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M2 Fuel System DAIHATSU

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FUEL SYSTEM................................................................................................. 1
DESCRIPTION ............................................................................................ 1
FUEL TANK ................................................................................................. 2
FUEL LINES ................................................................................................ 2
FUEL FILTER ............................................................................................... 2
FUEL PUMP ................................................................................................ 3
CHARCOAL CANISTER (some models only) ............................................. 3
CARBURETOR............................................................................................ 4
FEATURES OF EACH TYPE OF CARBURETOR ......................................... 6
AIR-FUEL RATIO & AIR-FUEL MIXTURE .................................................... 13
AIR-FUEL MIXTURE & POWER PERFORMANCE....................................... 13

DOWN-DRAFT DOUBLE-BARREL CARBURETOR....................................... 15

DESCRIPTION ............................................................................................ 15
FLOAT SYSTEM .......................................................................................... 16
PRIMARY LOW-SPEED CIRCUIT................................................................ 19
PRIMARY HIGH-SPEED CIRCUIT (MAIN SYSTEM).................................... 24
SECONDARY LOW-SPEED CIRCUIT ......................................................... 26
SECONDARY HIGH-SPEED CIRCUIT ........................................................ 27
POWER CIRCUIT ........................................................................................ 31
ACCELERATION PUMP .............................................................................. 32
AUTOMATIC CHOKE SYSTEM ................................................................... 33
FAST IDLE MECHANISM ............................................................................ 35
UNLOADER MECHANISM.......................................................................... 36
THROTTLE POSITIONER (TP) .................................................................... 37
THROTTLE POSITION SWITCH (some models only) ................................. 37
CHOKE OPENER (some models only) ....................................................... 38
CHOKE BREAKER ...................................................................................... 39
AUXILIARY ACCELERATION PUMP (AAP) SYSTEM .................................. 40
HOT IDLE COMPENSATOR (HIC) .............................................................. 41

TROUBLESHOOTING...................................................................................... 42
GENERAL ................................................................................................... 42
TROUBLESHOOTING PROCEDURES........................................................ 42
PRELIMINARY INSPECTION....................................................................... 43
TROUBLESHOOTING................................................................................. 43
FUEL SYSTEM PROBLEMS ........................................................................ 45

INSPECTION & ADJUSTMENT OF CARBURETOR ...................................... 47

IDLE SPEED ADJUSTMENT ....................................................................... 47
FAST IDLE SPEED ADJUSTMENT [HD-C engine only] .............................. 49
DASHPOT (THROTTLE POSITIONAER) CHECK........................................ 50
CHOKE BREAKER CHECK......................................................................... 52
IDLE-UP SYSTEM CHECK .......................................................................... 53

ATTACHMENT.................................................................................................. 58
HD ENGINE FUEL SYSTEM........................................................................ 58
1 FUEL SYSTEM — Description

The fuel system mixes the fuel (gasoline) from the The EFI (Electronic Fuel Injection) system is an-
fuel tank with air, and delivers the mixture, in the other means of supplying gasoline to the engine.
form of droplets of fuel suspended in air, to the
The most important component of this system is
the carburetor, but besides this, the following
components are also important:
• Fuel tank
• Fuel line
• Charcoal canister
(some models only)
• Fuel filter
• Fuel pump
FUEL SYSTEM — Fuel Tank, Fuel Lines, Fuel Filter 2
The fuel tank is constructed of thin sheet steel. It
is usually located in the rear of the vehicle to pre-
vent the leakage of gasoline in case of a collision.
The inside of the tank is plated to avoid rusting.
The tank is equipped with separators to avoid
changes in the fuel level when the vehicle is mov-
The mouth of the fuel inlet tube is located 2 to 3
cm above the bottom of the tank to prevent sedi-
ment and water in the gasoline from being
sucked into the tube.

There are three fuel lines: the main fuel line, which
carries fuel from the fuel tank to the fuel pump;
the fuel return line, which carries fuel back to the
fuel tank from the engine; and the fuel emission
line, which carries HC gas (vaporized gasoline)
from the inside of the fuel tank back to the char-
coal canister. They usually run under the floor pan
or the frame. To avoid damage to the lines by
stones flying up from the surface of the road, a
protector is also provided.
Due to engine vibration, rubber hoses are used
where the fuel line connects with the carburetor
and the fuel pump.

A fuel filter is located between the fuel tank and
fuel pump to remove any dirt or water that there
may be in the gasoline.
The element inside the filter reduces the flow
speed of the fuel, causing the water, and the dirt
particles that are heavier than gasoline, to settle
to the bottom; the particles of dirt that are lighter
than gasoline are filtered out by the element.

The filter used at present cannot be disas-
sembled; it must be replaced as one unit.
3 FUEL SYSTEM — Fuel Pump, Charcoal Canister

There are two types of fuel pump, the type with a
return pipe and the type without a return pipe.
However, the basic construction and operation of
these two types are the same.
In most previous engines, the fuel was returned to
the fuel tank from the carburetor. Now, however, it
is usually returned from the fuel pump via the fuel
return line.


models only)
The charcoal canister temporarily absorbs fuel
vapors (HC) from the carburetor float chamber,
and fuel vapors exhausted from the emission tube
when the pressure in the fuel tank rises due to in-
creases in the temperature into it internal canister
to prevent them from being exhausted.
The fuel vapors which are absorbed by the char-
coal canister are directed from the intake mani-
fold to the combustion chamber for burning when
the engine is running. Decreases in the ambient
temperature also result in lowering of the pressure
inside the fuel tank, causing the fuel vapors in the
canister to be drawn back into the fuel tank to
prevent them from being exhausted.

In order to assure the proper canister capaci-
ty, some models are equipped with two char-
coal canisters.
FUEL SYSTEM — Carburetor 4
There are three types of venturi: the fixed venturi,
The carburetor changes the fuel to its most easy- the variable venturi, and the air valve venturi.
to-burn form to allow the engine to run the most The most commonly used venturi at the present
economically and to deliver the greatest power. It time is the fixed venturi.
supplies fuel to the combustion chambers via the The variable venturi utilizes a system in which the
intake manifold, and is one of the parts which has surface area of the venturi is controlled in accor-
the greatest influence on engine performance. dance with the intake air volume.
Therefore, carburetors are designed for the par- The "V" type carburetors used in Toyota engines
ticular characteristics desired of an engine (low- use the variable venturi. The "N" type carburetors
and medium-speed driving, high output, etc.). used in Toyota engines presently use the air valve
The different types of carburetor can be classi- venturi. They utilize a system whereby the open-
fied, in accordance with their construction, and ing of the air valve is controlled in accordance
function, into several types. with the intake air volume. The construction of this
type is different but its operation is similar to that
of the variable venturi.
5 FUEL SYSTEM — Carburetor


Carburetors in which the air-fuel mixture exits The passage for the air-fuel mixture that runs from
downward are called down-draft carburetors; the venturi to the carburetor inlet is called the bar-
those in which it exits to the side are called side- rel. If there is one barrel, it is called a single-barrel
draft carburetors. carburetor; if there are two, it is called a double-
Currently, the most commonly used carburetors barrel carburetor.
are down-draft carburetors. Side-draft carburetors Single-barrel carburetors are used mainly in small
are often used in high output engines. The SU displacement engines, while double-barrel carbu-
and Solex carburetors at Toyota are of this type. retors are used in small or medium displacement
FUEL SYSTEM — Features of Each Type of Carburetor 6
Here we will describe some representative carburetors.


This is currently the most commonly used type of
carburetor. There are many varieties of this type of This carburetor does not use any complex mech-
carburetor, such as Carter*, Stromberg* and anism to measure the amount of fuel, so it is able
Solex*. The Stromberg is generally used the most to deliver a steady amount. There are also sys-
often. The fixed-venturi carburetor is the simplest tems (such as idle and power systems) for each
type of carburetor. type of function, and it is easy to match the char-
The major feature of this type is the use of a ven- acteristics of each the carburetor to each type of
turi of fixed diameter, which is located in the main engine. On the other hand, due to the addition of
nozzle. The strength of the vacuum created in the auxiliary devices as emission control devices, this
main nozzle by the air passing through this ven- type of carburetor can become large and com-
turi changes in accordance with the amount of air plex, making it necessary to consider carefully
passing through the venturi (which in turn de- how to mount it and how to maintain it.
pends on the engine speed and the throttle open- It is basically constructed of a float, a choke, and
ing), and this increases or decreases the amount several fuel delivery "circuits": primary, secondary,
of fuel drawn into the carburetor accordingly. acceleration, and power.

* These carburetors are named after the manufactures who

developed them.
FUEL SYSTEM — Features of Each Type of Carburetor

Float system
Primary low speed system
Primary high speed system\
Power system
Acceleration system
Secondary low speed system
FUEL SYSTEM — Features of Each Type of Carburetor 8
9 FUEL SYSTEM — Features of Each Type of Carburetor


This carburetor is used on high output engines. In Currently, due to tightened emission control re-
order to reduce the air flow resistance, the venturi quirements, this carburetor has been replaced
diameter and bore diameter are made larger and EFI, which provides highly precise control of fuel
the intake manifold is shortened. delivery.
More than one of these carburetors are often
used on one engine to achieve higher output and
more favorable acceleration response.
FUEL SYSTEM — Features of Each Type of Carburetor 10
(Air Valve Type Carburetor)
This carburetor is based on the down-draft dou- This type of carburetor does not have the air flow
ble-barrel carburetor, but with the construction resistance of the fixed type venturi, so it has an
and operation of the secondary system modified. advantage in being capable of higher outputs.
In place of another fixed venturi, an air valve is Also, because the throttle valve is opened and
built into the secondary system, and the opening closed mechanically, a diaphragm for opening
of this air valve varies in accordance with the in- and closing the secondary throttle valve is ren-
take air volume. The vacuum at the main nozzle is dered unnecessary, thus making possible a car-
thus controlled so as to be virtually constant. buretor that is more compact, and easier to mount
A metering needle is also linked with the air valve on the engine.
so that fuel will be supplied in accordance with
the intake air volume.
11 FUEL SYSTEM — Features of Each Type of Carburetor


This type of carburetor varies the surface area of As with the Solex carburetor, more than one of
the venturi automatically in accordance with the this carburetor was generally used in a single en-
intake air volume. One feature of this carburetor is gine. This type has one major disadvantage: due
that the venturi opening changes appropriately to wear of the sliding parts in the suction chamber
even at low and medium speeds, and under low and suction piston, the accuracy of fuel metering
and medium loads. For this reason response of by the main jet is poor, and there are variations
the fuel volume to changes in the intake air vol- between carburetors when more than one is
ume is good and the intake air resistance is small, used. Due to these and other problems which
so it is easy to achieve high output with this car- make it difficult to control accuracy, this carbure-
buretor. tor is not used widely at the present time.
The flow rate of intake air passing through the
venturi of a variable venturi carburetor is as
shown in the graph below. Compared to a fixed
venturi carburetor, the variable venturi carburetor
has a constant air flow rate (air flow resistance)
across the full engine rpm range, so a well-blend-
ed air-fuel mixture can be made.
FUEL SYSTEM — Features of Each Type of Carburetor 12
This is an SU carburetor using linear ball bearings Cold-Enrichment Compensator
for the sliding parts of the suction piston, resulting The cold-enrichment rod is moved to the right
in improvements in the sliding performance and or left by thermo-wax, which expands or con-
durability of this part. The features of this carbure- tracts in proportion to the coolant tempera-
tor make it applicable for use both as a down- ture. This causes the amount of air bleed to
draft carburetor and as a single carburetor. The decrease at lower temperatures, thus enrich-
basic construction and operation of this carbure- ing the air-fuel mixture.
tor are the same as those of the SU carburetor. In addition, the cold-enrichment rod moves
This type of carburetor is not used on current the fast-idle cam to open or close the throttle
models. valve slightly.
13 FUEL SYSTEM — Air-fuel Ratio and Air-fuel Mixture, Air-fuel Mixture and Power Performance


In a gasoline engine, the ratio of fuel to air must 1. THEORETICAL AIR-FUEL RATIO
be just right to insure optimal combustion in the
cylinders. The engine cannot perform efficiently if The theoretical air-fuel ratio is the mixture ratio, in-
the amount of fuel is either too great or too small cluding the theoretical air volume, required for
in relation to the volume of air. The amount of air complete combustion of the fuel. This is ex-
in proportion to the amount of fuel is known as the pressed as the air-fuel ratio (A/F) and is normally
air-fuel ratio, and this ratio is very important be- 14.7:1 for gasoline engines. For simplicity, the
cause the correct air-fuel ratio is required under ratio may often be rounded off to 15:1.
all engine conditions. Additionally, engine power The theoretical air-fuel ratio mixture provides opti-
performance is controlled by the amount of air- mal engine power and fuel efficiency, and helps
fuel mixture drawn into the cylinders. to purify the exhaust gases passing through the
three-way catalyst. For this reason, a large num-
ber of engines use the theoretical air-fuel ratio in a
wide range of operating conditions.


