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Compressive Strength and Elastic Moduli of Intact Rock Core Specimens Under Varying States of Stress and Temperatures

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This international standard was developed in accordance with internationally recognized principles on standardization established in the Decision on Principles

for the
Development of International Standards, Guides and Recommendations issued by the World Trade Organization Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT) Committee.

Designation: D7012 − 23

Standard Test Methods for

Compressive Strength and Elastic Moduli of Intact Rock
Core Specimens under Varying States of Stress and
This standard is issued under the fixed designation D7012; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of
original adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval. A
superscript epsilon (´) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.

1. Scope* Method A requires strength determination only.

1.1 These four test methods cover the determination of the Strain measurements and a stress-strain curve are not required.
strength of intact rock core specimens in uniaxial and triaxial 1.5.2 Method B—Elastic Moduli of Undrained Rock Core
compression. Methods A and B determine the triaxial compres- Specimens in Triaxial Compression Without Pore Pressure
sive strength at different pressures and Methods C and D Measurements.
determine the unconfined, uniaxial strength. 1.5.3 Method C—Uniaxial Compressive Strength of Intact
Rock Core Specimens.
1.2 Methods A and B can be used to determine the angle of Method C requires strength determination only.
internal friction, angle of shearing resistance, and cohesion Strain measurements and a stress-strain curve are not required.
intercept. 1.5.4 Method D—Elastic Moduli of Intact Rock Core Speci-
1.3 Methods B and D specify the apparatus, mens in Uniaxial Compression.
instrumentation, and procedures for determining the stress- 1.5.5 Option A: Temperature Variation—Applies to any of
axial strain and the stress-lateral strain curves, as well as the methods and allows for testing at temperatures above or
Young’s modulus, E, and Poisson’s ratio, υ. These methods do below room temperature.
not make provisions for pore pressure measurements and
1.6 For an isotropic material in Test Methods B and D, the
specimens are undrained (platens are not vented). Thus, the
relation between the shear and bulk moduli and Young’s
strength values determined are in terms of total stress and are
modulus and Poisson’s ratio are:
not corrected for pore pressures. These test methods do not
include the procedures necessary to obtain a stress-strain curve E
G5 (1)
beyond the ultimate strength. 2 ~ 11υ !

1.4 Option A allows for testing at different temperatures and E

K5 (2)
can be applied to any of the test methods, if requested. 3 ~ 1 2 2υ !

1.5 This standard replaces and combines the following where:

Standard Test Methods: D2664 Triaxial Compressive Strength G = shear modulus,
of Undrained Rock Core Specimens Without Pore Pressure K = bulk modulus,
Measurements; D5407 Elastic Moduli of Undrained Rock Core E = Young’s modulus, and
Specimens in Triaxial Compression Without Pore Pressure υ = Poisson’s ratio.
Measurements; D2938 Unconfined Compressive Strength of 1.6.1 The engineering applicability of these equations de-
Intact Rock Core Specimens; and D3148 Elastic Moduli of creases with increasing anisotropy of the rock. It is desirable to
Intact Rock Core Specimens in Uniaxial Compression. The conduct tests in the plane of foliation, cleavage or bedding and
original four standards are now referred to as Methods in this at right angles to it to determine the degree of anisotropy. It is
standard. noted that equations developed for isotropic materials may give
1.5.1 Method A—Triaxial Compressive Strength of Und- only approximate calculated results if the difference in elastic
rained Rock Core Specimens Without Pore Pressure Measure- moduli in two orthogonal directions is greater than 10 % for a
ments. given stress level.
These test methods are under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee D18 on Soil NOTE 1—Elastic moduli measured by sonic methods (Test Method
and Rock and is the direct responsibility of Subcommittee D18.12 on Rock D2845) may often be employed as a preliminary measure of anisotropy.
1.7 Test Methods B and D for determining the elastic
Current edition approved June 15, 2023. Published June 2023. Originally
approved in 2004. Last previous edition approved in 2014 as D7012 – 14ɛ1. DOI: constants do not apply to rocks that undergo significant
10.1520/D7012-23. inelastic strains during the test, such as potash and salt. The

*A Summary of Changes section appears at the end of this standard

Copyright © ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959. United States

