Script For SHS Third Faci Final
Script For SHS Third Faci Final
Script For SHS Third Faci Final
I. Opening Prayer
Alleoh: Good afternoon students. Before we start, let’s have our opening prayer. “Cor
unum et anima una”
Heavenly Father,
We praise you, and we glorify you. We thank you for allowing us to come together as a
class and start another day to learn. Before the activities start, may we ask for your
guidance and wisdom to motivate us to learn and do the activities today. In light of the
pandemic's current situation, we ask you to keep everyone safe, especially our friends
and families. This we ask in the name of your son, Jesus Christ.
II. Introduction
Alleoh: Good afternoon 11-St. Polycarp and good afternoon, Ma’am Mylady. Welcome
again to our third homeroom facilitation. I hope that, like the past homeroom activities
that I had facilitated, you’ll be able to enjoy and learn a lot from our homeroom period.
So before we start, let me briefly remind you again of our classroom rules. First, mute
your microphones when you are not talking. Second, use chats only for relevant
questions or comments. Third, be mentally present. And lastly, raise your hand to talk
and be an active participant. Let me also remind you that homeroom is a period of safe
space. If you want to say something or share something about your day or the topic of
facilitation, please do not hesitate. We will assure you that whatever you say or share
here will only remain during the homeroom period. Sometimes, to get through a very
tiring day, sharing your thoughts or your experiences with someone can help.
Alleoh: Now let me also present the objectives of today’s facilitation
At the end of the homeroom activity, you are expected to:
Realize the importance of active listening in the process of communication.
Recognize the importance of detailed information in formulating ideas.
Appreciate the importance of having effective communication when
communicating with their peers.
Be more open and accommodating when transacting ideas with their peers.
Practice effective skills for open and productive communication.
III. Icebreaker
Alleoh: Students, before we proceed to our activity proper, we will have an icebreaker.
The title of today’s icebreaker is “Draw and guess.” So before anything else, I would like
to ask you to get any piece of paper and pencil with you. If you’ve done this kindly
please click the raise hand button. In the icebreaker, here is what you will do. I will
describe a random word verbally, and all you have to do is guess that word by drawing
the given descriptions of that word on any piece of paper. The words given will be
described in geometric terms such as shapes, directions, degrees, and lengths. For
example, “draw a small circle in the middle of your paper, then a triangle on top of the
circle.” After you figured out what word is described, you will type your answer in our
chatbox. To make it more fun, we will make it a game. The first student to give the
correct answer will be given a point. However, you will only start typing your answers
once I’m done describing the word. Thus, you will have to wait for my go signal first. At
the end of the icebreaker, whoever has the most points will win. The winner will have
the power to choose one person who will be called for the processing questions later
Alleoh: Are we clear with the instructions? If it’s clear kindly please inform me by clicking
the raise hand button. Okay let’s start.
Alleoh: First round. Draw a large circle in the middle of the page. Draw a triangle at the
top of the circle on the outside. Continue drawing triangles on the outside edge of the
circle. Answer: Sun
Alleoh: Second round. Draw a rectangle in the middle of the page that is taller than is
about 3x taller than it is wide. Draw a circle at the top of the rectangle. Draw three more
circles that overlap with the first circle. Draw a crooked line on each side of the
rectangle going outwards. Answer: Tree
Alleoh: Third round. Draw a half circle that is longer than it is wide, with the straight line
at the top. Near the left side of the half circle, draw a long vertical line. Starting from the
top of that line, draw another line 45 degrees down toward the circle, stopping before
your each the circle. Connect that end point with the initial tall line. Answer: Boat
Alleoh: Last round. Draw a big circle, and inside it, draw multiple small circles scattered
across the big circle. In each small circle, place a dot in the middle of it. Answer: Cookie
Alleoh: So the winner of our icebreaker is_______. Congratulations on winning an as
promised, you will have the power to choose one classmate who will be called for the
processing questions later on.
