Gaulton 2015
Gaulton 2015
Gaulton 2015
ChEMBL is a large-scale drug discovery database containing bioactivity information primarily extracted
from scientific literature. Due to the medicinal chemistry focus of the journals from which data are
extracted, the data are currently of most direct value in the field of human health research. However, many
of the scientific use-cases for the current data set are equally applicable in other fields, such as crop
Received: 16 March 2015 protection research: for example, identification of chemical scaffolds active against a particular target or
Accepted: 10 June 2015 endpoint, the de-convolution of the potential targets of a phenotypic assay, or the potential targets/
Published: 07 July 2015 pathways for safety liabilities. In order to broaden the applicability of the ChEMBL database and allow
more widespread use in crop protection research, an extensive data set of bioactivity data of insecticidal,
fungicidal and herbicidal compounds and assays was collated and added to the database.
Factor Type(s)
Sample Characteristic(s)
European Molecular Biology Laboratory —European Bioinformatics Institute, Wellcome Trust Genome Campus,
Hinxton, Cambridgeshire CB10 1SD, UK. 2Syngenta, Jealott’s Hill International Research Centre, Bracknell, Berkshire
RG42 6EY, UK. yPresent addresses: Leiden Academic Centre for Drug Research, Einstein weg 55, Leiden 2333 CC,
The Netherlands (G.J.P.v.W.); Stratified Medical, 91-93 Farringdon Road, London EC1M 3LN, UK (M.D. and J.P.O.).
Correspondence and requests for materials should be addressed to A.G. (email:
Content identification
Publications containing relevant data were selected in two ways. Firstly a set of documents was selected
using the ChEMBL-likeness text-mining algorithm, which has been published previously12. The
ChEMBL-likeness algorithm was trained on the ChEMBL_15 corpus and an equally sized set of random
MedLine abstracts that were not in ChEMBL. 141,252 abstracts containing crop protection-related
keywords (see Supplementary File 1) were retrieved from MedLine and scored using the algorithm.
Additional factors such as the availability of Open Access and access costs for the papers were also
considered. The top 600 articles identified by this process were kept for abstraction. Secondly, four
journals were identified as having significant crop protection content (Medicinal Chemistry Research,
Crop Protection, Pest Management Science and Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry). All papers
containing bioactivity data were therefore extracted from these journals.
The list of articles resulting from this selection process is shown in Supplementary Table 1.
Data extraction
Data were manually extracted from full-text of selected articles, following a set of curation guidelines, and
were supplied according to the ChEMBL deposition template (
ChEMBLNTD/ChEMBL_Deposition_Template.tar.gz). For each extracted article, full citation details
were provided, including either a PubMed ID or DOI. All reported compounds that had been tested for
activity measurements (including qualitative measurements and negative results) were drawn in full,
including any salt if present, and stored as MDL Molfiles13. Compound names as recorded in the original
articles were also extracted. All of the performed assays (including binding, functional/phenotypic,
toxicity and physicochemical property assays) were recorded with a succinct but meaningful description
of the experiment, further annotated with information on the species, strain, tissue, cell line or subcellular
fraction used, and the name and/or UniProt identifiers of targets, where known. All measurements
reported for each compound/assay were extracted together with their units and any qualifier used (e.g.,
= , >, o, o = ). Qualitative measurements (e.g., ‘Inactive’, ‘Not toxic’) were also extracted and recorded
as an activity comment.
Data Records
A total of 2,444 publications were selected for data extraction (see Supplementary Table 1).
This yielded a data set of 40,261 compound records, 37,311 assays (see Supplementary Table 2) and
245,370 bioactivity measurements. Of the compounds that were identified, 28,109 had structures that
were not previously present in the ChEMBL database, indicating significant novelty compared with the
standard medicinal chemistry content. Due to the complete inclusion of the Medicinal Chemistry
Research journal, some extracted assays related to human health. However the vast majority of the assays
measured herbicidal, fungicidal or insecticidal activity. Fig. 2 shows the distribution of target organisms,
assay format and assay type across this data set, showing a distinct difference from the existing content of
the database, particularly with respect to the proportion of the crop protection literature that represents
organism-level phenotypic measurements rather than protein-based binding data.
Data were deposited in the ChEMBL database (version 19, released 23rd July 2014; Data Citation 1)
and are accessible via a web-interface (, web-services (
uk/chembl/ws), and in a variety of download formats (
Unit conversion
and error detection
Ki = LD50 =
0.045 M 10mg/kg
ChEMBL integration
Assays Molecule
Figure 1. Diagram showing the data collection, standardization and integration process. Details of assays
performed, compounds tested and activity measurements were extracted from full text publications. Data were
further standardized to normalize compound structures, convert units of measurement and assign target
information, before being integrated into the ChEMBL database.
