Coupling Dark Fermentation and Microbial Electrolysis To Enhance Bio-Hydrogen Production From Agro-Industrial Wastewaters and By-Products in A Bio-Refinery Framework
Coupling Dark Fermentation and Microbial Electrolysis To Enhance Bio-Hydrogen Production From Agro-Industrial Wastewaters and By-Products in A Bio-Refinery Framework
Coupling Dark Fermentation and Microbial Electrolysis To Enhance Bio-Hydrogen Production From Agro-Industrial Wastewaters and By-Products in A Bio-Refinery Framework
Article history: The aim of this work is to evaluate biohydrogen production from agro-industrial waste-
Received 4 April 2016 waters and by-products, by combining dark fermentation and microbial electrolysis in a
Received in revised form two-step cascade process. Such coupling of both technologies constitutes a technological
13 September 2016 building block within a concept of environmental biorefinery where sustainable production
Accepted 24 September 2016 of renewable energy is expected.
Available online xxx Six different wastewaters and industrial by-products coming from cheese, fruit juice,
paper, sugar, fruit processing and spirits factories were evaluated for the feasibility of
Keywords: hydrogen production in a two-step process. The overall hydrogen production when
Biohydrogen coupling dark fermentation and microbial electrolysis was increased up to 13 times when
Dark fermentation (DF) compared to fermentation alone, achieving a maximum overall hydrogen yield of
Microbial electrolysis cell (MEC) 1608.6 ± 266.2 mLH2/gCODconsumed and a maximum of 78.5 ± 5.7% of COD removal.
Agro-industrial wastewaters and These results show that dark fermentation coupled with microbial electrolysis is a
by-products highly promising option to maximize the conversion of agro-industrial wastewaters and
Two-stage process by-products into bio-hydrogen.
© 2016 Hydrogen Energy Publications LLC. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (A. Marone).
, Alcala
Current address: IMDEA Water Institute, Technological Park of the University of Alcala de Henares, Spain.
0360-3199/© 2016 Hydrogen Energy Publications LLC. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Please cite this article in press as: Marone A, et al., Coupling dark fermentation and microbial electrolysis to enhance bio-hydrogen
production from agro-industrial wastewaters and by-products in a bio-refinery framework, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy
2 i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y x x x ( 2 0 1 6 ) 1 e1 3
Although H2 is mostly used as chemical reactant in various such as COD removal, material and energy recovery into a
industrial sectors, such oil refining (44%) or ammonia pro- single cascade process increases the system overall efficiency
duction (38%), hydrogen is considered as one of the most and potential for deployment. This provides dual environ-
serious alternatives to fossil fuels for future transportation mental benefits in the direction of wastewater treatment
vehicles [1]. Indeed, the major advantage of energy from along with sustainable bioenergy generation [7]. In the field of
hydrogen is the absence of polluting emissions since the ME cells for the production of hydrogen as a value-added
utilization of hydrogen, either via combustion or via fuel product researches have explored all the parameters that
cells, results in pure water [2]. It has also the highest energy might influence their performance, e.g.: electrode materials,
content per unit weight of any known fuel (142 kJ g1) and pH, temperature, type of substrate, among many others
can be transported for domestic/industrial consumption [13e15].
through conventional means [3]. However, hydrogen pro- The present manuscript tackles one pending issue in the
duction at industrial scale is mainly based on natural gas field of MECs: the use of dead-end fermentation products as
reforming with high environmental impacts through the substrates for microbial electrolysis thus significantly
release of huge amounts of fossil carbon dioxide [4]. The two increasing the overall production of hydrogen by coupling
most important challenges are to generate sustainably both technologies.
enough H2 from renewable sources and to reduce the pro- To date, only a few studies have dealt with H2 production
duction costs [5]. The development of green technologies is in DF process coupled with ME. Mostly, single carbon sour-
therefore crucial for the sustainability of a future H2 trans- ces were used as model substrates [8,16,17]. Nonetheless,
portation sector. more complex (fermentable) substrates, such as cellulose
Currently, besides hydrogen production by water electrol- [18,19] have also been investigated. Lalaurette et al. [20]
ysis based on renewable resources, the promising sectors of were the first to propose a two-stage system (DFeME)
hydrogen production are those of biomass biorefinery. using organic waste (acid-pretreated corn stover) as sub-
Among diverse renewable biomass based H2-producing strate, but they observed methane generation in the ME.
