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R18 PPS Unit-I

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By: Mrs. Anjusha P.


Computer : A Computer is an electronic device that takes data and instructions as

an input from the user, process data, and provides useful information known as
output. This cycle of operation of a computer is known s the input-process-output
It performs the following three operations in sequence.

1. It receives data & instructions from the input device.

2. Processes the data as per instructions.
3. Provides the result (output) in a desired form.

Basic Computer Functioning.

Fig. 1 Basic block diagram of a computer

To understand the flow, basic block diagram of a computer is as shown in Fig.

There are four main building blocks in computers
1. Input unit: The data is entered through input devices like the keyboard, disks
or mouse. These input devices convert data and programs into the language
processed by computer
2. Processor(CPU): The data received from the keyboard is processed by the
CPU, i.e. the Central Processing Unit. The CPU controls and manipulates the
data .
3. Output unit : Output devices translate the processed information from the
computer into a user understandable form.
4. Memory. The processed data is either stored in the memory or sent to the
output device, as per the command given by the user. The memory unit holds
data and program instructions for processing.

It is made of major two components. 1) Software 2) Hardware.


Computer Hardware :
 These are the physical components of a computer
 It consists of 5 Parts
1) Input Devices 4) Primary Storage
2) Output Devices 5) Secondary Storage
3) CPU
Computer Software:
 The software is used to make the hardware of the computer to function
 Software is collection of programs (or) instructions
 Computer software is divided into 2 categories
1) System Software
2) Application Software

Charles Babbage (16 December 1791 –18 October 1871) was an English polymath.
He is known as father of computers. He was invented first analytical computer in
year 1811.
The term computer is derived from the Latin term “computare”, this means to
calculate or programmable machine. Computer cannot do anything without a
Program. Charles Babbage is called the "Grand Father" of the computer.

Computers can be broadly classified by their speed and computing power.

S.No Type Specifications

1 PC It is a single user computer system having moderately
powerful microprocessor
It is also a single user computer system which is
2 WorkStation similar to
personal computer but have more
powerful microprocessor.
3 Mini It is a multi-user computer system which is capable of
Compute supporting hundreds of users simultaneously.
It is a multi-user computer system which is capable
4 Main Frame of supporting hundreds of users simultaneously.
Software technology is different from minicomputer.
It is an extremely fast computer which can execute
Super hundreds of millions of instructions per second.For
5 Compute example, weather forecasting, scientific simulations,
r (animated) graphics, fluid dynamic calculations,
energy research, electronic design, and analysis of
geological data (e.g. in petrochemical prospecting).

1.1 Computer Characteristics.

The characteristics of computers that have made them so powerful and

universally useful are speed, accuracy, diligence, versatility and storage
 Computers work at an incredible speed.
 It is capable of performing calculation of very large amount of data.
 A powerful computer is capable of performing about 3-4 million simple
instructions per second.
 In addition to being fast, computers are also accurate.
 The calculations are 100% error free.
 Computers perform all jobs with 100% accuracy provided that correct
input has been given.
 Unlike human beings, computers are highly consistent. They do not
suffer from human traits of boredom and tiredness resulting in lack of
concentration. Computers, therefore, are better than human beings in
performing voluminous and repetitive jobs.
 Computers are versatile machines and are capable of performing any task
as long as it can be broken down into a series of logical steps. The
presence of computers can be seen in almost every sphere – Railway/Air
reservation, Banks, Hotels, Weather forecasting and many more.
Storage Capacity
 Today’s computers can store large volumes of data. A piece of
information once recorded (or stored) in the computer, can never be
forgotten and can be retrieved almost instantaneously.

1.2. Software

Software means a set of computer instructions or programs. Basically

computer software divided into two types.
1. System software
2. Application software

1. System software: It is a collection of programs that directly interfaces with

the hardware that provides the basic non-task-specific functions of the
computer. Some common categories of system software are as follows
 Language translators: It is system software that transforms a computer
program written by programmer into a form that can be understood by
the machine.

 Operating System: The Operating System (OS) is an interface between

the computer software and hardware. The most popular and latest
operating systems include UNIX, Linux, Windows 10, Mac, Sun Solaris

 Utilities: Utility programs are those that may be requested by application

programs many times during the execution phase. Some examples are as
follows: sort/merge techniques and Transfer programs for transforming
data content from one medium to another. Ex: disk to tape, tape to disk,

 Special purpose software: It extends the capability of operating systems

to provide specialized services to application programs. Ex: Loader,
linker etc.

Features of system software are as follows:

 Close to system
 Fast in speed
 Difficult to design
 Difficult to understand
 Less interactive
 Smaller in size
 Difficult to manipulate
 Generally written in low-level language

2. Application software: Application software which is used by users to

accomplish specific tasks. The application software includes printing
documents, and permitting access to internet for web and video conferencing
activities. Ex: MS-word, Excel, powerpoint etc.
Examples of Application software are following
 Payroll Software
 Student Record Software
 Inventory Management Software
 Income Tax Software

1.3. Modes of operations.

There are two different ways that a large computer can be shared by many different
users.  The computing environments are classified into 4 types. They are
1) Personal computing environment
2) Time sharing environment
3) Client – server environment
4) Distributed computing environment
1) Personal computing environment
 In a personal computer, all the basic elements of the CPU are
combined into the microprocessor and all the hardware components
are tied together.
 The whole computer can be used by the user to perform his task

Fig : personal computing environment

 Disadvantage
Much of the CPU time is wasted

2) Time- Sharing environment

 For effective usage of CPU time, many users are connected to one
(or) more computers to form a time- sharing environment.
 There will be a central computer which performs the following:
- controls the shared resources
- manages shared data & printing
- does the computing

Advantage :
Computer is busy always reducing CPU idle time

Response becomes slow as the number of users connected to the central computer

Fig : Time-sharing environment
3) Client – Server environment
 This environment splits the computing function between a central
computer and user computer
 Users are given personal computer (PC’s) on workstations so that
some of computation responsibility can be moved from central
computer and assigned to the workstation
 User’s workstations (or) micro computers are called as “Clients”
 The powerful central mainframe (or) micro computer is known as
- Response time is faster
- Users are more productive

4) Distributed computing environment

 It provides integration of computing functions between different
servers and clients
 “Internet” provides connectivity to different servers throughout the
 It provides
-- reliable
-- scalable
-- highly available network
Fig:Distributed computing environment

1.4. Types of programming Languages.

A programming language: The language used in the communication of

computer instructions is known as the programming language. It is a formal
constructed language designed to communicate instructions to a machine,
particularly a computer. Programming languages can be used to create
programs to control the behavior of a machine.