D7012 − 23
elastic moduli for such rocks should be determined from E122 Practice for Calculating Sample Size to Estimate, With
unload-reload cycles that are not covered by these test meth- Specified Precision, the Average for a Characteristic of a
ods. Lot or Process
1.8 The values stated in SI units are to be regarded as 2.2 ASTM Adjunct:4
standard. No other units of measurement are included in this Triaxial Compression Chamber Drawings (3)
standard. Reporting of test results in units other than SI shall
3. Terminology
not be regarded as nonconformance with this test method.
3.1 Definitions:
1.9 All observed and calculated values shall conform to the
3.1.1 For definitions of common technical terms in this
guidelines for significant digits and rounding established in
standard, refer to Terminology D653.
Practice D6026.
1.9.1 The procedures used to specify how data are collected/ 4. Summary of Test Methods
recorded or calculated, in this standard are regarded as the
industry standard. In addition, they are representative of the 4.1 A rock core specimen is cut to length and the ends are
significant digits that generally should be retained. The proce- machined flat. The specimen is placed in a loading frame and
dures used do not consider material variation, purpose for if necessary, placed in a loading chamber and subjected to
obtaining the data, special purpose studies, or any consider- confining pressure. For a specimen tested at a different
ations for the user’s objectives; and it is common practice to temperature, the test specimen is heated or cooled to the
increase or reduce significant digits of reported data to be desired test temperature prior to the start of the test. The axial
commensurate with these considerations. It is beyond the scope load on the specimen is then increased and measured until the
of this standard to consider significant digits used in analytical specimen fails. Deformation measurements are not required for
methods for engineering design. Methods A and C. For Methods B and D, deformations are
measured as a function of load until peak load and failure are
1.10 This standard does not purport to address all of the obtained.
safety concerns, if any, associated with its use. It is the
responsibility of the user of this standard to establish appro- 5. Significance and Use
priate safety, health, and environmental practices and deter-
5.1 The parameters obtained from Methods A and B are in
mine the applicability of regulatory limitations prior to use.
terms of undrained total stress. However, there are some cases
1.11 This international standard was developed in accor-
where either the rock type or the loading condition of the
dance with internationally recognized principles on standard-
problem under consideration will require the effective stress or
ization established in the Decision on Principles for the
drained parameters be determined.
Development of International Standards, Guides and Recom-
mendations issued by the World Trade Organization Technical 5.2 Method C, uniaxial compressive strength of rock is used
Barriers to Trade (TBT) Committee. in many design formulas and is sometimes used as an index
property to select the appropriate excavation technique. Defor-
2. Referenced Documents mation and strength of rock are known to be functions of
2.1 ASTM Standards:2 confining pressure. Method A, triaxial compression test, is
D653 Terminology Relating to Soil, Rock, and Contained commonly used to simulate the stress conditions under which
Fluids most underground rock masses exist. The elastic constants
D2216 Test Methods for Laboratory Determination of Water (Methods B and D) are used to calculate the stress and
(Moisture) Content of Soil and Rock by Mass deformation in rock structures.
D2845 Test Method for Laboratory Determination of Pulse 5.3 The deformation and strength properties of rock cores
Velocities and Ultrasonic Elastic Constants of Rock measured in the laboratory usually do not accurately reflect
(Withdrawn 2017)3 large-scale in situ properties because the latter are strongly
D3740 Practice for Minimum Requirements for Agencies influenced by joints, faults, inhomogeneity, weakness planes,
Engaged in Testing and/or Inspection of Soil and Rock as and other factors. Therefore, laboratory values for intact
Used in Engineering Design and Construction specimens shall be employed with proper judgment in engi-
D4543 Practices for Preparing Rock Core as Cylindrical Test neering applications.
Specimens and Verifying Conformance to Dimensional NOTE 2—The quality of the result produced by this standard is
and Shape Tolerances dependent on the competence of the personnel performing it, and the
D6026 Practice for Using Significant Digits and Data Re- suitability of the equipment and facilities used. Agencies that meet the
cords in Geotechnical Data criteria of Practice D3740 are generally considered capable of competent
and objective testing. Users of this standard are cautioned that compliance
E4 Practices for Force Calibration and Verification of Test- with Practice D3740 does not in itself ensure reliable results. Reliable
ing Machines results depend on many factors; Practice D3740 provides a means for

For referenced ASTM standards, visit the ASTM website, www.astm.org, or
contact ASTM Customer Service at service@astm.org. For Annual Book of ASTM Assembly and detail drawings of an apparatus that meets these requirements
Standards volume information, refer to the standard’s Document Summary page on and which is designed to accommodate 54-mm diameter specimens and operate at
the ASTM website. a confining fluid pressure of 68.9 MPa are available from ASTM International
The last approved version of this historical standard is referenced on Headquarters. Order Adjunct No. ADJD7012-E-PDF. Original adjunct produced in
www.astm.org. 1982.