technologies, Dark Fermentation (DF) using anaerobic micro- Recently, different kinds of organic waste and by-products
bial communities, has gained increased attention not only have been investigated for H2 production by coupling DF
because it achieves high H2 production rates, but also for its and ME in a cascade process: acid-pretreated corn stalk [21];
ability to produce H2 at low costs when degrading complex crude glycerol [22] cheese whey [23] and waste activated
and unsterilized substrates such as waste [6]. sludge [24,25]. All these studies reported relatively high H2
Among various organic-rich substrates, wastewaters and yields, with both overall H2 yield and energy efficiency being
industrial by-products have gained a considerable attention much higher than the one obtained when only dark
due to their advantages such as high organic loads, low fermentation was used. Although all these works deal with
nutrient requirements and positive net energy gain [7]. bench-scale reactors, they clearly demonstrated the suit-
Particularly, wastewaters represent abundant, cheap and ability of the use of dead-end fermentation products as
widely available sources of biodegradable substrates not yet substrates for microbial electrolysis, significantly increasing
exploited to produce bio-hydrogen by dark fermentation (DF) the overall production of hydrogen by coupling both
[2]. The use of mixed consortia as biocatalyst for H2 produc- technologies.
tion, can be a practical and promising option for scaling up the The aim of this research was to evaluate and compare in
DF technology, especially when wastewaters are used as the same conditions the potential of different agro-industrial
substrates [8]. However, fermentative H2 production provides effluents, wastewaters and by-products, for the application
only partial oxidation of the organic substrate. Therefore, it is of a two-step biohydrogen production process, combining DF
likely to be industrially viable only if the fermentative bio- and ME in a biorefinery framework.
processes are integrated within a stream that can utilize the Six different substrates coming from cheese (CW), fruit
fermentation by-products [9]. juice (FJW), paper (PW), sugar (SW), fruit processing (FPW) and
Bio-electrochemical systems have been proposed as a spirits (VB2) factories were selected to evaluate the suitability
technology that can be coupled with fermentative hydrogen of two-step process at bench-scale. These substrates were
production [10]. More specifically, microbial electrolysis (ME) representative of different agro-industrial sectors, with
that is a promising candidate for the augmentation of clas- wastewater treatment systems (or by-products current use)
sical, single-stage dark fermentation to generate hydrogen gas that could be upgraded by producing biohydrogen. The efflu-
with a better efficiency [11]. Indeed, microbial electrolysis is ents from the fermentation of these substrates were tested in
accomplished in an electrochemical reactor, with an anode at two chambers ME cells to further recover H2 and COD removal.
which organic substrates are microbially oxidized to provide
an electric current that is then used at the cathode to elec-
trochemically produce hydrogen from water. The anode and Materials and methods
cathode may be or not separated by an ionic membrane. This
process requires a small external power supply in order to Agro-industrial wastewaters and by-products
make the hydrogen production thermodynamically favorable
[12]. Combining DF with ME in a two-steps cascade process Samples of 20 different agro-industrial wastewaters and by-
can result in a complete exploitation of biodegradable products were collected from a wide range of industrial sec-
wastewaters, which maximizes at the same time both energy tors (i.e. agroindustry, food, manufacturing, biofuel, waste-
recovery and effluent treatment [10]. Combining necessities water treatment). They were evaluated in terms of H2
Please cite this article in press as: Marone A, et al., Coupling dark fermentation and microbial electrolysis to enhance bio-hydrogen
production from agro-industrial wastewaters and by-products in a bio-refinery framework, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy
i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y x x x ( 2 0 1 6 ) 1 e1 3 3
(FJW); fruit processing wastewater (FPW); paper mill wastewater (PW); sugar production wastewater (SW) and vinasse residues from the distillation of sugar beets for
fermentation [26]. Six different wastewaters and by-products,
Table 1 e Chemical and biochemical characteristics of raw agro-industrial wastewaters and by-products: ricotta cheese whey (CW); fruit juice production wastewater
representative of different agro-industrial sectors, with
wastewater treatment systems (or by-products current use)
that could be upgraded by producing biohydrogen, were
selected on the basis of fermentative conversion efficiency
(i.e., both H2 and metabolic by-product accumulation) to be
used as substrate for the present study. They were: deprotei-
NH4 þ
nized ricotta cheese whey (CW) namely “scotta”, mixed sheep
and cattle, supplied from a dairy factory in central Italy; fruit
processing wastewater (FPW) from a food manufacturing in-
dustry from south of France; sugar production wastewater
NO3 2
(SW) provided by a French sugar factory; wastewater from an
industrial fruit juice production plant (FJW) located in south
France; concentrated vinasse residues from the distillation of
sugar beets for spirits production, supplied by industrial plant
(VB2) of a French cooperative and paper mill wastewater (PW)
collected from a French paper factory.
It's worth to precise that, whilst FPW, SW, FJW and PW are
N Tot
typical industrial wastewaters which undergone a classical
(aerobic or anaerobic) wastewater treatment process, CW and
VB2 should be considered as industrial by-products. CW,
namely “scotta”, is the effluent from the Ricotta cheese pro-
duction, unlike “classical” whey, which is rich in proteins and
is currently used as a livestock feed, scotta is poor in proteins
[27]. This makes scotta unattractive for further processing;
therefore the liquid itself has been poorly studied so far and is
actually considered as a waste [28]. VB2, instead, is the result
SO4 2
of six fold concentration of the original distillation effluent
and currently it is valued as fertilizer.
