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CBME GU Uni. Exam Pattern

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g\r Fax : (079) 26302654

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ilitir. 26300126

cJef?rd gtiel{{t
3Jve,rdgRcfd8 aqletq, Office of the Gujarat University,
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ql*r troro, GT'JANA:T UNIVENSil:IY Post Box No,t0l0,
Navarangpur4 Ahmedabad - 380 009
'tqtqult, urtacua - 3co ooe w*w. guJaratun iverslty.org. ln

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std.{tdt s?qr A"ic0 E.

4: In order to provide exposure to Undergraduate students in Superspeciality Subjects, it

was decided to incorporate Ctinical Posting in Superspeciality Subjects in addition to
regular UG Teaching schedule.

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'ls: : (ooc) rssor.s\r Fax : (079) 26302654

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l,9goot L9 26300126

..1nra 3l+el{fl a'rle,r, t%?rd Xhct{{t Office of the Gujarat University,

.i voro,
6fu,tr GI,JANATUNIVENSTTT Post Box No 4010,
'i€ qra.u6 - gco aoc Navarangpura, Ahmedabad - 380 009
'rci+Xn, www-guraratuniwlalty,org. ln

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stelqtdl srqt Q"i.{l E.

: It was unanimously decided to approve the 3d M.B.B.S. Part I(Annexure l)and 3d

M.B.B.S.Part II (Annexure II), Theory papef, Scheme, Practical Examination
Scheme,guidelines for Intemal Assessm€nt Scheme prepared by the concemed subject experts
of the Medical college affiliated with Gujarat University as per MCVNMC Norms.


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Guia Universitv mination eme
Topks Dhtion
Paoer -I
Section I:
Alimentar5 system. Nutrition and vitamin deficiencies. Kidney & urinaq.sl.stem. Water &
_ electrolltes balance. Hemopoetic S!.stem & common malignancy. AeiCbtvt
Section II: s)stem, Endocritre & Metabolic diseases, Infectious and tr,opical diseases. HIV.
Paoer - II
Section I:
Central Nervous s)'stem, Respiratory s)'stem. Rheumatologl.& connective tissue disorders,
' Poisoning and toxicolog; Immunorog,; Genetics, Rore oi physician in cornmuni5., Rest of
the topics not covercd in both papers, AETCOM
Section II: Dermatolory, Venerolots,- and Leprosy (DVL), Ps1chiatr1,. Respiratory Medicine including
Tlme Duration : 3 tl,ours paper{ Marks 100

Section I
Q.l Struetured Long Question An1' I out of2 I x l0 marks = l0 ma*s

Q.2 Case b8sed sEnarlo/ Applied Short noter Any 2 out of3 2x6marks= 12 marks

Q.3 Writ€ Short Notes An) 3 our of4 3x6mgrks= l8 ma*s

Q.4 Answer only ln 2-3 S€ntcnces Any 5 out of6 5x 2 marks: l0 marks
Section II
Q.5 Structured Long eucstion Any I out of2 I x l0 marks = l0 marks

Q.6 Case bared scenarid ApplH Short uotcs Any 2 oirt of 3 2x6ma*s=12rarks
Q.? Write Short Notes Anv 3 out ofl 3x6marks=lSmarks
Q.E Ansner only b 2-3 Sentences Any 5 out of6 $x 2 marks = l0 marks
TimeDuradon:3Hours Paper-II lVlerkr 100

Section I
Q.I Structured l,ong Questlon An) I out of2 I x l0 marks - l0 marts

Q.2 Case boscd scenario/ Apptied Short noteJ An1 2 out of3 2 x 6 marks = l2 marks

Q.3 Write Short Notes Any 3 out of4 3x6mark=l8marks

Q.4 Answcr onty h 2-3 Sentences Any 5 out of6 5 x2 marks = l0 marks 1g
Section II
Q.s Structur€d Long Qu€stioll Any I out of2 I x l0 marks - [0 marks

