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Assessment Learning 1 (Module 1 To 3)

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Assessment Learning 1
(Module 1 to 3)

Submitted by: Paca,Peter Vince B.

Course: BTLED-HE 2-C

Submitted to: Dr. Edgardo H. Rosales

Asst Prof. V
Basic Cocepts and relevance of Assessment
Terminologies: Measurement,Testing/Test,Assessmet
And Evaluation
Unit: 1
Basic Terminologies in Assessment ( Measurement
Testing/Test,Assesment and Evaluation)

1. World Puzzle: Find and Write down all the words that are
hidden in any direction.

1. Measurement 3. Evaluation 5. Test
2. Testing 4. Assessment
Guided Question:
1. Fill out the table to diffrentiate the following.
Measurement Evaluation
About numbers that quantify Evaluate the information whether
the ability of students learning it is succesful or failure

Test Evaluation
It is word to examine the The process of making judgement
students if they learn if the performance is well done.

Measurement Test
To examine if he/she got the To examine if the knowledge has
right answer bored on his/her been reached.

Assessment Evaluation
It assist the students if there is Examine if he/she learners
done for about his/her learning something about the topic

Assessment Measurement
If is a range of information if It measures the learning of the
there is an improvement students on what students have

Assessment Test
It is a gathered of information of To check if the students really
the student and teacher that understand the topic.
some changes skills that occurs.
2. Guide one situation or Example in each basic terminology that will
describe its meaning based from your own understanding.

a. Assessment- Midterm/Final Projects

b. Evaluation- Give them a quick Recitation
c. Measurement- Giving Students a entrance examination to know the
capability of a student
d. Test- Giving them a periodical test to measure if they learn thought
the lesson.

 Identify the Situations Whether its Describe a test,measurement,
Assessment or Evaluation.

Instruction: on the blank befire each number,write the letter corresponding

to your answer: (a) measurement.(b) assessment,(c) evaluation or (d) test.

1. Measurement 5. Evaluation
2. Evaluation
3. Assessment
4. Test
Note: Answer all the question in your own activity own activity Notebook
1. Definne each term in your own words: Assessment,Evaluation,Test,and

a. Assessment
Access Student to help to improve skills and gain knowledge to the new
b. Evaluation
Giving some activities that can determine whether the students great the job or
c. Test
Giving some questionareto know whether the students learn about the lesson.
d. Measurement
To judge the capacity of a learner of how he/she learns.
2. Explain the Importance of Assessment
Is really importance to teacher and students beacuse it guide us to.father the
students attention and facilitatge the students through thair improvements of
intelligence and skill so that the students will come up with a good outcome.

3. You Identify the given situations whether it describe a test,measurements,

evaluation or assessment.
a. Testing – because he is measuring the quality of the long position.
b. Test- we determined what he know or learned.
c. Assessment – she Facilitate and give quizess to determined if the
student really understand the Topic or improve their knoledge skill.
d. Evaluation-a process of making judgements of the students
performance worth good or not.
e. Measurement- To test hid knowledge on wat he learns to the tareget
the tasks.
Directions: write T the statement describe a test ,M if it describe a
measurement ,E if it desrcribe an evaluation and A if it describes an
M 1. Henry uses students’data to plan and Monitor their classroom
T 2. Mariza gives true or false examination in math.
T 3. Ricky Score in Physics is 75.
A 4.The teacher collects information about the strengths and weaknesses of
her srudents’.performance.
E 5. The teacher compares the students’ performance to the set of standards
or criteria establishments.
M 6. Rose is asked to rate the projects submitted by her classmates.
T 7. Gerard conducts a performance examination
E 8. Only 10 out of 20 made it to the finals.
A 9. Mr. Rubia uses the gathered inputs for educational improvement.
E 10. Mrs. Robles criticizes the result of the competitions based from the

1. What are the significant insights that you have learned from this activity ?
I have learned what is the measurement, Evaluation assessment and test
interms in education,it can guide you to acheive a better understanding for
teaching your students well, or what are such aspect you will apply to be a
effective teacher.
2. How did you participate actively in the given activity? Did you encounter
some diffiulties in underanding the concepts? If yes, you may enumerate
I really focused on every question in the module and while answering this
question to encounter some difficulties. Understanding the question like in the
guided question in differentiate it took hours for me to understand the

3. What Particular skills do you think you have develop in accomplishhing

the task?
I think the skill that i develop in accomplishment the taste is learned
understanding towards to the concepts. Because its kind a hand for you
accomplish. If you will not so deeper to it.

