保良局百周年 2023開放日
保良局百周年 2023開放日
保良局百周年 2023開放日
日期 ﹕ ����年��月�日 (星期日)
* 場次 ﹕ 第一場﹕上午��:�� ‒ ��:�� (請於上午��:��或之前到達學校)
第二場﹕上午��:�� ‒ ��:�� (請於上午��:��或之前到達學校)
第三場﹕下午��:�� ‒ ��:�� (請於下午��:��或之前到達學校)
地點 ﹕ 本校禮堂
對象 ﹕ 升讀����/��年度中一的學生及其家長 www2.plkclscmc.edu.hk
內容 ﹕ �. 升中派位機制及選校策略 �. 學校簡介及發展概覽
�. 本校收生程序及準則 �. 校園生活分享
保良 局百周年 李兆 忠紀念中學
Po Leung Kuk Centenary Li Shiu Chung Memorial College
Content :
1. The mechanism of the discretionary places and strategies for selecting schools
2. The procedures and criteria for our school’s admission
3. An introduction to our school and an overview of our development
4. Sharing of school life
If you are interested in attending the briefing seminar for F.1 discretionary places, please sign up on the school website from 11:00am, November 2, 2023 (Thursday).
(Since there are limited spaces for the briefing seminar, only applications from Primary 6 students will be accepted between November 2 and November 8. From
November 9 onwards, applications from all students will be accepted.)