Q.6 Case bucd scenario/ Applied Short notes Any 2 out of3 2x6marks= 12 marks

Q.7 Write Short Notes Any 3 out of4 3 x 6 marks,= l8 marks

Q.E Answer only in 2-3 Sentences Any 5 out of6 5x2 marks = l0 marks

L. Poper should contain at leost one question frore pre ond poro-Clinicol subJects.
2. At leost one question should be from Professionol Devetopment Progromme (AETCOM module) prelerobly
in question j.
3. The topics assigned to the dilferent papers/sedions are generolly osked under those papers/sections.
However o strict division of the topics moy not be possible ond some overldpping of topics is inevitoble.
Students should be prcpored to onswet overlapping topics.
Gularat Unlverslw Examlnatlon Scheme
.,{}, *T*
Paner - I
Section L Gastsointestinal tract, Endocrine - thyroid, paratlryroid, Adrenals, Brcast, Paediatric surgerl',
Herniq Umbilicug Abdominal *'all, AETCOM
Section II: Genit<iurinary System, Neurosuigery. Vascular diseases. Trauma
Paoer - II
Sgg!@.I: General Surgery,, Head & Neck, Thora:r, Recent advances & Miscellaneous, AETCOM
Section - IL Orthopaedics, Anesdresiolog', Radiodiagnosis. and Dentistqr

TimeDuration:3Hours Paper-l Marks 100

Section I
q.1 Structur€d Long Qu$tion Any l.out of2 I x l0 marks = l0 marks

Q,2 Cese based scenario/ Applied Short notes Any 2 out of3 2x6marks= 12 marks
Q,3 Write Short Notes An)' 3 out of4 3x6marks= 18 marls

Q.4 Ans$er only ln 2-3 Sentences Any 5 out of6 5x2 marks= l0marks
Section II
(LE Structured l,ong Qu6tion Any I out of2 I x I0 marks = l0 m8rks

q6 Cere based scenario/ Applied Short notes An1' 2 out of3 2x6marks= 12 marks

q,7 Write Short Note! Any 3 out of4 3x6 marks: 18 marks

Og Ansrver only in 2-3 Scntences An,- 5 out of6 5x 2 marks: l0 marks

TlmeDuratlon:3Hours Paper-ll Mark 100

Section I
Q.r Structured Long Question Any I out of2 I x l0 marks = l0 marks

Q.2 Case based scenario/ Applied Short notes Any 2 out of3 2x6marks=12marks

Q.3 lVrite Short Notes An1 3 out of4 3x6 marks: l8 marks

Q.4 Ansrver onlv in 2-3 Sentences An!' 5 out of 6 5x2 marks = l0 marks

Section lI
Q.s Structured Long Question Any I out of2 I x l0 marks = l0 marks

Q.6 Case based scenario/ Applied Short notes Any 2 out of3 2 x 6 marks = [2 mar*s !

Q.7 Write Short :{otes Any 3 out of4 3x6 marks: lE mad<s

Q.r Ansser onlv in 2-3 Sentences Any 5 out of6 5x2 marks= l0mark

L. Poper should contoin ot least one question from Pre ond pdro-Clinicol subjects.
2. At leost one question should be from Prolessional Development Progromme (AETCOM module) preferably
in question 3.
3. The topics ossigeed to the dilferent popers/sections ore generally asked under those papers/sections.
However a strict dlvision of the topics moy not be possible ond some overlopping oi topics is inevitoltle.
Students should be prepored to onswer overlopping topics.

Guiarat U niversiw Examin Scheme
Paoer - |

SggllglL Demography, Anatomy of Female Reproductive Tract Physiology of Conception,

Antenatal care, Normal Labour, Placenta, Puerperium, New born, AETCOM
Seg31g.4, Pre@nceptional bounselling Abnormal Labour, Complications of Third stage of Labour, HiSh risk
Pregnancy, Abnormal Puerperium.

Paper - ll
Sectlon 1: Family welfare lncluding MTP & Contracefiion, Puberty, Amenorrhoea, lnfertility, Menopause,
Sectlon (AUB), Genital injuries, Genital infection, Fibroids, Prolapse, Benign and
2: Abnormal Uterine Bleeding
Mallgnant conditions of cervix, Uterqs and Ovary.
Tlme Duratlon :3 Hours Paper-l Marks 100
Sectlon I
Q.l Structured Lont questlon loutof2 1x 10 marks = 10 marks

Q.2 case based scenarlo/ Applied short notes Any 2 out of 3 2x6mark=12mark

Q,3 Wrlte Short Notes Any 3 out of 4 3x6marks=18mark

Q.4 Answer only in Z-3 Senten€es Any 5 out of 6 5x2 marks= 10 marks

Sectlon ll
Q.5 Structured Long questlon Any l out of 2 1 x 10 mark = 10 ma*s

q.6 cas€ based scena o/ Applled short notes Any 2 out of 3 2x6marts=12marks

Q.7 Wrlte Sftort ]{otes Any 3 out of4 3x6marks.18marks

q.8 Answer only ln 2-3 Sentences Any 5 out of 6 5x2 marI6 = 10 marks

Time Duratlon : 3 Hours Paper-ll Marks lfi)

