Mobile Industry Processor Interface (MIPI) : Sydaap Technologies Pvt. Ltd. Mipi
Mobile Industry Processor Interface (MIPI) : Sydaap Technologies Pvt. Ltd. Mipi
Mobile Industry Processor Interface (MIPI) : Sydaap Technologies Pvt. Ltd. Mipi
The Mobile Industry Processor Interface (MIPI) Alliance is an open membership organization that includes leading companies in the mobile industry that share the objective of defining and promoting open specifications for interfaces inside mobile terminals. Formed in July 2003 by ARM, Nokia, STMicroelectronics and Texas Instruments, MIPI aims to reduce complexity and costs while boosting flexibility for cell phones and the chips that drive them.
The DigRFSM WG was formed as a working group in April 2007. The group is focused on developing specifications for wireless mobile RFIC to BBIC interfaces in mobile devices. The group is currently split into short and long term development efforts. The short term development will focus on a specification targeted for completion by end of 2007 for LTE and WiMax air interface standards. The longer term development will focus on future air interface standards which promise further improvements in high speed, data optimized traffic. In addition, the future work will seek to harmonize efforts with the PHY and UniPro Working Groups. These specifications will describe the logical, electrical and timing characteristics of the digital RF-BB Interface with sufficient detail to allow physical implementation of the interface, and with sufficient rigor that implementations of the interface from different suppliers are fully compatible at the physical level.
new specifications, Display Serial Interface (DSI) and Display Command Set (DCS), which were approved by the MIPI Board in early 2006. DSI specifies a packet-based protocol layered above D-PHY, the MIPI physical-layer specification from the PHY Working Group. At the application level above DSI, DCS specifies an industry-standard command set for displays with on-panel controllers and frame buffers. In July 2006, DWG finished work on several updates and minor changes to DSI.
documentation to promote and aid the use of this interface. The architecture and interfaces defined by the NAND SW Working Group target compatibility with existing and future operating system architectures.
Peripheral & Interconnect Low Level Framework Working Group Working Group
The Peripheral and interconnect Low-level Framework (PLF) working group provides standardized services and software interfaces for users of MIPI peripheral devices within a MIPI system. These services allow for portability of software peripheral drivers and applications between systems, easing the task of integrating a new peripheral into a system. The services include a common means to access device identification and capability information over different MIPI Interfaces, and a complete software framework to support portable driver software. The group supports definition of groups of devices (Device Classes) so that common software can manage devices within the class, yet still be able to retrieve device-specific information (such as the size of a display or gain adjustment parameters). Peripheral software can also operate independently of the MIPI Interface in use, allowing a greater variety of peripheral device implementations.