There are three levels of programming languages are available. They are:

1. Machine languages ( Low-level Languages)

2. Assembly languages (Symbolic Languages)
3. High level languages

Machine Languages
A language that is directly understood by the computer without any
translation is called machine languages. A machine language is string of 0s and
1s. Machine language are usually referred to as the first generation languages.

Machine language is the lowest-level programming language. Programs and

applications written in low-level language are directly executable on the
computing hardware without any interpretation or translation.
An instruction written in any machine language has two parts:
i. Operation code (Opcode)
ii. Operand address or location

 Execution speed is very fast
 Efficient use of primary memory
 It does not require any translation because machine code is directly
understood by the computer.
 Machine dependent: The machine language is different for different
types of computers.
 Difficult to write program: because it requires memorizing dozens
of opcodes
for different commands.
 Error prone:
 Difficult to modify

Assembly Languages: Assembly languages are usually referred to as the second-

generation languages. It is also lowest-level programming language.
These are introduced in 1950’s.
 Assembly languages are just one level higher than machine language.
 Assembly language consists of special codes called mnemonics to
represent the language instructions instead of 0’s and 1’s. The
mnemonic code is also called as operation code or opcode.
For example, ADD, SUB, MUL, JMP, LOAD
 Easier to memorize and use:Assembly language program is
easy to use, understand and memorize because it uses
mnemonic codes in place of binary codes
 Easy to write input data: In assembly language programs the
input data can be written in decimal number system, later they
are converted into binary.
 It is easier to correct errors and modify program instructions.
 The Assembly Language has the same efficiency of execution as
the machine level language. Because this is one-to-one translator
between assembly language program and its corresponding
machine language program.
 Easy print out.
 Good library facility.
 Machine dependent. A program written for one computer might
not run in other computers with different hardware configuration.
 Knowledge of hardware is required.
 Time consuming
 Translators required (i.e. Assembler)

High Level Languages: Sometimes abbreviated as HLL, a high-level language

is a computer programming language that isn't limited by the computer,
designed for a specific job, and is easier to understand. It is more like human
language and less like machine language. However, for a computer to
understand and run a program created with a high-level language, it must be
compiled into machine language.
The first high-level languages were introduced in the 1950's. Today, there
are many high-level languages in use, including BASIC, C, C++, COBOL,
FORTRAN, Java, Pascal, Perl, PHP, Python, Ruby and Visual Basic.

High-level programming languages can be classified into the following three


1. Procedure-oriented languages (Third generation)

2. Problem-oriented languages (Fourth generation)
3. Natural languages (Fifth generation)

Procedure-oriented languages (Third generation)

A third generation (programming) language (3GL) is a grouping of

programming languages that introduced significant enhancements to second
generation languages, primarily intended to make the programming language
more programmer-friendly.

English words are used to denote variables, programming structures and

commands, and Structured Programming is supported by most 3GLs.
commonly known 3GLs are FORTRAN, BASIC, Pascal and the C-family (C,
C+, C++, C#, Objective-C) of languages.

Also known as 3rd generation language or a high-level programming language.

Problem-oriented languages (Fourth generation)

A fourth generation (programming) language (4GL) is a grouping of

programming languages that attempt to get closer than 3GLs to human
language, form of thinking and conceptualization.

4GLs are designed to reduce the overall time, effort and cost of software
development. The main domains and families of 4GLs are: database queries,
report generators, data manipulation, analysis and reporting, screen painters and
generators, GUI creators, mathematical optimization, web development and
general purpose languages. also known as a 4th generation language, a
domain specific language, or a high productivity language.

Natural Languages (Fifth Generation)

A fifth generation (programming) language (5GL) is a grouping of
programming languages build on the premise that a problem can be solved, and
an application built to solve it, by providing constraints to the program
(constraint-based programming), rather than specifying algorithmically how the
problem is to be solved (imperative programming).

In essence, the programming language is used to denote the properties, or

logic, of a solution, rather than how it is reached. Most constraint-based and
logic programming languages are 5GLs. A common misconception about 5GLs
pertains to the practice of some 4GL vendors to denote their products as 5GLs,
when in essence the products are evolved and enhanced 4GL tools.Also known
as 5th generation languages.

1.5 Algorithm

An algorithm is a finite set of step-by-step instructions to solve a problem.

The essential properties of an algorithm are:
1. Finiteness: The algorithm must always terminate after a finite number of
2. Definiteness: Each and every instruction should be precise and
unambiguous i.e. each and every instruction should be clear and should
have only one meaning.
3. Effectiveness: Each instruction should be performed in finite amount of
4. Input and Output: An algorithm must take zero or more inputs, and
produce one or more outputs.
5. Generality: An algorithm applies to different sets of same input type.

Practical Algorithm Design Issues:

1. To save time (Time Complexity): A program that runs faster is a better
2. To save space (Space Complexity): A program that saves space over a
competing program is considerable desirable.

1. It is step-by-step solution to a given problem which is very easy to
2. It has got a definite procedure.
3. It is easy to first develop an algorithm, then convert into a flowchart and
then into a computer program.
4. It is easy to debug as every step has got its own logical sequence.
5. It is independent of programming languages.
1. It is time consuming and cumbersome as an algorithm is developed first
which is converted into flowchart and then into a computer program
2. Algorithm lacks visual representation hence understanding the logic
becomes difficult.


1. Write an algorithm to add two numbers

Step 1: Start
Step 1: Declare variables num1, num1 and
sum Step 3: Read num1 and num1
Step 4: Add num1 and num1 and assign the result to sum.
sum←num1+num1 Step 5: Display sum
Step 6: Stop
2. Algorithm for finding the average of 3 numbers

1. start
2. Read the 3 variables of a,b&c
3. Compute sum = a+b+c
4. compute avg = sum/3
5. Print sum & avg values
6. Stop

1.6 Representation of algorithms.

1.6.1 Pseudo code:

 It is a simple way of writing programming code in English.

 It is a combination of generic syntax and normal English language.
 Pseudo code is not actual programming language.
 It uses short phrases to write code for programs before actually
create it in a specific language.
 It helps the programmer understand the basic logic of the program.