Unit 2:

Relevance of Assessment
1. Using graphic organizer,can youn give example of formative and summative

Summative Formative
 Instructor –  In class
created exam discussion
 Standardize test  Weekly quizzes
 Final Projects  Clicker- question
 Final exam  Group work

Guided Question:
1. Explain the diffrence among assessment for,assessment of and
assessment as learning by filling out the table.
Assessment for Assessment as Assessment of
learning. Learning. Learning.

 Make  Have student  Have student

assessment focus in the focus in the
useful for task an his or task an his or
 Follow her learning. her learning.
assessment  Students  Students
with corrective report about report about
instruction their learning their learning.
 Monitor

2. Using a graphic organizer, present the different methods of

interpreting the result.

Facilitate Give some

The students Recitations


To be able to
know about Good
the topic Strategies
1. Use K-W-L chart for the following:
a. Assessment for
b. Assessment of
c. Assessment as
a. Assessment for a. Assessment for a. Assessment for
• The student and • I want to know if • I learned in this
monitor it by the teacher there is other way of topic is it will help me to
day by day, this teaching to the students understand all the
assessment means to so that the student will lessons on every
assess the student to be active and subjects.
gain skills and participating inside the b. Assessment of
knowledge . classroom. • This is
b. Assessment of b. Assessment of responsibility of each
• Assessment of • I want to know the student s and including
learning this is the time criteria/concept so that I me to passed all my
that the teacher, student will pass and have a requirements so that I
and parent know how high grade. will not failed.
well each student did c. Assessment as c. Assessment as
complete their activities • I want to know the • What I learned in
and task that the teacher situation/problem so that school can apply in daily
give to them. I know what will I do to live and improvement so
c. Assessment as face it. that if I will be
• This assessment professional someday I
helping the student to have learned something
give more knowledge and apply it to other
abilities and skills to people.
develop their ownership

2. List down examples ( at least two) of norm- referenced interpretation and

criterion referenced interpretation.

Norm-referenced Interpretation
a. SAT, IQ Test, test that are graded on a curve

Criterion-Referenced Interpretation.
a. Advanced Placement Exams,National Assessment Educational Progress.

a. Discuss each of the following terms by explaining the meaning and
examples.Write your answer in your activity notebook.

1.Assessment for learning (formative assessment)

Teacher facilities students to engage in the learning process which improve
the students performance,like for example: The strategic use of questioning,
becausse the student is able to now what is the target he/she will have
paricipation in class by giving questionare.
2.Assessment of learning (summative assessment)
This is already the part of evaluating the student if he/she underatand the
Example:of its the midterm exams, you can give it to the students to you know if
he/she learn.
3. Assessment as learning
Happens when students monitor their own learning like asking question or
apply their own strategies on how can they develop their learning .
B. In your own Understanding, Explain the difference between norm-referenced
interpretation purchase knowledge and skills of an individual while criteria
reference the performance.

Unit 3:

Types of test and Mode of Assessment

1.Fill in the chart. Check what you know about each term.
a. Non-standardized test vs Standardized test.
Non-Standardized test Standardized test

Is me that allows for an assessment of Is any form of test that requires all test
an individuals abilities or takers to answer the same question or
performance.but doesn’t allow for a a seldom of question from common
fair compansion of one student to banks of question in the same way.

b. Objective test vs Subjective test

Objective test Subjective Test

Is a test where in there has might or There is a test has insight question and
wrong answer that can be marked has various possible correct responses.
objectively such examines have only a
limited set of options.
c. Supply Test vs Response test
Supply test Fixed response Test

A kind of test where in the student A Present of test where in there is a

can create their like constructing an choices given.

d. Speech test vs Power test

Speech test Power Test

To test an Individual or an examine on A kind of test that assess the examine

how can he/she complete the test for to answer the test wihout anytime
the given time. limit.

e. Traditional Assessment vs Alternatives assessment

Traditional Assessment Alternatives Assessment

Uses question with limited number of Which students create their own
choices and their is only me correct original response,creating, oral
answer too the question ask presentation.

f. Performance based Assessmentvs Porfolio Assessment

Performance-based Assessment Portfolio Assessment

It measure the capability of a student As a Student work created in response

to applly the skill and their intellectual to specific task given
learning to the task given.

