Pre Sequence Seq 1 2 3
Pre Sequence Seq 1 2 3
Pre Sequence Seq 1 2 3
Now we have English
Learning Objective (s): by the end of this lesson ,my learner will be able to greet ,say and write his name and familyname
hello – hi
good morning (8:00)
good afternoon
(13.30) Familiarizing
Usingtheir L1 ,the teacher sets up a Them with the
series of questions about the importance of new lg
English/ which countries speak this
Learning Objective (s): by the end of this lesson ,my learner will be able to say and write the English alphabet
Intel. Learner can interpret and use verbal and non- Being polite
verbal messages Respects his mother tongue and other languages
Meth: He can work in pairs or in groups Openness to other cultures
Com: He can use a role play to communicate
Per and soc: socialize
Learning Objective (s): by the end of this lesson ,my learner will be able to : a) name schoolobjects b)understand some
school commands
Targeted competencies: interact – interpret Domain (s): Oral/written/both Materials: Flashcards /
– produce. W.Board/realia
Lexis; stand up/ sit down /match/read/what
Cross Curricular Competencies Core values
Intel. Learner can interpret and use verbal and non- Being polite
verbal messages Repects his teacher’s commands
Meth: He can work in pairs or in groups
Com: He can use role play to communicate
Per and soc: socialize
Naming school
10m it is a pencilcase things
it is a schoolbag
it is a class room
In my In my pencil In my
5mn schoolbag case classroom
15m Task 3 : I complete with the missing vowelto School objects
n get
a schoolthing
1) B - -k 2) sl-te 3)ch-- r 4)wh-teb-ard 5)
Learning Objective (s): by the end of this lesson ,my learner will be able to name colours
Targeted competencies: interact – interpret Domain (s): Oral/written/both Materials: songof colours
– produce. W.Board/coursebook/slates
Cross Curricular Competencies Core values
Intel. Learner can interpret and use verbal and non-
verbal messages Being polite
Meth: He can work in pairs or in groups Openness to the world
Com: He can use role plays to communicate
Per and soc: socializing
1 2 3
Example :
Amine; whatis number one ?
Karim : it is a sharpener
Amine: whatcolour is it ?
Karim : it is blue
Task two: colour me (page 26)
7mn practicing
Task three: I complete:
8mn My table is brown
produce my pencilcase .... ...........
...... ..................... ....... ........... produce simple
...... .................... ........ ........... sentences
...... .................. ......... ...........
n Teacher invites his learners to write on their
copybooks Audio
10 The songof colours Consolidateand s)
mn relax
Learning Objective (s): by the end of this lesson ,my learner will be able to: a)say and write numbers b)say and write the
days of the week.
Targeted competencies: interact – interpret Domain (s): Oral/written/both Materials: songof numbers /
– produce. W.Board
Cross Curricular Competencies Core values
Intel. Learner can interpret and use verbal and non- Being polite
verbal messages Openness to the world
Meth: He can work in pairs or in groups
Com: He can use role play to communicate
Per and soc: socialize
12m -u-----
Teacher invites his learners to write on their
copy books(T chooses whatshould be
Learning Objective (s): by the end of this lesson ,my learner will be able to: a)say and write the months of the year b)write
the date.
Targeted competencies: interact – interpret Domain (s): Oral/written/both Materials: Flashcards /
– produce. W.Board/realia
Cross Curricular Competencies Core values
Intel. Learner can interpret and use verbal and non- Being polite
verbal messages Repects the time
Meth: He can work in pairs or in groups
Com: He can use role plays to communicate
Per and soc: socializing
n A game : Quick Draw McGraw
The rules
1. One representativefrom each row is given a
marker and stands atthe frontof the class. V/A/
2. Each studentturns their back to the K/T
whiteboard, whilethe teacher says a word
(this word can be; a month, a day , a
3. Class and Teacher say: 一二三 Quick Draw
4. The 3 students turn and writethe wordand
then returns the marker back to the front
5. The first studentto return the marker and
the word he wrote is correct, earns points for
their team
Learning Objective (s): by the end of this lesson ,the learner will be able to greet and introduce onself.