The example of a pseudo code to add two numbers and display the result as
shown below:

DEFINE: Integer num1, num1,

result READ: Integer num1
READ: Integer num2
Display: result


 Developing program code using Pseudo code is easier.

 The program code instructions are easier to modify in comparison
to a flowchart.
 It is well suited for large program design.

 It is difficult to understand the program logic since it does not use

pictorial representation.
 There is no standard format for developing a Pseudocode
1.6.2 Flowchart

 Flowchart is a pictorial or symbolic representation of an algorithm.

 It indicates process of solution.
 They are constructed by using special geometrical symbols.
Each symbol represents an activity.
 Flowcharts are read from top to bottom unless a branch alters the
normal flow.
1. It clarifies the program logic.
2. Before coding begins the flowchart assists the programmer in
determining the type of logic control to be used in a program
3. The flowchart gives pictorial representation
4. Serves as documentation
5. Serves as a guide for program writing.
6. Ensure that all possible conditions are accounted for.
7. Help to detect deficiencies in the problem statement.
1. When the program logic is complex the flowchart quickly becomes
complex and clumsy and lacks the clarity of decision table.
2. It alterations and modifications are required, the flowchart may require
re- drawing completely.
3. As the flowchart symbols cannot be typed reproduction of flowcharts
often a problem.
4. It is sometimes difficult for a business person or user to understand the
logic depicted in a flowchart.
Symbols used to draw flowcharts:

Example for a flowchart: Calculate the Interest of a Bank Deposit

1.7 Problem Solving or Program Development Steps

Problem Solving is the process of solving a problem in a computer system by

following a sequence of steps.
1. Defining the problem.
2. Designing the algorithm.
3. Coding the program.
4. Testing and debugging the program.
5. Implementing the program.
6. Maintaining and updating the program.
Defining the problem
It involves recognizing the problem; identifying exactly what the problem
is; determining the available inputs and desired output; deciding whether
problem can be solved by using computer.
Designing the algorithm
An algorithm is finite set of step-by-step instructions that solve a
problem. After defining the problem, algorithm can designed.
Coding the program
It involves actually writing the instructions in a particular language that
tell the computer how to operate.
Testing and debugging the program
After coding, the program must be tested to ensure that is correct and
contains no errors.

Three types of errors or bugs can be found which are

1. Syntax error
2. Logical error
3. Runtime error
Syntax Error
Syntax is a set of rules by which a programming language is governed.
Syntax error occurs when these rules are violated while coding of the program.

Logical Error
Improper coding of individual statements either or sequence of
statements causes this type of computer program. It does not stop the program
execution but gives wrong results.

Runtime Error
This error in a computer program stops its execution. It may be caused
by an entry of invalid data.


Computer understands machine language only. So, need to convert the given HLL
code in to machine language by using compiler. First, we need to write the
program then execute it to get the desired output.

There are 4 steps in this process.

i. Writing and editing programs

ii. Compiling programs
iii. Linking programs
iv. Program execution

i. Writing and editing programs:-

Text editor software is used to write, change and store the program.
Every file in C must be stored with .c extension. Like “add.c”.

ii. Compiling programs: -

Compiler is needed to convert the given source code in to machine

language (in the form of 0’s and 1’s). Then the source code will be converted and
saved in “add.obj”.

iii. Linking programs: -

The object file is not only enough to get the output. The object code of the
keywords used in the program is needed to be combined with the object file. For
example in any program, We use printf keyword and the object code of printf is
needed to be combined with object file.

iv. Program execution: -

Once the program has been linked, it is ready for execution. The program
must be loaded in to the primary memory to execute it. Loader will load the
program in to main memory. We use Run to execute the program.

It is a program which translates a high level language program into a machine
language program.
An Interpreter is a program which translates statements of a program into
machine code. It translates only one statement of the program at a time.
The machine code relating to the source code you have written is
combined with some other machine code to derive the complete program in an
executable file. This is done by a program called the linker.

Loader is a program that loads machine codes of a program into the
system memory. In Computing, a loader is the part of an Operating System that
is responsible for loading programs.

1.10. Introduction to C

C language was developed by Dennis Ritchie in 1971 at AT&T Bell

Laboratories (USA). C language was derived from B language which was
developed by Ken Thomson in 1970. This B language was adopted from a
language BCPL (Basic Combined Programming Language), which was developed
by Martin Richards at Cambridge University. The language B named as so by
borrowing the first initial from BCPL language. Dennis Ritchie modified and
improved B language and named it as C language, using second initial from

C language is not high level language and not a low level language. It is a
middle level language with high level and low level features.
C is a general purpose, structured programming language. C language is
one of the most popular computer languages today because it is a structured, high
level, machine independent language. It allows software developers to develop
software without worrying about the hardware platforms where they will be

Here are most common reasons why C is still so popular:

 C is one of the most popular programming languages of all time to create system
software as well as application software.
 C is a standardized programming language with international standards.
 C is the base for almost all popular programming languages.
 C is one of the foundations for modern computer science and information

Importance of C

It is a robust language whose rich set of built in functions and operators can be
used to write any complex program. The C compiler combines the capabilities of
an assembly language with the features of a higher level language and therefore it
is well suited for both system software and business packages.


Integrity. This refers to the accuracy of the calculations. It should be clear that all
other program enhancements will be meaningless if the calculations are not carried
out correctly. Thus, the integrity of the calculations is an absolute necessity in any
computer program.

Clarity refers to the overall readability of the program, with particular emphasis on
its underlying logic. If a program is clearly written, it should be possible for another
programmer to follow the program logic without undue effort.
Simplicity. The clarity and accuracy of a program are usually enhanced by keeping
things as simple as possible, consistent with the overall program objectives.

Eficiency is concerned with execution speed and efficient memory utilization.

Modularity. Many programs can be broken down into a series of identifiable
subtasks. It is good programming practice to implement each of these subtasks as a
separate program module. In C, such modules are written as functions. The use of a
modular programming structure enhances the accuracy and clarity of a program,
and it facilitates future program alterations.

Generality. Usually we will want a program to be as general as possible, within

reasonable limits. For example, we may design a program to read in the values of
certain key parameters rather than placing fixed values into the program. As a rule,
a considerable amount of generality can be obtained with very little additional
programming effort.
Some Simple C Programs.
1 My First Program In C: Hello World!!


int main() {
/* my first program in C */

printf("Hello, World! \n");

return 0;
Output :
Hello, World!

