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Medical Terminologies #2

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18. Enema - Introduction of fluid into the rectum
1. Dilation and curettage - is a surgical to bring about a bowel movement.
procedure in which the cervix is opened (dilated) 19. Enanthem - a rash inside the body.
and a thin instrument is inserted into the uterus. 20. Enzymes - complex proteins that cause a
This instrument is used to remove tissue from the specific chemical change.
inside of the uterus (curettage). 21. Emesis - oral eviction of gastrointestinal
2. Deep vein thrombosis - A blood clot that contents, due to contractions of the gut and the
forms in a deep vein. muscles of the thoracoabdominal wall.
3. Dehydration - excessive loss of body water 22. Epistaxis - Nosebleed.
4. Dementia - loss of cognitive functioning 23. Euphoria - an overwhelming feeling of
thinking, remembering, and reasoning to such an happiness, joy, and well-being.
extent that it interferes with a person's daily life 24. Fasting - abstinence from food or drink or
and activities. both for health.
5. Dermatitis - a common condition that causes 25. Fiber - A slender, thread-like structure of
swelling and irritation of the skin. organ tissue.
6. Dessicate - refers to the state, the act, or the 26. Fibroma - a noncancerous (benign) tumor or
process of removing or extracting water content growth consisting of fibrous, connective tissue.
thoroughly resulting in extreme dryness. 27. Fertility - The ability to have children.
7. Diastole - the period of time when the heart 28. Fissure - a crack or split in the tissues that
(ventricles) is filling with blood after contraction. line your anal canal.
8. Diplopia - when you see two images of the 29. Fistula - An abnormal passageway or
same thing. You might know it as double vision. connection from an abscess, cavity or hollow
9. Distention - the act of swelling and becoming organ to the skin or another abscess.
large by pressure from inside. 30. Flatus - Air that moves from the digestive
10. Diuresis - increased urination due to the tract through the mouth.
presence of certain substances in the fluid 31. Fungus - A group of organisms that includes
filtered by the kidneys. yeasts, molds and mushrooms.
11. Douche - to put a liquid, usually water, into 32. Furuncles - skin abscesses caused by
the vagina in order to wash it or treat it medically. staphylococcal infection, which involve a hair
12. Dyscrasia - a disease or disorder, especially follicle and surrounding tissue.
of the blood. 33. Gait - the pattern that you walk.
13. Dyskinesia - movement disorder that often 34. Gangrene - The decay of body tissue in a
appears as uncontrolled shakes, tics, or tremors. part of the body where the blood supply is
14. Dysphagia - Difficulty swallowing. obstructed by injury
15. Ecchymosis - A collection of blood in the 35. Gastroenteritis - Inflammation of the
tissues causing a black and blue, or yellow, area. stomach and the intestines, usually producing
16. Embolism - The obstruction of a blood symptoms of nausea, vomiting and diarrhea.
vessel by a clot or mass of foreign material. 36. Gingivitis - Inflammation of the gums.
17. Empyema - Buildup of pus (yellowish 37. Granuloma - a tiny cluster of white blood
inflammation) in a cavity of the body. cells and other tissue. It can be found in the
lungs, skin or other parts of the body. They form

as a reaction to infections, inflammation, irritants 55. Infarction - death of tissue resulting from a
or foreign objects. Not cancerous. failure of blood supply.
56. Infiltrate - To pass into or through a
38. Hypoxia - An abnormal condition resulting substance or a space.
from decreased availability of oxygen in the body 57. Intubate - the process of inserting an
tissues. endotracheal tube (ETT) into the airway
39. Hypertonia - a condition in which there is too (windpipe).
much muscle tone 58. Intrinsic - belonging to the essential nature.
40. Hypoxemia - low level of oxygen in the a. Intrinsic Factor - a substance produced
blood. It starts in blood vessels called arteries. by normal gastrointestinal mucosa that
Hypoxemia isn't an illness or a condition. facilitates absorption of vitamin B12.
41. Homeostasis - The state of dynamic b. Intrinsic Muscles - refer to the muscles
equilibrium of the internal environment of the closest to the axial and appendicular
body. skeleton.
42. Hypercalcemia - a condition in which the 59. Isolate - separation of an infected individual
calcium level in your blood is above normal. (human or animal) from the healthy.
43. Hyperbilirubinemia - a condition in which 60. Itching - Pruritus is a medical term that
there is a buildup of bilirubin in the blood, causing means itching. It refers to a feeling or sensation
yellow discoloration of the eyes and skin, called on your skin that you want to scratch.
jaundice. 61. Irrigate - The cleansing of a canal or cavity
44. Heterotopic - in the wrong place, in an or the washing of a wound by flushing with water
abnormal place, misplaced. Describes bone or other fluids.
formation at an abnormal anatomical site. 62. Ischemia - a condition in which blood flow
45. Hemolysis - destruction of red blood cells. (and thus oxygen) is restricted or reduced in a
Red blood cell destruction is a normal, healthy part of the body.
process. 63. Halitosis - an unpleasant odor from the
46. Hepatomegaly - enlarged liver. mouth or "bad breath.
47. Hematopoiesis - the formation of blood 64. Hypertonic - Hypertonic solution: A solution
cellular components. that contains more dissolved particles (such as
48. Hematocrit - HCT measures the volume of salt and other electrolytes) than is found in
packed red blood cells (RBC) relative to whole normal cells and blood.
blood. 65. Hypoglycemia - a condition in which your
49. Hematuria - The presence of blood in the urine. blood sugar (glucose) level is lower than the
50. Hives - “urticaria.” a skin rash that's often standard range.
very itchy. 66. Jaundice - yellowish appearance of the skin.
51. Iatrogenic - a disease or problem caused by 67. Keratin - The main protein of skin, hair and
medical treatment or by a doctor. nails.
52. Idiopathic - Without a known cause. 68. Lactation - Secretion of milk by the breasts.
53. Incontinence - Inability to hold urine or 69. Immunization -
feces. 70. Ketones - are acids your body makes when
54. Incision - A cut. it's using fat instead of glucose for energy.


71. Laparoscopy - A laparoscopy is a type of

surgery that lets a surgeon look inside your body
without making a large incision.
72. Luteinizing hormone - A hormone secreted
by the anterior pituitary gland, responsible for
stimulating ovulation in the female and
testosterone production in the male.
73. Meningitis - Inflammation of the meninges
as the result of infection by bacteria or viruses.
74. Multiple Pregnancy - Pregnancy with more
than one fetus (twins, triplets, or more).
75. Lipids - Lipids are fatty compounds that
perform a variety of functions in your body. They
help with moving and storing energy, absorbing
vitamins and making hormones.
76. Macrosomia - a newborn who's much larger
than average.
77. Malaise - a feeling of general discomfort,
uneasiness or lack of wellbeing and often the first
sign of an infection or other disease.
78. Melasma - a skin condition that causes
patches and spots, usually on the face, which are
darker than your natural skin tone.
79.Menorrhagia - heavy or prolonged menstrual
80. Myopia - Nearsightedness.


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