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Project Synopsis 2012

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Recruitment Stage Handler


Bachelor Of Technology (Information Technology) UNDER GUIDANCE :

Mrs. Sangeeta (Lect. In IT Dept)

Mr. Deepak Gupta (Head of IT Dept)

Vishal Hooda (666/IT/08) Mohit Singla ( 625/IT/08) Pankaj Sharma (638/IT/08)

MAY, 2012 Department of Information technology

Vaish College of Engineering Maharishi Dayanand University Rohtak


1: INTRODUCTION5 2: PROBLEM DEFINATION......6 3: OBJECTIVE.....7 4: TECHNOLOGY...................................................................................................................8 5: METHODOLOGY...............................................................................................................10 6: REQUIREMENT SPECIFICATION..................................................................................12 7: DFD(ER-Diagram, DFDs, Modular Design)........................................................................14 8: SECURITY MECHANISM.................................................................................................22 9: CONCLUSION....................................................................................................................24 10: FUTURE SCOPE................................................................................................................25 11: REFERENCE......................................................................................................................26

I hereby, certify that the work which is being presented in the B.Tech Project Report entitled Recruitment Stage Handler, in partial fulfillment of the requirements of the award of the Bachelor of Technology(Information Technology) and submitted to the Department of Information Technology VCE, Rohtak is an authentic record of my own work carried out during a period from July 2011 to may 2012 under the supervision of Mrs. Sangeeta, Lecturer in IT Department. The matter presented in this report has not been submitted by us for the award of any other degree elsewhere. VISHAL HOODA (666/IT/08) MOHIT SINGLA (625/IT/08) PANKAJ SHARMA (638/IT/08) This is to certify that the above statement made by the candidate is correct to the best of my knowledge. Date: 03//10/11 Mrs. Sangeeta (Lect. In IT dept.)

This is a great opportunity to acknowledge and to thanks all those persons without whose support and help this project would have been impossible. We are highly grateful to the Principal, Vaish College of Engineering, Rohtak, for providing this opportunity to carry out the present report/work. The constant guidance and encouragement received from Mrs. Sangeeta and Head, Mr. Deepak GUPTA, Department of IT, VCE Rohtak has been of great help in carrying our present work and is acknowledged with reverential thanks. The author expresses gratitude to other faculty members of IT Department, VCE for their intellectual support throughout the course of this work. Finally, the authors are indebted to all whosoever have contributed in this report work and friendly stay at VCE.


For an organization to run successfully and efficiently it's very important that it have efficient workers and to use it's resources very well specially Human resources. So one of the important goals of an organization is to recruit right people for the right job. So there should be a proper recruiting process management system so that all the activities and selection procedure can be carried out effectively without losing its transparency. An on-line recruitment system will be of great help in carrying out recruitment operations and with this very objective in mind this On-Line Recruitment Process has been made. In this web base recruitment system we will manage all such activities (like creating vacancies, Short listing applicants, scheduling interviews, selecting final applicants also processing applicants detail and their status) that will save time, manpower and the biggest advantage of being it web based. This web based system will provide better prospective for the enhancement of organization regarding to quality and transparency.

Problem Definition
Firstly the system which is used for recruitment is manual. All the work is done in written manner, which is very time consuming, inefficient, tedious and ineffective. All the data is stored in registers which is not secure and can be mishandled by any unauthorized person. It is very difficult to keep track of each and every record with current mode of handling data. Records of Customers and Employees are very important to organization but it is very typical to store all these records manually. The system is less reliable and effective. Now its become an online automatic system, which arranges all the data itself. So it decreases a lot of burden from the user. The work is done efficiently and easily then the previous system and the output is better than the previous system. The main advantage is that now it becomes an online web service. So by this the organization gets the right people for right job which is better for organization.

This project is aimed at developing an on-line (web-based) and central Recruitment Process System for a company. Some features of this system will be creating vacancies, storing Applicants data, Interview process initiation, Scheduling Interviews, Storing Interview results for the applicant and finally Hiring of the applicant. Reports may be required to be generated for the use of HR department. Provide better understanding between applicants and the organization and Provide an user friendly environment so that applicants can apply for jobs easily and company can run their recruitment process smoothly To maintain and store applicant details, vacancies details and employees details that will help in overall processing. It stores interviews results and provide the status of the applicant in the recruitment process. Provide scheduling information to the interviewers as well as to applicant.

Technology What is ASP.NET?

The Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 includes significant enhancements to all areas of ASP.NET. For Web page development, new controls make it easier to add commonly used functionality to dynamic Web pages. New data controls make it possible to display and edit data on an ASP.NET Web page without writing code. An improved code-behind model makes developing ASP.NET pages easier and more robust. Caching features provide several new ways to cache pages, including the ability to build cache dependency on tables in a SQL Server database. You can now customize Web sites and pages in a variety of ways. Profile properties enable ASP.NET to track property values for individual users automatically. Using Web Parts, you can create pages that users can customize in the browser. You can add navigation menus using simple controls. Improvements to Web site features allow you to create professional Web sites faster and more easily. Master pages allow you to create a consistent layout for all the pages in a site, and themes allow you to define a consistent look for controls and static text. To help protect your sites, you can recompile a Web site to produce executable code from source files (both code files and the markup in .aspx pages). You can then deploy the resulting output, which does not include any source information, to a production server. Enhancements to ASP.NET also include new tools and classes to make Web site management easier for Web site developers, server administrators, and hosters. ASP.NET accommodates a wide variety of browsers and devices. By default, controls render output that is compatible with XHTML 1.1 standards. You can use device filtering to specify different property values on the same control for different browsers.

For a more complete list of new features in ASP.NET, see whats New in ASP.NET.

What is ADO.NET?
New features in ADO.NET include support for user-defined types (UDT), asynchronous database operations, XML data types, large value types, snapshot isolation, and new attributes that allow applications to support multiple active result sets (MARS) with SQL Server 2005. For more information about these and other new ADO.NET features, see What's New in ADO.NET.

What is SQL?
SQL (Structured Query Language) is the most common standardized database language used to create, retrieve, access, modify, control and manage relational databases. SQL is a querying language exclusively designed for controlling data and managing databases effectively. SQL was originally developed by IBM (International Business Machines Corporation) in the 1970's for their DB2 RDBMS. The team of developers included Andrew Richardson, Donald C. Messerly and Raymond F. Boyce. This first version was initially known as SEQUEL. It was basically used to modify and query the data stored in IBM's relational database product called System R. Later, SQL version 3 was officially defined by the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) in the ANSI SQL:1999 standard. Most existing DBMS's currently conform to the earlier ANSI SQL92 standard. Majority of database management systems implement these standards and add their proprietary extensions. However, to be attuned with the ANSI standard, they all maintain the key commands such as SELECT, UPDATE, DELETE, INSERT, WHERE. SQL helps in the retrieval, insertion, updating, and deletion of data from databases. A comprehensive database management system (DBMS) also comprises of managerial and

administrative tasks. Oracle produces a procedural version of SQL which it calls PL/SQL. SQL is supported by every major database system in use today, including MySQL, PostgreSQL, Berkeley DB, Oracle, DB2, Sybase, Informix, and Microsoft SQL. SQL is often pronounced as "sequel".

RECRUITMENT SECTION PROCESS Registration Process : In this process new applicants will be registered first and will be allotted user id and password. In future applicant will be given entry to Recruitment Section through this user id and password. Recruitment Section process: In this zone applicant profiles are updated applicants can view job openings and can apply for one or more jobs or vacancies. They can also know their current status in the ongoing selection process. MEMBERS SECTION PROCESS Login process: After entering valid user id and password employee will be given entry to members zone. Members Section process: In this zone employees details can be viewed and their password and details are updated if required. From this zone only employee of HR department or interviewers can go to their. HR DEPARTMENT PROCESS Vacancy process:


In this process, new vacancies are created and existing vacancies details (like their current status, closing date, eligibility requirement etc.) are updated if required.

Applicant process: In this process applicants detail is updated and new applicant can be created by employee. Search process :

In this process, details of particular vacancies or applicant are searched by employee. Attaching process: In this process, applicants are attached to the vacancies means applicants are short listed for particular vacancy and they will be sent to Interviews simultaneously their status will be updated will show In process status. Scheduling process: In this process interview will be scheduled for the selected applicants and interviewers are informed about the schedules. Applicant /Vacancy process: In this process, those candidates are listed which are finally selected for that particular job on the basis of interview result. Selected candidates are informed about their selection through emails also applicant can view their status which will be updated as Hired . INTERVIEW SECTION PROCESS In this process, interviewer can view all interviews scheduled to be taken , change the Interview details Date/Time and on the basis of interview for a particular job can select or reject the candidate, so on the basis of interviews result interviewer update applicant status as Selected/Rejected.


