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Australia - Therapeutics Goods Administration (TGA)

Brazil - Agência Nacional de Vigilância Sanitária (ANVISA)
Canada - Health Canada/Santé Canada
Japan - Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare (MHLW) and
Pharmaceuticals and Medical Devices Agency (PMDA)
United States of America - Food and Drug Administration (FDA)

First Edition 2013-09-09

Second Edition 2015-09-22
Third Edition 2017-01-09
Fourth Edition 2019-01-11
Fifth Edition 2023-01-05
Sixth Edition 2023-10-02

NOTE: The MDSAP Quality Management System Manual contains basic quality
requirements. The Quality Management System is in the process of being
implemented. As implementation takes place, more supporting documents may
be added.
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MDSAP QMS Quality Management
MDSAP QMS P0001.006
System Manual


The use of a quality management system approach is increasing within

government and industry. To enhance consistency, efficiency and effectiveness
of day-to-day work, MDSAP has adopted a quality management system model
derived from IWA 4 Quality Management Systems – Guidelines for the
application of ISO 9001:2015 in local government.

The MDSAP Quality Management System (QMS) provides guidance to:

(1) Design and develop processes, products/outcomes, and services related
to the MDSAP’s mission, and to critical management and administrative
support services, and
(2) Continually improve and strengthen product/outcome and service quality.

This MDSAP Quality Management System Manual contains the required

information to implement quality principles and practices throughout MDSAPs
sites. The anticipated audience for this manual includes those in the public,
regulated industry, counterpart agencies, and other MDSAP participants and
members who wish to understand MDSAP QMS.

Training is an essential element of QMS implementation.For all MDSAP

participants, training is necessary prior to achieving accountability for the policies
and procedures described in this manual. For others, general information about
quality systems may be found on the Internet at:

• American Society for Quality, “Learn About Quality” www.asq.org

• International Organization for Standardization - ISO 9001:2015 www.iso.org

Distribution: MDSAP participants/members and the general public may access

the current (‘controlled’) version of the MDSAP Quality Management System
Manual through FDA’s website: https://www.fda.gov/medical-devices/medical-

First Edition and initially released: 2013-09-09, Second Edition: 2015-09-22, Third Edition 2017-01-09,
Fourth Edition: 2019-01-11, Fifth Edition: 2023-01-05, Sixth Edition: 2023-10-02
Uncontrolled when printed:
For the most current copy, contact MDSAP@fda.hhs.gov
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MDSAP QMS P0001.006
System Manual

Table of Contents

Introduction ........................................................................................................... 5
1. Scope ............................................................................................................ 6
2. Normative References ................................................................................... 8
3. Terms and Definitions .................................................................................... 9
4. Context of MDSAP .......................................................................................... 12
4.1 Understanding MDSAP and its context ............................................... 12
4.2 Needs and expectations of interested parties ..................................... 12
4.3 Scope of the quality management system........................................... 13
4.4 Quality management system and its processes .................................. 13
5. Leadership ................................................................................................... 14
5.1 Leadership and Commitment .............................................................. 14
5.1.1 General ............................................................................................... 14
5.1.2 Customer Focus ................................................................................. 15
5.2 Policy................................................................................................... 15
5.3 Organizational roles, responsibilities and authorities........................... 16
6. Planning .......................................................................................................... 18
6.1 Actions to address risks and opportunities ................................................ 18
6.2 Quality Objectives and planning to achieve them ...................................... 18
6.3 Planning of changes .................................................................................. 18
7. Support ........................................................................................................ 20
7.1 Resources ................................................................................................. 20
7.1.1 General ............................................................................................... 20
7.1.2 People .............................................................................................. 20
7.1.3 Infrastructure .................................................................................... 21
7.1.4 Environment for the operation of processes..................................... 21
7.1.5 Monitoring and measuring resources.................................................. 21
7.1.6 Organizational knowledge................................................................... 21
7.2 Competence .............................................................................................. 21
7.3 Awareness .......................................................................................... 22
7.4 Communication ......................................................................................... 22
7.5 Documented information ........................................................................... 22
7.5.1 General ............................................................................................... 22
7.5.2 Creating and updating ........................................................................ 24
7.5.3 Control of documented information ..................................................... 24
8. Operation ........................................................................................................ 26
8.1 Operational planning and control ........................................................ 26
8.2 Requirements for products and services ............................................. 27
8.2.1 Customer communication ................................................................... 27
8.2.2 Determining the requirements for products and services .................... 27
8.2.3 Review of the requirements for products and services..................... 27

First Edition and initially released: 2013-09-09, Second Edition: 2015-09-22, Third Edition 2017-01-09,
Fourth Edition: 2019-01-11, Fifth Edition: 2023-01-05, Sixth Edition: 2023-10-02
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For the most current copy, contact MDSAP@fda.hhs.gov
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MDSAP QMS P0001.006
System Manual

8.2.4 Changes to requirements for products and services........................... 28

8.3 Design and Development of products and services ............................ 28
8.3.1 General ............................................................................................... 28
8.3.2 Design and development planning ................................................... 28
8.3.3 Design and development inputs......................................................... 29
8.3.4 Design and development controls....................................................... 29
8.3.5 Design and development outputs ..................................................... 30
8.3.6 Design and development changes ................................................... 30
8.4 Control of externally provided processes, products and services........ 31
8.4.1 General ............................................................................................... 31
8.4.2 Type and extent of control .................................................................. 31
8.4.3 Information for external providers ....................................................... 31
8.5 Production and Service Provision ....................................................... 31
8.5.1 Control of Production and Service Provision .................................... 31
8.5.2 Identification and Traceability ............................................................. 32
8.5.3 Property belonging to customers or external providers ....................... 32
8.5.4 Preservation........................................................................................ 33
8.5.5 Post-delivery activities ........................................................................ 33
8.5.6 Control of changes .............................................................................. 33
8.6 Release of products and services ....................................................... 33
8.7 Control of nonconforming outputs ....................................................... 33
9. Performance evaluation .................................................................................. 35
9.1 Monitoring, measurement, analysis and evaluation ............................ 35
9.1.1 General ............................................................................................... 35
9.1.2 Customer satisfaction ......................................................................... 36
9.1.3 Analysis and evaluation ...................................................................... 36
9.2 Internal Audit ............................................................................................. 36
9.3 Management review .................................................................................. 37
9.3.1 General ............................................................................................... 37
9.3.2 Management review inputs ................................................................. 38
9.3.3 Management review outputs ............................................................... 38
10. Improvement ................................................................................................. 39
10.1 General.................................................................................................... 39
10.2 Nonconformity and corrective action ................................................... 39
10.3 Continual Improvement ........................................................................... 39
11. Document History ......................................................................................... 42

First Edition and initially released: 2013-09-09, Second Edition: 2015-09-22, Third Edition 2017-01-09,
Fourth Edition: 2019-01-11, Fifth Edition: 2023-01-05, Sixth Edition: 2023-10-02
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For the most current copy, contact MDSAP@fda.hhs.gov
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The intent of the Medical Device Single Audit Program (MDSAP) is the
development, management and oversight of a single audit program that will allow
a single regulatory audit conducted by a recognized auditing organization to
satisfy the needs of multiple regulatory jurisdictions.