Guided Question:
1. Using a table chart, diffrenetiate the following :

a. Non-Standardized test vs. Standardized test

Non- Standardized test Standardized test

An Individuals abilities or It is develop by test specialist requires

performance,allow for a far all test takers the same question from
comparison of one student to another. common bank question in the same

b. Objective test vs. Subjetive Test

Objective Test Subjective test

 Short answer  Long answer

 Close Response  Open Answer
 Mostly recognition limited  Emphasis om Production

c. Supply test vs. Fixed response test

Supply test Fixed Response Test
Examine to supply and answer such, as To select an anwer from a fiven option
an essay test item or competition or such as multiple choice test matching
short answer test item. type of test or true false test.

d. Speed test vs Fixed response test

Speed test Power test

Designed to measure the number of Set have the items arranged in order
interms of items and individual can of increasing dificulty.
complete in a a given time.
2. Present a comprehensive Graphic Organizer of the modes of Assessment.


Performanc Modes of Alternative

e e- based
Assessmen Assessment t


1. Do a 3-2-1 count down. This is a true test of relevant and meaningful
learning . reveal your discover or earnings about the topic by answering the
following question:

Give 3 things you did not know before.

a. What is the topic all about
b. How to answers all the activities
c. How will I apply to daily life.

Give 2 things that suprise you about the topic:

a. How to do all of the task, so far its not so difficult
b. I just need to understand all of the topic and it will be easy

Give 1 thing you wan to start doing with what you have learned.
a. I just need to understand all of the topic and it will be easy

Assessment Part 1
A. Suppply the correct answer in each question.

Power test 1. This test is made uo of series of items arranged from easiest to the
most difficult.
Standardize test 2. This test provides exact procedures in controling the method
of administration and scoring with norms and dta concering the reality and
validity of test.
Fixed Response test 3. This test assessement is giving the students the
oppurtunity to demonstrate what they have learned into an actual task.
Performance-based Assessment 4. This assessment is giving the students the
opportunity to demonstrate what they have learned into an actual task.
Portfolio Assessment 5. This assessement requires the students to compile all
their outputs and
B. Discuss thedifferent modes of ssessment and its importance.

a. Tradtional Assessement
Most frequently used to evaluate sudents and this is important see the
acheivement pf learning outcomes.
b. Alternnative Assessment
Assessing valued skills that cant do directly assed by traditional assessment, it
is important because we can identify what quality of performances that the
students apply.

c. Performance –based Assessment

Evaluation of the actual process of doing the task if they applied in what they
learned to the class.
d. Portfolio Assessment
Enables to student performances and encourages student to take their
responsibilities of doing the given task.

Assessment Part 2
Directions : Write the letter of the correct asmswer in your activity notebook.
B.Assessment 1.It is a pur pose collection of students work that exihibit students’
a.Assessment c. Performance
b.Porfolio d. Scrapbook

A.Aunthetic 2. It is a paper pencil mode of assessment where students choose

their answer from the list of choices.
a.Aunthetic c.Traditional
b.Alternative d. Performance

A.Alternative 3. What mode of assessment in which students create an original

response to answer a certain question.
a. Alternative c.Performance
b.Aunthetic d.Process

C.Formative 4. An assessment procedure used to determined the and

weaknesses of student’s performance.
a.Placement c.Formative
b.Diagnostic d. Achievement

D.A short quiz given after the lesson 5. Which is an example of a formative
a.Longquiz c.Periodic Exam
b.Final Exam d.A short quiz given after the lesson

B.Summative Assesment 6.Which of the following describes assessment of

learning ?
a. Formative Assessement c.Diagnostic
b.Summative Assessment d.Placement

B.Assessment for Learning 7.Summative assessment of Learning, Formative is for.

a.Assessment as learning c.Assessment for attitide
b.Assessment for learning d.Assessment for Exellence

