Workbooks in Chemistry Organic Chemistry
Workbooks in Chemistry Organic Chemistry
Workbooks in Chemistry Organic Chemistry
- 2 @©@@@¢
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Periodic table of the elements
1 2 13 4 165 6 IW
1 s-block H
Lanthanides 6
Actinides = 7
Michael Cook
University of Hertfordshire
Philippa Cranwell
University of Reading
Series editor
Elizabeth Page
University of Reading
Great Clarendon Street, Oxford, OX2 6DP,
United Kingdom
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© M Cook& P Cranwell 2017
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Overview of contents
Preface vii
> Hint If you find it difficult to rotate the molecule so that the lowest priority group is facing away
from you, then leave is where it is, assign the stereochemical configuration, and reverse the an-
swer at the end (i.e. (R) goes to (S), (S) goes to (R))—you'll end up with the correct isomer that way!
The comments will typically relate to the worked solutions and might explain why a unit con-
version has been used, for example, or give some background explanation for the maths used
in the solution. The comments are designed to help you avoid the typical mistakes students
make when approaching each particular type of problem. It is to be hoped that by being aware
of these pitfalls you will be able to overcome them.
When you are happy you have mastered the worked examples, try the questions. To check
your answers go to the back of the book, and to check your working look for the fully worked
solutions at
The synoptic questions can be used as a final revision tool when you are confident with your
understanding of the individual topics and want some final practice before the exam or test.
Again, you will find answers at the back of the book and full solutions online.
Final comments
We hope you find these workbooks helpful in reinforcing your understanding of key concepts
in chemistry and providing tips and techniques that will stay with you for the rest of your chem-
istry degree course. If you have any feedback on the Workbooks—such as aspects you found
particularly helpful or areas you felt were missing—please get in touch with us via the Online
Resource Centre. Go to
« ‘Heteroatoms, such as N, O, P, S, and the halogens, are written using their atomic symbol,
as normal.
Skeletal formula:
carbon atoms. The bond angles for
carbon atoms with double or triple
H H H bonds are slightly different—for more
4-aminobutan-2-one information, see the section on orbital
hybridization (section 1.4).
leave the hydrogen atoms of the amine (—NH,), as this is a functional group and the hydrogen
atoms are more likely to be important to its reactivity. Now, we will redraw the carbon chain as
skeletal structure Lewis structure
(GP: rounpations
zig-zags, with each ‘point’ representing a carbon atom, while leaving the O and N heteroatoms
labelled. The skeletal structure should now be complete.
A 9 B a Remove H tl Redraw C o
H-C—C—C—C—NH, ———_»> C—C-—C—C—NH, ————»
‘i iy i chain NH2
Note that this final ‘point’
represents CH,
Methyl tert-butyl ether, or MTBE, is an organic solvent that is sometimes used as an alter-
native to diethyl ether, and also as an additive to unleaded petrol. Its condensed formula is
CH,OC(CH,),. Draw out its structural and skeletal formulae.
You will not often be asked to draw the structural formulae of organic compounds, but it is use-
ful here as an intermediate step between the molecular and skeletal formulae. Working from
left to right along the carbon chain, drawing bonds at right-angles, we will arrive at the struc-
tural formula shown below. Care must be taken to ensure that the three methyl groups (CH;)
are drawn attached to the same carbon atom. From this point we can convert to the skeletal
formula using the method in Worked example 1.1A. Note that the tert-butyl group, C(CH;),, can
be represented flat on the page, or in ‘3D: Both options are shown, but representing skeletal
structures in 3D will be very important when covering later topics.
>) Dashes and Wedges: In order to represent 3D structures on the page, ‘dashes’ and ‘wedges’
can be used to show that a bond is pointing away from, or towards the viewer, respectively.
H | H
BCG @ne Gu
Hl oa
H-C-H k
H No SE No a
We can see from this example the level of complexity involved in drawing the full structural
formula of a relatively simple molecule. Drawing the molecule as a skeletal formula reduces the
image to a simple representation, while losing no structural information.
© Question 1.1
Draw the structural formulae of the following compounds from their condensed formulae.
(a) CH,CH,CH,CH(CH,),
(d) (CH,),CCH,CH,CH,OH
> Hint Be sure to look at the number of hydrogen atoms each carbon is bonded to—it may give
you an idea as to whether a double or triple bond might be present.
© auestion 1.2
Convert the following structural formulae into skeletal formulae.
H 62%"
1 1 I "
(a) H-¢-C—e-c—H (d) Cy C
roan of H~ Sc7~H
(or benzene’)
H—-C—H (e)
a. ae
(c) (f)
H H HH HH H H fe} HH
ct oo oo toroid Io
1 ot
>) There are a number of ‘trivial’ names 1.2 Naming organic structures
which are still used by chemists today,
but don’t follow IUPAC rules. You will In order to be able to know the structure of a molecule from its name, a set of rules for naming
come across these names often, and organic compounds, ‘nomenclature, has been laid out by the International Union of Pure and
include: acetone, formaldehyde, toluene, Applied Chemistry (IUPAC). This means that if you know the IUPAC name of a molecule, you
etc. Whilst these are useful for simplifying should be able to draw it. This is a great idea in principle, but can get complicated very easily.
the naming of molecules, there is no
In this workbook we will introduce the key concepts of chemical nomenclature and provide a
consistent methodology used so they
general method for naming organic molecules, but be warned—there are plenty of exceptions
need to be learnt individually.
that you will come across!
1. Identify the parent hydrocarbon chain. This will be the longest continuous carbon chain.
Please note that when the numbering
is conducted in this manner, you will
If there are no branches on the chain, this molecule will simply be named according to
sometimes see the positions described the number of carbon atoms in the chain (methyl, ethyl, etc.), followed by -ane. This is
as ‘locants’. the root name. In the case of cyclic alkanes, cyclo- is included before the root name, e.g.
cyclopropane, cyclopentane, etc.
S Please note, if there is more than one 2. Ifthere is branching present, number the carbon atoms in the chain, ensuring the first alkyl
identical substituent, the prefixes di-, tri-, substituent (branch) in the chain has as low a number as possible. This is the first point of
tetra-, etc., are used—this additional prefix difference rule.
does not affect the alphabetical ordering
of multiple substituents. For example 3. Number and name the alkyl substituents on the chain. This will become a prefix on the
ethyl- would be placed before dimethyl- parent hydrocarbon’s name. If there are multiple substituents to be added to the beginning
in an IUPAC name. of a name, then this is done in alphabetical order.
First we have to identify and number the parent hydrocarbon chain. This is not always easy to
do, and can be hidden within a complex framework—so be careful! We must also ensure that
the first branch has the lowest possible number on the parent hydrocarbon chain. Numbering
along the chain gives us two possible arrangements, one of which has the first alkyl substituent
with a lower number, so is the correct numbering when naming the compound.
This allows us to see that the parent hydrocarbon chain is eight carbon atoms long, so the
name of the molecule will end -octane. Now we must deal with the alkyl substituents, or
‘branches: The substituent at carbon 2 (or C2) is —CH,, giving a 2-methyl- prefix, while C5 has
a —C,H,, or a 5-ethyl- prefix. We can now add these substituents in alphabetical order to the
beginning of the parent hydrocarbon name to give 5-ethyl-2-methyloctane.
1. Identify the functional group present. This will give the molecule either a prefix or suffix,
and in the latter case, will replace the -ane on the end of the root name. Where possible, it
is typical to use the suffix, rather than prefix. Some common examples of functional group
nomenclature are shown below:
Structure: R—-OH
A, H R R' R OH R~~
F (fluoro-)
Cl (chloro-
Prefix: hydroxy- oxo-* oxo" —_ x Br ani
| (iodo-)
*rarely encountered
2. Identify the longest hydrocarbon chain to which the functional group is attached. We
now know the root name, and the suffix/prefix to be added to it. For example:
3) To make matters more confusing, this is not the case for alkyl halides, alkenes or alkynes, for
which the parent hydrocarbon chain is the longest continuous carbon chain, as for the naming of
alkanes. For instance:
3 4
Poe’ poe,
gf gy? 4 gta?
2-ethylpentan-1-ol 3-(chloromethyl)hexane
3-(hydroxymethyl)hexane 1-chloro-2-ethylpentane
In 2-ethylpentan-1-ol, the parent hydrocarbon chain is the longest continuous carbon chain which
the functional group (—OH) is attached to. However, in 3-(chloromethy|)hexane, as it contains a
(1 rounpations
halogen functional group the parent hydrocarbon chain is the longest continuous chain anywhere in
the molecule. The halogen-containing chloromethy! substituent is added as a prefix onto the name.
This should not crop-up too often, but is important to be aware of.
3. Number the parent hydrocarbon chain so that the functional group present has the lowest
possible number. Any alkyl substituents on the molecule may then be numbered according
to this functional group. For instance:
1 4
i 2a" s
4-methylhexan-3-one 2-chloro-4-methylpentane
3-methylhexan-4-one 4-chloro-2-methylpentane
Use the information provided in the IUPAC name to draw out 4-ethyl-5-methylheptan-2-one.
In order to draw out this molecule, we have to extract structural information from the IUPAC
name in a methodical manner. We can work backwards throughout the name to get all the
information we need.
Using these three pieces of information we can now start to draw out the target molecule.
A good approach to this would be to draw out the parent hydrocarbon chain, number it, then
place the functional group and alkyl substituents in the positions identified. Firstly, we can
draw the seven-carbon chain, then number it from left to right. At the C2 position, we can now
add our ketone functional group. Now we can add the ethyl group to position C4, and the me-
thyl group to position C5. This gives us the structure 4-ethyl-5-methylheptan-2-one.
4-ethy|-5-methylheptan-2-one 4-ethyl-5-methylheptan-2-one
a. ~~.
——_> —_>>
draw carbon chain number carbon atoms add functional group
and substituents
functional groups dictating both the suffix (where appropriate) and the parent hydrocarbon >} The prioritization of functional groups
chain. IUPAC call this the ‘seniority’ of the group. The seniority of functional groups is laid _'s important in deciding the suffix of the
out in Appendix3. molecule name. Without prioritization
there would be many different names that
could be given to the same molecule. For
instance, in the molecule below, IUPAC
Worked example 1 -2C dictates that alcohols are given priority
over amine groups, therefore the correct
Isoleucine is an essential amino acid, meaning that humans cannot produce it themselves and _ IUPAC name is 3-aminopropan-1-ol.
must acquire it in their food. It has the IUPAC name 2-amino-3-methylpentanoic acid. Using
this information, draw isoleucine. HN “~-™on
We were told in the question that isoleucine has the alternative IUPAC name of 2-amino-
3-methylpentanoic acid, which contains all the information we need to draw the structure out. HO” ~~,
We can break down the name into three parts as in Worked example 1.2B:
3-hydroxypropanyl amine
1. The suffix, -oic acid, tells us that this is a carboxylic acid. As carboxylic acids can only lie on
terminal carbon atoms, this is by definition the C1 position.
2. The root name is pentan-, so the parent hydrocarbon chain is five atoms long.
3. The prefixes tell us the character and position of the substituents. 2-amino tells us that
there is an amine group at the C2 position, while 3-methy] tells us that there is a methyl
group at the C3 position.
Using this information, we can draw out the parent hydrocarbon chain, number the carbon
atoms, then add the functional groups and substituents in the correct positions. The process is
shown below:
2-amino-3-methylpentanoic acid
Wm —_
1 3 5 SES
2° 4 HO
@ Question 1.3
Determine the IUPAC name for the following molecules.
(d) (e)
> Hint Use the nomenclature tables in Appendix 3 to help you if any functional groups are unfamiliar to you, and be careful to identify priority
when more than one functional group is present.
GE : rounpations
@ Question 1.4
Draw the structures of the following molecules from the information provided in their
TUPAC name.
(a) 4-ethyl-6,6-dimethyloctane.
(b) 1,1-dimethylcyclopropane.
(c) 1,3-dichloropentane.
(d) 2-propyn-1-ol.
(e) 1-methyl-4-(1-methylethyl)benzene (trivial name: ‘cymene’).
(f) 3,7-dimethylocta-1,6-dien-3-ol.
> Hint When numbering -ene and -yne functional groups, the numbering is conducted from the
first carbon atom of the functional group. For instance, in pent-1-ene, the double bond is between
C1 and C2, and in pent-2-ene the double bond is between C2 and C3.
_—0" - LUMO
tively. In order to form a molecule, atoms must allow their AOs to overlap and form molecular
orbitals, that bond the atoms to each other. The combination of two AOs results in the production
of two molecular orbitals, one that is lower in energy than the constituent AOs (bonding), and
one that is higher in energy (anti-bonding). Bonding orbitals are formed when AOs overlap in-
o ce phase, while anti-bonding orbitals are formed when they combine out of phase. The behaviour
a 2p of electrons in these orbitals is described by molecular orbital (MO) theory, which we will touch
upon here. The overlap of an s orbital with either an s or p orbital leads to the formation of ao
(sigma) bonding and a o* anti-bonding MO. If a p orbital overlaps with another p orbital, two
“4b o-HOMO types of bonds can be formed. ‘Head on’ overlap of the p orbitals leads to the formation of ao
bonding and a o* anti-bonding MO, whereas a ‘side on’ overlap leads to the formation of a x (pi)
eO-2@ bonding and a x* anti-bonding MO. These bonds are weaker because the orbitals do not overlap
in-phase so well. An example MO diagram is shown in Figure 1.1, which shows the ‘head-on’ overlap of
two 2p to form a o-bonding orbital and a o*-anti-bonding orbital. A pair of electrons sits in the
Figure 1.1 MO diagram showing the
overlap of two 2p orbitals to form a
o-bonding orbital, so a o-bond is formed. In the MO diagram we can see the Highest Occupied
o-bond. The shapes of the orbitals Molecular Orbital (HOMO), which is the highest energy orbital with electrons in. The lowest en-
involved are included. ergy orbital without electrons in is called the Lowest Unoccupied Molecular Orbital (LUMO).
Bond order
If either a o or x bonding MO contains a pair of electrons, then a bond is formed. If a pair of elec-
trons is added to the anti-bonding MO, then the corresponding bonding MO breaks. The number
of bonds shared between two atoms, or the ‘bond order, can be calculated using equation 1.1:
where ‘bonding electrons, and ‘anti-bonding electrons’ refers to the number of electrons in
bonding and anti-bonding orbitals, respectively. This value must always be zero or a positive
integer, so if your answer is negative, something has gone wrong! We can see that if we would
add a pair of electrons to the o bonding orbital in Figure 1.1, we would have to occupy the
LUMO—the o* anti-bonding orbital (Figure 1.2). This would ‘break’ the o-bond, and reduce
the bond order to zero. This will be very important when mechanisms are covered later in the
+f o- HOMO ° is
Figure 1.2 Adding a pair of electrons into the o* anti-bonding MO reduces the bond order to zero,
breaking the o bond.
Show on an MO diagram what molecular orbitals are formed (if any) from the constituent AOs
of H,. Calculate the bond order.
This is the simplest possible scenario when drawing these MO diagrams, but care still needs to
be taken. First, we must identify what orbital the valence electron of hydrogen is in—namely the
1s orbital. We can then draw the MO diagram, showing the energy level of the 1s orbital for each
hydrogen atom—this will be the same in each atom. We can then add an electron into each of
these orbitals, completing the electronic arrangement for atomic H.
sf 41s
(GET 1 rounpations
S There are three important rules to We can now draw the molecular orbitals of H, in the centre of the diagram. The combination
remember when adding electrons to MO of the constituent 1s orbitals will result in two new MOs—a o bonding orbital, and a o* anti-
diagrams: bonding orbital. The bonding orbital is lower in energy than the anti-bonding orbital, and the
¢ The Aufbau principle, which means 1s orbitals. To complete the MO diagram, fill the orbitals from bottom to top with the electrons
that you start filling the lowest energy from the constituent orbitals. This will demonstrate that a o-bond is being filled.
orbitals first.
© The Pauli exclusion principle, which H Hy H
states that each orbital may only
contain two electrons, of opposite spin. Energy
e Hund’s Rule, which states that when
there are orbitals which are equal in
energy (degenerate), electrons are
added one at a time to each orbital,
before pairing.
Finally, to calculate the bond order, simply use the equation given previously. In this case, we
can see from the diagram that there are two electrons in bonding orbitals, and no electrons in
anti-bonding orbitals. So:
Draw the MOs arising from the overlap of a 2s orbital with another 2s orbital.