D7012 − 23
evaluating some of those factors. should remain stable at the temperature and pressure levels
designated for the test.
6. Apparatus 6.2.2 Option A:
6.1 Compression Apparatus: Temperature Enclosure—The temperature enclosure
6.1.1 Methods A to D: shall be either an internal system that fits inside the loading Loading Device—The loading device shall be of apparatus or the confining pressure apparatus, an external
sufficient capacity to apply load at a rate conforming to the system enclosing the entire confining pressure apparatus, or an
requirements specified in 9.4.1. It shall be verified at suitable external system encompassing the complete test apparatus. For
time intervals in accordance with the procedures given in high or low temperatures, a system of heaters or coolers,
Practices E4 and comply with the requirements prescribed in respectively, insulation, and temperature-measuring devices
the method. The loading device may be equipped with a are normally necessary to maintain the specified temperature.
displacement transducer that can be used to advance the Temperature shall be measured at three locations, with one
loading ram at a specified rate. sensor near the top, one at mid-height, and one near the bottom
NOTE 3—For Methods A and B, if the load-measuring device is located of the specimen. The “average” specimen temperature, based
outside the confining compression apparatus, calibrations to determine the on the mid-height sensor, shall be maintained to within 61°C
seal friction need to be made to make sure the loads measured meet the of the specified test temperature. The maximum temperature
accuracy specified in Practices E4. difference between the mid-height sensor and either end sensor
NOTE 4—The failure strain and mode of failure observed during testing shall not exceed 3°C.
can be affected by the stiffness of the load frame used for testing compared
to the stiffness of the tested specimen. NOTE 6—An alternative to measuring the temperature at three locations
6.2 Confining System:4 along the specimen during the test is to determine the temperature
6.2.1 Methods A and B: distribution in a specimen that has temperature sensors located in drill
holes at a minimum of six positions: along both the centerline and Confining Apparatus4—The confining pressure ap- specimen periphery at mid-height and each end of the specimen. The
paratus shall consist of a chamber in which the test specimen specimen may originate from the same batch as the test specimens and
may be subjected to a constant lateral fluid pressure and the conform to the same dimensional tolerances and to the same degree of
requested axial load. The apparatus shall have safety valves, intactness. The temperature controller set point may be adjusted to obtain
steady-state temperatures in the specimen that meet the temperature
suitable entry ports for filling the chamber, and associated requirements at each test temperature. The centerline temperature at
hoses, gages, and valves as needed. mid-height may be within 61°C of the specified test temperature and all Flexible Membrane—This membrane encloses the other specimen temperatures may not deviate from this temperature by
rock specimen and extends over the platens to prevent penetra- more than 3°C. The relationship between controller set point and
tion by the confining fluid. A sleeve of natural or synthetic specimen temperature can be used to determine the specimen temperature
during testing provided that the output of the temperature feedback sensor
rubber or plastic is satisfactory for room temperature tests; or other fixed-location temperature sensor in the triaxial apparatus is
however, metal or high-temperature rubber (fluoroelastomer) maintained constant within 61°C of the specified test temperature. The
jackets are usually necessary for elevated temperature tests relationship between temperature controller set point and steady-state
(Note 5). The membrane shall be inert relative to the confining specimen temperature may be verified periodically. The specimen is used
fluid and shall cover small pores in the specimen without solely to determine the temperature distribution in a specimen in the
triaxial apparatus. It is not to be used to determine compressive strength
rupturing when confining pressure is applied. Plastic or sili- or elastic constants.
cone rubber coatings may be applied directly to the specimen
provided these materials do not penetrate and strengthen or Temperature Measuring Device—Special limits-of-
weaken the specimen. Care shall be taken to form an effective error thermocouples or platinum resistance thermometers
seal where the platen and specimen meet. Membranes formed (RTDs) having minimum accuracies of 61°C with a resolution
by coatings shall be subject to the same performance require- of 0.1°C shall be used.
ments as elastic sleeve membranes. 6.2.3 Bearing Surfaces:
NOTE 5—The properties of flexible membranes at room temperature Methods A to D:
and elevated temperatures are not considered significant to the test. (1) Platens—Two steel platens are used to transmit the
However, the properties of flexible membranes at low temperatures should axial load to the ends of the specimen. They shall be made of
be known and the effect on results be compensated for if they impact the tool-hardened steel to a minimum Rockwell Hardness of 58 on
result. the “C” scale. One of the platens shall be spherically seated and Pressure-Maintaining Device—A hydraulic pump, the other shall be a plain rigid platen. The bearing faces shall
pressure intensifier, or other system having sufficient capacity not depart from a plane by more than 0.015 mm when the
to maintain the desired lateral pressure to within 61 % platens are new and shall be maintained within a permissible
throughout the test. The confining pressure shall be measured variation of 0.025 mm. The diameter of the spherical seat shall
with a hydraulic pressure gauge or electronic transducer having be at least as large as that of the test specimen, but shall not
a minimum accuracy of 1 % of the confining pressure, includ- exceed twice the diameter of the test specimen. The center of
ing errors due to readout equipment, and a minimum resolution the sphere in the spherical seat shall coincide with that of the
of 0.5 % of the confining pressure. bearing face of the specimen. The spherical seat shall be Confining-Pressure Fluids—Hydraulic fluids com- properly lubricated to allow free movement. The movable
patible with the pressure-maintaining device and flexible portion of the platen shall be held closely in the spherical seat,
membranes shall be used. For tests using Option A, the fluid but the design shall be such that the bearing face can be rotated

