Consti I Premid
Consti I Premid
Consti I Premid
Atty. Renato Galeon RA 1756 sought to amend some provisions of Art 18
Reviewer by: Tanya Ibanez Transitory provisions of the 1987 Constitution but it was
declared unconstitutional by the Supreme Court because
POLITICAL LAW our Constitution is a rigid one, which cannot be amended
Branch of public law which deals with the organization by a simple legislation.
and operations of the governmental organs of the State
and defines the relations of the State with the Flexible
inhabitants of its territory. A kind of Constitution that can easily be amended by
ordinary legislation.
Study of the maintenance and the proper balance THE PHILIPPINE CONSTITUTION IS
between the authority represented by the three inherent A written, enacted and rigid Constitution. WRITTEN as it
and coercive powers of the State (eminent domain, is one whose precepts are embodied in one document. It
police power, power of taxation) vis-à-vis the liberties of is ENACTED as it is formally struck off at a definite time
individuals as guaranteed under Article 3 of the 1987 and place following a conscious or deliberate effort
Constitution. taken by the people through plebiscite. It is RIGID
because it cannot be changed by ordinary legislation but
Focal point of the study: only by a more cumbersome process of change (through
The 1987 Constitution with cross-referencing to the 1935 initiative and referendum).
and 1973 constitutions
Congress cannot pass a law with the end in view of
WHAT IS A CONSTITUTION? amending the Constitution. Any such law contrary to the
Constitution is the body of rules and maxims in Constitution should be inviolated, for the Constitution is
accordance with which the powers of sovereignty are the supreme law of the land to which all laws must
habitually exercised. conform and all persons must defer.
PROCESSES OF CHANGING THE CONSTITUTION Assuming further that pursuant to the first law
enacted by Congress, the ConCon was
1. Amendment – A piecemeal or isolated changes convened. How shall ConCon be regarded in
of some provisions of the Constitution. relation to Congress? Is ConCon superior or
2. Revision – Complete rewriting or overhaul of the inferior to Congress?
▪ Loomis v. Jackson
Lambino v. Comelec
The Supreme Court succinctly ruled that even if the ConCon is superior to the Congress because
purported change appears to be isolated in character, its task is to draft the fundamental law of the
but if it already alters the underlined principle in the land, a sovereign function.
(4)Limited only to amendments and not to
▪ Wood’s Appeal revisions
ConCon is inferior to the Congress because it
is merely a creation of Congress. (5)Petition to amend the constitution should be
signed by the people themselves as authors
▪ Frantz v. Autry and the draft amendments should be stated
already in the petition
ConCon is independent and co-equal with the
Congress as long as it exists and confines Lambino v. Comelec
itself within the sphere of its jurisdiction of The Supreme Court held that any such
revising or amending the Constitution. petition to amend the Constitution should be
signed by the people themselves as authors
But what principle do we adhere to in the and the draft amendment or amendatory
Philippines? provisions shall be incorporated already in the
petition so as to prevent fraud and deception.
Mabanag v. Lopez Vito
ConCon is a co-equal body with Congress. 2.Ratification stage – the proposed amendments or
revisions either sponsored by the Congress, ConCon
Sec 1 in conjunction with Sec 3 of Art 17 – Congress or proposed by the people themselves should be
may propose amendments to the Constitution by itself submitted to the people in a plebiscite for their
or it can call a ConCon. approval or disapproval.
The Supreme Court ruled that the court is powerless to Distinguish between a purely political question and what
resolve this kind of case because any such issue could is not.
well be characterized as a political question over which it A purely political question is beyond the sphere of
has no competent jurisdiction. judicial scrutiny. Hence, courts of law are not
empowered to decide those questions which are
Mabanag v. Lopez Vito categorized as purely political questions. Otherwise, if it
There was a purported change or amendment to be is not a purely political question, there is a good chance
introduced to the old Constitution regarding parity rights, that such issue may be decided by the court.
giving rights to foreigners to own lands in the Philippines.
The amendments were proposed by the Congress itself (e.g. elections for choosing the president – purely
but in the course of the deliberation of the purported political question, but when his presidency is protested, it
amendment, there were 3 senators who were not can be validly decided by the Supreme Court and
allowed to vote and were not included in the computation because it has nothing to do with wisdom of choice and
of the required vote of ¾. Similarly, there were also something to do with procedure in elections)
around 8 congressmen who were suspended and not
allowed to vote during the deliberation and excluded in Assuming that the Congress proposed an amendment
computing the required vote of ¾. lowering the voting age from 21 to 18, can the courts of
law dictate upon us that such proposed amendment is
A case was filed questioning the method by which such not sound?
amendment was introduced. It was contented that if they
factor in the 3 senators and 8 congressmen, then the No, it is a purely political question because it has
amendment was invalidly adopted because it fell short of something to do with the wisdom of the proposed
the voting requirement. amendment. But whether or not such proposed
amendment was validly submitted to the people for their
The Supreme Court ruled that it had no power to resolve approval, then it can be decided by the courts because it
such issue, it being characterized as a political question. ceases it to a purely political question.