1.11 The C Character Set

We know that English language has 16 alphabets. We will use

combinations of these alphabets to form words, sentences, paragraphs etc. In a

similar way we will use the available characters while writing programs in any
programming language.

There are two set of characters in “C” language

1. Source characters.
2. Execution characters

1. Source Characters

These are characters that are used to create source text file. Source characters
Alphabets A to Z, a to z
Digits 0,1,1,3,4,5,6,7,8,9
Special Characters , . ; : ? ‘ “ ! | / \ ~ _ $ % # & ^ * + - <> ( ) { } [ ] and blank

2 Execution Characters

The meaning of these characters is interpreted at the time of execution.

These are also known as “Escape sequences because the backslash (\) is
considered as an ‘escape’ character. It causes an escape from normal
interpretation of a string. so that the next character is recognized as one having
special meaning.
Escape sequences

Escape Meaning Resul

sequenc t
\b Backspace Moves the cursor to the previous position of the
\a Bell(alert) Produces a beep sound for alert
\r Carriage return Moves the cursor to beginning of the current
\n New line Moves the cursor to beginning of the next line.
\0 Null Null character
\v Vertical tab Moves the cursor to next vertical tab position.
\t Horizontal tab Moves the cursor to next horizontal tab position.
\\ Backslash Present a character with backslash(\)


 Comments are used by programmers to add remarks and explanations

within the program.
 Compiler ignores all the comments and they do not have any effect on the
executable program.
 Comments are of two types; single line comments and multi-line comments.
 Single line comments start with two slashes ( // ) and all the text until
the end of the line is considered a comment.
// this is a single line comment
 Multi-line comments start with characters /* and end with characters */.
Any text between those characters is considered a multi-line comment.
/* this is a multi-line comment
and it spawned over
multiple lines */
1.13 Data Types of C

C supports different types of data. The type or Data type refers a type of
data that is going to be stored in variable. Data types can be broadly classified as
shown in figure
C provides a standard minimal set of data types. Sometimes these are also called
as ‘Primitive types’. They are:
 ‘char’ is used to store any single character.
 ‘int’ is used to store integer value.
 ‘float’ is used to store floating point value and
 ‘double’ is used for storing long range of floating point number.

Type Qualifiers
In addition, C has four type qualifiers, also known as type modifiers which
precede the basic data type. A type modifier alters the meaning of basic data type
to yield a new data type. They are as follows:
 short
 long ( to increase the size of an int or double type)
 signed
 unsigned

The qualifiers can be classified into two types:

 Size qualifier (e.g., short and long)
 Sign qualifier (e.g., signed and unsigned)

Size qualifiers: alters the size of basic data type. The keywords long and short are
two size qualifiers. For example:
long int i;
The size of int is 1 bytes but, when long keyword is used, that variable will be
either 4 bytes or 8 bytes.

Sign qualifiers: Whether a variable can hold only positive value or both values is
specified by sign qualifiers. Keywords signed and unsigned are used for sign

 Each of these type modifiers can be applied to base type int.

 The modifiers signed and unsigned can also be applied to base type char.
 In addition long can also be applied to double.
 When base type is omitted from a declaration, int is assumed.
Suppose a variable can be assigned only an integer value. Such variable can be
declared as
int a;
This declaration reserves two bytes of memory for storing the number. Such a
variable can store a number in range -31768 to 31767. In order to increase the
range you can add a qualifier to the declaration.
long int a;
The following table shows the basic data types with qualifiers and their ranges.

Data Type Size (in Rang

Bytes) e
Char 1 -118 to 117
unsigned char 1 0 to 155
signed char 1 -118 to 117
Int 1 -31768 to 31767
unsigned int 1 0 to 65535
signed int 1 -31768 to 31767
short int 1 -31768 to 31767
unsigned short int 1 0 to 65535
signed short int 1 -31768 to 31767
long int 4 -1147483648 to 1147483647
unsigned long int 4 0 to 4194967195
signed long int 4 -1147483648 to 1147483647
Float 4 3.4E-38 to 3.4E +38
Double 8 1.7E-308 to 1.7E+308
long double 10 3.4E-4931 to 1.1E+4931

void type

This type holds no value and thus valueless. It is primarily used in three cases:
1. To specify the return type of a function (when the function returns no value)
2. To specify the parameters of the function (when the function accepts no
arguments from the caller.)
3.To create generic pointers.

1.14 Various kinds of C


The data in C language can be

divided into
 Constants/literals
 Variables/Identifiers
 Reserved Words/Key words
 Delimiters

Constant can be defined as a value that can be stored in memory and cannot be
changed during execution of the program. Constants are used to define fixed
values like pi. C has four basic types of constants. They are:

Integer Constant

An integer constant must have at least one digit and should not have a decimal
point. It can be either positive or negative.
Examples for integer constants
1 9 134 999

Floating point Constant

A floating point constant is decimal number that contains either a decimal point or
an exponent. In the other words, they can be written in 1 forms: fractional and
When expressed in fractional form, note the following points.
1.There should be at least one digit, and could be either positive or
negative value. A decimal point is must.
2.There should be no commas or blanks.
Examples for fractional form
11.33 -19.56 +113.89 -0.7
When expressed in exponential form, a floating point constant will have 1
parts. One is before e and after it. The part which appears before e is known as
mantissa and the one which follows is known as exponent. When expressed in this
format, note the following points.

1. mantissa and exponential should be separated by letter E.

2. mantissa can have a positive and negative sign.
3. default is positive.

Examples for fractional form

1E-10 0.5e1 1.1E+3 -5.6E-1
Character Constant
These are single character enclosed in single quotes. A character can be
single alphabet, single digit, single special symbol enclosed with in single quotes.
Not more than a single character is allowed.
‘a’ ‘Z’ ‘5’ ‘$’
String Constant
A String constant is sequence of characters enclosed in double quotes. So
“a” is not same as ‘a’. The characters comprising the string constant are stored in
successive memory locations.
“hello” “Programming” “cse”


Variable is named memory location that can be used to store values. These
variables can take different values but one value at a time. These values can be
changed during execution of a program.Identifiers are basically names given to
program elements such as variables, arrays and functions.

Rules for naming a Variable/Identifier

1. The only characters allowed are alphabets, digits and underscore (_).
2. They must start with an alphabet or an underscore (_).
3. It can not include any special characters or punctuation marks (like #, $, ^, ?,
., etc.) except underscore (_).
4. They can be of any reasonable length. They should not contain more than 31
characters. But it is preferable to use 8 characters.
5. There cannot be two successive underscores.
6. Reserved words/keywords cannot be identifiers.
7. Lower case or uppercase letters are significant.

