Octet Biomolecular Binding Kinetics Application Note 4014 en 1 Data
Octet Biomolecular Binding Kinetics Application Note 4014 en 1 Data
Octet Biomolecular Binding Kinetics Application Note 4014 en 1 Data
October 1, 2022
Keywords or phrases:
Bio-Layer Interferometry, BLI, label-free, biosensor,
biomolecular interactions analysis, affinity, kinetic
characterization, binding kinetics, real-time kinetics,
assay development and optimization
Email: octet@sartorius.com
Detecting and quantifying biomolecular interactions are critical in the discovery and selection of biotherapeutics leads.
Octet® systems implement a label-free analytical approach utilizing Bio-layer interferometry (BLI), which provides a fast and
straightforward means to accurately determine binding specificity, affinity, and kinetics, which can be useful in every stage
of biopharmaceutical development from early discovery to manufacturing. This application note introduces the Octet®
family of label-free platforms, the technology, capabilities, and advantages of label-free binding assessment in therapeutics
development and life sciences research. It also provides guidance and best practices in biosensor assay development,
optimization, data analysis, and reporting.
Introduction Here we introduce large molecule kinetic analysis on the
Sartorius Octet® platforms using Bio-Layer Interferometry,
Direct measurement of biomolecular interactions plays an and discuss options, techniques and considerations
important role in biotherapeutic drug discovery and devel- for developing and performing successful kinetic
opment. Label-free analytical technologies such as the characterization assays and interpreting results.
Octet® platform from Sartorius provide a powerful means to
obtain accurate information about rate of biomolecular
complex formation and complex stability, key components The Octet® Family of Instruments
of a drug-target interaction. The affinity of an interaction
directly affects the dose at which a biopharmaceutical is Sartorius offers a variety of multi-functional instrument plat-
effective, and understanding mechanism of binding has forms based on Bio-Layer Interferometry (BLI), a label-free
implications in efficacy and desirability of a therapeutic can- technology that measures molecular interactions in real
didate. Real-time data on specificity, affinity and kinetics of time for the purpose of detection, quantitation and kinetic
binding interactions can benefit every stage of biopharma- analysis. The Octet® system utilizes a standard microplate
ceutical development, from early discovery to the format which enables high-throughput, automated binding
manufacturing process (Figure 1). analysis in 96-well and 384-well microplates, with minimal
instrument maintenance and flexible assay design.
Efficient selection of therapeutic candidates early in the
drug development process can save both time and Several instrument options are available depending on
resources and prevent late-stage failures. For example, sensitivity and throughput requirements. The Octet® R2,
high–throughput off-rate ranking enables selection of high- R8, RH16 and RH96 systems offer the best performance
est affinity clones in primary screening assays in crude for quantitation and kinetic analysis, with the broadest
samples. Coupling real-time kinetic analysis with lead opti- dynamic range and highest sensitivity. These instruments
mization techniques such as affinity maturation can provide have the ability to measure fast binding interactions and
valuable information on affinity and binding mechanisms of protein-small molecule binding interactions, with
lead candidates during development. Accordingly, down- sensitivity down to a molecular weight of 150 Daltons. The
stream processes require detailed characterization of Octet® RH16 and RH96 systems each have two plate
specificity, selectivity, stability and binding rate analyses positions and analyze up to 16 samples and 96 samples in
under various growth or buffer conditions to facilitate parallel in 96- or 384-well microplates. These systems are
informed process decisions. capable of higher throughput for faster time to results in
the same application areas covered by the Octet® R2
While the value of kinetic analysis of molecular interactions instrument that can run two samples, and the Octet® R8
using label-free technology is clear, there are many and R4 systems which can run up to eight samples in
practical considerations involved in producing consistent, parallel in 96-well microplates. The Octet® RH16 and RH96
high quality kinetic binding profiles from biological samples. systems also have reduced sample volume requirements,
Affinity/on-rate/ Fc engineering/
ELISA assay FcRn binding
off-rate ranking humanization –
development assay
of clones FcRn binding
Epitope binning Epitope mapping
Figure 1: Kinetic applications of Octet® instruments in the biopharmaceutical research and development process.
as low as 40 µL/sample when 384-well tilted bottom recovered once the assay is complete. Because groups of
plates are used. Table 1 describes each of the Octet® biosensors are moved in parallel between samples held in
instruments and dynamic ranges for kinetic assays. microplates, assay time is significantly reduced relative to
flow-based SPR systems. Without microfluidics, contamina-
tion of instrument components is not an issue and there is
Dip and Read Biosensors no risk of clogging when using crude, unpurified samples.
Procedures such as instrument maintenance, desorption
Biosensors used with the Octet® system are single-use and protocols, degassing of buffers, unclogging and flushing of
disposable. The tip of each fiber-optic biosensor is coated tubing are also eliminated. Cost is often another limiting
with a proprietary biocompatible matrix that minimizes factor in label-free analysis, however the Octet® platform’s
non-specific binding to the surface. This matrix is coated single-use biosensors are disposable and cost-effective,
with one of a wide selection of biosensor chemistries avail- offering an advantage over SPR and other platforms where
able for highly specific binding of target molecules in a consumables are much more costly and difficult to manu-
sample. The biosensor chemistries available for kinetics facture. Although biosensors can be disposed of after a
applications are listed in Table 2. single use, regeneration is possible in many cases, resulting
in even further reduced cost per assay.
Octet® instrumentation combined with the Dip and Read
format of the biosensors offer several advantages over
other label-free technologies. Sample volume is one con- Bio-Layer Interferometry
sideration. The microplate format enables highly parallel
processing in small volumes of as small as 40 µL. Samples
are not consumed or destroyed by analysis, and can be
Off-rate (kd ) range (s-1 ) 10-6 – 10-1 10-5 – 10-2 10-6 – 10-1 10-6 – 10-1 10-6 – 10-1
Number of spectrometers 2 1 8 16 16
Temperature Control Ambient +4 – 40°C Ambient +4° – 40°C 15 – 40°C Ambient +4 – 40°C Ambient +4 – 40°C
Size H × W × D (cm) 47 × 43 × 53 47 × 43 × 53 49 × 56 × 46 77 × 80 × 80 77 × 80 × 80
Table 2: Biosensors available for kinetic assays on the Octet® systems
Biosensor Description
Anti-hIgG Fc Capture (AHC) Immobilization of human IgG or other human Fc-containing proteins by binding to the human Fc region. Kinetic
applications include protein and antibody kinetic screening, affinity characterization (ka, kd, KD), epitope binning,
and hit validation.
Anti-hIgG Fc Capture for Quantitation measurements of human IgG’s or human Fc-fusion proteins
Quantitation (AHQ)
Anti-Mouse Fc Capture (AMC) Binds the Fc portion of IgG1, IgG2a, IgG2b for capture-based immobilization. Applications include kinetic
analysis of antibody-antigen interactions (ka, kd, KD) and off-rate screening. IgG3 should be evaluated on a
case-by-case basis.
Anti-Human Fab-CH1 2nd Binds specifically to the CH1 domain of human IgG, allowing quantitation and kinetic characterization of human
generation (FAB2G) (FAB2) Fab, F(ab’)2, and IgGs with no recognition towards free light chains.
Protein A (ProA) Protein A coated biosensor for capture and quantiation of IgG’s of various species.
Protein G (ProG) Protein G coated biosensor for capture and quantitation of IgG’s of various species.
Portein L (ProL) Protein L coated biosensor for capture and quantitation of IgG’s of various species
Streptavidin (SA) Streptavidin-coated biosensor with high binding capacity. Immobilizes biotinylated antibodies, proteins, and
nucleic acids to form a stable surface. Kinetic applications include protein and antibody kinetic screening,
affinity characterization (ka, kd, KD), epitope binning, and hit validation.