MDSAP RA’s have established the processes and procedures for participating
regulatory authorities to recognize and monitor auditing organizations and their
auditors. MDSAP QMS will allow for the leveraging of regulatory resources to
manage an efficient, effective, and sustainable single audit program focused on
the oversight of medical device manufacturers’ quality management systems.

The single audit of a medical device manufacturer’s quality management system

will include the assessment of design and development (where appropriate),
Good Manufacturing Practices (GMPs), adverse event reporting, and other
applicable requirements of the participating regulatory authorities.

First Edition and initially released: 2013-09-09, Second Edition: 2015-09-22, Third Edition 2017-01-09,
Fourth Edition: 2019-01-11, Fifth Edition: 2023-01-05, Sixth Edition: 2023-10-02
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1. Scope
The MDSAP Quality Management System Manual specifies the requirements by
which MDSAP:

• Demonstrates its ability to consistently provide services that meet

customer and applicable regulatory requirements, and
• Enhances customer satisfaction through the effective application of the
Quality Management System (QMS), including processes for continual
improvement of the MDSAP system and the assurance of conformity to
customer and applicable regulatory requirements.

The use of a quality management system within MDSAP helps MDSAP achieve
its main goals and objectives in key focus areas such as:

• Processes
• Communication
• Organizational Effectiveness, and Efficiency

MDSAP participants believe that the development, implementation, and

maintenance of a quality management system will improve the involvement of all
MDSAP participants, staff, customers, (internal and external) and stakeholders in
the decision-making process and will maximize the effectiveness of processes
utilized in providing quality products and services to all MDSAP participants.

Through the implementation of the Quality Management System (QMS) policies

and procedures, the Medical Device Single Audit Program provides for 1)
designing and developing processes, products, and services related to the
MDSAP’s mission (including critical management and administrative support
services), and 2) continually improving and strengthening MDSAP product and
service quality. The MDSAP Quality Management System Manual is a key
component for understanding the MDSAP’s quality management system and is
meant to provide clear organizational guidance. It is incumbent upon MDSAP
participants to have an effective working knowledge of, and participate in the
MDSAP Quality Management System (QMS).

In designing and implementing a quality management system, MDSAP QMS

determines the following: 1) the customers’ stated and implied needs; 2)
applicable regulatory requirements for work processes and products; 3) other
requirements identified by all MDSAP participants.

First Edition and initially released: 2013-09-09, Second Edition: 2015-09-22, Third Edition 2017-01-09,
Fourth Edition: 2019-01-11, Fifth Edition: 2023-01-05, Sixth Edition: 2023-10-02
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For the most current copy, contact MDSAP@fda.hhs.gov
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The goal of the MDSAP Quality Management System is to improve the quality of
MDSAP product and services. To accomplish our goal, a process-based quality
management system based on ISO 18091:2014 Quality Management Systems –
Guidelines for the Application of ISO 9001:2008 in Local Government, will be
used to manage identified MDSAP processes. This manual describes what will
be done within the quality management system to manage the identified
processes utilized in providing products and services to customers and
stakeholders and meet the requirement of the ISO 9001:2015 Standard. The
role of the MDSAP participant in carrying out the basic business plan is illustrated

Figure 1: Basic Business Plan Graph

* * End of Section 1 * *

First Edition and initially released: 2013-09-09, Second Edition: 2015-09-22, Third Edition 2017-01-09,
Fourth Edition: 2019-01-11, Fifth Edition: 2023-01-05, Sixth Edition: 2023-10-02
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2. Normative References
The definitions and fundamentals upon which MDSAP Quality Management
System is established are defined within the following documents:

• ISO 18091:2014 Quality Management Systems – Guidelines for the

Application of ISO 9001:2008 in Local Government

• ISO 9001:2015 Quality Management Systems – Requirements

• ISO 9000:2015 Quality Management Systems – Fundamentals and


• ASQ Quality Glossary

* * End of Section 2 * *

First Edition and initially released: 2013-09-09, Second Edition: 2015-09-22, Third Edition 2017-01-09,
Fourth Edition: 2019-01-11, Fifth Edition: 2023-01-05, Sixth Edition: 2023-10-02
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3. Terms and Definitions

Audit – Systematic, independent and documented process for obtaining audit
evidence and evaluating it objectively to determine the extent to which audit
criteria are fulfilled (ISO 9000:2015).

Competence – Ability to apply knowledge and skills to achieve intended results

(ISO 9000:2015).

Conformity – Fulfillment of a requirement (ISO 9000:2015).

Continual Improvement – Recurring activity to enhance performance (ISO


Corrective Action – Action to eliminate the cause of a nonconformity and to

prevent recurrence (ISO 9000:2015).

Customer – person or organization that could or does receive a product or a

service that is intended for or required by this person or organization (ISO

Customer Satisfaction – Customer’s perception of the degree to which the

customer’s expectations have been fulfilled (ISO 9000:2015).

Document – Information and the medium on which it is contained (ISO


Infrastructure – System of facilities, equipment and services needed for the

operation of an organization (ISO 9000:2015).

Management Review – A periodic management meeting to review the status

and effectiveness of the organization’s quality management system (ASQ

Nonconformity – Non-fulfillment of a requirement (ISO 9000:2015).

Organization – person or group of people that has its own functions with
responsibilities, authorities and relationships to achieve its objectives (ISO

Procedure – Specified way to carry out an activity or a process (ISO 9000:2015).

First Edition and initially released: 2013-09-09, Second Edition: 2015-09-22, Third Edition 2017-01-09,
Fourth Edition: 2019-01-11, Fifth Edition: 2023-01-05, Sixth Edition: 2023-10-02
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Process – Set of interrelated or interacting activities that use inputs to deliver an

intended result (ISO 9000:2015).

Process Owner – The person who coordinates the various functions and work
activities at all levels of a process, has the authority or ability to make changes in
the process as required and manages the entire process cycle to ensure
performance effectiveness. (ASQ Glossary)

Product – output of an organization that can be produced without any

transaction taking place between the organization and the customer (ISO

Provider – Organization that provides a product or a service (ISO 9000:2015).

Quality – Degree to which a set of inherent characteristics of an object fulfills

requirements (ISO 9000:2015).

Quality Improvement – Part of quality management focused on increasing the

ability to fulfill quality requirements (ISO 9000:2015).

Quality Management System (QMS) – Part of a management system with

regard to quality (ISO 9000:2015).

Quality Manual – Specification for the quality management system of an

organization (ISO 9000:2015).

Quality Objective – Objective related to quality ( (ISO 9000:2015).

Quality Planning – Part of quality management focused on setting quality

objectives and specifying necessary operational processes and related resources
to achieve the quality objectives (ISO 9000:2015).

Quality Policy – Overall intentions and direction of an organization related to

quality as formally expressed by top management (ISO 9000:2015).

Requirement – Need or expectation that is stated, generally implied or obligatory

(ISO 9000:2015).

Resources – People, time, money, equipment, and support activities, as

necessary, that may apply to a specific project, product, process, and/or contract
in order to fulfill requirements.

First Edition and initially released: 2013-09-09, Second Edition: 2015-09-22, Third Edition 2017-01-09,
Fourth Edition: 2019-01-11, Fifth Edition: 2023-01-05, Sixth Edition: 2023-10-02
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Risk – Effect of uncertainty (ISO 9000:2015).