IV. Introduction
Alleoh: Thank you for participating in our icebreaker. Students, how did you guess the
given words from our icebreaker? You tried to draw the given descriptions of each word,
right? But that would only be possible if you listened actively as I described the words
and thoroughly analyzed the details presented to you. In communication, listening and
details are two of the most important aspect in accommodating and formulating ideas
for productive communication. Sometimes, people often hear what is being said, but
hearing is different from listening. To listen, we need to make a conscious effort to hear
what people are saying and take it in and digest it. Focusing more intensely makes it
possible to understand different topics better and remember more details from what
you’ve learned. Another thing is that the given words must be presented in detail. In
communication, one would understand more given information given if the details
presented are complete and clear. Without the details and active listening, there is a
chance that the information given will be misunderstood or misinterpreted. With today’s
activity, I hope that you will be able to develop or have an idea regarding the skills that
you need to develop in having effective communication.
Facilitator: Now, we will proceed with our activity proper.
V. Activity Proper
A. You will be divided into 3 groups
Facilitator: Students, the title of today’s activity is called “The Merchant’s Daughter.” In
the activity proper, I will divide you into 3 groups in a breakout room.
B. Each group will be given a copy of the story of “The Merchant’s Daughter.
Facilitator: Each group will be given a copy of the story of “The Merchant’s Daughter,”
and you will have to communicate as a group to know how you can solve the given
problem in the story. The story is already posted in our google classroom and you can
look into it once you are in the breakout room.
C. There will be four (4) roles in the group:
Facilitator: In the group, there will be four roles. The reader is the only one who can
read to the group the story. He/she is also allowed to read certain parts of the story
again if the group members ask to do so. The secretary is responsible for writing the
ideas and suggestions of members. He/she is the only one allowed to note and write the
answers. The Moderator is responsible for the flow of and exchange of ideas. He/she is
responsible for facilitating the discussion. Lastly, the listeners are the ones responsible
for analyzing the details of the story. They are the ones who will provide solutions for
the merchant’s daughter. The reader, secretary and moderator can still provide ideas for
solutions, but the final solution will have to be decided by the listeners.
Note: The following roles will be sent again to the students once they are in the
breakout room in case they forget what the roles are.
D. Analyze the solutions and come up with one representative to share the class
the rationale behind the solution they have come up with.
Facilitator: Once you are in the breakout room, you can talk among yourselves to
decide who will be assigned to be the reader, secretary, moderator and listeners. The
reader will read the story first. After the readers are done reading the story, the
moderator will preside over the sharing of ideas and solutions to the problem of the
story. The group can come up with as many solutions as they want, but remember that
there is only one right solution. The secretary will then note all the solutions that will be
discussed. The secretary can share the notes or details with the group members by
unmuting his/her microphones. Again, the group members can ask the reader to repeat
certain parts of the story or its details to assist the listeners in coming up with a solution.
The reader, secretary and moderator can also join and share their ideas in coming up
with a solution, but the listeners are the ones who will decide on the final solution. After
you are done analyzing and discussing the solution, assign one representative to share
with the class the rationale behind the solution you have come up with. Again, you can
access the story through our google classroom. The story is already posted there.
Facilitator: Are there any questions? If the instructions are clear, kindly please click the
raise hand button.
2. The facilitator will divide the students randomly into 3 groups and assign them in their
respective breakout rooms.
Alleoh: Okay, I will now assign you to your respective breakout rooms. Once you’re in
the breakout room, you can now start assigning who will be the secretary, moderator,
and listeners and discuss the possible solutions you will come up with. I will give you ten
(10) minutes to do this. After which, we will go back to the main room. Now, please wait
for a while as I assign you to your respective breakout rooms.
3. The facilitator will enter the breakout room to monitor the facilitation of discussions.
Note: The facilitator will also remind the students who is the assigned reader per group.
4. After the 10 minutes discussion, the students will return to the main room and will
explain their solution to the facilitator.
Alleoh: Now that we are in the main room, may I ask the representative of breakout
room number 1 or group 1 to share their answers
Alleoh: That’s it for our activity proper. Now we will proceed to our processing questions.
Just click the raise hand button if you want to recite. Okay so first question.