D7012 − 23
and tilted through small angles in any direction. If a spherical 7.3 Elevated temperatures increase the risks of electrical
seat is not used, the bearing surfaces shall be parallel to 0.0005 shorts and fire. The flash point of the confining pressure fluid
mm/mm of platen diameter. The platen diameter shall be at shall be above the operating temperatures during the test.
least as great as that of the specimen and have a thickness-to-
diameter ratio of at least 1:2. 8. Test Specimens
6.3 Deformation Devices: 8.1 Specimen Selection—The specimens for each sample
6.3.1 Methods B and D: shall be selected from cores representing a valid average of the Strain/Deformation Measuring Devices— type of rock under consideration. This sample selection can be
Deformations or strains may be determined from data obtained achieved by visual observations of mineral constituents, grain
by electrical resistance strain gages, compressometers, linear sizes and shape, partings and defects such as pores and fissures,
variable differential transformers (LVDTs), or other suitable or by other methods such as ultrasonic velocity measurements.
means. The strain/deformation measuring system shall mea- The minimum diameter of rock test specimens shall be ten
sure the strain with a minimum resolution of 25 × 10-6 strain times the diameter of the largest mineral grain. For weak rock
and an accuracy within 2 % of the value of readings above 250 types, which behave more like soil, for example, weakly
× 10-6 strain and accuracy and resolution within 5 × 10-6 for cemented sandstone, the minimum specimen diameter shall be
readings lower than 250 × 10-6 strain, including errors intro- six times the maximum particle diameter. The specified mini-
duced by excitation and readout equipment. The system shall mum specimen diameter of approximately 47 mm satisfy this
be free from non-characterized long-term instability (drift) that criterion in the majority of cases. When cores of diameter
results in an apparent strain of 10-8/s or greater. smaller than the specified minimum must be tested because of
the unavailability of larger diameter core, as is often the case in
NOTE 7—The user is cautioned about the influence of pressure and
temperature on the output of strain and deformation sensors located within the mining industry, suitable notation of this fact shall be made
the confining pressure apparatus. in the report. Determination of Axial Strain—The design of the 8.1.1 Desirable specimen length to diameter ratios are
measuring device shall be such that the average of two or more between 2.0:1 and 2.5:1. Specimen length to diameter ratios of
axial strain measurements can be determined. Measuring less than 2.0:1 are unacceptable. If it is necessary to test
positions shall be equally spaced around the circumference of specimens not meeting the length to diameter ratio require-
the specimen, close to midheight. The minimum gauge length ments due to lack of available specimens, the report shall
over which the axial strains are determined shall be ten grain contain a note stating the non-conformance with this standard
diameters in magnitude. including a statement explaining that the results may differ Determination of Lateral Strain—The lateral defor- from results obtained from a test specimen that meets the
mations or strains may be measured by any of the methods requirements. Laboratory specimen length to diameter ratios
mentioned in Either circumferential or diametric de- must be employed with proper judgment in engineering appli-
formations or strains may be measured. A single transducer that cations.
wraps around the specimen can be used to measure the change 8.1.2 The number of specimens necessary to obtain a
in circumference. A minimum of two diametric deformation specific level of statistical results may be determined using Test
sensors shall be used if diametric deformations are measured. Method E122. However, it may not be economically practi-
These sensors shall be equally spaced around the circumfer- cable to achieve a specific confidence level and professional
ence of the specimen close to midheight. The average defor- judgment may be necessary.
mation or strain from the diametric sensors shall be recorded. 8.2 Preparation—Test specimens shall be prepared in ac-
NOTE 8—The use of strain gauge adhesives requiring cure temperatures
cordance with Practice D4543.
above 65°C is not allowed unless it is known that microfractures do not 8.2.1 Test results for specimens not meeting the require-
develop and mineralogical changes do not occur at the cure temperature. ments of Practice D4543 shall contain a note describing the
6.4 Timing Devices—A clock, stopwatch, digital timer, or non-conformance and a statement explaining that the results
similar readable to 1 minute. reported may differ from results obtained from a test specimen
that meets the requirements of Practice D4543.
7. Safety Hazards
8.3 Moisture condition of the specimen at the time of test
7.1 Danger exists near confining pressure testing equipment can have a significant effect upon the deformation of the rock.
because of the high pressures and loads developed within the Good practice generally dictates that laboratory tests shall be
system. Test systems shall be designed and constructed with made upon specimens representative of field conditions. Thus,
adequate safety factors, assembled with fittings rated for the it follows that the field moisture condition of the specimen
pressure to be used, and provided with protective shields to shall be preserved until the time of test. On the other hand,
protect people in the area from unexpected system failure. The there may be reasons for testing specimens at other moisture
use of a gas as the confining pressure fluid introduces potential contents, including zero. In any case, the moisture content of
for extreme violence in the event of a system failure. the test specimen shall be tailored to the problem at hand and
7.2 Many rock types fail in a violent manner when loaded to determined according to the procedures given in Method
failure in compression. A protective shield shall be placed D2216. If moisture condition is to be maintained and the
around the uniaxial test specimen to prevent injury from flying temperature enclosure is not equipped with humidity control,
rock fragments. the specimen shall be sealed using a flexible membrane or by

