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DLL - Tle-He 6 - Q1 - W6

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GRADES 1 to 12 Teacher: MELANIE C. DUCALANG Learning Area: TLE-HE

DAILY LESSON LOG Teaching Dates and
Time: OCTOBER 2-6, 2023 (WEEK 6) Quarter: 1ST QUARTER


Objectives must be met over the week and connected to the curriculum standards. To meet the objectives, necessary procedures must be followed and if
needed, additional lessons,exercises and remedial activities may be done for developing content knowledge and competencies. These are assessed using
Formative Assessment strategies. Valuing objectives support the learning of content and competencies and enable children to find significance and joy in
learning the lessons.Weekly objectives shall be derived from the curriculum guides.
A. Content Standards Demonstrates an understanding of and skills into basics of food preservation
B. Performance Standards Preserves food using appropriate tools and materials and applying the basics of food preservation
TLE6HE-0f-10 3.1.1 conducts an inventory of foods that can be 3.1.3 explains the benefits derived from food
3.1 Explains different ways of preserved/processed using any of the processes on preservation/processing
C. Learning Competencies / Objectives
food preservation (drying, food preservation
Write the LC code for each
salting, freezing and 3.1.2 discusses the processes in each of the food
processing) preservation /processing methods
Content is what the lesson is all about. It pertains to the subject matter that the teacher aims to teach. In the CG, the content can be tackled in a week or two.
Food Preservation
List the materials to be used in different days. Varied sources of materials sustain children’s interest in the lesson and in learning.Ensure that there is a mix of
concrete and manipulative materials as well as paper-based materials. Hands-onl earning promotes concept development.
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide pages
2. Learner’s Materials pages
Makabuluhang Gawaing
3. Textbook pages Pantahanan at Pangkabuhayan
(pages not available)
MISOSA-V Iba’t-ibang
Pamamaraan ng Pagiimbak (not
4. Additional Materials from Learning accessible)
Resource (LR)portal

B. Other Learning Resources Bantigue, R.M. and Pangilinan, Bantigue, R.M. and Bantigue, R.M. and Bantigue, R.M. and Bantigue, R.M. and
J.P. (2014) Growing up with Pangilinan, J.P. (2014) Pangilinan, J.P. (2014) Pangilinan, J.P. (2014) Pangilinan, J.P. (2014)
Home Economics and Livelihood Growing up with Home Growing up with Home Growing up with Home Growing up with
Education. FNB Educational, Economics and Livelihood Economics and Livelihood Economics and Livelihood Home Economics and
Inc. QC. Education. FNB Education. FNB Education. FNB Livelihood Education.
Educational, Inc. QC. Educational, Inc. QC. Educational, Inc. QC. FNB Educational, Inc.
Preservation of Fruits and Preservation of Fruits and Preservation of Fruits and
Vegetables (1977). Bureau of Vegetables (1977). Vegetables (1977).
Plant Industry Bureau of Plant Industry Bureau of Plant Industry

https:// https://
en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/ en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/
salting food processing

If there is abundance for a certain Recap of the previous Recap of the previous Recap of the previous Recap of the lesson of the
period or even the whole year lesson. lesson. lesson. previous day.
round what needs to be done in Yesterday, food Yesterday, the discussion Food preservation was
order to ensure that there is no preservation was defined was on drying and salting as discussed and we learned Yesterday, we discussed
A. Reviewing previous lesson or wastage ? and we learned its about the definition of
a means of preserving food. the processes in food
presenting the new lesson importance.  Drying
Today we will learn about preservation. We also
One of the answers may be food freezing and processing.  Salting conducted an inventory
preservation For today’s lesson, we will  Freezing of food that can be
be identifying the four (4)  Processing preserved/processed .
ways of preserving food:
Ask the learners why food Ask the learner to bring out Ask the class if there are Today, we will learn the Ask the learners to bring
preservation is important – the the photos or drawings of cases when their mother, process for each type. out samples of preserved
benefits derived from food preserved food. aunt or grandmother comes The teacher will play a food.
preservation/processing from the market , “What is video clip of the four types
So we learned that food Group the class by row. The the usual scenario?” of food preservation. Prepare to share to the
preservation is important as one class will share how the class how it was
of the ways to ensure that there food they brought was Ask the learners to identify preserved; and why that
is no food wastage. We increase preserved. There will be the steps or the process method was used.
the life of certain food items reporting of the group followed for each way of
because of preservation. discussion . food preservation, based on
B. Establishing a purpose for the lesson the video.