1.15 Key words

 These are also called as reserved words.
 All Keywords have fixed meanings and these meanings cannot be changed.
 There are 32 keywords in C programming.
 Keywords serve as basic building blocks for a program statement.
 All keywords must be written in lowercase only.

C Keywords

Auto Double int struct

Break Else long switch
Case Enum register typedef
Char Extern return union
Const Float short unsigned
Continue For signed void
Default Goto sizeof volatile
Do If static while

1.16 Delimiters

Delimiters are used for syntactic meaning in C. These are given below:

Symbo Nam Meanin

l e g
: Colon Used for label
; Semicolon End of statement
() Parenthesis Used in expression
[] Square brackets Used in expression
{} Curly braces Used for block of
# Hash Pre-processor directive
, Comma Variable separator
Initializing variables
Assigning value to variable is called variable initialization. For example:
char grade=
‘A’; int
float salary=8750.15;
double bal_amount=100000000
When variables are declared but not initialized they usually contain garbage values.

Basically variable declaration can be done in three different places in a C program.

1. Inside main() function are called local variables.
2. Outside main() function are called global variables.
3. In the function definition header are called formal parameters.
Declaring Constants
To declare a constant, precede the normal variable declaration with const keyword
and assign it a value. For example,
const float pi=3.1415;
This const keyword specifies that the value of cannot change.

1.17 Structure of a C Program

C program is a collection of one or more functions. Every function is

collection of statements, performs a specific task. The structure of a basic C
program is:
Documentation section
The documentation section consists of a set of comment lines giving the
name of the program, the author and other details, which the programmer would
like to use later. There are two types of comment lines.
1. Block comment lines /* */ and
2. Single line comment lines. //

Link section
The link section provides instructions to the compiler to link functions from
the system library.
#include directive
The #include directive instructs the compiler to include the contents of the
file "stdio.h" (standard input output header file) enclosed within angular brackets.
Definition section
The definition section defines all symbolic constants. #define PI 3.1413

Global declaration section

There are some variables that are used in more than one function. Such
variables are called global variables and are declared in the global declaration
section that is outside of all the functions. This section also declares all the user-
defined functions.
main() function section
Every C program must have one main function section. This section
contains two
1. Declaration part and
2. Executable part
Declaration part: It declares all the variables used in the executable part.

Executable part: There is at least one statement in the executable part.

These two parts must appear between the opening and closing braces. The
program execution begins at the opening brace and ends at the closing brace. The
closing brace of the main function is the logical end of the program. All
statements in the declaration and executable part end with a semicolon.

Subprogram section
The subprogram section contains all the user-defined functions that are
called in the main () function. User-defined functions are generally placed
immediately after the main () function, although they may appear in any order.

Example : ‘C’ program that prints welcome message:

h> int main( )
printf(“Welcome to C
Programming\n”); return 0;

Output: Welcome to C Programming

1.18. Operators in C

An operator is defined as a symbol that operates on operands and does something.

The something may be mathematical, relational or logical operation. C language
supports a lot of operators to be used in expressions. These operators can be
categorized into the following groups:
1. Arithmetic operators
2. Relational operators
3. Logical operators
4. Increment/Decrement operators
5. Bitwise operators
6. Conditional operators
7. Assignment operators
8. Special operators

1. Arithmetic operators

 These are used to perform mathematical operations.

 These are binary operators since they operate on two operands at a time.
 They can be applied to any integers, floating-point number or characters.
 C supports 5 arithmetic operators. They are +, -, *, /, %.
 The modulo (%) operator can only be applied to integer operands and
cannot be used on float or double values.
Consider three variables declared as,
int a=9,b=3,result;
We will use these variables to explain arithmetic operators. The table shows the
arithmetic operators, their syntax, and usage in C language.
Operation Operator Syntax Statement Result
Addition + a+b result=a+b 11
Subtraction - a-b result=a-b 6
Multiply * a*b result=a*b 17
Divide / a/b result=a/b 3
Modulo % a%b result=a%b 0

a and b are called operands.

An Example ‘C’ program that illustrates the usage of arithmetic operators.

> int main()
int a=9,b=3; printf("%d+%d=
%d\n",a,b,a+b); printf("%d-
n",a,b,a*b); printf("%d/%d=
%d\n",a,b,a/b); printf("%d%%
%d=%d\n",a,b,a%b); return 0;

3. Relational operators

A relational operator, also known as a comparison operator, is an operator

that compares two operands. The operands can be variables, constants or
expressions. Relational operators always return either true or false depending on
whether the conditional relationship between the two operands holds or not.
C has six relational operators. The following table shows these operators along
with their meanings

Operator Meanin Example

< Less than 3<5 gives 1
> Greater than 7<9 gives 0
<= Less than or equal to 100<=100 gives
>= Greater than or equal to 50>=100 gives 0
== Equal to 10==9 gives 0
!= Not equal to 10!=9 gives 1
An example program that illustrates the use of arithmetic
operators. #include<stdio.h>
int main()
int a=9,b=3; printf("%d>%d=
%d\n",a,b,a>b); printf("%d>=
n",a,b,a<b); printf("%d<=
n",a,b,a==b); printf("%d!=
%d=%d\n",a,b,a!=b); return 0;
9 >= 3 = 1
9 <= 3 = 0
9= =3 = 0
9 != 3 = 1

4. Logical operators

Operators which are used to combine two or more relational expressions are
known as logical operators. C language supports three logical operators – logical
AND(&&), logical OR(||), logical NOT( !).

 Logical&& and logical || are binary operators whereas logical!is an unary

 All of these operators when applied to expressions yield either integer
value 0 (false) or an integer value 1(true).
Logical AND
It is used to simultaneously evaluate two conditions or expressions with
relational operators. If expressions on the both sides (left and right side) of logical
operators is true then the whole expression is true otherwise false. The truth table
of logical AND operator is given below:

A B A&&
0 0 0
0 1 0
1 0 0
1 1 1
Logical OR
It is used to simultaneously evaluate two conditions or expressions with
relational operators. If one or both the expressions on the left side and right side
of logical operators is true then the whole expression is true otherwise false. The
truth table of logical OR operator is given below:

A B A||B
0 0 0
0 1 1
1 0 1
1 1 1
Logical NOT
It takes single expression and negates the value of expression. The truth table of
logical NOT operator is given below

A !
0 1
1 0
For example: x and y are two variables. The following equations explain the use of
logical operators.
z1 = x&&y …
1 z1 = x||y …
z3 =!x …3
Equation1 indicates that z1 is true if both x and y is true. Equation1 indicates z1
is true when x or y or both true. Equation3 indicates z3 is true when x is not true.

