Alldredge Et Al 2007
Alldredge Et Al 2007
Alldredge Et Al 2007
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The Auk 124(2):653–664, 2007
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654 Alldredge et al. [Auk, Vol. 124
There are three possible estimators for mod- when counts consist of two or more equal
eling individual differences in detection proba- intervals. The “Huggins closed captures” data
bilities (heterogeneity models) when sources of type, which allows for individual covariates,
variation are not observable, but we restricted is used in MARK. Model selection is based
our analyses to finite mixture models. Finite on AIC. Akaike’s Information Criterion is an
mixture models may be biologically reasonable information-theoretic approach used to select
for this situation, because the mixtures can be the most parsimonious (best tradeoff between
explained by the proportion of the population squared bias and variance of parameter estima-
with a particular singing rate, which corre- tors) model that explains the variation in the
sponds to detection probabilities. Finite mixture data (Burnham and Anderson 2002). In many
models of individual differences are likelihood- situations, AICc should be used, which is a
based estimators (Norris and Pollock 1996, second-order AIC that corrects for small sample
Pledger 2000) that assume that a population can size (Burnham and Anderson 2002).
be subdivided into a finite number of groups Unequal-interval point-count analysis.—Standard
with distinct detection probabilities. The advan- capture–recapture programs and their suite of
tage of having maximum-likelihood-based esti- candidate models cannot accommodate point
mators is that (1) models can be analyzed with counts divided into unequal intervals, because
likelihood-ratio tests for evaluating sources of in this case interval detection probabilities
variation and (2) model selection techniques, must be modeled as a detection rate. Models
such as Akaike’s Information Criterion (AIC), that include variation in detection probabilities
can be used to select the most parsimonious among intervals could still be examined with a
model (Williams et al. 2002). standard model, but not models without time
Covariates can also be included in all the variation. For situations where detection rates
above models to account for individual differ- are constant, interval detection rates will still
ences in detection probabilities among birds. vary because of the differing lengths of each
These differences are caused by observable interval. Therefore, it is necessary to model
sources of variation (sources that can be mea- interval detection probabilities as a function
sured during the point count), such as detection of time and detection rate. For example, model
distance, time of day, time of year, weather con- M0 would indicate a constant detection rate, but
ditions, singing rate, etc. interval detection probabilities would differ
Detection probability is modeled as a function because of differences in interval lengths.
of individual covariates. An intercept (β0) and a One approach to modeling the detection
slope (β1) parameter are estimated to model the process assumes that singing rates follow a
detection process. If, for example, detection Poisson process and that the probability of
probability is modeled as a function of distance detecting all songs of a species is equal. Under
on the logit scale, then, a er transforming back these assumptions, the instantaneous detection
to the real parameter estimates, detection prob- rate (ϕi) or the Poisson detectability coefficient
ability plotted against distance will appear is used to model the probability that a bird
similar in shape to a half-normal. The original sings during a specified period. The probabil-
suite of models described can be viewed as ity of detecting an individual in time interval i
intercept-only models. The effect of the covari- of length ti using an instantaneous rates formu-
ate term on the slope parameter is modeled as lation (Seber 1982) is
either a constant effect (additive) over time or a
variable effect (interaction) over time. Thus, in p i = 1 − e − ϕiti (1)
addition to the original 7 models, an additional
14 models parameterized with either additive This formulation is consistent with that typi-
or interaction covariate effects are possible, for cally used for removal experiments where
a total of 21 conceptual models. ϕi corresponds to the “Poisson catchability
Equal-interval point-count analysis.—Standard coefficient” and ti corresponds to the effort on
capture–recapture so ware, such as CAPTURE the ith occasion (Otis et al. 1978, Seber 1982).
(White et al. 1982) or MARK (White and Farnsworth et al. (2002) used an alternative for-
Burnham 1999), can provide estimates of mulation, the discrete rate formulation, which
detection probabilities and population size assumes a constant per-minute detection rate
April 2007] Time-of-detection Method 657
(γi), so that the probability of detecting an indi- The full multinomial likelihood can be written
vidual in interval i of length ti was given by as
p i = γ ii (2) L( N , ϕi , νi ,| xw ) =
N − ∑ xw
π ww ⎛⎜ 1 − ∑ π w ⎞⎟ w
When point counts consist of equal intervals,
it is not necessary to use equations (1) or (2), ∏ xw ! ⎛⎜⎝ N − ∑
xw ⎞ ! w
⎝ w ⎠
w (5)
because interval detection probabilities are on
the same time scale and, thus, are estimated
directly. Where xw is the number of observations for each
Here, we present the likelihoods for the possible detection history, excluding the history
instantaneous rate formulation. For a full devel- for the individuals never detected and πw (equa-
opment of these models, including discrete rate tion 4) is the probability of observing each cap-
models, see Alldredge (2004). The models that ture history, excluding the probability of never
account for differences in subsequent detection seeing an individual.