We know from the introductory paragraph that when s orbitals overlap with s orbitals they form
o-bonds. This is also the case when a 2s orbital overlaps with another 2s orbital while in-phase.
However, we must be careful to remember that when two new AOs combine they produce two
MOs as a result. The other orbital formed is a o* anti-bonding orbital, resulting from the out-of-
phase combination of the two 2s orbitals. This can be depicted on an MO diagram, which nicely
shows the energy levels of the bonding and anti-bonding orbitals:
2s — 2s overlap
Note that in this case we have drawn the 2s orbitals as being equivalent in energy—this is not
always the case, especially if the two atoms are different. However, even if the 2s orbitals are not
equal in energy, the bonding orbital formed will be lower in energy than the constituent AOs. S You may have wondered why some
It is also the case that the anti-bonding orbital formed will be higher in energy than both of the orbitals are shaded, while others are not.
two constituent AOs. This shading designates a difference
in the sign of the wavefunction of the
In future work, unless instructed, we will simply depict the resulting MOs pictorially, without
orbitals—one orbital is plus, the other
an energy level diagram. This will help simplify diagrams as the examples used become more
is minus. A deep understanding of
complex in later chapters. We can show the MOs for in-phase or out-of-phase 2s orbital overlap wavefunctions is not yet necessary, but
more clearly in this way: you will need to know that for orbitals to
be ‘in-phase’, their shading, i.e. the sign
2s 2s o of their wavefunction, must be the same.
CLD > ©)
in-phase bonding orbital
out-of-phase anti-bonding orbital
25 %s,
75 %p
‘et +—
rs I
1 1
: cwtt+4
' \
' \
5[oy 3
fr '
' a!
' \
' '
12s 4h '
unhybridized atomic carbon sphybridized carbon
a tn
Pat +
' 33 % s, 66 %p >
a nn) By
3; 2: 50%s,50%p
at + 4 wy
| an)
ag +
S Note that in these images we have « Ifthe carbon atom contains four o (single) bonds, and no x (double) bonds then it is sp*
shown the AOs of the constituent atoms. hybridized, and will be tetrahedral, e.g. the carbon atom in methane.
Looking at the molecule as a whole, these
AOs will overlap and form MOs (bonds),
it is just useful to see them in this state to
understand the resulting geometry of the a sp’ orbitals
molecule. 1
methane atomic orbitals
S Note that in this case, the sp? orbitals « Ifthe carbon atom contains three o-bonds, and one n-bond then it is sp* hybridized, and
are perpendicular to the p-orbital, i.e. will be trigonal planar, e.g. the carbon atoms in ethene.
the p-orbital points vertical, and the sp*
orbitals 90° to it p orbitals
pac, > sp? orbitals
« Ifthe carbon atom contains two o-bonds, and two n-bonds then it is sp hybridized, and will Ss Note that a molecule is able to rotate
be linear, e.g. the carbon atoms in ethyne. around a single bond, however, when you
have r-bonds, this rotation cannot occur.
This is very important in stereochemistry,
p orbitals
covered in Chapter 2.
H-C=C-H @) ~ @)
sp orbitals
Hybridization can also occur in other elements, such as oxygen and nitrogen. Similar to
carbon, whether the atom contains a double bond or triple bond is a good indicator that it
is likely to be sp? or sp hybridized. Atoms which are not carbon are more likely to possess
vacant orbitals or lone pairs of electrons, and in this case, we have to decide which orbital any
lone pairs of non-bonding electrons will reside in. If the lone pair is not conjugated, then it
will likely reside in a hybridized orbital. For conjugated lone pairs of electrons, they will sit in
p-orbitals in order to provide better overlap with any conjugated n electrons. For instance, the
nitrogen atom in an amine is sp* hybridized, whereas the nitrogen atom in an amide group is
sp’ hybridized.
Label the carbon atoms in the following molecule as sp, sp’, or sp* hybrids.
(S)-2-Amino-4-pentynoic acid
Looking at the structure of the molecule, we are able to divide these carbon atoms into three
groups: those with only single bonds; those containing a double bond; and those containing
a triple bond. Carbons 2 and 3 contain only o-bonds, thus they are sp* hybridized. Carbon 1
contains a double bond, consisting of one x-bond and one o-bond, as well as two additional
o-bonds, thus it is sp* hybridized. Finally, carbons 4 and 5 are triple bonded to one-another, so
both have two o-bonds and two r-bonds, and are sp hybridized.
(EIN + rounpations
What is the hybridization state of the carbon atoms in propadiene? Draw the AOs, showing the
overlap that will occur to form MOs (bonds).
First, we will identify the hybridization state of the carbon atoms present. The outer two carbon
atoms have three o-bonds and one m-bond each. Thus, they are sp* hybridized. The central
carbon may look a little unusual, but looking at the molecular orbitals present will lead you to
the correct hybrid state. It is in possession of two 6-bonds and two n-bonds, and is therefore sp
Next, we are asked to draw the AOs involved in the bonding of propadiene. Using the knowl-
edge of the hybridization states from the first part, we now simply need to draw the characteris-
tic shapes of sp’ and sp hybridized carbons in the order that they are in pentadiene.
sp? sp sp?
We must think about the orientation of these AOs a bit more carefully. In order to have good
enough orbital overlap to form a m-bond, p-orbitals must be aligned with one another. To
achieve this, we must rotate one of the outer sp? hybridized carbon atoms so that the p-orbital
is in-line with the p-orbital of the central sp hybridized carbon atom, i.e. facing the viewer.
Finally, we can move the orbitals closer to show the sites of overlap, and include the two or-
bitals of the hydrogen atoms attached to the outer carbon atoms. Here, dashed lines are used to
show how the p-orbitals would overlap to form a n-bond.
© Question 1.7
Label all carbon atoms in the following molecules as sp, sp’, or sp* hybridized.
(a) “NZ (b) News
(c) (a)
(e) (f)
> Hint The hybridization state of a carbon is reflected in its geometry. Bond angles may help you
to identify what kind of hybrid carbon you are looking at—especially for sp hybrids!
@ Question 1.8
Label all non-hydrogen or carbon atoms in the following molecules as sp, sp’, or sp*
(a) a (b) >A,
(c) (a)
> Hint Nitrogen and oxygen atoms that don’t possess any n-bonding can still be sp? hybridized
if they are adjacent to a -bond (conjugated). This does not happen for saturated carbon atoms
as they do not possess a lone pair of electrons.
Where C= number of carbon atoms, H = number of hydrogen atoms and halogen atoms, and
N= number of nitrogen atoms.
(ETS + rounpations
>) The calculation of DBEs using Remember when using this equation that the number of DBEs includes all z-bonds, so covers
equation 1.2 will be incorrect for carbonyl groups, carboxylic acids, etc., as well as alkenes and alkynes.
molecular formulae containing atoms in
higher valence states, such as N(V), P(V),
and P(VII), so don’t be surprised if this
formula does not work for every molecule.
Worked example 1.5A
was determined. In addition to Kekulé’s
structure, there were conflicting
structures proposed by chemists 2
including Adolf Claus and James Dewar. =6- 3+0+1
Kekulé’s structure is now used to depict =4
benzene, but be aware that due to
electron delocalization (aromaticity), it So, benzene has four DBEs. If we draw out benzene using the Kekulé-type structure, we can
does not tell the whole story. This will be count that it has three n-bonds. Benzene is also cyclic, which is equal to one DBE. These obser-
covered later in the chapter. vations account for the four DBEs calculated.
Capsaicin is a naturally occurring mucosal irritant present in chilli peppers—it makes them
spicy! Using the molecular formula provided, calculate the number of DBEs, then identify
them on the structure.
RAW 0%
We can take the C, H, and N values from the molecular formula given above, equal to 18, 27, and
1, respectively. If we put these into equation 1.2 we get:
ppes=c- £4 Nay
2° 2
18. 22) 2 4
=18— 13.5+ 0.5+1
So capsaicin has six DBEs. Now we need to identify them on the molecule. The number of DBEs
is equal to the number of 1-bonds plus the number of cyclic structures. Looking at capsaicin
we can see five n-bonds—four alkene groups and one carbonyl group. There is also one six-
membered ring on the right hand side of the molecule. This accounts for the sixth DBE.
4 OH
a 5 2 0
@ Question 1.9
Calculate the number of double bond equivalents from the following molecular formulae.
(a) C,H,O
(b) C,H,,0,
(c) C,H;NO
(d) C,H,CL,
(e) C,H,,0, (fluorescein, a fluorescent dye)
(f) CH,,CIN,O
(g) C,HF,O,
(h) C,.H,,N,(porphine, a metal-binding ligand present in many proteins)
> Hint Don’t forget that the H term in the DBE equation counts hydrogen and halogen atoms.
© Question 1.10
Tosyl chloride is commonly used to add a tosyl- protecting group to amines and alcohols.
By simply counting, we can see that the number of DBEs is 6.
tosyl chloride
; 8 0
tosyl chloride DBEs =7— ae iad alae
1.6 Polarity
errr FF
In bonds between two different chemical elements, the electrons aren’t always equally at-
c-C C-N C-O C-F
+e + +> tracted to each atom. They can be drawn towards certain elements more than others, de-
pending on that element's electronegativity (y). More electronegative elements are able to
Figure 1.4 Polar bonds between draw electrons in bonds towards them from less electronegative elements, resulting in a
carbon (y: 2.5) and nitrogen (x: 3.0),
oxygen (x: 3.5), and fluorine (y: 4.0). The
slight negative charge (5-) at their end of the bond, and a slight positive charge (5*) on the
C—C bond is apolar due to the equal other. This creates a dipole and is indicated by a crossed arrow pointing from the 5* end to
electronegativity of the carbon atoms. the 5- (Figure 1.4). The electronegativity of elements is available through electronegativity
tables but generally increases in magnitude as you go across a period and decreases as you
S The arrow notation used here is the go down a group on the periodic table. Please note that those elements with electronegativ-
most commonly used. However, you
ity lower than carbon (x: 2.5) are often referred to as electropositive, and ‘push’ electrons
will also see a non-crossed arrow used
towards carbon.
to indicate polarity, which points from
& to 5*. This is actually what IUPAC says So, bonds can have polarity, but we must be aware that molecules also have an overall mo-
chemists should use, but at the time of lecular polarity, or dipole moment, which depends on the polarity of the bonds within the
writing, it has not been widely adopted. molecule and their arrangement in space. For instance, the C—C] bond is polar, which results
in dichloromethane having overall polarity. However, due to the arrangement of C—Cl bonds
errr FF in tetrachloromethane, it has no molecular polarity (Figure 1.5). A dipole moment has both
c-C C-N C-O C-F
magnitude and direction, determined by the arrangement of polar bonds within the molecule.
<—_— < <— Lone pairs of electrons residing on atoms also contribute to polarity.
dichloromethane tetrachloromethane
cl cl
dipole ai | I
ci Na ge” <a
no dipole moment
Figure 1.5 Polar bonds can cause a molecule to have an overall dipole moment, as in
dichoromethane. However, if these bonds oppose each other, as in tetrachloromethane, they can
cancel each other out, leaving the molecule with no dipole moment.
Despite having similar structures, formaldehyde has a high dipole moment, while carbon diox-
ide has no dipole moment. Explain this observation.
le} tl
n CG
mao nl
H H fe)
In order to understand the overall polarity of the molecules, we must look at the polarity of the
bonds present. Formaldehyde possesses C—H and C=O bonds. Carbon and hydrogen have
similar electronegativities (x: 2.5 and 2.2, respectively), so their bond is not considered to be
polar. The electronegativity of oxygen is greater than carbon (x: 3.5 and 2.5, respectively), so Daithough we have said here that
the carbonyl group is polar, with a & charge on the oxygen. The polarity of this bond gives for- the C—H bond is not polar, there is still
maldehyde an overall dipole moment. Carbon dioxide possesses two polar carbonyl groups. a slight difference in electronegativity
between carbon and hydrogen. This
However, these directly oppose each other symmetrically. This means that overall, carbon
slight dipole on the C—H bond may not
dioxide is not polar.
be noticeable in some cases, but in alkyl
substituents the 5 charge can build up
on carbon atoms through multiple C—H
“it" dipole
d'¢ i
bonds, making the charge much more
significant. This means that overall,
alkyl groups are electron donating by
gq moment tt | nocdipole
eo te- ot
The inductive effect aie ile
Polarization across a bond can have a knock-on effect along a chain of atoms, ‘pulling’ or R
‘pushing’ electron density along o-bonds. This effect diminishes along a chain of atoms
the further you get from the polar bond. This is called the inductive effect (Figure 1.6).
Atoms or groups which ‘pull’ electron density along o-bonds are called ‘electron with- >) For more information on pK,, see
drawing, and designated ‘—/’. Atoms which ‘push’ electron density along o-bonds are Chapter 3, section 3.4.
called ‘electron donating’ or ‘electron releasing, and designated ‘+’. This inductive effect
can serve to modulate the pK, of organic acids, and stabilize charge. This is especially a 3st
important when dealing with carbocations, where the presence of +] groups can greatly
improve stability. FO
2,2-dichloroacetic acid
pK,: ?
In order to answer this question we need to know what factors affect the pK, of organic
acids. The more stable the conjugate base (the molecule after deprotonation), the more
readily it will dissociate from its proton, and the lower the pK, will be. For uncharged mol-
ecules like those above, the stability of the conjugate base is determined by its ability to
GET: rounpations
stabilize the resulting charge. So, when we compare the conjugate base of acetic acid to that
of 2-chloroacetic acid we need to look at what factors could affect the stability of the nega-
tive charge on the oxygen atom. 2-chloroacetic acid has a chlorine atom at the o-position.
Chlorine is more electronegative than carbon, so will draw electron density towards itself
through o-bonds. This effect can continue through to the oxygen atom, reducing the nega-
tive charge residing on that atom through induction. This stabilization is enough to cause
S It is important to note that charge can this increase in acidity, and associated reduction in pK,,. It should be noted that the methyl
also be stabilized by resonance, which is group on acetic acid actually serves as a +/ substituent, so destabilizes the charge on the
covered in section 1.8. conjugate base of acetic acid.
9 Le}
acid HO HO
5; ° °
conjugate base }
ic} a +1 effect Jet -I effect
fe} fe)
Now, having justified increased acidity due to inductive effects in the first part of this ques-
tion we can try to make a prediction about the acidity of 2,2-dichloroacetic acid. The inductive
effect is increased in the presence of additional -J groups. This means that an additional chlo-
rine atom will serve to further draw electron density away from the charged oxygen atom, stabi-
lizing the conjugate base of 2,2-dichloroacetic acid, so it is likely to be more acidic, and have a
lower pK,. This is the case, as the literature reports that 2,2-dichloroacetic acid has a pK, of 1.35.
© auestion 1.11
Are the following molecules polar or nonpolar?
(a) CF,
(b) HCN
(c) BCI,
(d) so,
(e) (CH,),SO
» Hint Revisit VSEPR theory for help deciding the geometry of these molecules. Then decide if
there is any symmetry that might affect the polarity of the molecules.
@ auestion 1.12
Which of the following charged molecules would you expect to be more stable?
° °
al ~ eo or yoke
1.7 aRomaTiciTY (RS
A “ we
fe} fo}
H Ave or 2 oe
LS or “No
1.7 Aromaticity
We have seen in section 1.3 that p-orbitals can overlap side-on to form m-bonds. If two or more
of these m-bonds are adjacent to each other in an organic molecule, and their p-orbitals are
in the same plane, they are said to be conjugated. This is also the case for electrons lying in
adjacent p-orbitals, such as a lone pair in an sp* hybridized oxygen atom. The electrons within
conjugated systems can delocalize over this extended n-system, providing additional stability
to conjugated systems.
Molecules that contain a planar, conjugated ring of sp* hybridized atoms with a delocalized
electron cloud in their x-system are said to be aromatic. The delocalized m-electrons in an aro- D You will come across some
matic m-system do not behave like electrons in a non-aromatic system, and will not undergo compounds that are anti-aromatic. These
the same chemical reactions. In order for a cyclic system to be aromatic it must be planar, con- molecules should not be confused with
non-aromatic compounds. Anti-aromatic
tain sp* hybridized atoms in its ring so that all p-orbitals are parallel, and will satisfy Hiickel’s
molecules possess a conjugated ring
tule. Hiickel’s rule states that in order to be aromatic, a planar conjugated ring must contain with 4n m-electrons, where n is a positive,
(4n + 2) n-electrons, where n is zero, or a positive integer (Figure 1.7). It is important to note, non-zero, integer. This anti-aromaticity
however, that Hiickel’s rule is not always effective for predicting the aromaticity of molecules is destabilizing, and often occurs in
containing more than one ring. reactive, short-lived, molecules.
