Fabrication of Miniaturised Si Based Electroc - 2003 - Materials Science and Eng
Fabrication of Miniaturised Si Based Electroc - 2003 - Materials Science and Eng
Fabrication of Miniaturised Si Based Electroc - 2003 - Materials Science and Eng
The increasing interest for light and movable electronic systems, cell phones and small digital devices, drives the technological research
toward integrated regenerating power sources with small dimensions and great autonomy. Conventional batteries are already unable to deliver
power in more and more shrunk volumes maintaining the requirements of long duration and light weight. A possible solution to overcome
these limits is the use of miniaturised fuel cell. The fuel cell offers a greater gravimetric energy density compared to conventional batteries.
The micromachining technology of silicon is an important tool to reduce the fuel cell structure to micrometer sizes. The use of silicon also
gives the opportunity to integrate the power source and the electronic circuits controlling the fuel cell on the same structure. This paper
reports preliminary results concerning the micromachining procedure for fabricating a Si-based electrocatalytic membrane for miniaturised
Si-based proton exchange membrane fuel cells (PEMFC).
D 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
* Corresponding author. Tel.: +39-95-591212; fax: +39-95-7139154. For the formation of microchannels, we started from
E-mail address: giuseppe.darrigo@imm.cnr.it (G. D’Arrigo). the realisation of deep trenches on the silicon wafer. For
0928-4931/02/$ - see front matter D 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
PII: S 0 9 2 8 - 4 9 3 1 ( 0 2 ) 0 0 2 2 8 - X
14 G. D’Arrigo et al. / Materials Science and Engineering C 23 (2003) 13–18
Fig. 2. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) image of trenches structures. The trenches are extended along the h110i direction of the Si wafer and their inner
walls are parallel to the [110] planes.
G. D’Arrigo et al. / Materials Science and Engineering C 23 (2003) 13–18 15
Fig. 3. (a) SEM micrograph of a single trench after the anisotropic etch obtained using a water solution at 33% of KOH etch at 55 jC, while (b) refers to a
sequence of more trenches defined on the same wafer.
2.2. Formation of a porous electrocatalytic membrane addition of a solvent (isopropyl alcohol) [4]. The electro-
chemical cell was maintained in a galvanostatic configu-
Fig. 5 is a plot of the carrier concentration profile of the ration, i.e. at a fixed current equal to 22 mA/cm2 for a time
deposited silicon. It is characterised by a plateau at a of 300 s. Fig. 6 is a SEM micrograph showing the structure
concentration of 1 1019 cm 3 terminating with a quite of the porous silicon layer which extends for all the p+
abrupt interface with the silicon substrate. The concentra- epitaxial silicon layer. The wide surface of the mesoporous
tion level of the deposited layer allows us to obtain a silicon structure can be effectively used to trap Pt and Ru
mesoporous silicon structure by electrochemical etching catalytic element to form a catalytic membrane. The inser-
using a solution containing a HF/H2O mixture with the tion of Pt or Ru inside the porous Si was obtained by
16 G. D’Arrigo et al. / Materials Science and Engineering C 23 (2003) 13–18
Fig. 4. SEM micrograph of the final result after the chemical vapour deposition (CVD) of p+ epitaxial silicon. The deposition temperature was 1080 jC using
B2H6 and SiH2Cl2. The dashed line defines the profile of the rhombohedral cavity before the deposition. We note that the epitaxial growth is conformal along
the inner walls of the microchannel. The thickness of this inner epitaxial layer is equal to half of the initial aperture present on top of the microchannel.
electrodeposition using a potentiostatic/galvanostatic sys- was positioned as working electrode in the cell exposing
tem, a tree electrode cell and water solution of 1.0 M only the porous surface to the solution; the deposition was
H2SO4 + 16 mM H2PtCl6 and 8 mM K2RuCl5. The sample achieved by pulsing the working electrode potential versus
the reference electrode [1]. Fig. 7 is a micrograph of a
portion of the porous Si layer after the Pt electrodeposition
obtained by transmission electron microscopy (TEM).
Metal catalytic clusters are clearly visible as dark spots
dispersed in the porous silicon structure.
electron energy loss signal of C or F over the total observed and oxidation chemical reactions responsible of the energy
area allowed us to conclude that the amount of C and F production.
incorporated in the porous Si is about 35% of the one
present in the surface Nafion layer. This number is consis-
tent with the porosity of the porous Si layer demonstrating Acknowledgements
that Nafion is uniformly filling all the holes present in the
porous structure. We would like to acknowledge Markus Italia for
performing the spreading resistance analysis, Corrado
Bongiorno and Salvatore Pannitteri for the TEM analysis
3. Conclusions and Antonio La Mantia for SEM analysis.