NOTE: The MDSAP Quality Management System Manual contains basic quality
requirements. The Quality Management System is in the process of being
implemented. As implementation takes place, more supporting documents may
be added.
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MDSAP QMS P0001.006
System Manual
First Edition and initially released: 2013-09-09, Second Edition: 2015-09-22, Third Edition 2017-01-09,
Fourth Edition: 2019-01-11, Fifth Edition: 2023-01-05, Sixth Edition: 2023-10-02
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System Manual
Table of Contents
Introduction ........................................................................................................... 5
1. Scope ............................................................................................................ 6
2. Normative References ................................................................................... 8
3. Terms and Definitions .................................................................................... 9
4. Context of MDSAP .......................................................................................... 12
4.1 Understanding MDSAP and its context ............................................... 12
4.2 Needs and expectations of interested parties ..................................... 12
4.3 Scope of the quality management system........................................... 13
4.4 Quality management system and its processes .................................. 13
5. Leadership ................................................................................................... 14
5.1 Leadership and Commitment .............................................................. 14
5.1.1 General ............................................................................................... 14
5.1.2 Customer Focus ................................................................................. 15
5.2 Policy................................................................................................... 15
5.3 Organizational roles, responsibilities and authorities........................... 16
6. Planning .......................................................................................................... 18
6.1 Actions to address risks and opportunities ................................................ 18
6.2 Quality Objectives and planning to achieve them ...................................... 18
6.3 Planning of changes .................................................................................. 18
7. Support ........................................................................................................ 20
7.1 Resources ................................................................................................. 20
7.1.1 General ............................................................................................... 20
7.1.2 People .............................................................................................. 20
7.1.3 Infrastructure .................................................................................... 21
7.1.4 Environment for the operation of processes..................................... 21
7.1.5 Monitoring and measuring resources.................................................. 21
7.1.6 Organizational knowledge................................................................... 21
7.2 Competence .............................................................................................. 21
7.3 Awareness .......................................................................................... 22
7.4 Communication ......................................................................................... 22
7.5 Documented information ........................................................................... 22
7.5.1 General ............................................................................................... 22
7.5.2 Creating and updating ........................................................................ 24
7.5.3 Control of documented information ..................................................... 24
8. Operation ........................................................................................................ 26
8.1 Operational planning and control ........................................................ 26
8.2 Requirements for products and services ............................................. 27
8.2.1 Customer communication ................................................................... 27
8.2.2 Determining the requirements for products and services .................... 27
8.2.3 Review of the requirements for products and services..................... 27
First Edition and initially released: 2013-09-09, Second Edition: 2015-09-22, Third Edition 2017-01-09,
Fourth Edition: 2019-01-11, Fifth Edition: 2023-01-05, Sixth Edition: 2023-10-02
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First Edition and initially released: 2013-09-09, Second Edition: 2015-09-22, Third Edition 2017-01-09,
Fourth Edition: 2019-01-11, Fifth Edition: 2023-01-05, Sixth Edition: 2023-10-02
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The intent of the Medical Device Single Audit Program (MDSAP) is the
development, management and oversight of a single audit program that will allow
a single regulatory audit conducted by a recognized auditing organization to
satisfy the needs of multiple regulatory jurisdictions.
MDSAP RA’s have established the processes and procedures for participating
regulatory authorities to recognize and monitor auditing organizations and their
auditors. MDSAP QMS will allow for the leveraging of regulatory resources to
manage an efficient, effective, and sustainable single audit program focused on
the oversight of medical device manufacturers’ quality management systems.