Figure 1.7 Using Hiickel’s rule to determine aromaticity. Benzene is planar and possesses a fully
conjugated ring, which contains 6 m-electrons (n = 1). Benzene obeys Hiickel’s rule, so is considered
(EI 1 rounpations
In order to answer this question, we must ensure that we appreciate the three key elements of
Hiickel’s rule—namely that the molecule must be planar, the ring must be fully conjugated, and
the m-system must contain (4n + 2) electrons. Looking at furan and cyclopentadiene, we can
see that the only difference in their composition is whether there is an oxygen or carbon atom
5 This example illustrates that the at the one, or five, position, respectively. The oxygen atom in furan possesses two lone pairs of
hybridization state of heteroatoms can electrons, and adopts an sp’ hybridization state. This means that one pair of electrons is sitting
change in order to make a compound ina p-orbital, in the same plane as the two adjacent z-bonds, making the ring fully conjugated.
aromatic. Oxygen atoms in, for instance,
This gives the conjugated ring six -electrons in total, satisfying Hiickel’s rule, and making furan
an alcohol are sp? hybridized, but in
furan adopt an sp? hybridization in order
to complete the m-system. This can also Cyclopentadiene does not possess a fully conjugated ring due to the carbon atom at the
happen for other heteroatoms, such as 5-position containing no lone pairs of electrons. Additionally, the t-bonds of cyclopentadiene
nitrogen and sulfur. only contain 4 electrons (n = 0.5, which is not an integer), so it is non-aromatic.
planar planar
oO0 By
as ring conjugated
6 x -electrons (n=1)
QO ring not fully conjugated
4x -electrons
aromatic Non-aromatic
furan cyclopentadiene
Cyclooctatetraene consists of eight sp* hybridized carbon atoms in a ring, possessing four
«-bonds. It is conjugated and cyclic, however, it is non-aromatic and non-anti-aromatic. Why is
cyclooctatetraene non-aromatic? And why is it not anti-aromatic?
While it may look like cyclooctatetraene is aromatic on first glance, in order to assign it so we
must make sure that it obeys Hiickel’s rule. The four conjugated -bonds in this molecule con-
tain eight m-electrons. Trying to put this into Hiickel’s rule gives us n= 1.5, which is not an inte-
ger. This means that cyclooctatetraene is non-aromatic.
There is, however, an additional subtlety within this question—why is cyclooctatetraene not
anti-aromatic? For compounds to be anti-aromatic they must possess a planar conjugated
1.7 aRomaTicITY (PES
© Question 1.13
Are the following molecules aromatic, non-aromatic, or anti-aromatic?
(a) Cr (b)
toluene cycloheptatriene
©) A (a) Co
(e) (f)
(9) (h) O Se
cyclodecapentaene biphenyl
> Hint For bicyclic molecules, Hiickel’s rule does not necessarily apply. It may help to consider
the conformation of each ring, and hybridization state of each atom in the ring to determine aro-
maticity for these compounds.
GEEZ: rounpations
@ auestion 1.14
Are the following heterocyclic compounds aromatic, non-aromatic, or anti-aromatic?
HH 2“ ~o
() O (b) &
Cc2N A
©) @
pyrylium cation
e s$
(e) aoe Gy) c a
dihydro-1,3-oxazine Cont
> Hint Think about the hybridization state of the heteroatoms in each of these molecules—do
they contain the p-orbitals necessary to form a delocalized m-system?
1.8 Resonance
There are times, like in aromaticity, where electrons aren’t simply localized to a single
orbital, but are able to occupy numerous different positions on a molecule, this is known
as resonance. We are able to visualize this by drawing different Lewis structures of the
same compound, but in reality the electron distribution is an average of all the different
forms. This effect can help to distribute charge over a molecule, increasing its stability.
For instance, the sulfate (2-) anion has several resonance forms (Figure 1.8), which help to
stabilize it. The increased stability of this anion through resonance is one of the reasons
that sulfuric acid has such a low pK,. We can draw different resonance forms by showing
the motion of electrons using curly arrows, and link the different resonance forms using a
double-headed arrow. Generally, the more resonance structures you can draw for a mol-
ecule, the more stable it will be.
>) Sometimes you will see the resonance forms of a molecule combined into a ‘resonance hybrid’
structure. This shows the resonating electrons averaged as a dotted line across the molecule. For
instance, in the formate anion:
Not all resonance structures are of equal stability, and those that are more stable have a
greater contribution to the resonance hybrid. The first thought when assigning stability should
be whether the molecule satisfies the octet rule, and then stabilizing effects such as electro-
negativity can be considered.
Draw all the possible resonance structures of 3-methylphenol, also known as m-cresol. What
does this imply for the hybridization of oxygen?
> OH:
(QE Ut rounpations
We can use some steps for drawing out resonance structures in a methodical manner. Firstly,
we will show the movement of a pair of electrons using a double-headed curly arrow. Then, we
must consider if there needs to be any further movement of electrons (usually from m-bonds)
so that no atoms possess more than eight electrons, in accordance with the octet rule. Finally,
we need to assign any charge on the molecule. We can draw out the first resonance structure for
phenol by moving a pair of electrons from the oxygen atom to form a n-bond with the adjacent
carbon atom. This would leave that carbon pentavalent (which we must never do!), with ten
electrons in its outer shell. So, we must move a pair of electrons from that carbon atom’s other
>) Aromatic rings, such as that found in «-bond onto the neighbouring C2 position. This process would leave oxygen with a positive
phenol, are particularly good at stabilizing
charge, having been made to share an electron with the carbon at position 1, and the carbon
charge through resonance. This is one
at position 2 with a negative charge, having ‘gained’ an electron from the previously-shared
reason why phenol is so acidic—the
phenolate anion is stabilized through «-bond. We can continue this process around the aromatic ring to give 2 additional resonance
resonance, which weakens the O—H structures. As a lone pair on the oxygen is able to conjugate with the n system, the oxygen atom.
bond. must be sp” hybridized.
Acetone has a pK, of 19.2, whereas the hydrogen atom at the 3-position of acetylacetone has a
pK, of 9.0. Explain this difference in acidity.
propan-2-one pentane-2,4-dione
"acetone" “acetylacetone”
pKa: 19.2 pKa: 9.0
The pK, of organic molecules is related to the stability of the conjugate base, as discussed in
Worked example 1.6B. If we draw out the conjugate base of acetone and acetylacetone, we can
then try to rationalize which is likely to be more stable.
conjugate ° ° le)
= Ase BAK
Now, we know from sections 1.6 and 1.8 that the main contributors to stability are inductive
effects and resonance. As in Worked example 1.6B, there is likely to be a contribution from the
inductive effect, due to electron withdrawal by the oxygen atom of the carbonyl groups. How-
ever, resonance effects are typically more stabilizing than inductive effects, so we must consider
these as well. We shall first draw out all possible resonance structures of acetone and acetyl-
acetone. This gives us two resonance structures for acetone, and three for acetylacetone. This
means that the conjugate base of acetylacetone is more stable than that for acetone, so acetyl-
acetone has a lower pK,,. It should be noted, also, that resonance forms which leave a negative
charge on an electronegative atom are particularly stable.
acetone Ch oh
©: ()
conjugate 9
> i?)
A 9 9
more stable
@ Question 1.15
Draw all possible resonance structures of the following molecules.
(a) n (b) °
SC. 8
o ~o o™
carbonate anion ethyl acetate
(c) (d) Co
a s
(e) Ago (p a N J N —.
> Hint Be systematic, starting at a pair of non-bonded electrons moving to create a new x-bond.
Then, move electrons from m-bonds to new orbitals to ensure that there are no pentavalent spe-
cies created. Finally, decide if the movement of electrons has created any charged atoms. It will
also help to draw these as Lewis structures, displaying the lone pairs of electrons as dots.
QE i rounpations
© auestion 1.16
In each case, identify the most stable resonance structure (the ‘major contributor’) for the
following molecules. Justify your choices.
» Ae Bek
oy a
(b) o2P=0°
is <> ene)
° On
i. ii.
i. ii.
(a) n=c0 <> N=c-0°
> Hint First consider whether the resonance structure satisfies the octet rule, then whether it has
fewer charged species, and finally, if there is any charge, how stable the ions are.
1.9 Tautomerism
Tautomerism describes the interconversion of two compounds by a shift of a double bond and
hydrogen atom (or proton). This may look at first like resonance is occurring, but tautomerism
actually describes an equilibrium between two distinct species that are constitutional isomers.
As a result, we are able to shift the equilibrium using factors such as pH. The most commonly
encountered form of tautomerism is keto-enol tautomerism, which describes the interconver-
sion of an aldehyde or ketone possessing o-hydrogen atoms to an enol. In order to speed up this
tautomerism, an acid or base catalyst can be used.
First, we must draw on our knowledge of chemical nomenclature to draw out butanone. The
prefix butan- means that the parent hydrocarbon chain is four carbon atoms long, while the
suffix -one means that this is a ketone. Drawing out butanone based on this knowledge will give
us the following structure:
Nowwe need to think about what tautomers could be formed. As butanone contains a ketone with
a-hydrogens, it is able to convert into an enol. However, there are o.-hydrogens at both the 1 and 3
position, so there will be two possible enols formed by tautomerism. We can now draw them out
by using the electrons in each C—H bond to form a z-bond with the carbon of the ketone, forming
an -ene group, and moving the hydrogen proton onto the oxygen, to form an alcohol.
° ZA
SNA Enol forms
H H 2
1 2 SQ a
Keto- form : TK
‘The use of a base can catalyse the tautomerization of acetone (propanone) to its enol form.
Provide a mechanism for this transformation.
This is one of the first mechanisms we've had to draw in this workbook, so we shall try to take
care. First, the base will extract an a-hydrogen by donating a pair of electrons into the C—H o*
anti-bonding orbital, which breaks the C—H o-bond, and forms a bond between the hydrogen
and base (1). The pair of electrons in the C—H o0-bond are now able to form a 1-bond with the
carbon of the ketone by donating a pair of electrons into the n* orbital of the C=O bond (2). This
results in the formation of an -ene group. The m-bond of the carbonyl has been broken, and the
pair of electrons must reside on the oxygen atom, so that the carbon does not exceed the octet
rule (3). We can now draw this using curly arrows:
3 © 9° ©
Ae) 2 = A +BH
B J enolate form
QED: rounpations
This has formed the enolate, which is electronically identical to the enol, but is missing a hy-
drogen nucleus (proton) to convert it into the enol. Some tautomerizations only proceed to this
enolate, but we have been asked to draw the enol, so we shall assume that the conditions are
such that a proton could be extracted from either the protonated base, or solvent.
fe) OH
@ auestion 1.17
Draw all possible tautomeric forms of the following molecules.
ia ° (b)
2 °
° ce l ®e \
> Hint Look for o-hydrogen atoms by the keto- or imine group. These will be removed to form
the ene- tautomer.
© auestion 1.18
Provide a mechanism for the acid catalysed tautomerization of acetone.
© Question 1.19
3,4,4,5-Tetramethylcyclohexa-2,5-dienone has the trivial name ‘penguinone, due to its
resemblance to the flightless seabird which shares its name.
© Question 1.20
‘Michael addition’ is a useful way of forming C—C bonds between a nucleophile and an
a,B-unsaturated carbonyl compound. An example of a Michael addition is shown below.
Noe ° °
9 9 base B
Se x ———
Compound ‘A’ can undergo Michael addition with the «,B-unsaturated ketone ‘B’ if it is first
treated with a base to generate the reactive species X. Draw the structure of X and show any
resonance forms.
Burrows, A., Holman, J., Parsons, A., Pilling, G., and Price, G. (2013) Chemistry’, 2nd edn (Oxford University
Press, Oxford).
Clayden, J., Greeves, N., and Warren, S. (2012) Organic Chemistry, 2nd edn (Oxford University Press, Oxford).
Chain isomers
Figure 2.1 Relationships between positional isomers, chain isomers, and functional group isomers.
we w~0wk ak
pent-1-en-3-ol 3-methylbutan-1-ol 3-methylbut-2-enal
yu “No ‘o
2-ethoxypropane butanal 2-methyltetrahydrofuran
First of all, it is necessary to count the number of carbon, oxygen, and hydrogen atoms present
in 3-methylbutanal. It may help to redraw the molecule with all atoms included. This allows
identification of the molecular formula of 3-methylbutanal as C;H,,O.
HoH c:5
HG H:10
H oO
07°S¢- GS-4
HH H Molecular formula: C5;H190
This question can be answered by simply counting the numbers of each atom present in is- Ss Double bond equivalents = C — (H/2)
ovaleraldehyde, and comparing the molecular formula to each other molecule. However, by + (N/2) +1, where C = number of carbon
first identifying the number of double bond equivalents in 3-methylbutanal, we can identify atoms, H = number of hydrogen atoms
pica A 23 “ e and halogen atoms, and N = number of
constitutional isomers quickly: 3-methylbutanal contains one double bond, on the aldehyde a 7
a mene 7 a + nitrogen atoms. See Chapter 1, section
functional group, so the constitutional isomers of 3-methylbutanal will contain one double
1.5 for further help.
bond equivalent. Only three molecules of the six contain one double bond equivalent, namely
pent-1-en-3-ol, butanal, and 2-methyltetrahydrofuran.
The number of carbon and heteroatoms may then be counted to identify the correct consti-
tutional isomers. Butanal can then be dismissed as it contains only four carbon atoms, leaving
pent-1-en-3-ol and 2-methyltetrahydrofuran as the constitutional isomers of 3-methylbutanal.
For compounds A-F, identify which pairs of compounds are isomers, then assign whether they
are chain, positional, or functional group isomers of each other.
‘ HN
A B c
4 H
GET 2 isomerism
First, the molecular formula of compounds A-F must be identified by counting the number
of carbon, hydrogen, and nitrogen atoms in each molecule. Those compounds with identical
molecular formulae must be isomers of each other. This allows the identification of the pairs of
constitutional isomers: A and E (C;H,,N), B and F (C,H,,N), and C and D (C,H,,N).
Now, the pairs of isomers can be compared, and the nature of their isomerism identified. A
contains a branched carbon-chain, whilst E has a straight carbon side-chain, therefore they are
chain isomers. B has the methyl group at the 3-position on the cyclic piperidine ring, whilst in
F it is bonded at the 2-position. The difference in the position of these groups makes the two
molecules positional isomers. Finally, C contains a primary amine functional group, whereas
in molecule D the nitrogen atom is within the secondary amine group. These two molecules are
therefore functional group isomers.
yore . 4° 2°
H Branched: H.N
1 H
H :
2 c D
Chain isomers Positional isomers Functional group isomers
© auestion 2.1
Draw and name all six possible constitutional isomers of 1-chloropentane (C,H,,Cl).
a7 ~~
© question 2.2
Identify whether the following pairs of molecules are chain, positional, functional group
isomers, or a combination of the three. Think carefully about the definitions of each!
m 4A wma —€ —>-€
(b) is and ey
(a) HN wx and ANN
Configurational isomerism
re \=/ CH C2Hs
any, a OXNH,
Figure 2.2 The term ‘configurational isomerism’ covers both cis/trans isomerism and optical
isomerism, examples of which are shown.
1. The atomic number of atoms closest to the stereocentre determines priority, with the
largest given highest priority, and so on.
Order of priority by the CIP system: R-SH > R-OH > R-NH, >R-CH, > R—-H
Atomic number of first bonded atom: 16 (S) 8 (0) 7 (N) 6 (C) 1 (H)
2. Ifthe atoms have the same atomic number, then the atomic number of the next atom away
from the stereocentre is examined. If no difference is seen then continue to move away
from the stereocentre until a difference is found.
Order of priority by the CIP system: e—/ > no a ca R / > R-CH,
3. Ifthe substituent contains a double or triple bond, then it is treated as being bonded to that
atom twice, or three times, respectively, e.g. C(H)=CH, is prioritized over CH,CH, S In the rare case that you might be
assigning priority to two different isotopes
eg. of the same element (which would
Order of priority by the CIP system: R—== > RY > EN therefore have the same atomic number)
you give priority to the atom with the
highest atomic weight. For example, H
fe} fe} and D have the same atomic number, but
Furthermore: Jk > J > R\ D has a larger atomic weight. So in this
R OH R OH case D would be prioritized over H.