As shown in Table 1, the substrates composition varied
PO4 3
significantly both in terms of total organic matter content, and
biochemical or chemical composition.
For CW, FPW and FJW most of the determined COD
molecules as cellulose.
Please cite this article in press as: Marone A, et al., Coupling dark fermentation and microbial electrolysis to enhance bio-hydrogen
production from agro-industrial wastewaters and by-products in a bio-refinery framework, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy
4 i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y x x x ( 2 0 1 6 ) 1 e1 3
uniform the experimental conditions, raw substrate samples acetate as unique carbon and energy source. During these two
were diluted to reach an organic content 3 gCOD L1. SW chronoamperometric cycles a medium with the following
and FJW which were characterized by a lower organic matter composition was used: 2 g/L NH4Cl, 0.5 g/L K2HPO4, 9.76 g/L
content (2.35 and 1.80 gCOD L1 respectively) were used MES (2-[N-morpholino] ethane sulfonic acid) buffer, trace vi-
without dilution. MES buffer 50 mM and 1 mL of oligoele- tamins/minerals solutions [32] and 2-brome-ethane sulfonate
ments solution [29] were added to each flask. Anaerobically (BES) 10 mM to inhibit methanogens. At the beginning of each
digested sludge pretreated by heat/shock treatment (90 , enrichment cycle, the ME reactors were inoculated with
10 min) was used as inoculum at a substrate-to-biomass ratio anaerobic sediments (10% v/v) as described in Ref. [33].
(S/X) of 10. The initial pH was adjusted to 5.5 with NaOH 2N or Duration of a chronoamperometric cycle during enrichment
37% HCl. All batch tests were performed in triplicate and procedure varied from 6 to 7 days. Cyclic voltammetry (CV)
standard deviations are presented through all the manu- was performed at the beginning of each MEC enrichment
script. After inoculation, each bottle was flushed with ni- batch cycle before reactor inoculation (control-CV) to assure
trogen gas (>99.995%) for 10 min to ensure anaerobic that the electrochemical system was working adequately and
conditions. The bottles were then capped with a rubber at the maximum of current density production during chro-
stopper and incubated at 37 C. Reactors headspace were noamperometry. An illustrative example of chronoampero-
sampled at 6 h intervals and gas pressure and composition metric cycles and relatives CVs performed during the
(O2, H2, N2 and CH4) were measured using an automated enrichment procedure of electroactive biofilm is reported in
multiplexed micro-gas chromatograph (lGC R3000, SRA in- Fig. S1 of Supplementary Information (SI).
strument) equipped of a thermal conductivity detector using After the enrichment cycles, the medium in the anode
12e20 flasks in parallel, as previously described [30]. All chamber was replaced with the effluents from the fermenta-
volumes were expressed under temperature and pressure tion as carbon and energy source, neither inoculum nor
standard conditions. Cumulative hydrogen production was additional nutrient components were added to the effluent
determined by mass balance as previously described in Ref. during the test. Prior to use dark fermentation effluents, these
[31]. The experimental procedure ended when the pressure were pretreated by removing microbial biomass through
in the flask headspace started to drop, indicating hydrogen centrifugation (at 8000 rpm for 20 min) to avoid any possible
consumption. After this, liquid samples were taken at the influence. The pH was adjusted to 7.0 and effluents were
end of batch operation for pH and metabolite analyses. The flushed with nitrogen gas (purity 99.995%, Linde France S.A.)
effluents of dark fermentation were biochemically charac- for 30 min and 10 min more within the sealed reactor to
terized, and stored in sealed bottles at 20 C to preserve the establish anaerobic conditions. The total duration of a chro-
final composition to be tested in the second stage of micro- noamperometric cycle during experiments varied from 7 to 20
bial electrolysis cells. days. The volume of biogas production in ME reactors was
measured using water displacement method. The current,
Microbial electrolysis cell set up and operation biogas composition, soluble organic molecules and volatile
fatty acids (VFAs) concentration were monitored as described
The electrochemical system used for hydrogen production below.