Attract learners’
intention to the
Teacher reads what is written in the bubbles and
invites his learners to listen and repeat . L greets and
5m introduces
T/L V/A/
Task one: (open/close pair work) oneself
5m K/T
LS act out task 2 page 35 (oral)
Task two; I greet and introduce myself Practicing
5m Post listening Task 3 page 36(oral)
Task three : task 5 page 36(written)
Learners introduce themselves in pairs(role play)
T. invites the learners to write on their copybooks
Choaib IRKI
Level : MS1 School : Ould tchakmakdji Teacher:Choaib Irki
Mohamed El Achour
Sequence: 01 Me and my friends Lesson: I practice Framework: ppp
Learning Objective (s): By the end of this lesson , my learners will be able to :a)use punctuation signs and capitalisation
correctly .b)pronounce these sounds /ai/ /ei/ /i/ in the right way.
Intel:Learner can interpret and use verbal and non- Being polite
verbal messages openness to other people
Meth: He can use listening strategies. pride of national identity
Com: He can use punctuation signs appropriately.
Per and soc: socializing through oral messages
Punctuation signs:
a- (.) a full stop to finish a sentence
I like Algeria.
b-(,) a comma to mark a pause
c-(!) exclamation mark: V/A/
Hello ! / Hi ! welcome! K/T
practice d-(?)a question mark to ask a question
What is your name ?
Analyze and deduce
Isolation: learners read the isolated words
,my ,is,I,am,your ,live,in,love,what
Stating the rules
Discover the
Grammar tools examples
10m My /your (Possessive My name is Djamel.
n adjectives) Your name is Rachid
My name is …….. .
I ‘m …… .
I live in ……. .
I love my city.
n T. invites the learners to write on their copybooks
Level : MS1 School : Ould tchkmakdji Mohamed Teacher: Irki Choaib
El Achour
Sequence: 01 Me and my friends Lesson: I read and do Framework: PDP
Learning Objective (s): By the end of this lesson , my learner will be able to interpret a written message about introducing
Targeted competencies: interact – Domain (s): Oral/written(both) Materials: W. Board/posters/student
interpret – produce. manual
Target structure: personal pronoun I /
To be ; am /what /my/your
Punctuation signs/capitalization
Cross Curricular Competencies Core values
c) I complete this message Producing a
Written message
Hello , my name is…….. .I am.............I
am from ………and I live in ……. .
Learning Objective (s): By the end of this lesson , my learner will be able to write a short post in which he/she can introduce
Targeted competencies: interact – Domain (s): Oral/written(both) Materials: W. Board/flash
interpret – produce. cards/student manual
Target structure: personal pronoun I /
To be ; am /what /my
Punctuation signs/capitalization
Cross Curricular Competencies Core values
10m snapchat Ls can use his cards
n prior
T; what is a blog ?
a blog is :
a regular record of your thoughts, opinions, T/L
or experiences ,information that you put on the
Pre-writing internet for other people to read
process Setting up the Situation
T writes and explains the situation
You are a new member of your
schoolblog group . Your new friends
want to know about you.Introduce
yourself T/L
n T splits the groups V/T/
T helps his learners to remember what they K
learnt in this sequence. W.
T asks the learners to complete the following Board
knowledge Skills Attitudes Guiding them
Lexis related Greeting: -Being polite:
to greetings: Hi, hello start with
Hi, hello Introducing greeting
Present oneself: -Respect
simple of Name,Age other people T/L
“be” with I: Country,City And other
Am School cultures
Personal I am…
pronoun:I My name is….
In / at
Numbers :10,
10m 11 ,…
n In -writing
process Drafting
With the help of their teacher, the learners start T/L
10m drafting .
n Editing To correct the
Teacher helps his learners to examine the text mistakes(spelling,
carefully to find and correct typographical errors and grammar,..)
10m mistakes in grammar, style, and spelling.
n publishing
14 15 23 85 100
Learning Objective (s): by the end of this lesson my learners will be able to introduce the members of their
families .