Pres Erap exercised his calling out power and the
Tanada v. Cuenco SC reviewed his exercise of calling out power, to
That question which under the Constitution can be best determine if there has been grave abuse of
answered by the people in their exercise of sovereignty discretion amounting to excess or lack of jurisdiction.
and in regards to which, full discretionary powers are
given to other branches of the government. Osmena v. Comelec
The SC checked the validity of RA 7056 which was
Are the lower courts also empowered to exercise passed by Congress with the end in view of
judicial review? Can they declare a law amending some provisions of Art 18. The SC held
unconstitutional? that the law was unconstitutional.
Yes. They have the power and competence to declare a
law unconstitutional pursuant to Art 8, sec 5, par 2, sub Serrano v. Maritime Gallant Services
par (a). Lower courts have the authority to resolve or The SC checked the validity of Section 10, par 5 of
decide on the validity of a law, only that their decisions RA 8042 and declared the provision unconstitutional
may still be reviewed, reversed, and modified by the for being violative of the equal protection clause.
Supreme Court on appeal or certiorari.
2. Legitimating Function
Ynot v. Intermediate Appellate Court
Estrada v. Arroyo
What happens if after the release of judgment of The SC stamped legitimacy to the Arroyo
lower court invalidating a law, not one of the parties administration. There was a dispute whether or not
filed a case on the decision? Would such declaration Arroyo validly succeeded as the President of the
necessarily bind the whole world or just the parties? Phils. The SC held that Arroyo validly became the
It only binds the parties. It is only when such decision is successor of Erap. (Justiciable question)
affirmed by the Supreme Court that it will become
binding upon the whole world, because only decisions of In re Saturnino Bermudez
the Supreme Court would form part of the laws of the The SC refused to resolve the issue of whether or
land, under the principle of Stare Decisis. Hence, not the Aquino administration was a legitimate
decisions of lower courts and even the CA are not administration. (Political question)
binding upon the whole world. At best, said decisions
may only be considered persuasive. How to reconcile the two cases:
It has something to do with the manner by which
However, Arroyo and Aquino became the president. In the
JM Tuason v. Court of Appels case of Aquino, she became the president not by
The SC held that the CA had no jurisdiction to decide on virtue of the Constitution, but through extra
the validity or invalidity of RA 2616, a law authorizing the constitutional means via the people power. Her
expropriation of the Tatalo estate. This was questioned government was a revolutionary government. In fact,
before the CA by Rosefe and Dizon, the losing the first declaration that she issued was that her
defendants in the ejectment cases. In connection with administration was constituted in defiance of the
the certiorari filed by the Rosefe and Dizon, the CA 1973 Constitution.
issued an injunctive writ, seeking to enjoin the
enforcement of the writ issued by the lower court. Whereas, in the case of Arroyo, she became the
president by virtue of the 1987 Constitution. In fact,
In nullifying the writ issued by the CA, the SC held that she swore to defend the 1987 Constitution.
the CA had no jurisdiction to decide on the
constitutionality of RA 2616. The CA acted without 3. Symbolic Function
authority in granting the injunctive writ because the rule
before, the CA can only validly issue injunctive writs in
Salonga v. Cruz Pano
connection with an appeal, and never in connection with
Before the SC could decide the case petition filed by
a certiorari. Hence, the CA acted beyond the scope of its
Salonga, the criminal information charging Salonga
authority in granting the injunction.
with subversion was already dismissed upon order
of the Sec of Justice. Despite the withdrawal of the
But the rules now pursuant to 1997 RCC, Rule 65,
criminal case against Salonga, the SC decided the
the CA is now empowered to issue an injunctive writ
case on the merits because the SC saw the need to
even in connection with a certiorari. formulate doctrinal precepts for the guidance of the
bench and the bar in respect to the determination in
Requirements the absence or presence of probable cause.
When the validity of a law is put in issue Symbolic in a sense that there was no longer actual
A copy of the petition or complaint questioning the case or controversy, but just the same, the case was
validity of the law must be furnished with the office of the still decided on the merits by the SC.
Solicitor-General, being the counsel for the State.
