Outsiderscharacter Chart
Outsiderscharacter Chart
Outsiderscharacter Chart
Character Chart
Fill in the chart below with information about the character given. Use this chart
throughout the reading of the novel. Please add information about the character as you
learn new facts or descriptions. This will help you with the character study and studying
for tests. If you need more space, write on another sheet of paper.
Darry Curtis
Dally Winston
Johnny Cade
Character Chart
Steve Randle
Tim Shephard
On this page, you should keep track of the differences and similarities between the two
gangs, the Socials and the Greasers. Write the things that are different about each gang in
the outside columns. Write the things that are similar on the inside column. Update this
page after each chapter.
4. What does Ponyboy say the difference between Darry and their father is?
9. What do you think Soda meant when he told Ponyboy that Darry yells at him because
he has a lot of worries?
Chapter 2
1. Where are Johnny and Ponyboy when the chapter opens?
6. Why does Two-Bit tell them that Tim Shepard is looking for Dally?
7. Why do people turn and look as Ponyboy and Cherry go for refreshments?
8. Who are the people that beat up Johnny (hint: a gang and someone else)?
10. After Ponyboy tells Cherry the story about Johnny, what does she say (p.34)? Do
you think that’s true?
Chapter 3
1. What seems funny to Ponyboy as they walk to get the car?
2. What does Cherry see as the differences between the two gangs? Be sure to fill in your
gang chart.
7. Why does Johnny get nervous when Bob drives up in his blue Mustang?
8. Who does Cherry confess she could fall in love with? Why?
10. Why do you think Johnny says the gang isn’t the same as having your own folks
Chapter 4
1. How many Socs are in the park?
6. What happened the last time that Ponyboy and Johnny went to church?
Chapter 5
1. What does Ponyboy say you do “when you haven’t got anything to do” (p69)? What
does he mean?
5. What do Johnny and Ponyboy swear they won’t do anymore before they fall asleep?
6. Why does Johnny think Dally is a hero? Do you agree with him?
Chapter 6
1. Do you think the whole mess is Cherry’s fault?
5. How does Ponyboy describe Johnny as the two of them are inside the church (p.92)?
Chapter 7
1. Why were reporters interested in what happened to Ponyboy and Johnny?
4. What information did Ponyboy learn from the newspaper about him and his brothers?
Why do you think this bothered Bob so much about his parents?
9. What does Ponyboy finally understand after talking with Randy? (find the quote)
Chapter 8
1. What two things does Johnny ask Two-Bit and Ponyboy for when he is in the
2. What does Johnny tell Ponyboy when they are alone in the hospital room?
Why doesn’t he want to see her? Do you agree with his decision?
Chapter 9
1. Why do the Greasers get dressed up for the rumble?
5. How do the Socs look? What does Ponyboy say is important about looks?
9. What are the last two things Johnny says? What do you think he means?
Chapter 10
1. What does the man who picks up Ponyboy notice about him?
4. Do you think Ponyboy was right and that was what Dally wanted? Why?
5. What does Ponyboy think is different about what happened to Dally and Johnny?
Chapter 11
1. Whose picture does Ponyboy come across in Soda’s yearbook?
2. What does Ponyboy begin to think about when he sees this picture?
3. Ponyboy says he would rather have hatred than ______________. Why do you think
he says this?
6. What lies does Ponyboy say to Randy? Why do you think he does this?
7. What does Darry call Ponyboy? Why does Ponyboy like this?
Chapter 12
1. Who was at the hearing?
9. What does Ponyboy realize about the lies he’s been telling?
11. What does Ponyboy decide to write about for his English assignment?