Service – Output of an organization with at least one activity necessarily

performed between the organization and the customer (ISO 9000:2015).

Stakeholder – Person or organization that can affect, be affected by, or perceive

itself, to be affected by a decision or activity (ISO 9000:2015).

Training – A structured process for communicating knowledge and developing


* * End of Section 3 * *

First Edition and initially released: 2013-09-09, Second Edition: 2015-09-22, Third Edition 2017-01-09,
Fourth Edition: 2019-01-11, Fifth Edition: 2023-01-05, Sixth Edition: 2023-10-02
Uncontrolled when printed:
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4. Context of MDSAP
4.1 Understanding MDSAP and its context
MDSAP was officially created on November 27th 2012 through the signature of a
Statement of Cooperation between the Australian Therapeutic Goods
Administration (TGA), the Brazilian Health Surveillance Agency (ANVISA),
Canadian Health Products and Food Branch (HPFB) and the United States Food
and Drug Administration (FDA). On July 24th 2015, Japan’s Ministry of Health,
Labour and Welfare and the Japanese Pharmaceuticals and Medical Devices
Agency signed the MDSAP Functional Statement (MDSAP P0001.002) joining
the Program.

The goal of the MDSAP is to provide for more effective, efficient and less
burdensome regulatory oversight of the quality management systems of medical
device manufacturers. The implementation of the MDSAP is intended to allow for
a single audit to satisfy the regulatory requirements of the participants.

The participants developed a joint work plan for the MDSAP. This work plan was
intended to enable the pooling of technology, resources and services to improve
the safety and oversight of medical devices in a more efficient manner that is
also less burdensome for industry.

Each participanting Regulatory Authority is responsible to fund its participation in

MDSAP activities and to maintain the confidentiality of the information shared
under MDSAP.

4.2 Needs and expectations of interested parties

The interested parties on MDSAP are the participanting Regulatory Authorities
(RAs), Auditing Organizations (AOs), Medical Device Manufacturers (MDMs) and
medical devices consumers.

The RAs expect that MDSAP will enable the appropriate regulatory oversight of
MDMs quality management systems, with the use of resources in a more efficient
and flexible manner through work-sharing and mutual acceptance among
regulators while respecting the sovereignty of each authority. The RAs also
expect to promote, long term, greater alignment of regulatory approaches and
technical requirements globally based on international standards and best

First Edition and initially released: 2013-09-09, Second Edition: 2015-09-22, Third Edition 2017-01-09,
Fourth Edition: 2019-01-11, Fifth Edition: 2023-01-05, Sixth Edition: 2023-10-02
Uncontrolled when printed:
For the most current copy, contact MDSAP@fda.hhs.gov
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The AOs main expectation is to be able to perform regulatory audits that

corresponds to RAs needs, based on standardized procedures and practices.

The MDMs main expectation is the minimization of the regulatory burden by

reducing the number of audits/inspections and by having access to a more
consistent, predictable and transparent regulatory process.

The medical device consumers will benefit from the program because of the
improved safety and more efficient oversight of medical devices by the RAs.

4.3 Scope of the quality management system

All requirements from ISO 9001:2015 are applicable to MDSAP.

4.4 Quality management system and its processes

MDSAP RA’s have defined, documented and deployed a quality management
system that is designed to enhance customer satisfaction through the fulfillment
of customer requirements. The system is comprised of a series of process-
based methodologies that are designed to ensure that the system is deployed,
maintained and continually improved in accordance with the requirements of
ISO 18091:2014 Quality Management Systems – Guidelines for the Application
of ISO 9001:2008 in Local Government. MDSAP QMS is mantained by:

• Identifying the processes necessary for the operation of its QMS within
the stated scope;
• Determining the sequence and interaction of these processes;
• Determining the criteria and methods needed to ensure that both the
operation and control of processes are effective. The criteria and
methods have been identified within each process described or
referenced in this manual (Section 8.5 – Production and Service
• Ensuring the availability of resources and information necessary to
support the operation and management of these processes. (Section 7 -
• Monitoring, measuring and analyzing these processes (Section 9 –
Performance Evaluation);
• Implementing actions necessary to achieve planned results and continual
improvement of these processes. (Section 10 – Improvement).

* * End of Section 4 * *

First Edition and initially released: 2013-09-09, Second Edition: 2015-09-22, Third Edition 2017-01-09,
Fourth Edition: 2019-01-11, Fifth Edition: 2023-01-05, Sixth Edition: 2023-10-02
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5. Leadership

5.1 Leadership and Commitment

5.1.1 General

The commitment to implement a quality management system under the

ISO 9001:2015 International Quality Standard sends a strong message to
MDSAP participants, staff and stakeholders that the program is committed to
developing and maintaining an effective QMS. MDSAP RA’s strive to maintain
and continually improve the effectiveness of the QMS by:

• Communicating to MDSAP participants, staff and stakeholders the

importance of meeting customer, as well as, statutory and regulatory
• Establishing a quality policy (section 5.2 – Policy), that embodies
management’s commitment to quality;
• Ensuring that organizational quality objectives (section 6.2 – Quality
Objectives and Planning to Achieve Them), consistent with the policy,
are established;
• Conducting management reviews (section 9.3 – Management Review) to
ensure the continuing suitability, adequacy and effectiveness of the
quality management system; and
• Ensuring the availability of resources (section 7.1 – Resources) needed
to maintain and continually improve the quality management system.

Regulatory Authority Council (RAC) and RAC Chair lead and manage MDSAP in
a systematic and visible manner that aligns with the following quality
management principles:

• Customer Focus – Management strives to understand current and future

customer needs to meet customer requirements and to continually
exceed customer expectations;
• Leadership – Management develops an annual strategic action plan to
meet the performance indicators for each performance goal (quality
• Involvement of People – MDSAP RA’s value people and maintain an
environment in which people can become fully involved in achieving
goals and objectives set on MDSAP;

First Edition and initially released: 2013-09-09, Second Edition: 2015-09-22, Third Edition 2017-01-09,
Fourth Edition: 2019-01-11, Fifth Edition: 2023-01-05, Sixth Edition: 2023-10-02
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• Process Approach – Management defines critical processes designed to

achieve desired results, measures inputs and outputs of the processes,
and evaluates the impact of those processes on customers and other
• System Approach to Management – Management defines the system by
identifying processes that affect objectives, structuring the system to
achieve the objectives in the most efficient way, understanding the
interdependencies among the processes, and continually improving the
system through measurement and evaluation;
• Continual Improvement – Continual improvement of services, processes,
and systems in an ongoing commitment of MDSAP RA’s;
• Factual Approach to Decision Making- Effective decisions are based on
the analysis of data and information;
• Mutually Beneficial Stakeholder Relationships – Because MDSAP and its
stakeholders are interdependent, MDSAP participants seek to maintain a
mutually beneficial relationship and open communication.

Management’s successful use of the above principles will result in benefits to all
MDSAP participants, staff, stakeholders and the MDSAP “community”.

5.1.2 Customer Focus

To ensure value for all customers, MDSAP RA’s determine customer needs and
expectations through ongoing communication with the MDSAP “community” in a
variety of venues that include: board meetings; focus groups; and
customer/stakeholder surveys. Upon determining customer needs and
expectations, management translates these needs and expectations into
requirements as a set of standards or performance goals to which each MDSAP
site will be held accountable. A “Customer Feedback Survey” was developed to
establish a baseline regarding the degree of satisfaction with identified services
and to identify other possible service areas for future inclusion in the QMS.