probabilities (e.g., model Mb) model the change Because N cannot be directly observed, we
in the detection probability for subsequent condition on the total number of birds counted
detections (ν) as (xT) to make the problem more amenable to
numerical methods. This is necessary when
ci = 1 − e −(ϕi + ν)ti (3) using SURVIV (White 1983) but may not be
necessary when using other so ware packages.
where ci is the interval detection probability for To do this, the likelihood is decomposed into a
all subsequent detections. Excluding the models marginal distribution L1 and a conditional dis-
with individual differences in detection prob- tribution L2. Then, the detection probabilities
ability, model Mtb is the most general model can be estimated from the conditional distribu-
and all other models are constrained forms of tion, and abundance can be estimated from the
this general model. First we present this model, marginal distribution. The relationship between
and then we present the models with individual these likelihoods is L = L1 × L2. Marginal likeli-
differences. hood L1 can be written as
A count consisting of four intervals has 15
possible observable detection histories (xw: x1111, ⎛N⎞
x1110 , … , x0001). The set of possible detection L1 ( N | xT ) = ⎜ ⎟ ( πi )xT (1 − πi )N − xT (6)
probabilities for the observable capture histo- ⎝ xT ⎠
ries is denoted by πw. The expected values of the
counts for each detection history of the general where π• is the sum of the πw. The likelihood L2
model can be written as is conditional on the observed capture histories,
given by
E( x1111 ) = N(1 − e − ϕ1t1 )(1 − e −(ϕ2 + ν)t2 )
⎛ xT ⎞ ⎛ πw ⎞
(1 − e −(ϕ3 + ν)t3 )(1 − e −(ϕ4 + ν))t4 ) = N π1111 L2 (ϕi , νi | xw ) = ⎜ ⎟∏⎜ ⎟ (7)
⎝ 1111 … x 0001 ⎠ w ⎝ πi ⎠
E( x1110 ) = N(1 − e − ϕ1t1 )(1 − e −(ϕ2 + ν)t2 )
(1 − e −(ϕ3 + ν)t3 )( e −(ϕ4 + ν)t4 ) = N π1110 From equation (7), the ϕi’s and ν’s can be esti-
(4) mated by maximizing the likelihood for the
observed data. The probability that an indi-
E( x1010 ) = N(1 − e − ϕ1t1 )( e −(ϕ2 + ν)t2 )
vidual is detected at least once during the count
(1 − e −(ϕ3 + ν)t3 )( e −(ϕ4 + ν)t4 ) = N π1010 (p̂T) can be calculated by
E( x0001 ) = N( e − ϕ1t1 )( e − ϕ2t2 )( e − ϕ3t3 )
(1 − e − ϕ4t4 ) = N π0001 The variance of p̂T is obtained for each estimator
by reparameterizing to estimate p̂T directly. This
can be done by solving one of the equations of
658 Alldredge et al. [Auk, Vol. 124
pT for the last interval parameter and using this the proportion of animals in each group times
in the likelihood. For example, if we solve equa- the group-specific capture and recapture prob-
tion (8) for ϕ4, we get abilities. For example, the expected value of the
count for the four-interval detection history for
1 ⎛ 1 − pT ⎞ individuals detected in all intervals is
ϕ4 = ln
t4 ⎜⎝ eϕ1t1 eϕ2t2 eϕ3t3 ⎟⎠ (9)
E( x1111 ) = N(λ(1 − e − ϕ11t1 )(1 − e −(ϕ21 + ν1 )t2 )
Replacing the final interval parameter with this (1 − e −(ϕ31 + ν1 )t3 )(1 − e −(ϕ41 + ν1 )t4 ) +
equation will allow for direct estimation of the (12)
probability that an individual is detected at least (1 − λ )(1 − e − ϕ12t2 )(1 − e −(ϕ22 + ν2 )t2 )
once and the associated variance. An alternative (1 − e −(ϕ32 + ν2 )t3 )(1 − e −(ϕ42 + ν2 )t4 )
approach is to use the delta method (Seber 1982)
and obtain estimators for the approximate vari- where λ is the proportion of animals in detec-
ances. Abundance is estimated from the likeli- tion group one, and the proportion of animals in
hood L1 as detection group two is 1 – λ as they must occur
in one of the groups, and the ϕij’s and νj’s are the
(10) probabilities of first detection and subsequent
detection in the ith interval for individuals in
The observed count (xT) is one realization of the jth group. There are similar expressions for
a random variable and, thus, has a variance the other xw. The conditional likelihood L(ϕij, νj ,
associated with it. Assuming that the observed λ| xw) is similar to equation (7):
count (xT) is from a binomial distribution and
that xT and p̂T are independent, an estimate of L2 (ϕij , ν j , λ | xw ) =
the variance of abundance is (Nichols et al. 2000,
Williams et al. 2002) ⎛ xT ⎞ ⎛ π w1 + π w 2 ⎞ w (13)
⎜x ⎟ ∏ ⎜ πi ⎟
⎝ 1111 ...x0001 ⎠ ∀w ⎝ ⎠
where π• is the probability of being detected
at least once during the entire count, πw1 is the
In general, four or more intervals are probability of being in the first group and hav-
required to parameterize heterogeneity mod- ing capture history w, and πw2 is the probability
els, unless very strong assumptions are made, of being in the other group and having capture
as in Farnsworth et al. (2002). We developed history w. Using this likelihood, the ϕij’s and νj’s
heterogeneity models based on ≥4 intervals. The can be estimated by maximizing the likelihood
assumptions required for the restricted hetero- for the observed data.
