1.lingkages Between Foreign Direct Investment and Its Determinants in Malaysia
1.lingkages Between Foreign Direct Investment and Its Determinants in Malaysia
1.lingkages Between Foreign Direct Investment and Its Determinants in Malaysia
Kajian Ekonomi Negara Berkembang
Hal: 1 – 11
D. Agus Harjito
Economic Faculty of Indonesia Islamic University,
This paper addresses the relationship between Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) and
its determinants in Malaysia. The annual data for the period of 1970 to 1999 were employed
in this study. The OLS regression is used to determine the relationship between FDI and its
independent variables. The variables are estimated in the full model (Model I) and different
sub-models (Model II, Model III and Model IV). Generally, the results indicate that there are
at least four factors that may be used to predict the level of FDI in Malaysia. These variables
are inflation rate, gross domestic product (GDP), import, and export are among the main
determinants of FDI in Malaysia.
Keywords: foreign direct investment, inflation rate, GDP, import, and export
1 2
Quarterly Balance of Payments Report 2000, Depart- NIEs represented by Hong Kong, South Korea, Tai-
ment of Statistics, Malaysia wan and Singapore
Jurnal Ekonomi Pembangunan Vol. 10 No. 1, April 2005 Hal: 1 – 11
strong in doing so. However, due to a global investment in Malaysia. The specific pur-
recession in 1980, high interest rate led to poses are as follows:
costly holding of inventories plus a drastic a. To investigate the relationship between
reduction in domestic demand. The govern- FDI and its determinants.
ment then increased in public expenditure, b. To derive some policy alternatives re-
which was then accompanied by a high pub- lated to FDI in manufacturing sector.
lic sector debt. Hence, the urgent need for
non-debt creation in addition to increased The major bulk of FDI flows to
job opportunities and export promotion at- China, which is now the largest recipient in
tracted more FDI to the country (Phang, developing countries and the second largest
1998). FDI recipient in the world (Chen, 1997).
The Industrial Master Plan (IMP)3 China has a competitive advantage in terms
1986-1995 was introduced to provide direc- of cheap labor of production and availability
tion for industrialization and export manu- for domestic demand. Due to the increase of
facturing. Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) the competitiveness, Malaysia has to take
benefited significantly from this program the opportunity to shift from labor-intensive
since the government was keen to attract product to capital and technology intensive.
foreign Multinational Companies (MNCs) Thus, this paper would examine empirically
that provide capital, technology and foreign the factors that determine the FDI flows in
market access. The share of FDI in manufac- Malaysia, specifically in manufacturing sec-
turing exports increased continuously. To tor.
encourage exports, Malaysia passed the This paper is organized as follows:
Promotion of Investment Act 1986 which section II presents the literature review on
contains major tax incentives for exports the relationship between export and growth,
including the provision of abatement by us- FDI and growth, FDI and productivity, tech-
ing local material for manufactured products nology spillover, and other determinants of
for export (Ismail, 1990). FDI. Section III presents the methodology
However, attracting FDI is going to used in this paper, including OLS and the
be more difficult now as compared to be- construction of the models. Section IV pro-
fore. Foreign investors have more options vides empirical results and discussions. Fi-
now as more and more countries open up nally, summary of the main findings and
their economies to foreign equity participa- policy implication as well as recommenda-
tion. Liberalization in China and India, in tion for further studies are presented in sec-
particular, is likely to cause FDI to bypass tion V.
Southeast Asia. Now, Korea is also actively
seeking foreign equity after facing trauma in LITERATURE REVIEW
financial crisis. A large portion FDI was Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) has
diverted into China after Chinese Yen was become one of the most important means to
devalued in 1994 (Chen, 1997). integrate the economy of a country. FDI
The general purpose of this study is enables the investing firm to utilize their
to identify the determinants of foreign direct specific assets such as technologies and
managerial know-how. Thus, FDI brings
IMP was designed to maintain robust export perform- benefits in various aspects, which are source
ance by improving Malaysia’s competitiveness plus of funds in term of capital stock; increase in
accelerating the growth and diversification of the indus- employment, income and growth, as well as
trial export base. It is reviewed every 5 years to pro-
vide a coherent industrial program
in skills and technology.