Targeted competencies: interact – Domain (s): Oral/written/both Materials: Flashcards / W.
interpret – produce. Board/the family song
Target structure: -who-what-where
this-that -she-he
Interrogative/affirmative /negative
form of to be
Cross Curricular Competencies Core values
Intel: Learner can use verbal messages to get Being proud of belonging to an Algerian family
information Respecting his/her family members
Meth: He can use listening strategies.
Com: He can use a role play to communicate
Per and soc: He can socialize through oral
Ti Frame Procedure Foc Aims Mater Va
me work us ial kt
The announcement of the project:
T eacher informs his learners that they have a project to
10 Announcin
do individually and deliver it before the exams ,in this
mn g the
project the learners are going to make a family tree ; V/
(names , age, jobs) A/
Initial situation :. T/L
You are on the international
friendship blog. A new fiend wants
to know about your family.
your family (names,age,jobs…)
and send him your family tree.
listening *Teacher asks some learners ;
What is your name?
Lead in
What is your family name ? Wboa
5m *The learners answer . rd
n *Teacher introduces the topic of this sequence .
*Teacher sticks a picture of a boy on the
board and asks (using gestures) :
T: who is this ?
T: This is Omar . he is 11
*Teacher invites his learners to repeat or to act it out .
*Teacher sticks a picture of a girl and asks :
T :Who is this? Using she
and he
Asking with
T :This is Houda. She is 16 who
*Teacher shows his learners the following pictures and says
:this is the family of Omar.
He invites them to listen and repeat
Naming the
members of
the family.
No= 6 no= 7
the grand father the grand mother
No=4 no= 5
the father the mother
No = 1 no= 2 no=3
This is Omar the sister the brother
Task 1. I look at the example and do the same with my
20 partner : asking yes no
mn Example; T: Is number 2 the mother? questions
during L: No, she is not .
listenin /using the
T: Is she the sister ? T/L new lexis
g L:Yes ,she is . Audio
&list=RDYJyNoFkud6g Consolidating Song
Teacher invites his learners to write on their copybook
Level : MS1 School : bormadia Relizane Teacher:Mr bendoubaba djamel
djamel djamel
Sequence: 2 ME AND MY FAMILY Lesson: I pronounce Framework: PIASP
Learning Objective (s): by the end of this lesson my learners will be able to read and pronounce these sounds : /e/
/I://θ/ /ð/ in a correct way .
Targeted competencies: interact – Domain (s): Oral/written/both Materials: the course book/ W.
interpret – produce. Board/
/ I:/ /e/
Task 3: task 4page 55
I throw the ball in the right hoop.
5mn Task 4: I complete the table with my own Investing the ls
words (the learner works with his partner ) knowledge
/ I:/ /e/ /θ/ /ð/
T invites to write on their copybooks
Level : MS1 School : bormadia relizane Teacher:Mr bendoubaba djamel
djamel djamel
Sequence: 2 ME AND MY FAMILY Lesson: I practice Framework: PPU/PIASP
Learning Objective (s): by the end of this lesson my learners will be able to to introduce his family members and talk about
their jobs.
Targeted competencies: interact – interpret Domain (s): Oral/written/both Materials: W. Board/posters about
– produce. jobs
Target structure: to be
interrogativeform/articles /what/his/her
Cross Curricular Competencies Core values
Intel: Learner can interpret verbal and non verbal Being proud of what his family do for living
messages Valuing jobs
Meth: He can work in pairs or in groups. Being polite
Com: He can use a role play to communicate Asking questions politely.
He can use ICTs to communicate with others
Per and soc: He can socialize through oral exchanges
and written messages
Time Framework Procedure Focus Aims Material Vakt
Naming jobs
no 1 is a teacher no 2is an electrician
No 7 is a docor no 8 is a carpenter
Task one: I look at the example and do the same with my Interacting
15m partner. Asking and
T: Is no 2 an electrician ? LS; No, he is not . answering about
n jobs
T: what is his job ? LS: he is an
electrician Task two : I order
1-your-what -?job-is
2-her –job-what-is-? Forming a question wboard
3-a –nurse- is-?-she about jobs
Task three:I read and choose /T
(I-my) ‘m a pupil ,(my-I) brother is a policeman (he –his) differentiating
name is Karim and (my ,I) sister is a nurse ,(her ,she) is a between personal
type writer . pronouns and
Presentation possessive
A game : I mime and you guess ? adjectives
Isolation T guides them .
a pupil 1 mimes a job and asks :what is my job? interpreting
a pupil 2: you are a doctor. gestures
Stating rules
Articles (PIASP)
T writes on the board the following sentence:
I’m a dentist and my brother is an electrician,he works in the garage.
