Soal Bahasa Inggris
Soal Bahasa Inggris
Soal Bahasa Inggris
Petunjuk: Pilihlah salah satu jawaban dengan memilih salah satu huruf A,B,C,D, E !
1. “You are supposed to be here ten minutes ago. b. Looked d. Was looking
Where are you ?” 10. Jupiter’s four moons ............ through a telescope
“ I ....................... a place to park” by Galileo.
a. Am looking c. Have looked e. Was looking a. Were first viewed
B. Looked d. Look b. First Viewed
2. The Titanic .............. for days when a huge iceberg c. Had been first viewed
was suddenly spotted. d. Were being first viewed
a. Sailed c. Has sailed e. First being viewed
b. Was sailing d. Had been sailng 11. A wooden bridge ......... here next month.
3. Tony is going to return to Aceh as soon as he ...... a. is going to build d. Will be built
his university diploma’s degree. b. Is to build e. Is built
a. Gets c. Would Get c. Is building
b. Will Get d. Got 12. Dony does not mind doing extra work. But doesn’t
4. After Michael failed the first math test, he tought like ........
he ...... the course. a. Criticize d. Be criticized
a. Will Fail c. Failed b. Criticizing e. To be criticized
b. Is going to Fail d. Was Going to Fail c. Is criticized
5. I ..... all over the place for my dictionary when I 13. ‘Had I known you very expecting a call, I wouldn’t
suddenly remembered that my sister had borrowed. have used the phone along.’
a. Had looked d. Am looking The underlined words mean .............
b. Was looking e. Have been looking a. I would like to talk on the phone
c. Looked b. I was about to use the phone
6. I would rather they ............ their obligation right c. I kept talking on the phone
now. d. I was waiting to use the phone
a. Pays c. Paid e. I stopped talking on the phone
b. Has Paying d. Pay 14. If I ......... you, i’d just go for desert.
7. My teacher speaks very fast, so I can’t catch his a. Was c. Were
idea. I’d rather he ........... slowly. b. Am d. Had been
a. Speak d. Will speak 15. What if your father asks you about the scratch on
b. Spoke e. Would speak his new car ?’
c. Speaks ‘I ........... that it’s my fault.’
8. She is not only beautiful but also smart. I wish a. Simply told him
I ..... her. b. Am simply telling him.
a. Am c. Be e. Were c. Will Simply tell him
b. Was d. Have been d. Would simply tell him
9. Susan : I went to your house at 7 p.m. last night. e. Would simply have told him
But you weren’t home. Where were you ? 16. Fast food restaurant have become popular because
Rufy : Oh. I ............. for a new dictionary at the many working people want .........
bookstore then. a. To eat quickly and cheaply
a. Look c. Will look e. Have Looked b. Eating quickly and cheaply
c. Eat quickly and cheaply 27. The government will make the busineesman ... his
d. The eat quickly and cheaply loan.
17. All new students at this university are a. Pays c. Would pay
required .......... an english proficiency test. b. Pay d. To pay
a. Taking c. Take e. To take 28. I’dont know how to arrange these folowerw, i’d
b. Having to take d. Will take rather ..............
18. The progress of this class needs ..... a. Do it d. It has been done
a. To be evaluated d. in evaluating b. Have to do it e. Have done it
b. Evaluated e. Be evaluated c. Have it done
c. To evaluate 29. Mother : Clean your room, Siska !
19. Candles ........... from beeswax burn with a very Siska : Yes, mom.
clean flame. Vinda : What did your mother tell you, Siska ?
a. Are made c. Making Siska : She told me ..........
b. Which made d. Made a. Clean my room d. Cleaned my room
20. Completed in 1980, the G Hall is the oldest b. To clean my room e. Clean your room
building now ....... in our campus. c. To clean your room
a. It stands c. Stood 30. I am going to the technical meeting and ......
b. Had stood d. standing a. So does Indra c. So is Indra
21. ............ I can drive, I often ask my brother to drive b. So goes Indra d. Indra is so
me to the city. 31. A cloud is a dense mass of ... water vapor or ice
a. Since c. Because e. Although particles.
b. When d. Whether a. Or c. Both
22. ‘How’s the new restaurant ?’ b. Whether d. Either
‘The food is good but .....’ 32. Jim gets the best mark in the examination. He ....
a. The athmosphere of the restaurant is very easy Hard for it.
b. It can be easily reached a. Must study d. Should have studied
c. The service needs to be improved b. Might study e. Must have studied
d. It is cheaper than any other restaurants c. Could Study
e. It’s parking lot is considerably big 33. All students .... report the examination hall on july
23. ‘What is pediatrician ?’ 30 for the final exam.