First Edition and initially released: 2013-09-09, Second Edition: 2015-09-22, Third Edition 2017-01-09,
Fourth Edition: 2019-01-11, Fifth Edition: 2023-01-05, Sixth Edition: 2023-10-02
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1. Scope
The MDSAP Quality Management System Manual specifies the requirements by
which MDSAP:
The use of a quality management system within MDSAP helps MDSAP achieve
its main goals and objectives in key focus areas such as:
• Processes
• Communication
• Organizational Effectiveness, and Efficiency
First Edition and initially released: 2013-09-09, Second Edition: 2015-09-22, Third Edition 2017-01-09,
Fourth Edition: 2019-01-11, Fifth Edition: 2023-01-05, Sixth Edition: 2023-10-02
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The goal of the MDSAP Quality Management System is to improve the quality of
MDSAP product and services. To accomplish our goal, a process-based quality
management system based on ISO 18091:2014 Quality Management Systems –
Guidelines for the Application of ISO 9001:2008 in Local Government, will be
used to manage identified MDSAP processes. This manual describes what will
be done within the quality management system to manage the identified
processes utilized in providing products and services to customers and
stakeholders and meet the requirement of the ISO 9001:2015 Standard. The
role of the MDSAP participant in carrying out the basic business plan is illustrated
* * End of Section 1 * *
First Edition and initially released: 2013-09-09, Second Edition: 2015-09-22, Third Edition 2017-01-09,
Fourth Edition: 2019-01-11, Fifth Edition: 2023-01-05, Sixth Edition: 2023-10-02
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2. Normative References
The definitions and fundamentals upon which MDSAP Quality Management
System is established are defined within the following documents:
* * End of Section 2 * *
First Edition and initially released: 2013-09-09, Second Edition: 2015-09-22, Third Edition 2017-01-09,
Fourth Edition: 2019-01-11, Fifth Edition: 2023-01-05, Sixth Edition: 2023-10-02
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Organization – person or group of people that has its own functions with
responsibilities, authorities and relationships to achieve its objectives (ISO
First Edition and initially released: 2013-09-09, Second Edition: 2015-09-22, Third Edition 2017-01-09,
Fourth Edition: 2019-01-11, Fifth Edition: 2023-01-05, Sixth Edition: 2023-10-02
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Process Owner – The person who coordinates the various functions and work
activities at all levels of a process, has the authority or ability to make changes in
the process as required and manages the entire process cycle to ensure
performance effectiveness. (ASQ Glossary)
First Edition and initially released: 2013-09-09, Second Edition: 2015-09-22, Third Edition 2017-01-09,
Fourth Edition: 2019-01-11, Fifth Edition: 2023-01-05, Sixth Edition: 2023-10-02
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* * End of Section 3 * *
First Edition and initially released: 2013-09-09, Second Edition: 2015-09-22, Third Edition 2017-01-09,
Fourth Edition: 2019-01-11, Fifth Edition: 2023-01-05, Sixth Edition: 2023-10-02
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4. Context of MDSAP
4.1 Understanding MDSAP and its context
MDSAP was officially created on November 27th 2012 through the signature of a
Statement of Cooperation between the Australian Therapeutic Goods
Administration (TGA), the Brazilian Health Surveillance Agency (ANVISA),
Canadian Health Products and Food Branch (HPFB) and the United States Food
and Drug Administration (FDA). On July 24th 2015, Japan’s Ministry of Health,
Labour and Welfare and the Japanese Pharmaceuticals and Medical Devices
Agency signed the MDSAP Functional Statement (MDSAP P0001.002) joining
the Program.
The goal of the MDSAP is to provide for more effective, efficient and less
burdensome regulatory oversight of the quality management systems of medical
device manufacturers. The implementation of the MDSAP is intended to allow for
a single audit to satisfy the regulatory requirements of the participants.
The participants developed a joint work plan for the MDSAP. This work plan was
intended to enable the pooling of technology, resources and services to improve
the safety and oversight of medical devices in a more efficient manner that is
also less burdensome for industry.
The RAs expect that MDSAP will enable the appropriate regulatory oversight of
MDMs quality management systems, with the use of resources in a more efficient
and flexible manner through work-sharing and mutual acceptance among
regulators while respecting the sovereignty of each authority. The RAs also
expect to promote, long term, greater alignment of regulatory approaches and
technical requirements globally based on international standards and best
First Edition and initially released: 2013-09-09, Second Edition: 2015-09-22, Third Edition 2017-01-09,
Fourth Edition: 2019-01-11, Fifth Edition: 2023-01-05, Sixth Edition: 2023-10-02
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The medical device consumers will benefit from the program because of the
improved safety and more efficient oversight of medical devices by the RAs.
• Identifying the processes necessary for the operation of its QMS within
the stated scope;
• Determining the sequence and interaction of these processes;
• Determining the criteria and methods needed to ensure that both the
operation and control of processes are effective. The criteria and
methods have been identified within each process described or
referenced in this manual (Section 8.5 – Production and Service
• Ensuring the availability of resources and information necessary to
support the operation and management of these processes. (Section 7 -
• Monitoring, measuring and analyzing these processes (Section 9 –
Performance Evaluation);
• Implementing actions necessary to achieve planned results and continual
improvement of these processes. (Section 10 – Improvement).