Introducing the
│ │ │
a an the
indefinite indefinite definite
article article article
20m I use a and an before a singular noun.
n I use a before consonants (b-c-d-f-g-h-j..............)
Familiarizing the ls
I use an before vowels (a-e-i-o-u)
with the articles
I use the before singular and plural definite
Learning Objective (s): by the end of this lesson my learner will be able to : a) say and write cardinal /ordinal numbers,b)ask
and answer age.
Targeted competencies: interact – interpret Domain (s): Oral/written/both Materials: W. Board/the song of
– produce. numbers/the course book
Target structure: to be : interrogative
Cross Curricular Competencies Core values
Intel: Learner can interpret verbal and non verbal Being polite
messages Asking questions politely
Meth: He can work in pairs or in groups.
Com: He can use a role play to communicate
Per and soc: He can socialize through oral exchanges
I use : Interpreting
a) Ordinal numbers to order (persons ,objects ) other ordinal
and write the date numbers
b) Cardinal numbers to count (persons,objects)
and say my age
T introduces the ordinal numbers
st The first
nd The second
5mn 2
rd The third
5mn th The fourth
th The fifth Practicing
th The ninth
Practice 2o The twentieth
7mn Task five:21 st 9 page 53. IThe
Task readtwenty
and rankfirstthe The learner
children. nd The twenty second Produces simple
22 sentences about
Task six: I readst The
and complete with thirty firstseventh-
; the
31 his age and his
the second- the twenty second – the first
-V is......................Letter in the English alphabet. rank in his family
n - Sunday in the week
-July is.........................month in the year
-I’m.........................child in my family .
Task seven I write my age and my rank in my
I’m ………………….and I’m........................child in my
T invites his learners to write on their copybooks.
Level : MS1 School : bormadia Relizane Teacher:Mr bendoubaba djamel
djamel djamel
Sequence: 2 ME AND MY FAMILY Lesson: grammar tool 1 Framework: PIASP
Learning Objective (s): by the end of this lesson my learners will be able to ask and answer about one’s name,age
and job.
Targeted competencies: interact – Domain (s): Oral/written/both Lexis:lvocabulary related to ;jobs
interpret – produce. Materials: W. Board/posters and family members.
Target structure: wh questions(who- about jobs Pronunciation: Intonation in “wh”
where-what) question.
Intel: Learner can interpret verbal and non verbal Being proud of what his family do for living
messages Valuing jobs
Meth: He can work in pairs or in groups. Being polite
Com: He can use a role play to communicate Asking questions politely.
He can use ICTs to communicate with
Per and soc: He can socialize through oral
exchanges and written messages
Time Framewor Procedure Focu Aims Mater Vakt
k s ial
jobs places
The doctor in a school
The farmer in a garage
The mechanic in a hospital
The teacher in an office
The architect on a farm
presentatio Presentation
n Who is this/that? What is his
/her name?
the new
│ │ │ │ │
20m Isolation Grammar
Who his/her what
n items
his her
│ │ │ │
│ a question demonstratives
a question possessive
word word
She is my mother He is my father where The ls with
is the teacher ? the new
│ │ │ grammar
She He where items
│ │ │
Personal personal a question
Pronoun pronoun word
I use :
State rule Who to ask about person
What to ask about names, jobs, objects
Where to ask about place
He to talk about a boy ,a man
She to talk about a girl , a woman
This to talk about objects or persons near us
That to talk about objects or persons not near us
Learning Objective (s): by the end of this lesson my learners will be able to talk about his preferencies .