Requirement Specification


SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS Hardware Specification:It is recommended that the minimum configuration for clients is as appended below:Suggested Configuration of Windows clients:Microprocessor Ram Hard Disk : - Pentium-2 class processor, 450 megahertz (MHz) : - 128 MB of RAM : - 2.5 gigabytes (GB) on installation drive, which


: - includes 500 MB on system drive. CD ROM Drive : - 52 X CD ROM Drive

Software Specifications:Operating System RDBMS Front End : - Windows XP/Windows 2000 NT : - Sql Server 2000 : - Microsoft Visual Studio.NET


DFD The Data flow Diagram shows the flow of data. It is generally made of symbols given below:A square shows the Entity. A Circle shows the Process An open Ended Rectangle shows the data store. An arrow shows the data flow. The DFD can be up to several levels. The 0 level DFD states the flow of data in the system as seen from the outward in each module. The first level DFD show more detail, about the single process of 0 levels DFD

Context Level DFD for On-Line Recruitment Process



Applicant Login Module This is the first and main module for all response result of this consulteyeindia.com web application

HR Department Module These module full fill new vacancies, arrange interviews session, and inform the new appointed candidate list into admin of the company.

STRUCTURE OF TABLES USED 1. App_registration: This table maintains details of applicant

Field Name app_no(PRIMARY KEY) lg_name lg_pass rem_ques rem_ans app_name Ps_city Email Alt_email high_qual qual_field prev_exp



key_skill Current date


emp_detail: This table maintains details of employees

Field name emp_no(PRIMARY KEY) Emplg_name emp_pwd emp_name emp_ques emp_ans emp_sex emp_desig emp_special emp_dept emp_dob emp_sal emp_dojoin emp_add emp_phone emp_email emp_aemail


Vacancy: This table maintains detail of jobs for which vacancies are open

Field Name vac_id (PRIMARY KEY)

Data Type VARCHAR(8)


create_date Owner Status Vac_title Vac_no Vac_dept Closing_date Vac_detail


user_jobdt: This table stores and maintains status of applicant for particular job selection process

Field Name app_no (FOREIGN KEY) vac_id (FOREIGN KEY) Status


Interviewer: This table stores interviewer and interviews details

Field Name emp_no(FOREIGN KEY) vac_id (FOREIGN KEY) Emp_special Emp_dept Status



interview_date Email set_time


hr_applicant: This table maintain the detail of applicants created by HR

Field Name

Data Type

app_no (FOREIGN KEY) app_name Create_date Status






Security Mechanism
In the software security there are two levels of security. The 1st level of security, which is provided by the FRONT END and 2nd level of security provided by the database which is being used. FRONT END SECURITY:This security level is developed or designed by the s/w developer or designer. S/he provides her/his s/w the security for the system, by considering many factors regarding to the particular s/w. In this software following are used to provide security. LOGIN CHECKING: There are two logins are provided in this software one for employees and one for applicants. In order to avail the services of software employees have to provide a valid id and password and only after entering correct id and password employee will get entry otherwise they will be blocked from accessing any services of this site. Similarly a login check is provided for user applying for job. In order to enter recruitment zone user have to enter id and password which they got after registration , in this way security have been provided for both employee section and applicant section. There is also provision to change the password in case password is known by other. BACK END SECURITY:In this particular software our back end used is SQL server 2005. So all the inbuilt security aspects provided by the SQL server 2005 database is used as it is. It will provide the strong feature of security so that it will be difficult to change, modify any personal or university data. Information is vital to success, but when damaged or in the wrong hands, it can threaten success. SQL server 2005 provides extensive security features to safe guard your information from both unauthorized viewing and intentional or inadvertent damage. This security is provided by


granting or revoking privileges on a person- by- person and privilege-by-privilege basis. There are some ways by which security regarding to the database can be provided. They are as followsCREATE USER DELETE USER MODIFY USER


So there should be a proper recruiting process management system so that all the activities and selection procedure can be carried out effectively without losing its transparency. An on-line recruitment system will be of great help in carrying out recruitment operations and with this very objective in mind this On-Line Recruitment Process has been made. In this web base recruitment system we will manage all such activities (like creating vacancies, Short listing applicants, scheduling interviews, selecting final applicants also processing applicants detail and their status) that will save time, manpower and the biggest advantage of being it web based. This web based system will provide better prospective for the enhancement of organization regarding to quality and transparency.


Future Scope
In future this project can be treated as product according to specification and needs of any organization. Since recruitment plays key role in any organization; thus, success over a long period of time and reliance of organization over recruitment is going to be one of the most considered topic for any organization. Therefore Consulteyeindia.com as a On-Line Recruiting Process will be of great help in carrying out recruitment process smoothly and effectively. At present days every organization is using web technology for their proper functioning, so this web based project is all in all important from market aspects. Furthermore if this project will be uploaded, it can be used as recruitment site and any organization can register their self on the site to carry out their recruitment process making this site as central recruitment system.


Pro C# with .NET 3.0 (Andrew Troelsen) - by Apress publication Pro ASP.NET 2.0in C# 2005 - by Apress publication Java Script Programming - by Wrox publication


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