from fermentation effluents was a cylindrical two-chamber
reactor. Each chamber had a working volume of 400 mL. The Analytical measurements
anode was a 7.0 cm 5.5 cm 1.0 cm carbon felt (RVG4000,
Mersen S.A., France), screwed onto a 2 mm diameter titanium The analysis of Total Suspended Solids (TSS), Volatile Sus-
road (TI007910/13, Goodfellow SARL, France) as electron col- pended Solids (VSS) and Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD)
lector. The cathode was a 90% Platinum-10% Iridium mesh were performed according to standard methods [34]. Total
(Heraeus PSP S.A.S., France). The reactor was hermetically Nitrogen content (TKN) was analyzed using a Buchi digestion
sealed with a silicone seal and crimping ring of stainless steel unit K438 and a Buchi 370-K distillator/titrator. Proteins were
at each chamber. An anion exchange membrane (AEM, determined by multiplying Total Kjeldhal Nitrogen (TKN) by
Fumasep FAA, FuMA-Tech BWT GmbH, Germany) separated 6.25. The volatile fatty acids (VFA) composition was deter-
both chambers. All ME tests were conducted at a set temper- mined with a gas chromatograph (GC-580, Clarus) equipped
ature of 37 C. A magnetic stirrer rotating at 250 rpm gently with an automatic sampler, an Elite-FFAP column (Perki-
homogenized the mixture during all the experiments. MEC nElmer) and a flame ionization detector (FID) according to
tests were carried out in triplicate for FPW, PW and SW and in Que me
neur et al. [30]. The concentrations of soluble sugars
duplicate for FJW, CW and VB2; standard deviations are pre- (glucose, fructose, sucrose, galactose, arabinose, lactose and
sented through all the manuscript. xylose), glycerol and other soluble organic molecules such as
All the bioelectrochemical experiments were conducted ethanol, lactate, succinate and formate were measured by
using a saturated calomel electrode (SCE, Hg/Hg2Cl2 þ240 mV HPLC analysis and refractometric detection, as previously
vs. SHE) (Origalys Electrochem SAS, France). The anode po- described in Ref. [35]. Ionic content was analyzed with ion
tential was fixed at þ200.0 mV vs. SCE (þ444.0 mV vs. SHE) chromatograph (ICS 3000, Dionex, USA) equipped with pre-
using a Potentiostat VMP3 (BioLogic Science Instruments, columns NGI 2 mm and CG 11 2 mm followed by separation
France) controlled by using the EC-Laboratory v.10.1 software. columns CS 16 3 mm and AG 15 2 mm for cations and anions,
For all experiments, the current density was recorded every respectively. The eluents used for this analysis were HMSA
60 s. The electroactive biofilm in the anode was previously (25e40 mM) pumped at 0.3 mL/min for cations and KOH
enriched by using two chronoamperometric cycles with 2 g/L (10e74 mM) pumped at 0.35 mL/min for anions [36].
Please cite this article in press as: Marone A, et al., Coupling dark fermentation and microbial electrolysis to enhance bio-hydrogen
production from agro-industrial wastewaters and by-products in a bio-refinery framework, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy
i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y x x x ( 2 0 1 6 ) 1 e1 3 5
For ME experiments, the gas composition (CH4, CO2, H2 and measured during the experiment and the ideal gas law. Cal-
N2) of the anodic and cathodic chambers was analyzed daily culations for hydrogen yield (YH2, mLH2/gCOD) were based on
from a sample taken directly in the gaseous headspace of the the hydrogen volume produced for unit of consumed COD as
reactor with a syringe which was analyzed by a gas chro- YH2 ¼ VH2/DCOD.
matograph (Clarus 580 GC, Perkin Elmer, USA) coupled to The performances in terms of energy recovery (YE, %) were
thermal catharometer detector as described in Ref. [37]. All based on the energy content of the hydrogen produced,
volumes were expressed under temperature and pressure compared to the electric energy input added into the system
standard conditions. Volatile fatty acids (VFA), residual sugars by the potentiostat (We, kJ), as YE ¼ WH2/We. The amount of
and non-VFA metabolic byproducts such as organic acids energy recovered by the hydrogen produced over a batch cycle
(lactate or formate) and ethanol in the liquid phase were (WH2, kJ) was calculated as WH2 ¼ nH2 DHH2 on the basis of
analyzed every 2e3 days as described before. the hydrogen heat combustion energy, DHH2 ¼ 285.8 kJ/mol.
The net electric energy yield has been calculated as electric
Microbial community analysis of anodic biofilm energy input (Wh) consumed per mole of H2 produced as We/
nH2. The overall hydrogen yield was calculated as the sum of
At the end of ME experiment, the anodic biofilm was sampled the cumulated volume of hydrogen per unit of COD consumed
and genomic DNA was extracted and purified as previously in each stage (Dark Fermentation þ Microbial Electrolysis).
described [32]. The V4 and V5 regions of the 16S rRNA genes Analysis of variance (ANOVA) was performed for compar-
were amplified and sequenced by Illumina MiSeq (get.geno- ison of mean with R software (version 3.3.0, available in CRAN and sequences were analyzed as described elsewhere website) by using Rcmdr library.
[38]. Sequences have been submitted to GenBank, with
accession No. KU998264eKU999067.