An example ‘C’ program that illustrates the use of logical

operators #include<stdio.h>
int main()
int z1,z1,z3;
z1=7>5 &&
z1=7>5 ||
10>15; z3=!
} (7>5);
Outpu printf(" z1=%d\n z1=%d\n z3=%d \
t z1=0 n",z1,z1,z3); return 0;
Unary operators
Unary operators act on single operands. C language supports three unary operators.
They are:
1. Unary minus
2. Increment operator
3. Decrement operator
Unary minus
The unary minus operator returns the operand multiplied by –1, effectively
changing its sign. When an operand is preceded by a minus sign, the unary minus
operator negates its value.
For example,
int a,
the result of this expression is a=-10.

4. Increment (++) and decrement (− −) operators

The increment operator is unary operator that increases value of its operand
by 1. Similarly, the decrement operator decreases value of its operand by 1. These
operators are unique in that they work only on variables not on constants.These
are used in loops like while, do-while and for statements.
There are two ways to use increment or decrement operators in expressions.
If you put the operator in front of the operand (prefix), it returns the new value of
the operand (incremented or decremented). If you put the operator after the
operand (postfix), it returns the original value of the operand (before the increment
or decrement).

Operator Nam Value returned Effect on

e variable
x++ Post-increment x Incremented
++x Pre-increment x=x+1 Incremented
x− − Post-decrement x Decremented
− −x Pre-decrement x=x - 1 Decremented

An example program that illustrates the use of unary

operators #include<stdio.h>
int main()
int x=5;
x++); printf("x=

n",-x); return 0;
t x=5

5 . Bitwise operators

As the name suggests, the bitwise operators operate on bits. These operations
1. bitwise AND(&)
2. bitwise OR(|)
3. bitwise X-OR(^)
4. bitwise NOT(~)
5. shift left(<<)
6. shift right(>>)
Bitwise AND (&)
When we use the bitwise AND operator, the bit in the first operand is
ANDed with the corresponding bit in the second operand. If both bits are 1, the
corresponding bit in the result is 1 and 0 otherwise. For example:
In a C program, the & operator is used as
follows. int a=4,b=1,c;
printf(“%d”,c); //prints 0

100 (binary equivalent of decimal 4)

&010 (binary equivalent of decimal 1)

Bitwise OR (|)
When we use the bitwise OR operator, the bit in the first operand is ORed
with the corresponding bit in the second operand. If one or both bits are 1, the
corresponding bit in the result is 1 and 0 otherwise. For example:
In a C program, the | operator is used as
follows. int a=4,b=1,c;
printf(“%d”,c); //prints 6

100 (binary equivalent of decimal 4)

| 010 (binary equivalent of decimal 1)
Bitwise XOR (^)
When we use the bitwise XOR operator, the bit in the first operand is XORed
with the corresponding bit in the second operand. If both bits are different, the
corresponding bit in the result is 1 and 0 otherwise. The truth table operator is
shown below:
A B A&&
0 0 0
0 1 1
1 0 1
1 1 0

For example:
In a C program, the | operator is used as
follows. int a=4,b=1,c;
printf(“%d”,c); //prints 6

100 (binary equivalent of decimal 4)

| 010 (binary equivalent of decimal 1)

Bitwise NOT (~)
One’s complement operator (Bitwise NOT) is used to convert each 1 to 0
and 0 to 1, in the given binary pattern. It is a unary operator i.e. it takes only one

For example, In a C program, the ~ operator is used

as follows. int a=4,c;
printf(“%d”,c); //prints -5

~100 (binary equivalent of decimal 4)

Shift operators
C supports two bitwise shift operators. They are shift-left (<<) and shift-
right (>>). These operations are simple and are responsible for shifting bits either
to left or to the right. The syntax for shift operation can be given as:
operand operator num

where the bits in operand are shifted left or right depending on the operator (<<,
>>) by the number of places denoted by num.

Left shift operator
When we apply left-shift, every bit in x is shifted to left by one place. So,
the MSB (Most Significant Bit) of x is lost, the LSB (Least Significant Bit) of x is
set to 0.

Let us consider int x=4;

Now shifting the bits towards left for 1 time, will give the following result
13 11 11 10
8 4 1 1
x=4 0 1 0 0
1 0 0
x<<1 = 1 0 0 0 the result of x<<1
is 8
Left-shift is equals to multiplication by 1.
Right shift operator
When we apply right-shift, every bit in x is shifted to right by one place. So,
the LSB (Least Significant Bit) of x is lost, the MSB (Most Significant Bit) of x is
set to 0.
Let us consider int x=4;
Now shifting the bits towards right for 1 time, will give the following result.

13 11 11 10
8 4 1 1
x=4 0 1 0 0
0 1 0
x>>1 = 0 0 1 0 the result of x>>1
is 1

Right shift operator

When we apply right-shift, every bit in x is shifted to right by one place. So,
the LSB (Least Significant Bit) of x is lost, the MSB (Most Significant Bit) of x is
set to 0.
Let us consider int x=4;
Now shifting the bits towards right for 1 time, will give the following result.

13 11 11 10
8 4 1 1
x=4 0 1 0 0
0 1 0
x>>1 = 0 0 1 0 the result of x>>1
is 1 Right-shift is equals to division by 1.

6.Assignment operators

Assignment operator
In C, the assignment operator (=) is responsible for assigning values to
variables. When equal sign is encountered in in an expression, the compiler
processes the statement on the right side of the sign and assigns the result to
variable on the left side.
For example,
Assigns the value 10 to variable x. if
we have, int x=1,y=3,sum=0;
sum = x +
y; then
The assignment has right-to-left associativity, so the expression
int a=b=c=10;
is evaluated as

Consider the following set of examples:

a = 5; // value of variable ‘a’ becomes 5
a = 5+10; // value of variable ‘a’ becomes 15
a = 5 + b; // value of variable ‘a’ becomes 5 + value of b
a = b + c; // value of variable ‘a’ becomes value of b + value of c

Short hand/Compound assignment operators

The assignment operator can be combined with the major arithmetic operators
such operators are called compound assignment operators. C language supports a
set of compound assignment operators of the form:
variable op = expression;
where op is binary arithmetic operator.