* * End of Section 4 * *
First Edition and initially released: 2013-09-09, Second Edition: 2015-09-22, Third Edition 2017-01-09,
Fourth Edition: 2019-01-11, Fifth Edition: 2023-01-05, Sixth Edition: 2023-10-02
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5. Leadership
5.1.1 General
Regulatory Authority Council (RAC) and RAC Chair lead and manage MDSAP in
a systematic and visible manner that aligns with the following quality
management principles:
First Edition and initially released: 2013-09-09, Second Edition: 2015-09-22, Third Edition 2017-01-09,
Fourth Edition: 2019-01-11, Fifth Edition: 2023-01-05, Sixth Edition: 2023-10-02
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Management’s successful use of the above principles will result in benefits to all
MDSAP participants, staff, stakeholders and the MDSAP “community”.
To ensure value for all customers, MDSAP RA’s determine customer needs and
expectations through ongoing communication with the MDSAP “community” in a
variety of venues that include: board meetings; focus groups; and
customer/stakeholder surveys. Upon determining customer needs and
expectations, management translates these needs and expectations into
requirements as a set of standards or performance goals to which each MDSAP
site will be held accountable. A “Customer Feedback Survey” was developed to
establish a baseline regarding the degree of satisfaction with identified services
and to identify other possible service areas for future inclusion in the QMS.
5.2 Policy
The MDSAP Policy establishes clear standards and expectations for the delivery
of quality work and services, individual commitment and accountability, and
continuous improvement for participating RA’s sites.
First Edition and initially released: 2013-09-09, Second Edition: 2015-09-22, Third Edition 2017-01-09,
Fourth Edition: 2019-01-11, Fifth Edition: 2023-01-05, Sixth Edition: 2023-10-02
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• Ensuring that processes needed for the quality management system are
established, implemented and maintained;
First Edition and initially released: 2013-09-09, Second Edition: 2015-09-22, Third Edition 2017-01-09,
Fourth Edition: 2019-01-11, Fifth Edition: 2023-01-05, Sixth Edition: 2023-10-02
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* * End of Section 5 * *
First Edition and initially released: 2013-09-09, Second Edition: 2015-09-22, Third Edition 2017-01-09,
Fourth Edition: 2019-01-11, Fifth Edition: 2023-01-05, Sixth Edition: 2023-10-02
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6. Planning
• The planning of the QMS is carried out in order to meet the requirements
delineated in Section 4.4 and for achieving performance goals (quality
objectives); and
• The integrity of the QMS is maintained when changes are planned and
First Edition and initially released: 2013-09-09, Second Edition: 2015-09-22, Third Edition 2017-01-09,
Fourth Edition: 2019-01-11, Fifth Edition: 2023-01-05, Sixth Edition: 2023-10-02
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End of Section 6 * *
First Edition and initially released: 2013-09-09, Second Edition: 2015-09-22, Third Edition 2017-01-09,
Fourth Edition: 2019-01-11, Fifth Edition: 2023-01-05, Sixth Edition: 2023-10-02
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7. Support
7.1 Resources
7.1.1 General
The MDSAP budget planning process is aligned with performance goals of the
MDSAP system and identifies the human and fiscal resources needed to attain
those goals. The MDSAP budget is subject to review and approval by the
participating governments.
Through the budget planning process, MDSAP RA’s determine and provide the
resources needed to:
The MDSAP quality objectives include the need for identification and definition of
the necessary resources to establish and maintain the quality management
7.1.2 People
MDSAP RA’s ensure that all participants/staff performing work affecting
conformity to product and service requirements are competent with respect to
appropriate education, training, skills and experience. It is the responsibility of
each MDSAP RA to insure that all personnel, whose job requires knowledge of
product and service specifications, are made aware of any changes to product
and service specifications.
First Edition and initially released: 2013-09-09, Second Edition: 2015-09-22, Third Edition 2017-01-09,
Fourth Edition: 2019-01-11, Fifth Edition: 2023-01-05, Sixth Edition: 2023-10-02
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7.1.3 Infrastructure
MDSAP RA’s determine, provide and maintain the infrastructure needed to
achieve conformity to product and service requirements. This can be done
through the annual MDSAP budget planning process. The infrastructure
includes, as applicable:
7.2 Competence
Training and the methodologies used to meet the below requirements are
described in the MDSAP QMS P0014 – Training Procedure.
