Joint Wills and Mutual Wills
Joint Wills and Mutual Wills
Joint Wills and Mutual Wills
Joint wills and mutual wills are closely related terms used in the law of wills to describe
two types of testamentary writing that may be executed by a married couple to ensure
that their property is disposed of identically. Neither should be confused with mirror
wills which means two separate, identical wills, which may or may not also be mutual
1 Joint wills
2 Mutual wills
3 Common law authority
4 Revocability
5 See also
6 Notes
Joint wills
Wills, trusts
and estates
Will contract
Holographic will
Oral will
Attestation clause
Residuary clause
Incorporation by reference
Testamentary capacity
Undue influence
Insane delusion
No-contest clause
Property disposition
Satisfaction of legacies
Elective share
Pretermitted heir
Common types
Interest in possession
Other types
Life insurance
Life interest
Reversionary interest
Governing doctrines
Pour-over will
Cy-près doctrine
Dishonest assistance
Estate administration
Power of appointment
Simultaneous death
Slayer rule
Laughing heir
Disclaimer of interest
Inheritance tax
Related topics
Advance directive (Living will)
Totten trust
Criminal law
A joint will is a single document executed by more than one person (typically husband
and wife), making which has effect in relation to each signatory's property on his or her
death (unless he or she revokes (cancels) the will during his or her lifetime).[1] Although a
single document, the joint will is a separate distribution of property by each executor
(signatory) and will be treated as such on admission to probate. Mutual wills are any two
(or more) wills which are mutually binding, such that following the first death the
survivor is constrained in his or her ability to dispose of his or her property by the
agreement he or she made with the deceased. Historically such wills had an important
role in ensuring property passed to children of a marriage rather than a widow or
widower's spouse on a remarriage.
The recognition of these forms varies widely from one jurisdiction to the next. Some
permit both, some will not recognize joint wills, and many have established a
presumption that one or both of these forms creates a will contract.
A joint will differs substantively from a mutual will in that the former is not intended to
be irrevocable or to express a mutual intention; it is merely an administrative
convenience. A will may be both joint (on one document) and mutual (see below).
Mutual wills
Mutual wills have four basic requirements and a strict standard for enforceability:
Mutual wills are rare, and often another form of constructive trust is imposed (See Healey
v Browne [2002] 2 WTLR 849). It is also noted (see Carnwath J in Re Goodchild ibid)
that a mutual will is a technical legal device requiring an intention to form a binding
agreement and that this often differs from the "loose moral obligation" presupposed as
binding by the layman.
In Re Cleaver [1981] 1 WLR Nourse J took a less strict approach in finding that identical
wills went towards proving the existence of an agreement, however this approach was
rejected in Re Goodchild [1996] 1 WLR[4] where Carnwath J stated the importance of
having specific evidence as to the testator's mutual intentions at the time of execution of
the wills. Carnwath J approved the "floating trust" analogy, first proposed by Dixon J in
Birmingham v Renfrew [1937] CLR, which holds that the law will give effect to the
intention (to create a mutually binding will) by imposing a floating trust which becomes
irrevocable after the death of the first testator and crystallises after the death of the
In the Court of Appeal decision in Goodchild Legatt LJ approved the dicta of Carnwath J
and added that "for the doctrine to apply there must be a contract". This approach raises
problems as will be seen below. However, the contractual requirement has been rejected
in other decisions, or at least diluted. Dixon J in Birmingham, commenting on Dufour v
Pereira, noted that it is the trust arising from the course of conduct which is enforced, not
the contract itself. This approach has received further credence in the decision of
Blanchard J in Lewis v Cotton. "A formal legal contract is not needed. A contract made
without formality is enough...The crucial factor must be that the terms of the mutual
engagement... are sufficiently certain that the Court can see its way to enforce them." The
importance of this approach is, as Blanchard J notes, that the focus is on the obligation
not to deal with property contrary to the agreement rather than on non-revocation. This
therefore covers situations such as that in Healey v Browne where there has been an inter
vivos transfer to avoid the will.
In Healey v Browne[5] a husband transferred assets jointly to himself and his son after the
death of his wife. Although there was found to be no mutual will (Donaldson QC adopted
the contractual requirement), he considered that where there was a valid mutual will the
second testator is free to use the assets for his own beneficial interest as long as it is not
calculated to defeat the agreement: "Where the fiduciary duty is breached by such a
voluntary disposition inter vivos of the property in question, the "crystallisation" of the
floating obligation must occur at the moment of that disposition." (Note that Donaldson
QC imposed a secret trust in the circumstances which reduced the son's interest to 50%,
that being the interest held by the husband)
In Olins v Walters [2009] 2 WLR 1 C.A.[6] the Court of Appeal has held that although it
is a necessary condition for mutual wills that there is clear and satisfactory evidence of a
contract between the testators, it is a legally sufficient condition that the contract provide
that, in return for one testator agreeing to make a will in a particular form and not to
revoke it without notice to the other testator, the latter would also make a will in a
particular form and agree not to revoke it without notice to the first testator. Once a
contract of that kind is established, equity will impose on the surviving testator a
constructive trust not to dispose of the property in any other way. There did not have to
be more detailed terms of the contract because the remedy was not founded on specific
performance of contractual obligations but upon implementation of the trust, and the
intentions of the parties had only to be expressed sufficiently to lay the foundations for
that equitable obligation. The case also held that, where established, the equitable
obligation under the trust became immediately binding upon the surviving testator upon
the death of the first and was not postponed to take effect only after the death of the
second or last testator when the property, or what was left of it, came into the hands of his
personal representatives.
Another issue as regards mutual wills is the question of revocability. In Re Hobley
Charles Aldous QC held that there could be either unilateral or mutual revocation
provided it occurred during the lifetime of both testators. However, the problem with this
approach is that unilateral revocation is against the general principle of contract. Several
explanations for this could be proffered. Firstly, there could be an implicit term that the
agreement is revocable. Secondly, it could be conceptually viewed that the agreement
takes on the revocable nature of the will to which it relates. Thirdly, as the doctrine is
based on detrimental reliance, the agreement only concretized on the death of the other
party. Fourthly, one could apply the unconscionability rationale that unjust enrichment
could only be complete when one party takes a benefit under the will of the other party.
Re Hagger [1930] 2 Ch held that the constructive trust comes into existence on the death
of the first testator, however this approach was revised in Re Hobley which decided that it
must come into existence before the death of the first testator to satisfy the requirement of
certainty of subject matter.
In the case of Ottaway v Norman [1972] Ch., Brightman J held that a floating obligation
attaches to secret trusts: "A valid trust is created in favour of the secondary donee which
is in suspense during the lifetime of the donee, but attaches to the estate of the primary
donee at the moment of the latter's death." Edward Nugee QC sitting as deputy High
Court judge in Re Basham [1986] 1 WLR applied a comparable test in relation to
proprietary estoppel. He held that the belief, for detrimental reliance, need not relate to a
clearly identified piece of property. Following Cleaver and Birmingham, if it is
established by cogent evidence that the intention was to leave the entire estate,
proprietary estoppel will enforce that intention. (It is interesting to recall that Edward
Nugee was counsel in Ottaway v Norman and that Brightman J adopted his floating
obligation theory)
See also
English trust law
2. Goodchild v Goodchild [1997] 1 WLR 1216
3. Lewis v Cotton [2001] 2 NZLR
4. Re Goodchild [1996] 1 WLR
5. Healey v Brown [2002] EWHC Ch 1405 (25 April 2002)
6. Walters v Olins [2009] 2 WLR 1
Wills and trusts
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