A.Standardized 8. A method of interpreting results which is used to describe

student’s Performance according to relative position in some known group.
a.Standardized c.Criterion-referenced
b.Norm-referenced d.Teacher-made

C.Norms-referenced 9.Rose ranks 9th in her class, what method is used in

interpreting her ranks in her class?
a.Teacher-reference c.Norm-referenced
b.Criterion-reference d.Standardized

C.Criterion-referenced 10. Rico got 75% in her exam in science which is the
Passing score. What method of interpreting results is utilized with regard to
a.aptitude c.Criterion-referenced
b.anecdotal d.Norm-referenced

1. What new insight did you learn in this learning task?
The task was good because of discover new things especially the methods of
assessment the both teachers and students collaboration to attain the target.

2. How did you manage to do given task?

I actually ful tired of doing this task but i still do my best to understand and fill
out the question.

3. What skill did you develop in this activity?

Skills that I develop while doing this activity is you must have broad ideas
because its quite difficult to answer some question.

Module 2
Assessing Learning Outcomes

Title: Instructional goals and Objectives,Learning Outcomes and

Revised Bloom’s Taxonomy

1. Using a Comparison chart,write your own understanding,knowledge and
information about the difference between instructional goals and
objectives in terms of the following: scope specificity,measure and time

Comparison Chart.
Goal Objective
Scope- its is a kind of goal that is generally Representing the data and
discussed first before the idea give data will applying what you want to
give. acheive.
Specificity- the specific target. Target you want to accomplish.
Measure-goal will not reflects about the The outcome should be good
generally information.
Time frame-it take the live years to complete Three months for your target
it. objectives.

Match ?

Yes No
Objective create an It matches because the
original poem objective has the same
through and actions that
Test item:Create a poem must takes
from the movie you have
Objective:distinguish It matches because the
subject from the objective has the same
predicate in a sentence through and actions that
must takes
Test item: underline the
subject once and
underline the predicate
twice in a sentence.

Objective:Solve a It didn’t not match

perimeter of a square beacuse the objective
doesn’t match to
Test item:What is the question that is refering
formula in sloving a
perimeter of a square
Objective: Differentiate It matches because the
learning activity from objective has the same
learning outcome through and actions that
must takes
Test item: identify the
instructional objectives
whether a learning
activity or learning
Objective:Define It didn’t not match
assessment of learning beacuse the objective
doesn’t match to
Test item:What is question that is refering
assessment of learning?

1. What is the difference between instructional goals and objectives?

It matches beacuse the objectives has the same through and actions that
must take.

2. What are the 3 domains of Blooms Taxonomy? Explain domain.

a. Cognitive- It involves knowledge and the development of

b. Affective- The people react emotionally how is it affect to them if its joy or
pain and also to other living things.

c. Psychomotor- Manual or physical talks about movement how you do things

by moving.

Reflection and Exercises

1. Write down your refelection or personal insight about:
a. Instructional goals and objectives.
This is talks about on how the students could capture the big ideas on how to
achieve his/her goals and also broad but can understand for example by giving an
instruction on how to make that thing while the objective talks about on how to
achieve the goals, because objective giving us an specific learning outcome of
your understand the lesson given.
b. Bloom’s Taxonomy
Talks about in order to promote higher forms of thinking, analyzing and
evaluating concepts process, procedures and principle also we need to
understand the ideas given and by applying the ideas to analyze if its can evaluate
by the teacher.
2. Construct insructional objectives for cognitive,affective and pyschomotor
domains by choosing one specific lesson/topic.

Prof. Gomez give a ten multiple choices test.

a. Cognitive:
Prof. Gomez will test his student whether his students did understand of
the lesson that given.

b. Affective:
The student will be able come up with the question that Prof. Gomez given.

c. Psychomotor:
The student will able to adopt the lesson what Prof. Gomez teach and by
how to answer the question given.