Linkages Between Foreign Direct Investment and Its Determinant … (Zunaidah Sulong & D. Agus Harjito)
For developing countries, FDI has by examining the correlation between the
been a very important source of funding variables, which represent the magnitude of
especially during the debt crisis. Numerous economic performance. Tyler (1981) found
empirical studies have been conducted to a positive relationship between GDP growth
investigate the main factor that can attract and export growth, also between GDP and
FDI to the host countries. Chen (1997) ana- manufacturing export growth.
lyzed China’s manufacturing industry by Baharumshah and Rashid (1999) nar-
using the OLS cross-sectional regression rowed down the studies to Malaysia. They
and found that the inward FDI stocks of conducted further empirical tests on the
eleven industries are positively related to causal relationship between export growth
China’s abundant labor resource endow- and output growth. They employed the Vec-
ment, market size and growth rate of indus- tor Error Regression method (VER) in estab-
tries. lishing the relationship between export and
Balasubramanyam et al (1999) used economic growth; and it was found that bi-
cross sectional annual data averaged over directional relationship existed between
the period 1970 – 1985 for a sample of 46 them. Al-Marhubi (2000) presented empiri-
developing countries. They found that the cal evidence in testing the link between
size of the domestic market, the companies growth and export diversification by using
climate in relation to local producer and simple regression model. He found that the
interaction between FDI and human capital export diversification is associated with
have an important influence upon growth faster growth both directly and indirectly
performance. Their analysis indicates that with the stimulation of the accumulation of
FDI is more productive in countries that capital.
have pursued export promotion rather than Noland (1997) suggested that success
import substitution. in developing Asia’s export growth was fu-
Noorbahksh and Ali (2001) examined elled by a combination of mutually suppor-
the importance of human capital as a re- tive events-industrialization, a reduction in
source that can attract FDI into the host trade barrier, a more integrated global envi-
countries. They also tested on other vari- ronment and a growth in FDI. Meanwhile,
ables which were equally important such as Lensink and Morrissey (2001) studied the
the growth rate of the labor force, the effect of FDI flow and volatility of FDI
growth of domestic markets, the availability flows on growth. They found that FDI flows
of energy, a stable macroeconomic envi- have positive effect on growth; where as
ronment are significant for FDI inflows. volatility of FDI has a negative effect. The
They concluded that the countries that rely suggested that economies with high level of
on low-cost, low skill labor or natural re- uncertain economic growth rates, appear less
sources to attract FDI will face difficulty in attractive to foreign investors.
inducing FDI into high value-added indus- Chamarbagwala, et. al (2000)
tries and may suffer slower economic strongly suggested that investment in human
growth. capital and technology embodied in foreign
Many researchers have conducted capital play a significant role in determining
empirical studies on the relationship be- manufacturing productivity. Furthermore,
tween export growth and economic growth Baldwin et al (1999) presents a theoretical
by using different method on different coun- growth model where MNCs directly affect
tries. Michaely (1977) tested on the relation- the endogenous long-run growth via techno-
ship between export and economic growth logical spillovers. They found that FDI leads
Jurnal Ekonomi Pembangunan Vol. 10 No. 1, April 2005 Hal: 1 – 11
Linkages Between Foreign Direct Investment and Its Determinant … (Zunaidah Sulong & D. Agus Harjito)
Jurnal Ekonomi Pembangunan Vol. 10 No. 1, April 2005 Hal: 1 – 11
port has become a very important inde- Following on the above explanation,
pendent variable. Considering the case FDI can be modeled in the form of
of export-oriented FDI like Malaysia, in equation as below:
this study export in manufacturing will FDIt = β0 + β1XCHGt + β2CPIt +
be used as one of the determinant of β3GDP%t + β4GNPt +
FDI and expected to have a positive β5GDPt + β6XPOTt +
sign. β7MPOTt + β8CAt + t ...... (1)
6. Technology Where;
FDI is always associated with tech- FDIt = foreign direct investment
nology transfer. However, recently, at- XCHGt = exchange rate
tracting FDI has become more challeng- CPIt = domestic in inflation rate
ing. Some MNEs tend to locate the (proxy for macroeconomic
businesses to the country, which have stability)
already better infrastructure, modern GDP%t = percentage of gross domestic
communication and modern machinery. product (in manufacturing)
The data for technology is very difficult GNPt = gross national product
to measure. Jorg (2001) used the GDP (proxy for market size)
ratio of machinery import and Coe et al GDPt = gross domestic product (in
(1997) used import on machinery and manufacturing)
transport equipment to measure tech- XPOTt = export (in manufacturing)
nology. MPOTt = import (in manufacturing –
Due to lack of data on technology, proxy for the level of tech-
import on machinery specifically in nology)
capital good6 would be used as a proxy CAt = current account (deficit)
