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Code - Aster: Operator CALCULATION

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Titre : Opérateur CALCUL Date : 20/12/2017 Page : 1/9
Responsable : ABBAS Mickaël Clé : U4.51.10 Révision :


1 Goal
For mechanics:
• C alculer internal constraints and variables for the integration of a non-linear law of behavior;
• C alculer elementary vectors vect_elem internal and nodal forces and elementary matrices
matr_elem of a tangent matrix;
• C alcule R elementary vectors vect_elem forces corresponding to the variables of order.
For thermics:
• to calculate the elementary vectors vect_elem residues of balance and matrices elementary
matr_elem of a thermal matrix of rigidity;
• C alcule R elementary vectors vect_elem forces corresponding with the non-linear thermal

Product a structure of data of the type table_container.

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Responsable : ABBAS Mickaël Clé : U4.51.10 Révision :

2 Syntax
table_container = CALCULATION
( ♦ MODEL = Mo, [model]
♦ CHAM_MATER = chmat, [cham_mater]
◊ CARA_ELEM = carac, [cara_elem]
◊ TABLE = table, [table_container]
♦ LIST_INST = litps, [listr8]
♦ NUME_ORDRE =nuini, [I]

◊ EXCIT = _F (
♦ LOAD = chi, [char_meca]
◊ FONC_MULT =fi, [fonction/formule]
♦ BEHAVIOR =_F (see the document [U4.51.11]),
◊ SCHEMA_THM =_F (see the document [U4.51.11]),
◊ DEPL = depl, [cham_no]
◊ INCR_DEPL = incdepl, [cham_no]
◊ SIGM = sigm, [cham_elem]
◊ VARI = vari, [cham_elem]
◊ MODE_FOURIER = nh , [I]
♦ EXCIT = _F (
♦ LOAD = chi, [char_ther]
◊ FONC_MULT =fi, [fonction/formule]
♦ TEMP = temp, [cham_no]
♦ INCR_TEMP = Inctemp, [cham_no]
♦ BEHAVIOR =_F (see the document [U4.54.02]),
◊ PARM_THETA =/ theta, [R]
/ 0.57, [DEFECT]



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Responsable : ABBAS Mickaël Clé : U4.51.10 Révision :

3 Operands commun runs

3.1 Keyword PHENOMENON

Allows to choose the phenomenon which will be calculated.

3.2 Keyword TABLE

Allows to introduce one table_container not-vacuum to supplement (with the adequate sequence
number) with the new concepts calculated in the operand CALCULATION.
If the table contains already fields for the sequence number claimed by the keyword
INCREMENT/NUMÉRIQUE_ORDRE , these fields are crushed and an alarm is emitted to warn the user.

3.3 Keyword MODEL

♦ MODEL = Mo
Name of the concept defining the model whose elements are the object of calculation.

3.4 Keyword CHAM_MATER

♦ CHAM_MATER = chmat
Name of the concept defining the affected material field on the model Mo.

3.5 Keyword CARA_ELEM

◊ CARA_ELEM = carac
Name of the concept defining the characteristics of the elements of beam, hulls, etc…

3.6 Keyword INCREMENT

Defines the time intervals taken in the incremental method.
In mechanics, Lurgent be thus defined have physical direction only for relations of behavior where
time intervenes explicitly (viscoelastic or viscoplastic for example). In the other cases, they allow only
indicer the increments of load and to parameterize the evolution of a possible field of temperature.

3.6.1 Operand LIST_INST

♦ LIST_INST = litps
The moments of calculation are those defined in the concept litps by the operator
DEFI_LIST_REEL [U4.34.01].

3.6.2 Operands NUME_ORDRE

♦ NUME_ORDRE = digital
Allows to define the sequence number (and thus the moment) for which will be calculated the sizes in
table_container .


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Allows to carry out in the file message various intermediate impressions.