The following table lists the assignment operators supported by the C:

Op Descriptio Exampl
n e
Add AND assignment operator. It adds the C += A is
+= right operand to the left operand and assign equivalent to C = C
the result to +A
the left operand.
Subtract AND assignment operator. It C −= A is
−= subtracts the right operand from the left equivalent to C = C
operand and assigns the −A
result to the left operand.
Multiply AND assignment operator. It C *= A is
*= multiplies the right operand with the left equivalent to C = C
operand and assigns *A
the result to the left operand.
Divide AND assignment operator. It divides C /= A is
/= the equivalent to C = C
left operand with the right operand and /A
assigns the result to the left operand.
Modulus AND assignment operator. It C %= A is
%= takes modulus using two operands and equivalent to C = C
assigns the result %A
to the left operand.
<< Left shift AND assignment operator. C <<= 1 is same as C = C
= << 1
>> Right shift AND assignment operator. C >>= 1 is same as C = C
= >> 1
&= Bitwise AND assignment operator. C &= 1 is same as C = C &
^= Bitwise exclusive OR and assignment C ^= 1 is same as C = C ^ 1
|= Bitwise inclusive OR and assignment C |= 1 is same as C = C | 1

An example ‘C’ program that illustrates the use of assignment operators

#include <stdio.h> int main()
int a = 11,c; c = a;
printf("Operator is = and c = %d\n", c ); c += a;
printf("Operator is += and c=%d\n",c); c −= a;
printf("Operator is −= and c=%d\n",c); c *= a;
printf("Operator is *= and c=%d\n",c); c /= a;
printf("Operator is /= and c=%d\n", c); c = 100;
c %= a;
printf("Operator is %= and c=%d\n",c); c <<= 1;
printf("Operator is <<= and c=%d\
n",c); c >>= 1;
printf("Operator is >>= and c=%d\
n",c); c &= 1;
printf("Operator is &= and c = %d\
n", c ); c ^= 1;
printf("Operator is ^= and c = %d\
n", c ); c |= 1;
printf("Operator is |= and c = %d\
n", c ); return 0;
7. Conditional operator (? : )
It is also called ternary operator because it takes three operands. It has the general
variable = expression1 ? expression1 : expression3;
If the expression1 is evaluated totrue then it evaluates expression1 and its
value is assigned to variable, otherwise it evaluates expression3 and its value is
assigned to variable.
It is an alternative to simple if..else
statement For example
h> int main()
big = a>b ? a :
printf("%d is big\n",
big); return 0;
6 is big
Special operators: Comma operator (,)
This operator allows the evaluation of multiple expressions, separated by
the comma, from left to right in the order and the evaluated value of the rightmost
expression is accepted as the final result. The general form of an expression using
a comma operator is
expressionM= ( expression1, expression1, expressionN);
For example
#include<stdio.h> int main()
int k=5;
i=k++, j=(k++,k++,++k);
printf(i=%d\t j=%d”, i,j); return 0;
i=5 j=9

int main()
int k=5;
i=k++, j =k++, k++, ++k; printf(i=%d \t j=%d”, i,j); return 0;
Output i=5 j=6

sizeof Operator
The operator sizeof is a unary operator used calculates the size of data types
and variables. The operator returns the size of the variable, data type in bytes. i.e.
the sizeof operator is used to determine the amount of memory space that the
variable/data type will take. The outcome is totally machine-dependent.
For example:
h> int main()
print("char occupies %d bytes\n",sizeof(char)); printf("int occupies %d bytes\
n",sizeof(int)); printf("float occupies %d bytes\n",sizeof(float));

printf("double occupies %d bytes\n",sizeof(double));

printf("long double occupies %d bytes\n",sizeof(long
double)); return 0;

char occupies 1
bytes int occupies 1
bytes float occupies
4 bytes double
occupies 8 bytes
long double occupies 10 bytes

1.19 Expressions

In C programming, an expression is any legal combination of operators and

operands that evaluated to produce a value. Every expression consists of at least
one operand and can have one or more operators. Operands are either variables or
values, whereas operators are symbols that represent particular actions.
In the expression x + 5; x and 5 are operands, and + is an operator.

In C programming, there are mainly two types of expressions are available. They
are as follows:
1.Simple expression

2.Complex expression

Simple expression: In which contains one operator and two operands or

constants. Example: x+y; 3+5; a*b; x-y etc.

Complex expression: In which contains two or more operators and operands or

constants. Example: x+y-z; a+b-c*d; 1+5-3*4; x=6-4+5*1 etc.

Operators provided mainly two types of properties. They are as follows:

1. Precedence and
2. Associativity

Operator Precedence
It definesthe order in which operators in an expression are evaluated
depends on their relative precedence. Example: Let us see x=1+1*1
1st pass- 1+1*1
1nd pass- 1+4
3rd pass- 6 that is x=6.

Associativity defines the order in which operators with the same order of
precedenceare evaluated. Let us see x=1/1*1
The function accepts two arguments - control string, which controls what gets
printed, and list of variables.
 The control string is all-important because it specifies
o The type of each variable in the list and how user wants it printed.

It is also called as format specifier.
o Characters that are simply printed as they are.
o Control string that begins with a % sign.
o Escape sequences that begin with a \ sign
 List of variables must be separate by comma.
 The number of format specifiers must exactly match the number of

1.20 Format specifiers

Format Data Type Displa

specifie y
%c Char Single character
%c unsigned char
%s Sequence of characters (String)
%d Int Signed integer (both +ve and –
ve values)
%u unsigned int Unsigned integer (only +ve
%hd short int Signed short integer
%ld long int Long integer
%lu unsigned long Unsigned long integer (only
int +ve
%o Int Octal values
%x Int Hexa decimal values
%f Float Floating-point value
%lf Long Double precision floating-
float/double point
%Lf long double Double precision floating-
%p Pointer Address stored in pointer
%% None Prints %

Flag characters used in printf

Flag Meanin
− Left justify the display
+ Display the positive or negative sign of
0 Pad with leading zeros
spac Display space if there is no sign
The simplest printf statement is
printf(“Welcome to the world of C language”);
When executed, it prints the string enclosed in double quotes on screen.