for the level of technology. Therefore, Tt = the level of technology
in this study the level of technology be-
comes an independent variable, which is Note that β4, β3, β5, β6 and β7 are ex-
expected to have a positive relationship pected to have positive relationship,
with FDI. while β2 is expected to be negative. β1,
7. Exchange Rate β5 and β8 are unpredictable.
FDI flows are greatly influenced by
a mix of micro and macroeconomic Sources of Data
policies and other market factors. Tas- Data for net FDI flow and Gross Na-
neem and Zakariah (2002) mentioned tional Product (GNP) are available in Inter-
that government policies towards trade, national Financial Statistic Yearbook, how-
regulations, taxation, subsidy, entry ever the data for FDI is available from 1974
rules, foreign exchange etc. are impor- onward. The approved FDI in manufacturing
tant determinants of FDI flows. In this is used as a proxy for this study. Since this
study, exchange rates need to be tested study specifically focusing in manufacturing
and evaluated to see if it is related sig- sector, therefore the use of approved FDI in
nificantly in predicting the level of FDI manufacturing should be reliable.
in Malaysia. The data for Gross Domestic Product
(GDP) in manufacturing, export in manufac-
turing, import machinery and domestic infla-
tion rate are collected from Monthly Statisti-
import machinery such as electrical machine, scien-
tific and computer cal Bulletin, Bank Negara Malaysia in vari-
Linkages Between Foreign Direct Investment and Its Determinant … (Zunaidah Sulong & D. Agus Harjito)
ous issues. The annual data for Current Ac- tics and correlations between variables are
count and Consumer Price Index are also reported in Table 1.
collected from International Financial Statis- The results from Table 1 indicate that
tics Yearbook and International Monetary FDI is related significantly to all variables
Fund. tested except for exchange rate and percent-
age of GDP. The FDI is also related posi-
EMPIRICAL RESULTS AND DISCUS- tively to all variables, except for balance of
SIONS current account (CA). For the three meas-
In this section, the estimates in the ures of income; percentage of GDP, GDP in
equation (1) are obtained by ordinary least value, and GNP, the correlations show that
squares estimation (OLS) of regression. The GDP(%) and GDP is positively but not sig-
McKinnon critical value at the 5% level of nificantly correlated so that the inclusion of
significance becomes the basis for rejecting these variables is not likely to impose col-
or not rejecting the null hypotheses. If the linearity problem. However, it can be no-
reported t-test statistics are less than the ticed that the GNP and GDP are positively
given critical value, the null hypotheses can perfectly correlated such that one of the
be rejected. The results of descriptive statis- variable is sufficient to represent the vari-
able being tested.
Jurnal Ekonomi Pembangunan Vol. 10 No. 1, April 2005 Hal: 1 – 11
Table 2 reports the results of the OLS variables examined in the study. However,
of FDI on the independent variables. The on the individual variable the results suggest
results shown also have been estimated in that only four factors are significant in pre-
the full model (Model I) and different sub- dicting the FDI level in Malaysia, namely
models (Model II, Model III and Model IV). CPI, GDP%, Import and Export. FDI seems
Based on the results in Table 2, the GDP in to increase with increases in CPI, GDP%,
value is removed from the full model (model and import but decreases as export in-
I) as suggested in the SPSS output. Since creases.