5.2 Policy

The MDSAP Policy establishes clear standards and expectations for the delivery
of quality work and services, individual commitment and accountability, and
continuous improvement for participating RA’s sites.

Management ensures that the policy:

First Edition and initially released: 2013-09-09, Second Edition: 2015-09-22, Third Edition 2017-01-09,
Fourth Edition: 2019-01-11, Fifth Edition: 2023-01-05, Sixth Edition: 2023-10-02
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• Is appropriate to the purpose of MDSAP;

• Includes a commitment to meet requirements and continually improve
the effectiveness of the quality management system;
• Provides a framework for defining, establishing, documenting and
reviewing quality objectives. Quality objectives have been established
for each key element of the policy (section 6.2 – Quality Objectives and
Planning to Achieve them);
• Is communicated and understood within the MDSAP “community”; and
• Is reviewed for continuing suitability. The review of the quality policy is a
standing agenda item for the Management Review meetings as
described in the MDSAP QMS P0005 – Management Responsibility and
Management Review Procedure. (Section 9.3 – Management Review).

5.3 Organizational roles, responsibilities and authorities

The Top Management in MDSAP is composed of the Regulatory Authority

Council (RAC), including the RAC Chair and the Vice RAC Chair. (For
additional information, refer to List of RA representative and MDSAP P0003 –
MDSAP Roles and Responsibilities.) Top Management should identify functions
and their interrelations within MDSAP through organization charts, procedures
and flowcharts, and meet “as needed” to conduct and discuss the business of
MDSAP system and to make system-level decisions for approval. The
Chairperson has defined and communicated the responsibility and authority to
implement and maintain an effective and efficient QMS within MDSAP. The RAC
function’s as Top Management; therefore, it will also serve as the Management
Review Team which will monitor the operation of the QMS according to the
documented MDSAP QMS P0005 – Management Responsibility and
Management Review Procedure. Responsibility for QMS core business
processes, support and improvement processes have been defined within each
documented process. Job descriptions are maintained at each MDSAP site
within the Department of Human Resources for all employees having
responsibility for and engaging in process execution.

RAC has appointed an MDSAP Quality Management System Management

Representative who, irrespective of other responsibilities, has the responsibility
and authority for:

• Ensuring that processes needed for the quality management system are
established, implemented and maintained;

First Edition and initially released: 2013-09-09, Second Edition: 2015-09-22, Third Edition 2017-01-09,
Fourth Edition: 2019-01-11, Fifth Edition: 2023-01-05, Sixth Edition: 2023-10-02
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• Reporting to RAC on the performance of the quality management system

and any need for improvement;
• Ensuring the promotion of awareness of customer requirements
throughout the organization;
• Serving as liaison with external parties on matters relating to the quality
management system; and
• Organizational freedom to resolve quality matters.

For each Regulatory Authority there is an MDSAP Quality Management System

Site Representative who is responsible for assisting the MDSAP Quality
Management System Management Representative on the implementation of the
quality management system at his/her respective site.

In order to fulfill the above responsibilities, the MDSAP QMS Management

Representative and MDSAP QMS Site Representatives should possess the
following competencies:
• Experience performing audits and/or inspections of quality management
systems to regulatory requirements and applicable standards
• Experience performing MDSAP assessments of Auditing Organizations
seeking to obtain or maintain recognition
• Knowledge of ISO 9001, ISO 17021, and ISO 13485
• Knowledge of the MDSAP quality management system, policies, and
• Familiarity with the use of IMDRF MDSAP documents

* * End of Section 5 * *

First Edition and initially released: 2013-09-09, Second Edition: 2015-09-22, Third Edition 2017-01-09,
Fourth Edition: 2019-01-11, Fifth Edition: 2023-01-05, Sixth Edition: 2023-10-02
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6. Planning

6.1 Actions to address risks and opportunities

MDSAP RA’s have developed a Quality Management System that allows for the
evaluation of risks and opportunities and taking actions to address them. The
risks are evaluated and treated through the MDSAP QMS P0004 – Risk
Management Procedure and can be identified from many QMS processes, such
as, Nonconformity and Corrective Action (MDSAP QMS P0009), Internal Audits
(MDSAP QMS P0008), Complaint and Customer Feedback (MDSAP QMS
P0011) and Management Review (MDSAP QMS P0005). Opportunities for
improvement are handled under MDSAP QMS P0013 – Continual Improvement

6.2 Quality Objectives and planning to achieve them

MDSAP RA’s set forth a number of performance goals with specific performance
indicators and strategies for each goal. These goals and indicators are the
concrete, measurable statements of the expectations for all MDSAP participants.
Taken as a whole, these goals are an overview of the standards that will be used
to measure each MDSAP site’s achievements and accountability. The
performance goals and indicators are the quality objectives that impact specific
functions and levels within MDSAP. The quality objectives are used to identify
critical areas of the Program’s quality focus to ensure customer requirements are
met. These quality objectives are reviewed annually (by MDSAP participants
and RAC) as a measure of MDSAP performance and to assess the effectiveness
of the quality management system. The results also serve as a needs
assessment for the development of future initiatives, strategies and resources.
The current quality objectives are defined on the document available in Box.

6.3 Planning of changes

The RAC ensures that:

• The planning of the QMS is carried out in order to meet the requirements
delineated in Section 4.4 and for achieving performance goals (quality
objectives); and
• The integrity of the QMS is maintained when changes are planned and

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Planning of changes focuses on identifying, defining, documenting, monitoring,

evaluating and improving processes that are needed to meet quality objectives
and customer requirements. The RAC identifies needs and requirements for
MDSAP through the continual improvement process. QMS internal audits are
used to maintain system integrity.

End of Section 6 * *

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7. Support

7.1 Resources

7.1.1 General
The MDSAP budget planning process is aligned with performance goals of the
MDSAP system and identifies the human and fiscal resources needed to attain
those goals. The MDSAP budget is subject to review and approval by the
participating governments.

Through the budget planning process, MDSAP RA’s determine and provide the
resources needed to:

• Implement and maintain the QMS and continually improve its

effectiveness; and
• Enhance customer satisfaction by meeting customer requirements.
(Section 9.1.2 – Customer Satisfaction).

The MDSAP quality objectives include the need for identification and definition of
the necessary resources to establish and maintain the quality management

7.1.2 People
MDSAP RA’s ensure that all participants/staff performing work affecting
conformity to product and service requirements are competent with respect to
appropriate education, training, skills and experience. It is the responsibility of
each MDSAP RA to insure that all personnel, whose job requires knowledge of
product and service specifications, are made aware of any changes to product
and service specifications.

The necessary training for assessment activities are defined on IMDRF/MDSAP

WG/N6FINAL:2021(Edition 2) – Regulatory Authority Assessor Competence and
Training Requirements.

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7.1.3 Infrastructure
MDSAP RA’s determine, provide and maintain the infrastructure needed to
achieve conformity to product and service requirements. This can be done
through the annual MDSAP budget planning process. The infrastructure
includes, as applicable:

a) Buildings, workspace and associated utilities;

b) Process equipment (both hardware and software); and
c) Supporting services to ensure the effective functioning of the MDSAP
Quality System.

