Code - Aster: Operator CALCULATION
Code - Aster: Operator CALCULATION
Code - Aster: Operator CALCULATION
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Titre : Opérateur CALCUL Date : 20/12/2017 Page : 1/9
Responsable : ABBAS Mickaël Clé : U4.51.10 Révision :
1 Goal
For mechanics:
• C alculer internal constraints and variables for the integration of a non-linear law of behavior;
• C alculer elementary vectors vect_elem internal and nodal forces and elementary matrices
matr_elem of a tangent matrix;
• C alcule R elementary vectors vect_elem forces corresponding to the variables of order.
For thermics:
• to calculate the elementary vectors vect_elem residues of balance and matrices elementary
matr_elem of a thermal matrix of rigidity;
• C alcule R elementary vectors vect_elem forces corresponding with the non-linear thermal
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provided as a convenience.
Copyright 2021 EDF R&D - Licensed under the terms of the GNU FDL (
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Titre : Opérateur CALCUL Date : 20/12/2017 Page : 2/9
Responsable : ABBAS Mickaël Clé : U4.51.10 Révision :
2 Syntax
table_container = CALCULATION
( ♦ MODEL = Mo, [model]
♦ CHAM_MATER = chmat, [cham_mater]
◊ CARA_ELEM = carac, [cara_elem]
◊ TABLE = table, [table_container]
♦ LIST_INST = litps, [listr8]
♦ NUME_ORDRE =nuini, [I]
◊ EXCIT = _F (
♦ LOAD = chi, [char_meca]
◊ FONC_MULT =fi, [fonction/formule]
♦ BEHAVIOR =_F (see the document [U4.51.11]),
◊ SCHEMA_THM =_F (see the document [U4.51.11]),
◊ DEPL = depl, [cham_no]
◊ INCR_DEPL = incdepl, [cham_no]
◊ SIGM = sigm, [cham_elem]
◊ VARI = vari, [cham_elem]
◊ MODE_FOURIER = nh , [I]
♦ EXCIT = _F (
♦ LOAD = chi, [char_ther]
◊ FONC_MULT =fi, [fonction/formule]
♦ TEMP = temp, [cham_no]
♦ INCR_TEMP = Inctemp, [cham_no]
♦ BEHAVIOR =_F (see the document [U4.54.02]),
◊ PARM_THETA =/ theta, [R]
/ 0.57, [DEFECT]
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Titre : Opérateur CALCUL Date : 20/12/2017 Page : 3/9
Responsable : ABBAS Mickaël Clé : U4.51.10 Révision :
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provided as a convenience.
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Titre : Opérateur CALCUL Date : 20/12/2017 Page : 5/9
Responsable : ABBAS Mickaël Clé : U4.51.10 Révision :
CHI is the mechanical loading (possibly comprising the evolution of a field of temperature) specified
with i ème occurrence of EXCIT.
FI is the multiplying function of the time of the loading specified with I ème occurrence of EXCIT.
The loading and boundary conditions for n occurrences of the keyword factor EXCIT are:
ch=∑ f i . chi
For the conditions of Dirichlet, of course, only the specified value is multiplied by FI.
By default: FI=1.
It is necessary to take care to be coherent between the behavior requested by BEHAVIOR and
field of the internal variables cuts it.
The field of the constraints being used to calculate the option FORC_NODA_ELEM is not the same
one according to calculations requested. Indeed, if one integrates the law of behavior (options
BEHAVIOR, MATR_TANG_ELEM, FORC_INTE_ELEM), then the stress field taken in the calculation
of the option FORC_NODA_ELEM will be that calculated afterwards the integration of the behavior.
In this case, SIGM is the tensor of the constraints initial and will not be that employed in the
calculation of FORC_NODA_ELEM. On the other hand, if only the option FORC_NODA_ELEM is
asked, then one will use the field of the constraints directly given by SIGM.
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provided as a convenience.
Copyright 2021 EDF R&D - Licensed under the terms of the GNU FDL (
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Titre : Opérateur CALCUL Date : 20/12/2017 Page : 7/9
Responsable : ABBAS Mickaël Clé : U4.51.10 Révision :
Notice important:
The concomitant use of FONC_MULT with a load containing of the thermal loadings depending on
the temperature is prohibited; i.e. for loadings of the type ECHANGE_ , RADIATION, SOUR_NL or
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Titre : Opérateur CALCUL Date : 20/12/2017 Page : 9/9
Responsable : ABBAS Mickaël Clé : U4.51.10 Révision :
To extract these fields, it is advisable to use the order EXTR_TABLE. For example, if one wants the
field of the constraints resulting from the order CALCULATION, one will make:
To calculate the second member of the external forces or other quantities (like the matrices masses),
one can use the orders CALC_VECT_ELEM or CALC_MATR_ELEM.
matr_elem or them vect_elem can be assembled via the orders ASSE_VECTEUR and
It should be noted that them MATR_ELEM of rigidity produced by CALCULATION contain also the
contribution resulting from the dualisation of the limiting conditions of Dirichlet (EXCIT).
An example of use of CALCULATION for mechanics ESt available in the CAS-test pynl01a.
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provided as a convenience.
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