GDP and GNP measures are perfectly corre-
lated, the inclusion of GNP in the equation Model II
should be adequate. Thus, the results for By taking out the insignificant factors
each model can be explained as follow: from Model I generate a sub-model, Model
II. The simplifying the equation obvious
Model I reduces the predictive power of the relation-
The results obtained from running ship (R2) and causing two more variables to
this model indicate 71.5 percent of the varia- be insignificant (import and export).
tion in FDI level is explained by all the 7
Linkages Between Foreign Direct Investment and Its Determinant … (Zunaidah Sulong & D. Agus Harjito)
Model III and IV resources and labors open the market to all
By simplying further the equation the countries in the world. Therefore, it is
yields even lower R2 as only 62.7 percent suggested that the Malaysian government
and 43.2 percent of the variation in FDI are need to prepare high quality skilled labor
produced in Model III and IV, respectively. and supporting research and development
However, the reduced models reveal that the activities. It is a challenge to Malaysia to
remaining variable(s) in these equations are improve on human capital stock through
the more important factors in determining skilled labor. Skilled labor is required for
FDI compared to import and export. Overall, absorbing, using and improving the technol-
the results indicate that there are at least four ogy. Thus, educational competences, par-
factors that may be used to predict the level ticularly in technical and managerial areas,
of FDI in Malaysia. These variables are CPI, are gaining importance. In this case, Malay-
GDP%, import, and export. sia needs to emphasize the upgrading of the
level of education by increasing the number
CONCLUSIONS, LIMITATIONS AND of universities, center for technical training,
FUTURE RESEARCH center of research and development, and
Numerous studies support the impor- distance learning.
tance of foreign capital in expanding the FDI can be a vehicle for the adoption
economic growth. In this study, some vari- of new technology. Therefore, the workforce
ables are chosen to determine factors influ- should be prepared to work with these new
encing FDI in Malaysia. Gross national technologies. This suggests that there might
product (GNP) used as a proxy of the market be an effect of FDI on human capital accu-
size, gross domestic product (GDP) in mulation (Bernstein et al, 1998). Empirical
manufacturing sector is chosen as a proxy studies done by Yeaple (1999) found that for
for the degree of industrialization. Other more skill-intensive industry, affiliate sales
equally important factors are inflation rate, are positively correlated with average educa-
manufacturing export, current account bal- tion attainment in host country. Dowling et
ance, the level of technology and human al (2000) define technologies capabilities for
capital. Malaysia has many advantages to foreign investor as skills, education and re-
attract more FDI, in terms of maintaining the search and development.
inflation rate, expanding the market size Moreover, Hanson (2001) states that
domestically and internationally. In addition, countries with large supplies of human capi-
Malaysia is making successful efforts to tal are more likely to attract FDI especially
upgrade the level of infrastructure and the in sectors, which are relatively intensive in
development of telecommunication, which the use of skilled labor. In addition, Malay-
are very important elements in attracting sia also must be able to take a greater advan-
more foreign investors. tage of the access to scientific and technical
Overall, the results suggest that there information that exists within the global
are at least four factors that may be used to information infrastructure. Enabling tech-
predict the level of FDI in Malaysia. These nology in information and communication
variables are inflation rate, gross domestic (ICT) is a need for modern knowledge and
product (GDP), import, and export are economy (Dowling, 2000).
among the main determinants of FDI in Ma- In this study, some important vari-
laysia. However, attracting FDI is not easy ables are left out due to insufficient data
in the new era of globalization, which has such as wages or labor cost, research and
seen China with huge domestic demand, development, the ability of energy, tax in-
Jurnal Ekonomi Pembangunan Vol. 10 No. 1, April 2005 Hal: 1 – 11
centives, political stability and policy liber- be used to improve the accuracy of the
alization. Therefore, it is suggested that the model’s estimation. Furthermore, the rela-
future research should take them into ac- tively small sample may require the applica-
count. tion of non-parametric methods that is sup-
Since the annual data are used in this ported by the results of normality distribu-
study that covers from a period of 1970 to tion test. Further studies should be done by
1999, it is recommended that quarterly data extending to more countries.
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