Results and discussion
Dark fermentation
A modified Gompertz equation was used to model hydrogen
production in dark fermentation experiments [39], Excel Add- Hydrogen production from fermentation of different agro-
in Solver was used to fit this model to the experimental data as industrial wastewaters and by-products
previously described in Ref. [40]. The performance of the ME Table 2 summarizes the results of the fermentation of
reactors were characterized and compared based on the different agro-industrial wastewaters and by-products,
following parameters: Coulombic efficiency (CE), cathodic including H2 production performance parameters and meta-
hydrogen recovery (rcat), hydrogen yield (YH2), maximum bolic end products accumulation.
current density (A/m2) and electrical energy recovery yield Depending on the substrate, the maximum cumulative
(YE). All calculations were based on COD removal because of hydrogen production yield varied from 18.8 ± 4.8 to 95.1 ± 26.4
the complexity of the substrate used. The coulombic effi- mLH2 gCODinitial 1 (Fig. 1). The highest yield was obtained with
ciency (CE, %) was calculated as CE ¼ nce/nth, where nce is the CW, which was the richest substrate in soluble sugars. Inter-
number of hydrogen moles that could be recovered based on estingly, CW also showed the highest variability between
the measured current and nth is the theoretical maximal pro- replicates (Fig. 1 and Table 2). This result is consistent with the
duction based on COD removal. The cathodic hydrogen re- yield of 102 ± 33 mLH2 gVS1 previously reported for the same
covery (rcat, %) was calculated as rcat ¼ nH2/nce, where nH2 is kind of substrate [41]. The wastewater issued from a sugar
number of moles of hydrogen actually produced at the cath- factory (SW), showed the lowest yield at 18.8 ± 4.8 mLH2
ode, which were calculated from the volume of hydrogen gCODinitial 1 , which is not surprising when considering the low
Table 2 e Fermentation parameters of raw agro-industrial wastewaters and by-products: ricotta cheese whey (CW); fruit
juice production wastewater (FJW); fruit processing wastewater (FPW); paper mill wastewater (PW); sugar production
wastewater (SW) and vinasse residues from the distillation of sugar beets for spirits production (VB2).
Substrate Time pHF condF H2 Yield Gompertz parameters ASuc EtOH AAce APro ABut 13Prop
(h) (mS cm1) (% mol/mol) (mLH2 $ gCOD1
pH2 r l R2
(mL) (mLH2 h ) (h)
CW 37 5.5 7.4 13.8 95.1 54.6 2.00 12 1.0 12.4 101 35.3 0.0 81.1 0.0
WC 34 4.8 5.9 12.1 57.6 39.5 2.48 12 1.0 0 235 105 0 92.1 0
SW 37 5.4 15.8 3.2 18.8 8.5 1.08 21 1.0 35.7 76.7 279 34.3 209 0
FJW 35 5.1 6.1 8.5 74.9 25.6 2.73 13 0.99 0 0 147 0 261 0
VB2 59 5.6 6.6 5.1 35.4 15.5 0.81 26 1.0 19.2 0 94.1 8.95 286 154
PW 37 5.5 7.4 4.7 19.3 14.2 0.82 24 1.0 127 62.4 74.1 56.7 117 0
Notes: time required to reach maximum production of hydrogen (Time), final pH (pHF), final conductivity (condF), H2% and H2 production yields
(mLH2 gCOD1 2
initial); H2 Gompertz equation parameters: production potential (PH2), rate (r), lag phase (l) and Pearson correlation coefficients (R )
between observed and predicted data; and metabolic end-products accumulation in mgCOD gCOD1L1 (ASuc ¼ succinic acid, EtOH ¼ ethanol,
AAce ¼ acetic acid, AProp ¼ propionic acid, ABut ¼ butyric acid,13Prop ¼ 1,3 propanediol) when the maximum hydrogen was reached. (nd ¼ not
Please cite this article in press as: Marone A, et al., Coupling dark fermentation and microbial electrolysis to enhance bio-hydrogen
production from agro-industrial wastewaters and by-products in a bio-refinery framework, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy
6 i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y x x x ( 2 0 1 6 ) 1 e1 3
Please cite this article in press as: Marone A, et al., Coupling dark fermentation and microbial electrolysis to enhance bio-hydrogen
production from agro-industrial wastewaters and by-products in a bio-refinery framework, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy
i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y x x x ( 2 0 1 6 ) 1 e1 3 7
Fig. 4 e Hydrogen yield (YH2, mLH2/gCODconsumed) and cathodic hydrogen recovery (rcat, %) obtained in ME cells from
fermentation effluents of diverse agro-industrial wastewaters and by-products: ricotta cheese whey (CW); fruit juice
production wastewater (FJW); fruit processing wastewater (FPW); paper mill wastewater (PW); sugar production wastewater
(SW) and vinasse residues from the distillation of sugar beets for spirits production (VB2).