7.1.4 Environment for the operation of processes

MDSAP RA’s determine and manage the work environment needed for the
operation of its processes and to achieve conformity to service requirements.
This is accomplished through QMS planning, management review, maintenance
and operations. Management also ensures the work environment has a positive
influence on motivation, satisfaction and performance of each individual working
for the MDSAP “community” to enhance the overall MDSAP performance.

7.1.5 Monitoring and measuring resources

MDSAP RA’s provide the necessary resources to monitor and measure its
results. The monitoring of MDSAP activities is described below in Section 9,
Performance Evaluation.

7.1.6 Organizational knowledge

Organizational knowledge was established thorough the development of MDSAP
processes and documents and is continually maintained and developed by
evaluation of changing needs, group discussions, complaint handling process,
management reviews, continual improvement process, etc.

7.2 Competence

Training and the methodologies used to meet the below requirements are
described in the MDSAP QMS P0014 – Training Procedure.

MDSAP management:

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• Determines the necessary competence for participant/staff performing

work affecting conformity to product and service requirements;
• Where applicable, provides training or takes other actions to achieve
necessary competence;
• Evaluates the effectiveness of the actions taken; and
• Maintains appropriate records of education, training, skills and

7.3 Awareness

Top management is responsible to ensure that its participants/staff are aware of

the relevance and importance of their activities and how they contribute to the
achievement of the quality objectives.

7.4 Communication

MDSAP has created appropriate processes to ensure communication among its

various levels and functions regarding the processes of the Quality Management
System and their effectiveness. Additionally, the RAC actively encourages
feedback and communication from all MDSAP participants as a means of
engaging all stakeholders.

7.5 Documented information

7.5.1 General
The Quality Management System documentation includes:

• Documented statements of a quality policy (see 5.2.1) and quality

objectives, (see 6.2) or reference to them;
• Quality Management System Manual;
• Documented procedures required by the ISO Standards and MDSAP;
• Documents, including records, determined by MDSAP as necessary to
ensure the effective planning, operation and control of its processes.

The following graphic illustrates the overall structure of the QMS, and identifies
the levels of documentation that make up the system.

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Figure 2: Documentation Hierarchy and structure of the Quality Manual.

Level 1: Defines Approach and Responsibility
Level 2: Defines Who, What, When
Level 3: Answers How
Level 4 Results: shows that the system is operating

MDSAP RA’s have established and maintain the Quality Management System
Manual (Level 1 document) to define ISO 9001:2015 and MDSAP requirements.
The quality manual includes:

• Scope of the QMS (Section 1);

• Reference to the documented procedures (Level 2) required for the QMS
and for providing products and/or services to our customers;
• A description of the interaction between processes, and
• A graph (Figure 3) that illustrates the QMS linkages of requirements
presented in Section 4 to 10. The illustration shows that customer
requirements play a significant role in defining requirements requires the
evaluation of information relating to the perception of customers and
interested stakeholders as to whether MDSAP has met its requirements.

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Continual Improvement of the Quality Management System

Leadership Regulatory

Review Customer
Customer Resources Satisfaction
Requirements Performance Evaluation
Support and Improvement
(Monitoring, Measurement, Analysis,
Evaluation and Improvement)

Competency, Awareness, Internal Audit

and IT Portal Corrective Action
Requirements Management Analysis of Data
- IMDRF N3 Nonconforming Outputs
- ISO 17021
- ISO 13485
- QMS Regulatory
Requirements Lifecycle Product or Regulatory
- MDSAP External Decisions &
Documents Input Management Service Output Enforcement
Information on (Operation) Action
Device Manufacturer Assessment
- Establishment Program List of Recognized
Audit Reports
Registration AO (publicly
- Device Listing Special available)
Assessment Document Certificates
- Adverse Events Stage 1 Assessment from Device
Reports Audit Assessment
Audit Manufacturers
- Recalls
Technical Review &
AO Appeal to Recognition
Nonconformity Decision

QMS Infrastructure

Figure 3: MDSAP Quality Management System Linkages.

7.5.2 Creating and updating

The Quality Management Manual and Level 2 and 3 documents are updated and
revised as needed to reflect the current management system or changes in
process methodologies. Online versions of these documents are controlled;
therefore all printed versions of these documents are unofficial copies.

7.5.3 Control of documented information

Documents that are required by the MDSAP Quality Management System are
identified and controlled according to the documented procedure “MDSAP QMS
P0002 - Document Control and Approval Procedure”, which establishes the
controls needed to:

• Approve documents for adequacy prior to issue;

• Review and update as necessary and re-approve documents;
• Ensure that changes and the current revision status of documents are

First Edition and initially released: 2013-09-09, Second Edition: 2015-09-22, Third Edition 2017-01-09,
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• Ensure that relevant versions of applicable documents are available at

points of use;
• Ensure that documents remain legible and readily identifiable;
• Ensure that documents of external origin determined to be necessary for
the planning and operation of the quality management system are
identified and their distribution controlled; and
• Prevent the unintended use of obsolete documents, and to apply suitable
identification to them if they are retained for any purpose.

Quality records are collected throughout the QMS as a means of demonstrating

that required quality activities were performed. MDSAP QMS P0002 – Document
Control and Approval Procedure, has been established to address quality record
requirements. In addition, each core business process, support and
improvement process document identifies the methodology for the identification,
storage, protection, retrieval, retention time, and disposition of quality records.

It is the responsibility of each “process owner” to ensure that the required quality
records are created and maintained in accordance with stated requirements.

* * End of Section 7 * *

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8. Operation

8.1 Operational planning and control

MDSAP RA’s plan and develop the processes needed to provide services to all
participants within the scope of the QMS. Planning of operation is consistent
with the other processes of the QMS. In operational planning, MDSAP RA’s
determine the following, as appropriate:

• The quality objectives and requirements for the product and/or service;
• The need to establish processes and documents, and to provide
resources specific to the product and/or service;
• The required verification, validation, monitoring, auditing and activities
specific to the service and the criteria for service acceptance; and
• The records needed to provide evidence that the operation processes
and the resulting service fulfills the requirements.

The output of this planning has resulted in a quality management system that
consists of a series of product and/or service delivery processes (Section 4.4)
that includes the core methodologies used to ensure that product and/or services
produced and delivered meet customer requirements.

The methodologies, also referred to as a quality plan, are used to address the
above requirements are detailed below:

Elements Planning Methodology

Quality Objectives Each process document includes reference to specific
and requirements for goals and performance indicators for the services
the product/service which the processes support. Stakeholders and
customers provide input regarding requirements for
Quality plans and Processes used to provide services are documented.
methodologies to That documentation specifies responsibilities related
control the to the process, process objectives, the sequence of
development of the activities in process execution including required
product/service controls, monitoring and measurement methodologies,
and provisions for document and record control.
Resources specific to Provisions for resources to provide the service are
the product/service made through the annual budget process.

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Fourth Edition: 2019-01-11, Fifth Edition: 2023-01-05, Sixth Edition: 2023-10-02
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Verification, validation Services requiring design such as technology

and audit activities development have these activities built into the
Establishment of Each documented process identifies the records that
quality records will be kept to provide evidence of process execution.