QED 2 somerism
Identify whether the following three molecules are cis or trans isomers.
(a) We need to look carefully at the relative position of the ethyl and methyl groups either side
of the double bond. Rotation cannot occur around this double bond, and the structure
provided shows us that these groups sit on opposite sides of the double bond. This
molecule is therefore the trans isomer of pent-3-ene.
(b) Itis important with any kind of stereoisomer firstly to identify the point(s) at which the
stereoisomerism arises (the stereocentre). In this example, there are two double bonds,
and therefore two points in the molecule at which no rotation is possible.The carbonyl
group (C=O) does not have any substituents attached to the oxygen atom, so cannot give
rise to cis/trans isomers. However, the carbon-carbon double bond has two different
substituents attached to either carbon atom, and can give rise to cis/trans isomers. This
is the stereocentre we need to assign. Looking at the double bond, we can see that the
methyl group on one side of the double bond and the carbonyl group on the other are
adjacent to each other. This is, therefore, the cis isomer.
(c) This question requires us to look at the cis/trans isomerism arising from restricted rotation
around a ring, but we follow the same principles as for double bonds to assign which
isomer is present. The two amine groups attached to the cyclohexane ring are on opposite
sides of the ring to each other—one sits ‘up’ from the plane (the wedge), the other ‘down’
(the dashes). This means that this is the trans isomer.
NH — "Tt NH,
(a) For the left-hand side of this molecule, assigning the priority of the substituents is easy— Ss This molecule may have looked as if it
hydrogen has the lowest atomic number of any element, so will be lower priority than were trans (E), because the methyl groups
any other element, according to the CIP rules. The right-hand side of the molecule looks were on opposite sides, but remember
that the stereochemistry is assigned
slightly more difficult. But as with all questions regarding the assignment of priority,
based on the priority of the groups using
assignment is simple if the CIP rules are systematically applied. Here, we have to assign
CIP, rather than their similarity.
priority to —OH or —CH,. Oxygen has an atomic number of eight compared to carbon’s
six, and therefore takes priority. This puts the two groups with the highest priority adjacent
to each other—this is, therefore, a (Z) isomer.
2H! 2
1’: +
on 1
(b) Assignment of the left-hand side of this molecule requires the use of point 2 of the CIP
rules outlined previously. As we travel away from the stereocentre, the first atom met is
carbon in both cases. We need to move further along bonds in order to assign priority. One
of the substituents is a methyl group, with a carbon atom bonded to three hydrogen atoms.
The other is an ethyl group, and bears a carbon atom bonded to two hydrogen atoms and
one carbon atom. Carbon has a higher atomic number than hydrogen, so the ethyl group
takes priority. The right-hand side of this molecule is simply assigned based on atomic
number, with the carbon atom of the ethyl group taking priority over the hydrogen atom.
The highest priority groups are adjacent to each other, so this is the (Z) isomer.
QED 2 isomerism
(c) The left-hand side of this molecule requires us to assign priority to either an ethyl group
or an ethynyl substituent. Although both of the closest carbon atoms are bonded to an
additional carbon atom, the ethynyl group has a carbon-carbon triple bond, so is treated
as if it were bonded to three carbon atoms, rather than the single carbon in the ethyl group.
The ethynyl group is therefore higher priority, according to the CIP rules. The amine group
on the right-hand side has a higher priority as nitrogen has a higher atomic number than
carbon. The two highest priority groups are opposite each other, so this is the (EZ) isomer.
2 1
@ Question 2.3
Rank the following groups in order of their priority according to the CIP rules.
> Hint Ensure you are familiar with the CIP system before you begin, and systematically apply
them in the order shown in section 2.3. Extra information is available in Burrows et al. (2013) and
Clayden et al. (2012) if you need help.
@ Question 2.4
Identify if the following molecules are cis or trans isomers.
OH ;
(a) =/ (b) Ve (c) OH (d)
> Hint In disubstituted rings, the relative positions of the two substituents does not affect whether
an isomer is cis or trans. Just treat them as you would a 1,2-disubstituted system.
@ Question 2.5
Use the CIP system to assign the following molecules as either (£) or (Z) isomers.
OH °
() 1S () yon © \= @ \=
> Hint If you cannot assign priority on the first atom away from the double bond, then move to
the second, third, etc., until priority can be assigned.
x | ¥ x Y
Non-superimposable mirror images
S You may see optical isomers
Figure 2.4 X is a chiral molecule, as its mirror image is not superimposable on itself.
designated as (+)- and (-)- or d- and /-.
These prefixes pertain to the direction
‘The two chiral stereoisomers arising from a single stereocentre are designated as either (R) _*hat plane polarized light is rotated, and
or (S). In order to assign chiral molecules as either (R) or (S), you must firstly prioritize the are not covered in this workbook. Nout
A 2 may also see molecules assigned as D-
substituents around the stereocentre according to the CIP system. Then, the molecule must be eco f
5 : 5 or L-, which is a slightly more complex
rotated so that the lowest priority substituent (most commonly hydrogen) is facing away from method of assigning chirality (usually to
the viewer. Now, if the priority of the substituents decreases clockwise around the molecule, the —_ amino acids) based on a separate set of
isomer is (R), if the priority decreases anticlockwise, then it is (S). rules called the CORN rules.
hs enantiomers (R)
= diastereomers
(s) <——_—_—_—> (S)
(R) (S)
(V4 meso A(R)
(R) = > (Ss)
Figure 2.5 The relationship between enantiomers, diastereoisomers, and meso compounds.
>) Note that inverting all the A chiral molecule can also exist as a non-superimposable mirror image of itself: an enanti-
stereocenters in a chiral molecule gives omer. However, ifa chiral molecule contains more than one stereocentre giving rise to chirality,
the enantiomer, unless the compound it can be related to stereoisomers with different (R)/(S) configurations that are not mirror im-
is meso. By contrast, inverting some,
ages. These compounds are said to be diastereomers (or diastereoisomers). In specific cases, a
but not all, of the stereocenters gives a
diastereomer can have a configuration such that it is imposable on its own mirror image, and
is therefore not chiral! In this case it is said to be a meso compound. The relationship between
chiral isomers is shown in Figure 2.5.
Assign the following chiral molecules as either the (R) or (S) enantiomers.
(a) Neen (b) Hom ORE iG)
(a) Ifwe follow the same logic used in the explanatory paragraph at the start of this section,
then we will always arrive at the correct answer. First, we must assign priority to the
substituents using the CIP system. This puts the amine group as the highest priority,
the ethenyl group second, the methyl group third, and the hydrogen atom fourth. If you
require more practice assigning priority using the CIP system, then revisit section 2.4.
The lowest priority substituent, i.e. the hydrogen atom, is already facing away from the
viewer, so no rotation of the molecule is necessary. The substituents are now ordered in an
anticlockwise fashion, so the isomer is (S).
(b) In this molecule, the hydrogen atom has not been drawn out for you, but it is still there.
However, you may find it helpful to redraw the structure with the atom included. Assigning
priority using the CIP system puts the groups in the following order:
3 2
4 1
Before we are able to assign whether this stereoisomer is R or S, we need to make sure the
lowest priority group is facing away from us. Rotating the molecule 180° horizontally, then
making an assignment allows us to identify this as the R enantiomer.
(c) This molecule may look a bit different from those we have previously assigned, but there is
still a stereocentre which gives rise to chirality in the molecule. Assigning priority is a little
difficult, due to the ring, but it is still possible if we follow the CIP system. The assignment
of priority must be done with careful consideration of the relative positions of the C—C
double bonds. In this case, hydrogen is lowest priority, followed by the left-hand side of
the ring, then the right, and finally the C-—CH,)CH, substituent. The lowest priority group
is facing the viewer, so the molecule is rotated 180° horizontally. The order of priority now
decreases in a clockwise fashion, so the molecule is the (R) enantiomer.
GED 2 isomerism
(a) OH
HN HO.,, NH,
NH, and
tl ww NH2
OH and OH
o 9
& ° and
“a ° Oo
ae X
(a) This set of questions can be answered using two different methods. Either you can redraw
the molecules in order to see if they are mirror images of each other, or you can assign the
stereochemical configuration and work out their relationship from there. If we redraw the
molecule on the right-hand side so that the carbon backbone mirrors the molecule on the
left, we find that these isomers are not mirror images of each other due to the chiral centres,
but are still non-superimposable. This means that the molecules are diastereomers.
HON2) boa HN ANH 2
You may have difficulty rearranging molecules in this fashion, particularly as the complex-
ity of the molecules you are trying to assign increases. Another method of working out re-
lationships between these stereoisomers is to assign the stereochemical configuration to
each chiral centre first. If all stereocentres are inverted, the isomers are enantiomers; if
some—but not all—of the stereocentres are inverted, they are diastereomers. This will al-
ways be a good strategy in questions of this type.
First of all, we assign the stereochemical configuration to the two chiral centres on each
isomer using the CIP system covered in Worked example 2.6A. This gives us (R,R) for the
isomer on the left, and (S,R) for the isomer on the right. As only one of the two stereocentres
has been inverted, these are diastereomers.
HN (R) Ho.,, AB NH,
(R) NE (s}
(b) Firstly, assign the stereochemical configuration of the two isomers shown in this question.
This gives us (R,R) for the left-hand molecule, and (S,S) for the right. As both stereocentres
have been inverted, these are enantiomers. Furthermore, simply rotating the molecule on
the right hand side 180° anticlockwise gives us a non-superimposable mirror image of the
compound on the left.
5 (S\NH
(R) “NH, oy
(c) Again, assign the stereochemical configuration of each stereocentre first. Notice how
the configuration of each stereocentre has not changed, giving (R,S) in each instance.
The molecule is, therefore, meso. If we rotate the molecules 180° vertically, they are
= ~
HO~{R)(S" OH Sie
B4 / \ rotate x
oO and ° Oo — ° oO
ee X oot on
For future questions, you can use a quick trick to help you identify meso compounds: they
all contain at least one plane of symmetry (Figure 2.6). This plane of symmetry is what al-
lows them to be superimposable on their mirror image. Remember that C—C bonds can
rotate, barring steric effects, so sometimes you may have to change the orientation of a mol-
ecule to notice this symmetry.
ye HO;
Ho Tos
@ Question 2.6
Find and mark all chiral centres in the following molecules.
(d) HO (e) (f)
> Hint Remember that for a carbon atom to be chiral it must be bonded to four different groups.
@ Question 2.7
Assign the following molecules as either the (R) or (S) isomers.
Br Ph O SiMe;
> Hint If you find it difficult to rotate the molecule so that the lowest priority group is facing away
from you, then leave is where it is, assign the stereochemical configuration, and reverse the an-
swer at the end (i.e. (R) goes to (S), (S) goes to (R))—you’ll end up with the correct isomer that way!
2.6 SYNOPTIC questions [IPERS
@ Question 2.8
Are the following pairs of compounds enantiomers, diastereomers, meso, or not stereoisomers at all?
° A
° and
7 on
° 3O- OH and
i OH
oe SH and 4S ALNg, (4) SY and Oh
: ‘OH
> Hint If you are confident that you can rotate these compounds to try and mirror each other, you should reach an answer. If you are unsure,
however, assigning the stereochemical configuration of the chiral centres will lead you to a correct answer.
@ Question 2.9
(a) You are provided with an unknown colourless liquid. Elemental analysis shows
that this sample has the molecular formula C,H,Br. It is your task to identify this
compound. Firstly, draw all possible constitutional isomers of this sample.
(b) You now place this sample into a polarimeter. You find that the optical rotation
equals +4.5°. Draw and name the two compounds that this sample could be.
(c) Treating these compounds with a strong base can lead to an E2 elimination of
the bromine atom. This reaction could also potentially eliminate three different
hydrogen atoms, leading to three different products. Draw and name these
> Hint In (a) calculating the number of double bond equivalents will help! In (c) you may strug-
gle with this question if you have not covered elimination reactions before. Don’t worry if you
haven't yet!
GED 2 isomerism
© auestion 2.10
Pseudoephedrine is a commercially available decongestant. You are provided with a
sample of the dextrorotatory (+) enantiomer of pseudoephedrine, shown below. You
measure the optical activity of this sample and find that (+)-pseudoephedrine has a spe-
cific rotation of +52°.
Burrows, A., Holman, J., Parsons, A., Pilling, G., and Price, G. (2013) Chemistry’, 2nd edn (Oxford University
Press, Oxford).
Clayden, J., Greeves, N., and Warren, S. (2012) Organic Chemistry, 2nd edn (Oxford University Press,
Nucleophilic substitution
A nucleophile contains a pair of electrons that can be used to form a new chemical bond. S The electrons that are donated can
Nucleophiles act as electron donors. When we draw a reaction mechanism we always draw the either be in the form of a lone pair or a
electrons flowing from the nucleophile to the electrophile. formal negative charge.
In the reaction below, which molecule is the electrophile and which molecule is the
4“ H.e-H
ob: + SSp-ch = — > }!
H 9, ci” By
a7 er
The water molecule contains two lone pairs of electrons which can be donated. Boron trichlo-
ride contains an empty p orbital perpendicular to the plane of the molecule, which can accept
electrons. If we look at the product, the oxygen has become positively charged and therefore
must have donated a pair of electrons. By contrast, the boron has become negatively charged
and therefore must have accepted a pair of electrons. This means that in this case water is a
nucleophile, as it has donated a pair of electrons, and the boron species is an electrophile, as it
has accepted a pair of electrons.
(REA s nucteopnitic susstiTuTION
Arrow denotes
electron movement
oO: Z Empty p
H°7 _-° orbital 6
BS? a New bond formed
a oltre by donation
B -
cl>B-cl ci? cl of lone pair on O
cl cl
In the reaction below, which molecule is the electrophile and which molecule is the
S A tosylate/tosyl group is a para- If we look at the reaction carefully we can see that the tosylate and bromide have swapped
toluenesulfonyl group. It is an extremely positions in the products when compared to the reactants. This therefore implies that the
good leaving group so is commonly used bromine must have used its electrons to displace the tosyl group, forming a new bond between
in nucleophilic substitution reactions.
the carbon and bromine.
We also know that sodium bromide, NaBr, exists as an ionic solid and can therefore be present
as Na‘ and Br~ ions. Bromide (Br-) has a negative charge which can be donated; it is therefore
likely to act as a nucleophile. Consequently, iso-butyl tosylate will be the electrophile.
More specifically, the C—O o* orbital is the electrophile, as this is the lowest energy unoc-
cupied molecular orbital (LUMO). The tosylate leaves as a negatively charged salt; formally the
Dd) For more information on leaving positively-charged sodium will be associated with it, generating the products shown.
groups, see section 3.4 and Clayden
etal. (2012). C—O o* orbital
@ Question 3.2
Suggest which species is likely to be the electrophile, and which the nucleophile, in the
reaction below. Suggest structures for the products.
H,0 a
O @ ———— x
(?) Question 3.3
For each step depicted, which species is the electrophile and which is the nucleophile?
Br +Br
9° )
} *r
(>) {>} @
HCl + HO cl + H,0
< eo @
BF, + NH; === 5.B-—NH,
acid base adduct
Figure 3.2 An example of a Lewis acid and base reaction.
By contrast, a Lewis acid is an electron pair acceptor and a Lewis base is an electron pair
donor. A Lewis acid can also be thought of as an electrophile and a Lewis base as a nucleophile
(Figure 3.2).
As mentioned earlier, acids and bases always occur in pairs. An example of this is shown in
the reaction in Figure 3.1. HCl has reacted with HO“ to produce Cl and H,0*. HCl is the acid; it
loses a proton to H,0 to form CI, the conjugate base of HCl. Conversely, H,O is the base: it gains
a proton from HCl to form H,0*, its conjugate acid.
For the following examples, determine whether the following compounds are Bronsted acids/
bases or Lewis acids/bases.
HClis a Bronsted acid because it can act as a proton donor. NEt, is a Lewis base as it has a lone
pair on the nitrogen which can be donated. Et,O, diethyl ether, is a Lewis base because it has
Jone pairs on oxygen that it can donate. Finally, BCI, is a Lewis acid because it can accept an
electron pair into its empty p orbital.
Identify the acid and conjugate base pairs for each of the following reactions.
0 é °
2 + OH =—_——_ 2 6 + H,0 ro
OH 0
HH’ \H + HO = ® + S [2]
In reaction 1, the acid is acetic acid as it loses a proton to become acetate, the conjugate base.
The base is hydroxide as it gains the proton to become water, the conjugate acid.