I.instructor:Identify the statement whether it is a goal or Objective and Explain
(Write your answer on your activity notebook)

1. Students will be able to use technology to optimize learning.

Ans: (Objective) a measurable actions aims that must take no acheive the goal.
2. The course will teach students to create reliable and validtest question
following a provided guideline for evaluating lerning mystery.
Ans: (Goal) it states that it can hrlp to achrive the mission.
3. Students will able to state the correcr definition of a complimentary
medical intervention theraphy
Ans: (Obejective) a measurable actions that must take to acheive the good
4. Students will become acquinted with topographic maps and their uasge
Ans: (Goal) Because it is the outcome that you intended to achieve .
5. Students will be able to develop two measurable competency-based
Ans: (Objectives) beacause it can help to develop actions to take the goal.
6. The students will be introduced to the design of concrete components of
structure and foundation and the integration of them into overall design
Ans: (Goal) because it states what kind of goal he/she wants to introduced.
7. Students will be able to identify similarities and differences between
various Planets in the solar system.
Ans: (Objectives) it can measure an Individual to acheive the goals.
8. Students will able to improve performance in communicating effectively
with others.
Ans: (Objective) it can measure the actions of an individual if he/she really
improves and take the actions.
9. Students will be able to demonstrate compassion,integrity, and respect for
Ans: (Objectives) the students can able to demonstrate and take actions that
must to acheive.
10.The class will introduce students to modes of satiric writing in the
eighteenth century.
Ans: (Goal) Because of the topics that is given it can help students to acheive it

II.Directions: Identify if each of the following objectives measures

remembering ,understanding,applying,Evaluating or creating.indicate your
answer by using the letters below and write it on your activity sheet.
R- Remembering objective
U-Understanding Objective
A-Applying Objective
An-Analyzing objective
E-Evaluating Objective
C-Creating Objective

Remembering Objective 1. List down the major parts of the Computer

Applying Objective 2. Solve the average score.
Undertanding Objective 3. Differentiate myth from legend.
Creating Objective 4. Compose a hym about National heroes.
Understanding Objective 5.Expalin the process of digestion.
Analyzing Objective 6. Compare a smile with methaphor.
Remembering Objective 7.Name the important members of a screening
Evaluating Objective 8. Predict the outcome of a given event.
Analyzing Objective 9. Categorize the given flowers into Complete or Incomplete.
Evaluating Objective 10.Justify the use of biofuel in our motor vehicles.
III.Directions: Decide whether the Instrucional objectives matches to test item
write YES or NO on the space before the item and Explain why in your Activity
notebook. If your answer is NO how do you Improve the item match with the

NO 1. Objective:Identify the 4 Components of Physical Change.

Test Item: Explain the 4 components of physical Change
YES 2.Objective State the main events in a story in chronological order.
Test item:List the main events in a story in chronological order.
NO 3.Objective:Distinguish fact from opinion in a new article.
Test item:Define fact and opinion.
No 4.Objective: Substract 4-digit numbers from 5-digit numbers with
re grouping
Test item:Substract 4-digit Numbers from 5-digit numbers without
NO 5.Objective: Name the Capitals of 76 provinces in the century.
Test item: Name is the places of 20 provinces in the century.
YES 6.Objective: Supply outcomes of stories read.
Test item: Predict the ending of the following stories
NO 7.Objective: Discuss briefly the principle of sowing and reaping can be
Test item:Give two examples of how sowinh and reaping.
YES 8. Objective: Draw familiar scenary in a rural are using any medium.
Test item: Draw Familiar scenary in a rural area using craypas.
YES 9.Objective: Give the parts of the flower.
Test item: Identify the parts of the flower.
YES 10.Objective: Act out how to care the evironment.
Test item: Display an art work showing how to care the environment.

Development of classroom Assessment Tools

Unit: 1 Principles og High Quality Assessment and

developing Table of Specification
1. Challenge your stock knowledge and write your own understanding to
explain each component og high quality assessment be brief in gving your

• Clear and appropriate learning targets- Provides a clear discussion thats

fits the lerning target.
• Fairness- Know your student, ability, consider your learners characterisitic.
• Positive consequences- Create an idea or strategies that a learner will be
able to acheive.
• Practically and efficiency- Teachers must know what are the methods
should be used in doing an assessment to the learners.
• Reliability- is a kind of method use to measure student performance.
• Validity- giving an asessment to your learners, it must be approoriate in
what the learners reflects.
• Select appropriate methods- You must know what kind of method you
should use for assessment so that the learners can able to acheive. and should
use for your assessment so that the learners can able to achieve.