8.2 Requirements for products and services

8.2.1 Customer communication

MDSAP RA’s, as necessary, determine and implement effective arrangements
for communicating with customers (internal/external) in relation to requirements,
changes, and customer feedback including customer complaints (See MDSAP
QMS P0011 Complaint and Customer Feedback Procedure). MDSAP regularly
communicates with internal and external customers through the following

• Communication and team meetings;

• Electronic media such as MDSAP website, Webex;
• Stakeholder input meetings; and
• RAC meetings.

8.2.2 Determining the requirements for products and services

MDSAP RA’s determine:

• Requirements specified by MDSAP participants, stakeholders, internal

and external customers;
• Requirements not stated by the customer, but necessary for specified or
intended use;
• Other requirements (state/federal/international) related to the product
and/or service; and
• Any additional requirements determined by MDSAP process.

8.2.3 Review of the requirements for products and services

Each documented core business process has built-in provisions for reviewing the
requirements related to the product and/or service resulting from the execution of
each process.

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Fourth Edition: 2019-01-11, Fifth Edition: 2023-01-05, Sixth Edition: 2023-10-02
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8.2.4 Changes to requirements for products and services

MDSAP QMS Management Representative/Site representatives ensure that the
Regulatory Authorities and Auditing Organizations are aware of any change to
the MDSAP requirements through the use of transmittals that are distributed to
the relevant persons. Also, other stakeholders can subscribe to the MDSAP
website to receive e-mail updates on documents.

8.3 Design and Development of products and services

8.3.1 General
MDSAP RA’s provide planning, control and design input for the
development/maintenance of the MDSAP IT Portal. MDSAP IT Portal is multi-
program web-based IT portal that will assist MDSAP and other participating RAs
in the secure exchange of regulatory information. MDSAP participants will also
utilize MDSAP IT Portal to assist with the management of its operations and as
the official MDSAP document repository.

8.3.2 Design and development planning

Design and development planning requirements are addressed in the MDSAP IT
Portal Requirements document and other documents related to the project.
During design and development planning the MDSAP IT Portal Working Group
assists in determining:

• The design and development stages;

• The appropriate general, security and implementation requirements;
• The review, verification and validation that are appropriate to each
design and development stage; and
• The responsibilities and authorities for design and development.

The MDSAP IT Portal Working Group manages the interface between different
participating RA’s sites and MDSAP IT Portal to ensure effective communication
and clear assignment of responsibility.

Planning output is updated, as appropriate, as the design and development


First Edition and initially released: 2013-09-09, Second Edition: 2015-09-22, Third Edition 2017-01-09,
Fourth Edition: 2019-01-11, Fifth Edition: 2023-01-05, Sixth Edition: 2023-10-02
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8.3.3 Design and development inputs

Inputs related to technology solution development requirements are determined
and records are maintained. Inputs include:

• Functional and performance requirements;

• Applicable statutory and regulatory requirements;
• Where applicable, results derived from results of previous similar
technology solutions; and
• Other requirements essential for design and development.

These inputs are reviewed for adequacy. Requirements are complete,

unambiguous and not in conflict with each other.

8.3.4 Design and development controls

At suitable stages within the “Technology Development Process”, systemic
reviews of design and development are performed in accordance with planned
arrangements to:

• Evaluate the ability of the results of design and development to meet

requirements; and
• Identify any problem and propose necessary actions.

Participants in such reviews include representatives of functions concerned with

the design and development stage(s) being reviewed. Records of the results of
the reviews and any necessary actions are maintained as specified in MDSAP
QMS P0007 – Control of Quality Record Procedure.

Verification is performed to ensure that the design and development outputs

have satisfied the design and development input requirements. Records of the
results of the verification and any necessary actions are maintained as specified
in MDSAP QMS P0007 – Control of Quality Record Procedure.

Design and development validation is performed in accordance with planned

arrangements to ensure that the resulting technology solution is capable of
fulfilling the requirements for the specified or known intended use or application.
When practical, validation is completed prior to the delivery or implementation of
the technology solution. Records of the results of validation and any necessary
actions are maintained as specified in MDSAP QMS P0007 – Control of Quality
Records Procedure.

First Edition and initially released: 2013-09-09, Second Edition: 2015-09-22, Third Edition 2017-01-09,
Fourth Edition: 2019-01-11, Fifth Edition: 2023-01-05, Sixth Edition: 2023-10-02
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8.3.5 Design and development outputs

The outputs of design and development of technology are provided in a form that
enables verification against the design and development input and are approved
prior to release. Design and development outputs:

• Meet the input requirements for design and development;

• Provide appropriate information for purchasing, production and service
• Contain or reference acceptance criteria; and
• Specify the characteristics of the technology solution that are essential
for its effective implementation.

8.3.6 Design and development changes

Design and development changes are identified and records are maintained.
Changes are reviewed, verified and validated, as appropriate, and approved
before implementation. The review of design and development changes includes
evaluation of the effect of the changes on the technology solution being used.
Records of the results of the review of changes and any necessary actions are

Design Review

Design &
Customer Needs Design Input Development Design Output Service



Figure 4: Design and Development Process for the IT Portal Development


First Edition and initially released: 2013-09-09, Second Edition: 2015-09-22, Third Edition 2017-01-09,
Fourth Edition: 2019-01-11, Fifth Edition: 2023-01-05, Sixth Edition: 2023-10-02
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8.4 Control of externally provided processes, products and services

8.4.1 General
MDSAP RA’s ensure that externally provided processes, products and services
conform to specified requirements to assure the desired outcome. MDSAP input
will be provided to the IT team to help evaluate and select vendors based on the
ability to supply products/services in accordance with MDSAP and all other
participating program(s) requirements. The IT team will maintain the results of
evaluation and necessary actions arising from the evaluation.

8.4.2 Type and extent of control

Externally provided products or services are verified upon receipt for condition,
completeness, identification, and general compliance with procurement
document requirements, including availability of required documentation.

8.4.3 Information for external providers

MDSAP participants communicate with external providers its requirements for:

• Approval of product, services and processes;

• Qualification of personnel; and
• Quality Management System.

MDSAP RA’s ensure the adequacy of specific purchase requirements prior to

their communication to the supplier.

8.5 Production and Service Provision

8.5.1 Control of Production and Service Provision

To provide acceptable services to our stakeholders and/or customers, MDSAP
QMS Management Representative/Site representatives have developed
documented procedures to control operations. These procedures are referenced
in this Quality Management System Manual.

MDSAP RA’s plan and carry out those processes under controlled conditions that
include, as applicable, the:

First Edition and initially released: 2013-09-09, Second Edition: 2015-09-22, Third Edition 2017-01-09,
Fourth Edition: 2019-01-11, Fifth Edition: 2023-01-05, Sixth Edition: 2023-10-02
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• Availability of work instructions, as necessary;

• Use of suitable equipment, where applicable;
• Implementation of monitoring and measurement, and implementation of
product release, delivery and post-delivery activities.

MDSAP RA’s validate processes through monitoring, measurement and QMS

internal auditing and/or assessment to ensure compliance. Validation
demonstrates the ability of these processes to achieve the planned results. The
execution of each process results in products and/or services which can be
verified by subsequent measuring or monitoring. This includes any processes
where deficiencies may become apparent only after the product is in use or has
been delivered. In the case of processes that include design and development,
such as technology, steps are also embedded in the processes to ensure
suitability prior to release.