D7012 − 23
applying a plastic or silicone rubber coating to the specimen The axial load shall be applied continuously and
sides. If the specimen is to be saturated, porous sandstones may without shock until the load becomes constant, is reduced, or a
present little difficulty. For siltstone, saturation may take predetermined amount of strain is achieved. The stress rate or
longer. For tight rocks such as intact granite, saturation by strain rate shall not be permitted to deviate by more than 10 %
water may be impractical. from that selected. The stress rate or strain rate selected shall be
that which will produce failure of a test specimen in
9. Procedure compression, in a test time between 2 and 15 min. The selected
9.1 Seating: stress rate or strain rate for a given rock type shall be adhered
to for all tests in a given series of study (Note 10). Readings of
9.1.1 Methods A to D:
deformation shall be observed and recorded at a minimum of The spherical seat shall rotate freely in its socket
ten load levels that are evenly spaced over the load range.
before each test.
Continuous data recording shall be permitted provided that the The lower platen shall be placed on the base or
recording system meets the precision and accuracy require-
actuator rod of the loading device. The bearing faces of the
ments of 12.1.1. The maximum load sustained by the specimen
upper and lower platens and of the test specimen shall be wiped
shall be recorded. Load readings in kilonewtons shall be
clean, and the test specimen shall be placed on the lower
recorded to 2 decimal places. Stress readings in megapascals
platen. The upper platen shall be placed on the specimen and
shall be recorded to 1 decimal place.
aligned. NOTE 10—It is recommended that the load be applied in such a manner
9.2 Confining Stress: as to produce either a stress rate between 0.5 and 1.0 MPa/s or a strain rate
as constant as feasible throughout the test. Results of tests by other
9.2.1 Methods A and B:
investigators have shown that strain rates within this range will provide The membrane shall be fitted over the specimen and strength values that are reasonably free from rapid loading effects and
platens to seal the specimen from the confining fluid. The reproducible within acceptable tolerances. Lower strain rates may be
specimen shall be placed in the test chamber, making sure there permissible, if required by the study. The drift of the strain measuring
is a proper seal with the base, and connection to the confining system (see 6.3) may be constrained more stringently, corresponding to
the longer duration of the test.
pressure lines. A small axial load, <1 % of anticipated ultimate NOTE 11—Loading a high-strength specimen in load control to failure
strength, may be applied to the confining compression chamber in a loading frame will often result in violent failure, which will tend to
by means of the loading device to seat the bearing parts of the damage the strain/deformation measuring devices and be hazardous to the
apparatus. operator. The chamber shall be filled with confining fluid and
the confining stress shall be raised uniformly to the specified 10. Calculations
level within 5 min. The lateral and axial components of the 10.1 For Methods C and D, the uniaxial compressive
confining stress shall not be allowed to differ by more than 5 strength σu, of the test specimen shall be calculated as follows:
percent of the instantaneous pressure at any time. P The confining pressure shall not deviate more than σu 5 (3)
5 % from the predetermined pressure throughout the test. To make sure that confining fluid has not penetrated where:
into the specimen, the specimen membrane shall be carefully σu = uniaxial compressive strength (MPa),
checked for fissures or punctures and the specimen shall be P = failure load (N),
examined with a hand lens at the completion of each confining A = cross-sectional area (mm2),
test. 10.2 For Methods A and B, the triaxial compressive
9.3 Option A: strength, σ, of the test specimen shall be calculated as follows:
9.3.1 Install the temperature enclosure for the apparatus σ 5 σ1 2 σ3 (4)
used. The temperature shall be changed at a rate not exceeding
2°C/min until the required temperature is reached (Note 9). where:
The test specimen shall be considered to have reached pressure σ = differential failure stress (MPa),
and temperature equilibrium when all deformation transducer σ1 = total failure stress (MPa), and
outputs are stable for a minimum of three readings taken at σ3 = confining stress (MPa).
NOTE 12—Tensile stresses and strains are normally recorded as being
equal intervals over a minimum period of 30 min (3 min for positive. A consistent application of a compression-positive sign conven-
tests performed at room temperature). Stability is defined as a tion may be employed if desired. The sign convention adopted needs to be
constant reading showing only the effects of normal instrument stated explicitly in the report. The formulas given are for engineering
and heater/cooler unit fluctuations. Record the initial deforma- stresses and strains. True stresses and strains may be used, provided that
tion readings, which are to be taken as zeroes for the test. the specimen diameter at the time of peak load is known.
NOTE 13—If the specimen diameter is not the same as the piston
NOTE 9—It has been observed that for some rock types microcracking diameter through the triaxial apparatus, a correction may be applied to the
will occur for heating rates above 1°C/min. The operator is cautioned to measured load to account for the confining pressure acting on the
select a heating rate such that microcracking does not significantly affect difference in area between the specimen and the loading piston where it
the test result. passes through the seals into the apparatus. The engineer must be
knowledgeable in the differences in confinement test systems such as a
9.4 Applying Load: Hoek cell, through piston chamber, integral load cell and external load
9.4.1 Methods A to D: cell.