MDSAP management:
First Edition and initially released: 2013-09-09, Second Edition: 2015-09-22, Third Edition 2017-01-09,
Fourth Edition: 2019-01-11, Fifth Edition: 2023-01-05, Sixth Edition: 2023-10-02
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7.3 Awareness
7.4 Communication
7.5.1 General
The Quality Management System documentation includes:
The following graphic illustrates the overall structure of the QMS, and identifies
the levels of documentation that make up the system.
First Edition and initially released: 2013-09-09, Second Edition: 2015-09-22, Third Edition 2017-01-09,
Fourth Edition: 2019-01-11, Fifth Edition: 2023-01-05, Sixth Edition: 2023-10-02
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MDSAP RA’s have established and maintain the Quality Management System
Manual (Level 1 document) to define ISO 9001:2015 and MDSAP requirements.
The quality manual includes:
First Edition and initially released: 2013-09-09, Second Edition: 2015-09-22, Third Edition 2017-01-09,
Fourth Edition: 2019-01-11, Fifth Edition: 2023-01-05, Sixth Edition: 2023-10-02
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Leadership Regulatory
Review Customer
Customer Resources Satisfaction
Requirements Performance Evaluation
Support and Improvement
(Monitoring, Measurement, Analysis,
Evaluation and Improvement)
QMS Infrastructure
First Edition and initially released: 2013-09-09, Second Edition: 2015-09-22, Third Edition 2017-01-09,
Fourth Edition: 2019-01-11, Fifth Edition: 2023-01-05, Sixth Edition: 2023-10-02
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It is the responsibility of each “process owner” to ensure that the required quality
records are created and maintained in accordance with stated requirements.
* * End of Section 7 * *
First Edition and initially released: 2013-09-09, Second Edition: 2015-09-22, Third Edition 2017-01-09,
Fourth Edition: 2019-01-11, Fifth Edition: 2023-01-05, Sixth Edition: 2023-10-02
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8. Operation
MDSAP RA’s plan and develop the processes needed to provide services to all
participants within the scope of the QMS. Planning of operation is consistent
with the other processes of the QMS. In operational planning, MDSAP RA’s
determine the following, as appropriate:
• The quality objectives and requirements for the product and/or service;
• The need to establish processes and documents, and to provide
resources specific to the product and/or service;
• The required verification, validation, monitoring, auditing and activities
specific to the service and the criteria for service acceptance; and
• The records needed to provide evidence that the operation processes
and the resulting service fulfills the requirements.
The output of this planning has resulted in a quality management system that
consists of a series of product and/or service delivery processes (Section 4.4)
that includes the core methodologies used to ensure that product and/or services
produced and delivered meet customer requirements.
The methodologies, also referred to as a quality plan, are used to address the
above requirements are detailed below:
First Edition and initially released: 2013-09-09, Second Edition: 2015-09-22, Third Edition 2017-01-09,
Fourth Edition: 2019-01-11, Fifth Edition: 2023-01-05, Sixth Edition: 2023-10-02
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First Edition and initially released: 2013-09-09, Second Edition: 2015-09-22, Third Edition 2017-01-09,
Fourth Edition: 2019-01-11, Fifth Edition: 2023-01-05, Sixth Edition: 2023-10-02
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8.3.1 General
MDSAP RA’s provide planning, control and design input for the
development/maintenance of the MDSAP IT Portal. MDSAP IT Portal is multi-
program web-based IT portal that will assist MDSAP and other participating RAs
in the secure exchange of regulatory information. MDSAP participants will also
utilize MDSAP IT Portal to assist with the management of its operations and as
the official MDSAP document repository.
The MDSAP IT Portal Working Group manages the interface between different
participating RA’s sites and MDSAP IT Portal to ensure effective communication
and clear assignment of responsibility.