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Responsable : ABBAS Mickaël Clé : U4.51.10 Révision :

4 Operands for mechanics

4.1 Keyword EXCIT
This keyword factor makes it possible to describe with each occurrence a load (requests and boundary
conditions), and possibly a multiplying coefficient and/or a kind of load.
This keyword is useful to produce the matrix of the dualized limiting conditions of Dirichlet which will
be integrated in matr_elem product by the calculation of the tangent matrix.

4.1.1 Operand LOAD


CHI is the mechanical loading (possibly comprising the evolution of a field of temperature) specified
with i ème occurrence of EXCIT.

4.1.2 Operand FONC_MULT


FI is the multiplying function of the time of the loading specified with I ème occurrence of EXCIT.
The loading and boundary conditions for n occurrences of the keyword factor EXCIT are:
ch=∑ f i . chi
For the conditions of Dirichlet, of course, only the specified value is multiplied by FI.
By default: FI=1.

4.2 Operand OPTION

♦ OPTION = /‘BEHAVIOR’ [defect]
Allows to specify what one calculates:
• ‘BEHAVIOR’ integrate the law of behavior and thus produces three objects: cham_elem
constraints, cham_elem internal variables and one cham_elem comprising the code return of the
law of behavior;
• ‘MATR_TANG_ELEM’ calculate the coherent tangent matrix (option FULL_MECA) and thus
produces four objects: one cham_elem constraints, one cham_elem internal variables, one
cham_elem comprising the code return of the law of behavior and one matr_elem tangent
elementary matrices;
• ‘FORC_INTE_ELEM’ calculate the vector of the internal forces after integration of the law of
behavior (RAPH_MECA in the language Aster) and thus produces four objects: one cham_elem
constraints, one cham_elem internal variables, one cham_elem comprising the code return of the
law of behavior and one vect_elem elementary vectors of the internal forces;
• ‘FORC_NODA_ELEM’ calculate the vector of the nodal forces starting from the constraints at the
points of Gauss and produces one vect_elem elementary vectors of the nodal forces.
• ‘FORC_VARC_ELEM_M’ calculate the vector of the forces corresponding to the variables of
orders at previous time (given by LIST_INST ). See the related paragraph in the theoretical
documentation of STAT_NON_LINE [R5.03.01].
• ‘FORC_VARC_ELEM_P’ calculate the vector of the forces corresponding to the variables of
orders at time running (given by LIST_INST ). See the related paragraph in the theoretical
documentation of STAT_NON_LINE [R5.03.01].
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Responsable : ABBAS Mickaël Clé : U4.51.10 Révision :


◊ DEPL = depl, [cham_no],
◊ INCR_DEPL = incdepl, [cham_no],
◊ SIGM = sigm, [cham_elem],
◊ VARI = vari, [cham_elem],
Allows to introduce inlet limits to calculate the various fields by the order CALCULATION :
• DEPL give a field of displacement;
• INCR_DEPL is the increment of the field of displacement since the beginning of the step of time;
• SIGM give a stress field;
• VARI give a field of internal variables.

It is necessary to take care to be coherent between the behavior requested by BEHAVIOR and
field of the internal variables cuts it.
The field of the constraints being used to calculate the option FORC_NODA_ELEM is not the same
one according to calculations requested. Indeed, if one integrates the law of behavior (options
BEHAVIOR, MATR_TANG_ELEM, FORC_INTE_ELEM), then the stress field taken in the calculation
of the option FORC_NODA_ELEM will be that calculated afterwards the integration of the behavior.
In this case, SIGM is the tensor of the constraints initial and will not be that employed in the
calculation of FORC_NODA_ELEM. On the other hand, if only the option FORC_NODA_ELEM is
asked, then one will use the field of the constraints directly given by SIGM.

4.4 Operand MODE_FOURIER

Positive or null entirety indicating the harmonic of FOURIER on whom one calculates the
elementary vector for an axisymmetric model 2D.