Because the Sol-Gen will defend the validity of the law There is no doubt that lower courts and the
being assailed of as invalid. Supreme Court can exercise judicial review, but
courts cannot automatically take on the case and
When what is being questioned is not a law enacted by decide the same
Congress, but rather a provision of an ordinance A copy Because courts of justice are passive instruments, in
of the petition need not be furnished with the office of the a sense that they can only act when their jurisdiction
Sol-Gen. It is enough that the copy of the petition or is invoked as by filing the necessary complaint or
complaint is furnished with the provincial or city attorney. information. Hence, even if there is a legal problem
calling for the interpretation of an act in light of its
FUNCTIONS OF JUDICIAL REVIEW conformity with the Constitution, the courts of law
cannot automatically take cognizance of that legal
1. Checking Function problem. There has to be a case, complaint or
The Judiciary can check if the acts of the executive petition to be filed before the courts of law before
or legislative branch are in accordance of the they can act on the matter because they are passive
Constitution. instruments.
But, even if a complaint or case is already filed, it Lacson. On May 6, she lifted the state of rebellion
does not also follow that it will be decided on the and on that basis, the SC dismissed the petition of
merits. Any such case which poses a legal question Lacson on the ground that it was already moot and
or a question dealing with the validity or invalidity of academic because of the subsequent lifting of the
a law, may only be decided if the case complies with declaration of rebellion.
the essential requisites for a valid exercise of judicial
review. Exceptions:
▪ When the petition questioning the validity of an act Even if you did not at first raise a constitutional
is filed by way of a facial challenge issue, you can still raise such issue at the
subsequent stages of the proceedings at the
You can mount this petition by way of a facial discretion of the judge. If you are the accused
challenge if you are questioning the validity of a and you failed to question the validity of a law at
law because it is supposedly void for being vague the inception of the proceedings, you can still
or its scope is encompassing such that the same raise the same at the discretion of the judge.
may seemingly be valid if applied to the petitioner,
but the same would be invalid if applied to others. In civil cases, a constitutional issue may also be
raised at any stage if it is necessary in the final
A petition by way of a facial challenge normally determination of the case. Similarly in
can be lodged only if it has something to do with administrative proceedings, a constitutional issue
the freedom of speech and of the press. may also be raised if it has something to do with
the jurisdiction of the courts, except when
Chavez v. Gonzales estoppel comes in. (You already invoked the
Hello Garci tape. There was an attempt on the part decision of the court, you ask affirmative relief,
of the government through Sec. Gonzales to and later on you question that it has no
silence the media and prohibiting the airing of the jurisdiction of the case)
hello Garci tape. Hence, any publisher, radio or tv
station which would air out the hello garci tape 4. Any such question or issue must be decisive of
may be penalized and their franchise may be the case.
The issue must be decisive or must be the lis mota of
This was questioned by Frank Chavez, the former the case. It is controlling, or it is necessary to resolve
Solicitor-General for being violative of the freedom the issue, otherwise, the case may not be validly
of speech and expression. His personality to bring decided. Normally, even when the case involves a
the action was challenged by the respondents. constitutional issue, if the courts can decide that case
According to Gonzales, Chavez did not have the without necessarily touching that particular issue,
legal standing because he was not a media then the courts of law should do that,
practitioner and an owner of a tv or radio station. out of respect to the other branches of the
government. Because before a bill becomes a law, it
SC held that the petition filed by Chavez was by has to be approved by Congress and the President.
way of a facial challenge. A law therefore is the collective effort of Congress
and the office of the president. So if a case is filed
3.Constitutional question must be raised at the questioning the validity of a law, the courts should be
earliest opportunity careful in dealing with the issue. If they can decide
the case without necessarily touching on that When to apply the orthodox view vis-à-vis the
particular issue, then they have to do that. operative fact doctrine?
If the law has already been in effect for quite some
Sandueta v. Dela Costa 66 Phil 155 time, such that there are already vested rights
Sandueta was a judge of a court in Manila and an act acquired, what should be applied is the operative act.
was enacted reorganizing the Judiciary and pursuant
to which, he accepted an interim appointment in But if no vested rights have been acquired, you apply
another place and so he vacated his post. He was the Orthodox view.
however, not extended a permanent appointment in
his new post. Osmena v. Comelec
No vested rights have been acquired yet because it
He went back to his old post, only to discover that it was assailed of being invalid at the very beginning.
was already occupied by Dela Costa. Sandueta then Before it could validly take effect, the law was
questioned the validity of the re-organization act, already questioned.
alleging that it was violative of the security of tenure
of judges.
Should it be voided in its entirety or only a portion
Salazar v. Achacoso
Two requisites:
1. Intention on the part of Congress to sustain the
remainder of the act, even if a portion thereof is
declared unconstitutional. Expressed under the
Separability clause.
2. The remainder could stand independently as a law
minus the assailed provision.
Orthodox View
If the entire law is declared unconstitutional, it is to
be regarded that it creates no rights, imposes no
obligations, it affords no protection and creates no
office. It is as if such law has not been written in the
statute books.
Osmena v. Comelec
The SC considered RA 7056 as not having been
written at all.