MDSAP arrangements for these processes include the following, as applicable:

• Defined criteria for review and approval of the processes;

• Approval of “equipment” where applicable and qualification of personnel;
• Use of specific methods and procedures;
• Requirements for quality records according to procedures and
instruction; and
• Revalidation, where necessary.

8.5.2 Identification and Traceability

Where appropriate, MDSAP QMS identifies any product resulting from the
execution of a process by suitable means to ensure recognition for delivery, use
and the fulfillment of monitoring and measurement requirements.

8.5.3 Property belonging to customers or external providers

Customer property may include, but is not limited to, personal information
received such as names, addresses, phone numbers, or other data. The
MDSAP IT Portal Working Group, along with the IT team, identifies, verifies,
protects, and safeguards this information and adheres to Privacy Act laws and
requirements. MDSAP IT Portal is developed to provide a secure network to
assist in safeguarding this information.

First Edition and initially released: 2013-09-09, Second Edition: 2015-09-22, Third Edition 2017-01-09,
Fourth Edition: 2019-01-11, Fifth Edition: 2023-01-05, Sixth Edition: 2023-10-02
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8.5.4 Preservation
The outputs of MDSAP such as assessment documentation, training records,
audit reports and manufacturer certificates will be securely stored on MDSAP IT
Portal and in MDSAP/RAs IT systems.

8.5.5 Post-delivery activities

MDSAP post-delivery activities related to its products or services are handled
under Complaints and/or Customer Feedback Procedure (MDSAP QMS P0011)
and also may be an output of the Management Responsibility and Review
Procedure (MDSAP QMS P0005).

8.5.6 Control of changes

MDSAP changes are controlled by MDSAP QMS P0002 – Document Control and
Approval Procedure and any change on the program is properly documented and
communicated to the stakeholders as stated in Section 8.2.4.

8.6 Release of products and services

The release of MDSAP products and services can be translated to the

authorization/recognition of Auditing Organizations and issuance of Audit Reports
and Certificates by the Auditing Organizations. Those activities are properly
established, documented and controlled according to the MDSAP procedures.

8.7 Control of nonconforming outputs

MDSAP participants ensure that outputs which do not conform to requirements

are identified and controlled to prevent its unintended use or delivery. The Level
2 MDSAP QMS P0009 – Nonconformity and Corrective Action Procedure define
the controls and related responsibilities and authorities for dealing with
nonconforming outputs.

Where applicable, MDSAP participants manage nonconformities by:

• Taking action to eliminate the detected nonconformity;

• Authorizing its use, release or acceptance under concession by a
relevant authority, if needed;

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Fourth Edition: 2019-01-11, Fifth Edition: 2023-01-05, Sixth Edition: 2023-10-02
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• Taking action to preclude its original intended use or application; and

• Taking action appropriate to the effects, or potential effects, of the
nonconformity when a nonconforming output is detected after delivery or
use has started.

* * End of Section 8 * *

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9. Performance evaluation

9.1 Monitoring, measurement, analysis and evaluation

MDSAP RA’s monitor and measure products/services to verify that products/

services requirements have been met. This is carried out at appropriate stages
of the products/services operation in accordance with documented procedures.
Monitoring of products/services is identified in applicable procedures and records
maintained at each MDSAP RA site.

Annually, and after internal audit and/or assessment, each MDSAP site within the
scope of the QMS reports to the RAC regarding its products/services and
provides recommendations for improvement, as appropriate.

Evidence of conformity with the acceptance criteria is maintained. Records

indicate the project manager(s) authorizing release of the product/service.
Product release and service delivery does not proceed until the planned
arrangements have been satisfactorily completed, unless otherwise approved by
a relevant authority and, where applicable, by the customer.

MDSAP RA’s apply suitable methods for monitoring and, where applicable,
measuring quality management system processes. These methods demonstrate
the ability of the processes to achieve planned results and also confirm the
continuing ability of each process to satisfy its intended purpose. When planned
results are not achieved, appropriate action is taken to ensure conformity of the
process. When planned results are not achieved, appropriate corrective action is

9.1.1 General
MDSAP RA’s plan and implement the monitoring, measurement, analysis and
improvement processes needed to:

• Demonstrate conformity to product and service requirements;

• Ensure conformity of the QMS; and
• Continually improve the effectiveness of the QMS.

First Edition and initially released: 2013-09-09, Second Edition: 2015-09-22, Third Edition 2017-01-09,
Fourth Edition: 2019-01-11, Fifth Edition: 2023-01-05, Sixth Edition: 2023-10-02
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9.1.2 Customer satisfaction

MDSAP QMS Management Representative/Site representatives monitor
information relating to customers’ perception as to whether we have met
customer requirements. Satisfaction within the MDSAP community is monitored
through administration of an annual customer Feedback Survey in the execution
of their processes. MDSAP also administers an annual Stakeholder Satisfaction
Survey and obtains input through other sources such as RAC and team

9.1.3 Analysis and evaluation

MDSAP QMS Management Representative/Site representatives determine,
collect and analyze appropriate data to demonstrate the suitability and
effectiveness of the QMS and to evaluate where continual improvement of the
QMS can be made.

The analysis of data provides information relating to, but not limited to:

• Customer satisfaction;
• Conformity to product requirements;
• Characteristics and trends of processes and products, including continual

The results of analysis are reported per the MDSAP QMS P0005 – Management
Responsibility and Management Review Procedure to determine:

• Trends;
• Customer satisfaction;
• Effectiveness and efficiency of the processes;
• Benchmarking;
• Progress in meeting MDSAP quality objectives; and
• Areas needing improvement.

9.2 Internal Audit

MDSAP QMS Management Representative/Site representatives ensure that

QMS audits and/or assessments are conducted at planned intervals to determine
whether the quality management system:

First Edition and initially released: 2013-09-09, Second Edition: 2015-09-22, Third Edition 2017-01-09,
Fourth Edition: 2019-01-11, Fifth Edition: 2023-01-05, Sixth Edition: 2023-10-02
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• Conforms to the planned arrangements, to the requirements of ISO 9001

Standard, and to the QMS requirements established by MDSAP; and
• Is effectively implemented and maintained.

The audit/assessment activity is planned, taking into consideration the status and
importance of the processes and areas to be audited, as well as the results of
previous audits/assessments. The internal audit criteria, scope and methods are
defined. Selection of auditors and conducting these audits ensure objectivity and
impartiality of the audit process. Auditors will not audit their own work.

The responsibilities and requirements for planning and conducting

audits/assessments, and for reporting and maintaining records, are defined in the
Level 2 and 3 MDSAP QMS P0008 – Internal Assessment Procedure and related
templates. This procedure defines:

• The responsibilities and requirements for planning and conducting audits;

• That audits are conducted by personnel other than those who perform
the activity being audited to ensure objectivity and impartiality of the audit
• That audit records and results to be maintained; and
• Reporting of results to management.

Each MDSAP RA site is responsible for the area being audited and takes timely
corrective action on deficiencies found during the audit. Results of audits are
recorded and maintained and follow-up actions include the verification of the
implementation of corrective action and the reporting of verification results.