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Responsable : ABBAS Mickaël Clé : U4.51.10 Révision :

5 Operands for thermics

5.1 Keyword EXCIT
This keyword factor makes it possible to describe with each occurrence a load (requests and boundary
conditions), and possibly a multiplying coefficient and/or a kind of load.
This keyword is useful to produce the matrix of the dualized limiting conditions of Dirichlet which will
be integrated in matr_elem product by the calculation of the matrix of thermal rigidity.

5.1.1 Operand LOAD


Concept of the type load product by AFFE_CHAR_THER or by AFFE_CHAR_THER_F [U4.44.02].

Notice important:
For each occurrence of the keyword factor EXCIT various concepts tank used must be built
on the same model Mo .

5.1.2 Operand FONC_MULT


Multiplicative coefficient function of time (concept of the type function, tablecloth or

formula) applied to the load.

Notice important:
The concomitant use of FONC_MULT with a load containing of the thermal loadings depending on
the temperature is prohibited; i.e. for loadings of the type ECHANGE_ , RADIATION, SOUR_NL or

5.2 Operand OPTION

Allows to specify what one calculates:
• ‘CHAR_THER_ELEM‘ calculate them vect_elem corresponding to the non-linear thermal
loadings (SOURCE_NL, RADIATION and FLUX_NL). For the linear loadings, it will be necessary to
• ‘MATR_TANG_ELEM’ calculate the matrix DE thermal rigidity non-linear and thus produces
matr_elem elementary matrices. These matrices comprises the voluminal terms of the
variational form but also the terms coming from the contribution of the loadings 1 : EXCHANGE,
ECHANGE_PAROI, RADIATION, FLUX_NL and SOUR_NL. If the loadings understand conditions of
the Dirichlet type (AFFE_CHAR_THER/DDL_IMPO), one has also matrices of dualisation coming
from the multipliers of Lagrange;
• ‘TANK_EVOL_ELEM' calculate Lbe vect_elem elementary vectors corresponding to the
resolution of the transitory problem in time ;
• ‘TANK_RESI_ELEM' calculate Lbe vect_elem elementary vectors corresponding to the deficit
of balance of the residues for the non-linear coefficients of the thermal parameters (conductivity
thermics for example).

1 For FLUX_NL and SOUR_NL only if the coefficients are functions

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Responsable : ABBAS Mickaël Clé : U4.51.10 Révision :

5.3 Keyword TEMP/INCR_TEMP

◊ TEMP = temp, [cham_no],
◊ INCR_TEMP = Inctemp, [cham_no],
Allows to introduce inlet limits to calculate the various fields by the order CALCULATION :
• TEMP give a field of temperature;
• INCR_TEMP is the increment of the field of temperature since the beginning of the step of time;

5.4 Operand PARM_THETA

◊ PARM_THETA = theta
The argument theta is the parameter of the theta-method applied to the evolutionary problem. It
must be ranging between 0 (explicit method) and 1 (completely implicit method). In the absence,
keyword, the value used is =0.57 , a little higher than =0.5 corresponds to the diagram of
Crank-Nicholson. The incidence of the choice of theta on the stability of the method is detailed in

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Responsable : ABBAS Mickaël Clé : U4.51.10 Révision :

6 Use of CALCULATION and of table_container

CALCULATION only a table_container produces in which is stored for each sequence number one or
more fields (forced, internal variables, elementary vectors of the internal forces, elementary matrices
of the tangent matrix).

To extract these fields, it is advisable to use the order EXTR_TABLE. For example, if one wants the
field of the constraints resulting from the order CALCULATION, one will make:





To calculate the second member of the external forces or other quantities (like the matrices masses),
one can use the orders CALC_VECT_ELEM or CALC_MATR_ELEM.
matr_elem or them vect_elem can be assembled via the orders ASSE_VECTEUR and

It should be noted that them MATR_ELEM of rigidity produced by CALCULATION contain also the
contribution resulting from the dualisation of the limiting conditions of Dirichlet (EXCIT).

An example of use of CALCULATION for mechanics ESt available in the CAS-test pynl01a.

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