Bphe-106 (2019) em
Bphe-106 (2019) em
Bphe-106 (2019) em
1. a) The expression of the number of molecules in a Maxwellian gas having speeds in the
range v to v + dv is given as
3/ 2
m mv2
dN v 4 N v 2 exp dv
2 k BT 2 k BT
1 4
ii) Also, for a Maxwellian gas, show that V , where V is the average
speed. (5+5)
b) The pressure exerted by the gas molecules of radius 1.88 A is 1.01 105 Nm 2 .
Calculate the mean free path of the molecules of a gas at 15 C. Also calculate the
number of collisions suffered by a molecule in travelling a distance of 1m.
Given K B 1.38 10 23 JK 1. (5)
pressures and high temperatures. (5)
2. a) Prove that for a PVT-system
dT T dp (5)
b) For a platinum wire, the coefficients of variation of resistance with temperature are
3.90 10 3 C 1 and 5.7 10 7 C 2. A thermometer is fabricated using
the wire with R0 20.00 . When the thermometer is placed in contact with a heat
bath, the resistance is found to be 26.24 . Determine the temperature of the heat
bath. (5)
c) Obtain an expression for work done by an ideal gas in an adiabatic process. Also
calculate the work done by the gas when one litre of an ideal gas at a pressure of
3 atm expands adiabatically to four times of its initial volume. Given = 1.41. (6+4)
d) Isothermal compressibility ( T) is inverse of isothermal elasticity. Obtain its
expression for on (5)
3. a) Calculate an expression for entropy of mixing of two ideal gases having n1 and n2
moles respectively at constant temperature T and pressure p. Does it hold for liquids
also? Justify. (5)
b) State Kelvin-Planck and Clausius statements of the second law of thermodynamics.
Establish the equivalence of these two statements. (5)
order phase transition is different from lambda transition? Plot Cp versus T for
second order and lambda transitions. (5+3+2)
d) What is Joule-Thomson effect? Using the expression for Joule-Thomson coefficient,
show that an ideal gas does not experience any change in temperature during an
adiabatic throttling process. (1+4)
4. a) Derive the single partition function of an ideal monoatomic gas and obtain the
expressions for entropy and pressure. (6+2+2)
b) Show that the entropy of a diatomic gas near room temperature is given by
3/ 2
7 2 m kB T 5/ 2
S N kB ln (5)
2 h2 rot
( g i N i 1)!
N i !( g i 1)!
Derive the expression for the distribution function and draw it as a function of
energy. (8+2)