9.3 Management review

9.3.1 General
The RAC reviews the Quality Management System at least once a year (refer to
MDSAP QMS P0005 – Management Responsibility and Management Review
Procedure) and as needed to assess the system’s effectiveness and its ongoing
adequacy and suitability. This review evaluates any need for changes to the
MDSAP Quality Management System, including its quality policy and quality

First Edition and initially released: 2013-09-09, Second Edition: 2015-09-22, Third Edition 2017-01-09,
Fourth Edition: 2019-01-11, Fifth Edition: 2023-01-05, Sixth Edition: 2023-10-02
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9.3.2 Management review inputs

The input to management review is specified within the corresponding
documented procedure and includes current performance and improvement
opportunities related to the following:

• Internal quality audit results;

• Feedback from internal and external customers;
• Process performance and product conformance;
• Status of corrective actions;
• Follow-up action from previous management reviews;
• Changes that could affect the quality management system; and
• Recommendations for improvement.

9.3.3 Management review outputs

The output of management review is specified within the corresponding
documented procedure and includes decisions and actions related to:

• Improvement of the effectiveness of the quality management system and

its processes;
• Improvement of products and or services related to customer
requirements; and
• Resource needs.

Results of management reviews are recorded and maintained according to

MDSAP QMS P0005 – Management Responsibility and Management Review

* * End of Section 9 * *

First Edition and initially released: 2013-09-09, Second Edition: 2015-09-22, Third Edition 2017-01-09,
Fourth Edition: 2019-01-11, Fifth Edition: 2023-01-05, Sixth Edition: 2023-10-02
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10. Improvement

10.1 General

MDSAP participants continually improve the efficiency and effectiveness of the

Quality Management System through the use of the quality policy, MDSAP
objectives, internal audit results, analysis of data, corrective actions and
management review.

10.2 Nonconformity and corrective action

MDSAP participants take action to eliminate the cause of existing

nonconformities in order to prevent recurrence. Corrective actions are
appropriate to the effects of the nonconformities encountered. The Level 2
MDSAP QMS P0009 – Nonconformity and Corrective Action Procedure provides
methodologies to address the requirements for:

• Reviewing quality data relating to nonconformities including customer

• Determining the causes of nonconformities;
• Evaluating the need for action to ensure that nonconformities do not
• Determining and implementing action needed;
• Maintaining records of results of actions taken; and
• Reviewing the effectiveness of corrective actions taken.

Examples of information used by MDSAP to identify the need for possible

corrective action are: stakeholder concerns and or complaints; internal and
external audit reports; outputs from management review; outputs from data
analysis; relevant QMS records; process measurements; and internal and
external customer feedback surveys, including stakeholders’ feedback surveys.

10.3 Continual Improvement

The effectiveness of the QMS is continually improved through specific processes

and activities built into the system. The role of these quality improvement

First Edition and initially released: 2013-09-09, Second Edition: 2015-09-22, Third Edition 2017-01-09,
Fourth Edition: 2019-01-11, Fifth Edition: 2023-01-05, Sixth Edition: 2023-10-02
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vehicles is described in the MDSAP QMS P0013 – Continual Improvement

Procedure including the PDCA cycle (Plan-Do-Check-Act).

Continual improvement of the MDSAP processes is essential in the program’s

quality management system. Additional roles of quality improvement vehicles
are described below.

Quality Policy – The quality policy was established to reflect the priorities of
MDSAP internal/external customers and stakeholders. Additionally, it includes a
commitment to strive for continuous improvement in both the quality of services
provided and in the processes utilized to provide them.

Quality Objectives – Specific, measurable objectives have been established for

each documented process within the quality management system. These
objectives align with the key performance goals that are established to assess
our overall performance. The objectives also provide a framework for measuring
the effectiveness of our processes, as well as establishing a baseline for
implementing and measuring improvement actions.

Internal Audit Results – The status of the internal audit results will be reported
to the RAC, as described in MDSAP QMS P0008 – Internal Assessment
Procedure. Summary audit reports contain recommendations for process or
system improvements, including any corrective actions resulting from reported
audit nonconformities.

Analysis of Data – Process owners review relevant data that is collected and
analyzed to demonstrate the suitability and effectiveness of the Quality
Management System and to evaluate whether continual improvement of the
effectiveness of the quality management system can be made.

Corrective Actions – This process identifies corrective actions needed to

correct the cause of any existing nonconformity that occurs within the quality
management system. Such actions are always viewed as an opportunity to
improve the quality system.

Management Responsibility and Management Review – MDSAP QMS P0005

– Management Responsibility and Management Review Procedure describes the
frequency of how often Management Reviews are scheduled/held. Those
meetings provide an opportunity to review the results of all the above activities,
assess the overall effectiveness of the system, and identify additional
improvement initiatives that may be needed.

First Edition and initially released: 2013-09-09, Second Edition: 2015-09-22, Third Edition 2017-01-09,
Fourth Edition: 2019-01-11, Fifth Edition: 2023-01-05, Sixth Edition: 2023-10-02
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The interactions of the processes and activities are depicted in the following

Quality Policy & Quality

Stakeholder Input

Core Business Internal Audit Control of

Document and Record
Processes Process Nonconforming
Control Processes

Measurement &
Analysis of Data

Management Corrective Action

Review Process Process

Process Improvement
Figure 5: Interaction of the Processes

* * End of Section 10 * *

First Edition and initially released: 2013-09-09, Second Edition: 2015-09-22, Third Edition 2017-01-09,
Fourth Edition: 2019-01-11, Fifth Edition: 2023-01-05, Sixth Edition: 2023-10-02
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11. Document History

001 2013-09-09 Initial Release Liliane Brown
002 2015-09-22 The names of Japanese Liliane Brown
regulatory authorities were added
on the top page due to Japan’s
participation to MDSAP Pilot.
Minor revision was made
throughout the document.
003 2017-01-09 Document revised to adequate Liliane Brown and
the structure and terminology with Patricia Serpa
the new version of ISO
9001:2015. Additionally,
grammatical updates throughout
the document including revision of
the MDSAP RAs responsibilities.
004 2019-01-11 Corrected color of font in section Hiromi
8.1. Kumada/Kimberly
“QMS Manager/replasentative” Lewandowski-
was replaced with “QMS Walker
Management Representative/Site
Representatives” in section 8.2.4,
8.5.1, 9.1.2, 9.1.3 and 9.2.
Deleted the word preventive
action in section 10.3.
Minor typo was corrected
thoroughout the document.
005 2023-01-05 Updated the language align to Hiromi Kumada
Renamed “REPS” to generic IT
006 2023-10-02 Corrected that quality objectives Hiromi Kumada
are defined in the document
available in Box

First Edition and initially released: 2013-09-09, Second Edition: 2015-09-22, Third Edition 2017-01-09,
Fourth Edition: 2019-01-11, Fifth Edition: 2023-01-05, Sixth Edition: 2023-10-02
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Version 006

Approved: On File Date: 2023-09-21


First Edition and initially released: 2013-09-09, Second Edition: 2015-09-22, Third Edition 2017-01-09,
Fourth Edition: 2019-01-11, Fifth Edition: 2023-01-05, Sixth Edition: 2023-10-02
Uncontrolled when printed:
For the most current copy, contact MDSAP@fda.hhs.gov

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