First Edition and initially released: 2013-09-09, Second Edition: 2015-09-22, Third Edition 2017-01-09,
Fourth Edition: 2019-01-11, Fifth Edition: 2023-01-05, Sixth Edition: 2023-10-02
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First Edition and initially released: 2013-09-09, Second Edition: 2015-09-22, Third Edition 2017-01-09,
Fourth Edition: 2019-01-11, Fifth Edition: 2023-01-05, Sixth Edition: 2023-10-02
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Design Review
Design &
Customer Needs Design Input Development Design Output Service
First Edition and initially released: 2013-09-09, Second Edition: 2015-09-22, Third Edition 2017-01-09,
Fourth Edition: 2019-01-11, Fifth Edition: 2023-01-05, Sixth Edition: 2023-10-02
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8.4.1 General
MDSAP RA’s ensure that externally provided processes, products and services
conform to specified requirements to assure the desired outcome. MDSAP input
will be provided to the IT team to help evaluate and select vendors based on the
ability to supply products/services in accordance with MDSAP and all other
participating program(s) requirements. The IT team will maintain the results of
evaluation and necessary actions arising from the evaluation.
MDSAP RA’s plan and carry out those processes under controlled conditions that
include, as applicable, the:
First Edition and initially released: 2013-09-09, Second Edition: 2015-09-22, Third Edition 2017-01-09,
Fourth Edition: 2019-01-11, Fifth Edition: 2023-01-05, Sixth Edition: 2023-10-02
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First Edition and initially released: 2013-09-09, Second Edition: 2015-09-22, Third Edition 2017-01-09,
Fourth Edition: 2019-01-11, Fifth Edition: 2023-01-05, Sixth Edition: 2023-10-02
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8.5.4 Preservation
The outputs of MDSAP such as assessment documentation, training records,
audit reports and manufacturer certificates will be securely stored on MDSAP IT
Portal and in MDSAP/RAs IT systems.
First Edition and initially released: 2013-09-09, Second Edition: 2015-09-22, Third Edition 2017-01-09,
Fourth Edition: 2019-01-11, Fifth Edition: 2023-01-05, Sixth Edition: 2023-10-02
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* * End of Section 8 * *
First Edition and initially released: 2013-09-09, Second Edition: 2015-09-22, Third Edition 2017-01-09,
Fourth Edition: 2019-01-11, Fifth Edition: 2023-01-05, Sixth Edition: 2023-10-02
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9. Performance evaluation
Annually, and after internal audit and/or assessment, each MDSAP site within the
scope of the QMS reports to the RAC regarding its products/services and
provides recommendations for improvement, as appropriate.
MDSAP RA’s apply suitable methods for monitoring and, where applicable,
measuring quality management system processes. These methods demonstrate
the ability of the processes to achieve planned results and also confirm the
continuing ability of each process to satisfy its intended purpose. When planned
results are not achieved, appropriate action is taken to ensure conformity of the
process. When planned results are not achieved, appropriate corrective action is
9.1.1 General
MDSAP RA’s plan and implement the monitoring, measurement, analysis and
improvement processes needed to:
First Edition and initially released: 2013-09-09, Second Edition: 2015-09-22, Third Edition 2017-01-09,
Fourth Edition: 2019-01-11, Fifth Edition: 2023-01-05, Sixth Edition: 2023-10-02
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The analysis of data provides information relating to, but not limited to:
• Customer satisfaction;
• Conformity to product requirements;
• Characteristics and trends of processes and products, including continual
The results of analysis are reported per the MDSAP QMS P0005 – Management
Responsibility and Management Review Procedure to determine:
• Trends;
• Customer satisfaction;
• Effectiveness and efficiency of the processes;
• Benchmarking;
• Progress in meeting MDSAP quality objectives; and
• Areas needing improvement.
First Edition and initially released: 2013-09-09, Second Edition: 2015-09-22, Third Edition 2017-01-09,
Fourth Edition: 2019-01-11, Fifth Edition: 2023-01-05, Sixth Edition: 2023-10-02
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The audit/assessment activity is planned, taking into consideration the status and
importance of the processes and areas to be audited, as well as the results of
previous audits/assessments. The internal audit criteria, scope and methods are
defined. Selection of auditors and conducting these audits ensure objectivity and
impartiality of the audit process. Auditors will not audit their own work.
Each MDSAP RA site is responsible for the area being audited and takes timely
corrective action on deficiencies found during the audit. Results of audits are
recorded and maintained and follow-up actions include the verification of the
implementation of corrective action and the reporting of verification results.