D7012 − 23
10.3 Methods B and D: 10.3.5 The value of Young’s modulus, E, shall be calculated
10.3.1 Axial strain, εa and lateral strain, εl, shall be obtained using any of several methods employed in engineering prac-
directly from strain-indicating equipment or shall be calculated tice. The most common methods, described in Fig. 2, are as
from deformation readings, depending on the type of apparatus follows:
or instrumentation employed. Strain readings shall be recorded Tangent modulus at a stress level that is some fixed
to six decimal places. percentage, usually 50 % of the maximum strength.
10.3.2 Axial strain, εa shall be calculated as follows: Average slope of the straight-line portion of the
∆L stress-strain curve. The average slope shall be calculated either
εa 5 (5) by dividing the change in stress by the change in strain or by
making a linear least squares fit to the stress-strain data in the
where: straight-line portion of the curve.
εa = axial strain (mm), Secant modulus, usually from zero stress to some
L = original undeformed axial gauge length (mm), and fixed percentage of maximum strength.
∆L = change in measured axial gauge length (mm). 10.3.6 The value of Poisson’s ratio, υ, is greatly affected by
NOTE 14—If the deformation recorded during the test includes defor- nonlinearity at low-stress levels in the axial and lateral stress-
mation of the apparatus, suitable calibration for apparatus deformation
shall be made. This may be accomplished by inserting into the apparatus strain curves. It is desirable that Poisson’s ratio shall be
a steel cylinder having known elastic properties and observing differences calculated from the following equation:
in deformation between the assembly and steel cylinder throughout the
slope of axial curve
loading range. The apparatus deformation is then subtracted from the total υ52 (7)
deformation at each increment of load to arrive at specimen deformation slope of lateral curve
from which the axial strain of the specimen is computed. The accuracy of
this correction shall be verified by measuring the elastic deformation of a E
cylinder of material having known elastic properties (other than steel) and slope of lateral curve
comparing the measured and computed deformations.
10.3.3 Lateral strain, ε1, shall be calculated as follows:
υ = Poisson’s ratio
∆D E = Young’s modulus
ε1 5 (6)
where the slope of the lateral curve is determined in the same
where: manner as was done in 10.3.6 for Young’s modulus, E.
εl = lateral strain (mm), NOTE 16—The denominator in Eq 7 will usually have a negative value
D = original undeformed diameter (mm), and if the sign convention is applied as recommended.
∆D = change in diameter (mm); where positive is an in-
crease in diameter and negative is a decrease in 10.4 Method A:
diameter. 10.4.1 The Mohr stress circles shall be constructed on an
NOTE 15—Many circumferential transducers measure change in chord arithmetic plot with shear stress as the ordinate and normal
length and not change in arc length (circumference). The geometrically stress as the abscissa using the same scale. A minimum of three
nonlinear relationship between change in chord length and change in triaxial compression tests shall be conducted, each at a differ-
diameter must be used to obtain accurate values of lateral strain. ent confining pressure, on the same material to define the
10.3.4 The stress-versus-strain curves shall be plotted for envelope to the Mohr stress circles. Because of the heteroge-
the axial and lateral directions, see Fig. 1. The complete curve neity of rock and the scatter in results often encountered, good
gives the recommended description of the deformation behav- practice requires making a minimum of three tests on essen-
ior of rocks having nonlinear stress-strain relationships at low- tially identical specimens at each confining pressure or single
and high-stress levels. tests at nine different confining pressures covering the range
investigated. Individual stress circles shall be plotted and used
in drawing the envelope.
10.4.2 A “best-fit,” smooth curve or straight line (Mohr
envelope) shall be drawn approximately tangent to the Mohr
circles, as shown in Fig. 3. The figure shall also include a brief
note indicating whether a pronounced failure plane was or was
not developed during the test and the inclination of this plane
with reference to the plane of major principal stress. If the
envelope is a straight line, the angle the line makes with the
horizontal shall be reported as the angle of internal friction, φ,
or the slope of the line as tan φ depending upon preference. The
intercept of this line at the vertical axis is reported as the
apparent cohesion intercept, c. If the envelope is not a straight
line, values of φ or tan φ shall be determined by constructing
a tangent to the Mohr circle for each confining pressure at the
point of contact with the envelope and the corresponding
FIG. 1 Format for Graphical Presentation of Data cohesion intercept noted.

D7012 − 23

FIG. 2 Methods for Calculating Young’s Modulus from Axial Stress-Axial Strain Curve

11. Report: Test Data Sheet(s)/Form(s) 11.2.1 Methods A–D:

11.1 The methodology used to specify how data are re- Source of sample including project name and
corded on the test data sheet(s)/form(s) as given below, is location. Often the location is specified in terms of the drill
covered in 1.9 and Practice D6026. hole number, angle and depth of specimen from the collar of
11.2 Record as a minimum the following general informa- the hole,
tion (data):

