Unix (Lab)
Unix (Lab)
Unix (Lab)
To create an emulator, you need Android Virtual Android Virtual Application Virtual Android Virtual
35 Active Virtual Device
an AVD. What does it stand for? Display Device Display Device
The second set of the three group has read other has read owner has read group has write group has read
permissions (r-) indicates that permission only permission only permission only permission only permission only
How to display the 10th line of head -10 filename head -10 filename | head -9 filename | tail head filename | tail - head -10 filename |
a file? | tail -0 tail -1 -1 1 tail -1
How to get the nth word of a sed -n '10 p' sed -n '<n> p'
59 cut -f<n> -d' ' echo "java" | rev cut -f<n> -d' '
line in Unix? filename|wc -c filename
Which symbol will be used with
grep command to match the
60 ^pat $pat pat$ pat^ ^pat
pattern pat at the beginning of
a line?