Le} Le}
pe # Onn = 2 6 + H,0
OH [e}
In reaction 2, ammonia is the base: it accepts a proton to form ammonium, the conjugate
acid. Water is the acid: it loses a proton to form hydroxide, the conjugate base.
oN, ee e! °
H7-TH + H,0 => SNA
base acid conjugate conjugate
acid base
@ Question 3.5
Identify the acid/base pairs for each of the following reactions.
! LF
Sic x ey > [2]
Rate = k, [substrate]
An Sy] reaction is independent of the concentration of the incoming nucleophile and is related
solely to the ability of the leaving group to leave. In an S,1 reaction a discrete positive charge
is formed on a carbon. The key point to remember is that the intermediate carbocation in an
nue + Ye —>+> \* + x
x Nu
Figure 3.3 A general substitution reaction.
(RED s nucteopnitic susstitution
<) RDS R _ R Nu Nu
ve —_——_> aA => R' R" >
R R'~@~R" R
sp* hybridized sp? hybridized Empty p Racemic product
carbon centre carbon centre orbital perpendicular due to planar
to the C-R bonds intermediate
Planar intermediate
Figure 3.4 The S,1 reaction.
S For a reminder about hybridization, S,1 reaction needs to be stable. S,1 reactions can only occur at tertiary or secondary centres
see Chapter 1, section 1.4. because the resultant carbocation needs to be stabilized, either by hyperconjugation (through
space) or inductively (through bonds) (Figure 3.4).
S For more information, see Chapter 19 Hyperconjugation involves the overlap of o bond (e.g. a C—H or a C—C) with the empty,
of Burrows et al. (2013). hybridized p orbital present on the carbocation. The inductive effect is where electrons are at-
tracted to the carbocation through the C—C o bond directly attached to the carbocationic car-
bon centre, Figure 3.5.
7c C., 'H
R 0 Oo
Empty H
p orbital
S Under acidic conditions HO-is never ‘The first thing to notice is that the reaction is under acidic conditions so the oxygen will be pro-
a leaving group! tonated to give an oxonium species (a positively charged oxygen), that can then leave, generat-
ing a tertiary carbocation. This cation is attacked by the bromide anion, generating a new C—Br
3.3 s,1ANDS,2 (REE
Oxonium ion . 0 .
Tertiary carbocation
Draw a mechanism for the following reaction. Suggest what will happen to the stereochemical
configuration of the carbon marked with an asterisk.
NaOH he
—_————> Et
In this example, iodide is the leaving group. This iodine resides on a tertiary carbon therefore 5) For more information about
the mechanism must be S,1, not S,2; when the iodide leaves a stable carbocation is generated. enantiomers and stereochemistry,
The cation formed has sp? hybridization and therefore has an empty p orbital. This p orbital can see Chapter 2.
be attacked by the nucleophile from either above (pathway a), or below (pathway b) the plane,
leading to two different products. These products are enantiomers.
Benzylic carbocation
(sp? hybridization)
1 Et
| rate acceleration
1 due to cation OH
' stabilization by
'. conjugation
QZ 3 nucteoPuitic suBstituTION
@ Question 3.6
Provide a mechanism for the following transformation, assuming it undergoes an S,1-type
reaction pathway. Suggest the stereochemical configuration at the carbon labelled with an
& Hint Draw the mechanism first and then consider the stereochemical implications.
A loan EtSH
‘* —_> x
> Hint Draw the mechanism first and then consider the stereochemical implications.
R R + R
Nue pe'TS eq ik ob’
ue hy
Nu~ SR" + x
H R' H H
nn _ OTs —> nl
3.3 S,1ANDS,2 (ESN
The carbon that connects to the leaving group is primary, therefore the mechanism must be S,2. If Sr ‘or a refresher on chirality, see
it were S,1, an unstable primary carbocation would be generated. The mechanism involves attack Chapter 2, section 2.5.
of the nucleophile onto the C to which the leaving group is bonded. The nucleophile (Cl) makes
the new C—Cl bond at the same time as the C—O bond breaks; the process is concerted. More spe-
cifically, the incoming nucleophile attacks the C—O o* orbital, which leads to cleavage of the corre- Sr or a refresher on bonding and
sponding C—O o bond. It is due to the concerted nature of this reaction that in the transition state anti-bonding orbitals, see Chapter 1,
both the incoming nucleophile and leaving group are drawn carrying a partial negative charge. section 1.3.
a 2. :‘
Wn Lots —_ —_ 6 7 On,
5 1 s
ci® cl °
Provide a mechanism for the following transformation, assuming the reaction undergoes an
Sy2-type reaction pathway. Suggest the stereochemical configuration of the product.
Et NaCN Et
ap ab
Me* Br Me CN
We are going to go through this example in two parts; in the first part we will look at the mecha-
nism and in the second part we will look at the stereochemical implications of the mechanism.
It is often useful to break up challenging questions into smaller steps in order to avoid con-
fusion. In cases like this, trying to imagine the 3D positioning of groups whilst working out a
mechanism could be tough.
The first thing to notice here is that the carbon centre at which the substitution occurs is
secondary; this means that it can undergo either S,1 or S,2 substitution pathways. However,
in the question we have been told that it reacts via an $,2 mechanism therefore that is all we
consider. In an S,2 mechanism, the leaving group is displaced by the incoming nucleophile in a
synchronous process. The mechanism is the same as in the previous example; the nucleophile
attacks the C—Br o* orbital, generating the transition state shown, where the incoming nucleo-
phile and leaving group both have a partial negative charge. Finally, the leaving group is fully
displaced and the product is produced.
Et Et Et
() (-)
NC _ neater _ N oo he
ae Me H
QED 3 Nucteopuitic suBsTiTuTION
Now that we have ascertained the reaction pathway, we can start to consider the stereochem-
ical configuration of the product. In an S,2 reaction, inversion of the original stereocentre is
observed. This is due to the concerted nature of the reaction and that only one reaction pathway
can be followed due to orbital constraints. The incoming nucleophile attacks the C—Br o* orbital
generating the transition state shown. In this case, the methyl group in the starting material was
>, Be careful—even if the starting
at the back, therefore in the transition state the methyl group remains at the back as the nucleo-
material has an (R)-configuration, the
phile has attacked in a trajectory between the methyl and hydrogen. Once the bromide has left,
product will not necessarily be of an
(S)-configuration. You need to invoke the the resulting product has been inverted, rather like an umbrella being blown inside out. The
Cahn-Ingold-Prelog rules—see Chapter 2, final task is to determine the absolute configuration of the starting material and product. In this
section 2.3 for more information. case the starting material has (R) configuration and the product (S).
Et (—)
Et rea
= Et
NC > ™ oe z al —- Ee
Me’ Br : NC Me
H = Me H H
(R) (S)
re ——_——_—_—_—_— ro
@ Question 3.9
Provide a mechanism for the following transformation, assuming the reaction follows an
S,2 pathway. Suggest the stereochemical configuration of the carbon labelled with an
—_——— 5
> Hint Draw the mechanism first and then consider the stereochemical implications.
HA + B
Figure 3.7 An acid/base equilibrium.
We can determine if a proton can be removed easily by inspecting the C—H bond in question:
e Aweaker H—A bond means the proton can be removed more easily so the pK, is lower.
This is not usually a limiting factor in pK, values.
e Placing the negative charge of the anion on, or near, an electronegative atom e.g. oxygen is
also stabilizing. In the case of ethanol, an alcohol, removal of the alcohol proton leads to an
alkoxide which is stabilized by the electronegative oxygen. However, in the case of ethane,
removal of a proton leads to a carbon-based anion (a carbanion) which is extremely unstable.
e The more stable the conjugate base, the more acidic the proton. Conjugate bases can be
stabilized by a variety of means. If an anion can be distributed over a greater number of
atoms it is more stable because each atom ‘sees’ less of the negative charge, leading to a
lower pK, value. This is known as resonance.
e Finally, hybridization is another important factor. The more s character an orbital has, the
greater the degree of stability offered to the anion because of the spherical shape of the s orbital. S For more information about resonance,
see Chapter 1, section 1.8.
It should be noted that compounds with a low pK, are excellent acids but very poor bases.
The relationship between anion stability and pK, in some selected compounds is shown in S For a further explanation of this
Figure 3.8. reaction, see Clayden et al. (2012).
° ° @ Acetic acid
Ay qq = AA,9 = oH pK, 4.8
OH* fe} ‘i
ae 5 or a rr 19 WN 33
Oo H* H*
‘ 25 42
NOH 17 A
A ‘OH* 5
H fe) fe)
l@® 7
a 9 ar 18 Yon 25 NH 48
QE) 3 NucteoPuitic suBstiTuTION
Compare the acidity of the following protons marked with an asterisk. Suggest reasons for their
differing acidities.
\ 0H"
Ethanol Phenol
In this example both compounds contain an alcohol functional group. In the first example,
ethanol, removal of the proton generates a negative charge on oxygen. This leads to some
stabilization due to the electronegativity of oxygen therefore the proton is reasonably acidic;
however, the negative charge is completely localized on the oxygen atom.
® °
NJ OH* —_> H + NTO
pK, 17
S For a refresher on resonance In the second example, phenol, removal of the proton generates a negative charge on oxygen
stabilization, see Chapter 1, section 1.8. which can be distributed into the benzene ring due to resonance stabilization. This is an ex-
tremely effective way of stabilizing a negative charge and is reflected in the pK, values; the pK,
of ethanol is approximately 17 and that of a phenol is 12, ie. phenol is more acidic and will lose
its proton more readily as the conjugate base is more stable. Additionally, more stabilization is
offered because the carbon atoms in phenol are sp’, therefore they have increased s character
so are better able to stabilize a negative charge.
OH 0°
_~* H +
pK, 12
< \JOH
pK, value 12 17
ee eee
Increasing acidity
(increasing anion stability)
Increasing basicity
(decreasing anion stability)
Suggest which of the following molecules has the highest pK,, i.e. is the least acidic.
In this case we have a proton in three different hybridization states: sp’, sp?, and sp. When we
remove the proton indicated we will generate the corresponding sp*, sp’, or sp anion. These
have different relative stabilities due to the amount of s character present in the orbital: as s
character increases, the anion is held closer to the nucleus so the electrons are more tightly
held and are therefore more stabilized, resulting in a lower energy species. This is reflected in S In chemistry, generally speaking, the
the pK,,. As s character increases, i.e. as we travel from sp* to sp? to sp, anion stability increases —_ [ower in energy something is, the more
and pK, decreases. stable it is.
A as aN
pK, value 25 43 51
Increasing acidity
(increasing anion stability)
Increasing basicity
(decreasing anion stability)
Taking into account the stability of the anion, suggest which of these leaving groups will be the
we or NO,
QED 3 Nucteopuitic suBsTiTuTION
The pK, of the alkoxide is approximately 17, the sulfonate -3, and the p-nitro phenol 8. The
compound with the lowest pK, is the best leaving group and is more able to stabilize a nega-
tive charge, therefore the sulfonate is the best leaving group and the alcohol the worst. This is
utilized within organic chemistry. as a sulfonate is often used as a leaving group in substitution
and elimination reactions.
If we did not know the pK, values for each, it is possible to compare the compounds in order
to predict which would be the better leaving group. In all examples the anion is on oxygen so it is
stabilized by the electronegativity of oxygen, therefore we need to inspect each molecule more
closely to see if there are likely to be any differences in stability, and therefore pK,,.
If we compare the sulfonate and the phenoxide with the ethoxide, respectively, the anion
can undergo resonance stabilization in the phenoxide and sulfonate whereas it cannot in the
ethoxide. This means that these anions are both more stable than the ethoxide. Comparing
the phenoxide and sulfonate, the anion in the sulfonate is strongly stabilized by the electron-
withdrawing SO, group. In the phenoxide the anion can resonate around the benzene ring into
the nitro group, but this is not as stabilizing because the nitro group is further away so the elec-
tron-withdrawing effect is weaker.
(o) 07S) 9 [e) oye)
@ Question 3.10
Whyis there such a difference in pK,,, values of the following: butylamine (pK,,, 10.7); dibu-
tylamine (pK,,, 11.3); and tributylamine (pK,,, 9.9)?
n-Buy # I
aa n-Bu7 ~n-Bu n-Bu7’n-Bu
Butylamine Dibutylamine Tributylamine
s) Be careful—the values given are pK, > Hint Consider hydrogen-bonding with the solvent and the inductive effect of the alkyl chains.
not pK,!
© auestion 3.11
Which of the following compounds will have the lower pK,?
© auestion 3.12
What is the most likely mechanistic pathway for the following reaction? Suggest the stereo-
chemical configuration of the product.
@ Question 3.13
What is the product of the following reaction? Draw the curved arrow mechanism and de-
termine the stereochemical configuration of the product.
© question 3.14
Consider the following reaction. What would happen to the rate if:
(a) the substrate concentration was doubled?
(b) the nucleophile concentration was halved?
Nal I
OY eo
Np, NaCN
Burrows, A., Holman, J., Parsons, A., Pilling, G., and Price, G. (2013) Chemistry’, 2nd edn (Oxford University
Press, Oxford).
Clayden, J., Greeves, N., and Warren, S. (2012) Organic Chemistry, 2nd edn (Oxford University Press,
Elimination reactions
| Antiperiplanar \ B a"
H.R? RI R?
i conformation |
|' H 4°
w e “Y
R* ——_—_
S The diagram showing the 3 4 i
Re Rn Re LG R2 RS
antiperiplanar conformation in Figure 4.1 f n ?
is called a Newman projection. This type ! LG i
E1 eliminations
£6) E1 eliminations are regioselective El eliminations are unimolecular, with only the concentration of the molecule undergoing
for the more substituted alkene (Zaitsev elimination contributing to the rate equation. E1 eliminations, like S,1 reactions, involve two
product). steps: the leaving group leaves (rate determining), then the proton is removed, forming an
alkene (Figure 4.2). Unlike E2 reactions this process does not require an antiperiplanar con-
formation, however steric effects can lead to these reactions being stereoselective; usually E
3 1 1 3
H 7 R4 slow " RS R2 Re 3 e R R? R°
3 x > Pe a or Bi Hk ——qx© =~ or an
R! R2 LG R' R? Rt H <1 Rt R 2 R 4 R' R*
carbocation intermediate
Figure 4.2 The mechanism of an E1 elimination. The carbocation intermediate is planar and sp?
hybridized, allowing elimination from either side of the vacant p-orbital, which potentially yields both
the E and Z products. During the elimination step, the C—H o-bond must be aligned with the vacant
p-orbital of the cation.
alkenes are favoured due to this effect. E1 reactions typically occur when the structure of a rea-
gent means that the carbocation formed sits on a tertiary or secondary position, and where the
carbocation intermediate may be stabilized by surrounding substituents. El reactions require
a good leaving group and a weaker base (e.g. water or an alcohol), or no base at all!
E1cB eliminations
The ElcB mechanism is a two-step process that proceeds with the formation of a carbanion,
and subsequent displacement of a leaving group (Figure 4.3). The reactions are first order with
respect to the conjugate base. ElcB occurs when a a molecule with a poor leaving group is
treated with a strong base, and is only possible when the carbanion formed is stabilized by an
electron-withdrawing group (commonly a carbonyl). As in El reactions, the ElcB elimination is
regioselective based on steric effects, often yielding a major E product.
i contributor
“fee — [Bo —
co GE a OH ©0 Son fe)
resonance stabilization
Figure 4.3 The mechanism for an E1cB elimination. The carbanion intermediate is stabilized by an
electron withdrawing group—in this case, a carbonyl.
The reaction below yields a single product through an elimination reaction. What is the SD The alkoxide and corresponding
product, and by which mechanism is it formed? alcohol conditions used for this reaction
are very common conditions for
Br NaOEt elimination reactions. Please note that if
2 the alkoxide and leaving group are not
EtOH sterically hindered, then S,2 reactions
may occur.
If we look at the reaction conditions, then we can note two things. First, a pretty strong alkoxide
base is used, which would favour the E2 mechanism, and second the leaving group (Br) is in
a secondary position. This means that were the reaction to proceed via an El mechanism, the
carbocation would be secondary, which is not very stable in the absence of electron donating
groups. These point to the likely mechanism being E2.
OO 4 evimination REACTIONS
Now, when trying to decide the likely product, we need to identify which protons could be
eliminated. These must be adjacent to the leaving group, giving us three possible protons to
choose from.