FIG. 3 Typical Mohr Stress Circles

D7012 − 23 Name or initials of the person(s) who performed TABLE 1 Compressive Strength (MPa) at 0 MPa Confining
the test and the date(s) performed, Pressure Lithologic description of the test specimen, forma- Berea Tennessee Barre
Sandstone Marble Granite
tion name, and load direction with respect to lithology,
Average Value 62.0 142.0 217.0 Moisture condition of specimen at the start of Repeatability 15.8 20.4 15.7
shear, Reproducibility 22.4 38.0 27.7 Specimen diameter and height, conformance with
dimensional requirements, Description of physical appearance of specimen TABLE 2 Compressive Strength (MPa) at 10 MPa Confining
after test, including visible end effects such as cracking, Pressure
spalling, or shearing at the platen-specimen interfaces, Berea Tennessee Barre
Sandstone Marble Granite A sketch or photograph of the fractured specimen is
Average Value 127.0 173.0 282.0
recommended, Repeatability 5.29 32.2 13.5 The actual equipment, procedures and the reasons Reproducibility 22.5 38.3 25.7
for any variations shall be presented in detail, Temperature at which test was performed if other
than room temperature, to the nearest 0.5°C, TABLE 3 Compressive Strength (MPa) at 25 MPa Confining
Pressure Any non-conformances with D4543 and the
length to diameter ratios, include the explanation statements as Berea Tennessee Barre
Sandstone Marble Granite
describe in 8.1.2 and 8.2.1,
Average Value 179.0 206.0 366.0 Time to failure, Repeatability 8.69 43.3 22.5 Loading, stress, or strain rate as applicable based Reproducibility 34.7 51.8 31.0
on method performed.
11.3 Record as a minimum the following test specimen data:
TABLE 4 Compressive Strength (MPa) at 40 MPa Confining
11.3.1 Methods B and D: Pressure Plot of the stress-versus-strain curves (see Fig. 1), Berea Tennessee Barre Young’s modulus, E, method of determination as Sandstone Marble Granite
given in Fig. 2, and at which stress level or levels determined, Average Value 215.0 237.0 N/A
and Repeatability 7.95 42.4 N/A
Reproducibility 52.0 73.5 N/A Poisson’s ratio, υ, method of determination in
10.3.6, and at what stress level or levels determined. Rate of loading or deformation rate. TABLE 5 Young’s Modulus (GPa) at 0 MPa Confining Pressure
11.3.2 Method A:
Berea Tennessee Barre Confining stress level at which a triaxial test was Sandstone Marble Granite
performed, 25 % 50 % 25 % 50% 25 % 50 % Plot of the Mohr stress circles (see Fig. 3), and Average Value 12.4 16.7 76.3 74.2 46.9 54.2 Triaxial compressive strength as determined in 10.1 Repeatability 3.37 4.15 14.8 10.1 6.12 6.75
to the nearest MPa. Reproducibility 4.17 5.18 17.2 12.3 6.45 7.77
11.3.3 Method C: Uniaxial compressive strength as determined in
10.1 to the nearest MPa. cations. Details of the study are referenced in Section 2.2. The
NOTE 17—If failure is ductile, with the load on the specimen still tables give the repeatability (within a laboratory) and repro-
increasing when the test is terminated, the strain at which the compressive ducibility (between laboratories) for the compressive and
strength was calculated may be reported. confined methods and values for Young’s Modulus and Pois-
12. Precision and Bias son’s ratio calculated for the intervals from 25 to 50 % and 40
to 60 % of the maximum differential stress at confining
12.1 The data in Tables 1-5 are the products of the Interla- pressures of 10, 25, and 40 MPa and 25 % and 50 % for the
boratory Testing Program. Table 1 is the product of the work of compressive test case. Additional Reference Material found in
seven laboratories with five replications. Table 5 is the product ASTM Geotechnical Journal.5,6
of the work of eight laboratories with five replications. Round
1 involved four rock types, but only the data from three were
displayed here that were rock types used in all the series of Pincus, H. J., “Interlaboratory Testing Program for Properties: Round One-
Longitudinal and Transverse Pulse Velocities, Unconfined Compressive Strength,
tests. The remaining tables (Tables 6-10) are the products of Uniaxial Modulus, and Splitting Tensile Strength,” ASTM Geotechnical Journal, Vol
Round 2 in which six laboratories each tested five specimens of 16, No. 1, March 1993, pp. 138–163; and Addendum Vol 17, No. 2, June 1993, and
three different rocks, three confining pressures and four repli- 256–258.

D7012 − 23
TABLE 6 Young’s Modulus (GPa) at 25 MPa Confining Pressure TABLE 9 Poisson’s Ratio at 25 MPa Confining Pressure
Berea Tennessee Barre Berea Tennessee Barre
Sandstone Marble Granite Sandstone Marble Granite
25-50 % 40-60 % 25-50 % 40-60 % 25-50 % 40-60 % 25-50 % 40-60 % 25-50 % 40-60 % 25-50 % 40-60 %
Average Value 23.5 22.5 71.1 65.2 60.4 59.8 Average Value 0.23 0.27 0.31 0.34 0.28 0.33
Repeatability 0.90 1.28 11.4 9.15 2.53 2.49 Repeatability 0.02 0.02 0.05 0.05 0.03 0.03
Reproducibility 3.34 3.47 13.9 11.6 6.80 6.12 Reproducibility 0.04 0.04 0.06 0.05 0.04 0.05

