Halli Galli Manual de Regras 176558
Halli Galli Manual de Regras 176558
Halli Galli Manual de Regras 176558
The game
The player to the left of the dealer starts the
game. Each player turns over the top card of
his draw deck and places it face up on the
table. These cards are his face-up discard
pile. Each card is placed on top of this pile
in such a way that it covers the previous card
and only the top card is visible.
You need lightning reflexes!
The first player to ring the bell when the
aled cards show exactly 5 fruits of the
same sort wins all of the discard piles.
He then puts these face-up cards face down
under his draw deck and starts a new round
by turning over the first card.
... goodbye!
When a player runs out of cards, he is not
out of the game yet! He still takes part in the
game until he also has also lost his discard
pile. Until then, he skips revealing cards, but
he can still ring the bell.
If a player rings the bell by mistake, and the
revealed cards do not show exactly 5 fruits
of the same type, he must give each of the
other players one card from his draw pile as
a penalty.
End of the round
The game is over when only 2 players are left
in the round. They continue to play until one
of them wins the face-up discard piles. There
is a special ruling for this situation: if a player
rings “Sorry!” by mistake, his opponent wins
all of the cards in the face-up discard piles
and the game is over. However if the players
wish, they may continue until one of them
wins all of the cards.
The player holding the largest number of
cards at the end of the round is the winner.