( Section I
Q.1 sructured Lon! Questlon Any loutof2 1 x 10 marks = 10 marks

q.2 Case based sc€narlo/ Applled Short notes Any 2 out of 3 2x6marks=12marks

Q.3 Wrlte Short llotes Any 3 out of 4 3x6marks=18marks

Q,4 Answer only ln 2-3 Sentences Any 5 out of 6 5x2 marks = 10 marks 3
Sectlon ll
Q,5 Structured Long questlon Any loutof2 1 x 10 marks = 10 marks

q.5 case based scenarlo/ Applied short notes Any 2 out of 3 2xOmarks=12marks

q.7 wrlte shon Notes Any 3 out of 4 3 x 6 marks'= 18 marks

Q.8 Answer only ln 2-3 S€ntences Any 5 out of 6 5x2 marks = 1O marks

L- Poper should contain ot least one question frofi Pre and Poro-Clinicol subiec*.
2- At tedst one question should be frcm Professionai Development Progrcmne (AETCOM module) preferobly
in question i.
j. The toplcs dssigned to the difJerent popers/sections ore generally osked under those papers/sections.
However o strict divlsion of the topics moy not be possible and some overlopping of toplcs ls inevitoble.
Students should be preoared to onswer overlopping topits.
Guiarat U niversitv Examina tion Scheme
Topic Division

Section- r:- General-Paediatrlcs, Grorvth & Developmen! Behavioural & Learning Disability, Normal
Nutrition, Assessment and Monitoring Malniutrition, Micro and Macro Nutrients, Deficiency
Diseases, Vihmins, Fluid & Electrolyte balance, Infectious Diseases, Vaccine preventable
diseases, Anaemiq IMNCI, UIp, National Health programme. AETCOM
section -II: - care ofNewbom, Breast Feeding, complementary Feeding High risk nervbom, KMC, preterm,
lorv birth rveight, Birth Asphyxia" Congenital Anomalies, Slstemic Diseases including Hemat-
Hemoglobinopathies, Haemophiliq Genitourinar5,, Respiratory, CVS (CHD), CNS. Dianhoeal
Diseasg Liver Disease, Chromosomal Anomalies, Pediatric Emergencies (Convulsions,
Bronchial Asthmq Epilepsy), Eidocrine Disorders

TimeDuration:3Hours Marks :100

Section I
Q.1 Structured Long Question Any loutof2 I x l0marks= l0 marks
Generat Paediatrics, Grouth & Developmen!
Nutrition, Basic Science
Q.2 Case besed scenerio/ Applied Short notes An1'2 out of3 2x6 marks= 12 marks
InFectious Diseases Vitamins, Fluid & Electroll.te
Q.3 Wrlte Short Note! Any 3 out of4 3x6marks: l8 marks
Topics covered in section I and AETCOM
Q.4 Answer only in 2-3 Sentences Any 5 out of6 5 x 2'marks = l0 marks
Topics covered in section I

Section II
C Q.s Structured Long Question Any I outof2 I x l0marks: I0 marks
Ne*.bom Health & Diseases
Q.6 Case based scenario/ Applied Short notes Any2outof3 2x6marks= 12 marks
Systemic Diseases including Hemat-
Hemoglobinopathies, Haemophiliq Genitourinary.,
Respiratory, CVS (CHD), CNS, Diarrhoeal
Disease, Liver Disease a;
Q.7 Write Short Notes .
Any 3 out of4 3x6 marks: l8 marks
Topics covered in section lI
Q.E Ansrver only in 2-3 Sentences Any 5 out of6 5x2 marks: l0 marks
Topics covered in section II

\. Paper should contoin ot leost one questian f, om pre ond poto-Clinical subjects.
2' At leost one question should be from Professionol Development progromme (AETCIM module) preferably
in question 3.
3' The topics assigned to the different papers/sections ore generolly
asked under those papers/sections.
However o strid division of topics may not be possibli ond some overlopping of aiiri
Students should be prepared.the
to answer overlopping topics.