‘Oh, it’s a doctor ......... specialization is treating a. Might c. Could
children.’ b. Need d. Are to
a. Whom c. Who e. Whose
b. Which d. What *Text for question number 34-38
24. Please tell me ........... ! Text A
a. Where is the key d. Where the key is
b. That is the key e. The key is where The laws of radioactive decay hypothesize that
c. What the key once a living organism is dead, it does not interact with
25. Jonathan’s ..... daughter has been selected student anything in its environment which would afffect the speed
of the year. of decay of the unstable isotope of carbon 14. The C-14 is
a. Beautiful twelve-year-old attached to organic molecules through photosynthesis in
b. Beautiful twelve-years-old plants and becomes part of their molecular makeup.
c. Beautiful twelve-year-olds Animals eating those plants absorb Carbon-14 and the
d. Beautifully twelve-years-old process of ingesting C-14 continues as long as the plants
26. ‘I like your furniture at this exhibition.’ and animals are alive. Once the organism dies, the ratio of
Thank you. They are all ......’. C-14 within its carcass starts to decrease.
a. Designing new furniture
b. Newly-designing furniture The radiocarbon dating method is widely used to
c. Newly-designed furniture determine the age of remains of living organisms. With
d. They are new designs this method, the type of sample and the placement of it
e. The designs of the furniture are new within a site are taken into account. The date assigned to
the sample successfully collected will initially be given as
a raw B.P. or “before present”. The “present” is set at the d. Archeologists uses both methods for any
year 1950 on the Gregorian calender. The rate of decrease investigation.
is ½ the quantity at death every 5.730 years, the half life of e. Similar heating process is used to generate
C-14. The date is usually callibrated with radioactive materials measured.
dendrochronology method to get a more absolute B.P. 36. From the two texts, we can conclude that, in both
methods ...
Text B a. The age measurement puts
dendrochronology principle into account.
The potassium-argon age method is another
b. The use of spectometer is crucial.
method widely used by archeologists and geologists to
c. Crystallized materials trap the radioactive
determine the time of origin of rocks. This is the most
viable technique for dating old rocks because archeologists
d. Not any sample can be used for age
can use it to date rocks as much as 4 billion years old. Yet,
it is not suitable to measure the age of rock 20,000 years
e. The amount of radioactive isotope of the
before present. This method is widely used in archeology,
sample tested should be high.
particularly in East Africa.
37. Based on the two texts, we can hypothesize that ...
This can be done by calculating the ratio of a. The bigger sample is better than the
radioactive argon to radioactive potassium in the rock smaller one.
sample. Some of the radioactive isotope of Potassium, b. The more gas is trapped, the older is the
Potassium-40 (K-40) decays through a process of age of the organism.
radiometric decay. Through beta decay, it results in c. The older materials have lesser radioactive
calcium-40 and this occurs in almost 90% of cases. In content.
molten rocks, it produces the gas Argon (known as Argon- d. East Africa has been widely investigated
40). The age of a certain rock can be determined through by archeologists.
the calculation of the ratio and the decay rate of K-40. In e. Extreme heat is required to calculate.
this method, the rocks are heated to the melting point, and 38. Which of the following statements is supported by
any Ar-40 contained is released into the atmosphere. both texts?
When the rock recrystallizes, the decay of Potassium-40 a. The potassium-argon method is more
continues at a constant rate but the argon-40 cannot escape accurate
and the gas is trapped in the rock. The amount of argon-40 b. Only archeologists are familiar with the
is measured with a mass spectometer, while the potassium two methods.
levels are measured using atomic absorpsion spectometry. c. The age of materials 20,000 years before
present cannot be calculated.