Examples: printf(“Result:%d%c
%f\n”,11,’a’,1.3); Result:11a1.3

Result:11 a 1.3

1 1 3 4

0 0 1 1 3 4

1 1 3 4

- 0 1 1 3 4

1 1 3 4

0 0 1 1 3 4 . 4 5


Input : In any programming language input means to feed some data into
program. This can be given in the form of file or from command line. C
programming language provides a set of built- in functions to read given input and
feed it to the program as per requirement.

Output : In any programming language output means to display some data on

screen, printer or in any file. C programming language provides a set of built-in
functions to output required data.

Types of I/O Statements

1. Formatted I/O

2. Unformatted I/O
gets(), puts()
getch(), getche(), putch()
getchar(), putchar()

The functions used for input and output are stored in the header file stdio.h. If
programmer use any of the above function it is necessary to include header file.

1. Formatted Input & Output

(i) scanf() function

The function used to get input from the user during execution of program and
stored in a variable of specified form is called scanf() function. This function
should have at least two parameters. First parameter is control string which is
conversion specification character. It should be within double quotes. This may be
one or more, it depends on the number of variables. The other parameter is
variable names.Each variable must preceded by ampersand (&) sign. This gives
starting address of the variable name in memory. scanf ( ) uses all the format
specifiers used in printf( ) function.
Note: comments are not allowed in scanf()

scanf(“format string”,& variable name);

Single input e.g scanf(“%d”,&a);
Multiple input scanf(“%d %c %d”, &a,&op,&b);|

consider the following simple programs

Example: 1.

1. #include <stdio.h>
int main()
int x;
printf(“Enter number:”);
scanf(“%d”, &x);
printf(“The value of x is %d\n”, x);
return 0;

Enter a number: 45 The value of x is 45

Example : 2

void main ()
int a;
printf("Enter integer value:");
printf("The value you enter = %d",a);
Enter integer value:5 The value you enter =5

2.Printf () Function
This function is used to display text, constant or value of variable on screen in
specified format.

printf(“format string”, argument list);

void main ()
printf(“HELLO WORLD!”);


#include <stdio.h>
int dec = 5;
char str[] = "abc";
char ch = 's';
float pi = 3.14;

printf("%d %s %f %c\n", dec, str, pi, ch);


The output of the above

would be: 5 abc
3.140000 c
Here %d is being used to print an integer, %s is being used to print a string, %f is
being used to print a float and %c is being used to print a character.

2. Unformatted Input & Output

(i) gets function(gets())

This special function is used to input string values from the user during
execution of the program. As the user press enter key when typing after the
string. A null character (\0) is automatically entered at the end of the string.


gets(variable name);

(ii) puts function

The function used to display the string value on the screen.

Syntax: puts(parameter/value/variable);

void main ()
char name[15];
printf("enter your name:");
printf("your name is:");
enter your name: somebody your name is: somebody

(iii) getch()
getch() is used to get a character from console but does not echo to the screen. It

reads a single character directly from the keyboard, without echoing to the screen.

char ch;
ch = getch();


#include <stdio.h>

void main()
char ch;
ch = getch();
printf("Input Char Is :%c",ch);

(iii) getche()

getche() is used to get a character from console, and echoes to the screen. getche
reads a single character from the keyboard and echoes it to the current text
window, using direct video or BIOS.
char ch;
ch = getche();


#include <stdio.h>
void main()
char ch;
ch = getche();
printf("Input Char Is :%c",ch);

(iv) putch()

putch displays any alphanumeric characters to the standard output device. It

displays only one character at a time.

Example char ch = 'a'; putch(ch)


#include <stdio.h>
void main()
char ch='a';

(vi) getchar()
The getchar function is a part of the standard C input/output library. It returns a
single character from a standard input device (typically a keyboard). The function
does not require any arguments, though a pair of empty parentheses must follow
the word getchar.
character variable = getchar( );
where character variable refers to some previously declared character variable.

(vii) putchar()
The putchar function like getchar is a part of the standard C input/output library. It
transmits a single character to the standard output device (the computer screen).

putchar(character variable)
where character variable refers to some previously declared character variable.


#include <stdio.h>

int main( )
int c;
printf( "Enter a value :");
c = getchar( );
printf( "\nYou entered: ");
putchar( c );
return 0;
Enter a value : this is test
You entered: t



Long answers:

1. What is algorithm? What is flowchart? Write an algorithm and flowchart to

check whether the given number is prime or not.
2. Explain the basic structure of C Program? Explain the different data types
with range?
3. What is operator? Explain Arithmetical operators and Bitwise operators with
4. (a) Write an algorithm to check whether given no is Amstrong or not.
(b) Write an algorithm to check whether given no is palindrome or not.
5. What is algorithm and flowchart? Write an algorithm and flowchart to find
whether a given number is palindrome or not. (The reverse of number is same as
the given no. then it is called palindrome ex:141)
6. What is operator? Explain the relational operators and the logical operators
with an example.
7. Explain the basic structure of C program? Explain the different data types
with range.
8. What is operator? Explain arithmetic operators and special operators with
9. A) i. Expalin the characteristics of an algorithm? Draw the flowchart to
check whether given number is prime or not.
ii. Define expression? Evaluate w=x++ * (y-z) / ++ x where x=3, y=4, z=1
what is the final value of w and x ?
B) i. Expalin ternary operator available in C, with example.
ii. Explain Procedence and associativity of operators in evaluation of
10. State and explain various data types in C? And also discuss about
associativity and expression evaluation with suitable example?
11. Expalin logical operators and bitwise operators? Explain with suitable
12. Explain about computing environments.
13. Exlpain different types of operators in C with examples?

Short answes:
1. What are various computer languages?
2. Write a “C” statement to find the value of “n” when divided by 32 Without
using arithmetic operator and store the result in variable “a”
3. What are the various phases of SDLC?


4. What is printed by the following program

void main()
int x=5, y=10,z=10;
printf(“%d”, x);
5. What is the difference between application software and system software?
6. If x=-2, y=5 & z=0 calculate the value of expression x-2*y+z/y*2%3 step by
7. Write a C statement to multiply the given number ‘n’ by 4 and store in
another variable ‘a’ without using arithmetic operator.
8. What is the value of x when the following program fragment is executed?
int x=10,y=15;
x=(x<y) ? (y+x) : (y-x);
9. Difference between compiler and interpreter
10. Write short notes on type cast operator.
11. Distinguish between variables and constants.
12. Explain SDLC.
13. Write an algorithm to find whether the given number is even or odd?
14. What is an identifier? Write the rules for writing identifier.



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