9.3.1 General
The RAC reviews the Quality Management System at least once a year (refer to
MDSAP QMS P0005 – Management Responsibility and Management Review
Procedure) and as needed to assess the system’s effectiveness and its ongoing
adequacy and suitability. This review evaluates any need for changes to the
MDSAP Quality Management System, including its quality policy and quality
First Edition and initially released: 2013-09-09, Second Edition: 2015-09-22, Third Edition 2017-01-09,
Fourth Edition: 2019-01-11, Fifth Edition: 2023-01-05, Sixth Edition: 2023-10-02
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* * End of Section 9 * *
First Edition and initially released: 2013-09-09, Second Edition: 2015-09-22, Third Edition 2017-01-09,
Fourth Edition: 2019-01-11, Fifth Edition: 2023-01-05, Sixth Edition: 2023-10-02
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10. Improvement
10.1 General
First Edition and initially released: 2013-09-09, Second Edition: 2015-09-22, Third Edition 2017-01-09,
Fourth Edition: 2019-01-11, Fifth Edition: 2023-01-05, Sixth Edition: 2023-10-02
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Quality Policy – The quality policy was established to reflect the priorities of
MDSAP internal/external customers and stakeholders. Additionally, it includes a
commitment to strive for continuous improvement in both the quality of services
provided and in the processes utilized to provide them.
Internal Audit Results – The status of the internal audit results will be reported
to the RAC, as described in MDSAP QMS P0008 – Internal Assessment
Procedure. Summary audit reports contain recommendations for process or
system improvements, including any corrective actions resulting from reported
audit nonconformities.
Analysis of Data – Process owners review relevant data that is collected and
analyzed to demonstrate the suitability and effectiveness of the Quality
Management System and to evaluate whether continual improvement of the
effectiveness of the quality management system can be made.
First Edition and initially released: 2013-09-09, Second Edition: 2015-09-22, Third Edition 2017-01-09,
Fourth Edition: 2019-01-11, Fifth Edition: 2023-01-05, Sixth Edition: 2023-10-02
Uncontrolled when printed:
For the most current copy, contact
Document No.: Page 41 of
MDSAP QMS Quality Management
MDSAP QMS P0001.006 43
System Manual
The interactions of the processes and activities are depicted in the following
Measurement &
Analysis of Data
Process Improvement
Figure 5: Interaction of the Processes
* * End of Section 10 * *
First Edition and initially released: 2013-09-09, Second Edition: 2015-09-22, Third Edition 2017-01-09,
Fourth Edition: 2019-01-11, Fifth Edition: 2023-01-05, Sixth Edition: 2023-10-02
Uncontrolled when printed:
For the most current copy, contact
Document No.: Page 42 of
MDSAP QMS Quality Management
MDSAP QMS P0001.006 43
System Manual
001 2013-09-09 Initial Release Liliane Brown
002 2015-09-22 The names of Japanese Liliane Brown
regulatory authorities were added
on the top page due to Japan’s
participation to MDSAP Pilot.
Minor revision was made
throughout the document.
003 2017-01-09 Document revised to adequate Liliane Brown and
the structure and terminology with Patricia Serpa
the new version of ISO
9001:2015. Additionally,
grammatical updates throughout
the document including revision of
the MDSAP RAs responsibilities.
004 2019-01-11 Corrected color of font in section Hiromi
8.1. Kumada/Kimberly
“QMS Manager/replasentative” Lewandowski-
was replaced with “QMS Walker
Management Representative/Site
Representatives” in section 8.2.4,
8.5.1, 9.1.2, 9.1.3 and 9.2.
Deleted the word preventive
action in section 10.3.
Minor typo was corrected
thoroughout the document.
005 2023-01-05 Updated the language align to Hiromi Kumada
Renamed “REPS” to generic IT
006 2023-10-02 Corrected that quality objectives Hiromi Kumada
are defined in the document
available in Box
First Edition and initially released: 2013-09-09, Second Edition: 2015-09-22, Third Edition 2017-01-09,
Fourth Edition: 2019-01-11, Fifth Edition: 2023-01-05, Sixth Edition: 2023-10-02
Uncontrolled when printed:
For the most current copy, contact
Document No.: Page 43 of
MDSAP QMS Quality Management
MDSAP QMS P0001.006 43
System Manual
Version 006
First Edition and initially released: 2013-09-09, Second Edition: 2015-09-22, Third Edition 2017-01-09,
Fourth Edition: 2019-01-11, Fifth Edition: 2023-01-05, Sixth Edition: 2023-10-02
Uncontrolled when printed:
For the most current copy, contact