H H 3
1 2
Eliminating proton 1 would lead to a trisubstituted alkene, whilst eliminating 2 or 3 would give
a disubstituted alkene. Zaitsev’s rule states that alkenes of higher substitution are more stable,
so eliminating proton 1 is preferable. Therefore the product would be:
A major
mE te OD
] fe) fe)
[e) OH
3-iodo-3-phenylpropanoic acid cinnamic acid (Z)-3-phenylprop-2-enoic acid
(a) Provide a mechanism for this reaction, explaining why two stereoisomers are formed.
(b) This reaction is stereoselective. Which do you expect to be the major product, and why?
I ° ° i}
® path 1 NS
OH ——~> on > OH
Leh lie S
fe) OH
(b) El reactions are stereoselective due to steric interaction between adjacent substituents on
the carbocation intermediate. If we draw Newman projections of the two intermediates we
can make a judgement about which is less sterically favourable.
The major bulky groups in these projections are the phenyl and carboxylic acid groups.
This means that there is more steric hindrance in path 2, which aligns the groups with each
other. Thus, path 1 is more favourable, making the E stereoisomer, cinnamic acid, the major
(a) tBuONa
(b) oa EtOH
a OTs NaO!Pr
(a) CY 'PrOH
(e) Et,N
o.® ——>
(>) DMSO
> Hint When approaching these questions, try to look at the choice of base and the nature of the
leaving group. A strong base will often give E2 reactions, whilst a good leaving group that results
in the formation of a relatively stable carbocation will favour E1.
OD 4 evimination REACTIONS
@ Question 4.3
In the laboratory, you stir a solution of (2-bromo-2-methylpropyl)cyclohexane in ethanol
at room temperature for 24 h. This yields a minor fraction (25%) of alkene products, but also
a major product (75%) which is not an alkene.
sbeh Major product Alkenes
RT - 75% v 25%
(a) Draw the structure of the alkenes produced from this reaction.
(b) Predict the structure of the major product.
(c) Without changing or adding any reagents, suggest how you may increase the yield
of alkenes.
Reactions of unsaturated
5.1 Electrophilic addition
In general, electrophilic addition reactions occur between an electrophile and an alkene,
though other groups possessing m-bonds may also react in this way. Electrophilic addition re-
sults in the t-bond breaking with the formation of two new o-bonds, with the electrophile ‘add-
ing’ to the alkene to form a new, larger, molecule. An example electrophilic addition is shown
in Figure 5.1, in which hydrogen bromide ‘adds’ to an alkene n-bond. Common reagents which
undergo electrophilic addition to alkenes are hydrogen halides, alcohols, and water. Acid cata-
lysts are often used which act as an electrophile, reacting with the alkene in the first instance to
form a carbocation, which is then attacked by a nucleophile.
H Br
/—\. 4 HBr > » {
Mechanism } :
' Lf Br }
~ r H Br. H 4
' a — 7 —_> \X '
' R R R R R R '
t '
Figure 5.1 An alkene undergoes electrophilic addition when treated with hydrogen bromide.
—>) Markovnikov’s rule is used to predict the regioselectivity of electrophilic additions. In essence
it states that when the general electrophile ‘HX’ undergoes addition to an alkene, then the proton
is added to the carbon atom with the most hydrogen atoms. While this is often the case, it is not
always true. Products which adhere to this rule are often called the ‘Markovnikov’ product, whilst
those which don’t are called ‘anti-Markovnikov’. Anti-Markovnikov products are often seen in
radical-mediated reactions.
eo HBr HBr Br
<> —_——>
Anti-Markovnikov Markovnikov
1 '
1 '
A eK
: more '
major '
: stable '
product '
ox 1
1 o™ > ~-* '
1 '
less minor '
stable product 1
Figure 5.2 The stability of the carbocation intermediate dictates the regioselectivity of electrophilic
major product which goes through the secondary carbocation transition state, which is more
stable than the primary (Figure 5.2).
reaction. If this reaction is conducted @
Br Br
in the presence of water, it can attack
the halonium intermediate, giving a
At R R
‘halohydrin’, which has a halogen and
hydroxyl group vicinal to each other. Bo
addition from either
side possible
Figure 5.3 Treatment of an alkene with bromine results in a dibrominated product via electrophilic
+ HBr
In this chapter we learn that hydrogen halides undergo electrophilic addition to alkenes, of
which this question is an example. The first step of this reaction involves the attack of the nucle-
ophilic alkene to the electrophilic proton of the hydrogen bromide. This could result in carboca-
tions I or II. lis more stable as it has the greater number of alkyl substituents, so the reaction will
proceed primarily via this intermediate. The bromide ion formed from the initial step can then
add to the carbocation formed to give 1-bromo-1-methylcyclopentane as the major product.
Dy H F
— more a
major product
less stable
Two equivalents of styrene undergo electrophilic addition with ethylene glycol (ethan-1,2-diol)
in the presence of sulfuric acid. What is the major product?
We know that this is an electrophilic addition reaction, so first of all we will identify the elec-
trophile and nucleophile. The nucleophile must be electron-rich, and reactive, so styrene is a
good candidate. Styrene is electron-rich at the aromatic phenyl ring and vinyl double bond.
However, the aromaticity of the ring means that it will not undergo electrophilic addition at
that point, which would destroy the aromatic n-system. Styrene is therefore nucleophilic at the
vinyl double bond. The electrophile, in the first instance, will be a proton from the sulfuric acid
catalyst, since ethylene glycol is a weaker acid. If we draw out the first addition step, we have
*) Aromatic molecules will undergo
two possible carbocation intermediates, one at the primary position, and one at the secondary electrophilic aromatic substitution, rather
position. As discussed previously, the secondary carbocation is more stable due to +/ effects than addition, but this requires additional
from the alkyl substituents, but also, in this case, the phenyl ring is able to add extra stabilization _ reagents. See Chapter 6 for more
through resonance. information.
i ee ®
At this point, the nucleophilic ethylene glycol is able to add to the carbocation intermediate,
followed by the loss ofa proton to yield an ether group between the two reagents and restore the
acid catalyst. This would lead to a racemic mixture of products, since the ethylene glycol is able
to add to either lobe of the carbocation’s p-orbital.
“™, BN °
® Ho on ® OH ie ~~ on
— —
We must resist the temptation to finish here, because we've been told that two equivalents
of styrene have been used, so there is still some reagent to react with the alcohol we’ve just
formed. This will proceed as an electrophilic addition, just like last time. The major product
drawn here has no stereochemistry defined, but would be a racemic mixture of the four possible
L in~w -Ht
— al §~0 —_ ow?
(b) Sy ——_—_—4©+
Br2, H2O
@ Ag
> Hint Remember to think about resonance and inductive effects on the carbocation inter-
mediate that may be stabilizing or destabilizing.
> Hint Ensure that you are careful with stereochemistry—review your answers to ensure
that you have included all possible stereoisomers in your answers. Each carbocation
p-orbital can be attacked by a nucleophile from either lobe.
Aromatic chemistry
OY "—~
Provide a mechanism for the following reaction. Suggest why nitration only occurs once.
RT or 0°C NO,
The overall reaction shows one of the protons on the benzene ring has been replaced by an
NO, group. In order for this reaction to work, we need to generate a species that can act as a
source of NO,; we need to consider formation of an active electrophile. Reaction of nitric acid
(HNO,) with sulfuric acid (H,SO,) generates a nitronium ion (NO,,). In this sequence, nitric
acid is protonated and a water molecule is subsequently eliminated.
H 5 Q
a H,SO, ¥\ l@ -H,0 ® 2.0
Vine (e) H o’ zo NW
HO” ~O 26 {°% i)
nitronium ion
With the electrophile prepared, the S,Ar step can be considered. The pi-cloud of the benzene
ring can attack the nitronium ion, a very strong electrophile, to generate the Wheland (carbo-
cation) intermediate. The high-energy carbocation is no longer aromatic, so a proton leaves in
order to regain aromaticity.
ot — oF — oO
et H
Le) H
Finally, the reason that the ring is only nitrated once is because the nitro group is strongly elec-
tron withdrawing, therefore it deactivates the ring, preventing it from attacking other electro-
philes. If you recall from earlier, S,Ar requires an electron-rich substrate. It is possible to nitrate
the ring again but it requires extremely forcing conditions: fuming HNO,, concentrated H,SO,,
and heating to 100 °C!
There are two aspects in this question that will help you to answer it: the first is that the group
added to the benzene ring is almost the same as that over the arrow, but without the Cl. The
second is that there is an acyl chloride and a Lewis acid (AICI,). These two pieces of information S For a refresher on Lewis acids, see
point to a Friedel-Crafts type mechanism. Chapter 3, section 3.2.
The first step is coordination of the Lewis acidic aluminium species to the chloride, followed
by a lone pair on the carbonyl oxygen eliminating AICI, to generate a highly reactive acylium
ion. Once we have generated the acylium ion, we are in a familiar S,Ar mechanism; the ion is
attacked by the benzene ring generating the Wheland carbocation intermediate before the ring
undergoes rearomatization, providing the final product.
cl ©
4 : —— ) ——_—_—_> AY ® + AICI,
[e) . -
acylium ion
® H Oo [e]
ia ® rearomatization
—$— > ~~ po. eo —
Br, FeBr3 Br
@ Question 6.2
Suggest a mechanism for the reaction below.
H,SO, Sy
> Hint This mechanism starts by protonation of one molecule of sulfuric acid by another, then
loss of a molecule of water.
>) For more information about directing
and activating effects, see Clayden et al.
Me | OH CF; NO,
. olp olp olp m m
functionalized (sterics
favour p)
Figure 6.2 The directing effects of some commonly encountered substituents. EWG means ‘electron
withdrawing group’ and EDG means ‘electron donating group’.
Suggest where the following molecules will undergo electrophilic aromatic substitution. >) The nitro group is drawn as shown.
Oo, y2o
NO, OH io)
It is important that you learn to draw it
out like this as it is commonly drawn
incorrectly in exams!
If we consider the first example, nitrobenzene, the nitro group is strongly deactivating in
both a o and x manner (inductively and mesomerically respectively), because it pulls elec-
tron density towards itself. There are two implications of this deactivating effect: first, there
is less electron density on the ring at the ortho and para positions (with respect to the nitro
group) due to the mesomeric (1) electron withdrawing nature of the nitro group, therefore
any electrophile will preferentially add at the meta position. Second, when considering any
resonance forms of the Wheland intermediate, we need to look at possible locations of the
positive charge.
If we follow Pathway A, where the electrophile adds para with respect to the nitro group, there
is a resonance form where the positive charge can be located on the carbon directly adjacent to
the nitro group; an extremely unfavourable interaction. This is also true if the electrophile adds
ortho to the nitro group. However, if the electrophile adds meta to the nitro group (Pathway B),
the positive charge generated cannot be located directly adjacent to the nitro group and the
intermediate generated is therefore much more stable. Both of these effects (the electron
withdrawing nature of the nitro group and the more stable carbocation intermediate) lead to
preferential formation of the meta product.
Pathway B E cE
<__\_> on <_—__> @®
: -E E E
meta substitution;
the only product
The second example we need to consider is phenol. In phenol, the OH is electron withdraw-
ing through the o bonds due to the electronegativity of oxygen (inductive effect), but electron
donating through the x bonds (mesomeric effect). However, the dominant effect is the 7 elec-
tron donation, therefore the OH group can be considered an activating group. As with the first
example, there are two things to consider. First, the electron-inducing nature of the OH group
S For a refresher on resonance, see means that the ortho and para positions are electron-rich compared to the meta position so
Chapter 1, section 1.8. these positions are likely to attack an electrophile.
Second, we need to consider the intermediate carbocation species. Both meta or para attack
onto an electrophile look plausible as resonance allows the positive charge to be moved around
the ring, which is stabilizing. We therefore need to look into these possibilities in more detail.
If we follow Pathway A, where the electrophile attacks meta to the OH, the positive charge is
never located adjacent an oxygen which we may consider to be a more favourable interaction.
However, if we follow Pathway B, where the positive charge can be adjacent the oxygen, one of
the oxygen lone-pairs can be used to stabilize the positive charge by m resonance, as shown.
This is also true if the phenol attacks in the ortho position. Overall, addition of an electrophile to
phenol will either be ortho or para to the OH group.
cannot be stabilized
by lone-pair
on oxygen
Pathway A “4
=~, 9 <> @
®E Pathway B Favourable
Hy interaction
OH ‘OH 0® a
So) |Z
or ortho
product (due to
similar reasons)
Suggest a mechanism for the following reaction. Account for the two products.
A [e) Me oO
al +
There are three clues in this question that will help you to determine the mechanism of this
1. Both AICI, and an acyl chloride are present. Both of these things are required for a Friedel-
Crafts reaction, suggesting an S,Ar mechanism.
2. The methyl group is an electron-donating group so the benzene ring is electron-rich, giving
further evidence towards an S,Ar mechanism.
3. There are two products; one where the acyl group is added ortho and one where the acyl
group is added para to the methyl group. This final piece of evidence suggests that an S,Ar
reaction pathway has been followed.
Acetyl chloride is not a strong enough electrophile to undergo S,Ar without some help. In
this case, the AICI, activates the starting material by coordinating to the chlorine which allows
generation of an acylium ion. This acylium species is now electrophilic enough to react with the
aromatic ring.
Sig “O°
Gie a Z ue 8 + AICI,
AICI, © Acylium
The reason there are two products is because the methyl group is electron inducing and, if
S Sometimes it can be helpful to
we ignore any steric effects, the ring can be acylated either ortho or para to the methyl group.
think of the ortho and para positions as
Once the Wheland cation has been generated by attack of the aromatic ring, it can be placed
having a slight negative charge due to
on the carbon adjacent to the methyl group; a stabilizing interaction. In this case, we can as- hyperconjugation and inductive effects.
sume that both the ortho and para products are formed with equal probability as no ratio has For further information about these
been given. effects, see Clayden et al. (2012).
——_—_—_ ® or or °
vA} 3
Cation cannot be
Cation can be inductively inductively
stabilized by methyl group stabilized by
ara methyl group
~ © x
e Oo
[e) [e)
@ Question 6.4
Suggest why there are differences in how many times the bromine is substituted onto the
rings in the examples below.
Br. Br Br
fo) pe
AcOH, 0 °C
@ Question 6.5
Suggest which of these reactions will proceed more quickly and why. Suggest a mechanism
for each.
@ Question 6.6
Suggest the product or products of the reaction below. Which position is most likely to be
ie [e 9 i?
(>) ———_> ——__—>
= Rearomatization
tl MeTA.
‘oO —<>
© cl
x——~> 06
As stated earlier, this reaction works best if the aromatic ring is electron-poor and the result-
ing LG anion can be stabilized. If we consider the reaction in Figure 6.4, on initial inspection it
looks feasible because the aromatic ring is electron-poor and the chloride atom is a good leav-
ing group. However, this reaction is unlikely to take place readily because the anion generated
cannot be stabilized onto the nitro group, i.e. the anion generated cannot be placed directly on
the adjacent carbon atom.
cl OH
In this example, there is again a chlorine atom and a nitro group on the ring. The first thing to do
is to look and see which has been replaced; in this example it is the chlorine, which is what we
would expect as chlorine is a better leaving group than NO.,,. The next thing to do is inspect the
relationship of the substituents. In this example the nitro group is para to the chlorine which
will be substituted. This is of benefit as the negative charge generated in the intermediate can be
stabilized through resonance onto the nitro group and the reaction therefore proceeds.
6 ™N? HO Cl on
HO ‘>
> i —_»>
® |
© UNS rd ) si,
cl CN
The first thing to check is the substituents on the ring; in this case there is a chlorine and a
ketone. The chloride is a good leaving group, so can be substituted, and the ketone is elec-
tronically withdrawing hence the ring is electron-poor. Thus far, the conditions required for
a S,Ar reaction have been fulfilled. The next step is to check the relationship between the
leaving group and the EWG. If we attack the ring with the nucleophile, an anion is generated.
However, this anion cannot be resonance stabilized by the ketone, so this reaction is unlikely
to happen.
cl oO EtN QO
2 equiv. Et,NH
C Hs eo
C .
@ Question 6.9
Suggest a mechanism for the reaction below.
cl CuCN NC
@-2N A /- A
Nyq 4 S. > not —> Ns AX
tok tO
G4 —@
In this question the first thing to do is to inspect the functional groups on the aromatic ring <) In this example the inductivity of OH
and consider any electronic effects they may have. In this case there is a hydroxyl group anda —_ dominates that of OMe. The reasons
methoxy group, both of which are ortho/para directing. Both of these groups render the ring _ fF this are beyond the scope of this
electron-rich so it is able to act as a nucleophile and attack the azo-species. rex ooKe
In this example the lone-pair on the oxygen is used to push electron density into the ring,
generating an oxonium intermediate. This intermediate then loses a proton to recover aroma-
ticity, a highly favourable process.