34. The two texts above mainly talk about ... d. The samples can be taken randomly.
a. How radioactive materials are used to e. The two methods are widely used in dating
measure the age of organic materials. old materials.
b. The methods used to measure the age of 39. Tim : What do you think about the film?
rock and organis materials. Amy : ... . The ending is too obvious.
c. The use of radioactive potassium, argon A. It's amazing
and carbon B. It's confusing
d. The laws of radioactive decay C. It's surprising
e. The function of spectometer and D. It's disappointing
spectometry 40. Adhi : I'm very tired of having non- stop
35. Which of the following is factual information walking for an hour. I feel thirsty.
explicitly supported by both texts? Dhina : ...
a. The age of any materials can be accurately Adhi : That's very kind of you.
calculated using the two methods. A.Can you give me a bottle of milk?
b. Sample collection is crucial in material age B. Would you like to have some cakes?
measurement. C. Would you like some mineral water?
c. The two methods measure the decay of D. Do you want to have some cake?
radioactive. 41. Teacher : What is your plan for this coming year?
Student : ..., sir. 48. Joko : I didn't see Annisa in her class. Where is
Teacher : Then, you must work hard and prepare she now?
yourself right away. Badra : ... It has to be submitted tomorrow
A. I'm thinking about getting a job A. She is finishing her accounting assignment in
B. I'm confused what I'll do the library
C. I'll visit my grandmother B. She's gone hiking to Mount Salak with her
D. I'll prepare it next year classmates.
42. Beny : Where did you go on your last holiday? C. She was attending the meeting of students
Yany : ... association
Beny : Yeah. It was a great place. D. She is operating the new photocopy machine
A. I have a great holiday
B. I went to Pindul cave *Synonim
C. We were very happy there 49. He is a fast runner
D. We are going to Maninjau lake. a. Quick c. Energetic
43. Reza : Hmmm. It's almost 12 a.m now. b. Slow d. Calm
Anwar : ...? 50. I am terrible at Mathematics
Reza : No, thanks. I dislike eating meat quite a. Good c. Awful
much. b. Great d. Fantastic
A. What would you like to have for lunch 51. Have you looked at the Invoice?
B. Would you like some steak for lunch a. Pen c. Sheet
C. Why don't we eat at the restaurant
b. Bill d. Paper
D. Could you bring something to eat 52. Do you think I am stupid?
44. Joanna : How do you spend your weekend? a. Dumb c. Brilliant
Winda : .... because I do not have enough time to b. Intelligent d. Fast
do household in week days. 53. He never comes on time
A. I like listening to music a. Sees c. Goes
B. I prefer lying on the bed b. Does d. Arrives
C. I'd rather do the laundry and cook 54. This toy is inexpensive
D. I would rather have fun with my friend a. Cheap c. Expensive
45. Andre : It's hard to learn this new software. b. Overpriced d. Good
Dodi : Don't say that. It just need practice. If you 55. The music is loud
practice it more, ... a. Soft c. Pleasant
A. You will understand the program b. Blaring d. Catchy
B. You would be able to create the program
56. I require three big boxes
C. You wouldn't use the program anymore
a. Need c. Found
D. You could explain the program to others
46. Daniel : This place is too noisy. I need to find a b. Threw d. Got
quiet one to do my work.
Sinta : ... You can also find many references
there. 57. Why are you being so arrogant?
A. You could go to the street over there a. Snooty c. Humble
B. You shouldn't turn on the radio
b. Stupid d. Cunning
C. Why don't you turn on the computer?
58. I do not want to live in this filthy colony
D. How about the library?
a. Nice c. Clean
47. Dudi : Who finished the project?
Harve : Citra did. Last night, ... b. Dirty d. Pretty
A. she worked over time 59. She is foolish
B. she finishes it on time a. Dumb c. Idiotic
C. she hasn't started it yet b. Brainy d. Wise
D. she will do it
60. This house is magnificent
a. Unimpressive c. Big
b. Small d. Gigantic