High Precision Streptavidin Streptavidin-coated biosensor for Immobilizing biotinylated molecules for high precision quantitation and
(SAX) kinetic measurements
High Precision Streptavidin 2.0 Streptavidin-coated biosensor with reproducible biotin-ligand loading from one lot to another. QC tested to
(SAX2) limit biotinylated ligand loading variance, providing confident detection of variance from samples. Suited for
product release QC, activity assays in manufacturing and other highly precise quantitation and kinetic
Super Streptavidin (SSA) Streptavidin-coated biosensor with a very high density of biotin binding sites. Immobilizes biotinylated proteins,
peptides, nucleic acids and small molecules to form a stable surface. Kinetic applications include antibody,
protein, peptide, and small molecule kinetic screening, affinity characterization (ka, kd, KD), epitope binning, and
hit validation.
Anti-GST (GST) High affinity anti-GST antibody enables direct and rapid quantitation of GST-tagged biomolecules and easy and
reliable capture of GST-tagged biomolecules for rapid kinetic analysis.
Anti-Penta HIS (HIS1K) Capture of His-tagged proteins for kinetic analysis with target analytes. Quantitation of His-tagged proteins in
buffer, media or diluted lysate. The sensor is pre-coated with Penta-His antibody from Qiagen.
Anti-HIS (HIS2) Quantitation of HIS-tagged proteins in crude matrices or buffer or column eluent. The sensor is pre-coated with
anti-His Ab from MBS.
Ni-NTA (Ni-NTA) Nickel charged tris-NTA with strong binding to HIS-tagged recombinant proteins for kinetic measurements
and quantitation.
Amine Reactive Second Second-generation carboxylate-functionalized surface allows covalent coupling of proteins via EDC/s-NHS
Generation (AR2G) mediated amide bond formation. The second-generation surface provides increased loading density, more
robust loading conditions and decreased non-specific binding compared to the original AR Biosensor for most
proteins. Kinetic applications include protein and antibody kinetic screening, affinity characterization (ka, kd, KD),
and hit validation. Requires AR2G Assay Kit (part no. 18-5095).
Aminopropylsilane (APS) Adsorption of proteins and membrane fractions through hydrophobic moieties. Kinetic applications include
adsorption of proteins and membrane fractions through hydrophobic moieties for kinetic screening and affinity
characterization (ka, kd, KD).
BLI is an optical analytical technique that measures interfer- Kinetic characterization with the Octet® system can comple-
ence patterns between waves of light. White light is directed ment or replace label-dependent methods such as ELISA or
down the fiber-optic biosensor towards two interfaces sepa- TR-FRET, which are less efficient and informative for analyz-
rated by a thin layer at the tip of the fiber: a biocompatible ing molecular interactions. Generating labeled biomolecules
layer on the surface of the tip, and an internal reference layer not only consumes time and material but can lead to unde-
(Figure 2). Light reflects from each of the two layers, and the sirable results such as altering protein activity or steric
reflected beams interfere constructively or destructively at blocking of binding sites. Real-time, label-free analysis pro-
different wavelengths in the spectrum. This interference pat- vides rapid, sensitive and accurate measurement of kinetics,
tern is detected at the CCD array detector. affinity and activity of complex formation without artifacts or
charged coupled device issues associated with traditional techniques.
When the tip of a biosensor is dipped into a sample in a
96-well microplate, target molecules bind to the 2-dimen- In contrast to standard endpoint assays, it is possible to
sional coated surface. This binding forms a molecular layer derive detailed information about the mechanism of inter-
action between molecules using Octet® systems.
Equilibrium binding assays can determine the affinity con-
stant, or KD, but cannot provide information about binding
rates. IC50 values can approximate KD under optimal condi-
tions, however different combinations of on-rate and
Optical layer off-rate can yield the same affinity constant even when the
BLI biosensor Biocompatible actual binding profile may differ greatly. Figure 4 illustrates
tip surface matrix
sensorgram traces from two binding pairs with the same
affinity constant, or KD, however the binding profile for inter-
action A exhibits a much slower on-rate and off-rate than
Figure 2: A Dip and Read biosensor, illustrating the two optical interfaces the profile for interaction B. This example demonstrates
at the biosensor tip: the internal reference layer (optical layer) and the how real-time binding assays provide a more complete
surface biocompatible matrix on which ligand molecules are immobilized.
understanding of an interaction by providing both affinity
and binding rate data.
that increases in thickness as more target molecules bind to
the surface. As the thickness at the tip increases, the effec- Real-time kinetic analysis can also shed light on whether
tive distance between the two reflective layers increases, binding exhibits simple 1:1 stoichiometry or whether a more
creating a shift in the interference pattern of the reflected complex interaction is taking place. By obtaining information
light (Figure 3). The spectral pattern of the reflected light on the nature of binding interactions, proteins that have high
therefore changes as a function of the optical thickness of affinity but exhibit non-optimal binding behavior can be
the molecular layer, i.e., the number of molecules bound to quickly eliminated as lead drug candidates early on in the
the biosensor surface. This spectral shift is monitored at the process. In addition, high sensitivity measurement of binding
detector, and reported on a sensorgram as a change in affinities up to the millimolar range are possible, whereas
wavelength (nm shift). Monitoring the interference pattern techniques such as ELISA or immunoprecipitation assays
in real time provides kinetic data on molecular interactions. require washing steps where weaker binders can be lost.
Incident BLI signal processing
Binding (nm)
Relative Intensity
surface 0.4
Bound molecule
0.2 B
Unbound molecules
have no effect
Wavelength (nm) Time (sec)
Figure 3: BLI is an optical analytical technique that analyzes the Figure 4: Sensorgram traces from two interactions having similar
interference pattern of white light reflected from two surfaces. Changes affinity constants but different binding profiles.
in the number of molecules bound to the biosensor causes a shift in the
interference pattern that is measured in real time.
Kinetic analysis is used to determine affinity of an interaction After ligand immobilization, biosensors are dipped into
and measure association and dissociation rate constants for buffer solution for a baseline step to assess assay drift and
reversible, non-covalent binding. Non-covalent binding is determine loading level of ligand. After the baseline step,
typically comprised of a combination of ionic/electrostatic biosensors are dipped into a solution containing the
interactions, hydrogen bonds, van der Waals forces, and ligand’s binding partner, the analyte (association). In this
hydrophobic effects. The specific recognition and binding of step, the binding interaction of the analyte to the
biological molecules by antibodies and other proteins is fun- immobilized ligand is measured. Following analyte
damental to many processes in biology. association, the biosensor is dipped into buffer solution
without analyte, and the bound analyte is allowed to come
Binding Kinetics Experiments off the ligand (dissociation). Several concentrations of
analyte are run in parallel (up to eight measurements
In biosensor analysis, one interactant is immobilized on the simultaneously on the Octet® R2 and R8 systems, and up to
surface of the biosensor (ligand) and the other remains in 16 measurements simultaneously on the Octet® RH16
solution (analyte). A typical binding kinetics experiment system). The series of assay steps is then repeated on new
using Dip and Read biosensors on the Octet® platform is or regenerated biosensors for each analyte being tested.
illustrated in the diagram in Figure 5A. The assay begins Each binding response is measured and reported in real
with an initial baseline or equilibration step using assay time on a sensorgram trace. A typical sensorgram for a
buffer. Next, a ligand molecule such as an antibody is single sample is illustrated in Figure 5B.
immobilized on the surface of the biosensor (loading),
either by direct immobilization or capture-based method. Definition of Terms
Baseline Loading Baseline Association Dissociation
Binding (nm)
Baseline Loading
1.5 Baseline Association Dissociation
0 Baseline
0 500 1000 1500
Time (sec)
Kinetics refers to how fast an interaction occurs. Associa- function of the dissociation rate constant and the concen-
tion measures how fast one molecule binds to another, and tration of ligand-analyte complex. The equation used to fit
dissociation measures how fast a complex falls apart. After a dissociation is:
certain period of time, equilibrium will be established and
complexes will associate at the same rate as they dissociate, Y=Y0+Ae–kd*t
so the number of bound and unbound molecules remains
constant. Affinity measures how strong the complex is, spe- where Y0 is binding at start of dissociation, and kd is the dis-
cifically, how much complex is formed when binding sociation rate constant. This equation reflects the decline in
reaches equilibrium. The simplest model used to describe the dissociation rate over time as the concentration of
this interaction between two biomolecules is represented bound complexes on the surface decreases. The term kd
by the equation below: measures the stability of the complex, or the fraction of
complexes that decay per second, and is expressed in units
ka of sec–1. By solving the above equations for kobs and kd, the
kd association rate constant ka can then be calculated with the
where A represents the ligand molecule immobilized on the
surface of the biosensor, and B is the analyte in solution. kobs – kd
This binding model assumes a simple 1:1 interaction, where [Analyte]
one ligand molecule interacts with one analyte molecule,
and binding is independent and of equal strength for all The association rate constant, ka, represents the number of
binding sites. Complex formation in this case follows pseu- AB complexes formed per second in a 1 molar solution of A
do-first-order kinetics. The rate of complex formation (AB) and B. The term ka is expressed in M–1sec–1.