Process the results of the

discussion by going through
the process for each type of
food preservation.
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Define food preservation. Ask the learners of what The purpose of freezing Bring out the photos of Each learner will present
Food preservation is the process they think are the different storage is to retain to as food items which you were to the class the preserved
of preparing food for future types of food preservation great as degree as possible asked to bring. foods they brought in
consumption by preventing its based on what was the properties of the fresh class.
spoilage. discussed fruit, vegetable or other Group the class per row.
food products. Each row will form a The learner will identify
There are other types of collage of the photos the method of food
food preservation but for However, during freezing based on the type of food preservation, as well as
C. Presenting examples/ instances of the this lesson, the focus is on and thawing certain the process
preservation. There will
new lesson the following: irreversible changes occur be a reporter for each
 Drying that render the frozen and row.
 Salting, thawed product quite
 Freezing different from the freshness
 Processing in texture and general

D. Discussing new concepts and Tips for freezing:

practicing new skills #1 Ask the learners further why we Discuss Drying. Provide From the presentation, the
preserve food: examples. Meat, poultry and fish teacher will ask the learners
 To prevent spoilage should be placed in if they agree or if they want
 To prevent wastage Drying – is one of the man’s moisture-vapor proof to remove or add a food
 To retain the nutritive value, oldest methods of packages so that moisture is item to the presentation of
natural color and texture of preserviing food. Drying maintained and their group members.
the food preserves food by lowering discoloration is prevented
 To maintain the sanitary the moisture content below because of oxygen in the air.
quality of food at which microorganisms
 To contribute to better can grow and reproduce. Most fruits have to be
nutrition for the family packed with syrup or sugar.
 To help increase family Drying can be accomplished
income with the excess through: Vegetables need blanching
products that can be Sun - drying – utilizes the (brief heating in boiling
preserved and sold solar energy that circulates water or in a steam) to kill
 To help in the economic around food materials laid the bacteria and stop
development of the country out on trays and racks. enzyme action which can
because the farmers are There is also drying during cause spoilage.
encouraged to produce more smoking. Smoking with
for others warm fumes at 69 °C from
 To make food available burning wood results in
throughout the year which drying besides imparting
may be used for events, like the desired color and flavor
town fiestas and other effect on cured meat and
occasions. fish.

Discuss Salting. Provide Discuss processing. Provide Ask them to comment on The other members of
Provide example for each of the examples. examples. the appropriateness of the the class will comment
above items. method to the food. on the presentation.
Salting is the preservation of Processing – transformation
food with dry edible salt. It of raw ingredients, by
is related to pickliing in physical or chemical means
general and more into food, or of food into
specifically in brining other forms.
(preparing food with brine,
that is salty water) and is Food processing combines
one form of curing. raw food ingredients to
E.Discussing new concepts and practicing new produce marketable food
skills#2 Pickling is the preservation products that can be easily
of food in brine or vinegar prepared and served by the
with or without bacterial consumer.
Food processing is any
The three important method used to turn fresh
constituents are: salt, foods into food producs.
vinegar and lactic acid. This can involve one or a
combination of the
following: washing,
chopping, pasteurising,
freezing, fermenting,
packaging and many more.
F. Developing mastery Is it possible to use two Give examples of processed
(Leads to Formative Assessment 3) ways of preservation in foods.
certain food items?
Provide examples.
G. Finding practical applications of concepts
and skills in daily living

H. Making generalizations and Mention the concept of food Mention that what they Mention that what was
abstractions about the lesson preservation and its benefits. have discussed are the four discussed this week was
ways of food preservation. food preservation, its
importance, the ways of
preserving food and
inventory of foods that
can be preserved.
I. Evaluating learning .

J. Additional activities for application or Bring at least ten (10) Bring actual samples of
remediation Bring photos of the preserved Read on the process of photos of foods which can preserved food. Prepare
foods. Provide a caption for each Drying and Salting. be preserved. Also, bring to share to the class how
of the photo. cartolina, scissors and it was preserved, and why
paste. that method was used.
Reflect on your teaching and assess yourself as a teacher. Think about your students’ progress this week. What works? What else needs to be done to help
the students learn? Identify what help your instructional supervisors can provide for you so when you meet them, you can ask them relevant questions.
A.No.oflearnerswho earned80%onthe
formative assessment
B. No.oflearnerswho
requireadditionalactivities forremediation.
C. Didtheremediallessons work?
No.oflearnerswho havecaughtupwiththe
D.No.oflearnerswho continuetorequire
E. Whichofmyteaching strategiesworkedwell?
Why didthesework?
F. WhatdifficultiesdidI encounterwhichmy
principalorsupervisorcan helpmesolve?
G.What innovation or localized materials did I
use/discover which I wish to share with
other teachers?

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