Intel: Learner can interpret verbal and non verbal Behaves as a responsable
Meth: He can work in pairs or in groups. Respects the others’ preferencies
Com: He can express his preferencies .
Per and soc: He can socialize through oral
exchanges and written messages
Learning Objective (s): by the end of this lesson my learners will be able to interpret a written message about
introducing oneself.
Targeted competencies: interact – Domain (s): Oral/written/ Materials: W. board/The course book
interpret – produce.
Target structure: to be interrogative
form //wh questions/the present simple
Intel: Learner can interpret verbal and non verbal Proud of his identity markers
messages Valuing national identity
Meth: He can develop his strategies for reading Independent personality
and writing
Com:He can use ICTs to communicate
with others
Per and soc: He can socialize through written
Time Framework Procedure Focus Aims Material Vakt
Learning Objective (s): By the end of this lesson , my learner will be able to write a short email in which he/she
can introduce his/her family.
Targeted competencies: interact – Domain (s): Oral/written/ Materials: W. Board/The coursebook
interpret – produce.
Target structure: personal pronouns,
To be in the present ,articles, possessive
Intel: Learner can interpret verbal and non verbal Proud of belonging to family
messages Respects every member in the family
Meth: He can mobilize resources to produce a a
written message /he can work in groups
Com:He can use ICTs to communicate
with others
Per and soc: He can socialize through written
Time Framework Procedure Foc Aims Material Vakt
Learning Objective (s): By the end of this lesson , my learner will be able to introduce him/herself and his/her
family on an international friendship blog.
Targeted competencies: interact – Domain (s): Oral/written/ Materials: W. board/The course
book/flash cards
interpret – produce.
Target structure: personal pronouns,
To be in the present ,articles, possessive
adjectives/the simple present of ; like,…
Flags ( Great Britain , The USA, Brazil ,Algeria ,
Nigeria, Australia and China )
International friendship blog
5mn Post writing
The teacher collects the students’ sheets and
corrects them using the evaluation grid below:
Criteria Indicators K
1-Relevance introducing oneself and
one’s family
2-Correct use of 1- the learners uses :the present
linguistic resources simple of to be /to have/to like
2- the learner uses personal pronouns
“I, he and she”
3- possessive adjectives “my- his- and
4- Use cardinal and ordinal numbers.
3-Coherence 1-the learner writes simple and
meaningful sentences about the
topic;2- the good use of :
Punctuation, capitalisation and
3-s/he respects the logical order of
the ideas.
4-Cross-curricular 1-the learner uses ICT in
competences : communicating with his/her friends
2-s/he produces a written message
WHERE /S/ /Z/ /IZ/
Learning Objective (s): by the end of this lesson my learner will be able to describe his/her daily activities.
I wake up
Interpreting an
oral message
I watch tv I have dinner
n Wboard
Learning Objective (s): by the end of this lesson my learner will be able to ask/tell time.
n Pictures
a clock
-Teacher asks his learners what is it ?
-Ls may answer in French,Arabic,........
- T: It is a clock and invites his learners
to repeat.
- T:guess what is our lesson for today? T/L
-Ls: they may answer in their mother tongue
Or in French.
T:it is about telling time.
Teacher explains how to tell time in English
Teacher invites his learners to look ,listen and
Interpreting time
T/L interpreting time Picture
L:is it half past six? L; No ,its not. understanding
L: what time is it ? L: it is twenty five past two.
Task one: Task 6 page :76. I listen, look at the L/L
W board
example and do the same. digital time
Task two:Task 3 page74
I am Rafik. Here are my daily activities : The
T/L Producing simple course
5mn USE Task 3 sentences about Book
I fill in the table with my daily activities Daily activities
W board
1-I............................ 1-I..........................