Please cite this article in press as: Marone A, et al., Coupling dark fermentation and microbial electrolysis to enhance bio-hydrogen
production from agro-industrial wastewaters and by-products in a bio-refinery framework, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy
8 i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y x x x ( 2 0 1 6 ) 1 e1 3
Table 3 e MEC hydrogen production parameters of raw agro-industrial wastewaters and by-products.
Substrate Time (days) H2 (mL) H2 yield (mLH2 , gCODconsumed 1 ) Electric energy
yield (Wh/H2 mol)
CW 14 ± 0 128.9 ± 4.8 714.7 ± 58.0 18.1 ± 0.8
FJW 16 ± 6 158.1 ± 14.4 1478.2 ± 267.6 11.0 ± 0.2
FPW 13 ± 7 56.9 ± 22.3 652.4 ± 38.5 21.5 ± 0.5
PW 9±3 20.1 ± 20.3 219.4 ± 139.9 23.3 ± 3.0
SW 12 ± 5 51.3 ± 53.4 344.3 ± 175.7 25.2 ± 8.2
VB2 16 ± 0 176.7 ± 73.0 1399.57 ± 388.4 18.4 ± 1.8
CW ¼ ricotta cheese whey; FJW ¼ fruit juice production wastewater; FPW ¼ fruit processing wastewater; PW ¼ paper mill wastewater;
SW ¼ sugar production wastewater and VB2 ¼ vinasse residues from the distillation of sugar beets for spirits production.
Values of cathodic hydrogen recovery ranged between process. Commercial low temperature electrolyzers have
52.1 ± 0.1% and 101.4 ± 0.9%. In all tested effluents, at least half system efficiencies of 56e73% (70.1e53.4 kWh/kg H2 at 1 atm
of the current generated by the anode was used to produce and 25 C) [1] it means that the net electric energy (Wh)
hydrogen at the cathode. The lowest values of rcat (Fig. 4) consumed per mole of H2 produced ranges from 107 to 140. As
implied an important loss of electrons. As the cathodic reported in Table 3, the net energy yields of this study ranged
chamber was abiotic, a low rcat means that electrochemical from 11.0 ± 0.2 to 25.2 ± 8.2 Wh/mol of produced H2, which is
side-reactions, such as reduction of metal ions, occurred in considered low. Thus, although these results are not repre-
the cathodic chamber. It is likely that some ions of the sub- sentative of an industrial process, they support the use of MEC
strates present in the anodic chamber diffused to the cathode technologies as an alternative for H2 production, especially
chamber through the membrane. It is worth mentioning that when combined with organic waste valorization.
no methane was detected in the anode or in the cathode Anyway, an effective comparison should be done only with
chambers and therefore could not explain electrons loss. systems in comparable conditions. Batlle-Vilanova et al. [50],
compared biotic and an abiotic (pure electrochemical re-
COD removal and energy yield in MEC actions) MEC for hydrogen production in the identical opera-
Regarding the energy yield (Fig. 5), the total electrical input tive conditions [50]. In that study, hydrogen was produced in a
energy that was recovered from all effluents was always more efficiently way in the biotic MEC and the energy demand
higher than 100%. In other words, the energy that could be of the abiotic MEC (170.1e995.5 kWh kg1 H2) was higher than
recovered by combustion of H2 was always higher that the the biotic MEC (33.2e117.0 kWh kg1 H2).
supplied electrical needs. The minimum value was COD removal efficiency observed in MEC stage ranged from
336.3 ± 16.0% meaning that the energy produced was at least 35 to 63% in average and showed a great variability between
three times higher than the supplied energy. The maximum replicates (Fig. 4). High variability of the energy yields and COD
energy recovery was 725.0 ± 7.8% from the fruit juice waste- removals in MEC were likely resulting from the initial effluent
water (FJW). Both high hydrogen yield and low electricity COD concentration and composition. As shown in Fig. 4, the best
supply contributed to an increase of the overall energy yield. results were obtained for CW, FJW and VB2. When comparing
Although the results presented in this study are obtained at the data in Table 2 and Fig. 4, a relationship was found between
bench scale, therefore they are not representative of an in- high energy recovery and simple initial composition or a high
dustrial process, it is interesting to compare them to the initial amount of butyrate. The removal sequence of by-
consumption of abiotic electrochemical electrolysis, as actual metabolites was as follows: ethanol > butyrate > acetate,
industrial alternative to the proposed bio-based H2 production which supports the previous conclusion.
Fig. 5 e Energy yield (YE, %) and COD removal (%) in MEC stage from diverse fermented effluents: ricotta cheese whey (CW);
fruit juice production wastewater (FJW); fruit processing wastewater (FPW); paper mill wastewater (PW); sugar production
wastewater (SW) and vinasse residues from the distillation of sugar beets for spirits production (VB2).