The most economical air-fuel ratio is the ratio con-
suming the least amount of fuel for a given power
range. This ratio is larger (i.e., leaner) than the
theoretical ratio. To insure complete combustion
of the fuel, it is necessary to increase the propor-
tion of air and make it easier for fuel to mix with
the air.
Because it lacks power, this ratio is used only on
certain engines and under light loads.

15 : 1 · · · Weight ratio Air 1r ≈ 1.3g
9000 : 1 · · · Volume ratio Fuel 1r ≈ 780g

Hereafter, the term "air-fuel ratio" will be used to

refer to the weight ratio.

To produce a given amount of power, a leaner
mixture requires the intake of a larger volume
of air. This minimizes pumping loss and ther-
mal loss, and improves fuel economy.
However, because a leaner mixture causes
greater amounts of oxygen to remain in the
exhaust gas, the resultant NOx cannot be re-
duced by a conventional three-way catalyst.
FUEL SYSTEM — Air-fuel Mixture and Power Performance 14
The power air-fuel ratio is the ratio that provides To improve fuel economy, recent engines use
the maximum power performance at a given rpm. parts that are made of improved materials that are
It is smaller (i.e., richer) than the theoretical ratio, designed to help the air-fuel ratio approach as
and is able to use up all the air that is drawn into close as possible to the theoretical ratio.
the cylinders. In addition to increasing power, this
reduces the combustion temperature due to the
latent heat of vaporization* of fuel, thus minimiz-
ing damage to the pistons, exhaust manifold, etc.
* The heat needed to convert a certain amount of
liquid to vapor at a certain temperature.



Normal operation The theoretical air-fuel ratio is used because the fuel and air
after warm-up Theoretical
mix well at this temperature.

When the engine is cold, fuel does not vaporize well and often
clings to the walls of the intake manifold and combustion
chambers without mixing properly with air. Thus, in order for
Cold engine (depending on
the actual combustion mixture to approach as close as
engine temperature)
possible to the theoretical ratio, a larger amount of fuel must be

Since the engine cranks at a very low rpm during starting, the
During starting Richer air flows at an extremely low speed. For this reason, the fuel
and air do not mix well, thus requiring more fuel.

Since the engine runs at a low speed at idle, the air also flows
at a low speed, slowing the mixing of fuel and air. Slightly more
During idling Slightly richer fuel must therefore be supplied in order to decrease the
disparity of air-fuel mixtures supplied to the cylinders.

Because fuel is heavier than air, the flow of fuel cannot keep
up with the airflow at the beginning of acceleration; this results
Additional fuel in a leaner mixture. An additional amount of fuel is therefore
During acceleration
injected injected from the acceleration pump in order to prevent the
mixture from becoming too lean.

Slightly more fuel is provided in order to obtain a higher power

Under high loads Slightly richer
output and to protect the engine parts.

In an engine that aims for fuel economy, a lightly leaner air-fuel

Cruising Slightly leaner or mixture is provided.
(light load) theoretical In an engine that aims for more power, a theoretical air-fuel
ratio is provided.


In this type of double-barrel carburetor, the air load is placed upon the engine, or when the vehi-
and fuel are mixed in one barrel (the primary sys- cle is traveling at high speeds.
tem) when the vehicle is traveling at low or medi- In other words, the carburetor can mix the air and
um speeds and the amount of air being taken in fuel either in one barrel or in both, depending
is small, and they are mixed in both barrels (the upon the amount needed by the engine.
primary and secondary systems) when a heavy
When the gasoline from the fuel pump passes
The gasoline is drawn out of the main nozzle by through the needle valve and into the float cham-
the vacuum created by the air flowing through the ber, the float is buoyed up, closing the needle
venturis. valve and stopping the inflow of gasoline.
If the different in height (h) between the lip of the
nozzle and the fuel level in the float chamber
were to change, the amount of gasoline delivered
by the nozzle would change and the air-fuel ratio
would not remain constant. For this reason, the
level of gasoline in the float chamber must be
kept constant. This is done by the float system.

As the gasoline in the float chamber is consumed,

its level falls, the needle valve opens, and more
gasoline is admitted into the chamber. In this way,
the gasoline in the float chamber is kept at a con-
stant level.

If a sight glass is provided, check the fuel
level by seeing whether the fuel is at the cor-
rect level in the sight glass (between the two
lines as shown in the illustration below).

As the level of the gasoline in the float chamber
changes, the float rises or falls; this motion is
transmitted to the needle valve via the plunger.
The spring prevents the needle valve from being
opened and closed by the up-and-down motion
of the float caused by the motion of the vehicle,
thus keeping the fuel level constant.

1. If gasoline leaks from between the valve and seat due to damage to the end of the needle valve or
because the valve has been jammed open by foreign particles, gasoline cannot be prevented from
flowing into the chamber. This causes the fuel level to become too high and gasoline to be continu-
ously delivered to the venturis from the main nozzle, causing the air-fuel mixture to become too rich.
This in turn causes the engine to run poorly or to stall, causing difficulty in starting. This problem is
called "overflowing".

2. If overflowing occurs, lightly tapping on the carburetor above the needle valve with the handle of a
screwdriver might dislodge any foreign particles that may be lodged between the needle valve and
the seat, thus correcting the problem. If, however, the problem is a damaged needle valve, this pro-
cedure will obviously not correct the problem.

3. If the needle valve sticks to the seat, it cannot open, and since no more gasoline is supplied to the
float chamber, the engine will stall.
The amount of gasoline delivered by the main to the venturi depends upon the strength of the
nozzle (which is the amount of gasoline demand- vacuum in the venturi, the air pressure in the air
ed by the engine) is determined by the difference horn C and the air pressure in the float chamber
between the air pressure (a vacuum) in the ven- B must be the same. The air pressure in the float
turi A and the air pressure (atmospheric pres- chamber B is kept the same as that in the air
sure) in the float chamber B. horn C by the air vent tube.
Therefore, since the amount of gasoline supplied

1. If the air vent tube were to become clogged, and then the air cleaner also became clogged, the
pressure in the air horn would become lower than the pressure in the float chamber, causing the
amount of gasoline delivered by the main nozzle to increase. This would cause the mixture to be-
come too rich, adversely affecting engine performance. For this reason, the air vent tube should al-
ways be kept free of foreign material.

2. If the air horn set bolt becomes loosened, or the air horn gasket is damaged, the pressure in the
float chamber will become the same as the atmospheric pressure. This will cause the amount of
gasoline delivered by the main nozzle to increase and the mixture to become too rich.


When the engine is running slowly, the throttle Engine Is Idling
valve is barely open, and the amount of air being The throttle valve is closed, and a strong vacuum
sucked into the carburetor is very small. Thus, the is created below the valve. This causes the gaso-
vacuum created in the venturi is weak and no line to mix with air from the air bleeders, to pass
gasoline is delivered by the main nozzle. For this through the intake manifold, and to be drawn into
reason, the primary low-speed circuit has been the cylinders.
provided to deliver the gasoline below the throttle
valve when the engine is running slowly.
Throttle Slightly Opened
When the throttle valve is opened slightly from its
idle position, the amount of air drawn into the
cylinder increases. However, since this causes
the vacuum below the throttle valve to weaken,
the amount of gasoline delivered from the idle
port decreases, and the air-fuel mixture thus be-
comes leaner.
The slow port has been provided to prevent this
from happening. When the throttle valve is
opened slightly from its idle position, gasoline is
delivered from both the Slow Port and the Idle
Port, the amount delivered depending upon how
far the throttle valve is open.

The relationship between the amount of gasoline

delivered from the idle port and the amount deliv-
ered from the slow port when there is no load on
the engine is shown in the graph.
For example, when the total amount of fuel deliv-
ered is A:

The amount of fuel delivered from the IDLE

PORT is D:

the amount of fuel delivered from the SLOW

PORT is B: and,

the amount of fuel delivered from the MAIN



In order for the engine to idle well, it must be sup- • Depending on the region in which the vehi-
plied with a slightly richer air-fuel mixture. The cle is sold, some carburetors have a limiter
ratio of air to fuel is determined by the inner diam- cap on the idle mixture adjusting screw.
eter of the slow jet; fine adjustments in this ratio There are two types of cap, as shown
are carried out by the idle mixture adjusting below.
screw. Turning this screw adjusts the needle When adjusting the idle mixture, either re-
valve. move the cap or use an SST (09243-00020,
idle adjusting screw wrench).

If the idle mixture adjusting screw is tightened
too much, a groove will be worn into the ta- • In order for carburetors in vehicles to com-
pered part of the needle and it will become ply with emission control regulations, an
difficult to get the correct air-fuel mixture, re- aluminum plug must be fitted after the idle
sulting in poor idling. mixture is adjusted at the factory to the idle
mixture adjusting screw. This plug must be
removed before adjusting the idle mixture.
See the Inspection and Adjustment section
in this manual for the procedure for remov-
ing this plug.
The amount of gasoline that is to be supplied to
the primary low-speed circuit is controlled by the
slow jet; the gasoline that is allowed to pass
through the slow jet next passes by the idle mix-
ture adjusting screw, which again controls the
amount of gasoline allowed through. The gasoline
that is permitted to pass by the idle mixture ad-
justing screw then does to the cylinders.

1. Care must be taken not to allow foreign parti-
cles to enter the carburetor when it is being
If an ordinary screwdriver is used to loosen
the jet, it may damage the jet, and metal par-
ticles may get into the jet and damage it. For
this reason, always use a carburetor screw-
driver (SST) when overhauling the carburetor.
Before reassembling the carburetor, clean all
parts and all air and gasoline passages with
gasoline, followed by compressed air.

2. If the slow jet is not tightened enough, gaso-

line will leak from around the screw, thus in-
creasing the amount of fuel supplied to the
engine. The result of this will be that the mix-
ture will not be able to be made leaner no
matter how much the idle mixture adjusting
screw is tightened.

3. The inner diameter of the slow jet is extreme-

ly small, and it is easy for foreign particles to
clog the jet up. If this happens while the en-
gine is idling, gasoline will cease to be sup-
plied to the engine and the engine will stall.

3. AIR BLEEDER Depending on the model, this solenoid valve is

also switched off by the Emission Control ECU
There are two air bleeders in the primary low- during deceleration (engine braking), thus cutting
speed circuit: the primary air bleeder No.1 and off the fuel supply.
the primary air bleeder No.2. These help to atom-
ize the gasoline by mixing it with the air.

If the air bleeders become clogged, the air
will not be able to mix with the gasoline and
too much gasoline will be delivered by the
idle and slow ports. This will cause the air-fuel
mixture to be too rich.

To get the gasoline to mix well with the air from
the air bleeders, the speed of the gasoline flowing
past the slow jet must be increased. The econo-
mizer performs this function by reducing the size
of the fuel passage.


If the engine continues running after the ignition If the solenoid valve fails to open, the choke
switch is turned off, this us called "dieseling". can start the engine but the engine will not be
Dieseling is caused by the air-fuel mixture being able to run at an idle.
ignited by an overheated sparkplug or exhaust
valve, or by carbon deposits in the combustion
Dieseling can be prevented either by cutting off
the supply of fuel to the carburetor or by supply-
ing more air to the intake manifold; the former is
the more generally used method, and is handled
by the solenoid valve.
When the ignition switch is turned off, the sole-
noid valve closes, cutting off the supply of fuel to
the low-speed circuit. When the ignition switch is
turned on, electric current flows through the sole-
noid valve coil, opening the valve and supplying
fuel to the low-speed circuit.
The primary high-speed circuit supplies fuel to
the engine while the vehicle is cruising (moving at
medium to high speed). Since the widest speed
range is handled by this circuit, it is also called
the "main system."
The high-speed circuit is designed to provide an
economical or theoretical air-fuel mixture to the
engine during normal cruising; high output is pro-
vided by such auxiliary circuits as the accelera-
tion circuit and the power circuit.

As the throttle valve is opened, and the speed of

the air flowing through the venturi increases, the
air pressure at the tip of the main nozzle falls
below that in the float chamber.

When this happens, the gasoline in the float

chamber mixes with the air from the main air
bleeder and is drawn out of the main nozzle. It is
then atomized by the air passing through the ven-
turi and sent to the cylinders.

When the gasoline begins coming out of the main

nozzle, both circuits - the primary low-speed cir-
cuit and high-speed circuit - are then supplying
gasoline to the engine.

When the amount of gasoline delivered by the

main nozzle of the high-speed circuit increases,
the amount of gasoline supplied by the low-speed
circuit decreases. The relationship between the
amount of fuel supplied by the high- and low-
speed circuits when there is no load on the en-
gine is shown in the graph.


The main jet controls the amount of gasoline de- In order to be able to mix well with the air, the
livered by the primary high-speed circuit. gasoline must first be atomized before it is dis-
charged from the main nozzle. This is done by the
main air bleeder.

<NOTE> When the air pressure (vacuum) at the outlet of

1. If the main jet becomes clogged, the en- the main nozzle falls, air enters the nozzle from
gine will hesitate and will not be able to the air bleeder in the form of bubbles and mixes
develop enough power when the vehicle is with the gasoline. The gasoline is then sprayed
traveling at medium and high speeds. This from the main nozzle and is further atomized by
will also affect the primary low-speed cir- the air from the air horn.
cuit, resulting in poor idling.

2. If the main jet is not tightened enough, too

much gasoline will be supplied, causing
the sparkplugs to become fouled and the
engine to run poorly.


DOWN-DRAFT DOUBLE-BARREL CARBURETOR — Secondary Low-speed Circuit 26
At the time that the secondary throttle begins to angle, and the secondary throttle valve is opened
open, the airstream in the secondary venturi is slightly by the kick-up mechanism, a vacuum is
moving slowly, which means that little gasoline is created in the secondary slow port, causing
coming out of the secondary main nozzle. This in gasoline to be drawn out of the port.
turn causes the air-fuel mixture to be too lean, The operation of the secondary solenoid valve is
since mostly air is being drawn in, with the result the same as that of the solenoid valve used in the
that the secondary circuit begins operating too primary low-speed circuit.
late, causing the engine to hesitate during accel-
eration. <NOTE>
Therefore, to remedy this, when the primary throt- If the secondary slow port becomes clogged,
tle valve opens beyond the secondary touch the engine will hesitate during acceleration.
27 DOWN-DRAFT DOUBLE-BARREL CARBURETOR — Secondary High-speed Circuit


The primary high-speed circuit operates when the ry circuit is operating, a mechanism has been
engine is operating under a light load and the provided that allows the secondary high-speed
amount of air being drawn in is small. However, circuit to operate only when the engine is running
since enough air-fuel mixture cannot be supplied under a heavy load.
to the cylinders by the primary high-speed circuit This mechanism comes in two types, as shown
alone when the engine is operating under a heavy below:
load, the secondary high-speed circuit also be-
The secondary high-speed circuit is constructed In the vacuum diaphragm type, the diaphragm
in the same way as the primary high-speed cir- uses the vacuum created in the venturi to operate
cuit, but because the secondary circuit is de- the secondary throttle valve. This is the type that
signed to operate when the engine is outputting a is most commonly used in present-day vehicles.
large amount of power, the sizes (diameters) of
the nozzle, venturi, and jet have been made larg- DAMPER VALVE (MECHANICAL) TYPE
er than those of the primary circuit. In the damper valve type, a valve to which a
Since the amount of fuel consumed when the sec- weight is attached is installed above the sec-
ondary high-speed circuit begins operating is ondary throttle and is operated by the vacuum in
greater than that consumed when only the prima- the intake manifold. This type is no longer used.
DOWN-DRAFT DOUBLE-BARREL CARBURETOR — Secondary High-speed Circuit 28
Operation of Vacuum Diaphragm Type
When the engine is running at low speeds, and the secondary-side vacuum bleeder, causing the
the vacuum created by the vacuum bleeder in the vacuum pulling on the diaphragm to become
primary venturi is weak, the vacuum in the di- stronger, thus opening the secondary throttle
aphragm chamber is also weak and the sec- valve even wider.
ondary throttle valve therefore cannot open. As
the primary throttle valve opens wider, and the en-
gine speed increases, the vacuum created by the If the diaphragm or gasket is damaged, a
primary-side vacuum bleeder becomes strong vacuum strong enough to open the sec-
enough to overcome the tension of the return ondary throttle valve cannot be created in the
spring, and the secondary throttle valve begins to diaphragm chamber, and engine output will
open. drop.
When this happens, a vacuum is also created in
29 DOWN-DRAFT DOUBLE-BARREL CARBURETOR — Secondary High-speed Circuit


The secondary throttle valve is usually set so that B to rotate counterclockwise, thus allowing lever
it will not open until the primary throttle has C to move freely. Consequently, the secondary
opened to an angle of between 45° and 55°. This throttle valve will begin to open when the sec-
angle is called the " secondary touch angle." ondary throttle valve diaphragm pulls up on rod
D. Angle θ, which determines when the sec-
As can be seen in the diagram, if the primary ondary throttle will be allowed to open, is the sec-
valve is open less than the angle shown by θ, ondary touch angle.
then lever B will be pulled up by the spring.
Consequently, even if the secondary throttle valve <NOTE>
diaphragm pulls up on rod D, lever C will not ro- The timing of the opening of the secondary
tate, and the secondary throttle valve will not throttle valve is determined by this angle; if
open. the valve begins to open too early or too late,
When the primary throttle valve opens to an angle the engine will hesitate.
greater than θ, however, lever A will cause lever
DOWN-DRAFT DOUBLE-BARREL CARBURETOR — Secondary High-speed Circuit 30
The kick-up is a mechanism that opens the sec- tween the valve and the bore. The kick-up is also
ondary throttle valve slightly (0.1 – 0.3 mm) when used to prevent the secondary throttle valve from
the primary throttle valve opens beyond the sec- opening late.
ondary touch angle. (The distance given above is
that between the secondary throttle valve and the
throttle body.) If the kick-up opens the secondary throttle
This is to prevent the secondary throttle valve valve too far, the valve will not open smoothly
from seizing up due to the build-up of carbon be and the engine will hesitate.

The primary high-speed circuit has been de-
signed to use fuel economically; for this reason,
when the engine must output a lot of power, addi-
tional fuel must be supplied to it. This is done by
the power circuit, which supplies a slightly richer
air-fuel mixture to the high-speed circuit.
When the throttle valve is open only slightly (as
when the engine is operating under light load),
the vacuum in the intake manifold, being strong,
holds the power piston in the up position. This
causes the power valve spring B to hold the
power valve closed.
However, when the throttle valve is opened wide,
as when the engine is running under a heavy load
or the vehicle is climbing an incline, the vacuum
in the intake manifold weakens, and the power
piston is pushed down by the power piston spring
A, opening the power valve.
When this happens, gasoline is supplied by both
the power jet and the main jet to the high-speed
circuit, making the air-fuel mixture richer.
The amount of fuel supplied is increased by 15 to
20 % when the power valve is opened.

1. If the power valve does not seal well, the air-fuel mixture used in the primary high-speed circuit will
be too rich, resulting in poor fuel economy.

2. If vacuum escapes from around the power piston, or if the vacuum passage becomes clogged, the
power piston will remain down, causing the power valve to remain open, and the air-fuel mixture to
be too rich. This will result in poor fuel economy.
If, on the other hand, the power piston sticks in the up position, the power valve will not open (which
means that the power circuit will not operate), resulting in poor acceleration and insufficient power.
ACCELERATION PUMP This causes the gasoline to push up the outlet
steel ball and to be sprayed into the venturi by
If the accelerator pedal is suddenly depressed the pump jet.
while the vehicle is traveling, additional fuel is When the accelerator pedal is released, the
supplied to the engine. pump plunger rises, and the outlet steel ball
blocks the outlet. The inlet steel ball then un-
This is because, when the throttle valve is sud- blocks the inlet, allowing gasoline to be drawn up
denly opened, although the amount of air drawn into the pump cylinder from the float chamber.
into the carburetor immediately increases, more The amount of fuel injected by each full stroke of
gasoline is not immediately delivered by the main the pump plunger is approximately 0.5 cm3 (0.03
nozzle (because gasoline is heavier than air). cu.in.).
For this reason, the air-fuel mixture will become
temporarily lean during acceleration unless this is <REFERENCE>
prevented by the implementation of an accelera- Besides the pump plunger type acceleration
tion circuit. pump, there is also a diaphragm type accel-
When the accelerator pedal is stepped on, the eration pump. The operation of these two
gasoline in the pump cylinder is put under pres- types of pump is basically the same.
sure by the pump plunger.

1. The pump plunger is made partially of leather; if this leather is torn or deformed, the discharge vol-
ume from the pump will decrease, resulting in poor acceleration. For this reason, care should be
taken not to allow the pump plunger to turn inside out when it is being installed.

2. If the inlet steel ball does not seal well, the amount of gasoline delivered by the pump jet will be in-
If the inlet steel ball sticks, the pump will not be able to draw up any gasoline, and will thus not be
able to deliver any gasoline to the cylinders.

3. If the outlet steel ball does not seal well, air will be sucked in from the pump jet when the plunger
rises, causing an insufficient amount of gasoline to enter the pump cylinder.


When the engine is cold, the gasoline will not va- When the Engine is Started
porize well because the intake manifold is cold. The choke valve has been set so that it will be
For this reason, the air-fuel mixture will be too held fully closed by the bimetal element until the
lean, causing difficult starting. ambient temperature reaches 30°C (86°F)

Besides this, the colder it is, the more the engine When the engine is cranked with the choke valve
will resist being cranked, and the cranking speed held closed, a vacuum is created below the
will be low. This will cause the vacuum in the valve. This causes a great amount of gasoline to
manifold to be weak, thus lowering the amount of be delivered by the primary low and high-speed
gasoline delivered by the idle port. circuits, causing the air-fuel mixture to become
The choke system has been provided to allow a
richer air-fuel mixture to be delivered to the cylin-
ders when the engine is cold.

The type of choke used at present is an electronic

automatic choke or a manual choke.
After the Engine Starts
When the engine starts, terminal L of the alterna- <NOTE>
tor begins outputting current, and this current is 1. "PTC thermistor" stands for "Positive
directly applied to the electric heat coil. Temperature Coefficient thermistor." It is a
thermistor in which the resistance value in-
When the bimetal element gets warm, it begins to creases as the temperature increases.
expand, opening the choke valve.
2. If the choke valve remains closed even
The PTC thermistor has been provided to prevent after the engine warms up, the air-fuel mix-
more current from flowing to the electric heat coil ture will become too rich, causing the en-
than the coil needs after the choke valve has gine to run poorly or to stall. In addition,
opened al the way (and the inside of the spring fuel consumption will rise.
housing has reached about 100°C [212°F].


A rich air-fuel mixture is necessary for low-tem- In this way, a slightly higher idling speed is main-
perature starting: this is handled by the choke tained.
system. After the engine has warmed up, it continues to
However, it is also necessary to raise the idling run at a fast idle (even if the choke valve is open
speed when the temperature is low so that the en- all the way) until the accelerator pedal is stepped
gine will run well. For this reason, a fast idle on again. When this happens, the cam follower
mechanism has been provided which raises the moves away from the cam, whereupon the cam
idling speed when the temperature is low by returns to its original position. This causes the
slightly opening the throttle valve. throttle valve to return to the idling position, and
the engine speed to drop back to an idle.
If the engine is started when it is cold, the choke
valve closes all the way when the accelerator is
stepped on once and released. Many carburetors are equipped with a choke
At the same time, the fast idle cam, which is con- opener, which causes the engine to return al-
nected to the choke valve by a rod, turns counter- most to an idle (with the fast-idle cam at the
clockwise. Then, since the fast idle cam follower, third or fourth step) after it has warmed up
which moves in conjunction with the throttle valve, and the choke valve has opened all the way,
is in contact with the fast idle cam, the throttle even if the accelerator is not depressed.
valve opens slightly.
If an attempt is made to drive the vehicle as soon The mechanism that handles this is called the
as the engine is started when it is cold, enough "unloader."
air will not be drawn in by the air horn in compari- When the throttle valve is fully open, the primary
son with the amount of fuel delivered by the main throttle shaft arm, which moves in conjunction
jet and the accelerator pump. As a result of this, with the throttle shaft, rotates the fast idle cam
the air-fuel mixture will be over-rich and the en- clockwise, opening the choke valve.
gine will stall if the accelerator is suddenly
stepped upon. The opening angle of the choke valve (θ in the il-
To prevent this, the choke valve opens slightly to lustration below) is around 40° when the throttle
increase the amount of air drawn in as soon as valve is fully open.
the throttle valve fully opens.
37 DOWN-DRAFT DOUBLE-BARREL CARBURETOR — Throttle Positioner, Throttle Position Switch
When the vehicle decelerates, the throttle valve
completely closes, causing the vacuum in the in-
take manifold to suddenly increase. Some of the
gasoline adhering to the walls of the manifold
therefore evaporates, causing the air-fuel mixture
to become too rich.
To prevent this, a throttle positioner keeps the
throttle valve from closing too suddenly.

During normal driving, there is no vacuum at the

TP port, so the spring inside the TP pushes the di-
aphragm to the left, moving the TP adjusting
screw towards the left.
During deceleration, a lever linked to the throttle
valve strikes the adjusting screw, preventing the
throttle valve from closing completely. Then, vacu-
um from the TP port acts on the diaphragm via a
jet, allowing the throttle valve to gradually close.

Dashpot (DP)

Depending on the model, a dashpot (DP) is

used in place of the throttle positioner. The
dashpot is also designed to prevent the throttle
valve from closing suddenly, so its operation is
basically the same as that of the throttle posi-


(some models only)
This switch informs the Emission Control ECU that
the throttle valve is fully closed. The Emission
Control ECU uses this signal and the engine rpm
signals to control the switching of the primary so-
lenoid valve on and off.
(some models only)
If, due to some malfunction in the automatic When the engine has warmed up (coolant tem-
choke system, the choke valve fails to open after perature above 68°C* [154°F], the TVSV
the engine has warmed up, the air-fuel mixture (Thermostatic Vacuum Switching Valve) opens, al-
will become over-rich. lowing the vacuum to operate the choke opener.
To avoid this, a mechanism, called the "choke The choke opener opens the choke valve, and, at
opener," has been provided to force the choke the same time, releases the fast idle mechanism,
valve to almost fully open after the engine has to which it is connected by a linkage.
warmed up. *This depends on the engine model

The choke valve is kept fully closed when the en- opens slightly. When the coolant temperature
gine is cold to improve the engine's startability. rises to 17°C (63°F)* or higher, diaphragm B also
However, if the choke valve were to remain fully operates and the choke valve opens further.
closed after the engine had started, the air-fuel After this, the choke valve is opened normally by
mixture would become too rich, and the engine the automatic choke system as the temperature
would stall. To prevent this, a mechanism is need- rises.
ed to open the choke valve slightly after the en- * This depends on the engine model
gine has started in order to keep the mixture from
getting too rich. This is handled by the choke
breaker. Depending on the engine, the choke breaker
The opening angle of the choke valve is deter- may have only one diaphragm. This type has
mined by the coolant temperature. When the no TVSV, so the opening angle of the choke
coolant temperature is below 17°C (63°F)*, only valve does not increase with increases in the
diaphragm A operates and the choke valve coolant temperature.
DOWN-DRAFT DOUBLE-BARREL CARBURETOR — Auxiliary Acceleration Pump System 40
If the vehicle is suddenly accelerated when the If the accelerator pedal is stepped on at this time,
engine is cold, the amount of gasoline delivered the vacuum in the intake manifold weakens, caus-
by the acceleration pump will not be sufficient, ing the diaphragm to be pulled back to its original
and the vehicle will not accelerate well. position by the spring, and gasoline to be ex-
For this reason, an auxiliary acceleration pump pelled from the pump nozzle.
(AAP) has been provided to supplement the main After the engine has warmed up, the TVSV clos-
acceleration pump when the engine is cold. es, and the AAP stops operating.
When the coolant temperature is below 68°C* The amount of fuel injected for each full stroke of
(154°F), the TVSV is open and the manifold vacu- the AAP diaphragm is approximately 1.0 cm3.
um is lead into chamber A of the AAP. This pulls * This depends on the engine model
out the diaphragm, causing chamber B of the
AAP to fill with gasoline.


If the vehicle is moving slowly when the ambient As the temperature in the engine compartment
temperature is high, the temperature inside the rises, the bimetallic element opens the thermosta-
engine compartment will rise. This will cause the tic valve. As this valve opens, air from the air horn
gasoline inside the carburetor to become hot and flows into the intake manifold via the air passage
give off vapor. in the flange, causing the air-fuel mixture to return
If this vapor is discharged from the main nozzle or to normal.
the air vent tube and goes into the intake mani-
fold, the air-fuel mixture will become over-rich, The thermostatic valve is kept closed when the air
causing engine stall or rough idling. temperature is low.
Furthermore, if the vapor remains in the carbure-
tor after the engine has stopped, the engine will <REFERENCE>
be difficult to re-start. The hot idle compensator begins to open
The hot idle compensator, which is a thermostatic when the temperature surrounding the
valve, has been provided to overcome this prob- bimetallic element is approximately 55°C
lem. (131°F), and is fully open when the tempera-
ture reaches approximately 75°C (167°F).
TROUBLESHOOTING — General, Troubleshooting Procedures 42
Engine problems have many different causes, Causes of engine malfunctions can be broadly di-
and to discover the exact cause or causes of a vided into those occurring in the fuel system, in
particular problem, everything related to that the ignition system, and in the engine proper.
problem must be checked. This is a very time- Here we will discuss the inspection procedures to
consuming process, so to shorten the time need- be used when troubleshooting the fuel system.
ed to find the cause(s) of a problem, it is impor-
tant to check each system in a systematic way.

ANALYSIS OF Finding out in detail what the customer's complaint is and
under what conditions the trouble occurs plays a very important
role in servicing operations. In other words, the basics of trou-
bleshooting is determining "how should inspection proceed?"
and "what should be repaired?"
It is also important to make a comparison of the correct vehicle
specifications and actual performance capabilities.

1) Engine will not start or is hard to start.

CONFIRMATION 2) Rough idle or stalling
3) Hesitation or poor acceleration
4) Poor fuel economy
5) Others

1) Engine oil 5) Drive belt

PRELIMINARY 2) Coolant 6) Spark plugs
3) Battery and battery terminals 7) Distributor
4) Air cleaner 8) Ignition timing





43 TROUBLESHOOTING — Preliminary Inspection, Troubleshooting

The foundation of troubleshooting is a preliminary (4) Air cleaner.....
inspection which includes the following items: Clogging, dirtiness, etc.
(1) Engine oil.....
Check quantity & quality (dirtiness, viscosity, (5) Engine drive belt.....
etc.) Wear, cracks, & amount of deflection

(2) Coolant..... (6) Spark plugs.....

Check quantity & quality (dirtiness, ratio of Clean, inspect gap & adjust
anti-freeze, etc.)
(7) Distributor (check & adjust)......
(3) Battery and battery terminals..... • Check the gap & check for cracks in the
Quantity of electrolyte, specific gravity, volt- rotor, dirtiness, etc.
age & terminal condition (corrosion, loose- • Check governor operation & vacuum con-
ness, etc.) troller.
• Check resistance of signal generator

(8) Ignition timing (check & adjust).....

Check & adjust according to engine specifi-


Engine will not start/ Carburetor problems

hard to start • Choke operation Check choke system
(cranks OK) • Needle valve sticking or clogged Check float and needle valve
• Vacuum hose disconnected or
• Fuel cut-off solenoid valve not Check fuel cut-off solenoid valve

Rough idle or stalling Carburetor problems

• Idle speed incorrect Adjust idle speed
• Slow jet clogged
• Idle mixture incorrect Adjust idle mixture
• Fuel cut-off solenoid valve not Check fuel cut-off solenoid valve
• Fast idle speed setting incorrect Adjust fast idle speed
(cold engine)
• Choke valve open (cold engine) Check choke system
EBCV valve open Check EBCV
EBCV hose disconnected or damaged Check hoses
Outer vent control valve not closed Check outer vent control valve
TROUBLESHOOTING — Troubleshooting 44

Hesitation or poor Carburetor problems

acceleration • Float level too low Adjust float level
• Accelerator pump faulty Check accelerator pump
• Power valve faulty Check power piston and valve
• Choke valve closed (hot engine) Check choke system
• Choke valve stuck open (cold Check choke system
Fuel line clogged Check fuel line

Engine dieseling (runs Carburetor problems

after ignition switch is • Linkage sticking Check linkage
turned off) • Idle speed or fast idle speed out Adjust idle speed or fast idle
of adjustment speed
• Fuel cut-off solenoid faulty Check fuel cut-off solenoid valve

Poor fuel economy Carburetor problems

• Choke faulty Check choke system
• Idle speed too high Adjust idle speed
• Deceleration fuel cut-off system Check deceleration system
• Power valve always open Check power system
Fuel leak Repair as necessary

Insufficient fuel supply Fuel filter clogged Replace fuel filter

to carburetor Fuel pump faulty Replace fuel pump
Fuel line clogged Check fuel line
Fuel line bent or kinked Replace fuel line
45 TROUBLESHOOTING — Fuel System Problems


1. Run the fuel lines so that they are isolated
Most problems with the fuel system are mechani- from heat sources such as the exhaust pipe or
cal problems, but some cases of trouble involve muffler.
problems caused by the fuel (gasoline) itself. 2. Adopt a fuel return system, which will prevent
Here we will explain some representative prob- gasoline from sitting in the main fuel line when
lems that can be cause by fuel. the fuel pump is off; or, adopt one in which
low-temperature gasoline from the fuel tank
constantly circulates throughout the fuel sys-
1. VAPOR LOCK tem to cool down hot components.
Vapor lock means that the fuel cannot perform its
function (powering the engine), because the fuel
in the fuel line boils and vaporizes when it be-
comes hot.
Fluids, including gasoline, vaporize especially
easily at low pressures - that is why it is easy for
the fuel to vaporize in the fuel line between the
fuel tank and the fuel pump due to the partial vac-
uum created by the pump. If gasoline in the fuel
line vaporizes and gas bubbles form, only vapor
will arrive at the carburetor even when the fuel
pump is operating, thus causing the air-fuel mix-
ture to become too lean. This will cause rough
idling, poor acceleration, and even engine

* A fuel return system can be of two types: one in

which the fuel is returned to the fuel tank from
the fuel pump, and one in which the fuel is re-
turned to the fuel tank from the carburetor.

In an EFI engine, application of a pressure of
200 to 300 kPa to the fuel is effective in pre-
venting vapor lock.
TROUBLESHOOTING — Fuel System Problems 46
Percolation means that the fuel boils when it be- The gasoline from the main nozzle and slow port
comes hot. Percolation differs from vapor lock in is vaporized in the venturis. This causes the tem-
the places in the fuel system where it occurs, and perature of the carburetor to drop. If the air tem-
in the symptoms it exhibits. perature is low, and if the air is carrying a large
More specially, percolation is the welling up of amount of moisture, the vaporized water in the air
gasoline from the main nozzle or air vent tube, that is drawn into the carburetor condenses, be-
etc., when the gasoline in the carburetor's float coming water drops.
chamber is caused to boil by the heat of the ex- These water drops adhere to the venturis and
haust manifold or the engine. This problem is throttle valves and freeze. This is what is meant
most likely to occur in the summer while driving at by "icing" of the carburetor. When icing occurs,
high speeds or under high load conditions, or the passages through which air is drawn into the
when caught in a traffic jam. Since the air-fuel carburetor become narrower, the amount of air
mixture is too rich, idling will be tough and the en- drawn into the carburetor becomes insufficient,
gine may stall. The engine can also be difficult to and the amount of power output by the engine
restart about 10 minuets after it stops. drops, or the engine stalls.

When the temperature surrounding the carburetor
is high, the over-rich air-fuel mixture caused by
percolation can be prevented by causing the HIC
(hot idle compensator) valve to open, thus pre-
venting the air-fuel mixture from becoming too Countermeasure
rich. Also installation of heat insulators on heat Icing can be prevented by using a HAI (hot air in-
sources such as the exhaust manifold or muffler, take) system, which guides conducts hot air from
etc., can prevent the transmission of heat to the the exhaust manifold into the carburetor.


Do not perform the engine idle speed adjustment while the fan motor is still functioning.

Preparation to be made prior to idle adjustment

• Warm up the engine thoroughly. (Continue engine warming-up for another 10 minutes after the cool-
ing fan motor has started its operation.)
• Ensure that all accessory switches are turned OFF.
On those vehicles equipped with a day-lamp system, perform the flowing operations after warming
up the engine.

(1) Manual transmission vehicle mounted with HD-C engine

q Turn ON the side lamps. Turn OFF the headlamps. (Set the lamp switch to the first stage.)
(2) Automatic transmission vehicle mounted with HD-C engine
q Turn ON the side lamps. Turn OFF the headlamps. (Set the lamp switch to the first stage.)
w Disconnect the hose leading to the diaphragm of the idle-up VSV. Connect a MityVac. Apply
negative pressure so as to stop the diaphragm operation. Furthermore, plug the disconnected
(3) HD-E engine
q Turn ON the side lamps. Turn OFF the headlamps. (Set the lamp switch to the first stage.)
w Disconnect the idle-up VSV connector.

• Ensure that the air cleaner element is installed.

• Ensure that all vacuum hoses are connected.
• Ensure that the intake system exhibits no air leakage.
• Ensure that the exhaust system exhibits no air leakage.
• On the automatic transmission vehicle, the gear shift lever is placed in the [N] or [P] range.
• On the manual transmission vehicle, the gear shift lever is placed in the neutral range.
• Apply the parking brake fully.
• On the power steering-equipped vehicle, set the steering wheel in the straight-ahead position.
• Ensure that the accelerator cable is adjusted properly.
• Ensure that the throttle cable is adjusted properly.

Connection of tachometer
(1) Connect the measuring terminal of the tachometer to
the engine.

If your tachometer is of such a type as to be connected to
the negative terminal of the ignition coil, connect the follow-
ing SST to the distributor connector. Then, connect the
measuring terminal of the tachometer to the SST.
SST: 09991-87703-000
• Never allow the tachometer terminal to touch ground
as it could result in damage to the ignition coil.
• As some tachometers are not compatible with this igni-
tion system, it is imperative to confirm the compatibility
of your meter before it is used.

[HD-C engine]
1. Start the engine.
2. Adjust the throttle adjusting screw so that the engine idle
speed may become to the specified value.
Engine idle speed
M/T vehicle: 800 ± 50 rpm
A/T vehicle: 850 ± 50 rpm

[HD-E engine]
1. Start the engine.
2. Remove the idle adjusting screw cap from the throttle
3. Race the engine to 2500 rpm for about two minutes.

4. Adjust the idle speed adjusting screw so that the engine

idle speed may become to the specified value.
Engine idle speed
M/T vehicle: 800 ± 50 rpm
A/T vehicle: 850 ± 50 rpm

5. Install the idle adjusting screw cap into the throttle body.


The HD-C engine is equipped with a water-temperature circulation type automatic choke. Hence, the fast
idle speed adjustment should be performed when the cooling water temperature is 22 to 28°C (71.6 -
82.4°F). The cooling water temperature should be measured at the cylinder side, using a thermocouple
or the like.
Do not perform the engine fast idle speed adjustment while the fan motor is functioning.

Preparation to be made prior to fast idle adjustment

• Ensure that accessory switches are turned OFF.
On those vehicles equipped with a day-lamp system, perform the following operations after warming up
the engine.
Manual transmission vehicle
• Turn ON the side lamps. Turn OFF the headlamps. (Set the lamp switch to the first stage.)
Automatic transmission vehicle
• Turn ON the side lamps. Turn OFF the headlamps. (Set the lamp switch to the first stage.)
• Disconnect the hose leading to the diaphragm of the idle-up VSV. Connect a MityVac. Apply nega-
tive pressure so as to stop the diaphragm operation. Furthermore, plug the disconnected hose.
• Ensure that the air cleaner element is installed.
• Ensure that all vacuum hoses are connected.
• Ensure that the intake system exhibits no air leakage.
• Ensure that the exhaust system exhibits no air leakage.
• On the automatic transmission vehicle, the gear shift lever is placed in the [N] or [P] range.
• On the manual transmission vehicle, the gear shift lever is placed in the neutral range.
• Apply the parking brake fully.
• On the power steering-equipped vehicle, set the steering wheel in the straight-ahead position.
• Ensure that the accelerator cable is adjusted properly.
• Ensure that the throttle cable is adjusted properly.

1. Connect the tachometer to the engine.

2. Warm up the engine in such a way that the engine cooling

water temperature becomes 22 - 28°C (71.6 - 82.4°F).
The water temperature should be measured at the cylinder
head side.
3. Ensure that the fast idle speed is within the specified
Fast idle speed
M/T vehicle: 1200 - 2200 rpm
A/T vehicle: 1300 - 2000 rpm

If the fast idle speed fails to conform to the specification,

adjust the fast idle speed by means of the fast idle adjust-
ing screw.
4. Stop the engine.
5. Remove the tachometer.
6. Remove the SST.
7. Connect the distributor connector.


Do not perform the engine idle speed adjustment while the fan motor is still functioning.

Preparation to be made prior to dash pot check

• Warm up the engine thoroughly. (Continue engine warming-up for another 10 minutes after the fan
motor has started its operation.)
• Ensure that all accessory switches are turned OFF.
On those vehicles equipped with a day-lamp system, perform the flowing operations after warming up
the engine.
(1) Manual transmission vehicle mounted with HD-C engine
q Turn ON the side lamps. Turn OFF the headlamps. (Set the lamp switch to the first stage.)
(2) Automatic transmission vehicle mounted with HD-C engine
q Turn ON the side lamps. Turn OFF the headlamps. (Set the lamp switch to the first stage.)
w Disconnect the hose leading to the diaphragm of the idle-up VSV. Connect a MityVac. Apply
negative pressure so as to stop the diaphragm operation. Furthermore, plug the disconnected
(3) HD-E engine
q Turn ON the side lamps. Turn OFF the headlamps. (Set the lamp switch to the first stage.)
w Disconnect the idle-up VSV connector.
• Ensure that the air cleaner element is installed.
• Ensure that all vacuum hoses are connected.
• Ensure that the intake system exhibits no air leakage.
• Ensure that the exhaust system exhibits no air leakage.
• On the automatic transmission vehicle, the gear shift lever is placed in the [N] or [P] range.
• On the manual transmission vehicle, the gear shift lever is placed in the neutral range.
• Apply the parking brake fully.
• On the power steering-equipped vehicle, set the steering wheel in the straight-ahead position.
• Ensure that the accelerator cable is adjusted properly.
• Ensure that the throttle cable is adjusted properly.

[HD-C engine]
1. Connect a tachometer to the engine.

2. Disconnect the vacuum hose from the dashpot.

3. Plug the disconnected hose, using the following SST.
SST: 09258-00030-000

4. Ensure that the dashpot shaft is extended fully.

If the dashpot shaft is not extended fully, replace the dash-

5. Start the engine.

6. Check of touch revolution speed of dashpot
The touch revolution speed of the dashpot means an engine revolution speed at the time when the ad-
justing screw of the throttle lever makes contact with the dashpot shaft.
Touch Revolution Speed: 1800 ± 50 rpm

If the touch revolution speed does not conform to the specification, turn the adjusting screw so that the
touch revolution speed may become the specified speed.
7. Remove the SST. Connect the vacuum hose to the throttle positioner, and attach the new hose band.
8. Hold the engine revolution speed at 3000 rpm for five seconds. Close the throttle valve quickly. Measure
the time required for the engine revolution speed to drop from 2000 rpm to 1000 rpm.
Specified time 1.0 - 2.0 second
If the time does not conform to the specification, check/or replace the VTV. Repeat the aforesaid check.
If the time does not conform to the specification even after the VTV has been replaced, check the vacu-
um hoses and vacuum pipes for restriction or damage. Replace the throttle positioner, as required.

[HD-E Engine]
1. Connect the tachometer to the engine.
2. Ensure that the throttle positioner shaft is fully extended
when the throttle valve is opened. If the shaft is not fully
extended, replace the throttle body.
3. Start the engine.
4. Read the touch revolution speed of the throttle positioner.
The touch revolution speed of the throttle positioner means
an engine revolution speed at the time when the adjusting
screw of the throttle lever makes contact with the throttle
positioner shaft.
Touch Revolution Speed
M/T vehicle: 2100 ± 100 rpm
A/T vehicle: 2400 ± 100 rpm

5. If the touch revolution speed does not conform to the

specification, loosen the lock nut of the adjusting screw.
Turn the adjusting screw so that the touch revolution
speed may become the specified speed.
6. Hold the engine revolution speed at 3500 rpm. Close the
throttle valve quickly. Ensure that the engine revolution
speed drops to the idle speed within the specified time.
Specified time: 0.5 - 5.0 second

If the time does not conform to the specification, replace

the throttle body, as required.


[HD-C engine]
1. Warm up the engine thoroughly. Stop the engine.
2. Disconnect the PCV hose from the cylinder head cover.
Remove the air cleaner attaching bolt and wing nut. Move
the air cleaner.
Be very careful not to allow the vacuum hose to be discon-

3. Ensure that the choke breaker operates when the engine

If the choke breaker fails to operate, check the choke
breaker system.

4. Disconnect the vacuum hose at the second stage. Ensure

that the choke breaker lever is extended slightly.
If the choke breaker lever is not extended slightly, check
the choke breaker system.

5. Disconnect the vacuum hose at the first stage. Ensure that

the choke breaker lever is extended.
If the choke breaker lever is not extended, check the
choke breaker system.
6. Stop the engine.
7. Connect the vacuum hoses to the choke breaker.
8. Install the air cleaner to the engine by tightening the at-
taching bolt and wing nut.
9. Connect the PCV hose to the cylinder head cover.


[HD-C engine, A/T vehicle]
Preparation to be made prior to idle adjustment
• Warm up the engine thoroughly. (Continue engine warming-up for another 10 minutes after the fan
motor has started its operation.)
• Ensure that all accessory switches are turned OFF.
On those vehicles equipped with a day-lamp system, set the lamp control switch to the first stage.
• Ensure that the air cleaner element is installed.
• Ensure that all vacuum hoses are connected.
• Ensure that the intake system exhibits no air leakage.
• Ensure that the exhaust system exhibits no air leakage.
• Place the gear shift lever in the [N] or [P] range.
• Apply the parking brake fully and place a wheel chock at each wheel.
• On the power steering-equipped vehicle, set the steering wheel in the straight-ahead position.
• Ensure that the accelerator cable is adjusted properly.
• Ensure that the throttle cable is adjusted properly.
Do not perform the idle-up system adjustment while the fan motor is still functioning.

1. Connect an engine tachometer to the engine.

2. Disconnect the idle-up device hose.

3. Plug the disconnected hose, using the following SST.
SST: 09258-00030-000

4. Start the engine.

5. Race the engine to 2000 rpm for one minute.
6. Ensure that the engine revolution speed conforms to the
Idle-up revolution speed:
Vehicle without day-light system:
1100 ± 50 rpm
Vehicle equipped with day-light system:
950 ± 50 rpm

7. If the revolution speed does not conform to the specifica-

tion, adjust the adjusting screw so that the engine revolu-
tion speed may become the specified speed.
INSPECTION & ADJUSTMENT OF CARBURETOR — Check and Adjustment of CO/HC Concentrations 54
8. Reconnect the disconnected hose to the idle-up device.
9. Place the shift lever in the "D" range.
10. Ensure that the engine revolution speed is the specified value or more.
Engine revolution speed
Vehicle without day-light system: 750 or more
Vehicle equipped with day-light system: 650 or more

If the engine speed fails to conform to the specification, readjust the idle-up revolution speed.


[HD-C engine]
• Warm up the engine thoroughly. (Continue engine warming-up for another 10 minutes after the cooling
fan motor has started its operation.)
• Ensure that all accessory switches are turned OFF.
On those vehicles equipped with a day-lamp system, perform the flowing operations after warming up
the engine.
(1) HD-C engine-mounted vehicle with manual transmission
q Turn ON the side lamps. Turn OFF the headlamps. (Set the lamp switch to the first stage.)
(2) HD-C engine-mounted vehicle with automatic transmission
q Turn ON the side lamps. Turn OFF the headlamps. (Set the lamp switch to the first stage.)
w Disconnect the hose leading to the diaphragm of the idle-up VSV. Connect a MityVac. Apply
negative pressure so as to stop the diaphragm operation. Furthermore, plug the disconnected
• Ensure that the air cleaner element is installed.
• Ensure that all vacuum hoses are connected.
• Ensure that the intake system exhibits no air leakage.
• Ensure that the exhaust system exhibits no air leakage.
• On the automatic transmission vehicle, the gear shift lever is placed in the [N] or [P] range.
• The choke valve is open fully.
• On those vehicles equipped with a day-lamp system, set the lamp control switch to the first stage
with the headlamps turned OFF.
• Use the SST (09243-00020-000) to adjust the idle mixture adjusting screw.
• Make sure that the CO/HC meter is adjusted and calibrated accurately before it is put into use.

[CO adjustment]
1. Adjust the idle speed.
2. Race the engine until its speed reaches 2000 rpm for two minutes.

3. Measure the CO concentration at the idle speed. Check to

see if the CO concentration conforms to the specification.
Specified CO concentration: 1.5 ± 0.5%

If the measured concentration fails to conform to the spec-

ification, perform the adjustments described in the step 4.
55 INSPECTION & ADJUSTMENT OF CARBURETOR — Check and Adjustment of CO/HC Concentrations

4. Gradually turn the idle mixture adjusting screw so that the

CO concentration may conform to the specification.
SST: 09243-00020-000

If the CO concentration is greatly deviated from the specifi-
cation, set the mixture condition to the initial setting. The
initial setting can be achieved first by setting the idle mix-
ture adjusting screw to the fully-closed position and then by
backing off the screw four and half turns,

5. Turn the throttle adjusting screw so that the idle speed

may become the specified speed.
Engine idle speed.
MT: 800 ± 50 rpm
AT: 850 ± 50 rpm

6. Measure the CO concentration. Check to see if the CO

concentration conforms to the specification.
If the measured concentration fails to conform to the spec-
ification, perform the operations described in the step
specification, perform the operations described in the
step 2. onward. However, if the repeated adjustments will
not get the conformity to the specification, carry out the
trouble shooting in accordance with the table below.

[HC adjustment]
1. Adjust the idle speed.
2. Measure the HC concentration at the idle speed. Check to
see if the HC concentration conforms to the specification.
Specified HC concentration:
Not to Exceed 1000 PPM

If the measured concentration fails to conform to the spec-

ification, carry out the trouble shooting in accordance with
the following tables.
INSPECTION & ADJUSTMENT OF CARBURETOR — Checking Method of Idle HC/CO Concentrations 56
CO concentration HC concentration Remarks
Possible cause
Ignition timing

Valve clearances

Improper valve seating Compression pressure

Ignition system problems

Spark plugs
Resistive cord
Ignition coil

Air leakage in intake system

ITC valve malfunctioning

Great mechanical loss of engine inner parts


[HD-E engine]
This check is used only to determine whether or not the
idle HC-CO emissions comply with the regulations.

Initial conditions
1. Air filter element installed
2. All accessories turned OFF (On those vehicles equipped with a day-lamp system, turn ON the side
switch. Set the lamp switch to the first stage and disconnect the idle up VSV connector.)
3. All vacuum lines connected.
4. All pies and hose of air intake system connected
5. Ignition timing set correctly.
6. Transmission in "N" range.
7. Warm up engine thoroughly.
8. Ensure that exhaust system exhibits no gas leakage.
9. Ensure that the intake system exhibits no air leakage.
10. Tachometer and HC/CO meter at hand and calibrated.
11. Ensure that the engine idle speed is the specified speed.
57 INSPECTION & ADJUSTMENT OF CARBURETOR — Checking Method of Idle HC/CO Concentrations

1. Insert the HC/CO testing into the tailpipe at least 400 mm
On the 4WD vehicle, it is necessary to prepare a flexible
pipe for this operation.

2. Measurement of HC/CO concentrations at idle speed.

Wait at least one minute before the measurement so as to
allow the concentrations to stabilize.
Complete the measurement within three minutes.
If the HC/CO concentrations do not conform to the regula-
tions, see the following table for possible causes.

Trouble Shooting
HC CO Problems Possible causes

1. Faulty ignition
• Incorrect timing
• Fouled, shorted or improperly gapped spark plugs
• Open or crossed high tension cords
High Normal Rough idle
• Cracked distributor cap
2. Incorrect valve clearance
3. Leaky exhaust valves
4. Leaky cylinder

Rough idle
High Low 1. Lean mixture causing misfire
(Fluctuating HC reading)

1. Restricted air filter

2. Faulty EFI system
• Faulty pressure regulator
• Clogged fuel return line
Rough idle • Defective water temp. sensor
High High
(Black smoke from exhaust) • Defective air temp. sensor
• Faulty throttle position sensor
• Faulty pressure sensor
• Faulty ECU
• Faulty Oxygen sensor



IN-VEHICLE INSPECTION ................ 59

CARBURETOR ..................... 62
CHOKE BREAKER .................... 89
FUEL PUMP ...................... 96
FUEL FILTER ...................... 101
59 ATTACHMENT — In-vehicle Inspection

Before starting the engine, plug the ITC valve hoses, etc.
to prevent rough idling.

1. Remove of the following hoses from the air cleaner

(1) Disconnect the following hoses from the air cleaner
• Vacuum hose to BVSV
• ITC vacuum hose to caburetor
• PCV hose
• Cool air intake hose
• Hot air intake hose (except for tropical specifica-
• Vacuum hose to idle-up VSV (A/T vehicle only)
(2) Remove the air cleaner.

2. Inspection of carburetor and linkage

(1) Ensure that each screw plug is installed correctly.
(2) Check each linkage for evidence of excessive wear.
Also, check to see if any snap ring is missing.
(3) With the acceleration pedal fully depressed, check to
see if the throttle valve opens fully.

3. Inspection of automatic choke system

(1) Check that the choke valve is completely closed when
the coolant temperature is below 30°C (86°F).
(2) Start the engine. Check that the choke valve gradually
opens in accordance with the warming-up condition of
the engine.

(3) Check that the check valve opens fully when the
coolant temperature is below 70°C (158°F).
ATTACHMENT — In-vehicle Inspection 60
4. Inspection of acceleration pump
Ensure that fuel is injected from the acceleration nozzle
when the throttle valve is opened rapidly.

5. Inspection of solenoid valve

(1) Check to see if you can feel the operation of the sole-
noid valve when the ignition switch is turned ON/OFF.
If the solenoid valve remains inoperative, check the
power supply for the solenoid valve. Then, proceed to
the check described in the step (2) below.

(2) Disconnect the connector from the carburetor. Check

to see if the resistance between the solenoid valve ter-
minal and the carburetor proper conforms to the speci-
Specified Resistance: 80 - 100Ω

If the resistance fails to conform to the specification,

replace the solenoid valve.
(3) Reconnect the connector.

6. Inspection of outer vent valve

(1) Check to see if you can feel the operation of the outer
vent valve when the ignition switch is turned ON/OFF.
If the outer vent valve remains inoperative, check the
power supply for the outer vent valve. Then, proceed
to the check described in the step (2) below.

(2) Disconnect the connector from the carburetor. Check

to see if the resistance between the outer vent valve
terminal and the carburetor proper conforms to the
Specified Resistance: 30-40Ω

If the resistance fails to conform to the specification,

replace the outer vent valve.
61 ATTACHMENT — In-vehicle Inspection

(3) Reconnect the outer vent valve connector.

(4) Disconnect the outer vent hose from the BVSV. Turn
ON the ignition key switch.
(5) Connect a suitable hose to the outer vent valve and
blow your breath into the hose. Ensure that you feel re-
sistance during your blowing.
If you feel no resistance, replace the outer vent valve
with a new one.
Never inhale the air from outer vent valve.

(6) Turn OFF the ignition key switch.

(7) Blow air from the outer vent hose. Ensure that air conti-
nuity exists.
If no air continuity exists, replace the outer vent valve.
Be very careful not to inhale the air from outer vent valve.

(8) Connect the outer vent hose to the BVSV.

7. Inspection of BVSV

8. Inspection of choke breaker

9. Inspection of fast idle speed

10. Inspection of dashpot

11. Inspection of idle-up system

12. Install the air cleaner assembly and connect the discon-
nected hoses
ATTACHMENT — Carburetor 62
63 ATTACHMENT — Carburetor

ATTACHMENT — Carburetor 64
1. Disconnect the ground cable terminal from the negative (-)
terminal of the battery.
2. Drain the coolant.

3. Removal of air cleaner

(1) Disconnect the following hoses from the air cleaner
• Vacuum hoses to BVSV
• ITC vacuum hose
• PCV hose
• Cool air intake hose
• Hot air intake hose (except tropical specification)
• Vacuum hose to idle-up VSV (A/T vehicle only)
(2) Remove the air cleaner.

4. Disconnect the accelerator cable from the carburetor.

5. Disconnect the throttle cable from the carburetor.
(A/T vehicle only)
6. Disconnect the outer vent valve and solenoid valve con-

7. Disconnect the following rubber hoses from carburetor.

• Put tag to each disconnected hose so that original in-
stallation position may be identified.
• Put a tag to each hose clamp so that original installa-
tion position may be identified.

q Fuel inlet hose

w ITC vacuum hose
e PCV hose
r Choke breaker hoses
t Outer vent hose
y Dashpot hose
u Vacuum hose to distriutaor
i Coolant circulating hoses
o Vacuum hose to BVSV
!0 Idle-up hose (A/T vehicle only)
8. Remove the four attaching nuts of the carburetor
9. Remove the carburetor
10. Remove the heat insulator
65 ATTACHMENT — Carburetor

The following operations have been arranged in such a
way that checks are performed for a certain single unit
alone at a time. This will avoid any occurrence of wrong
assembling of similar subassemblies which would likely
occur when operations were carried out concurrently.
(1) Be sure to arrange the disassembled parts in order that
reassembling may be performed readily.
(2 Do not mix up those balls, clips, spring and so forth.
(3) Be sure to employ the following SST, a set of screw-
drivers for carburetor use.
SST: 09860-11011-000


1. Remove the air cleaner set bolt.
2. Removal of air horn assembly.
(1) Remove the idle-up actuator by removing the attach-
ing screws. (A/T vehicle only)

(2) Remove the fuel inlet union and gasket.

(3) Disconnect the connector from the bracket.

ATTACHMENT — Carburetor 66
(4) Disconnect the outer vent valve terminal from the con-

(5) Remove the outer vent valve assembly by removing

the three screws.

(6) Remove the accelerator pump arm set screw.

(7) Remove the accelerator pump rod and lever by dis-

connecting the from the throttle lever.

(8) Remove the kick-up lever return spring.

67 ATTACHMENT — Carburetor

(9) Remove the water hose from the carburetor.

(10) Remove the choke valve rod.

(11) Remove the retaining screws of the air horn.

(12) Remove the air horn from the carburetor body.

3. Remove the float by removing float lever pin.

4. Remove the needle valve assembly.

ATTACHMENT — Carburetor 68
5. Remove the power piston and spring.

6. Remove the acceleration pump piston.

7. Remove the acceleration pump rubber boot.

8. Remove the needle valve seat.

69 ATTACHMENT — Carburetor


1. Removal of solenoid valve
(1) Remove the solenoid valve wire calmp.

(2) Remove the solenoid valve and gasket.

2. Remove the gasket.

3. Remove the discharge weight, spring and ball.

4. Remove the acceleration pump return spring.

ATTACHMENT — Carburetor 70
5. Remove the acceleration pump retainer. Then, remove the
check ball.

6. Remove the power valve, using the SST.

7. Remove the slow jet.

Do not reuse the "O" ring.

8. Remove the main passage plugs. Remove the primary

and secondary main jets.
With the throttle valve opened, perform the installation or
the removal of the primary main jet.

9. Remove the primary and secondary small venturi tubes

and gaskets.
71 ATTACHMENT — Carburetor

10. Remove the throttle adjusting screw.

11. Removal of dashpot.

(M/T vehicle)
(1) Remove the dashpot lever set nut.
(2) Remove the dashpot lever.
(3) Remove the collars and spring.

(4) Remove the dashpot.

(A/T vehicle)
(1) Remove the dashpot lever set nut.
(2) Remove the dashpot lever and idle-up lever with
(3) Remove the collars and spring.

(4) Remove the dashpot.

ATTACHMENT — Carburetor 72
12. Remove the choke valve opening lever.

13. Removal of secondary throttle valve diaphragm

(1) Remove the pin.
(2) Disconnect the link.

(3) Remove the throttle lever return spring.

(4) Remove the secondary throttle diaphragh.

(5) Disconnect the vacuum hose.

73 ATTACHMENT — Carburetor

14. Disassembly of carburetor body and flage.

(1) Remove the attaching screw and nuts.
(2) Disassemble the carburetor body and flange.

15. Remove the idle mixture adjusting screw, using the SST.
SST: 09243-00020-000

16. Disassembly of throttle lever-related parts.

No replacement parts is available for this section.
Therefore, do not perform this operation, unless it is ab-
solutely necessary.

Remove the throttle lever, kick-up lever, fast idle adjusting

lever, spring, collar and thrust washer.

17. Remove the power jet from the power valve.

ATTACHMENT — Carburetor 74
1. Clean the carburetor parts except for the diaphragms and
electrical parts, using carburetor cleaner and a soft brush.
2. Remove carbon deposits by means of a soft brush.
3. Clean each of the jets and nozzles, using compressed air.
Never clean the jets or orifices with a piece of wire or a
drill.This could enlarge the openings result in poor fuel

Be sure to protect your eyes with safety goggles, when
using compressed air.


1. Inspection of float and needle valve
(1) Inspect the float lever pin for scratches and excessive
(2) Inspect the float for broken lip. Also, inspect the float
lever pin for wear.
(3) Inspect the float for leakage.
(4) Inspect the pin for damage.
(5) Inspect the valve and plunger for wear or damage.
(6) Inspect the spring for breakage and/or deformation.
(7) Inspect the strainer for breakage, restriction or dam-
(8) Inspect the valve seat for wear or damage.

2. Inspection of air horn, body and flange

(1) Check each part for cracks, wear or damage.
(2) Check to see if each valve functions smoothly.
(3) Check each air passage for restriction. Replace any
defective part, as required.

3. Inspection of power piston

Check to see if the power piston function smoothly.
75 ATTACHMENT — Carburetor

4. Inspection of power valve

Ensure that air continuity exists when the valve is pushed.
Also, ensure that no air continuity exists when the valve is
not pushed.

5. Inspection of jets
Check each jet for restriction or damage.

6. Inspection of solenoid valve

Ensure that the valve is opened when the solenoid valve is
energized. Also, ensure that the valve is closed when the
solenoid valve is not energized.

7. Inspection of outer vent valve

Ensure that the valve is closed when the solenoid valve is
energized. Also, ensure that the valve is opened when the
solenoid valve is not energized.

8. Inspection of each diaphragm

Ensure that the rod is drawn into the diaphragm chamber
when a negative pressure is applied to each diaphragm.
ATTACHMENT — Carburetor 76
9. Inspection of idle mixture adjusting screw
Check to see if any damage or wear is present at the tip
end of the adjusting screw.

Be sure to use a new gaskets and "O" rings.


1. Install the throttle lever-related parts
(Only when throttle lever is disassembled?
(1) Assemble the thrust washer, collar spring, fast idle ad-
justing lever and kick-up lever, as indicated in the right

(2) While aligning the boss of the throttle lever with the
boss hole of the fast idle adjusting lever, assemble the
throttle lever to the throttle shaft. Tighten the set nut.

2. Installation of idle mixture adjusting screw

Tighten the idle mixture adjusting screw, using the SST.
Then, back off the screw four and a half turns.
SST 09243-00020-000
77 ATTACHMENT — Carburetor

3. Assembly of carburetor body and flange

Install the throttle body to the flange with a new gasket in-

4. Installation of secondary throttle valve diaphragm

(1) Connect the vacuum hose to the secondary di-
aphragm and carburetor body.
(2) Install the secondary throttle diaphragm.

(3) Install the throttle lever return spring.

(4) Connect the link.
(5) Install the pin.

5. Installation of dashpot
(M/T vehicle)
(1) Install the dash pot to the carburetor body.

(2) Assemble the collar, spring, collar and dashpot lever,

as indicated in the right figure.
(3) Tighten the set nut.
ATTACHMENT — Carburetor 78
(A/T vehicle)
(1) Install the dash pot to the carburetor body.

(2) Assemble the collar, spring, collar and dashpot lever,

idle-up lever spring and thrust washer, as indicated in
the right figure.
(3) Tighten the set nut.

6. Install the choke valve opened lever to the carburetor


7. Install the throttle adjusting screw to the carburetor body.

8. Install the primary and secondary small venturis with a

new gasket interposed.
79 ATTACHMENT — Carburetor

9. Install the primary and secondary main jets with a new

gasket interposed.

10. Install the main passage plugs with a new gasket inter-

11. Install the slow jet.

Be sure to replace the "O" ring with a new one before in-
stalling the slow jet.

12. Installation power valve

(1) Install the power jet in the power valve.

(2) Install the power valve, using the SST.

ATTACHMENT — Carburetor 80
13. Install the chuck ball of the acceleration pump.
14. Install the acceleration pump chack ball retainer.

15. Install the acceleration pump return spring.

16. Install the ball, spring and discharge weight.

17. Place a new gasket.

18. Install the solenoid valve with a new gasket interposed.

81 ATTACHMENT — Carburetor

19. Install the solenoid valve wire clamp.


1. Install the needle valve seat to the air horn with a new gas-
ket interposed.

2. Install the acceleration pump rubber boot.

3. Install the power piston spring into the air horn.

4. While inserting the power piston the air horn, secure the
lock plate.
ATTACHMENT — Carburetor 82
5. Installation of float
(1) Remove the snap pin for pulling off needle valve.
(2) Insert the valve into the valve seat.

(3) Install the float.

(4) Check and adjustment of float level

1) Check the dimension under the float's own weight,
using the following SST.
Dimension under Float's Own Weight:
8 mm
SST: 09240-00014-000

Adjust the dimension under the float's own weight

by bending the lip section of the float if the mea-
sured value fails to conform to the specified value.

2) Check the lip dimension using the following SST.

Lip Dimension: 1.6 mm
SST: 09240-00020-000
83 ATTACHMENT — Carburetor

Adjust the lip dimension by bending the lever of

the float if the measured value fails to conform to
the specified value.

3) Remove the float. Install the snap pin for pulling-off

use to the needle valve.

4) Install the float.

Be sure to assemble the float in such a way that the lip of
the float is hooked to the snap pin.

6. Install the acceleration pump to the carburetor body.

7. Install the air horn to the carburetor body.

8. Tighten the retaining screw of the air horn.

On the A/T vehicle, be sure to tighten the four retaining
ATTACHMENT — Carburetor 84
9. Install the choke valve rod.
Attach the snap ring.

10. Connect the water hose to the carburetor and attach a

new hose band.

11. Install the kick-up lever return spring.

12. Connect the accelerator pump rod to the throttle lever.

13. Install the accelerator pump arm to the air horn by in-
stalling the set screw.
85 ATTACHMENT — Carburetor

14. Install the outer vent valve assembly by installing the three
attaching screw with a new gasket interposed.
15. Connect the outer vent valve terminal to the connector.
16. Connect the connector to the bracket.

17. Install the fuel inlet union with a new gasket interposed.

18. Install the idle-up actuator by installing the three attaching

screws. (A/T vehicle only)
19. Install the air cleaner set bolt.

1. Inspection of throttle valve opening angle
(1) Visually inspect the valve opening angle when the pri-
mary throttle valve is opened fully.
Full Opening Angle: 90 ± 1°

Adjust the opening angel by bending the throttle lever

stopper if the measured value fails to conform to the
specified value.
ATTACHMENT — Carburetor 86
(2) Visually inspect the valve opening angle when the sec-
ondary throttle valve is opened fully.
Full Opening Angle: 80 ± 1°

Adjust the opening angle by bending the throttle lever

stopper if the measured value fails to conform to the
specified value.
Reference: Full Close Angel 20°

2. Inspection of kick-up opening angel

Measure the opening angel of the secondary valve when
the primary throttle valve is opened fully, using the follow-
ing SST.
SST: 09240-00014-000
Kick-Up Opening Angel: 23 ± 0.5°

Adjust the kick up opening angle by bending the sec-

ondary throttle lever if the measured value fails to conform
to the specified value.

4. Screw in the throttle adjusting screw, until the throttle valve

opens slightly.
Be sure to readjust the throttle adjusting screw after the
engine has warmed up completely.

5. Ensure that each part operates smoothly.

6. Install the air cleaner set bolt.
• Be sure to adjust the dashpot opening angle after the
engine has warmed up.
• Be sure to back off the adjusting screw so that no idle-
up operation takes place, because the idle-up angle is
adjusted after the engine has warmed up.
87 ATTACHMENT — Carburetor

1. Install the new heat insulator to the intake manifold.

2. Install the carburetor to the intake manifold with the heat

insulator interposed.
Tighten the attaching nuts to the specified torque.
Tightening Torque: 1.5 - 2.2 kg-m

3. Connect the outer vent valve and solenoid valve connec-


4. Connect the following hoses to the carburetor.

q Fuel inlet hose
q ITC vacuum hose
q PCV hose
q Choke breaker hoses
q Outer vent hose
q Dashpot hose
q Vacuum hose to distributor
q Coolant circulating hoses
q Vacuum hose to BVSV
!0 Idle-up hose (A/T vehicle only)
5. Connect the accelerator cable to the Carburetor.
Since the carburetor is equipped with an automatic choke,
it is impossible to adjust the play of the accelerator cable
when the engine is cold. Be sure to connect the cable to
the carburetor with the cable slackened.

6. Connection of throttle cable

7. Installation of air cleaner

(1) Install the air cleaner to the engine.
ATTACHMENT — Carburetor 88
(2) Connect the following hoses to the air cleaner.
• Vacuum hose to BVSV
• ITC vacuum hose
• PCV hose
• Cool air intake hose
• Hot air intake hose (except tropical specification)
• Vacuum hose to idle-up VSV (A/T vehicle only)

8. Fill coolant.
9. Connect the ground cable to the negative (-) terminal of
the battery.
10. Warm up the engine.
11. Adjust the axial play of the accelerator cable to 3 to 8 mm.
Ensure that the play at the application surface of the accel-
erator pedal is 3 to 8 mm.

12. Perform the engine tune-up.

89 ATTACHMENT — Choke Breaker

• This operation should be performed only if the choke
breaker diaphragm is encountered with rapture, mal-
function or the like.

1. Remove the carburetor from the vehicle.

2. Disconnect the water hose from automatic wax adaptor.

3. Disconnect the choke valve link from the choke valve


4. Remove the kick-up lever return spring.

5. Loosen the pinion arm attaching screw.

6. Remove the screw attaching the pinion arm to the auto-
matic wax adaptor.
ATTACHMENT — Choke Breaker 90
7. While disconnecting the spring from the choke lever, lift
the pinion arm.

8. Remove the automatic wax adaptor by removing the auto-

matic wax adaptor attaching screw.

9. Disassemble the choke breaker by removing the choke

breaker attaching screws.


Be sure to replace the gasket, diaphragm and so forth with
new ones during the assembling.

The carburetor is equipped with an automatic choke.
Hence, be sure to observe the temperature requirements
during the adjustment.

1. Assemble the choke breaker to the automatic wax adaptor

in the sequence indicated in the right figure. Tighten the
attaching screw.
91 ATTACHMENT — Choke Breaker

2. Apply negative pressure to the main chamber and sub

chamber respectively, using a MityVac. Ensure that no air
leakage is present.

3. Apply a negative pressure of 500 mmHg to the main

chamber and sub chamber. Ensure that the analog break-
er operates smoothly by the specified stroke (0.7 mm).
(A/T vehicle only)

If the analog breaker fails to conform to the specification,

adjust the diaphragm rod by bending the section indicat-
ed in the right figure so that analog breaker operates
smoothly by the specified stroke.

4. Install the automatic wax adaptor attaching screw to the

air horn with the heat insulator, automatic wax adaptor and
diaphragm rod retainer interposed.

5. Connect the fast idle cam rack to the pinion in such a way
that the relative position of the fast idle cam rack and pin-
ion becomes as indicated in the right figure.
ATTACHMENT — Choke Breaker 92
6. Connect the pinion spring to the choke lever.

7. Temporarily install the pinion arm and automatic wax

adaptor attaching screw.

8. Install the kick-up lever return spring.

9. Connect the choke valve link. Attach the lip.

10. Connect the water hose to the automatic wax adaptor.

93 ATTACHMENT — Choke Breaker

11. Adjustment of choke breaker

(1) Connect a temperature measuring divice, such as a
thermocouple thermometer, to the automatic wax unit.
(2) Warm up the choke breaker up to 50 ± 5°C. Then,
allow the choke breaker to cool down to 28 ± 1°C and
maintain the this temperature during adjustment.

(3) Under the condition described in the step (2), adjust

the adjusting screw in such a way that the initial posi-
tion of the fast idle cam becomes as indicated in the
right figure.
Be sure to turn the adjusting screw counterclockwise dur-
ing the setting of the initial position.

(4) Tighten the adjusting screw lock nut.

(5) After flapping the throttle valve two or three times,
lightly tap the carburetor so as to settle the play of the
link-related parts.
Use a vibrator if it is available.

(6) Ensure that the initial position does not deviate from
the specification. If the position deviates from the
specification, repeat the operations from step (2).

(7) Under the condition that the temperature of the auto-

matic wax unit is 28 ± 1°C (82.4 ±1.8°F), adjust the
pinion lever position in such a way that the clearance
between the choke valve and the air horn side wall be-
comes 1.0 ± 0.1mm. Tighten the attaching screw.
• While vibrating the carburetor, perform the opening
angle adjustment of the choke valve.
• Use a vibrator if it is available.

(8) Allow the automatic wax unit to cool down, until the
choke valve fully closes.
(9) Measure the angle when the choke valve fully closes,
using the following SST.
Insert the SST in a titled state, for the SST can not be in-
serted vertically due to its large-sized measuring section.
There will be no problem if the measurement is conducted
at the same position, for this measurement is made to de-
termine the difference in angle.
SST: 09240-00014-000
ATTACHMENT — Choke Breaker 94
(10) Apply a negative pressure of 500 mmHg to the first
stage of the choke breaker. Measure the choke valve
opening angle.
(11) Ensure that the difference in angle between a time
when the choke valve is fully closed and a time when a
negative pressure of 500 mmHg is applied to the first
stage of the choke breaker conforms to the specifica-
Specified Value
M/T vehicle: 20 ± 1°C
A/T vehicle: 23 ± 2°C

If the difference in angle fails to conform to the specifi-

cation, adjust the choke valve by bending the forward
end of the diaphragm rod.

(12) Apply a negative pressure of 500 mmHg to the first

and second stages of the choke breaker. Measure the
choke valve opening angel.

(13) Ensure that the difference in angle between a time

when the choke valve is fully closed and a time when a
negative pressure of 500 mmHg is applied to the first
and second stages of the choke breaker conforms to
the specification.
Specified Value:
M/T vehicle: 27 ± 2°
A/T vehicle: 26 ± 3°
95 ATTACHMENT — Choke Breaker

If the difference in angle fails to conform to the specifi-

cation, perform the adjustment by turning the adjust-
ing screw.

12. Installation of carburetor

13. Perform the engine turn-up.

ATTACHMENT — Fuel Pump 96

1. Disconnect the fuel inlet hose of the fuel pump from the
fuel pump.
Plug the disconnected hose so that no fuel will flow out.

2. Connect a vacuum meter (MityVac).

3. Disconnect the connector of the distributor.

97 ATTACHMENT — Fuel Pump

4. Depress the accelerator pedal fully. Read the negative

pressure while the engine is being cranked by means of
the starter motor. Check to see if the measured valve is
the specified value or more.
Specified Negative Pressure: More than 100mmHg

If the negative pressure is less than the specified value,

replace the fuel pump after checking the push rod of the
fuel pump and the push rod stroke.
5. Connect the connector of the ignition coil.
6. Connect the fuel inlet hose to the fuel pump.


1. Removal of fuel pump
(1) Disconnect the fuel hoses from the fuel pump.
• Plug the disconnected hose so that no fuel will flow out.

(2) Remove the fuel pump by removing the attaching nuts.

• Since the engine oil will floe out, be sure to put a suit-
able cloth so that no engine oil may splash on the
starter and so forth.
• If the heater hose band is interfering, displace the hose

(3) Remove the insulator.

Never reuse the insulator.

(4) Cut the gasket along the intake manifold. Remove any
gasket material remaining on the fuel pump installation
section, using a gasket scraper.
This cutting of the gasket is required only when the gasket
used at the assembly line in the manufacturer has been in-
Be very careful not to damage the gasket installation sur-
face during the operations.

2. Inspection of fuel pump

• Prior to the check, fill a small amount of fuel into
the fuel pump. Thus, the inspection should be per-
formed under a condition that the valve is wet.
When the valve is dry, the following inspection can
not be performed correctly.

• Never work on the fuel system in proximity of a fire.
• Never allow any fire to be brought near the working site.
ATTACHMENT — Fuel Pump 98
(1) Blow air from the inlet side of the fuel pump. Ensure
that air continuity exists.
Replace the fuel pump if no air continuity exists.

(2) Install a MityVac to the inlet side of the fuel pump and
apply a negative pressure. Ensure that the applied
pressure is retained.
Replace the fuel pump if the pressure is not retained.

(3) Plug the inlet pipe and return pipe of the fuel pump.
Install a MityVac to the outlet pipe and apply a nega-
tive pressure. Ensure that the applied pressure is re-
tained. Replace the fuel pump if the pressure is not re-

(4) Visually inspect the push rod-contact-surface of the

fuel pump.
When the contact surface is not a mirror-like surface, it
means that the contact surface is worn out.

Replace the fuel pump if the contact surface exhibits


3. Inspection of fuel pump push rod

Ensure that the overall length of the push rod is the speci-
fied value or more.
Minimum Length: 87.00 mm
STD: 87.95 - 88.25 mm

Replace the push rod if its overall length is less than the
specified value.
99 ATTACHMENT — Fuel Pump

4. Checking fuel pump cam for wear

(1) Insert the push rod of the fuel pump into the cylinder
head. Set a dialgauge.
(2) Turn the crankshaft two turns. Measure the stroke of
the push rod of the fuel pump. Ensure that the stroke is
the specified value or more.
Minimum Stroke: 4.8 mm

Replace the camshaft if the stroke is less than the

specified value.


1. Remove any remaining gasket material from the insulator
installation surface of the fuel pump, using a gasket
Be very careful not to damage the gasket contact surface.

2. Wipe off any oil from the oil pump installation surface of
the cylinder head.

3. Install a new insulator to the cylinder head.

Never reuse the insulator.

4. Insert the fuel pump push rod into the cylinder head.

5. Install the fuel pump to the cylinder head. Tighten the at-
taching nuts.
Tightening Torque: 1.5 - 2.2 kg-m

If the hose band is displaced, be sure to install the hose
band correctly.
ATTACHMENT — Fuel Pump 100
6. Connect the fuel hose to the fuel pump. Attach the hose

7. Connect the connector of the distributor.

8. Start the engine. Ensure that the engine exhibits no fuel
and /or oil leakage.
Repair any leaky points, as required.
101 ATTACHMENT — Fuel Filter


1. Start the engine.
2. Check the fuel level of the fuel filter. Check to see if the
fuel level comes at the upper side of the fuel filter. Replace
the fuel filter if the fuel level comes at the upper side of the
fuel filter.
3. Stop the engine.


• Never work on the fuel system in proximity of a fire.
• Never allow any fire to be brought near the working site.

1. Disconnect the fuel hose from the fuel filter.

Plug the disconnected hose so that no fuel may flow out.

2. Remove the fuel filter by removing the bolts attaching the

fuel filter.
3. Install a new fuel filter. Tighten the attaching bolts.
ATTACHMENT — Fuel Filter 102
4. Connect the fuel hose to the fuel filter. Attach the new
hose bands.
5. Start the engine. Ensure that the engine exhibits no fuel
Repair any leaky points, as required.

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