is dictated by an association rate constant and the concen-
trations of unbound ligand and analyte. The equation used KD is the affinity constant, or equilibrium dissociation con-
to fit the association is an integration of a differential equa- stant, which measures how tightly the ligand binds to its
tion showing that the rate of association is a function of the analyte. It represents the ratio of the on-rate to the off-rate
decreasing concentration of unbound ligand molecules as and can be calculated using ka and kd:
analyte binding occurs:
[A].[B] kd
Y=Y0+A(1–e–k *t) KD = =
[AB] ka
where Y = level of binding, Y0= binding at start of associa- KD is expressed in molar units (M). The KD corresponds to
tion, A is an asymptote and t = time. kobs is the observed rate the concentration of analyte at which 50% of ligand binding
constant. At the same time AB complex is forming, it also sites are occupied at equilibrium, or the concentration at
decays back to A and B. The term kobs reflects the overall rate which the number of ligand molecules with analyte bound
of the combined association and dissociation of the two equals the number of ligand molecules without analyte
binding partners. bound. There is an inverse relationship between KD and
affinity—a smaller affinity constant indicates a tighter inter-
When biosensors are dipped into buffer solution that is free action, or greater affinity of analyte to ligand.
of analyte, the complex begins to decay at a rate that is a
In order to calculate KD and ka, the concentration of the
analyte must be known. kd, however, is concentration
independent. The larger the kd, the faster the dissociation is
occurring. Table 3 shows the relationship between kd values Saturation (Rmax)
and half-life of bound complex. 100
reached at >10X KD
Percentage of Rmax
analyte is present, it is useful for screening applications such occurs at 50% saturation
if concentration = KD
as ranking sets of unpurified binders in complex matrices. 50
1 x 10 -5
0.001 19.25 hours
1 x 10 -6
0.0001 8 days Setting up a kinetic assay using the Octet® platform is sim-
ple and straightforward. However, appropriate choice of
biosensor chemistry and use of optimized experimental
conditions are critical to determining accurate affinity and
If the analyte association phase is left to run long enough, kinetic constants. Proper assay technique and optimization
eventually the binding interaction will reach a point where as well as use of high quality, active reagents are key to
rates of association and dissociation are equal. At this point obtaining accurate data from a binding kinetics experiment.
the curve flattens out and has reached the equilibrium Use of unstable or inactive proteins, improperly character-
binding signal, or Req. Since there is a fixed amount of ligand ized reagents, or inappropriate buffer conditions will
on the surface of the biosensor, there is a maximum amount negatively impact results. Performing interaction analysis
of analyte that can be bound. When the highest possible on an active and stable ligand surface facilitates generation
analyte binding is reached, it is considered the maximum of robust data. Below, we describe considerations for devel-
binding signal, or Rmax. The value of Req relative to Rmax oping kinetic assays in various formats, with suggestions for
depends on the analyte concentration relative to the KD. For designing an effective assay, optimizing each step, and min-
example, if the analyte concentration is equal to the KD, Req imizing artifacts arising from non-specific binding.
will occur at 50% of Rmax. Rmax will generally be reached if the
analyte concentration is greater than 10X KD (Figure 6). A) Choosing the Right Biosensor
Analysis of biomolecular interactions starts with immobiliza- thus preventing activity loss due to over-modification. Long
tion of a ligand onto the surface of the biosensor. chain linkers should be incorporated into a biotin tag to
Biosensors come ready to use with standard binding agents minimize steric effects, especially when immobilizing
such as streptavidin and amine-reactive groups, allowing smaller molecules such as peptides. A biotinylated ligand
for irreversible attachment of proteins to essentially create can be prepared in batches and stored for use in multiple
custom biosensor surfaces. Alternatively, capture agents experiments, whereas the amine reactive process involves
such as anti-mouse IgG Fc capture or Ni-NTA provide a multiple steps with reagents that must be prepared fresh
means for highly specific capture of antibodies or recombi- with each immobilization.
nant proteins even from unpurified samples. The most
important consideration for biosensor selection is choosing
a format that best maintains structure and activity of the Capture-Based Approach
immobilized ligand.
SHARING OF ELECTRONS Site-directed or capture-based biosensors can be used to
B) Direct immobilization of a target protein to a biosensor can maximize activity of the ligand on the surface. Capture bio-
be accomplished by covalent bond to free lysine residues sensors are pre-immobilized with a high affinity capture
via an Amine Reactive biosensor (AR2G) or via biotin inter- antibody or protein which binds to the protein ligand via a
action with Streptavidin Biosensor. Direct immobilization known motif or tag, enabling favorable orientation on the
results in stable, non-reversible coupling of a molecule to surface and improved homogeneity. For example, anti-hu-
the biosensor with minimal dissociation from the biosensor. man and anti-mouse IgG Fc capture surfaces bind an
This method is compatible with most proteins, enables cre- antibody ligand via the Fc region, orienting the captured
ation of a ‘custom’ biosensor surface with virtually any antibody so that the Fv region is readily available for analyte
protein, and is typically regenerable to the level of the binding. Several oriented-capture biosensors are available
immobilized ligand. Some constraints apply to this method. for use on the Octet® platform (see Table 2). Because of the
Direct immobilization requires purified protein and creation high specificity of these interactions, ligand protein can be
of a covalent bond, either directly to the surface or to biotin. captured directly from crude samples such as culture media
There is potential for loss of protein activity due to covalent without need for purification. Minimal assay optimization is
bonding or to steric hindrance, especially when the biosen- required with capture-based biosensors, and they are typi-
sor surface is overly saturated. With direct coupling using cally regenerable to the level of the original capture surface.
Amine Reactive Biosensors, the surface is activated and Several of the capture biosensors are antibody-based, and
then the protein exposed to the activated surface at low pH there may be some level of dissociation of the captured
(typically pH 5.5). It is difficult to control this type of reac- ligand observed. This background dissociation must be
tion and ensure the protein is not overly constrained by the subtracted out using a no-analyte reference sample in
surface. If too many lysines are linked to the surface, or free order to calculate accurate kinetic constants (see Data
lysines near the analyte binding site are linked, the protein Analysis section for information on reference subtraction).
may lose activity. purified proteins- direct immobilization For the assay to be valid, as a general rule the dissociation
rate of the analyte must be at least five times slower than
the dissociation rate of the ligand from the biosensor.
c) Streptavidin Biosensors for Kinetic Analysis
Streptavidin Biosensors have been developed for the Assay Orientation
immobilization of biotinylated ligands. The interaction
between streptavidin and biotin is non-covalent, but is Some consideration must be taken in determining which
rapid, stable and essentially irreversible. Use of Streptavidin member of a binding pair to immobilize and which should
Biosensors as an alternative to amine covalent coupling remain in solution. Protein stability, size, and valency are pri-
offers some significant advantages. The biotin-streptavidin mary concerns when choosing orientation. More sensitive
coupling method creates a stable bond to the surface on proteins may not tolerate the relatively harsh conditions
the biosensor similar to covalent coupling, yet requires imposed by immobilization on amine reactive surfaces. In
minimal optimization. Biotinylation is simple to perform, this case, immobilize the less sensitive binder of the pair.
