Medical Terminologies #2
Medical Terminologies #2
Medical Terminologies #2
as a reaction to infections, inflammation, irritants 55. Infarction - death of tissue resulting from a
or foreign objects. Not cancerous. failure of blood supply.
56. Infiltrate - To pass into or through a
38. Hypoxia - An abnormal condition resulting substance or a space.
from decreased availability of oxygen in the body 57. Intubate - the process of inserting an
tissues. endotracheal tube (ETT) into the airway
39. Hypertonia - a condition in which there is too (windpipe).
much muscle tone 58. Intrinsic - belonging to the essential nature.
40. Hypoxemia - low level of oxygen in the a. Intrinsic Factor - a substance produced
blood. It starts in blood vessels called arteries. by normal gastrointestinal mucosa that
Hypoxemia isn't an illness or a condition. facilitates absorption of vitamin B12.
41. Homeostasis - The state of dynamic b. Intrinsic Muscles - refer to the muscles
equilibrium of the internal environment of the closest to the axial and appendicular
body. skeleton.
42. Hypercalcemia - a condition in which the 59. Isolate - separation of an infected individual
calcium level in your blood is above normal. (human or animal) from the healthy.
43. Hyperbilirubinemia - a condition in which 60. Itching - Pruritus is a medical term that
there is a buildup of bilirubin in the blood, causing means itching. It refers to a feeling or sensation
yellow discoloration of the eyes and skin, called on your skin that you want to scratch.
jaundice. 61. Irrigate - The cleansing of a canal or cavity
44. Heterotopic - in the wrong place, in an or the washing of a wound by flushing with water
abnormal place, misplaced. Describes bone or other fluids.
formation at an abnormal anatomical site. 62. Ischemia - a condition in which blood flow
45. Hemolysis - destruction of red blood cells. (and thus oxygen) is restricted or reduced in a
Red blood cell destruction is a normal, healthy part of the body.
process. 63. Halitosis - an unpleasant odor from the
46. Hepatomegaly - enlarged liver. mouth or "bad breath.
47. Hematopoiesis - the formation of blood 64. Hypertonic - Hypertonic solution: A solution
cellular components. that contains more dissolved particles (such as
48. Hematocrit - HCT measures the volume of salt and other electrolytes) than is found in
packed red blood cells (RBC) relative to whole normal cells and blood.
blood. 65. Hypoglycemia - a condition in which your
49. Hematuria - The presence of blood in the urine. blood sugar (glucose) level is lower than the
50. Hives - “urticaria.” a skin rash that's often standard range.
very itchy. 66. Jaundice - yellowish appearance of the skin.
51. Iatrogenic - a disease or problem caused by 67. Keratin - The main protein of skin, hair and
medical treatment or by a doctor. nails.
52. Idiopathic - Without a known cause. 68. Lactation - Secretion of milk by the breasts.
53. Incontinence - Inability to hold urine or 69. Immunization -
feces. 70. Ketones - are acids your body makes when
54. Incision - A cut. it's using fat instead of glucose for energy.