Technical Validation
While all data within the set were extracted from peer-reviewed scientific publications, there is always a
possibility of errors being introduced, either by the original author or by the manual data extraction
process. For this reason, additional data curation and validation was carried out (see methods). In
particular, assay descriptions and target assignments were checked and corrected by a second curator,
and chemical structures were checked for chemistry errors (such as incorrect valence) and standardized.
An automated process was used to detect potential errors in activity values or their units. For example, an
IC50 value with units of ml would be flagged with the data_validity_comment ‘Non standard units for
type’, while a Ki value of 7.4 M would be flagged as ‘Outside typical range’.
Once released, data within ChEMBL are further checked and corrected on an ongoing basis. Therefore
any additional errors or inconsistencies detected within the crop protection data set (either following
feedback from users, or in response to our own error detection processes) will be corrected in subsequent
releases. However, the data will still remain available in its original form, as released in ChEMBL_19,
from the FTP site.
Usage Notes
The ChEMBL web interface ( provides a number of mechanisms for
searching and retrieval of relevant information. Target information in the database is classified both in
terms of protein family but also by species. Using the ‘Browse Targets’ tab and switching to the
‘Taxonomy Tree’ view therefore allows users to retrieve all targets (both protein and non-molecular or
Figure 2. Comparison of crop protection and medicinal chemistry data sets. Pie charts showing a comparison
of the features of the extracted crop protection assays with existing ChEMBL data (medicinal chemistry
literature): (a) target organism distribution by number of assays, (b) assay format distribution by number of
assays, (c) assay type distribution by number of assays.
wish to instead use the ChEMBL web services or download a version of the database for local installation.
The ChEMBL web services homepage ( provides information on the
web service calls available and an example Python client. Similarly, schema documentation (including a
schema diagram) is provided alongside the various download formats on the FTP site, and example SQL
queries are provided on the ChEMBL FAQ page. Both the ChEMBL interface and web services are
provided over a secure HTTPS connection. Alternatively, a local installation of the myChEMBL virtual
machine provides local access to the full ChEMBL database along with a plethora of computational tools
and examples for data analysis42. Other open-source tools such as Open Babel43 or RDKit44 can also be
used to compare and analyze compound structures, using the structure-data file provided on the FTP site.
Users should always be aware that although data are extracted manually and further curated, some
errors are inevitable in such a large data set and therefore data should always be treated with caution. For
example, upon identifying an interesting activity data point for a compound or target of interest, it is
always prudent to consult the original publication to ascertain further details of the experimental
procedures before using the data as the basis for further experiments. Similarly, for large-scale
applications such as the construction of target prediction models, it is advisable to carefully filter the data
to remove potential duplicates or erroneous values (for example using the data_validity_comments)45
and to pay attention to the details of the assigned target. For example, the target type of ‘PROTEIN
FAMILY’ usually denotes a non-subtype specific assay and may not be appropriate for inclusion,
similarly the relationship_type flag indicates whether the target mapped is the exact target used in
the assay.
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Data Citation
1. Gaulton, A. et al. ChEMBL, (2014).
The authors would like to acknowledge the additional contributions of Jon Chambers and Michal
Nowotka in the inclusion of this data in ChEMBL. Funding for this work was provided by Syngenta,
Wellcome Trust (Strategic Award: WT086151/Z/08/Z) and European Molecular Biology Laboratory.
Author Contributions
AG quality-controlled the extracted data, integrated with ChEMBL and assigned target and taxonomy
information. NK curated the assay data and assigned target information. GJPvW developed, optimized
and validated the chembl-likeness algorithm and identified relevant articles for inclusion. LJB developed
the compound standardization procedure and curated the compounds. APB assigned the modes of action
for known pesticides. MD provided a testing environment, made interface enhancements and developed
the RDF download format. AH prioritized articles for inclusion, calculated compound properties and
developed bioactivity data standardization rules. GP developed, optimized and validated the chembl-
likeness algorithm and developed the bioactivity data validation procedure. MF conceived the work,
coordinated the project and led internal exploitation of the data. PW conceived the work and prioritized
journals for full data extraction. JPO planned and directed the work.
Additional Information
Supplementary information accompanies this paper at
Competing financial interests: Syngenta is a commercial organization involved in crop protection
research and development.
How to cite this article: Gaulton, A. et al. A large-scale crop protection bioassay data set. Sci. Data
2:150032 doi: 10.1038/sdata.2015.32 (2015).
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