Please cite this article in press as: Marone A, et al., Coupling dark fermentation and microbial electrolysis to enhance bio-hydrogen
production from agro-industrial wastewaters and by-products in a bio-refinery framework, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy
production from agro-industrial wastewaters and by-products in a bio-refinery framework, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy
Please cite this article in press as: Marone A, et al., Coupling dark fermentation and microbial electrolysis to enhance bio-hydrogen
Table 4 e Compilation of published works that report the production of hydrogen from complex substrates by coupling dark fermentation and microbial electrolysis.
Substrate Type of DF reactor Electrodes materials used in ME Applied YH2 DF-I stage YH2 ME-II stage YH2 coupling Electric efficiency COD Ref.
source stage volt. (V) (mLH2/gCOD) (mLH2/gCOD) (mLH2/gCOD) (Wh/mol H2) removal (%)
Anode Cathode
Domestic Batch Graphite brush Carbon cloth with a 0.8 135.15* 1200.00 1335.15* 51.56* 50 [24]
wastewater 35 C Pt catalyst layer.
i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y x x x ( 2 0 1 6 ) 1 e1 3
Cellulose CSTR Brush carbon Carbon cloth with a 0.44 57.58* 812.72* 870.30* 78.91* 15 [18]
60 C fibers Pt catalyst layer
Corn stalk Batch Two pieces of Carbon cloth with a 0.8 168.16* 1000.00 1168.16* 47.83* 44 ± 2 [21]
36 C square graphite Pt catalyst layer
Crude glycerol Batch Heat-treated Carbon cloth with 1.0 124.10* 106.15 230.25* NA 10.4 ± 1.4/40.6 ± 4.9% [22]
35 C graphite brush stainless steel mesh
Lignocellulose Batch Graphite fiber Flat carbon cloth 0.5 225.92* 900.00 1125.92* 36.09* 50 [20]
and cellobiose 50 C brush pretreated containing a Pt
using an NH3 catalyst
Ricotta cheese Batch Carbon felt 90% Platinum-10% 0.2 122.27 714.69 836.96 18.12 78.5 ± 5.7 This work
whey (CW) 37 C Iridium mesh
Fruit juice Batch Carbon felt 90% Platinum-10% 0.2 130.41 1478.22 1608.63 10.95 71.8 ± 1.6 This work
production 37 C Iridium mesh
Fruit processing Batch Carbon felt 90% Platinum-10% 0.2 101.85 652.42 754.27 21.50 73.8 ± 3.6 This work
wastewater 37 C Iridium mesh
Paper mill Batch Carbon felt 90% Platinum-10% 0.2 37.37 219.39 256.76 23.26 57.1 ± 6.1 This work
wastewater 37 C Iridium mesh
Sugar production Batch Carbon felt 90% Platinum-10% 0.2 51.91 344.33 396.24 25.16 67.0 ± 13.1 This work
wastewater 37 C Iridium mesh
Vinasse from Batch Carbon felt 90% Platinum-10% 0.2 87.70 1399.57 1487.27 18.37 47.3 ± 6.4 This work
spirits 37 C Iridium mesh
YH2 ¼ Hydrogen yield; DF ¼ dark fermentation; ME ¼ microbial electrolysis ; * ¼ Calculated; NA ¼ not available.
10 i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y x x x ( 2 0 1 6 ) 1 e1 3
Microbial community analysis of the anodic biofilms Table 4 reports a compilation of published works that
MiSeq sequencing was performed on anodic biofilm samples report the production of hydrogen from complex substrates by
after the end of the ME experiments. All the communities coupling dark fermentation and microbial electrolysis.
found on the anodes were highly diverse, with no clear Although it is a difficult task to compare among groups due to
dominance of any species (Simpson diversity indexes ranging the lack of standardization regarding the way of performing
from 0.91 to 0.93) except for the community found on the experiments and reporting date extracted from them [13],
anode fed with FJW wastewater (Simpson diversity index of from Table 4 we can observe that there is a clear tendency to
0.73). This anode was the one exhibiting the best perfor- use raw sources of substrates such as real wastewaters, by-
mances (see Table 3). ME reactor anodic biofilm fed with FJW products and lingo-cellulose materials coming from
was dominated by an OTU related to Geovibrio ferrireducens different industrial processes. In spite of the fact that all these
(99% sequence similarity) representing 50.3% of the total works deal with bench-scale reactors, they clearly demon-
abundance. This OTU is found in most of the anodic biofilm strated the suitability of the use of dead-end fermentation
microbial communities but at a lower abundance. Similarly to products as substrates for microbial electrolysis, significantly
other electroactive bacteria belonging to the Geobacteracea increasing the overall production of hydrogen by coupling
family, G. ferrireducens is known to be a Fe(III)-reducing bacte- both technologies. Another pending task to tackle in the near
rium able to consume acetate and propionate, but unable to future is the scaling-up of both coupled technologies. So far,
degrade ethanol and butyrate [51] which is consistent with the the works compiled in Table 4 deal with bench-scale reactors
fact that the anodes were initially fed with acetate only. that although provide useful information about the func-
However, at this stage, the G. ferrireducens electrochemical tioning of the coupled technologies, it does not produce in-
activity cannot be definitively confirmed [52,53]. A detailed formation about their success in the industrial scale.
