& Quarter
At the end of the lesson, the learners should be able SHSto;Track
a. Demonstrate understanding of the basic fundamental skills in volleyball.
Inclusive Learning Grade 10
DETAILED LESSON Dates Execute correctly the different skills involve in volleyball
c. Appreciate the importance of engaging one’s
PLAN SENIOR HIGH Scheduled self in moderate
Topic TeamtoSports
vigorous physical
SCHOOL Time activities.
The learner leads sports events with proficiency and confidence resulting in independent
B. Performance Standards pursuit and in influencing others positively.
Engages in moderate to vigorous physical activities (MVPAs) for at least 60 minutes most
days of the week in variety of settings in-and –out of school. PEH11FH-IIa-t-8
C. Learning Competencies
At the end of the lesson, the learners should be able to;
/ Objectives (Write the
LC Code)
d. Demonstrate understanding of the basic fundamental skills in volleyball.
e. Execute correctly the different skills involve in volleyball
f. Appreciate the importance of engaging one’s self in moderate to vigorous physical
III. Procedure
(Demonstration Method)
5. Motivation: (5 mins.)
Before we start with our discussion, let’s play a game called
"Dodging It!" Students will perform the activity.
Does anyone here knows the game dodge ball? Yes/No Mam!
Our game is similar to dodge ball but we will add some twist
on it.
The aim of the game is to dodge the ball coming your way for
as long as possible. You may jump, slide to the side, or hit the
ball back with your palm or forearms. You are not allowed to
catch the ball. Aside from your palms or forearms, the ball
should not hit any part of your body. If so, you are out of the
game. So the class will be divided into three (3) groups. The
first group will be standing in one line at the end of the
playing court, the second group will be standing at the
opposite end, and the third group will be in the middle. Two
balls will be given to first group. They may play a strategy by
passing the ball to the other side of the group then hit the
players in the middle. At the start of the whistle group 1 and
2 will try to hit the players of group 3. The losing player will
replace the one who hit him/her.
B. Developmental Activities
1. Presentation /Lesson proper
Okay class, let’s watch a short a video clip about the game
Students will watch the video and take down
volleyball. Take down some notes on what you have observe in the
video. some notes
How does the game started after the referee blow his whistle? The game started by serving the ball
Very good! So the game started by serving the ball. And serving is The player toss the ball in the air and hit it with
the first fundamental skills in volleyball. Now, how did the player her palm.
serve the ball?
Very good, it is overhand serve. You toss the ball in the air and hit it
The ball was toss into the air then the server
with your palm open. Aside from this what else?
jump and hit the ball with the palm.
Correct! What do kind of service was that?
Jump serve
Okay, it is jump serve! It is the same with the first one but this time
the player jumps and while in the air he/she hits the ball with her
palm. Now, spiking or jump spike is called the over hand serve.
We have also the under hand serve. Does anyone here knows how Mam, it is done by holding the ball in one
the underhand serve is done? hand , swings the other hand in arc motion .
Very good it is done by holding the ball in one hand , swings the
other hand in arc motion
Next, lets watch this. (show a short video about receiving the ball
The player receive the ball by clasping her both
after the service)
hands together and the ball bump into her/his
From the video that you have watched, how does the player receive
the ball? forearms.
Very good! Very good so the player receive the ball clasping our
hands together, one palm inside the other and let the ball bump Mam. The player receive the ball above her
into our forearms. What else? head using her forefingers.
Correct! That is another type of receiving. The player receive the ball
above her head using her forefingers. After receiving what did she She pass it on to her team mates
So she pass it on to her team mate. And her team mate did what? The next player toss the ball into the air again
using her/his forefingers.
We call that class as the setting. Take note that in setting, the ball
should not rest in the hand it must not touch the palm. We call that
class as the overhead pass.
Okay, next (show a short video about spiking the ball near the net Spiking
with a blocker)
From the video that you have watched what do you think is that The player slams the ball sharply downward
skill? over the net and into thr opposing court.
So, those class are the basic fundamental skills in volleyball. What
are they again? Serving, Receiving, Passing, Spiking and
2. Demonstration of the skills
Let me show you class, how this 4 basic fundamentals skill are being
While I’m showing you how it is done, you observe and later you will (Students will observe)
replicate the movement.
This is how the underhand/overhand serve, receiving, passing,
blocking is done.
Students will replicate the movement after the
teacher demonstrate each skill.
3. Replicating the movement
Now, class you will replicate the movement. Once I blow my whistle
you will execute first the movement of the arm/hands in serving the
ball, then second whistle you will execute the position of the arm
how to receive the ball, third whistle, spiking and the fourth whistle
is blocking. Yes Mam!
The students will replicate the movement at
every whistle of the teacher.
C. Concluding Activities
1. Application
The students will be divided into two groups. (If the class is bigger, The class will execute the different basic
the class will be divided into four groups) Each group will stand at fundamental skills with the ball
the serving area and at the opposite side of the playing court. At the
every whistle, the student will execute the different basic
fundamental skills in volleyball.
(While the students are playing the teacher will evaluate the
performance of the students using the criteria stated in part IV.
3. Valuing
Okay class what do you think is the importance of playing volleyball? Answers may vary according to the student
How does the game volleyball changes one’s health status? perception.
IV. Evaluation The students’ performance will be evaluated
While the students are playing the game, the teacher will evaluate based from the criteria below:
their performance using the criteria.
Proficiency in Execution- 30%
Ability to adapt or use skills in certain
situations -40%
Behavior in Playing Volleyball 30%
V. Assignment Goodbye sir!
Research about the different defensive skills in Volleyball. Explain each
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