PR1 Overall
PR1 Overall
PR1 Overall
SY: 2021-2022
The respondents of this study are the Senior High School student, and
it will be conducted at Ayungon National High School – Senior High School.
Students are taking up with the strand of Humanities and Social Sciences
(HUMSS) in Grade-12 section Germudo, with the total of 22 girls and 10
boys. This will constitute the study participants from the total population of
32 students.
Research Environment
Students can grow more and feel more comfortable interacting with
and learning from each other in a classroom setting. New normal learning is
a really effective way to learn knowledge and skills because it often
combines different ways of learning including writing, reading, discussion,
presentations, projects, group work, film clips, demonstration and practice.
Review of Related Literature
Along with all these, schools in most countries were closed to stem the
transmission of the virus. Onyema, Eucheria, Obafemi, Sen, Atonye,
Sharma, and Alyased (2020) concluded that the pandemic has adverse
effects on educational systems including research, academic programs, staff
professional development and jobs in the academic sector, etc. These
changes were felt not just by schools but also by teachers, students, and
even parents. As lockdowns were implemented everywhere, schools were
also closed. Educational institutions abandoned face-to-face classes and on-
campus activities were halted for the safety of the population (Filho et al.,
Since most of our learners today are exposed to the use of gadgets
and internet, DepEd Commons attracts many as it is just a click away. By
simply logging-in to using smartphones or personal
computer, you will be directed to the site which provides lessons and
worksheets appropriate for the learner’s grade level. It is indeed a fun-filled
activity which enables learners to be on-track with their lessons while on
home quarantine.
With the rise of this current learning trend, the SDO encourages all
teachers, both from public and private, to stretch significant contribution
which will improve the Department’s ICT service. It calls out all school
personnel to do their share in transforming and refining this platform by
contributing meaningful learning experiences in response to the need to
promote inclusive education for all.
Along with all these, schools in most countries were closed to stem the
transmission of the virus. Onyema, Eucheria, Obafemi, Sen, Atonye,
Sharma, and Alyased (2020) concluded that the pandemic has adverse
effects on educational systems including research, academic programs, staff
professional development and jobs in the academic sector, etc. These
changes were felt not just by schools but also by teachers, students, and
even parents. As lockdowns were implemented everywhere, schools were
also closed. Educational institutions abandoned face-to-face classes and on-
campus activities were halted for the safety of the population (Filho et al.,
To respond to the challenges posed by COVID cases worldwide,
schools offered distance learning (DL) as the available learning method in
this time of the pandemic. According to Justin Simon (2021), pre-pandemic
there were only 6.6 million students enrolled in distance learning but this
figure skyrocketed to 400 million due to the spread of COVID-19. Because
schools were closed and not allowed to accommodate students in their
classrooms, distance learning was offered. DL has now become the new
normal in education.
The data gathered from this research instrument were tallied and
computed for interpretation according to the frequency of items checked by
the participants.
Presentation, Analysis and Interpretation of Data Gender of the
Age of Respondents
The data result also showed that the respondent ages are 17-23 years
old. And majority of the student respondents were 18 years old with 10
responses, followed by 17 years old with 8 responses, then followed by 22
years old with 3 responses.
The data result shows on how the new normal learning affects the
students. Based on the responses, new normal learning has a huge impact
to the student performance and time management. The data shows that the
new normal learning affects the students, performance pressure and time
management with 15 responses, social isolation and unmotivated with 10
responses and developing independence with 7 responses.
Based on the responses of the respondents. The data result shows that
most of them learned to believe in their self and have positive mindset with
18 responses, enhancing their knowledge and become independent with 16
responses and time management with 6 responses.
How did the students conquer and survive in some difficulties in new
normal learning?
The data shows how the students conquer and survive in some
difficulties they have encountered in new normal learning, by setting plans
and studying and knowing how to manage their time.
The result of the gender that showed were mostly females. Majority of
the Respondents are female ages 18 years old.
Based on the responses, the data shows that most of the students
learned to believe in their self and have a positive mindset. Majority of the
Respondents answers on how they survive and conquer in some difficulties
they encounter in new normal by setting plans and studying.
The findings of the study showed that new normal learning has a huge
impact to the student life.
The purpose of these study is to pay attention for students who are
very affected in the previous learning style that affects their lives as a
students. The most affected of the new normal learning is the student's
vocabulary based on the observations and findings. If this situation will be
given enough attention and understand the student's problem, is it possible
to cope up with everything.
1.) Vary your learning routine, locations and material research has shown
that varying your study location – at home in a different room, at school, in
a library- can improve learning. In a similar way occasionally changing the
time of day you study and the materials you use - laptop, pen and paper,
speaking into a voice recorder - also boost learning.
But vary your sleep time depending on what you are learning.
If you are trying to learn facts like names, formulas and dates, go to bed
early and get the deep sleep of the early evening. Then get up early and
review what you had been learning the day before.
The sleep that best consolidates creative thinking and motor skills happens
in the morning before awakening. So to learn these skills you may find it
best to go to bed a little later than normal and sleep in a bit.
It's better to do two one-hour study sessions than a single unbroken two-
hour session. You will remember more if you do an hour today, then another
hour tomorrow, especially if you get the right sleep during the night (see tip
4.) "Cramming" for an exam can work…. for your exam results
This is a last resort tactic and is proven to work short term, so you will
probably do better in the exam. But you won't remember much long term.
Your brain makes long-term memories only after some forgetting has
happened. This is similar to a muscle that needs exercise to break it down a
little so that it can become stronger.
5.) Use self testing
This is a strong, proven learning technique. You can test yourself by trying
to remember what you were learning, or explaining it aloud to yourself or to
someone who is prepared to listen. You can get friends to quiz you. One of
the benefits is that is that you can get immediate feedback whether you are
right or wrong.
But don't be passive. Don’t take notes verbatim and just look over them, or
review highlighted text. This won't be much help for your learning. Be an
active note taker. Try to make notes from the important points of the class
then rewrite them without looking at the notes. This works your memory
harder and immediately shows you what you don't know.
7.) Don't worry about short breaks or distractions while you're studying
Learning scientists know that a short break while you are trying to solve a
problem you're stuck on is one of the best ways to succeed. When you take
a break, your brain will continue to work on the problem subconsciously,
without the imposition of preconceived ideas you may have had.
8.) Create learning sessions where you mix knowledge areas or skills
When you focus on learning one thing at a time, it is the fastest way to
acquire the learning but it can put a limit on the extent of the learning.
Mixing the knowledge areas in a learning session – for example working on
maths, then history, then building a PowerPoint presentation about
astronomy in a single learning session will sharpen your grasp on all of them
better than if you used the session for one knowledge area alone.
The first eight tips are really about how to get the best result from your
brain’s current "learning capacity”. By “learning capacity” I mean the
physical structure of your brain, including all the neural networks that
determine how well you can think (your memory, attention, speed of
processing and ability to sequence ideas). Imagine if you could increase your
brain’s ability to do those things better.