7 oO” H
@o” OH
i Ns O Ns 1@
—_> N —__> N
OMe in} H
Oo OH N® H cr NO,
In this example there are again two directing groups; the hydroxyl group is electron donating,
therefore activates the ortho and para positions towards nucleophilic attack. The aldehyde
is electron-withdrawing so deactivates the ortho and para positions, but the meta position is
QZ c aromatic cHEmIsTRY
unaffected. However, the hydroxyl group is an extremely strong donor therefore the deactiva-
tion effect from the aldehyde is over-ridden. As in the previous example, the oxygen lone-pair
is used to push electron density onto the ring and then to attack the electrophile, generating an
oxonium intermediate. This intermediate then loses a proton to regain aromaticity. Attack para
rather than ortho is most likely due to steric reasons: the OH group is interfering with approach
of the diazonium species.
ie] G9 oy
H NO 2
Ns ° N
a H > Ns
r NO. 2 : Ney
© auestion 6.11
Suggest a mechanism for the following reaction.
M ion
HO eee Ns
“OO * HO N
@ + OPh Ns
© Question 6.14
Is the reaction below likely to occur? Give reasons for your answer.
| OMe
@ Question 6.15
How would you synthesize the following molecule, starting from benzene?
QED c aromatic cHEmistRY
Pathway A
@ + —_—_—_—_—__ > 2N
Ns N
Pathway B
NsSN® 70 2N
+ —_—> N
Br OMe OMe
Clayden, J., Greeves, N., and Warren, S. (2012) Organic Chemistry, 2nd edn (Oxford University Press, Oxford).
Carbonyl chemistry
Jk — Rew
3 o-bonds
1 n-bond
per carbon
A neutral carbon atom must have four bonds, therefore the nature of the other substituents
at the central carbon atom will dictate what type of carbonyl group it is and also its reactivity
There are numerous functional groups that contain a carbonyl moiety. Some of the groups
that you are most likely to encounter are shown in Figure 7.2.
If we consider the electronic structure of the carbon-oxygen double bond, we know that oxy-
gen is an electronegative element therefore the double bond is polarized towards the oxygen;
there is a larger orbital coefficient (i.e. more electron density) on the oxygen in the 2-bonding
A L 4tR™ A o ’
1 1 ' ' ’ t 1
es “8 fd ===> .
ht ;
R'% “Cl; R* “OH; Ri an
R Larger 1* orbital
& on carbon
R fy Lone pairs
Energy R A> HOMO
= 2 Larger x orbital
_ on oxygen
>, For a refresher on bonding and anti- orbital (Figure 7.3). When considering the anti-bonding orbital (1*) the opposite is true; the
bonding, see Chapter 1, section 1.3. larger anti-bonding lobe is on the carbon. The lone pairs on oxygen are also important and are
known as non-bonding. They are useful because they are the HOMO, i.e. the most available pair
of electrons.
Consideration of the HOMO and LUMO orbitals is extremely important when discussing the
reactivity of the carbonyl group; nucleophiles attack the carbonyl group at the z* orbital (the
LUMO), i.e. at the central carbon atom, and electrophiles are attacked by the oxygen lone pairs
(HOMO) (Figure 7.4).
nucleophiles electrophiles
attack the x* orbital are attacked by the
lone pair
° fe)
A [e} fe} wo ly fe)
OH sae
In order to answer this question, you need to look at the carbon of the C=O and see what is £) A y-lactam ring contains five atoms
either side of it. In muscone there is only a ketone; the central carbon atom has acarbon on _and a 6-lactam ring contains six atoms
either side. In aspirin there are two carbonyl groups, both of which are flanked by one oxygen in total.
and one carbon. In this case we now need to look and see what is bonded to the oxygen. If the
oxygen is bonded to a hydrogen, making an OH group, the functional group is a carboxylic acid.
If the oxygen is bonded to another carbon atom, the functional group is an ester. Finally, in
ampicillin there are three C=O containing moieties; in one the central carbon is bonded to an
oxygen and a carbon, and in the other two the central carbon is bonded to a carbon and a nitro-
gen. The first oxygen-connected moiety is a carboxylic acid, for reasons discussed previously.
The nitrogen containing moieties are both amides; however, if an amide is contained within a
ring, it is referred to as a lactam. In this case it is a B-lactam because the amide-containing ring
has four atoms.
acid \
By comparing the structures of an aldehyde, a ketone, an ester, and an amide, which do you think
has the largest partial positive charge on carbon and why? How will this affect the reactivity?
A H Bor of N -
The aldehyde and ketone are both flanked by atoms which do not have any lone pairs of elec-
trons (C and H) whereas in the ester and amide one of the flanking atoms has a lone pair of
electrons. The lone pair of electrons on both the oxygen and the nitrogen can be donated into
the carbonyl group, therefore increasing the electron density on the central carbon. This means
that the central carbon is less reactive towards nucleophiles because it is less 6+. We can now
make a judgement that the aldehyde and ketone are more reactive than the ester and the amide.
Looking more closely at the aldehyde and the ketone, we can see that the aldehyde has an
adjacent carbon and a hydrogen, and the ketone has two carbons. This makes a large differ-
ence to their comparable reactivity. The alkyl chains on the ketone are important, first because
they are able to inductively push electron density towards the central carbon atom (known S For more information about the
as hyperconjugation), and second because they are sterically large and hinder any incoming hyperconjugation effect of alkyl chains
nucleophile. and ketones, see Clayden et al. (2012).
OED 7 carsonvi cHEMisTRY
s) For a refresher on the inductive The aldehyde only has one alkyl chain that is able to offer this induction effect, therefore the
effect, see Chapter 1, section 1.6. stabilization of the 5+ charge is lower, so the aldehyde is more reactive towards nucleophiles
because the central carbon is slightly more 5+ than that of the ketone. Additionally, the steric
bulk of one H and one alkyl chain is less than that of two alkyl chains.
[e) ie)
> For a more detailed explanation, see We now need to compare the reactivity of the ester and the amide, both of which are less
Clayden et al. (2012). reactive than the ketone and aldehyde due to the lone pairs on the adjacent heteroatoms
(O and N). The ester contains an adjacent oxygen and the amide an adjacent nitrogen; both
electronegative elements. Oxygen is more electronegative than nitrogen and therefore less
able to donate its lone pair of electrons into the carbonyl group so the amide has a smaller
5+ charge on the central carbon compared to the ester. If we compare the energy of the lone
pairs on O and N we can see why this is: the oxygen lone pair is lower in energy due to the
electronegativity of oxygen, therefore orbital overlap with the high-energy n* orbital of the
C=0 bond is less likely. This means that when comparing esters and amides, esters are more
; ° fo)
Av UR : BL UR <> SUR
The final reactivity series is therefore (most reactive first) aldehyde > ketone > ester > amide.
@ Question 7.1
Do you think that cyclopropanone (shown below) is very stable to nucleophiles? Give some
reasons to support your argument.
& Hint Consider the bond angles.
ce) oO 9
Ace, AD weer,
aligned with
each other
| ° n* (LUMO)
° i Nu \ “
o> Nu oO l4
J: : OS
Ag ax R
3 a eae,
Nu sp® hybridized
C centre
s For a more information, see Clayden Alternatively, if the incoming nucleophile has a free electron pair after it has attacked the
et al. (2012). C=O, this electron pair can be used to eliminate water (Figure 7.7). Examples of elements
which commonly do this are oxygen, to generate an oxonium species that can undergo further
reaction, or nitrogen to generate imines (or enamines) as shown. Usually these reactions re-
quire an acid catalyst.
@ He
® fe 1 ® ®
af +H R—NH OH R{NH OH, _—H20 Ae 5 A =
A p< . ” N° NT
y) iminium imine
Figure 7.7 Imine formation resulting from elimination of water.
NaCN then
[e) H* w/up H OH
AA, wee
The key to answering this question is first to identify the nucleophile and use it to attack the
electrophile (LUMO, C=O n*). NaCN, sodium cyanide, is an ionic solid which exists as a so-
dium cation and a cyanide anion. The cyanide anion can act as a nucleophile because it has
a discrete negative charge and will attack the C=O n*, generating a tetrahedral oxy-anion that
can be quenched upon work-up to generate a cyanohydrin.
H° wiup H OH
SIP ne Ne woo
tetrahedral cyanohydrin
Suggest a mechanism for the following reaction, assuming there are at least two equivalents
of ethyl magnesium bromide present. Suggest why no intermediate X is isolated if only one
equivalent of nucleophile was used.
fe NV MgBr 6
Prd k ——_—_——_—_—_> x —_——
oS then Ht
Good leaving
oS So » HO
ae es
No oo,
More reactive than
the starting ester
EI 7 carsonvi cHEMisTRY
@ Question 7.4
Suggest a mechanism and the product of the following reaction.
Cl ae x
“HoT ON Le:
> Hint The acid coordinates to the lone pair on the oxygen so the carbonyl is more activated.
The reaction releases one molecule of water as a by-product and proceeds via an oxonium ion
(oxygen with a positive charge).
@ Question 7.6
Suggest a mechanism for the following reaction.
9 \ NH, |
~ H* cat. ~~
Alkane Alcohol Aldehyde Carpowiie
No of bonds 0 1 2 3 4
to heteroatoms
MX x A x, ar
Xx Xx
cS AY Py Ay
Table 7.2 General reactivity guide for different hydride-containing reducing agents.
ees aa v v v x x
DIBALH v v v v v
LiAIH, v v v v v
Smith, M. B. (2013) March’s Advanced Organic Chemistry: Reactions, Mechanisms, and Structure, 7th edn (John
Wiley & Sons Inc., Hoboken, Nv).
these reagents are slightly more advanced as they are require the hydride ion to be generated
first through reaction of the substrate or solvent with the reducing agent.
The reducing agent that you use is important as they all react slightly differently. In the series
above, sodium cyanoborohydride can be considered the mildest reducing agent and lithium
aluminium hydride the strongest. The implication of this is that different reducing agents are
best for different functional groups (Table 7.2). It is even possible to reduce one carbonyl-
containing functional group in the presence of another, provided you choose an appropriate
hydride source.
LiAIH, then
fo) H* wiup HOH
EDI 7 carsonvi cHEMisTRY
*) Although this is a ketone, it is at the Lithium aluminium hydride (LiAIH,) is a very reactive source of hydride. The hydride ion at-
aldehyde oxidation level. tacks the carbonyl to give the reduced product; the oxidation level of the central carbon has
changed from the aldehyde to the alcohol oxidation level.
In this example, all that you need to appreciate is that a hydride is present and it will react in
much the same way as a nucleophile because it has a negative charge (HOMO) which can react
with the C=O n* orbital (LUMO).
Al coordinates to
Precoordination oxy-anion because it
of lithium (>) has a vacant p orbital
7 avails ‘
® ® ‘
Li-, Li.5— . 4o
A oe BSE
H. O-AIH; H* workup
BH, then
° H* w/up
>) Warning: This is a very simplified When there is not hydride already present as H’, e.g. in the case of DIBALH and borane (BH,),
version of this reaction mechanism! the hydride has to be generated. This is achieved by coordination of the substrate to the reduc-
ing agent to form the active hydride species. In this example, the lone pair on the oxygen of
the carbonyl group acts as a Lewis base, and can be donated into the empty p orbital on the
boron generating a boronate species—the active reducing species. The hydride species re-
quired for reduction has now been generated and the hydride can be delivered to the carbonyl
group intramolecularly, which is favourable. Additionally, boronate ester formation activates
the carbonyl group (by acting as a Lewis acid) and the oxygen now has a positive charge so the
t orbital is polarized and can undergo reduction much more easily. Acidic work-up provides
the alcohol product.
Empty p orbital
i HH
“O° BH, 0°
BO 7H H,B—O H H* w/up HO H
AL aS" —
1 equiv. DIBALH,
fe) hexane, —78 °C
A~RKw ,
o BH;
Nw No
° o® °
R OH R [e) R [e) R [e}
Sodium hydroxide is an ionic compound and in aqueous media exists as a sodium cation and
a hydroxide anion. The hydroxide anion is nucleophilic enough to attack the ester at the 5+ car-
bonyl carbon, generating the tetrahedral intermediate shown. Once the tetrahedral intermedi-
ate has been made, the anion can regenerate the sp? carbonyl group by eliminating ethoxide.
The reason it has been drawn as a carboxylate rather than a carboxylic acid is because the pK,
of hydroxide is 15 and that of a carboxylic acid 5, therefore the hydroxide ion will deprotonate
the carboxylic acid as soon as it is formed because it generates a more stable anion. Only upon
work-up with a strong acid, e.g. aq. HCI, will the carboxylate be protonated to generate the de-
sired carboxylic acid product.
fesson ae ne 8
— ia
° ©O OH fo) 6 °
te _ >. O . “™~N —__ >. ca —OH on
OH tetrahedral H+
intermediate wi/up
EtOH, °
cat. conc. H,SO,
OH a o7N
This reaction is known as a Fischer esterification and is the opposite of the other example S This reaction is under acidic conditions
discussed previously. The first step is protonation of the carbonyl group which activates it therefore under no circumstances can
by causing an even bigger dipole so the 8+ charge on carbon is enhanced. This then allows hydroxide (HO) be eliminated. It must be
the ethanol to attack to generate the intermediate I. Switching protons to generate a new eliminated as water.
oxonium species leads to intermediate II, which can eliminate water. Finally, deprotonation
of intermediate III leads to the product. It is important to notice that all of the reaction steps
are reversible therefore the whole system is in equilibrium.
carbonyl group
®@ H by protonation
° ZH ee HO. OH H Rte
__ yt
OH =
——~— ‘ OH ee
———~ o% <—~ tH
a H
oe 1
@ o H
ors -Ht
— on™
(e) soci, °
paws —> + SO, + HCI
OH cl
ETON 7 carsonvi cHEMIsTRY
© question 7.11
Suggest a mechanism for the following reaction.
9 then EtBr °
OH ow ~
© question 7.12
Suggest a mechanism for the following reaction. Do you think the hydrolysis of an amide is
easier or harder than that of an ester? Give some reasons for your choice.
[e) [e)
9 [e)
OH cl ye AR
5-methylhexanoyl chloride
PCI, (phosphorus pentachloride) is a common reagent for this transformation. It has a trigonal
bipyramidal structure so the central phosphorus can be easily attacked generating an oxonium
intermediate (an oxygen with a positive charge), which can then be attacked by the chloride.
Finally, the tetrahedral intermediate falls apart eliminating phosphoryl chloride and the acid
chloride. The driving force for this reaction is the formation of a very strong P=O bond.
cil> 1cl cl, Cl cl (ei Vi
cl Poel Pcl
JK —_
a:AQ _ 1" 7 Antares — A,
yh 9 EtMgBr
yh °
ET 7 carsonvi cHEmistRY
The Grignard reagent is an excellent nucleophile and will readily attack the acid chloride. We
don’t have to worry about over-addition to form the tertiary alcohol because the ketone product
is much less reactive that the starting material.
© auestion 7.13
Suggest a mechanism for the reaction below.
“| . ao *
© question 7.14
Suggest a mechanism for the reaction below.
© question 7.15
Suggest the most likely product and a mechanism for the reaction below.
er Et,N
Gl + [> ——> x
7.6 Esters
What is an ester?
Esters are a class of carbonyl compounds that contain a carbonyl where the central carbonyl
carbon is bonded to the two oxygen atoms and another carbon atom (Figure 7.10). Esters are im-
portant compounds within the flavourings and fragrances industries because they usually smell
pleasant. Butyl butanoate, for example, smells like pear drops. An important thing to note about
esters is their nomenclature. Their names are in two parts: the alkyl chain attached to the O is
named first, and then the left-hand section (as drawn) up to, and including, the carbonyl group.
a "butyl"
Figure 7.10 Naming of esters.
Cleave across
, °
Oo 4
Formation from an acid chloride and alcohol usually requires a weak base for two reasons: to
remove any HCl by-product which might lead to further undesirable reactions, and to remove
the proton from the alcohol once it has attacked the carbonyl group, generating the tetrahe-
dral intermediate (Figure 7.12). This method is generally quite a fast way of making ester com-
pounds but one drawback is the availability and stability of the starting acid chloride; they can
be expensive and are hydrolysed to generate a carboxylic acid if not stored correctly.