geneity models are given with the presentation The probability that an individual is detected
of the three interval examples. at least once during the count (p̂T) is calculated
We used a two-point finite mixture model using the estimated detection coefficients:
because a maximum-likelihood approach
allowed us to use information-theoretic model-
selection procedures. Pledger (2000) found that (14)
two-point mixtures generally provide the most
parsimonious models and best estimators. Our
approach is easily extended to more mixtures if for the equal interval formulation. The variance
appropriate. The model is presented using four for p̂T can again be calculated by reparameteriz-
sampling intervals. ing the model estimators to directly estimate p̂T.
Data from four interval point counts are Equations (10) and (11) are then used to estimate
summarized using the counts for the 15 observ- abundance and the corresponding variance.
able detection histories xw. Assuming that the Parameter estimation for unequal interval
population comprises only two groups (two data is done by maximizing the likelihood for
mixtures), the probabilities for each capture his- the observed data. This can be done in SURVIV
tory are calculated by summing the products of (White 1983). Model selection is based on AICc.
April 2007] Time-of-detection Method 659
Table 1. Values of ∆AICc for the four-interval Pearly-eyed Thrasher data set. A value of 0.0 indicates
the most parsimonious model that adequately fits the data. When ∆AICc weight > 0, ∆AICc
weight is given in parentheses. Distance is modeled as either an additive effect with time or an
interaction effect with time.
Group 1 Group 2
Parameter Estimate (p̂ij) SE (p̂ij) Estimate (p̂ij) SE (p̂ij)
p 1j 0.21 0.036 0.78 0.030
p 2j 0.09 0.090 ∼1.0 –a
p 3j 0.47 0.050 0.84 0.023
p 4j 0.56 0.055 0.70 0.026
λj 0.29 0.037 0.71 0.037
Models not included because of unreasonable parameter estimates.
detection probability was essentially 1 for one for models incorporating both heterogeneity
of the heterogeneity groups during the second and behavior, which indicates that detection
interval, abundance for this group is equivalent probabilities for birds did not change a er first
to the count. Note that the standard error (SE) is detection.
not estimable for parameter estimates near the Interval-detection probabilities showed a
boundary. The total number of observations for consistent pattern; the shortest intervals had the
this data set was 520, and the estimated abun- smallest detection probabilities, and the longest
dance for the sampled area was 547 (SE = 8.6), intervals had the highest detection probabilities
which is 5% higher than the observed count. (Table 4). This was not true for the Red-eyed
Three-interval data set.—Heterogeneity mod- Vireo, which had a detection probability of 0.41
els were the most parsimonious for the three for the 3-min interval and 0.48 for the 2-min
unequal-interval data sets from Great Smoky interval. This may indicate an observer effect
Mountains National Park (Table 3). The ∆AICc that made this species less detectable during the
weights for all models without heterogeneity first interval. The overall probability of detect-
were always negligible, indicating no evidence ing an individual at least once during a 10-min
supporting these models. Model Mth was count was 0.92 (SE = 0.006) for the Ovenbird,
selected as the most parsimonious for three of 0.79 (SE = 0.021) for the Black-throated Green
the species, whereas Model Mh was selected for Warbler, 0.71 (SE = 0.031) for the Red-eyed
the Ovenbird. All species except the Ovenbird Vireo, and 0.65 (SE = 0.037) for the Hooded
showed evidence for time variation in instanta- Warbler. Comparing the observed counts to
neous rates of detection, indicating that detec- the estimated abundance in the sample area
tion probabilities do not remain constant for showed differences of 5% (Ovenbird) to 16%
the duration of counts. There was little support (Hooded Warbler).