2. What is your ideas about your table or Specification.

Table or Specification gives the educators the idea on how they able to assess
the learners, and what assessment tools should ne use. In that wy fairness can be
determined on what the result is and should focus on their provided lesson.

Guided Question
Explain each of the General principles of testing using your own words.

1. Measure all Instructional Objectives-

A kind of usage that teachers can use to measure students learning
progress, the result must match what instruction given, that’s why before
constructing a test, teacher must know first the instructional that is used.

2. Cover all the learning task

The teacher should give a unique test that will challenge their learning
capability with the use of that style we will know if the learners really understand
the lesson.

3. Use appopriate test item

Use appopriate test question that related to the lesson given to find out the
learning outcomes.

4. Make test valid and Reliable

Teacher must construct a test that is valid that we can measure what ever
that out come of the test, whether it went well or not.

Write a personal reflection of an important lesson you have realized and
discovered about high quality assessment and table of Specification construction.
It reflects me that proper assessment be apply properly because it is not joke,
you need to study the kninds of assessment that you apply the giving test and it
should match the lesson you give because with the help of this we willl find out if
the student learned anything or not when giving a test you can also create test
styles that can help to challenge your students brain.

1. Give at least one(1) teaching condition or situation which conforms
to the specified principle of high quality assessment:

a. Validity – you give an activity to your student with a 100% rate but they
only got 60%, you just want to measure the perfomance just to know their
b. Fairness- you give a project that should be submitted on Wednesday but
the next day our student submit the project late, and tells yuo the reason
why it is late, you consider her complains.

c. Scorability- gives your student a question that is related to their self that
thay can relly get the score and the right answer. Example: what is your
current age today?

d. Objectivity- create a questionare that there is a true or false.

e. Administrability- gives a clear instruction to the students on how the

contrast should be used.

2.Choose one or two or more units/chapters of different lesson to construct your

own table of Specification using a two-way format.

Republic of the Philippines

Zamboanga City State Polytechnic College
R.T. Lim Blvd. Zamboanga City

SUBJECT MATTER: Family Resource in household linens and food
content Item Placem No. Of Item of
ent items distribution


Lesson1: 1,2,3, 10 1-10
needs list
and social

Food to be 6,7,8 16,17 21,2 10 1-10

/processed ,9,10 ,18,1 2,23,
based on 9,20 24,2
of raw 5
and trends
in the
Uses the 811,1 26,2 10 1-10
nsils and
213,1 7,28
equipme 4,15 ,29,
nt and
total 30

Unit 2: Construct of Different types of Test

1.In life, there are many types of tests. How do you take them? Here are some
quotations. Read and explain each of them. Do you agree or disagree?
I agree, in the first quotation that we have different question paper, different answer, skills
and knowledge. While the second quotation My life feels like a test I didn’t study for, I am not
ready to face this kind of life, lots of problems and struggle, but here I am even though I am not
ready but I survive , and the last quotation at the end of the day, I have learn in the lessons
whether it’s school lesson or life lesson because this lesson will bring me to my future.

2. What do you do if you are scheduled to take a written examination?

• Before I will take the written examination I will review again and again the lesson that
will be given and I will make sure also that I will take the exam on time , and I will focus on my
question paper.
Guided Question
Discuss the advantages of objective type of test over subjective type of test?
The advantages of objective type of test is can reduce the marking workload involved,
particularly on course with large students cohorts, while the subjective test is evaluated by
giving an opinion. It can be compared with an objective test, which has right or wrong answers
and can be marked objectively.

Reflection Time: Based from the Table of Specification (TOS) you have prepared in the
previous module, construct your own questions for the different types of test following the

a. Multiple Choice
Test 1
Direction: Read abd Understand the question, Choose the correct answer and

1. These are the factors that need to be consider when budgeting,except for
one.what is it?
a. Size of the family b. Family income c. Talents and abilities of each number
d. Friends
2. They may refer to a small electrical appliances or Large power operated
a. Kitchen utensils/tools b. Kitchen apparatus c. Kitchen equipment d. Kitchen
3. These are thingd we don’t really need but would like to to have.
a. Money b. Wants c. Needs. D. Foods