2-I.............................. 2-I...........................
n The teacher invites his learners to write on their
Level : MS1 School : Bormadia Relizane Teacher: Mr Bendoubaba djamel
djamel djamel
Sequence: 3 ME AND MY FAMILYDAILY Lessons: grammar tool Framework: PIASP
Learning Objective (s): by the end of this lesson my learner will be able to use :a)simple present to talk about his
daily routine..b) to use the prepositions of time
Targeted competencies: interact – Domain (s): Oral/written/both Materials: the course book/ W.
interpret – produce. Board
Target structure: -simple present
Asking whqs
Cross Curricular Competencies Core values
Intel: Learner can interpret verbal and non verbal Being punctual
messages to get information. Being positive
Meth : He can work in pairs or in groups. Being polite
Com: He can use a role play to communicate
Per and soc: He can socialize through oral /written
Interrogative form:
21m Do /does + subject + verb + object ?
n Do I(you/we/they) practise sport ?
Does he (she/it) practise sport?
Answers: yes ,I (you/we/they)do .
Yes,he (he,she,it) does
No ,I (you/we/they) don’t.
No,he (he,she,it) does’nt
2- Wh questions :
WHq + do+ subject +verb+ object ?
Where + do + you+ play + football? (place)
When +do + you+ play +football? (date)
What time+ do +you +get up? (time) V/A/
Who +plays+ football (subject) K/T
At the weekend
At Prepostitions
│ of time
Preposition of time
I practise
Learning Objective (s): by the end of this lesson my learner will be able to:
a) pronounce the sounds/h//Z//S//IZ/ə/
b)name animals .
Targeted competencies: interact – Domain (s): Oral/written/both Materials: Flashcards / W. Board
interpret – produce.
Target structure: -simple present
Cross Curricular Competencies Core values
10m Lead in V
n A
/ Preparing
A fennec A lion them Flash
An elephant A rooster
Teacher isolates some words to be written on the
Isolation board.
3mn Hi - pets -friends - horses- tiger Familiarizing
Analysis │ │ │ │ │ them with
/h/ /s / /z/ /IZ/ /ə/ the new
5mn I pro nounce ; sounds
State the
H →/h/ when it comes in the beginning of the
5mn Task two :I listen and fill in the table (teacher reads
the underlined words in the text) and.
Producing a
/h/ /Z/ /S/ /IZ/ /ə/ role play
where they
........... ............ ........... ..........- ............
practice the
new sounds
5mn Task three Task 1 page 77.Teacher reads and invites
his learners to listen to the dialogue and act it out in
the front of their classmates.
n Teacher invites his learners to write on their
Level : MS1 School : Bormadia Relizane Teacher: Mr Bendoubaba djamel
djamel djamel
Sequence: 3 ME AND MY FAMILYDAILY Lesson: I learn to integrate Framework: writing process
Learning Objective (s): by the end of this lesson my learner will be able to a short note about a friend’s leisure
Targeted competencies: interact – Domain (s): Oral/written/both Materials: the course book / W.
interpret – produce. Board
Target structure: -simple present /yes
,no questions/wh questions/use the
simple present with the third person
Cross Curricular Core values
10mn With the help of their teacher, the learners
start drafting .
Editing To correct the
Teacher helps his learners to find out and L/L mistakes(spelling
correct typographical errors and mistakes in , grammar,..)
10mn grammar, style, and spelling.
The groups write the final draft and present
their work in front of their classmates to be
T selects a work to be written on the board
and corrected. collaborating
10mn T invites his learners to write on their
Level : MS1 School : bormadia Relizane Teacher:Mr Bendoubaba djamel
djamel djamel
Sequence: 3 ME AND MY FAMILYDAILY Lesson: I think and write Framework: PDP
Learning Objective (s): By the end of this lesson , my learner will be able to write about his parent’s daily activities
Targeted competencies: interact – Domain (s): Oral/written/ Materials: W. board/The course book
interpret – produce.
Target structure: simple present with
the third persons
The teacher collects the students’ sheets and
Post writing
corrects them using the evaluation grid below:
Criteria Indicators
1-Relevance Write a letter to
Talk about his mom’s routine
2-Correct use of 1- the learners uses :the
linguistic resources present simple
2- the learner uses personal pronoun
3-Coherence 1-the learner writes simple and
meaningful sentences about the
topic;2- the good use of :
Punctuation, capitalisation and
3-s/he respects the logical order of
the daily activities.
4-Cross-curricular 1-the learner uses ICT in
competences : communicating with his/her friends
2-s/he produces a written message