VI. Processing
1. Do you think active listening was observed among your group members? What do
you think is the importance of active listening when coming up with a solution to the
Thank you for that answer_____. Effective communication within a group will build a
common purpose among team members that will allow them to reach their goals. But
how do we build effective communication? How were you able to generate ideas and
opinions within a group to come up with a solution? Of course, you did it by listening to
what the reader said and trying to understand the details and information presented in
the story. This is called active listening. Like we said earlier, active listening is when you
fully concentrate on what is being said rather than passively hearing what the speaker is
trying to convey. There are times that we will misunderstand the situation and the
information presented to us. Sometimes, the problem lies not in the lack of information
but in the lack of listening. If you didn’t listen well to “The Merchant’s Story” during your
group discussion earlier, there’s probably not much insight or idea you can provide to
your group. Active listening prevents you from missing important information. It helps
you gauge whether a problem exists and helps you devise a strategy to address the
2. Did the reader clearly present the details given in the story? How did these details
help you communicate among your group members?
Thank you for that answer_____. Along with the information comes the details.
Focusing on the details makes effective communication by reducing the likelihood of
error. In the story, you need to know who the characters are, their circumstances, their
motives, and the problem you need to solve. Without focusing on these details, your
group wouldn’t be able to generate ideas because only when you can come up with a
solution to a certain problem if the necessary information is provided. By paying
attention to detail, one has much more information and can make better decisions.
3. What did you feel when you communicated with your classmates to come out with a
possible answer to the story? Do you think the ideas presented during the discussion
were accommodated well in the group?
Thank you for that answer________. Openness within the group must also be
observed. All members must have must be willing to consider the perspective of each
group member. If you are not open to other ideas and perspectives, it is difficult to see
all of the factors that contribute to problems or come up with effective solutions. Other
than that, the listeners who are responsible for providing solutions must be willing to
share their ideas. Indeed, being open-minded helps you evaluate your options from
every angle rather than being predisposed to one way of looking at things.
4. How will you practice open and effective communication in the future?
Learning effective communication skills is a straightforward process that allows
you to express yourself and improve both your personal and professional
relationships. Knowing how to listen well and communicate clearly will help you
express yourself in discussions, presentations, interviews, and in your personal
life as well. Developing better communication habits requires several important
skills that work in tandem with each other. Some of these skills involve the way
you speak or hold your body, and others are more emotionally based
interpersonal skills. Here are a few skills that good communicators possess:
Active listening- Like we’ve mentioned earlier, clear communication starts
with active listening. If you’re just focused on how you are expressing
yourself, chances are you are not listening or reacting to what others are
bringing to the table. An effective communicator uses a variety of listening
styles. They pay close attention to what’s being said and make others feel
heard and considered.
Focus on nonverbal communication- We’ve also mentioned earlier that it
is important to pay attention to details; that’s why we also need to focus
on nonverbal cues. Mastering nonverbal cues and nonverbal signals can
help prevent miscommunication and signal interest to those around you.
Pay attention to your facial expressions and body language when you are
speaking with someone.
Don’t forget to ask for feedback- Inviting other people to offer feedback
encourages open communication. There are things that they can see but
you can’t .There’s no shame in asking for honest feedback from others.
Cultivate a willingness to seek out other points of view and forge better
relationships with others.
Develop filter- Know what’s appropriate to express in different
interpersonal contexts. Developing a filter will help supplement other
communication techniques and ensure that you maintain a certain level of
decorum and avoid conflict.
Alleoh: Thank you for those who answered. Now let’s move to the integration part.
VIII. Integration
Facilitator: To integrate all we have learned from this journal, I will ask you to write a
journal. The journal contains the following:
• Any random information/things you’ve heard and learned from the people you’ve
communicated with during that day. This could be your family, friends, classmates,
teachers, etc.
• Any random information/things you’ve said to other people during that day.
Facilitator: You are not required to submit this, but I highly encourage you to do so
because this will help you develop the skills of active listening, detail-oriented, and
openness when it comes to communicating.
Alleoh: So before we end our facilitation there are some few reminders:
For our next facilitation, we will celebrate the Mental Health Awareness Month with a
theme entitled, “Ipagdiwang: A celebration of the self.” Now may I ask a volunteer who
would like to create a virtual background that the class will be using for our last
facilitation next month.
Facilitator: To conclude our homeroom, let’s close it with a prayer.
We thank you for this beautiful day. Lord, let what we discussed here bear fruit in
our lives and in other people. Don’t allow the enemy to steal what we have been
taught in our hearts. Cover us with the blood of your son Jesus and show us how
to use the information that we’ve learned here for your glory. It is in Jesus’ name
we believe and pray,