms and events.
Security: the tags are used to track operator activity and to lock down an application to prevent unauthorized
Graphic Symbols: Tags are used in graphic symbols to visualize process values and for supervisory control.
System Tags
System Tags are built-in tags that cannot be deleted or re-named.
An InTouch application designer may enhance their application by using system tags to access application
information and some advanced internal features.
System Security Tags
System Security Tags allow designers to create a user log-on to protect the application from unauthorized access,
configure the user, change the password, and monitor automatically log-off operators after a period of activity.
System Data and Time Lag
These tags are used to access each part of the system date and time such as Day or Hour.
The application designer can gain special control of the intouch application at run time using these system tags
during scripting, historical login, I/O communication switching localized languages, and animations.
These are system alarm tags that are identified if a new LOG is ON and monitor the status of all alarms in the
Tag Properties
The main view of the tag name dictionary displays the properties common to all tags.
The tag property contains the name of the tag (Tag_Real), and it can hold up to 32 characters long.
The group property used by intouch to organize tags by area, or process. By default, all these types of tags belong to
the system group.
The read-only property does not allow changes to the tag created during run time.
The read and write allow the capability to not only read the value of the tag but write to the tag.
The comment property contains the description of the tag up to 50 characteristics in line.
This description can also be helpful to further characterize and describe the purpose of the tag.
Comment supports all alphabetical characters, numbers, spaces & symbols.
The log Data property is used to enable historical logging of all data changes and trends for the discrete and analog
tags to intouch historical data logging systems.
Data Types for Tags
We will study the difference between memory tags and I/O tags.
Memory tag types define internal tags that do not acquire data from a remote source.
Memory type tags represent data that originates inside intouch memory tags and can also act as calculated
I/O tag types read or write intouch application data to or from an external source.
External data includes input and output from PLC, process Computers, Network modes, and devices, they represent
data that originate from field devices such as PLC or any controller.
I/O tags are used to visualize process data such as level, temperature, and valve strategies and for the operator to
write set points, change process limit targets, or tune PID loops.
I/O tags can also be used to command equipment such as opening a valve, starting a motor, or turning on a
conveyor belt.
Discrete Types
When a discrete tag type is chosen, The detailed information of the tag is displayed as shown below
The discrete type is selected for the tag when memory discrete is selected there will be two additional features in
the detail view
When I/O discrete is selected on top of these two features there will be another four features that are unique
to I/O tag types.
SCADA system alarms notify the operator of power supply issues (activation of the SCADA UPS and backup power
supply) and network issues such as loss of IP connection.
The most common SCADA alarm is "Device Down," which occurs when a device stops communicating on the
Plant controller alarms flag problems related to:
Power generation
Compliance (overproduction, underproduction, low DC/AC voltages)
Financial excursions (for example, underperformance due to temperature or lower-than-expected DC values)
These alarms involve the field equipment at the PV plant, including inverters, tracking systems, PV arrays and MET
Inverter alarms warn operators of problems with voltages, currents and frequency. Tracker alarms trigger when the
system is not at the correct setpoint.
High Priority:
You can think of these alarms as "fire alarms"—there's an emergency that requires immediate action.
High priority alarms warn of:
Imminent major equipment failure
Loss of production
Plant that has tripped offline
Deviations from the specified voltage and power due to a serious fault
Putting off a high priority alarm can lead to equipment failure, loss of production, and compliance issues with the
utility and/or ISO.
Medium Priority
These alarms don't require emergency action, but still need to be addressed very promptly.
They let the operator know about operational issues at the plant that aren't at the same emergency level as, for
example, failing equipment, but do need serious attention.
Low Priority
These are informational or maintenance alarms that don't require immediate attention.
For example, a low priority alarm might alert the operator of a fan filter that needs cleaning.
Trends in SCADA:
In SCADA graphical display of Data is called Trends.
There are two types of Trends,
Real-time trends.
Historic trends
1. Real-time Trends:
As the name explains itself, these are the graphs that display the values of data in real-time and the graph updates
for every instant of time we have specified.
Below steps shows how to implement real time trend in RsLogix500
Step1: Go to the wizard and take the 16 pen trends from the Trends section and place it on the window
Step 1 Step2 Step 3
Step2: After that click on the object and the screen below opens up.
Here in the tab opened you can modify the update rate in seconds. For the specified time in the update rate, the data
will get updated to the graph.
You can also give up to 16 tags in a single trend object. All the waveforms will be displayed in a single graph.
You can also give a minimum and maximum value of the tag that you want to display in a waveform.
The maximum value of the tag that I am using is 5 and the minimum value is 0. I have given some extra range.
Now let’s go to run time and check whether the data is acquired.
Step3: You will get below screen the graph will display the data which is getting updated for the time you have
mentioned in the update rate.
2. Historical Trends
As the name indicates, historic trends are used to display the data in real-time at the same time the old data can be
retrieved and viewed on the run time.
Whereas in the former it is not possible.
Step1: To enable Historical logging in Intouch SCADA go to, Special –> Configure –> Historical Logging.
The dialog box in the image appears now click enable Historic logging and mention the number of days the data has to
log for.
Step2: Click Ok and now go to The tag dictionary and open the tag that we are acquiring data from. Now enable log data
in Checkbox. Click save and Ok.
Step 1 Step2
Step3: Now let’s go to run time and see how to view the historical data,
Step4: On the run time click on the trends a dialog box named trend control will appear.
Now click on Historical Trends, Mention the start time and the end time for which the data you need. Click Done.
Now the historical for the mentioned time will be displayed on the run time as shown below.
Step 3 Step4