° (pKay = 10) °
nv + Hos N =~ nv + Et,NeHCl
cl ons
Figure 7.12 Ester formation from an acid chloride and an alcohol.
Preparation from an acid anhydride usually requires slightly more forcing conditions than
with an acid chloride because of the reduced reactivity of the anhydride compared to the acid
chloride (Figure 7.13). Again, a base is present and is required to remove the proton from the
alcohol when it attacks the carbonyl group. When using anhydrides, it is necessary to determine
which end the nucleophile will attack otherwise you generate the wrong product!
OORT 7 carsonvi cHEMIsTRY
| ZB Sal
N ° fl °
Ho NN Za * Ae
(pKa = 5) fo)
Figure 7.13 Ester formation from an acid anhydride and an alcohol.
An alternative route, known as the Fischer synthesis, uses a carboxylic acid in the presence of
an acid catalyst (Figure 7.14). The acid activates the carbonyl group by protonation of the car-
bonly oxygen (for a full mechanism, see Worked example 7.6B). This reaction is in equilibrium
therefore it is best to ensure that the water by-product is removed by using a Dean and Stark
apparatus to force the equilibrium position to favour the products, or an excess of the alcohol.
fe) H,SO,, PhMe nw
nw + 47 OS oN +O
Figure 7.14 Ester formation from a carboxylic acid and an alcohol.
s) If the base used is triethylamine, The reaction shown is a common way of preparing esters. Acid chlorides are extremely reactive
pathway 2 is less likely to occur due to therefore the reaction will proceed readily. Pyridine has two roles: one is to neutralize the HCl
steric reasons. produced during the reaction by forming a salt (pathway 1), and the other is to activate the acid
chloride (pathway 2).
Pyridine is not a strong enough base to deprotonate the alcohol therefore this is not a mecha-
nistic option! As with all reactions where there is addition into a carbonyl group, a tetrahedral
intermediate will be formed which, in this case, can eliminate chloride to generate the ester
tetrahedral intermediate
eo 6A 6
[e) pane ( oc ° ol cl
Abe —_—_ ye — 7 —_ pe A + | =
s i 0 Z
Pathway 2:
oN N
| | H He
\ A 4 @N_cl
Nw activated iN + |
| species Nt ZA
ZA \ |
In this reaction the diol has been converted into a carbonate: a carbonyl group with two flanking
oxygen atoms. The mechanism for this is similar to that in the previous example; the triethylamine
will attack the phosgene (COCL,) to generate an activated intermediate which can then in turn be
attacked by the alcohol to form the ester. This process will happen twice. In terms of the order of
events, the primary alcohol probably will attack the phosgene first due to steric reasons, then the
secondary alcohol will attack to close the ring due to its close proximity to the acyl chloride.
Ag oe — ~~ OH 4H
cig on and
© question 7.16
Suggest a mechanism for the following reaction. What are the roles of pyridine?
f fe)
cl o7
O,N “—“- O,N
© question 7.17
Acetylsalicylic acid is a pro-drug for aspirin (salicylic acid). Suggest which bond is hydro-
lysed once it is in the stomach? Suggest a mechanism for this transformation.
© auestion 7.18
Will the following reaction form an ester? Give reasons for your answer.
9 NaOH °
MM OH —_—_—_—_—_> o~
7.7 Amides
What is an amide?
S In chemistry we refer to these Amides are a class of carbonyl compounds that contain a carbonyl group in which the car-
compounds as amides but in biochemistry bonyl carbon is also bonded to a nitrogen and another carbon atom. Amides are important
and chemical biology, where multiple compounds biologically because the amide bond is present in peptides and proteins.
amino acids are joined together, these
Amides are more resistant to attack than esters because the nitrogen lone pairs can delocal-
bonds are often referred to as peptides.
ize more effectively into the carbonyl group due to better orbital overlap, and because it is less
electronegative than oxygen. The implication of this is that the central carbon atom is less elec-
trophilic and the oxygen atom is more nucleophilic (Figure 7.15). An important thing to note
about amides is their nomenclature. Their names are in two parts, similar to an ester: the alkyl
chain attached to the nitrogen is named first, then the longest continuous carbon chain includ-
ing the carbonyl group of the amide.
7.7 AMIDES 107
H H ' r , H L
: butyl
' N-ethylbutanamide N,N-diethylbutanamide
When looking at this reaction, we can treat it the same as the other carbonyl reactions we have £) Remember, pK,,, is the PK, value
met. The acyl chloride is highly electrophilic at the carbonyl carbon due to the electronega- for the protonated parent species. For a
tivity of the chlorine, so is highly reactive towards nucleophiles, and chlorine is an excellent refresher, see Chapter 3, section 3.4.
leaving group (leaving as Cl’). The amine is a good nucleophile because the nitrogen contains
a lone-pair which can attack the C=O n* orbital, generating a tetrahedral intermediate which
can then eliminate chloride. The reason that chloride is eliminated and not the amine is be-
cause of their respective pK,,, values. The pK,,, of chloride (i.e. HCl) is —8 but that of the amine
(i.e. RNH,) is approximately 36. This means that the chloride anion is more stable, because it
has a lower pK,,,, therefore is the preferred leaving group. For this reaction to work the amine
must be in excess because one molecule of HCI is released which will make a salt with the
amine present.
OORT 7 carsonvi cHEMIsTRY
ge — Aa Hed
=e |H ) ok x ) + AA}
aan cl I Y
NaOH, H,0
° reflux [e) Lv
nH N 420 Pw N + H2N
H then H* w/up OH
Hydrolysis of an amide requires much more forcing conditions than for an ester therefore this
reaction must be undertaken at reflux. The hydroxide ion attacks the 6+ carbonyl carbon to
generate the tetrahedral intermediate. This then collapses to eliminate the amine as the anion.
The pK, of an amine is approximately 32 and that of water is 15.7, therefore the amine anion
formed deprotonates the water present. The newly formed carboxylic acid is deprotonated and
therefore cannot react any further due to delocalization of the negative charge, which renders
the carbonyl group unreactive towards nucleophiles.
.) -
— OK — r1, OH
tetrahedral :
intermediate NaOH Protonated upon
acidic work-up
so can be
oO washed into the
aqueous phase
© Question 7.19
Suggest a mechanism for the reduction below.
N a
© Question 7.20
Suggest a mechanism for the reaction below.
ote a oY
© Question 7.21
Suggest the mechanism for conversion of the Weinreb amide shown below to a ketone.
How would you make the Weinreb amide?
LY MsgBr
ae OMe eee
@ Question 7.22
Suggest the major product of the reaction shown.
QUEEN 7 carsonvi cHEMIsTRY
© Question 7.23
Give reagents and conditions for steps A and C. Suggest mechanisms for steps A and C.
© auestion 7.24
Suggest a mechanism for the hydrolysis of the B-lactam ring in ampicillin.
i H,0 i
09 “70 a o KANN
H “=O
© Question 7.25
Which of the following ketones would you expect to be reduced most quickly by NaBH,
and why?
Clayden, J., Greeves, N., and Warren, S. (2012) Organic Chemistry, 2nd edn (Oxford University Press,
Synoptic questions
OEt reflux, 4.5 days
od Xx
¢ 92%
oo ac |
'm-CPBA = bia
‘ O__
Step A Step B Step C
H SS a col x SS
Te OMe
fo) [e)
AICl3, heat
(b) What is the name of the reaction in step B? Draw a full mechanism for formation of X, fully
justifying any regioselectivity.
(c) Give reagents, conditions, and a full mechanism for conversion of X to the product in step C.
z fo)
@,2N HOT on
N Ns
or _— ee a KOH,
Ee 140 °C
QUEEN synoptic questions
The following relate to the reaction scheme shown.
(25,3S)-2-bromo-3-methylpentane reacts with lithium diisopropylamide (LDA) to yield two
major products.
Hydroboration-oxidation can be used to form alcohols from alkenes. The process is shown
BH; H,0,
(a) Step 1 is an electrophilic addition. Which reagent is the nucleophile, and which is the
(b) Is the molecule synthesized the Markovnikov or anti-Markovnikov product?
(c) Suggest which reagents may be used to synthesize the tertiary alcohol below from this
alkene. Provide a mechanism.
En route to synthesizing diphenhydramine derivatives, you conduct the two-step reaction
fe) owt
i. NaBH, 2-bromoethanol
——————— xX —_—_—>
ii. Ht w/up TsOH
p-Toluenesulfonic acid
(a) Predict the product from the first step of the reaction.
(b) Provide a mechanism for the second step.
Final answers to questions posed in the text (where they can be given) are presented here. You can find full solutions to
every question featured in the book in the Workbooks in Chemistry Online Resource Centre. Go to http://www.oxfordtext-
QUEEN rrenvix 1
Ethane C,H, 50
* Values below —2 and above 18 are approximations.
+ 293 K.
$303 K.
Haynes, W.M. (ed.) (2015-16). CRC handbook of chemistry and physics, 96th edn. CRC Press, Boca Raton, Florida.
Smith, M.B. and March, J. (2007). March’s advanced organic chemistry: reactions, mechanisms, and structure, 6th edn.
Wiley-Interscience, New York.
Appendix 2
Electronegativity values for common elements
Sooo s
Appendix 3
Common functional groups in decreasing order of seniority,
according to IUPAC
Anions RO - -ide
Cations R® = -ylium
Carboxylic acids 3k Carboxy- -oic acid
Esters J _R' Alkoxy-oxo- -oate
R [e)
Acid halides JL X=¢h Br Halo-oxo- -oyl halide
R xX
Amides awe Amino-oxo- -amide
Nitriles ae Cyano- -nitrile
Aldehydes | Oxo- -al
Ketones eR Oxo- -one
Alcohols Hydroxy- -ol
R R'
Thiols Sulfanyl- -thiol
R R'
Amines Amino- -amine
R R'
Imines | Imino- -imine
R R'
Page numbers in bold type refer to sidenotes. Bronsted acids/bases 49, 50 ElcB elimination 62, 63
Page numbers italics refer to figures. Biirgi-Dunitz angle 91 E2elimination 62, 63
butanone 28-9 unimolecular elimination 62
1-chloropentane 34 enantiomers 40-1, 42-3, 53
2-chloroacetic acid 19, 20 Cc esters 87, 90,91, 103-6
2,2-dichloroacetic acid 19-20 ethylene glycol 69-70
3-methylbutanal 33 Cahn-Ingold-Prelog (CIP) system 35,
3-methylphenol 25-6 F
capsaicin 16-17
carbonyl groups 87-91 Fischer esterification/synthesis 99, 104
A reactions with nucleophiles 91-4 formaldehyde 4, 18-19
acetic acid 19 reactions with reducing Friedel-Crafts mechanisms 73
acetone 4, 26-7, 29-30 agents 94-7 functional group isomers 32, 34
acetylacetone 26-7 see also acid/acyl chlorides, amides, functional groups 5-7, 8, 118
acetylsalicylic acid 106 carboxylic acids, esters geminal functional groups 68
carboxylic acids 5, 87, 97-100
acid anhydrides 87 vicinal functional groups 68
catenation 1
preparation of esters 103-4 furan 22
chain isomers 32, 34
acid/acyl chlorides 87, 100-2
chiral molecules 39-41
preparation ofesters 103
see also optical isomers G
acidity constants 115-16
cis/trans isomers 35, 36-8 geminal functional groups 68
addition reactions
condensed formulae 1 Grignard reagents 93, 102, 104
electrophilic addition 67-70
configurational isomers 32, 35
halogen addition 68-9
conformational isomers 32
Michael addition 31
constitutional isomers 32-4
alcohols 5
CORN rules 39 halogen addition 68-9
aldehydes 5, 87, 89,90
cyclohexene 71 halohydrins 68
alkyl halides 5
cyclooctatetraene 22-3 highest occupied molecular orbitals
amides 87,90, 106-9
cyclopentadiene 22 (HOMOs) 8, 88
amines 57
cyclopropanone 90 Hiickel’s rule 21, 22
amino acids 7 Hund’srule 10
ampicillin 88, 89, 110
hybrid orbitals 11-14
anti-aromatic molecules 21 D
hydride-containing reducing agents 94-5
anti-bonding orbitals 8 di-iso-butylaluminium hydride hyperconjugation 52
aromatic molecules/rings 21-3, 26 (DIBAIH) 94, 96
azo coupling 82-4 diastereomers 40, 42-3
electrophilic substitution 72-8 diazonium salts 82
nucleophilic substitution 79-82 dichloromethane 18, 68 in-phase orbitals 8
arrow notation 18 dipole moments 18 inductive effect 19-20, 74
aspirin 88,89 directing groups 74-9 isoleucine 7
atomic orbitals 8 double bond equivalents 15-17 isomers 32-43
Aufbau principle 10 chain isomers 32,34
azo coupling 82-4 cis/transisomers 35, 36-8
configurational isomers 32, 35
E/Zisomers 36 conformational isomers 32
El elimination 62-3, 65 constitutional isomers 32-4
benzene 16 ElcB elimination 62, 63 diastereomers 40, 42-3
benzoic acid 100 E2 elimination 62, 63 E/Zisomers 36
bimolecular elimination 62 electronegativity values 117 enantiomers 40-1, 42-3,53
bond angles 1,3 electrophiles 47-8 functional group isomers 32, 34
bond orders 8-9 electrophilic addition 67-70 mesoisomers 40, 42-3
bonding orbitals 8 electrophilic substitution 72-8 optical isomers 35, 39-43
borane 94,96 elimination reactions 62-5 positional isomers 32, 34
borohydride 94 bimolecular elimination 62 (R)/(S) isomers 39, 40-1
boron trichloride 47 El elimination 62-3, 65 stereoisomers 32,35
isotopes 35 s
TUPAC nomenclature/notation 4-7,
18, 118 Newman projections 62 skeletal formulae 1-2
nitro group 75 Sy1 nucleophilic substitution 51-3
K nomenclature S,2 nucleophilic substitution 51, 54-6, 63
see IUPAC nomenclature sodium bromide 48
Kekuleé’s structure 16 nucleophiles 47-8 sodium cyanide 92
keto-enol tautomerism 28 reactions with carbonyl sodium cyanoborohydride 94, 95
ketones 5, 29, 87, 89 groups 91-4 sodium hydroxide 98
nucleophilic substitution 51-6 sp hybridized carbon atoms 14
L aromatic molecules 79-82 stereocentres 35, 40
Sy1 nucleophilic substitution 51-3 stereoisomers 32,35
L-propargylglycine 13
S,2 nucleophilic substitution 51, structural formulae 1
lactams 87,89
54-6, 63 substitution reactions
lactones 87
electrophilic substitution 72-8
leaving groups 57
Lewis acids/bases 49,50
oO nucleophilic substitution 51-6
sulfate anion 24
Lewis structures 1 optical isomers (chirality) 35, 39-43
linalool 8 orbitals T
lithium aluminium hydride 94, 95, 96 see atomic orbitals, molecular
locants 4 orbitals tautomerism 28-30
lowest unoccupied molecular orbitals out-of-phase orbitals 8 keto-enol tautomerism 28
(LUMOs) 8, 88 tert-butyl group 2
P tetrachloromethane 18
toluene 4
Pauli exclusion principle 10 tosyl chloride 17
Markovnikov’s rule 67 penguinone 30 tosylate/tosyl group 48
meso isomers 40, 42-3 phosgene 105 triethylamine 104, 105
mesomeric effect 25,74 phosphorous pentachloride 101 trivialnames 4
methyl tert-butyl ether (MTBE) 2 pK, values 19-20, 26-7, 56-60
Michael addition 31 polar bonds 18 U
molecular formulae 1 polarity
molecular orbitals 8-14 unimolecular elimination 62
see molecular polarity
anti-bonding orbitals 8 positional isomers 32, 34
bonding orbitals 8
propadiene 14
highest occupied molecular pseudoephedrine 46 vicinal functional groups 68
orbitals 8,88
pyridine 104
hybrid orbitals 11-14 Ww
in-phase orbitals 8
Wheland intermediates 72,73
lowest unoccupied molecular orbitals 8,
Weinreb amide 107, 109
88 (R)/(S) isomers 39, 40-1
out-of-phase orbitals 8 reducing agents 94-7
molecular polarity 18-20 regioselectivity 67-8
muscone 88, 89 resonance 24-7 Zaitsev’srule 64