Guiarat Universitv
Third M.B.B.S. P rt If Pra ct cal Ma r ks heme
Medicine & Surgerv
One Long Case 80 Marks
Tn'o Short Cases 80 Marks (40 x 2:80)
Oral Viva 40 lvlarks
200 Marks
a D of Marks Pairs of
Pair I Long Case 80 Marks Halfcandidates
Pair II Long Case 80 Marks Halfcandidates
Pair III Short Case I 40 Marks All candidates
Pair IV Short Case II 40 ivlarks All candidates
Pair V Oral Vira 40 Marks Half candidates
Pair VI Oral Viva 40 Marks Half candidates
Time Duration:

Particular Examination Time for Student Assessment Time for Examiner

Long Case 20 Minutes 10 Minutes
Short Case l0 Minutes 05 Minutes
Oral Viva l0 Minutes
Obstetrics & Gynaecology
a Practical:
One Long Case 100 Marks
Oral Viva (Obst.) 50 Marks
Oral Vira (Gpraec) - 50 Mar.ks
ZOO tr,tart<s

a Division of Marks in Pairs of

Pair I Long Case 100 Marks Halfcandidates
Pair II Long Case 100 Marks Half candidates
Pair In Oral Viva (Obst.) 50 Marks All candidates
Pair IV Oral Viva (Glnaec) 50 Marks AII candidates
t cal: g
One Long Case 60 lvlarks
Oral Viva 40 Marks
100 Marks
Division of Marks in Pairs of Examiners:
Pair I Long Case 60 Marks Half candidates
Pair II Long Case 60 Marks Halfcandidates
Pair III Oral Viva 40 lvlarks All candidates
a Time Duration for Obstetrics & Gvnaecologl' end Paediatrics

Particular Examination Time for Student Assessment Time for Examincr

Long Case 20 Minutes l0 Minutes
Oral Vila 0.5 lUinutes
Guiarat University
Guideline for Internal Marks for Medicine and Allied Specialities

Theory Practical
Internal Examination 60 60
Preliminary Examination 60 60
*Formative evaluation
(Day to Day) 80 80

Total 200 200

* Formative evaluation

Periodic/System Endin g Practical

Ward Ending
(40 marks) Exam/TheoryViva
(40 marks)

Medicine Assignment/Joumal Joumal + Logbook

(10 marks) (sDL/ECE/AETCOM)
(10 marks)

Attendance Attendance
(10 marks) (10 marla)
Allied Specialities :
Psychiatry: 8 marks Ward ending (MCQV Objectives) + Ward ending Practical +
Dermatolory: 8 marks Jo umaUAssignment * Attendance Logbook * Attendance
Respiratory Medicine: 4 (20 marks) (20 marks)

Guiarat Universitv
Guideline for Internal Marks for SurserJaud Allied Specialities

Theory Practical

Internal Examination 60 60

Preliminary Examination 60 60
*Formative evaluation
80 80
(Day to Day)
Total 200 200
*Formative evaluation

Ward Ending Practical

Ward Ending
Exarn/Theory Viva
t (40 marks)
(40 marks)
Assignment/Joumal Journal + Logbook
Surgery (10 marks) (sDL/ECE/AETCOM)
(10 mart<s)

Attendance Attendance
(10 marla) (10 marks)

Allied Specialities: Ward ending (MCQs/

Orthopaedics (including Trauma): 8
Objectives) + Ward ending Practical Exam +
Joumal/Assignment + Logbook + Attendance
Anaesthesiolory:4 marks (20 marks)
Radiodiagnosis: 4 marks
(20 marks)
Dentistry: 4 marks

Gui rat U niversitv
Guideline for Internal Marks for Obstretics & Gvnaecologv

lnternal Examination 60 60
Preliminary Examination 60 60
*Formotive evaluation
80 80
Lra! to Da
'Iotal 200 200

Ward Ending Ward Ending Practical

(60 marks) Exam/Thegry Viva
(60 marks)
* Formative evaluation AssignmenVJournal Joumal + Logbook
(Day to Day) (10 marks) (SDL/ECE/AETCOM)
(10 marks)

Attendance Attendance
(10 marks) (10 marks)

Guiarat Universitv
Guideline for Internal Marls for Paediatrics

Theory Practical
Internal Examination 30 30

Preliminary Examination 30 30
*Formative evaluation
40 40
@ay to Day)
Total r00 100

Ward Ending Practica] Exam/Theory

Ward Ending
(20 marks)
(20 marks)

* Formative evaluation Assignment/Joumal Joumal / Logbook

(Day'to Day) (10 marks) (SDLiECE/AETCOIvf)
(10 marks)

Attendance Attendance
(10 marks) (10 marks)


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