TABLE 7 Young’s Modulus (GPa) at 40 MPa Confining Pressure TABLE 10 Poisson’s Ratio at 40 MPa Confining Pressure
Berea Tennessee Barre Berea Tennessee Barre
Sandstone Marble Granite Sandstone Marble Granite
25-50 % 40-60 % 25-50 % 40-60 % 25-50 % 40-60 % 25-50 % 40-60 % 25-50 % 40-60 % 25-50 % 40-60 %
Average Value 24.2 22.8 70.0 63.4 61.9 60.6 Average Value 0.20 0.24 0.32 0.34 0.29 0.33
Repeatability 1.09 0.79 9.60 9.57 2.27 2.49 Repeatability 0.01 0.02 0.04 0.05 0.03 0.04
Reproducibility 3.82 3.57 9.69 9.57 5.95 5.34 Reproducibility 0.03 0.03 0.04 0.05 0.05 0.06

TABLE 8 Poisson’s Ratio at 10 MPa Confining Pressure r52 ~ =2 ! s r (8)

Berea Tennessee Barre
Sandstone Marble Granite where:
25-50 % 40-60 % 25-50 % 40-60 % 25-50 % 40-60 % r = repeatability limit, and
Average Value 0.28 0.34 0.30 0.33 0.26 0.30 sr = repeatability standard deviation.
Repeatability 0.03 0.04 0.03 0.07 0.03 0.03
Reproducibility 0.05 0.05 0.06 0.09 0.04 0.04 R52 ~ =2 ! s R (9)

12.1.1 The probability is approximately 95 % that two test R = reproducibility limit, and
sR = reproducibility standard deviation.
results obtained in the same laboratory on the same material
will not differ by more than the repeatability limit r. Likewise, 12.2 Bias—Bias cannot be determined since there is no
the probability is approximately 95 % that two test results standard value of each of the elastic constants that can be used
obtained in different laboratories on the same material will not to compare with values determined using this test method.
differ by more than the reproducibility limit R. The precision
13. Keywords
statistics are calculated from:
13.1 bulk modulus; compression testing; compressive
strength; confined compression; elastic moduli; loading tests;
Pincus, H. J., “Interlaboratory Testing Program for Rock Properties: Round
Two- Confined Compression: Young’s Modulus, Poisson’s Ratio, and Ultimate
modulus of elasticity; Mohr stress circle; Poisson’s ratio;
Strength,” ASTM Geotechnical Testing Journal, Vol 19, No. 3, September 1996, pp. repeatability; reproducibility; rock; shear modulus; triaxial
321–336. compression; uniaxial compression; Young’s modulus


Committee D18 has identified the location of selected changes to this standard since the last issue
(D7012–14ɛ1) that may impact the use of this standard. (June 15, 2023)

(1) Deleted epsilon note. (11) In, changed “must” to “should.”

(2) Revised (12) In, deleted “properly.”
(3) Revised (13) In, changed “average of at least two” to “average
(4) Revised 1.8. of two or more.”
(5) Changed title of Section 4 from “Method” to “Methods.” (14) In 6.4 changed “alike equivalent” to “similar.”
(6) Revised 4.1. (15) In Section 7, changed title from “Safety Precautions” to
(7) In 5.3, changed “must” to “shall.” “Safety Hazards.”
(8) Added new Note 4 and Note 5 and renumbered the rest of (16) Revised 7.1.
the notes. (17) In 8.1.2, changed “possible” to “practicable.”
(9) Revised (18) In and, deleted “properly.”
(10) In,,,,,, 8.1, (19) In, changed “ensure a proper seal” to “making sure
and 10.4.1 changed “at least” to “minimum.” there is a proper seal.”

D7012 − 23
(20) Revised (24) Revised Note 10.
(21) In, changed “To make sure that no confining fluid (25) In 10.3.2, and 10.4.1, changed “should” to “shall.”
has penetrated into the specimen” to “To make sure that (26) In 10.3.4, changed “best” to “recommended.”
confining fluid has not penetrated into the specimen.” (27) In Note 16, changed “properly” to “recommended.”
(22) Revised 9.3.1. (28) Added Summary of Changes.
(23) Revised

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of infringement of such rights, are entirely their own responsibility.

This standard is subject to revision at any time by the responsible technical committee and must be reviewed every five years and
if not revised, either reapproved or withdrawn. Your comments are invited either for revision of this standard or for additional standards
and should be addressed to ASTM International Headquarters. Your comments will receive careful consideration at a meeting of the
responsible technical committee, which you may attend. If you feel that your comments have not received a fair hearing you should
make your views known to the ASTM Committee on Standards, at the address shown below.

This standard is copyrighted by ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959,
United States. Individual reprints (single or multiple copies) of this standard may be obtained by contacting ASTM at the above
address or at 610-832-9585 (phone), 610-832-9555 (fax), or service@astm.org (e-mail); or through the ASTM website
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