gentle on proteins and performed at neutral pH. The Alternatively, a different biosensor such as Streptavidin may
reaction is easily controlled by regulating the number of be chosen. Since smaller molecules produce smaller sig-
biotin molecules added to the reaction per target protein, nals, instrument sensitivity must also be considered when
deciding which molecule to immobilize (see Octet® Family
of Instruments section). A smaller molecule such as a pep-
tide can be immobilized onto the biosensor, with the larger
binder in solution, to increase assay signal. If this strategy is Biosensor
chosen, adding a linker to the captured molecule before
immobilization can prevent steric hindrance and make the
binding site more available to its analyte partner. Immobilized
While the affinity of a molecule to its binding partner is
defined as the strength of the non-covalent association Bivalent
between one ligand binding site with one analyte binding
Figure 7: Avidity effects in a kinetic assay. A bivalent analyte in solution
site, the avidity of a molecule is determined by the total
that binds to immobilized ligand has the potential to bind to two ligand
strength of all the binding associations possible between molecules at once. This can result in artificially low apparent off rates.
the two molecules. For example, an antibody is bivalent, and These effects can be prevented by reversing the assay format or by
can bind more than one antigen epitope. Avidity is an lowering the ligand density on the biosensor.
important consideration in kinetics experiments as it can
affect the overall calculation of KD. Bivalent molecules such
as antibodies should be immobilized on the surface of the long linker incorporated. An optimal ratio of biotin
biosensor whenever possible to avoid avidity effects. A biva- reagent:ligand is a 1:1 molar coupling ratio (MCR). Over-bi-
lent antibody in solution can potentially interact with two otinylation does not improve biosensor loading levels and
antigen molecules on the surface (Figure 7). has the potential to reduce protein activity due to increased
likelihood of biotin incorporation into binding sites. A higher
Avidity effects can create non-ideal binding profiles and MCR may be necessary if the stock protein is at a concen-
result in an artificially high affinity measurement. Regardless tration of less than 500 µg/mL and in this case a 3:1 or 5:1
of orientation or assay format, proper assay development is a ratio may be used. After biotinylation, excess unincorpo-
necessity for obtaining reliable kinetic data with any system. rated biotin should be removed. Unincorporated biotin can
compete for streptavidin binding sites and reduce labeled
ligand immobilizations to biosensors. Gel filtration spin col-
Ligand Immobilization: Biotinylation of Protein umns that are used for buffer exchange and desalting are
for Immobilization onto Streptavidin Biosensors widely used for removing unincorporated biotin for its abil-
ity to separate molecules based on the molecular weights.
To immobilize a ligand onto a Streptavidin Biosensor, it Alternatively, dialysis into PBS buffer with an appropriate
must first be biotinylated. In vivo site-specific biotinylation molecular weight cutoff membrane or cartridge can be
methods that place one streptavidin binding site at a care- used for gentle buffer exchange of more sensitive proteins
fully chosen location on the ligand are recommended. (use 100 kDa MW cutoff for antibodies). Once the protein
However, when opting to perform biotinylation in the lab, has been biotinylated and desalted into neutral pH buffer, a
the following recommendations should be followed. Pro- ligand loading optimization experiment can be performed
teins to be biotinylated must be purified, carrier to determine optimal loading concentration. For a detailed
protein-free and in a buffer that does not contain primary protocol for biotinylation of protein ligands for use on
amines, such as Tris or glycine. A variety of biotinylation Streptavidin Biosensors, refer to Sartorius Technical Note
reagents targeting different functional groups are available 28, Biotinylation of Protein for Immobilization onto Strepta-
commercially that allow for simple and efficient attachment vidin Biosensors.
of biotin to antibodies, proteins or peptides. The most com-
monly used are NHS-esters of biotin that target primary
amines such as the amine group of free lysine residues in a Immobilization Using Amine Reactive 2nd
protein or peptide. Spacer arms, or linkers, of different Generation (AR2G) Biosensors
lengths are available, and are necessary to reduce steric
hindrances and for efficient capture of biotinylated mole- Immobilization of proteins on AR2G Biosensors is achieved
cules. We recommend reagents such as EZ-Link through standard EDC-catalyzed amide bond formation to
NHS-PEG4-Biotin (Thermo Scientific, part no. 21329), create a covalent bond between a reactive amine on the
NHS-PEG12-Biotin (Thermo Scientific, part no. 21338) or protein and the carboxy-terminated biosensor surface. The
Sulfo-NHS-LC-LC-Biotin (Thermo Scientific, part no. immobilization is done in a series of steps: 1) carboxylic acid
21338). Peptides can be synthesized with a biotin with a groups on the surface are first activated by reaction with
EDC (1-Ethyl-3-[3-dimethylaminopropyl] carbodiimide Loading the optimal density of immobilized ligand on the
hydrochloride) and sulfo-NHS (N-hydroxysulfosuccinim- surface of a Streptavidin or Amine Reactive Biosensor is
ide) to generate highly reactive NHS esters. 2) The esters critical to obtaining quality kinetic data. Simply loading as
rapidly react with the primary amines of the ligand biomole- much ligand as possible to maximize signal is not recom-
cule in the coupling step to form highly stable amide bonds. mended. An excess of ligand bound to the biosensor can
3) Excess sulfo-NHS esters are quenched using ethanol- lead to data artifacts due to crowding, steric hindrance and
amine (Figure 8). possible aggregation on the surface. Over-saturation of the
biosensor may also promote weaker non-specific interac-
Pre-concentration of the ligand at the biosensor surface is tions at higher analyte concentrations, or analyte ‘walking’
critical for efficient immobilization and optimal signal to or ‘rebinding’ effects at lower analyte concentrations. These
noise ratio in a kinetics assay. In pre-concentration, the artifacts may significantly impact observed binding kinetics.
ligand is concentrated at the surface by electrostatic attrac- If not enough ligand is immobilized, however, the signal in
tion prior to covalent coupling. For these electrostatic the analyte association step may be too low to detect.
interactions to occur, the pH of the coupling buffer must be When performing the loading step in a kinetic assay, slow
higher than the pKa of the biosensor surface but slightly loading for longer time is preferable to rapid ligand immobi-
lower than the isoelectric point of the ligand. The buffer lization. Ideally, the binding curve in the loading step will
must also have low ionic strength. For many proteins, dilut- show a gradual increase in signal and should not be allowed
ing 10 mM acetate buffer at pH 4.5–5 works well, however to reach saturation. A steep, fast initial increase in signal
an optimization step, or pH scouting, is recommended to may lead to uneven loading and assay artifacts. A typical
identify the optimal buffer in which to perform the immobi- immobilization concentration for a ligand molecule is
lization. For scouting, choose three to four buffers differing 50–100 nM. If the ligand concentration is low, e.g. below
by 0.5 or 1 pH unit, for example 10 mM sodium acetate pH 4, 50 nM, a longer loading time may be required for sufficient
5, and 6. Perform the immobilization protocol and the ana- immobilization signal. Overnight incubation in ligand solu-
lyte association step using a high concentration of analyte tion may also be performed at 4°C. Overnight incubation
(10–20X KD). Select the buffer condition that produces the can greatly improve results in cases where capture biosen-
highest signal in the analyte association step for the assay, sors are being used to capture a ligand molecule from a
and then optimize for loading concentration. For detailed dilute supernatant or cell culture sample.
protocol on AR2G Biosensor immobilization, refer to Sarto-
rius Technical Note 26, Dip and Read Amine Reactive Determining the ideal concentration of ligand to
Second-Generation (AR2G) Biosensors. immobilize requires experimentation. An assay
Figure 8: Workflow for a kinetic assay using AR2G Biosensors. Ligand molecules are covalently attached to the activated amine-reactive surface. After
activation, immobilization and quenching, the kinetics of association and dissociation between the immobilized ligand and analyte are measured.
development step in which the ligand is titrated on the The Dip and Read format of the Octet® system allows for
biosensors is recommended. The microplate format used greater flexibility in selecting an assay buffer than alterna-
on the Octet® platform allows for rapid testing of several tive platforms such as SPR. Because biosensors are based
experimental parameters at once, minimizing time spent on BLI technology, only molecules binding to or dissociat-
on assay development. To perform a loading optimization ing from the surface of the biosensor can shift the
experiment, several concentrations of ligand are loaded interference pattern of the reflected light and generate a
onto the biosensor. An association step is performed for response. Unbound molecules or changes in refractive
each ligand concentration using a high concentration of index of the surrounding solution do not affect the interfer-
analyte (10–20X KD). A zero-ligand biosensor should also ence pattern, enabling measurements in crude or complex
be run as a control for determining whether the analyte samples such as cell lysates or culture supernatants, and in
binds non-specifically to the biosensor. solutions containing high refractive index components such
as glycerol or DMSO.
The loading concentration to select for an assay should be
the lowest concentration of immobilized ligand that yields an Though the Octet® system offers a great deal of flexibility in
acceptable signal in the analyte association step. Figure 9A choice of assay and sample matrix, be sure to select an
shows the raw data trace for a ligand loading optimization assay buffer that is appropriate for the experimental system,
experiment. In the loading step, higher concentrations of and use the same solution throughout the assay. For exam-
ligand quickly saturate the binding sites, as evidenced by the ple, if the analyte is in culture media, make analyte dilutions
binding curve leveling off in the 100 µg/mL sample, while the in the same media and use this media for the baseline and
lowest concentrations do not reach saturation. When the dissociation steps as well. For kinetic assays using purified
data are processed so that the analyte association step is samples we recommend using Sartorius’ Kinetics Buffer as a
aligned to the baseline (Figure 9B), the relative signal of the sample buffer, which is available as a 10X solution. This buf-
analyte binding at each corresponding ligand concentration fer contains the blocking agent, bovine serum albumin
can be clearly observed. At 10 µg/mL (67 nM), we observe (BSA), and surfactant (Tween-20) to inhibit non-specific
desired loading curve characteristics (significant loading binding to surfaces and other proteins.
signal with fairly slow initial binding that does not go to
saturation) and a high signal in the association step. This Baseline Step
concentration should be selected as the optimal loading
concentration for this example.
Assay Buffer
25 µg/mL 5 µg/mL
2.5 0.4 50 µg/mL 2.5 µg/mL
100 µg/mL 0 µg/mL
100 µg/mL 5 µg/mL 10 µg/mL
2.0 50 µg/mL 2.5 µg/mL
0 µg/mL
Binding (nm)
Binding (nm)
25 µg/mL
10 µg/mL
0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 0 100 200 300 400 500 600
Time (sec) Time (sec)
Figure 9: A) Raw sensorgram data for ligand loading optimization experiment on the Octet® instrument. Biotinylated anti PSA antibody (Fitzgerald)
was loaded onto Streptavidin Biosensors at several concentrations in 1X Kinetics Buffer (Sartorius). After a baseline step, PSA antigen (Fitzgerald) was
associated to the immobilized ligand at a concentration of 200 nM, followed by dissociation step in 1X Kinetics Buffer. B) Aligned sensorgram traces
showing association and dissociation steps. The difference in analyte signal at each ligand concentration can be easily observed when data is aligned.
0.5 0.16
Binding (nm)
Binding (nm)
Binding (nm)
0 0.0
0 150 300 450 600 750 900 0 150 300 450 600 750 900 0 150 300 450 600 750 900
Time (sec) Time (sec) Time (sec)
Figure 10: Sensorgram data illustrating varying ranges of analyte concentrations. A) Ideal range of analyte concentrations for a kinetics experiment,
with signals spanning the dynamic range of the assay. Curve fits generated using such data will likely give reliable kinetic constants. B) The range of
analyte concentrations utilized is too high. Note that the curves are close together and exhibit heterogeneity most likely due to non-specific binding.
The lower range of concentrations is not represented, which tend to give the most accurate data. C) The range of analyte concentrations here is too
low, and data is limited by mass transport.
A baseline step must be performed prior to analyte associa- dilution series measured should ideally range from a con-
tion to remove unbound ligand from the biosensor, and to centration of about 10–20*KD down to about 0.1*KD, using
assess drift caused by non-specific binding, aggregation or 2-fold or 3-fold dilutions. Since KD is defined as the concen-
buffer effects. A baseline is run in buffer (or media) that tration of analyte at equilibrium that occupies 50% of the
must match the buffer to be used for the association and available binding sites on the biosensor surface, this range
dissociation steps. In many cases this solution differs from will assure that the assay will span from about 90% Rmax
that used in the ligand immobilization step. Switching to a down to the limit of detection. Running several concentra-
different buffer solution can create matrix effects due to tions will also show how well the fitted binding model
non-specific binding of new buffer components, significant applies over a concentration range around the KD. If the KD
changes in refractive index or drift from dissociation of of the interaction is not known, either through experimen-
ligand molecules from the surface (especially for capture tation or literature, an initial analyte scouting step is
biosensors) that must be allowed to equilibrate. It is import- recommended. In this case, run the assay using a few ana-
ant to establish a stable baseline with minimal signal drift lyte concentrations that span a wide range in order to
before proceeding to the association step. An unstable approximate the KD prior to running a full characterization.
baseline will impact measurement of the dissociation
phase, especially if the baseline drift is high relative to the Figure 10A shows kinetic data from an experiment using an
dissociation rate or is drifting in a non-linear fashion. Base- optimal range of analyte concentrations. The binding sig-
line drift also impacts maximum binding capacity, or Rmax. nals span the dynamic range of the assay from near the limit
Rmaxis a factor in calculating rate constants and KD in both of detection to just below saturation. The even spacing
kinetics and equilibrium analysis, so it is important that Rmax between the association curves indicates the ligand on the
remain constant throughout the association and dissocia- biosensor has not been saturated with analyte. If the analyte
tion phases. concentrations tested in a kinetic assay are too high, ligand
binding sites can be saturated, increasing the potential for
artifacts and non-ideal behavior related to non-specific
Association Step binding or aggregation (Figure 10B). The lower range of
analyte concentrations is not represented, though this is
In the association step, the binding interaction of the ana- the range where the most accurate data are produced. If
lyte to immobilized ligand is measured. For screening analyte concentrations are too low, however, signal may be
purposes or qualitative analyses, measuring binding curves weak and/or the resulting binding rates may be diffusion
for a single analyte concentration is often sufficient. How- limited (Figure 10C).
ever, when reliable, accurate kinetic constants are required,
a dilution series of at least four analyte concentrations In practice, binding signals may sometimes be too low at
should be measured in the association step. The analyte analyte concentrations near or below the KD value. For
Table 4: Effect of dissociation of molecules from the biosensor on concentration in buffer solution. The number of molecules coming off the biosensor
is negligible even when the same well is used for multiple samples in the dissociation step.
example the observed binding rate will be very low for a While these artifacts can be corrected for, it is best to mini-
high-affinity binder run at low concentrations. This low rate mize them for accurate data analysis.
will affect the amount of binding that can be observed in a
five or ten minute association step. If binding signal below The dissociation step can be run in the same well for every
the KD is not measurable, it is best to run a dilution series sample in an assay, as long as the buffer matrix is identical for
beginning at 100X KD and titrate down using two- or three- each sample. Therefore only one column of a microplate
fold dilutions until there is no measurable signal. This needs to be reserved for dissociation buffer per plate of ana-
strategy will enable testing over a range of concentrations lyte samples. This leaves room to analyze more samples in
and kinetic and binding constants measured this way will parallel, increasing throughput and efficiency. It is acceptable
still be valid. to dip into the same well of buffer for every dissociation step
because the number of molecules coming off the biosensor
The association step should be run long enough to see surface is negligible, even when the biosensor is saturated
some curvature in the data traces, but not so long that the and dissociation rate is high, as shown in Table 4. It may be
curves flatten out for an extended period of time. In gen- beneficial to use separate wells for dissociation of each sam-
eral, a five to ten minute association step is recommended. ple in cases where off-rates are extremely fast and molecules
For fast-binding molecules, typically a 1–2 minute associa- dissociate fully from the biosensor.
tion time is adequate. However, for slower reactions, a
longer association step may be necessary. Avoid running The dissociation step should be run long enough to
the association step for too long and allowing binding observe decay in the binding response, meaning the length
curves to reach equilibrium, as this leaves opportunity for of the dissociation step will depend on the affinity of the
weaker, non-specific interactions to occur. interaction. A high affinity interaction can be difficult to ana-
lyze if the dissociation curve is measured for too short a
When running a full kinetic profile with several analyte con- time. Ideally, at least 5% of complex should dissociate for
centrations, data are analyzed globally by fitting both robust analysis. (Refer to Table 3 for the relationship
association and dissociation phases for several analyte con- between affinity and complex half-life). An important
centrations simultaneously using the same set of rate advantage of using an Octet® system for kinetic measure-
constants. Global analysis of a wide range of analyte con- ments is that long dissociation steps can be performed for
centrations provides robust analysis and accurate multiple analyte concentrations in parallel rather than one
estimation of binding constants. Knowing the correct ana- sample at a time, greatly minimizing experimental run time.
lyte concentration is critical, as this value also has a direct
impact on calculated constants.