April 2007] Time-of-detection Method 661
Table 3. Values of ∆AICc for the 11 time-of-detection models fit to the Great Smoky Mountains
National Park data sets. For the most parsimonious model for each data set, ∆AICc = 0.0. ∆AICc
weights (in parentheses) indicate the strength of the evidence for a given model compared with
the other models (the larger the number, the more evidence for that model).
Table 4. Parameter estimates from the selected model for the three-interval Great Smoky Mountains
National Park point-count data sets. λ1 is the proportion of the population that is in group 1.
Detection probability (pij) is the probability of detecting an individual from group j in interval i.
Detection probabilities for group 2 (pt2) were fixed to 1. Standard errors (SE) are in parentheses.
year, and the presence of predators or competi- Short-duration counts reduce violations of the
tors. Although stratification by habitat type and closure assumption. The probability that birds
standardization of the conditions under which move into or out of the sample area increases
point counts are conducted can eliminate some with the duration of the count. This does not
differences among points (Buckland et al. 1993, imply that all point counts should be arbitrarily
Nichols et al. 2000), unobservable heterogeneity short, because there is a tradeoff associated with
exists in all data (Burnham 1981). count duration and the need for four intervals
A particularly important source of hetero- to fit the full heterogeneity models. If intervals
geneity in auditory point counts is individual are too short, interval detection probabilities
variation in singing rate. Singing rates change will be small and the variance on abundance or
during the breeding season as birds form pairs, density estimates will be large. Careful consid-
begin incubation, and begin caring for nest- eration must be given to the appropriate length
lings (Wasserman 1977, Lein 1981). Therefore, of point counts for the species surveyed. This
asynchronous breeding inevitably results in may imply different survey protocols for differ-
temporal heterogeneity in detection probabili- ent species groups.
ties. Singing rates are also affected by habitat, Assumption (2): Individuals can be accurately
local abundance, and the proximity of observers tracked throughout the count (i.e., no double-
(McShea and Rappole 1997). counting). Double-counting results in abun-
Evidence for a time effect was found in four dance estimates that are too large. Problems
of the five data sets presented here. Therefore, it with double-counting are likely to increase
appears that the assumption of constant detec- as the length of the count increases because
tion rates under the removal model may not be of undetected movement of birds. Infrequent
valid. McShea and Rappole (1997) found that singing by individuals may also lead to double-
singing rates were affected by the presence of counting, because of limited ability of observers
an observer. Movement of an individual during to track these birds throughout the survey. Our
the count would also affect the detection process, method requires observers to track individuals
because as birds move away from observers they during the count, which should reduce double
are less likely to be detected. This assumption is counting. However, violations of this assump-
not necessary with our method, because there is tion related to bird movement are more likely as
sufficient information to model time variation count durations increase.
from the full detection history. Assumption (3): Distance estimates are accu-
The time-of-detection approach also reduces rate. Although observers are o en trained to
the number of assumptions required to esti- estimate detection distance or assign birds to
mate abundance. The removal method for three fixed-radius plots, the accuracy and precision
intervals had five assumptions (Farnsworth et al. of distance estimation on auditory point counts
2002), which could be relaxed to four if more than has not been rigorously assessed. We suspect
three intervals were used. The time-of-detection that, even with training, observers tend to over-
approach has only three assumptions for counts count individuals within fixed-radius plots,
conducted with more than three intervals. especially for louder species, and that the ability
Assumption (1): there is no change in the of observers to estimate detection distances for
population within the detection radius during singing birds may be poor.
the point count (closed population). Violations As with other point-count methods that
of the closure assumptions are more likely to allow for abundance estimation, this method
occur for longer-duration point counts and for requires collection of additional information
wide-ranging species. This method may not be during the point count. This extra demand on
applicable for wide-ranging species, such as observers may make the method impractical in
woodpeckers (Picidae) or crows (Corvus spp.), some situations. For example, if the number of
where movement during the count may be sig- birds and the number of species at a point are
nificant. Violations of the closure assumption large, it is unlikely that observers can accurately
are probably less of a problem for many small record the detection history of every bird. In
breeding songbirds that have relatively small, such cases, other methods, or limiting the col-
fixed territories during the breeding season lection of time-of-detection data to a subset of
(Farnsworth et al. 2002). species, might be more appropriate.
April 2007] Time-of-detection Method 663
Our findings suggest that singing rates have in Estimating Numbers of Terrestrial Birds
a strong influence on detection probabilities, (C. J. Ralph and J. M. Scott, Eds.). Studies in
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Resources. We appreciate the suggestions by two Nichols, J. D., J. E. Hines, J. R. Sauer, F. W.
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