investigation of the electrochemical activity of G. ferrireducens However, there is an increase in interest in developing
should be specifically carried out as usually performed for these bio-based technologies and when considered as single
other electrochemically active microorganisms [54]. Statistical process there currently are tests carried out at least at pilot
analysis revealed that G. ferrireducens OTU abundance was scale.
correlated with a good overall H2 production yield (r ¼ 0.76, Tapia et al. [55], reviewed the existing pilot scale hydrogen
p 0.05). Therefore this suggests that the bacteria corre- production dark fermentation experiences and concluded
sponding to this OTU was able to perform an efficient con- that improvement of energetic yields of dark fermentation is
version of the organic substrates into electricity. Butyrate and required to reduce system costs to make this technology
ethanol degradation and conversion into electricity was competitive in the current market. Extensive research has
probably carried out by bacteria able to convert these sub- been conducted to overcome these limits and several strate-
strates into acetate. Such conversion, as observed during the gies have been proposed, such as pretreatment of the seed
experiments, could have been supported by species related to sludge, design/retrofitting of bioreactors, optimization of bio-
the Clostridiales order, since their total abundance was posi- process parameters (e.g. pH, temperature, organic loading
tively correlated to a good overall hydrogen yield (r ¼ 0.75, rate, hydraulic retention time, effluent recycling ratio, etc.),
p 0.05). Another OTU of interest was revealed by statistical reduction of H2 partial pressure, bioaugmentation, among
analysis and was related to an uncultured bacterium issued others [56].
from the Coriobacteriaceae family. This OTU was present on all
the anodes (1e10% of the total abundance) and its abundance
positively correlated to a good CE (r ¼ 0.92, p 0.01) and a high Conclusions
current density (r ¼ 0.81, p 0.05). However, this OTU func-
tions are still unknown. Six different industrial wastewaters and by-products coming
from cheese, fruit juice, paper, sugar, fruit processing and
spirits factories were evaluated for their potential to generate
Energy recovery from tested agro-industrial wastewaters hydrogen by coupling dark fermentation and microbial elec-
and by-products by coupling dark fermentation and trolysis in a two-step process. By considering both processes
microbial electrolysis concomitantly (and not separately), a maximum total
hydrogen yield of 1608.6 ± 266.2 mLH2/gCODconsumed and a
Overall, combining dark fermentation and microbial elec- maximum of 78.5 ± 5.7% of COD removal were achieved. An
trolysis into a two-stage process resulted in an good overall increase up to 13 times of the total H2 recovered from real
hydrogen yield for the six tested effluents (Table 4). There was wastewater was reached when considering both processes in
a significant effect of the substrate type on the overall comparison to the DF step alone. Fruit Juice Wastewater (FPW)
hydrogen yield at the p < 0.05 level for the six tested effluents provided the best results which could be due to the compo-
[F(5,9) ¼ 4.959, p ¼ 0.0186]. A maximum value of 1608.6 ± 266.2 sition of the effluent in terms of easy degradable metabolites.
mLH2 gCODconsumed 1 , around 9.82 mol H2 mol glucose1 was Interestingly, this raw wastewater could be treated without
obtained for fruit juice wastewater, which is one of the best the need of any dilution, in contrast with other wastewaters
results when compared with literature values (See Table 4). and by-products, and high H2 yield could be recovered.
Such hydrogen yield is very close to the theoretically Therefore the proposed biorefinery scheme could offer a
maximum value of 12 mol H2 mol glucose1. Additionally, a captivating alternative to the current expensive wastewaters
satisfactory COD removal (47.3%e78.5%) was obtained when treatment technologies, by transform what is currently
coupling both processes for all tested substrates. considered as a waste in a value added product.
Please cite this article in press as: Marone A, et al., Coupling dark fermentation and microbial electrolysis to enhance bio-hydrogen
production from agro-industrial wastewaters and by-products in a bio-refinery framework, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy
i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y x x x ( 2 0 1 6 ) 1 e1 3 11
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Please cite this article in press as: Marone A, et al., Coupling dark fermentation and microbial electrolysis to enhance bio-hydrogen
production from agro-industrial wastewaters and by-products in a bio-refinery framework, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy
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Please cite this article in press as: Marone A, et al., Coupling dark fermentation and microbial electrolysis to enhance bio-hydrogen
production from agro-industrial wastewaters and by-products in a bio-refinery framework, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy