Bca Syllabus
Bca Syllabus
Bca Syllabus
Osmania University
Scheme of Instruction
Faculty of Informatics
Osmania University
Nizam College (Autonomous)
Proposed Scheme of Instruction
Bachelor of Computer Applications (BCA) Scheme
W.E.F 2019-2022
Se Course-1 Course-2 Course-3 Course-4 Course -5 Course - 6 Course - H Cr Categories
m 7 rs
I Environmental English Mathematica Digital Programmi Introductio IT 31 25 AECC=2
Science (2T) (4T) l Foundation Principles ng in C n to Web Worksho CC=8
AECC-1 CC-1A of Computer (4T) (4T+1P) Technolog p DSC=15
Science (4T) DSC-1A DSC-1B y (4T+1P) (1P)
II Human Values English Fundamental Object Data Data Web 31 25 AECC=2
and Ethics (4T) s of Oriented Structures Communic Program CC=8
(2T) CC-2A Probability Program with CPP ations (4T) ming DSC=15
AECC-2 and ming (4T+1P) DSC-2C with PHP
Statistics (4T+1P) DSC-2B (1P)
(4T) CC-2B DSC-2A DSC-2D
Semester –
Course Course Title Course HrsPerW Credit Marks Duration
Code Type eek s CIE+SEE CIE+SEE
BCA101 Environmental AECC-1 2T 2 10I+40E=50 30min+2hr
BCA102 English CC-1A 4T 4 20I+80E=100 1hr+3hr
BCA103 Mathematical CC-1B 4T 4 20I+80E=100 1hr+3hr
Foundations of
BCA104 Digital Principles DSC-1A 4T 4 20I+80E=100 1hr+3hr
BCA105 Programming in DSC-1B 4T+3P=7 5 20I+80E=100T 1hr+3hr(T)
C 0+50E=50P 0+2hr(P)
BCA106 Introduction to DSC-1C 4T+3P=7 5 20I+80E=100T 1hr+3hr(T)
Web Technology 0+50E=50P 0+2hr(P)
BCA107 IT Workshop DSC-1D 3P 1 0+50E=50P 0+2hr(P)
Total 22T+9P= 25 110I+590E= ---
31 700
Semester –
Course Course Title Course HrsPerWe Credit Marks Duration
Code Type ek s CIE+SEE CIE+SEE
BCA201 Human Values AECC-2 2T 2 10I+40E=50 30min+2hr
and Ethics
BCA202 English CC-2A 4T 4 20I+80E=100 1hr+3hr
BCA203 Fundamentals of CC-2B 4T 4 20I+80E=100 1hr+3hr
Probability and
BCA204 Object Oriented DSC-2A 4T+3P=7 5 20I+80E=100T 1hr+3hr(T)
Programming 0+50E=50P 0+2hr(P)
BCA205 Data Structures DSC-2B 4T+3P=7 5 20I+80E=100T 1hr+3hr(T)
with CPP 0+50E=50P 0+2hr(P)
BCA206 Data DSC-2C 4T 4 20I+80E=100T 1hr+3hr(T)
BCA207 Web DSC-2D 3P 1 0+50E=50P 0+2hr(P)
with PHP
Total 22T+9P= 25 110I+590E= ---
31 700
Semester – III
Course Course Title Course HrsPerWeek Credits Marks Duration
BCA301 Professional SEC-1 2T 2 10I+40E=50 30min+2hr
BCA302 English CC-3A 4T 4 20I+80E=100 1hr+3hr
BCA303 Applied CC-3B 4T 4 20I+80E=100 1hr+3hr
Mathematics - I
BCA304 Core Java DSC- 4T+3P=7 5 20I+80E=100T 1hr+3hr(T)
Programming 3A 0+50E=50P 0+2hr(P)
Semester – IV
Course Course Title Course HrsPerWeek Credits Marks Duration
Code Type CIE+SEE
BCA401 Professional SEC-2 2T 2 10I+40E=50 30min+2hr
BCA402 Distributed and ETC- 4T 4 20I+80E=100 1hr+3hr
Cloud Computing 4A
BCA403 Artificial ETC- 4T 4 20I+80E=100 1hr+3hr
Intelligence 4B
BCA404 Data Science DSC- 4T+3P=7 5 20I+80E=100T 1hr+3hr(T)
using Python 4A 0+50E=50P 0+3hr(P)
BCA405 Software DSC- 4T+3P=7 5 20I+80E=100T 1hr+3hr(T)
Engineering 4B 0+50E=50P 0+3hr(P)
BCA406 Computer DSC- 4T+3P=7 5 20I+80E=100T 1hr+3hr(T)
Networks 4C 0+50E=50P 0+3hr(P)
Total 22T+9P=31 25 110I+590E= ---
Semester – V
Course Course Title Course HrsPerWeek Credits Marks Duration
Code Type CIE+SEE
BCA501 Introduction to SEC-3 2T 2 10I+40E=50 30min+2hr
BCA502 English CC-5A 4T 4 20I+80E=100 1hr+3hr
BCA503 Applied CC-5B 4T 4 20I+80E=100 1hr+3hr
Mathematics -
BCA504 Data Mining DSC- 4T+3P=7 5 20I+80E=100T 1hr+3hr(T)
5A 0+50E=50P 0+2hr(P)
BCA505 Cyber Security DSC- 4T 4 20I+80E=100T 1hr+3hr(T)
BCA506 Advanced Java DSE-1 4T+3P=7 5 20I+80E=100T 1hr+3hr(T)
Programming/ 0+50E=50P 0+2hr(P)
Dot Net
BCA507 Technical DSC- 3P 1 0+50E=50P 0+2hr(P)
Seminar 5C
Total 22T+9P=31 25 110I+590E= ---
Semester –
Course Course Title Course HrsPer Credits Marks Duration
Code Type Week CIE+SEE
BCA601 Distributed and SEC- 4T 4 20I+80E=100 1hr+3hr
Cloud computing 4A
BCA602 Software Project SEC- 2T 2 10I+40E=50 30min+2hr
Management 4B
BCA603 Human Relations GE-1 2T 2 10I+40E=50 30min+2hr
at Work
BCA604 Data Science DSC- 4T+3P=7 5 20I+80E=100T 1hr+3hr(T)
Programming 6A 0+50E=50P 0+2hr(P)
With R
BCA605 Big Data DSC- 4T 4 20I+80E=100 1hr+3hr
Analytics 6B
BCA606 Internet of Things DSE-2 4T 4 20I+80E=100 1hr+3hr
/Text Mining
BCA607 Project DSC- 6P 4 0+50E=50P 0+2hr(P)
Dissertation and 6C
Total 22T+9P=31 25 110I+515E= ---
GE Generic Elective
DSC Discipline Specific Course
DSE Discipline Specific Elective
SEC Skill Enhancement Course
AECC Ability Enhancement Compulsory
T Theory
P Practical
CIE Continuous Internal Evaluation
SEE Semester End Evaluation
I Internal
E External
With effect from the academic year 2019-2020
Semester –
Course Course Title Course HrsPerW Credit Marks Duration
Code Type eek s CIE+SEE CIE+SEE
BCA101 Environmental AECC-1 2T 2 10I+40E=50 30min+2hr
BCA102 English CC-1A 4T 4 20I+80E=100 1hr+3hr
BCA103 Mathematical CC-1B 4T 4 20I+80E=100 1hr+3hr
Foundations of
BCA104 Digital Principles DSC-1A 4T 4 20I+80E=100 1hr+3hr
BCA105 Programming in DSC-1B 4T+3P=7 5 20I+80E=100T 1hr+3hr(T)
C 0+50E=50P 0+2hr(P)
BCA106 Introduction to DSC-1C 4T+3P=7 5 20I+80E=100T 1hr+3hr(T)
Web Technology 0+50E=50P 0+2hr(P)
BCA107 IT Workshop DSC-1D 3P 1 0+50E=50P 0+2hr(P)
Total 22T+9P= 25 110I+590E= ---
31 700
With effect from the academic year 2019-2020
BCA SEM I – THEORY Hours Scheme of Examination
/week MaxMarks Duration(hrs)
Course Course Type L P Cre- SEE CIE SEE CIE
Code Title dits
BCA101 Environmental Studies AECC- 2 - 2 40 10 2 30
1 mins
Unit - I: Ecosystem, Biodiversity & Natural Resources
1. Definition, Scope & Importance of Environmental Studies.
2. Structure of Ecosystem – Abiotic & Biotic components Producers, Consumers, Decomposers,
Food chains, Food webs, Ecological pyramids)
3. Function of an Ecosystem :Energy flow in the Ecosystem ( Single channel energy flow model
4. Definition of Biodiversity , Genetic, Species & Ecosystem diversity , Hot-spots of
Threats to Biodiversity , Conservation of Biodiversity (Insitu & Exsitu )
5. Renewable & Non – renewable resources, Brief account of Forest , Mineral & Energy
(Solar Energy & Geothermal Energy) resources
6. Water Conservation, Rain water harvesting & Watershed management.
Field Study:
1. Pond Ecosystem
2. Forest Ecosystem
Suggested reading:
1. Environmental Studies - from crisis to cure – by R. Rajagopalan (Third edition) Oxford
University Press.
2. Text book of Environmental Studies for undergraduate courses (second edition) by Erach
3. A text book of Environmental Studies by Dr.D.K.Asthana and Dr. Meera Asthana
With effect from the academic year 2019-2020
BCA SEM I – THEORY Hours Scheme of Examination
/week MaxMarks Duration(hrs)
Course Course Type L P Cre- SEE CIE SEE CIE
Code Title dits
BCA102 English CC- 4 - 4 80 20 3 1
Unit I
SHORT FICTION: "The Curb in the Sky" by James Thurber- PRONUNCIATION: Consonant
sounds-GRAMMAR: Noun-VOCABULARY: Word roots, prefixes and suffixes-SPELLING:
Commonly misspelt words- PUNCTUATION: Capitalisation
CONVERSATION: Introducing yourself in a formal situation- READING PASSAGE: Chindula
Yelamma-WRITING: Expansion of a sentence into a paragraph-SOFT SKILLS: Motivation and
goal setting-VALUE ORIENTATION: Well begun is half done
Unit II
PROSE: "Happy People" by William Ralph Inge -PRONUNCIATION: Vowels: monophthongs-
GRAMMAR: Pronoun-VOCABULARY: Word roots, prefixes, suffixes-SPELLING: Forming
antonyms using un- and dis- PUNCTUATION: Capitalisation- CONVERSATION: Starting and
sustaining a conversation - READING PASSAGE: The Million March-WRITING: Sequencing-
SOFT SKILLS: Self confidence - VALUE ORIENTATION: Doubt is the beginning of wisdom
Unit III
POETRY: " A Psalm of Life" by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow-PRONUNCIATION: Vowels:
diphthongs-GRAMMAR: Auxiliary verbs-VOCABULARY: Homonyms, homographs,
homophones-SPELLING: Words ending in -tion and –sion, PUNCTUATION: Full stop and
comma-CONVERSATION: Describing your college and course of study-READING
PASSAGE: Bathukamma-WRITING: Descriptive writing-SOFT SKILLS: Non-verbal
communication and body language-VALUE ORIENTATION: Actions speak louder than words
Unit IV
DRAMA: "The Dear Departed" (an extract) by Stanley Houghton-PRONUNCIATION: Letters
with varied pronunciations-GRAMMAR: Main verbs and tenses VOCABULARY: Collocations-
SPELLING: Words ending in -tion and –ment- PUNCTUATION: Question mark and
exclamation mark-CONVERSATION: Leaving a voicemail, making an appointment over phone-
READING PASSAGE: Husain Sagar-WRITlNG: Dialogue writing-SOFT SKILLS:
Interpersonal skills-VALUE ORIENTATION: faith can move mountains
Suggested Reading:
English Made Easy- Editors: E. Suresh Kumar, Sumita Roy and A. Karunaker. Orient
BlackSwan 2016.
With effect from the academic year 2019-2020
BCA SEM I – THEORY Hours Scheme of Examination
/week MaxMarks Duration(hrs)
Course Course Type L P Cre- SEE CIE SEE CIE
Code Title dits
BCA103 Mathematical Foundations of CC- 4 - 4 80 20 3 1
Computer Science 1B
Unit- I
Fundamentals of Logic: Basic Connectives and Truth Tables, Logical Equivalence, Logical
Implication, Use of Quantifiers, Definitions and the Proof of Theorems.
Set Theory: Set and Subsets, Set Operations, and the Laws of Set theory, Counting and Venn
Properties of the Integers: The well – ordering principle, Recursive Definitions, Division
Algorithms, Fundamental theorem of Arithmetic.
Relations and Functions: Cartesian Product, Functions onto Functions, Special Functions,
Pigeonhole Principle, Composition and Inverse Functions.
Relations: Partial Orders, Equivalence Relations and Partitions.
Principle of Inclusion and Exclusion: Principles of Inclusion and Exclusion, Generalization of
Generating Functions: Introductory Examples, Definition And Examples, Partitions of Integers.
Recurrence Relations: First – order linear recurrence relation, second – order linear homogenous
recurrence relation with constant coefficients.
Algebraic Structures: Algebraic System – General Properties, Semi Groups, Monoids,
Homomorphism, Groups, Residue Arithmetic.
Graph Theory: Definitions and examples, sub graphs, complements and graph Isomorphism,
Vertex degree, Planar graphs, Hamiltonian paths and Cycles.
Trees: Definitions, properties and Examples, Rooted Trees, Spanning Trees and Minimum
Spanning Trees.
Suggested Reading:
1) Mott Joe L Mott, Abraham Kandel, and Theodore P Baker, Discrete Mathematics for
Computer Scientists & Mathematicians, Prentice Hall NJ, 2nd Edition, 2015.
2) Jr. P. Tremblay and R Manohar Discrete Mathematical Structures with Applications to
Computer Science, McGraw Hill, 1987.
3) R.K.Bisht and H.S.Dhami, Discrete Mathematics Oxford Higher Education, 2015
4) Bhavanari Satyanarayana, Tumurukota Venkata Pradeep Kumar and Shaik Mohiddin Shaw,
Mathematical Foundation of Computer Science, BSP, 2016
5) Ralph P. Grimaldi Discrete and Combinatorial Mathematics, 5th Edition, Pearson, 2004.
With effect from the academic year 2019-2020
BCA SEM I – THEORY Hours Scheme of Examination
/week MaxMarks Duration(hrs)
Course Course Type L P Cre- SEE CIE SEE CIE
Code Title dits
BCA104 Digital Principles DSC- 4 - 4 80 20 3 1
Unit – I
Binary Systems: Digital Systems, Binary Numbers, Number Base Conversions, Octal and
Hexadecimal Numbers, Complements, Signed Binary Numbers, Binary Codes, Binary Storage
and Registers, Binary Logic.
Boolean Algebra and Logic Gates: Basic Theorems and Properties of Boolean Algebra,Boolean
Functions, Canonical and Standard Forms, Digital Logic Gates.
Unit - II
Minimization: K-Map Method – Table Method, POS - SOP, Don’t Care Conditions, NAND,
NOR Implementation.
Combinational Logic: Combinational Circuits, Analysis and Design Procedure, Binary Adder,
Subtractor, Decimal Adder, Binary Multiplier, Magnitude Comparator, Decoders, Encoders,
Unit - III
Synchronous Sequential Logic: Sequential Circuits - Latches, Flip-Flops, An analysis of Clocked
Sequential Circuits, State Reduction and Assignment Design Procedure.
Registers and Counters: Registers, Shift Registers, Ripple Counters, Synchronous Counters, Ring
Counters-Johnson Counter.
Unit - IV
Asynchronous Sequential Circuit : Introduction, Analysis Procedure, Circuits with Latches,
Design Procedure, Reduction of state and flow tables, Race free state assignment, Hazards,
Design Example.
Suggested Reading:
1. M.Morris Mano, “Digital Design”, 3rd edition, Pearson Education, Delhi, 2007.
2. Donald P Leech, Albert Paul Malvino and Goutam Saha, “Digital Principles and
Applications”, Tata Mc Graw Hill, 2007.
With effect from the academic year 2019-2020
BCA SEM I – THEORY and PRACTICAL Hours Scheme of Examination
/week MaxMarks Duration(hrs)
Course Course Type L P Cre- SEE CIE SEE CIE
Code Title dits
BCA105 Programming in C DSC- 4 3 4+1=5 80(T) 20(T) 3 1
1B 50(P) -- 2 --
Unit – I
Introduction to Computers: Computer Systems, Computing Environments, Computer Languages,
Creating and Running Programs, Software Development, Flow charts.
Number Systems: Binary, Octal, Decimal, Hexadecimal
Introduction to C Language - Background, C Programs, Identifiers, Data Types, Variables,
Constants, Input / Output Statements
Arithmetic Operators and Expressions: Evaluating Expressions, Precedence and Associativity of
Operators, Type Conversions.
Unit - II
Conditional Control Statements: Bitwise Operators, Relational and Logical Operators, If, If-Else,
Switch-Statement and Examples. Loop Control Statements: For, While, Do-While and Examples.
Continue, Break and Goto statements
Functions: Function Basics, User-defined Functions, Inter Function Communication, Standard
Functions, Methods of Parameter Passing. Recursion- Recursive Functions.
Storage Classes: Auto, Register, Static, Extern, Scope Rules, and Type Qualifiers.
Unit – III
Preprocessors: Preprocessor Commands. Arrays - Concepts, Using Arrays in C, Inter-Function
Communication, Array Applications, Two- Dimensional Arrays, Multidimensional Arrays, Linear
and Binary Search, Selection and Bubble Sort.
Pointers - Introduction, Pointers for Inter-Function Communication, Pointers to Pointers,
Compatibility, L-value and R-value, Arrays and Pointers, Pointer Arithmetic and Arrays, Passing
an Array to a Function, Memory Allocation Functions, Array of Pointers, Programming
Applications, Pointers to void, Pointers to Functions, Command-line Arguments.
Unit - IV
Strings - Concepts, C Strings, String Input/Output Functions, Arrays of Strings, String
Manipulation Functions.
Structures: Definition and Initialization of Structures, Accessing Structures, Nested Structures,
Arrays of Structures, Structures and Functions, Pointers to Structures, Self Referential Structures,
Unions, Type Definition (typedef), Enumerated Types.
Input and Output: Introduction to Files, Modes of Files, Streams, Standard Library Input/Output
Functions, Character Input/Output Functions.
Suggested Reading:
1. B.A. Forouzan and R.F. Gilberg, “A Structured Programming Approach in C” , Cengage
Learning, 2007
2. Kernighan BW and Ritchie DM, “The C Programming Language”, 2nd Edition, Prentice Hall
of India, 2006.
3. Rajaraman V, “The Fundamentals of Computer”, 4th Edition, Prentice-Hall of India, 2006.
C Lab Experiments:
1. Write programs using arithmetic, logical, bitwise and ternary operators.
2. Write programs simple control statements: Roots of a Quadratic Equation.
3. Reversing digits.
4. Printing multiplication tables,
5. Armstrong numbers.
6. Checking for prime.
7. Sin x and Cos x values using series expansion
8. Conversion of Binary to Decimal, Octal, Hexa and Vice versa
9. Generating a Pascal triangle and Pyramid of numbers
10. Recursion: Factorial.
11. Recursion: Fibonacci.
12. Finding the maximum, minimum, average and standard deviation of given set of numbers
using arrays
13. Reversing an array, removal of duplicates from array
14. Matrix addition
15. Matrix Multiplication.
16. Matrix transpose using functions
17. String Functions: inputting and outputting string , using string functions such as strlen(),
strcat( ),strcpy( )………etc
18. Writing a simple program for strings without using string functions.
19. Finding the no. of characters, words and lines of given text file
20. File handling programs: student memo printing
With effect from the academic year 2019-2020
BCA SEM I – THEORY and Hours Scheme of Examination
PRACTICAL /week MaxMarks Duration(hrs)
Course Course Type L P Cre- SEE CIE SEE CIE
Code Title dits
BCA106 Introduction to Web DSC- 4 3 4+1=5 80(T) 20(T) 3 1
Technology 1C 50(P) -- 2 --
Unit – I
Introduction to World Wide Web, Web Browsers, Web Servers, Uniform Resource Locators,
HTML5: Introduction, Links, Images, Multimedia, Lists, Tables, Creating Forms, Styling Forms.
Unit - II
Dynamic HTML – Cascading Style Sheets, Inline Styles, Style Elements, External Style Sheets,
Object Model and Collections – Object Referencing, Collections, Children Frames, Navigator
Unit - III
Introduction to Java script, Java Script and Forms Variables, Functions, Operators, Conditional
Statements and Loops, Arrays DOM, Strings, Event and Event Handling, Java Script Closures.
Unit - IV
Introduction to XML, XML document structure, Document Type Definition, Namespaces, XML
Schemas, XPath Basics, XSLT, XML Processors.
Suggested Reading:
1. Robert W.Sebesta, Programming the World Wide Web, 3rd Edition, Pearson Education, 2006
2. Wendy Willard, HTML5, McGraw Hill Education (India) Edition, 2013
3. John Pollock, Java Script, 4th Edition, McGraw Hill Education (India) Edition, 2013
4. R. Nageswara Rao, Corer Python Programming, Dreamtech Press
Web Tehnology Experiments
1. Creating HTML Page using Headers
2. Creating HTML Page Ordered and Unordered Lsits
3. Creating HTML Page using Linking Images
4. Creating HTML Page using Table Formatting
5. Creating HTML Page using Images as Anchors
6. Creating HTML Page using Frames
7. Demonstrate Internal CSS
8. Demonstrate Embedded CSS
9. Demonstrate External CSS
10. Develop HTML form with email validation using Java Script
11. Develop HTML form with mobile validation using Java Script
12. Develop HTML form with DOB validation using Java Script
13. Develop HTML form with password validation using Java Script
14. Methods of date and time objects
15. Demonstrating object hierarchy using collection
16. Using Java Script events
17. Develop College Website using HTML5 and CSS
18. Develop Time Table Website using HTML5 and CSS
19. Write basic XML programs on DTD
20. Write basic XML programs on Schema
With effect from the academic year 2019-2020
BCA SEM I – PRACTICAL Hours Scheme of Examination
/week MaxMarks Duration(hrs)
Course Course Type L P Cre- SEE CIE SEE CIE
Code Title dits
BCA107 IT Workshop DSC- - 3 1 50 -- 2 --
1. System Assembling , Disassembling and identification of Parts / Peripherals
2. Operating System Installation – Install Operating Systems like Windows, Linux along with
necessary Device Drivers.
3. Introducing to programming Environment(Linux commands, editing tools such as vi editor,
sample program entry, compilation and execution )
4. MS-Office / Open Office
a. Word – Formatting Page Borders, Reviewing Equations, symbols
b. Spread Sheet – organize data, usage of formula graphs charts
c. Power point – features of power point, guidelines for preparing an effective
d. Access – creation of database, validate data
5. Network Configuration & Software Installation: Configuring TCP/IP, proxy and firewall
settings. Installing application software system software & tools.
6. Internet and World Wide Web-Search Engines. Types of search engines, netiquette, Cyber
7. Trouble Shooting – Hardware trouble shooting, Software trouble shooting.
Suggested Reading:
1. K. L. James, Computer Hardware, Installation, Interfacing Troubleshooting and
Maintenance, Eastern Economy Edition.
2. Gary B.Shelly, Misty E Vermaat and Thomas J. Cashman, Microsoft Office 2007
Introduction Concepts and Techniques, Windows XP Edition, 2007, Paperback.
3. Leslie Lam port, LATEX-User‟s Guide and Reference manual, Pearson, LPE, 2nd Edition.
4. Rudraprathap, Getting Started with MATLAB: A Quick Introduction for Scientists and
Engineers, Oxford University Press, 2002.
5. Scott Mueller‟s, Upgrading and Repairing PCs, 18th Edition, Scott. Mueller, QUE,
Pearson, 2008.
6. Cherry A Schmidt, The Complete Computer Upgrade and Repair Book, 3rd Edition, Dream
7. Vikas Gupta, Comdex Information Technology Course Tool Kit, WILEY Dream tech.
With effect from the academic year 2019-2020
Semester –
Course Course Title Course HrsPerWe Credit Marks Duration
Code Type ek s CIE+SEE CIE+SEE
BCA201 Human Values & AECC-2 2T 2 10I+40E=50 30min+2hr
BCA202 English CC-2A 4T 4 20I+80E=100 1hr+3hr
BCA203 Fundamentals of CC-2B 4T 4 20I+80E=100 1hr+3hr
Probability and
BCA204 Object Oriented DSC-2A 4T+3P=7 5 20I+80E=100T 1hr+3hr(T)
Programming 0+50E=50P 0+2hr(P)
BCA205 Data Structures DSC-2B 4T+3P=7 5 20I+80E=100T 1hr+3hr(T)
with CPP 0+50E=50P 0+2hr(P)
BCA206 Data DSC-2C 4T 4 20I+80E=100T 1hr+3hr(T)
BCA207 Web DSC-2D 3P 1 0+50E=50P 0+2hr(P)
with PHP
Total 22T+9P= 25 110I+590E= ---
31 700
With effect from the academic year 2019-2020
BCA SEM II – THEORY Hours Scheme of Examination
/week MaxMarks Duration(hrs)
Course Course Type L P Cre- SEE CIE SEE CIE
Code Title dits
BCA201 Human Values & Ethics AECC- 2 - 2 40 10 2 30min
UNIT – I Definition, Nature and Scope of Ethics; Concept, Definition and Nature of
Values; Religious Values (Hinduism, Islam, Christianity, Sikhism,
Buddhism, Jainism, Zoroastrianism and Judaism) Cultural and
Constitutional Values (Fundamental Duties and Rights, Directive
UNIT – II Family Values – Role of Family in Character Development; Structure,
Characteristics and Functions of Family – Changes and Emerging Trends
in Family
UNIT – III Life Skills – Concept and Meaning; the Need for Life Skills during
Teenage; Life Skills Perspective; Coping with Life Stresses; Suicidal
Tendencies and Peer Pressure
UNIT – IV Environmental Ethics; Professional Ethics (Media, Medical, Public Sector,
Business, Legal Ethics, Engineering)
With effect from the academic year 2019-2020
BCA SEM II – THEORY Hours Scheme of Examination
/week MaxMarks Duration(hrs)
Course Course Type L P Cre- SEE CIE SEE CIE
Code Title dits
BCA202 English CC-2A 4 - 4 80 20 3 1
Unit - I
SHORT FICTION: " A Visit of Charity" by Eudora Welty-PRONUNCIATION: Plosive-
GRAMMAR: Non-finite verbs- VOCABULARY: Simile and metaphor SPELLING: Use of ie
and ei - PUNCTUATION: Semicolon -CONVERSATION: Asking for information- READING
PASSAGE: Hyderabad-WRITING: Notemaking-SOFT SKILLS: Time management-VALUE
ORIENTATION: Time and tide wait for no one
Unit - II
PROSE: "Benares" by Aldous Huxley-PRONUNCIATION: Fricative -GRAMMAR: Adjective-
VOCABULARY: Oxymoron and hyperbole-SPELLING: Words ending in -able or -ible-
Burrakatha-WRITING: Informal letters- SOFT SKILLS: Leadership-VALUE ORIENTATION:
The pen is mightier than the sword
Unit - III
POETRY: 'Stanzas Written in Dejection, Near Naples' by Percy Bysshe Shelley
PRONUNCIATION: Affricate and nasal-GRAMMAR: Article- VOCABULARY: Portmanteau
words and loan words- SPELLING: Words ending in -al, -ance, -ence, - ic, -ity, and-ive -
'Flower boat' by Sunkara Ramesh-WRITING: Formal letters-SOFT SKILLS: Stress
management-VALUE ORIENTATION: Practice makes perfect
Unit - IV
DRAMA: Shakespeare Retold: Julius Caesar (extract)- PRONUNCIATION: Approximant-
GRAMMAR: Adverb-VOCABULARY: Palindromes-SPELLING: Derived forms of words-
PUNCTUATION: Inverted comma-CONVERSATION: Interview skills- READING
PASSAGE: The handicrafts of Telangana-WRITING: Formal letters-SOFT SKILLS: Etiquette
and grooming-VALUE ORIENTATION: Necessity is the mother of invention.
Suggested Reading:
English Made Easy- Editors: E. Suresh Kumar, Sumita Roy and A. Karunaker. Orient
BlackSwan 2016.
With effect from the academic year 2019-2020
BCA SEM II – THEORY Hours Scheme of Examination
/week MaxMarks Duration(hrs)
Course Course Type L P Cre- SEE CIE SEE CIE
Code Title dits
BCA203 Fundamentals of CC- 4 - 4 80 20 3 1
Probability and Statistics 2B
Unit - I
Descriptive Statistics: Concept of primary and secondary data, Methods of collection and
editing of primary data, Designing a questionnaire and a schedule, Sources and editing of
secondary data, Classification and tabulation of data, Measures of central tendency (Arithmetic
mean, median, mode, geometric mean and harmonic mean) with simple applications, Absolute
and relative measures of dispersion (range, quartile deviation, mean deviation, standard deviation
and variance) with simple applications, Importance of moments, central and non-central
moments, their interrelationships, Sheppard’s correction for moments for grouped data,
Measures of skewness based on quartiles and moments, kurtosis based on moments with real life
Unit - II
Probability: Basic concepts of probability, deterministic and random experiments, trial,
outcome, sample space, event, operations of events, mutually exclusive and exhaustive events,
equally likely and favorable events with examples, Mathematical, Statistical and Axiomatic
definitions of probability, their merits and demerits. Properties of probability based on axiomatic
definition, Conditional probability and independence of events, Addition and multiplication
theorems for ‘n’ events, Boole’s inequality and Bayes’ theorem, Problems on probability using
counting methods and theorems.
Unit - III
Random Variables: Definition of random variable, discrete and continuous random variables,
functions of random variables, probability mass function and probability density function with
illustrations. Distribution function and its properties, Transformation of one-dimensional random
variable (simple 1-1 functions only), Notion of bivariate random variable, bivariate distribution,
statements of its properties, Joint, marginal and conditional distributions, Independence of
random variables.
Unit - IV
Mathematical Expectation: Mathematical expectation of a function of a random variable, Raw
and central moments, covariance using mathematical expectation with examples, Addition and
multiplication theorems of expectation. Definitions of moment generating function (m.g.f),
characteristic function (c.f), cumulant generating function (c.g.f), probability generating function
(p.g.f) and statements of their properties with applications, Chebyshev’s and Cauchy-Schwartz’s
inequalities and their applications.
Suggested Reading:
1. William Feller: Introduction to Probability theory and its applications, (Vol-I), Wiley.
2. V. K. Kapoor and S. C. Gupta: Fundamentals of Mathematical Statistics, Sultan Chand &
Sons, New Delhi.
3. Goon A M, Gupta M K, Das Gupta B: Fundamentals of Statistics, (Vol-I), The World Press
(Pvt) Ltd., Kolkata.
4. M. Jagan Mohan Rao and Papa Rao: A Text book of Statistics (Paper-I).
5. Sanjay Arora and Bansilal: New Mathematical Statistics, Satya Prakashan , New Delhi.
6. Hogg,Tanis, Rao: Probability and Statistical Inference, ( 7th edition), Pearson.
7. K.V.S. Sarma: Statistics Made Simple: Do it yourself on PC, PHI.
8. Gerald Keller: Applied Statistics with Microsoft Excel, Duxbury, Thomson Learning.
9. Levine, Stephen, Krehbiel, Berenson: Statistics for Managers using Microsoft Excel (4th
edition), Pearson Publication.
With effect from the academic year 2019-2020
BCA SEM II – THEORY and Hours Scheme of Examination
PRACTICAL /week MaxMarks Duration(hrs)
Course Course Cate- L P Cre- SEE CIE SEE CIE
Code Title gory dits
BCA204 Object Oriented DSC- 4 3 4+1= 80(T) 20(T) 3 1
Programming 2A 5 50(P) -- 2(P) --
Unit - I
Introduction to OOP: Procedure oriented programming, object oriented programming, basic
concepts of OOP, benefits and applications of OOP, simple C++ program, namespace scope,
structure of C++ Program, creating, compiling and linking a file.
Tokens : Keywords, identifiers, constants, basic data types, user defined data types, storage
classes, derived data types, dynamic initialization of variables, reference variables, operators in
C++, scope resolution operator, member dereferencing operators, memory management
Unit - II
Control Structures: if, if…else, elseif ladder, nested if, switch, for, while, do…while, break,
continue, exit, goto.
Functions in C++: Main function, function prototyping, call by reference, return by reference,
inline functions, default arguments, Function overloading.
Classes and Objects: Specifying a class, defining member functions, C++ program with class,
private member functions, arrays within class, memory allocation for objects, static data
members, static member functions, arrays of objects, returning objects.
More about Functions: friend function, a function friendly to two classes, objects as function
Unit - III
Constructors & Destructors: Constructors, parameterized constructors, multiple constructors in
a class, constructors with default arguments, copy constructors, dynamic constructors,
Inheritance: Introduction to inheritance, single inheritance, multi-level inheritance, multiple
inheritance, hierarchical inheritance, hybrid inheritance.
Operator Overloading: Rules for overloading operators, overloading unary operators,
overloading binary operators.
Pointers: Introduction to pointers, declaring and initializing pointers, arithmetic operations on
pointers, pointers with arrays, arrays of pointers, pointers to objects, 'this' pointer.
Unit - IV
Polymorphism and Virtual Functions: Compile-time polymorphism, runtime polymorphism,
virtual functions.
Templates: Introduction, function templates, class templates.
Exception Handling: Introduction, exception handling mechanism, throwing mechanism,
catching mechanism.
Suggested Reading:
1. E. Balagurusamy, Object Oriented Programming with C++, 6/e, McGraw Hill, 2013.
2. Behrouz A. Forouzan and Richard F. Gilberg, Computer Science: A Structured Approach
Using C++, 2/e, Cengage Learning, 2003.
3. Ashok N. Kamthane, Object Oriented Programming with ANSI and Turbo C++, 1/e, Pearson
Education, 2006.
CPP Experiments
1. Write a program to perform arithmetic operations using functions.
2. Write a program on call by value and call by reference using functions.
3. Write a program on inline functions.
4. Write a program to implement function overloading.
5. Write a program to implement a class for student.
6. Write a program to implement friend function.
7. Write a program to implement friend function to two classes.
8. Write a program to implement different types of constructors.
9. Write a program to implement a destructor.
10. Write a program to implement multi-level inheritance.
11. Write a program to implement multiple inheritance.
12. Write a program to implement hierarchical inheritance.
13. Write a program to implement hybrid inheritance.
14. Write a program to implement unary operator.
15. Write a program to implement binary operator.
16. Write a program to implement this pointer.
17. Write a program to implement virtual functions.
18. Write a program to implement function template.
19. Write a program to implement class template.
20. Write a program to implement exception handling.
With effect from the academic year 2019-2020
BCA SEM II – THEORY and PRACTICAL Hours Scheme of Examination
/week MaxMarks Duration(hrs)
Course Course Type L P Cre- SEE CIE SEE CIE
Code Title dits
BCA205 Data Structures with CPP DSC- 4 3 4+1 80(T) 20(T) 3 1
2B 5 50(P) -- 2 --
Introduction to Data Structures: Definition, Uses, Types.
Arrays: Abstract Data Types and the C++ Class, Array as an Abstract Data Type, Representation
of Arrays, Matrices, Special Matrices Sparse Matrices, Strings.
Stacks and Queues: Representation of Stacks, Representation of Queue,
Operations on Stacks, Operations on Queues, Types of Queues
Linked Lists: Singly Linked Lists, Doubly Linked Lists, Circular Lists.
Hashing: Static Hashing, Hash Tables, Hash Functions, Overflow Handling.
Trees: Introduction, Binary Trees, Representation of Binary Tree, Binary Tree Traversal, Binary
Search Tree, Operations on Binary Search Tree, Heap tree, B-tree.
Graphs: Terminology, Types, Representation of Graph, Elementary Graph operations - DFS and
Sorting: Bubble, Selection, Insertion sort, Quick sort, Merge sort, Heap sort, shell sort.
Searching Techniques: Linear Search, Binary Search
Suggested Reading:
1. Ellis Horowitz, Dinesh Mehta, S. Sahani. Fundamentals of Data Structures in C++,
Universities Press. 2007.
2. Mark Allen Weiss, Data Structures and Algorithm Analysis in C++, Pearson Education 2006.
3. Michael T. Goodrich, Roberto Tamassia, David Mount, Data Structures and Algorithms in
C++, Wiley India Pvt. Ltd, 2004.
Data Structures Experiments:
1. Write a C++ program for the implementation of Array.
2. Write a C++ program for the implementation of Special Matrices.
3. Write a C++ program for the implementation of Sparse Matrices.
4. Write a C++ program for the implementation of String.
5. Write a C++ program to implement the Stack using array.
6. Write a C++ program to implement the Queue using array.
7. Write a C++ program to implement the single linked list.
8. Write a C++ program to implement the doubly linked list.
9. Write a C++ program to implement the Circular linked list.
10. Write a C++ program to implement stack using linked list.
11. Write a C++ program to implement queue using linked list.
12. Write a C++ program to implement operations on a binary tree. .
13. Write C++ program to implement Bubble sort.
14. Write C++ program to implement Selection sort.
15. Write C++ program to implement Insertion sort.
16. Write C++ program to implement Quick sort.
17. Write C++ program to implement Shell Sort.
18. Write C++ program to implement Merge Sort.
19. Programs on Linear Search.
20. Programs on Binary Search.
With effect from the academic year 2019-2020
BCA SEM II – THEORY Hours Scheme of Examination
/week MaxMarks Duration(hrs)
Course Course Type L/T P Cre- SEE CIE SEE CIE
Code Title dits
BCA206 Data Communications DSC- 4 - 4 80 20 3 1
Unit - I
Data communication, Data networking and the Internet: A communication model, data
communications, networks, the internet.
Protocol Architecture: Need for protocol architecture, TCP/IP protocol architecture, OSI model,
TCP/IP Vs OSI model.
Unit - II
Data transmission: Concepts and terminology, analog and digital data transmission, transmission
Transmission Media: Guided and unguided.
Signal encoding techniques: Digital data to digital signals, digital data to analog signals, analog
data to digital signals, analog data to analog signals.
Unit - III
Digital Data Communication Techniques: Asynchronous and synchronous transmission, types of
errors, error detection techniques.
Data link control protocols: Flow control, error control, high level data link control (HDLC)
Unit - IV
Multiplexing: Frequency division multiplexing, characteristics, synchronous time division
multiplexing, characteristics. Statistical time division multiplexing, characteristics.
Suggested Readings:
1. William Stallings, Data and Computer Communications, 8/e, Pearson Education., 2013.
2. Fred Harshall, Data Communications, Computer Networks and Open systems, 4/e, Pearson
Education, 2005.
3. Behrouz A Forouzan, Data Communications and Networking, 4/e, McGraw Hill, 2012.
With effect from the academic year 2019-2020
BCA SEM II – PRACTICAL Hours Scheme of Examination
/week MaxMarks Duration(hrs)
Course Course Type L P Cre- SEE CIE SEE CIE
Code Title dits
BCA207 Web Programming with PHP DSC- - 3 1 50 -- 2 --
PHP Experiments
Nizam College (Autonomous)
Osmania University
Sub - Operating System Concepts (BCA306)
Paper - DSC3C
Section B: Answer all choosing any one from each unit (12X4=48)
Unit I
13. a.
14. a.
b. Problem/Analytical
Unit II
15. a.
16. a.
b. Problem/Analytical
Unit III
17. a.
18. a.
b. Problem/Analytical
Unit IV
19. a.
20. a.
b. Problem/Analytical
Unit I
Unit II
Unit III or Unit IV
Nizam College
Osmania University
Sub – Programming
in C (BCA105) Paper
Time: 2hrs Max. Marks: 50
Section A: Answer both the programs. (5X2=10)
Unit I/II
Section B: Program
Execution (10X2=20M)
Nizam College (Autonomous)
Osmania University
Scheme of Instruction
Bachelor of Computer Applications (BCA)
Semester III and IV
For Academic Year 2020 – 2021
Faculty of Informatics
Osmania University
With effect from the academic year 2020-2021
Semester - III
Course Course Title Course HrsPerWeek Credits Marks Duration
BCA301 Excellence SEC-1 2T 2 10I+40E=50 30min+2hr
BCA302 Mathematics-I BSC 4T 4 20I+80E=100 1hr+3hr
BCA303 Architecture DSC-3A 4T 4 20I+80E=100 1hr+3hr
GE Generic Elective
DSC Discipline Specific Course
DSE Discipline Specific Elective
SEC Skill Enhancement Course
AECC Ability Enhancement Compulsory Course
T/P Theory / Practical
CIE Continuous Internal Evaluation
SEE Semester End Evaluation
I/E Internal / External
BSC Basic Science Course
With effect from the academic year 2020-2021
BCA SEM III – THEORY Hours Scheme of Examination
/week MaxMarks Duration(hrs)
Course Course Type L P Cre- SEE CIE SEE CIE
Code Title dits
BCA301 Professional Excellence SEC- 2 - 2 40 10 2 30
. 1 mins
1. Inspiring Speeches and Lives by Prof. Yadav Raj and Murali Krishna
2. The Story of English in India by N. Krishna Swamy
3. Business Etiquette by David Robinson
4. Mastering Motivation by Frazer John
5. Time Management by Treacy Declan
With effect from the academic year 2020-2021
BCA SEM III – THEORY Hours Scheme of Examination
/week MaxMarks Duration(hrs)
Course Course Type L P Cre- SEE CIE SEE CIE
Code Title dits
BCA303 Applied Mathematics - I BSC 4 - 4 80 20 3 1
Unit I
Unit II
Unit III
Vector Spaces: vector spaces and subspaces- Null Spaces, Column Spaces, and –Linear
Transformations, Linearly Independent and Dependent Sets – Bases – Coordinate System,
Unit IV
The Dimension of a Vector Space – Rank – Change of Basis – Eigen Values and Eigen
Vectors – The Characteristic Equations – Determinants
With effect from the academic year 2020-2021
BCA SEM III – THEORY Hours Scheme of Examination
/week MaxMarks Duration(hrs)
Course Course Type L P Cre- SEE CIE SEE CIE
Code Title dits
BCA302 Computer Architecture DSC- 4 - 4 80 20 3 1
Basic Structure of Computers
Functional units, Basic operational concepts, Bus structures, Software performance, Memory
locations and addresses, Memory operations, Instruction and instruction sequencing,
Addressing modes, Assembly language, Basic I/O operations.
Basic Processing Unit
Fundamental concepts, Execution of a complete instruction, Hardwired control, Microprogrammed
control, Pipelining, Basic concepts, Data hazards, Instruction hazards, Influence on Instruction sets, Data
path and control consideration.
Memory System
Basic concepts, Semiconductor RAMs, ROMs, Speed, size and cost, Cache memories,
Performance consideration, Virtual memory, Memory Management requirements, Secondary
I/O Organization
Accessing I/O devices, Interrupts, Direct Memory Access , Buses, Interface
circuits, Standard I/O Interfaces (PCI, SCSI, USB).
Suggested Reading:
1. Carl Hamacher, Zvonko Vranesic and Safwat Zaky, 5th Edition “Computer
Organization”, McGraw-Hill, 2002.
2. William Stallings, “Computer Organization and Architecture – Designing for Performance”, 6th
Edition, Pearson Education, 2003.
3. David A.Patterson and John L.Hennessy, “Computer Organization and Design: The hardware software
interface”, 2nd Edition, Morgan Kaufmann, 2002.
4. John P.Hayes, “Computer Architecture and Organization”, 3rd Edition, McGraw Hill, 1998.
With effect from the academic year 2020-2021
BCA SEM III – THEORY and Hours Scheme of Examination
PRACTICAL /week MaxMarks Duration(hrs)
Course Course Type L P Cre- SEE CIE SEE CIE
Code Title dits
BCA304 Java Programming DSC- 4 3 4+1=5 80(T) 20(T) 3 1
3B 50(P) -- 3 --
Unit I
OOPS concepts, History of java, Features of java, data types, variables, scope and lifetime of
variables, operators, expressions, control statements, type conversion and casting. Defining
classes, adding objects & methods, Access Modifiers, Method Overloading, Constructors,
Constructor Overloading, use of this, static, final keywords, Arrays-How to create and define.
Unit II
String, StringBuffer classes. Inheritance- basics, Super class object, subclass, member access
rules, super uses, Method Overriding, Abstract Classes. Interfaces - Defining and
Implementing an Interface, Differences between Classes and Interfaces, Extending interfaces.
Packages- Defining, Creating and Accessing a Package, importing packages.
Unit III
Exception handling- Concepts and benefits of exception handling, usage of try, catch, throw,
throws and finally, java’s built in exceptions. Multi-threading- Difference between multi-
threading and multi-tasking, thread lifecycle, Creating threads. Basic I/O- Streams- Byte
Streams & Character Streams, Reading Console Input.
Unit IV
AWT- Introduction, the AWT class hierarchy, AWT controls - Buttons, Labels, TextField,
Checkbox, Layout Managers. Event handling- Event delegation model, Events, Event classes,
Event Sources. Introduction to Swings, Collection Framework. Applet- Introduction, Lifecycle
methods, drawing graphics in applet.
Suggested readings
1. Java The Complete Reference, 8th Edition, Herbert Schildt, Tata McGraw Hill Publications.
2. Understanding OOP with java, updated edition, T.Budd, Pearson education.
3. The Java Programming Language, K.Arnold and J.Gosling.
4. Core Java Volume-I Fundamentals , Cay S. Horstmann, Gary Cornell
With effect from the academic year 2020-2021
BCA SEM III – THEORY and Hours Scheme of Examination
PRACTICAL /week MaxMarks Duration(hrs)
Course Course Type L P Cre- SEE CIE SEE CIE
Code Title dits
BCA305 Database Design DSC- 4 3 4+1=5 80(T) 20(T) 3 1
3C 50(P) -- 3 --
Unit I
Unit II
Relation Model: Definition, Integrity constraints, Transforming EER diagram into relations,
merging relations. Normalization: Functional dependencies, normal forms 1NF, 2NF, 3NF,
4NF, BCNF, SQL: Queries, constraints, Set Operators, Aggregate Operators, Procedures and
functions, Triggers.
Unit III
Unit IV
Suggested Readings
With effect from the academic year 2020-2021
BCA SEM I – THEORY and Hours Scheme of Examination
PRACTICAL /week MaxMarks Duration(hrs)
Course Course Type L P Cre- SEE CIE SEE CIE
Code Title dits
BCA306 Operating System DSC- 4 3 4+1=5 80(T) 20(T) 3 1
Concepts 3D 50(P) -- 3 --
Unit I
Unit II
Unit III
Unit IV
File System Implementation: File system structure, File system Implementation, Directory
Implementation, Allocation methods, Free-Space Management, Efficiency and Performance.
Protection and Security: Goals of protection, Principles of protection, Security problem,
Program threats, System and network threats, Cryptography as a security tool, User
Suggested Readings
1. Abraham Silberschatz, Peter Galvin, Greg Gagne, “Operating system concepts”, Ninth
edition, john wiley and sons publication 2013
2. William stallings, “Operating Systems”, fifth edition, Pearson Education, 2005.
3. A.Tanenbaum, “ Modern Operating Systems”, Third Edition, Pearson Edeucation, 2008
With effect from the academic year 2020-2021
GE Generic Elective
DSC Discipline Specific Course
ETC Emerging Technological Course
DSE Discipline Specific Elective
SEC Skill Enhancement Course
AECC Ability Enhancement Compulsory
T/P Theory / Practical
CIE Continuous Internal Evaluation
SEE Semester End Evaluation
I/E Internal / External
With effect from the academic year 2020-2021
BCA SEM IV – THEORY Hours Scheme of Examination
/week MaxMarks Duration(hrs)
Course Course Type L P Cre- SEE CIE SEE CIE
Code Title dits
BCA401 Professional Intelligence SEC- 2 - 2 40 10 2 30min
Stress Management, Conflict Management, Confidence Building, Leadership,
Grooming, Emotional Intelligence, Creativity and Creative Writing- Instagram,
Wikipedia, Social Media Writing, Content Development, Fitness and Wellness.
Resume, Short Talk, 3 Minute talk, Picture Perception, Crossword Puzzling, One word
Substitution, Idiomatic Expressions, Adages-Ph Verbs, Public Speaking, PPTs, Be The
Game Changer.
1. Soft Skills and Life Skills by Nishithesh and Dr. Bhaskar Reddy BSC Publishers
2. Corporate Soft Skills by Sarvesh Gulati, Rupa and Company
3. Business Communication by Raymond E Legikar, Marie E Flatley Katherine Rentz,
Neerja Pende, Tata McGraw Hill
With effect from the academic year 2020-2021
BCA SEM IV – THEORY Hours Scheme of Examination
/week MaxMarks Duration(hrs)
Course Course Type L P Cre- SEE CIE SEE CIE
Code Title dits
ETC402 Distributed and ETC 4 - 4 70 30 3 1
Cloud Computing 4B
Unit I
Distributed Systems: Trends in Distributed Systems – Focus on resource sharing – Challenges.
Case study: World Wide Web, System Model – Inter process Communication – the API for internet
protocols – External data representation and multicast communication, Overlay Networks, Group
Communication, Introduction to RMI, Publish-subscribe systems and Introduction to Corba.
Unit II
Introduction to Cloud Computing: Cloud Computing in a Nutshell, System Models for Distributed
and Cloud Computing, Roots of Cloud Computing, Grid and Cloud, Layers and Types of Clouds,
Desired Features of a Cloud, Basic Principles of Cloud Computing, Challenges and Risks, Service
Unit III
Virtual Machines and Virtualization of Clusters and Data Centers: Levels of Virtualization,
Virtualization Structures Tools and Mechanisms, Virtualization of CPU, Memory and I/O Devices,
Virtual Clusters and Resource Management, Virtualization Data center Automation.
Case studies: VMware Features.
Unit IV
Cloud computing architectures over Virtualized Data Centers: Data center design and
Interconnection networks, Architectural Design of Compute and Storage Clouds, Public Cloud
Platforms, GAE, AWS, Azure, Inter-cloud Resource Management.
Suggested Readings
1. Pradeep K Sinha, Distributed Operating Systems: Concepts and Design, Prentice Hall of India,
2. Tanenbaum A.S., Van Steen M., Distributed Systems: Principles and Paradigms, Pearson
Education, 2007.
3. John W. Rittinghouse, Cloud Computing: Implementation, Management, and Security. James F.
Ransome, CRC Press 2009.
4. Kai Hwang. Geoffrey C.Fox, Jack J. Dongarra, Distributed and Cloud Computing From Parallel
Processing to the Internet of Things, Elsevier, 2012.
5. Rajkumar Buyya, James Broberg and Andrzej M. Goscinski, Cloud Computing: Principles and
Paradigms (Wiley Series on Parallel and Distributed Computing), Wiley Publisher,2011
With effect from the academic year 2020-2021
BCA SEM IV – THEORY Hours Scheme of Examination
/week MaxMarks Duration(hrs)
Course Course Type L P Cre- SEE CIE SEE CIE
Code Title dits
BCA403 Artificial Intelligence ETC- 4 - 4 80 20 3 1
Unit I
Introduction & Problem Solving: AI problems, AI Technique, Defining problem as a State Space
Search, Production Systems, Problem Characteristics. Heuristic Search Techniques: Generate
and test, Hill Climbing, Best First Search, Problem Reduction, Constraint Satisfaction.
Unit II
Game Playing: Overview, Min-Max search Procedure, Iterative Deepening. Knowledge
Representation Issues: Approaches, Issues, Frame Problem, Using Predicate Logic: Representing
simple facts in logic, Representing Instance and ISA Relationships, Computable Functions and
predicates, Resolution, Natural Deduction.
Unit III
Uncertainty and Reasoning Techniques: Non monotonic reasoning, Logics for Non monotonic
reasoning, Implementation issues, implementation of Depth First Search and Breadth first search.
Statistical reasoning: Probability and Bayes theorem, Certainty factors and Rule-based systems,
Bayesian Networks.
Unit IV
Learning: What is Learning, Rote learning, Learning by taking advice, Learning in problem
solving, Induction, Learning by Decision trees. Expert System: Representing and Using Domain
Knowledge, Expert systems shells, Explanation, Knowledge Acquisition.Perception and Action:
Real Time Search, Vision, Speech Recognition,
With effect from the academic year 2020-2021
BCA SEM IV – THEORY and Hours Scheme of Examination
PRACTICAL /week MaxMarks Duration(hrs)
Course Course Cate- L P Cre- SEE CIE SEE CIE
Code Title gory dits
BCA404 Data Science using DSC- 4 3 4+1= 80(T) 20(T) 3 1
Python 4A 5 50(P) -- 3(P) --
Unit I
Introduction to data science – Introduction to data science, Data Science Components, Data
Science Process, Data Science Jobs Roles, Tools for Data Science, Difference between Data
Science with BI (Business Intelligence), Applications of Data science, Challenges of Data
science Technology. Data analysis – Introduction to data analysis, Data Analysis Tools, Types
of Data Analysis: Techniques and Methods, Data Analysis Process Introduction to Python,
Python features, Python Interpreter, modes of Python Interpreter, Values and Data types,
Variables, Key words, Identifiers, Statements.
Unit II
Expressions, Input & Output, Comments, Lines & Indentation, Quotations, Tuple assignment,
Operators, Precedence of operators. Functions: Definition and use, Types of functions, Flow of
execution, Parameters and Arguments, Modules. Conditionals: Conditional(if), Alternative(if-
else), Chained Conditionals(if-elif-else), Nested conditionals; Iteration/Control statements:
while, for, break, continue, pass; fruitful function vs void function, Parameters/Arguments,
Return values, Variables scope (local, global), Function composition.
Unit III
Strings: Strings, String slices, Immutability, String functions & Methods, String module; List as
array: Array, Methods of array. Lists: List operations, List slices, List methods, List loops,
Mutability, aliasing, Cloning list, List parameters; Tuple: Benefit of Tuple, Operations on Tuple,
Tuple methods, Tuple assignment, Tuple as return value, Tuple as argument; Dictionaries:
Operations on Dictionary, methods in Dictionary, Difference between List, Tuple and
Dictionary; Advanced List processing: List comprehension, Nested List.
Unit IV
Suggested Readings
1. Allen B Downey, "Think Python: How to think like a Computer Scientist", 2nd edition,
Updated for Python 3, Shroff/O'Reilly Publishers, 2016.
2. Guido van Rossum and Fred L.Drake Jr, - An Introduction to Python - Revised and
Updated for Python 3.2, Network Theory Ltd 2011.
3. Grus, Joel. Data science from scratch: first principles with python. O'Reilly Media, 2019.
Python Programming Lab Programs
16. Python code demonstrate to make a Pandas DataFrame with two-dimensional list
17. Python code demonstrate creating DataFrame from dictionary of narray and lists
18. Python code demonstrate creating a Pandas dataframe using list of tuples
19. Python code demonstrate how to iterate over rows in Pandas Dataframe
20. Python code demonstrate how to get column names in Pandas dataframe
With effect from the academic year 2020-2021
BCA SEM IV – THEORY and Hours Scheme of Examination
PRACTICAL /week MaxMarks Duration(hrs)
Course Course Type L P Cre- SEE CIE SEE CIE
Code Title dits
BCA405 Software Engineering DSC- 4 3 4+1 80(T) 20(T) 3 1
4B 5 50(P) -- 3 --
Unit I
Unit II
Unit III
Unit IV
Object Oriented Design Using UML – Introduction, Sequence Diagram, State Machine
Diagram, Timing Diagram, Describing Detailed Object Oriented Design, Decision Tree and
Decision Table, Composite Structure Diagram, Generating Test Cases, Moving Towards
Physical Design, Structured Methods. Software Development – Introduction, Good Coding
Practices, Code Reuse, Design Pattern, Generator Based Reuse, Application/Software Developed
on Product Lines Approach, Component Based Software Engineering, Agile Methods. Software
Quality Assurance – Introduction, Software Verification and Validation Process, Software
Testing, System Testing, Object Oriented Testing Strategy, Test Cases, Equivalence Partitioning
(Black Box Testing), Art of Debugging.
Suggested Readings
Software Engineering Lab
Case Studies
1. Banking System
2. Hotel management system
3. Inventory Control System
4. Library management system
5. Railway Reservation System
Choose any two of above case studies and do the following exercises for that case studies
1. Write the complete problem statement
2. Write the software requirements specification document
3. Draw the entity relationship diagram
4. Draw the data flow diagrams
5. Draw use case diagrams
6. Draw activity diagrams for all use cases
7. Draw sequence diagrams for all use cases
8. Draw collaboration diagram
9. Assign objects in sequence diagrams to classes and make class diagram.
Note - To draw dataflow diagrams using Microsoft Visio Software, SmartDraw
To draw UML diagrams using Rational Rose Software, StarUML
With effect from the academic year 2020-2021
BCA SEM IV – THEORY AND Hours Scheme of Examination
PRACTICAL /week MaxMarks Duration(hrs)
Course Course Type L/T P Cre- SEE CIE SEE CIE
Code Title dits
BCA406 Computer Networks DSC- 4 - 4 80 20 3 1
Unit I
Unit II
Unit III
Transport Layer: TCP State diagram, Window Management, Congestion Control, Timer
Management and UDP protocol Socket Programming: Primitive and Advanced Systems Calls,
TCP Iterative and Concurrent programs
Unit IV
Suggested Readings
Networking concepts demonstration
Network programming
Suggested Reading
Semester – V
Course Course Title Course HrsPerWeek Credits Marks Duration
Code Type CIE+SEE
Course Code Course Title Type L P Credits SEE CIE SEE CIE
ASP.Net web forms-Introduction to web forms, page directives and its use, separating code &
design, new code behind techniques, ASP.Net server controls-Working with server controls,
applying styles to controls, themes, skins etc.
Web form validation controls-Required field validation Control, Compare Validation Control,
Custom Validation Control, Group Validation and Accounting Validation Control.ADO.Net
Database Services- Overview of ADO.Net XML, XML to HTML, XML & Databases XML
Support in .Net retrieve data with datasets & Data Adapters.
Presenting Data Using ASP.Net-Bound Controls- Data Source Controls, Repeater and its uses,
Data list control, data grid control view and its importance, form view, detail’s view, list view.
User controls- Adding member to user controls, registering user control, properties & methods.
Suggested Readings:
1. C#.NET Black Book by stevenholzner –dreamtech
2. ASP.NET Unleashed
3. C# programming – wrox publication
4. C# programming Black Book by Matt telles
Programming Using ASP.NET LAB
10. Program to demonstrate Grid view control to Retrieve data from database
11. Program to demonstrate Drop down list control to retrieve data from database
With effect from the academic year 2021-2022
Max Marks Duration(Hrs)
Course Code Course Title Type L P Credits SEE CIE SEE CIE
Introduction to Unix:-Architecture of Unix, Features of Unix, Unix Commands – Unix
Utilities:-, Introduction to unix file system, vi editor, file handling utilities. Security by
file permissions, process utilities, disk utilities, networking commands.
UNIT II: Introduction to Shells: Unix Session, Standard Streams, Redirection, Pipes, Tee
Command, Command Execution, Command- Line Editing, Quotes, Command Substitution, Job
Control, Aliases, Variables, Predefined Variables, Options, Shell/Environment Customization.
Filters: Filters and Pipes, Concatenating files, Display Beginning and End of files, Cut and
Paste, Sorting, Translating Characters, Files with Duplicate Lines, Count characters,
Words or Lines, Comparing Files.
Grep :Operation, grep Family, Searching for File Content.
Sed :Scripts, Operation, Addresses, commands, Applications, grep and sed.
awk: Execution, Fields and Records, Scripts, Operations, Patterns, Actions, Associative
Arrays, String. Functions, String Functions, Mathematical Functions, User – Defined
Functions, Using System commands, in awk, Applications, awk and grep, sed and awk.
Introduction to PHP: Overview, syntactic characteristics, primitives, operations and
expressions, output, control statements, arrays, functions. pattern matching, form
handling files, cookies and session tracking.
1. Unix and shell Programming Behrouz A. Forouzan, Richard F. Gilberg.Thomson
2. Your Unix the ultimate guide, Sumitabha Das, TMH. 2nd Edition.
3. Robert W. Sebesta, "Programming the World Wide Web", Pearson Education, 2008.
1. Unix for programmers and users, 3rd edition, Graham Glass, King Ables, Pearson
2. Unix programming environment, Kernighan and Pike, PHI. / Pearson Education
3. The Complete Reference Unix, Rosen, Host, Klee, Farber, Rosinski, Second Edition,
Unix programming lab
a) Shell Programs
1. Perform all arithmetic operations
2. Program to the test type of file
3. Program to copy a file
4. Program to set file permissions
5. Display the no. of lines in each of text file in a given dir
b) AWK Programs
6. Find the total
7. Find sales
8. Find department sales
9. Find the list of items
10. Find the larger value
With effect from the academic year 2021-2022
Max Marks Duration(Hrs)
Course Code Course Title Type L P Credits SEE CIE SEE CIE
Unit II:
Working with Objects, manipulating objects – manipulating vectors, manipulating matrix and
Data frames, Viewing Objects, rotating data tables, making list, reordering data frames.
Unit III:
Summary statistics for vectors, cummlative statistics, statistics on data frames, Data
distributions, histograms, density function, types of data distribution.
Unit IV:
Box-Whisker plots,Scatter plots,Pie charts,Bar charts,simple linear regression,multiple
regression, applying kmeans clustering in R using a data set,applying KNN using R.
1) Begining R the statistical programming language by Dr Mark Gardener
2) An Introduction to R by W. N. Venables, D. M. Smith
Data Science With R lab
1. Develop the R program for Basic Mathematical computation –Square, Square root,
exponential etc.
2. Create an object X that stores the value then overwrite the object in by itself divided by
Print the result to the console.
3. read a data file using read.table()
4. create a vector in r and perform operation subsetting
5. create matrix and list in R and perform subsetting both
6. Extract the first and last elements of already created vector from, storing them as a new
7. Store this vector of 10 values: foo <- c(7,5,6,1,2,10,8,3,8,2).Then, do the following:
i. Extract the elements greater than or equal to 5, storing the result as bar.
ii. Display the vector containing those elements from foo that remain after omitting all
elements that are greater than or equal to 5.
8. read a .xls file and plot a bar chart
9. read a .xls using data frame and plot a scatter plot
10. read a .csv file using data frames and plot histograms
11. read a .csv file using data frame and plot the poison distribution using a variable in data
12. Read a .csv file and perform Kmeans algorithm using k=4 and iterations = 50
Max Marks Duration(Hrs)
Course Code Course Title Type L P Credits SEE CIE SEE CIE
TEST MANAGEMENT Testing and Debugging Goals and Policies – Test Planning – Test Plan
– Test Plan Attachments – Locating Test Items – Reporting Test Results – The Role of Three
Groups in Test Planning and Policy Development – Process and the Engineering.
Suggested Readings:
Course Code Course Title Type L P Credits SEE CIE SEE CIE
Applications, history of mobile communications, reference model Wireless transmission -
Frequencies, Signals, Antennas, Signal propagation, Multiplexing ,Modulation, Spread
spectrum, cellular systems Medium access layer - Motivation, SDMA, FDMA, TDMA,
CDMA ,Wireless LAN - Infrared vs radio transmission, infrastructure, IEEE802.11.
Key services for mobile internet. Mobile IP - Goals, assumptions, requirements, entities, IP
packet delivery. Agent advertisement and discovery, Registration. Tunneling. Optimization,
reverse tunneling, DHCP, Adhoc networks, Mobile transport Layer - Traditional TCP,
Indirect TCP .Snooping TCP, Mobile TCP, Fast transmit Fast recovery, Transmission
timeout freezing, transaction oriented TCP.
Wireless Application Protocol - Overview of WAP architecture, components. Network
infrastructure Design principles WML - Document model, Basics, basic content, events,
tasks and binding, variables, other content, controls, application security, other data,
Wireless binary extensible markup language.
WML Script - language basics, standard libraries, script libraries, script development User
interface design - structured usability methods, design guidelines - user interface, selected
WML elements, Tailoring content to client Push messaging ,Wireless telephony
applications ,Building and deploying End-to-End WAP services.
Suggested Reading
1. Jochen Schiller - Mobile communications, Addison-Wesley 2001
2. Sundeep Singh etc. Wireless Application Protocal - Addison Wesley 2001
With effect from the academic year 2021-2022
Max Marks Duration(Hrs)
Course Code Course Title Type L P Credits SEE CIE SEE CIE
Distributed Systems
Introduction: Goals and Types of Distributed systems Architectures, Self Management in
Distributed Systems Processes: Threads, Virtualization, Clients, Servers, and Code Migration.
Communication: Fundamentals, Remote Procedure Call, Message Oriented Communication,
Stream oriented communication and Multicast communication
Naming: Names, Identifiers and Addresses, Flat Naming, Structured naming, and Attribute based
naming. Synchronization: clock synchronizations, Logical Clocks, Mutual Exclusion, Global
Positioning of Nodes and Election Algorithms. Consistency and Replication: Introduction,
Data centric consistency Models, Client centric Consistency models, Replica Management
and consistency protocols
Fault Tolerance: Introduction to fault tolerance, Process Resilience, Reliable Client-Server
communication, Reliable Group communication, Distributed commit and Recovery
Distributed Object Based System: Architecture, Processes, Communication, Naming,
Synchronization, consistency and replication, Fault tolerance and security
Distributed File System: Architecture, Processes, Communication, Naming, Synchronization,
consistency and replication, Fault tolerance and security. Distributed Web-Based Systems:
Architecture, Processes, Communication, Naming, Synchronization, consistency and
replication, Fault tolerance and security
Suggested Readings:
1. Andrew S. Tanenbaum and Maarten Van Steen, “Distributed Systems”, PHI 2 nd Edition,
2. R.Hill, L.Hirsch, P.Lake, S.Moshiri, “Guide to cloud computing, Principles and Practice”,
Springer, 2013.
3. R.Buyya, J.Borberg, A.Goscinski, “ Cloud Computing-Principles and Paradigms”, Wiley 2013.
With effect from the academic year 2021-2022
Max Marks Duration(Hrs)
Course Code Course Title Type L P Credits SEE CIE SEE CIE
Credits: 4
Instruction: (3L) hrs per week Duration of SEE: 3 hours
CIE: 30 marks SEE: 70 marks
Introduction: Kinds of Data Can Be Mined, Kinds of Patterns Can Be Mined, Technologies Used–
Issues in Data Mining, Getting to Know Your Data: Data Objects and Attribute Types, Basic Statistical
Descriptions of Data, Data Preprocessing: An Overview
Mining Frequent Patterns, Associations And Correlations: Basic Concepts- Market Basket Analysis:
A Motivating Example, Frequent Itemsets, Closed Itemsets, and Association Rules, Frequent Item Set
Mining Methods- Apriori Algorithm, FP-Growth Algorithm.
Classification: Basic Concepts, Decision Tree Induction, Bayes Classification Methods, Rule Based
Classification, Bayesian Belief Networks, Support Vector Machine
Cluster Analysis- Cluster Analysis, Requirements for Cluster Analysis, Overview of Basic Clustering
Methods – Partitioning Methods, Hierarchical Methods, Density-Based Methods
Outliers and Outlier Analysis, Data Mining Trends.
1. Pang-Ning Tan Michael Steinbach Vipin Kumar “Introduction to Data Mining” Second
Edition,Pearson Edition.
2. M. H. Dunham, “Data Mining: Introductory and Advanced Topics”, Pearson Education. 2001.
3. D. Hand, H. Mannila and P. Smyth, “Principles of Data Mining”, PrenticeHall. 2001.
With effect from the academic year 2021-2022
Course Code Course Title Type L P Credits SEE CIE SEE CIE
Visit one of the business organizations and develop an information system or E-commerce
Application using Visual modeler from Rational Rose. The student is expected to follow unified
process and develop a documentation covering all the stages of the unified process
Semester – VI
Course Course Title Course HrsPer Credits Marks Duration
Code Type Week CIE+SE
BCA601 Information CC 4T 4 20I+80E=100 1hr+3hr
BCA602 Advanced JAVA CC 4T+3P=7 5 20I+80E=100 1hr+3hr(T)
T 0+2hr(P)
BCA 603 - Big Data ETC 4T 4 20I+80E=100 1hr+3hr
BCA# BCA 604- Internet DSC 4T 4 20I+80E=100 1hr+3hr
Elective -III of Things
BCA 605-
BCA 606 –
Retrieval System
BCA607 Technical LPC 6P 2 0I+ 50E=50P 0hr+2hr
With effect from the academic year 2021-2022
Max Marks Duration(Hrs)
Course Code Course Title Type L P Credits SEE CIE SEE CIE
Introduction: History, Critical characteristics of information, NSTISSC security model,
Components of an information system, Securing the components, Balancing security and access,
The SDLC, The security SDLC. Need for Security: Business needs, Threats, Attacks- secure
software development.
Legal, Ethical and professional Issues: Law and ethics in information security, Relevant U.S
lawsinternational laws and legal bodies, Ethics and information security.
Risk Management: Overview, Risk identification, Risk assessment, Risk control strategies,
selecting a risk control strategy, Quantitive versus qualitative risk control practices, Risk
management discussion points, Recommended risk control practices.
Planning for Security: Security policy,Standards and practices, Security blue print, Security
education, Continuity strategies. Security Technology:Firewalls and VPNs: Physical design,
Firewalls, Protecting remote connections
Security Technology: Intrusion detection, access control and other security tolls: Intrusion
detection and prevention systems, Scanning and analysis tools, Access control devices.
Cryptography: Foundations of cryptology, Cipher methods, Cryptographic Algorithms,
Cryptographic tools, Protocols for secure communications, Attacks on cryptosystems.
Security management models, Digital forensics
Suggested Reading:
1. Michel E Withman and Herbert J Mattord, Principles and Practices of Information
Security, Cengage Learning, 2009.
2. Thomas R Peltier, Justin Peltier, John Blackley, Information Security Fundamentals,
Auerbach Publications, 2010.
3. Detmar W Straub, Seymour Goodman, Richard L Baskerville, Information Security, Policy,
Processes and Practices, PHI , 2008.
With effect from the academic year 2021-2022
Max Marks Duration(Hrs)
Course Code Course Title Type L P Credits SEE CIE SEE CIE
Introducing JDBC: Describing Components of JDBC , Features of JDBC , JDBC Architecture:
Types of Divers, Advantages and disadvantages of Drivers ,Use of Drivers , JDBC Statement
and Methods: Statement ,PreparedStatement ,CallableStatement ,Working with Resultset
interface , Working with Resultset with metadata
Introducing CGI , Introducing Servlet , Advantages of Servlet over CGI , Features of Servlet ,
Introducing Servlet API :Javax.servlet package , Javax.servlet.http package ,Servlet life
,Working with GenericServlet and HttpServlet , RequestDispatcher interface ,Use of
RequestDispatcher , Session in Servlet: Introducing session , Session tracking mechanism
,Cookies : Advantages & disadvantages ,use of cookies , Hidden form filed ,URL rewritten ,
Introduction to JSP :Advantages of JSP over Servlet , JSP architecture , JSP life cycle , Implicit
objects in JSP,JSP tag elements‐ Declarative, Declaration, scriplet, expression, Action Tags.
Java Bean‐ Advantages & Disadvantages, useBean tag‐ setProperty and getProperty
JSTL core tag: General purpose tag, conditional tag, networking tag ,JSTL SQL tags , JSTL
formatting tags , JSTL xml tags , Introducing internationalization & Java: local class,
ResourseBundle class.
Introduction to Frameworks in java: Java Server Faces Struts, Springs, Hibernate.
Suggested Reading:
1. JDBC, Servlets and JSP Black Book, Dreamtech Publication by Santhosh Kumar.k
2. Programming Jakarta Struts”, Second Edition, by Chuk Cavaness, O'Reilly Media,
3. “Spring Persistence with Hibernate” by Paul Tepper, Apress Publisher, 2010
With effect from the academic year 2021-2022
Max Marks Duration(Hrs)
Course Code Course Title Type L P Credits SEE CIE SEE CIE
Unit I:
Introduction to Big data, problem with old technologies, key trends with big data, parallel
processing in big data, cloud and big data, preditive analytics and big data, big data and hadoop
Unit II:
A brief history of hadoop, apache hadoop and its eco-system, Map-reduce framework, analysing
data with Map reduce, Mapreduce and combiner functionality, Mapreduce jobs.
Unit III:
Jobtracker and Mapreduce jobs, Name Node and Secondary Namenode functionality in job
execution, Hadoop Distributed storage, Hadoop Distributed File System, HDFS and Blocks,
HDFS and Data Nodes.
Unit IV:
HDFS basic file operation -storing and retrieving data, HDFS and other storages – Hive ,Hbase.
Pig and Pig Latin benefits,Data transmission with Scoop and PIG. Executing jobs with Hive and
performing Hive DDL.
With effect from the academic year 2021-2022
Max Marks Duration(Hrs)
Course Code Course Title Type L P Credits SEE CIE SEE CIE
Unit II:
Web Search – Web Characteristics–The impact of the web on IR ––IR Versus Web Search– Components
of a Search engine.Searching the Web –Structure of the Web –IR and web search – Static and Dynamic.
Unit III:
Taxonomy and Characterization of IR Models – Boolean Model – Vector Model - Term Weighting –
Scoring and Ranking –Language Models.
Unit IV:
Probabilistic Models – Algebraic Models – Structured Text Retrieval Models – Models for Browsing.
With effect from the academic year 2021-2022
Max Marks Duration(Hrs)
Course Code Course Title Type L P Credits SEE CIE SEE CIE
Key length-symmetric key length, public key length Key management Generation transfer,
verification use, store backup, lifetime, destruction, public key management. Algorithms types
and modes-Electronic code book, block replay, cipher block chaining, stream ciphers, self-
synchronizing, cipher feedback, synchronous stream, counter mode.
Secret key cryptography: DES, triple DES, AES, key distribution, Cryptography: digital
signature, RSA, key exchange (Deffie Hellman), message Authentication code (MAC), MD5.
Integrity, Authentication and Non-repudation: Introductory(DSA, Kerberos) ,one way hash
functions, SHA , ISDN, ISO Authentication framework, web security protocols(IPSec),
Electronic payments, E-cash, Secure electronic transfer(SET).
Suggested reading:
1.Bruce Schneier-Applied cryptography Wiley 2001.
2.William Stallings, Cryptography and Network Security,4th Edition, Pearson, 2009.
3.Joseph Migga Kizza, A guide to computer Network Security, Springer, 2010.
4.Dario Cataiano, Contempory Cryptography, Springer, 2010.
With effect from the academic year 2021-2022
Max Marks Duration(Hrs)
Course Code Course Title Type L P Credits SEE CIE SEE CIE
Unit II:
IoT Physical Devices and Endpoints - Introduction to Raspberry PI - Interfaces (serial, SPI,I2C).
Programming – Python program with Raspberry PI with focus of interfacing external gadgets,
controlling output, reading input from pins.
Unit III:
IoT Physical Servers and Cloud Offerings – Introduction to Cloud Storage models and
communication APIs. Web server – Web server for IoT, Cloud for IoT, Python web application
framework. Designing a RESTful web API
Unit IV:
Getting around Linux on Raspberry pi, using command line and file system, other operating
systems and linux distributions for pi, Python on pi, Audrino for pi, programming input and
output with python, working with cameras.
1. Internet of Things - A Hands-on Approach, Arshdeep Bahga and Vijay Madisetti, Universities
Press, 2015, ISBN: 9788173719547
2. Getting Started with Raspberry Pi, Matt Richardson & Shawn Wallace, O'Reilly (SPD), 2014,
ISBN: 9789350239759
With effect from the academic year 2021-2022
Max Marks Duration(Hrs)
Course Code Course Title Type L P Credits SEE CIE SEE CIE
Oral presentation is an important aspect of engineering education. The objective of the seminar is
to prepare the student for systematic independent study of state of the art topics in broad are
his/her specialization. Seminar topics can be chosen by the students with the advice from the
faculty members. Students are to be exposed to following aspects of seminar presentation.
Literature Survey
Organization of material
Preparation of Power point Presentation slides and Technical Writing.
Each Student is required to:
1. Submit one page of synopsis of the seminar talk two days before for display on notice board.
2. Give 20 minutes presentation through MS-Power Point presentation slides followed by 10
minutes discussion.
3. Submit a report on the seminar topic with a list of references and slides used within a week.
With effect from the academic year 2021-2022
Max Marks Duration(Hrs)
Course Code Course Title Type L P Credits SEE CIE SEE CIE
The project seminar presentation should include the following components of the project:
• Problem definition and specification.
• Literature survey, familiarity with research journals.
• Broad knowledge of available techniques to solve a particular problem.
• Planning of the work, preparation of bar (activity) charts
• Presentation both oral and written.