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Unix (Lab)

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slNo question m1 m2 m3 m4 ans

Which command is used to sort

1 the lines of data in a file in sort sh st sort -r sort -r
reverse order?
Which command is used to
2 cat head more grep head
display the top of the file?
Which command is used to
3 rd rmdir dldir rdiir rmdir
remove a directory?
Which of the following keys is
4 used to replace a single S s r C s
character with new text?
Which command is used to
5 extract specific columns from cat cut grep paste cut
the file?
Which command sends the
6 word count of the file infile to wc infile >newfile wc <infile >newfile wc infile - newfile wc infile | newfile wc infile >newfile
the newfile?
Which of the following files will
7 displayed by this command cat patch catch .ch All of the above All of the above
Which of the following is not a
8 write mesg mail grep grep
communication command.
Which of the following keys is
9 used to move the cursor to the } { | $ }
end of the paragraph.
How to get a response from an startActivityToRes startActiivtyForResult startActiivtyForResult(
10 Bundle() None of the above
activity in Android? ult() () )
How many applications are
11 there in a given task in Two One Many Zero Many
What are the indirect Direct
12 launcherActivity preferenceActivity tabActivity all the above all the above
subclasses of Activity?
13 Layouts in android? Frame Layout Linear Layout Relative Layout All of the above All of the above
What method you should
onCreateOptionsM onCreateContextMen
14 override to use Android menu onCreateMenu() onMenuCreated() onCreateOptionsMenu
enu() u()
Once installed on a device, each
15 Android application lives device memory external memory security sandbox none of the above security sandbox

You can shut down an activity

16 onDestory() finishActivity() finish() none of the above finish()
by calling its _______ method

Creating a UI (User Interface) in

17 Android requires careful use Java and SQL XML and C++ XML and Java Dream weaver XML and C++
18 Dialog classes in android? AlertDialog ProgressDialog DatePickerDialog All of the above All of the above
Which of the following is not an
19 Service Activity Layout Content Provider Layout
Android component ?
Which command is used to
20 remove rm mv del rm
remove a file?
Which symbol is used to
separate more than one
21 $ # : ; ;
command in the same
command line?
The agency that sits between
22 the user and the UNIX system logic profile shell erxc shell
is called the
Which of the following
commands is used to update
23 grep wc touch cat touch
access and modification times
of a file?
Which command is used to
24 count just the number of wc - 1 wc -c wc -w wc -r wc -c
characters in a file?
Which of the following
25 commands is used to list ls lp dir tar ls
contents of directories?
Which command is used to
26 display a file contents in octal cd od of oct od
Which command will be used
27 with vi editor to insert text to s S a i i
left of cursor?

In vi editor, forward search is

28 :pat :pat /pat All of the above All of the above
performed using the command.

Which of the following

29 command addresses all users write mail wall mesg wall
who are currently hooked on?

What built-in database is

30 MySQL SQLite Apache Oracle SQLite
Android shipped with?
What is contained within the The permissions The list of strings The permissions the
31 The source code All other choices
manifest xml file? the app requires used in the app app requires
What does the .apk extension Application Application Program Android Proprietary
32 Android Package Application Package
stand for? Package Kit Kit

The ___________ file specifies the

33 Manifest file Layout file Strings XML R file Layout file
layout of your screen?

Android is based on Linux for

34 Security Portability Networking All of these All of these
the following reason

To create an emulator, you need Android Virtual Android Virtual Application Virtual Android Virtual
35 Active Virtual Device
an AVD. What does it stand for? Display Device Display Device

What operating system is used

36 as the base of the Android Linux Windows Java XML Linux
A component that
A message sent Context referring to A single screen the A single screen the
runs in the
37 What is an Activity? among the major the application user sees on the user sees on the
background without
building blocks environment device at one time device at one time
any interface

During an Activity life-cycle,

38 what is the first callback onStop() onStart() onCreate() onRestore() onCreate()
method invoked by the system?

Which configuration file holds

39 the permission to use the Layout file Property file Java source file Manifest file Manifest file

What is the name of the folder

40 src res bin gen gen
that contains the R.java file?

What does the Android project Java Activity

41 Resource files Java source code Libraries Resource files
folder “res/” contain? classes
Which of the following
commands is used to obtain a
42 ls -1 ls -t ls -i ls -R ls -t
list of all files by modification
Which command is used to
43 display the characteristics of a pid du ps au ps

Which of the following

44 commands is used to identify ls cat file more file
the type of file by context?

The filed separator in cut

45 -a option -d option -r option -x option -d option
command is specified with

Which of the following options

46 will be used to display number -c -i -d -s -s
of blocks used by a file?
Which option will be used with
47 touch command to change the -a -b -t -h -a
access time?
Which command is used to
48 cat vi ed lyrix cat
display and create files?

The second set of the three group has read other has read owner has read group has write group has read
permissions (r-) indicates that permission only permission only permission only permission only permission only

Which column contains all

details of the permissions of a
50 second fourth third first first
file when you issue the ls -l
Which of the following
51 commands is used to display dir prompt $p$g pwd path pwd
your working directory?
While working with mail
command, which command is
52 s r w d s
used to save mail in a separate

The command used to compare

53 comp cmp do ccp cmp
the files is known as

Which command is used to

54 shutdown haltsys cancel kill kill
terminate a process?
neither standard neither standard
both input and output
55 The cp command uses: standard input file standard output file input nor standard input nor standard
output file output file

How to display the 10th line of head -10 filename head -10 filename | head -9 filename | tail head filename | tail - head -10 filename |
a file? | tail -0 tail -1 -1 1 tail -1

How to remove the header from sed -i '1 d'

57 sed -i d' filename sed -i '2 d' filename sed -i '3 d' filename sed -i '1 d' filename
a file? filename
How to remove the footer from a head -10 filename
58 sed -i '1 d' filename sed -i '$ d' filename All of the above sed -i '$ d' filename
file? | tail -1

How to get the nth word of a sed -n '10 p' sed -n '<n> p'
59 cut -f<n> -d' ' echo "java" | rev cut -f<n> -d' '
line in Unix? filename|wc -c filename
Which symbol will be used with
grep command to match the
60 ^pat $pat pat$ pat^ ^pat
pattern pat at the beginning of
a line?

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