Young Talents
Young Talents
Young Talents
Zebra Puzzle
Five children are participating in a talent contest. Determine the time at which each child will perform and what talent they
will perform.
Shirt: black, blue, orange, purple, yellow Time: 7:00 PM, 7:10 PM, 7:30 PM, 7:40 PM, 8:00 PM
Name: Carol, Elizabeth, Grace, Jane, Rachel Juice: apple, cranberry, lemon, orange, watermelon
Talent: dance, draw, magic, paint, sing
Girl #1 Girl #2 Girl #3 Girl #4 Girl #5
The girl who loves Lemon juice is at the second that likes Watermelon juice, in that order.
position. The girl performing at 8:00 PM is immediately after the
The girl wearing the Purple shirt is at the fourth girl who loves Watermelon juice.
position. Rachel is next to the girl with the talent to Draw.
Carol is positioned at one of the ends. The girl who will Dance is also scheduled to perform at
The girl performing at 8:00 PM is right before the girl 7:00 PM.
who loves Cranberry juice. The girl who loves Orange juice is right before the girl
The girl with the Paint talent is performing last. wearing the Blue shirt.
The girl performing at 8:00 PM is right after the girl The girl performing at 7:10 PM is next to the girl
who will Dance. wearing the Orange shirt.
Grace is located at one of the ends. The girl performing at 7:30 PM is immediately after the
girl with the talent to Draw.
The girl wearing the Orange shirt is somewhere
between Grace and the girl who loves Watermelon Jane is found somewhere between the girl who will
juice, in that order. perform Magic and Elizabeth, in that order.
The girl wearing the Orange shirt lies somewhere The girl performing at 7:30 PM is at the last position.
between the girl wearing the Yellow shirt and the girl The girl who will Sing is at the second position.