4. It is a current medium of exchange in the form coins and banks notes.

a. Money b. Income c. Salary d. Cheque

5. It is the process involve in Protecting Food Against microbes an other Spilage

a. Food Preservation b. Food Conversation c. Food Preservation d. Food

6. It is the Presentation of a product in a Particular way.

a. Planning b. Advertizing c. Promoting d. Packaging

7. The wise use of means to accomplish or a cheive purpose

a. Energy b. Time c. House and lot d. Talents

8. An exapmle of Material resource is

a. Energy b. Time c. Hopuse and lot d. Talents
9. It is in the category of non-material resource, it is short once lost, cannot be
a. Energy b. Time c. Work d. Savings

10. Process the flavoring ,bouning,cooking.or Preserving Food by exposing it ti

smoke called?
a. Smoking b. Drying c. Canning d. Freezing

b. True or False
Test II
Direction: Write true is the sentence is correct and write false if the statement
is wrong.

_______1. To prevent Spoilage is one of the benefit of Food Preservation.

_______2. Food Preservation makes the food Available for a short period of time.
_______3. Tie Back long hair when cooking.
_______4. We can use ceramic band on mug to sharpen knife.
_______5. Wash hands during handling of food.
_______6.Paclkaging should be honest by Show casing the item for what it really is.
_______7. Raaw materials are basic substance in its natural modified, or semi-processed
state, used an input to a production process for subsequent modification ot transmission
into a finish good.
_______8. Food trends refer to fixed direction of the type of foods consumed.
_______9. Market demands is the total amount of goods and services that all consumers
are willing and able to purchase at a specific price in a marketplace.
_______10. Advertising is the activity or profession of Producing Information from promoting
the scale or commercial products or services.

Matching Type
Test III.
Direction: Match Column A with Coulumn B. To supply the correct answer.

Column B
A. Freezing

Column A

1.Coating food in Salt or placing it in a salt

Solution is called.
2.When the food is packed in to glass jars and
covered,alcohol,salt or sugar.
3.A process in which the food are sealed an air
right container.
4.is using alcohol or cids as preservatives beer-
wine and soy sauce.
5.Is dine by covering the temperature to inhabit
the growth of Microrganism.
6.are used to hold specific amounts of dry and
wet ingredients.
7.Is a heavy,thick bottled frying pan used when
steady when heat is needed in cooking.
8.It is a large rectangular pan,often with a lid and
meat rack. Its used to roast meat and fish.
9.Is used to grate,shied,and slice food such as
carrots,cabbage,and cheese.
10.A bowl shaped Strainer with holes. It used ti
drain food such as pasta.

Completion Question
Test IV.
Direction: Write the correct answet on the space provided.
________1. It is the presentation of prouct a particular way
________2.It is the process invilve in protecting food against microbes and another Spilage
________3.A source of supply support or aid,especially on that can be resdily drawn about
when needed.
________4.these are the things we don’t really needed but would like to have something
person must have in order live 5._________.
The wise use of meansc to accomplish or acheive 6.________ one’s purpose.
An example of material resource is 7._______
________8. It is the first step in making a good project they may refer 9._______to a small
electrical appliances or large power operated appliances.
________10. It is category of non material resource it is sort and once lost. Cannot be


a. Be brief and concise in answering each of the questions.

1. In your chosen field of specialization where you are tasked to give a 50-item
objective type of test, what types of test will you include? Justify your answer.
• I will include the multiple choice, so that they will just justify which answer is correct.

b. Give your comment(s) for each type of tests given below if they follow the
guidelines. Please refer to the guidelines that were previously presented in this module.

1. Multiple Choice
a. Which of the following will not cause inflation in the Philippine economy?
Comment: correct, because its gives the sense to the student to have a choice

b. Thailand is located in: a. Southeast Asia b. Eastern Europe c. South America

Comment: correct, because the answer is given , its just need to justify which answer is

2. True or False

a. Aspirin is not an illegal drug.

Comment: true, because the question is clear.
b. Everyone should exercise regularly.
Comment: true, so that our body will be more active and reproductive.

Matching Type
Example: Match the items in column A with the items in column B.
_____1. Scurvy a. Vit. A
_____2. Iron b. Vit. C
_____3. Poor Eyesight c. Vit. D
_____4. Iodine d. Vit. E
_____5. Sunlight
Comment(s): The matching type should be have at least 1 more choices than the question.

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