Non-specific Binding
Dissociation Step
Biological molecules tend to interact with surfaces; there-
In the dissociation step, the biosensor is dipped into buffer fore non-specific binding is a concern with any assay under
solution that does not contain analyte. With no analyte any conditions. Non-specific binding can occur as a result
present, the free concentration of analyte in solution drops of many factors, such as cell culture media components,
to zero and bound complex on the surface of the biosensor BSA or serum proteins, or charged species in the sample or
dissociates. It is recommended that the dissociation step be buffer. The biocompatible layer on the biosensors greatly
run in the same microplate well as the baseline for each mitigates non-specific binding, however some consider-
sample. Running these two steps in the same buffer in the ation must be taken to minimize buffer effects.
same well can prevent step artifacts that may result from Pre-hydration of biosensors is required before running an
subtle differences in buffer, volume or shape of the well. assay. If pre-hydration is performed for at least 10 minutes in
media or buffer that matches that of the corresponding
samples, non-specific binding can be greatly reduced. Be ligand by removing bound analyte under disrupting condi-
sure to use the same buffer for baseline, association and tions. Efficient regeneration requires removing the bound
dissociation steps during the assay. analyte without affecting ligand activity. However, the con-
ditions that effectively disrupt ligand-analyte binding are
When non-specific binding occurs, proper assay optimiza- protein dependent. Similarly, immobilized ligands vary sig-
tion and buffer selection can minimize the effects. Modifying nificantly in their ability to retain activity after regeneration.
the assay buffer can reduce such binding. In most assays The appropriate regeneration protocol for a particular
measuring protein-protein interactions, blocking agents ligand-analyte protein pair must be determined experimen-
such as BSA (up to 1–2%) and/or non-ionic detergents such tally. Most antibody-protein interactions can be disrupted
as Tween-20 (up to 0.09%) can be added. Other blocking by a series of short incubations in low pH buffer (pH 1–4),
agents such as casein, PEG or gelatin can also be substi- such as 10 mM glycine, (pH 1.5–2.0), followed by neutraliza-
tuted. Salt concentration can also be modified. Raising the tion in assay buffer. However, if the biosensor surface is not
salt concentration to 150–500 mM (physiological concentra- efficiently regenerated with low pH buffer, other conditions
tions and higher) can increase assay stringency and therefore may be tested such as high salt concentrations, detergent,
reduce non-specific binding. or high pH buffer. There are different modes of interaction
at work between different ligand-analyte pairs, such as
Always include a reference sample with every kinetics experi- hydrophobic forces, van der Waals forces, and ionic binding.
ment to allow subtraction of background signal and assay An understanding of the nature of the proteins involved
drift. A reference sample is run in the association step using a and the type of non-covalent forces that dominate the
ligand-loaded biosensor, and should consist of assay buffer interaction is important in developing an effective regener-
minus the target analyte. Double referencing with both a ref- ation protocol.
erence sample and a reference biosensor can be performed
when background signal is an issue, or in small molecule For successful regeneration, the following conditions must
binding assays where the signal is very small in relation to be met:
noise. Reference biosensors are typically loaded with a Biosensor surface chemistry must be stable under the
non-active protein that is similar to the ligand, and run regeneration conditions.
through the assay with the same analyte samples as the The immobilized ligand must be stable under the
ligand-loaded biosensors. The reference biosensor is used to regeneration conditions and retain activity over multiple
subtract non-specific binding of analyte to the biosensor. regeneration cycles.
Ligand-analyte protein interaction must dissociate fully
during regeneration.
Biosensor Regeneration
The number of regeneration cycles that a ligand can with-
Although Dip and Read biosensors are disposable and cost stand and the efficiency of the regeneration also greatly
effective for single-use applications, many are also regener- depend on the proteins being disrupted. Some ligands
able. In some cases, especially in kinetic screening, it may can be regenerated ten or more cycles, while others toler-
be advantageous to assay several samples using the same ate far fewer cycles or cannot be regenerated at all. A table
ligand-coated biosensor. This practice can save some cost of suggested biosensor-compatible regeneration buffers
on biosensors; however, these savings should be carefully is shown in Table 5. The Octet® system’s high-throughput
weighed against the costs involved in optimizing regenera- format provides a flexible platform for assays that incorpo-
tion conditions. rate regeneration as well as efficient screening of
regeneration conditions.
For kinetic applications, Streptavidin and AR2G Biosensors
can be regenerated down to the level of the immobilized There are many possible ways to configure a screen for
regeneration conditions. The ligand can be immobilized
Table 5: Table of suggested biosensor-compatible regeneration buffers. References: *RC Chatelier, TR Gengenbach, HJ Griesser, BM Brigham, and
DJ O’Shannessy. A general method to recondition and reuse BIAcore sensor chips fouled with covalently immobilized protein/peptide. Anal.
Biochem.; (229): 112–118; 1995. **K Andersson, D Areskoug, and E Hardenborg. Exploring buffer space for molecular interactions. J.Mol.Recognit.;
(12): 310–315; 1999.
AR2G 0.15 M oxalic acid, 0.15 M H3PO4, 0.15 M formic acid and 0.15 M malonic acid * 15 minutes
AR2G 0.2 M ethanolamine, 0.2 M Na3PO4, 0.2 M piperazine and 0.2 M glycine ** 5 minutes
AR2G 0.46 M KSCN, 1.83 M MgCl2, 0.92 M urea and 1.83 M guanidine-HCl 5 minutes
AR2G Mixture of CHAPS, zwittergent 3-12, Tween 80, Tween 20 and Triton X-100, 5 minutes
each at 0.3 %, 20 mM EDTA
onto eight biosensors to screen up to eight regeneration binding capacity when compared to earlier binding cycles
solutions in parallel to take advantage of the Octet® (Figure 12B).
system’s throughput capacity. Run the assay with an analyte
concentration of at least 10X*KD, using up to ten Figure 12A shows the overlay of signal response for
regeneration cycles (Figure 11). In general, several short association of the analyte after each regeneration step. The
exposures (e.g. 3 to 5 exposures, 5 seconds each) to the signal decreases dramatically with each regeneration cycle.
regeneration buffer in a cycle are more successful than a Figure 12B shows the overlay of analyte association for ideal
single, longer exposure. regeneration conditions, where the signal does not
decrease with the number of regeneration cycles. In some
If the regeneration is successful, the analyte binding cases, binding capacity may decrease during the first
curves from each cycle will overlay with minimal change in regeneration cycle but stabilize through subsequent cycles.
Binding (nm)
0 200 400 600 800 1,000 1,200 1,400 1,600 1,800 2,000 2,200 2,400 2,600 2,800 3,000 3,200 3,400 3,600 3,800 4,000 4,200
Time (sec)
Figure 11: Real-time results from regeneration scouting and validation experiment run on the Octet® R8 instrument. Data shown are from eight
Streptavidin Biosensors (A1–H1) each corresponding to a different regeneration solution. Biotin-Protein A was immobilized, followed by 11 cycles of
binding to human IgG with regeneration.
1.50 1.50
1.20 1.20
0.90 0.90
0.60 0.60
0.30 0.30
0.00 0.00
0 50 100 150 120 250 0 50 100 150 120 250
Time (sec) Time (sec)
Figure 12: Aligned sensorgram traces showing association and dissociation steps for two of the eight regeneration conditions tested in the experiment
in Figure 11. Chart A shows data from non-optimal regeneration reagent (NaOH, pH 11) where association signal declines with each subsequent
regeneration cycle. Chart B shows optimal regeneration condition (10 mM glycine, pH2) where binding activity of the ligand is maintained through all
regeneration cycles.
This decrease may be due to many factors including loss of analyte samples.
a small amount of immobilized protein during the first 2. Hydrate the biosensors for at least 10 minutes.
exposure to regeneration buffer. To minimize the impact of Hydration buffer should match the buffer used
this initial change on final data, it is common practice to run throughout the assay as closely as possible.
a pre-conditioning step before the assay, where one cycle 3. Prepare the assay plate, filling columns of wells with
of regeneration is performed. buffers, regeneration solution, ligand and interacting
protein samples.
For capture-based biosensors, such as Anti-human IgG Fc 4. Set up the assay in the Octet® BLI Discovery Software:
Capture or Anti-mouse Fc Capture, the surface can be define plate layout, define assay steps and assign
regenerated to the level of the original surface chemistry. biosensors.
Both the captured ligand and the analyte are removed 5. Equilibrate both the hydrated biosensor assembly and
during regeneration, which is typically performed using the assay plate for 10 minutes on the Octet® instrument.
10 mM glycine (pH 1.7) regeneration buffer. Three to five Equilibration allows the biosensors to fully hydrate and
cycles are performed consisting of a 5-second incubation in the assay plate to reach a stable temperature.
regeneration buffer followed by 5-second incubation in 6. Run the assay.
assay buffer. The biosensor can then be re-loaded with 7. Perform data processing and analysis.
ligand for a new kinetic assay. Depending on the protein
being captured, however, regeneration buffer formulation A typical sample plate layout and assay summary is shown
may require optimization. For recommended regeneration in Figure 13.
conditions for a specific capture-based biosensor, refer to
the corresponding technical note on the Sartorius web site. A column format is recommended for a typical large mole-
cule kinetics assay, where sample dilutions are made down
the columns of the microplate. Samples are measured
Running a Binding Kinetics Assay simultaneously in each column so that sample dilutions are
measured in parallel. Biosensors are replaced or regener-
Steps to set up a kinetics assay are simple and straightfor- ated between different analytes being tested. In a row
ward using the Octet® BLI Discovery Software and format, sample dilutions are made across the microplate
microplate format. Octet® systems offer great flexibility in row. This format typically is used in small molecule kinetic
kinetic assay design and many options are available assays when affinities are low and dissociation usually is
depending on the format and the instrument being used. rapid and complete, where dissociation is usually rapid and
Detailed instructions on setting up an assay using the complete, so that regeneration of biosensors between sam-
Octet® BLI Discovery Software can be found in the Octet® ple dilutions is not required. Figure 13B shows a typical
BLI Discovery Software User Guide. kinetic assay setup with recommended step times. Note
that the same column of buffer is used for the baseline and
A typical assay protocol runs as follows: dissociation steps.
1. Prepare buffers, regeneration solution, ligand and
Baseline, association and dissociation steps must be run in
sequence. Shaking speed and assay step lengths can be
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Step # Step Name Time (sec) Flow Sample Plate
(RPM) Column
1 Equilibration 60 1000 1
C 2 Loading 300–600 1000 2
D 3 Baseline 180–600 1000 3
E 4 Association 300–600 1000 4
F 5 Dissociation 300–3600 1000 3
Figure 13: A) Plate layout diagram for standard kinetics assay. B) Summary of standard kinetics assay with suggested step times.
changed depending upon the strength and speed of the ations in temperature. By working at a few degrees above
interaction. Increasing the shake speed will increase the ambient, a consistent temperature can be maintained
sensitivity of the assay, and is recommended for weaker through the course of the assay.
binders or lower concentrations of reagent. If an interaction
is very rapid, or if a reagent is used at high concentrations, a
slower shake speed of 400 RPM is recommended. The Analysis of Binding Kinetics Data
association step time can be increased for a slow interac-
tion or a weak binder to enhance binding signal. The Binding kinetic sensorgrams contain a great deal of infor-
dissociation step should be longer for high affinity binders. mation describing an interaction between molecules. A
In general, step lengths of 1 minute for baseline, 5 minutes sensorgram can answer simple questions about the pres-
for association and 10 minutes for dissociation are a good ence or absence of a binding interaction between
starting point, however some optimization may be required. molecules, and enable complex analyses that fully charac-
For accurate calculation of binding and affinity constants, at terize an interaction and extract binding rate and
least 5% of the complex must dissociate. A high affinity equilibrium binding constants. The Octet® Analysis Studio
binding pair, for example KD < 1 nM, may require a longer dis- Software is a powerful, yet simple-to-use program for ana-
sociation time of 30 minutes or more. Overall run time lyzing kinetic data. In this section, we will describe features
should be no longer than 3 hours, as sample evaporation of the data analysis software, steps in analyzing data, and
from the microplate wells may begin to impact results. considerations for interpreting results.
Octet® R8 platform however, is capable of utilizing a micro-
plate evaporation cover that enables unattended run times Kinetic data are interpreted based on a mathematical
up to 12 hours. model of the interaction, from which kinetic and equilibrium
binding constants can be calculated based on rates of asso-
Some important considerations to remember when running ciation and dissociation. This type of analysis can be
a kinetic assay: performed either locally, where kinetic parameters are
The buffer used for biosensor pre-hydration, baseline and determined based on a single analyte concentration, or
dissociation steps must match the matrix of the analyte globally, where constants are derived simultaneously from
sample as closely as possible. all analyte concentrations available. Alternatively, the equi-
Select a ligand loading concentration that does not librium dissociation constant (KD) can be determined using
saturate the biosensor, but still provides a strong analyte data at equilibrium from each available analyte concentra-
signal. Ideally, for a 150 kDa antibody, the signal in the tion using steady state analysis.
loading step should reach about 1.0 nm after 10 minutes
of loading. General steps for performing analysis of kinetic data are as
Run a 2-fold or 3-fold dilution series of at least four follows:
concentrations of the analyte, starting at 10-fold above 1. Load acquired data into the Octet® Analysis Studio
the KD. Software. Process the data in the Processing window by
The same buffer wells should be used for the baseline and specifying methods for reference subtraction, y-axis
dissociation steps. This will minimize artifacts and enable alignment, inter-step correction and Savitzky-Golay
use of the inter-step correction feature in the Octet® filtering.
Analysis Studio Software. 2. Analyze the data in the Analysis window by specifying
Run a reference sample, or negative control, consisting of steps to analyze, selecting curve fit model, fitting
buffer-only without analyte. method (local or global) and window of interest.
Be sure the baseline is stable (has a flat signal with 3. Export the analyzed data by clicking “Save Report” to
minimal downward drift) before proceeding to the generate a detailed report in Microsoft® Excel®.
association step.
Running an assay at 30°C is recommended for optimal Recognizing Non-ideal Binding Behavior
results, since binding to the biosensor is sensitive to fluctu-
It is important to examine the real-time sensorgram curves
prior to data analysis, as they reveal information about the
nature of the interaction as well as the quality of the data. Binding
Ideally, only the interaction under study will contribute to
the binding profile, however, additional factors can also
affect the shape of a binding curve on a sensorgram. When
Binding, nm
complex, non-optimal binding occurs due to multiple types
of interactions taking place on the biosensor, the resulting
sensorgram will show characteristics that deviate from the
classical 1:1 bimolecular interaction. Figure 14 shows exam-
ples of ideal (homogeneous) and non-ideal 1:1 Binding
(heterogeneous) binding profiles. The association phase of
the blue heterogeneous curve is clearly biphasic, rising
steeply at first and then continuing to rise at a slower pace
where a 1:1 interaction would be expected to level off at
equilibrium in a smooth monophasic binding curve. The Figure 14: Complex, non-optimal binding will result in sensorgram with
biphasic nature of the blue curve is also reflected in the dis- characteristics that deviate from classical 1:1 interaction. Heterogeneous
sociation step, where a fast initial decay is followed by binding is characterized by biphasic curves that fail to equilibrate in the
association step and often do not return to baseline signal in the
slower decay later in the step. In some cases of non-ideal
dissociation step.
binding (not illustrated in the figure), the dissociation curve
signal stabilizes above the pre-association baseline signal.
These binding curve characteristics indicate a complex Lower ligand density.
binding event, which can affect reliable curve fitting and Lower analyte concentration.
data analysis. Check reagent stability and quality.
Modify assay buffer by adding blocking agents, detergent.
While an interaction displaying non-ideal behavior may be Shorten association step time.
easily fit using a more complex binding model such as 2:1 or
1:2 binding, it is best not to choose a more complex curve Structural heterogeneity in the ligand or analyte, occurring
fitting model without significant justification. Unless the either in the original samples or as a result of artifacts in the
interaction is known to be complex, the best approach is to assay, may contribute to a complex binding profile. Poor
optimize assay conditions until the profile displays 1:1 bind- quality ligand or analyte samples can create heterogeneous
ing characteristics. binding effects. The presence of partially active or inactive
proteins and aggregates will impact a kinetic profile, caus-
A complex, non-ideal binding profile in a kinetic assay can ing non-optimal binding. Use of fresh, high quality reagents
be caused by a number of factors. Proper assay optimiza- that have been stored properly and tested for stability is
tion can often alleviate the apparent heterogeneity and always recommended. The chosen method of immobiliza-
bring the interaction back to its expected binding behavior. tion can cause physical effects that may lead to ligand
One major component in complex binding behavior may be heterogeneity. For example, when performing covalent
non-specific binding to the biosensor. Techniques for miti- immobilization on an Amine Reactive Biosensor, amine
gating this type of binding are discussed in the Developing groups near the binding site may result in sub-populations
a Kinetics Assay section. When analyte concentrations far of ligand with different binding characteristics. This effect
above the KD are used, and/or ligand density on the surface can be prevented by using a capture-based immobilization
is high, weaker non-specific interactions tend to come into strategy where the ligand is oriented on the surface (see
play. Lowering the analyte concentration range in the assay Developing a Kinetics Assay section).
or eliminating higher concentration data traces from the
analysis can bring the interaction closer to an ideal curve fit. When ligand density on the surface is very high and/or the
Lowering the ligand density on the surface, either by reduc- interaction has a fast on-rate, rebinding of analyte can
ing ligand concentration during loading or by decreasing potentially occur during the dissociation phase. This is a
the loading step time, can have a similar effect. commonly observed effect with all biosensor techniques
that involve ligand bound to a solid support. Rebinding
Strategies for Correcting Complex Binding Behavior occurs when an analyte molecule dissociates from one
Use capture-based approach. ligand molecule only to immediately bind to a neighboring
molecule on the surface. The effect is sometimes called
analyte “walking” and can lead to complex binding kinetics well during the assay. Avoid using interstep correction for
and under-estimation of off-rates. The best solution is to binding pairs with very fast on- and off-rates, as some
lower the ligand density on the biosensor either by reduc- kinetic information may be lost.
ing the concentration of ligand during the loading step, or Savitzky-Golay filtering removes high-frequency noise
by shortening the loading step time. from the data. Its use is optional, but is recommended for
data collected using standard acquisition rates.
When a binding pair exhibits complex binding behavior
even when a 1:1 interaction is expected, proper choice of
assay format and careful assay development can often elim- Analysis Window: Choosing a Curve Fit Model
inate artifacts and bring the apparent binding interaction to
be consistent with a 1:1 kinetic profile. In the Analysis window, processed data can be analyzed by
fitting to one of the available curve fit models. Fitting the
Processing Parameters experimental data to a model involves some consideration.
Many interactions studied do not fit a simple 1:1 binding
After a data set has been acquired and loaded into the data model. When deviation from this model is a function of the
analysis software, it must be processed in the Processing type of interaction, rather than an experimental artifact,
window. This window provides tools for correcting binding additional pre-programmed curve fitting models are avail-
curves using various reference subtraction and alignment able in the Octet® Analysis Studio Software:
options. The data processing steps specify how to reference
the data and produce the final binding curves. 2:1 HL Model (heterogeneous ligand).
1:2 Bivalent Analyte Model.
Reference subtraction is performed in this stage of the Mass Transport.
analysis. Reference samples and/or biosensors can be
selected in the Sensor Selection window and method of While the 1:1 binding model assumes the interaction
subtraction chosen in the Raw Data view. between ligand and analyte follows pseudo-first-order
To fit curves correctly, they must be aligned to a common kinetics, the alternative models can be used to calculate
reference point on the Y axis: binding constants for more complex interactions. The
Alignment along the X axis is achieved during the assay appropriate kinetic binding model for an interaction should
due to the parallel movement of all biosensors. be chosen based on knowledge of the interaction and the
Alignment along the Y axis is achieved using Align Y Axis molecules involved, valency and predicted stoichiometry
feature by specifying both a step and time with which to of binding or estimated binding constants. It can be tempt-
execute the alignment. ing to choose a model based based upon best empirical fit
The time range from the specified step will be used to to the data. More complicated models feature more vari-
calculate an average and that average will then be set ables and degrees of freedom, and tend to offer statistically
to y=0. better fits. However, the 1:1 model should be used unless
the interaction is known to be more complex, or the goal is
For example, for alignment to the baseline, select Baseline to attempt to understand a mechanism of interaction. If
and specify the time within the baseline step to set to an the fit is poor, it is possible that components not originat-
average y=0. Typically, the Y-axis is aligned to the last five ing from the interaction of interest are impacting the data.
seconds of the baseline step, where the signal has stabilized. Assay artifacts caused by non-specific binding, overload-
ing of the biosensor, poor reagent quality, inappropriately
The Interstep Correction feature corrects any timed assay steps, or unstable baselines can affect binding
misalignment between two steps resulting from curves. Such variables must be eliminated by further opti-
assay artifacts. mizing the experimental design before accurate curve
Align to Dissociation—Moves the association step on the fitting can be accomplished.
Y axis to align the end of the association step with the
beginning of the adjacent dissociation step. 1:1 Binding Model
Align to Baseline—Moves the association step on the Y
axis to align the beginning of the association step with
the end of the adjacent baseline step.
In a 1:1 bimolecular interaction, both the association and dis- The 2:1 heterogeneous ligand model assumes analyte bind-
sociation phases display a time-resolved signal that is ing at two independent ligand sites. Each ligand site binds
described by a single exponential function. Analyte mole- the analyte independently and with a different rate con-
cules bind at the same rate to every ligand binding site. The stant. Two sets of rate constants are given, one for each
association curve follows a characteristic hyperbolic bind- interaction:
ing profile, with exponential increase in signal followed by a
leveling off to plateau as the binding reaches equilibrium. A + B1 AB1
The dissociation curve follows single exponential decay kd1
with signal eventually returning to baseline. The full fitting
solution for a 1:1 binding is: ka2
A + B2 AB2
Association phase:
Binding (nm)
Binding (nm)
0 200 400 600 800 1,000 1,200 1,400 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400
Time (sec) Time (sec)
Figure 15: Analyzed data illustrating a 1:1 binding interaction. Black lines Figure 16: Analyzed data fit using the 2:1 heterogeneous ligand binding
represent data traces, curve fits are in yellow. model. Curves are biphasic, indicating that more than one interaction
is occurring.
In a fluidics-based system, samples pass over the biosensor The 1:2 Bivalent Analyte model fits the binding of one biva-
surface via laminar flow, where frictional forces from the lent analyte to a monomeric immobilized ligand. Kinetic
sides of the tubing and the surface of the biosensor slow parameters are calculated for two interactions (k a1, ka2, kd1,
the velocity of the liquid close to the surface. In such a sys- kd2, K D1, KD2).
tem, the decreased flow rate immediately adjacent to the
biosensor inhibits efficient exchange of analyte molecules ka1 ka2
from the surface to the bulk solution. At low concentrations, kd1 kd2
analyte molecules present near the biosensor surface can
bind to the ligand faster than they can be replaced in the This model assumes that because of limited distance
surrounding solution. When this occurs, the binding rate between two adjacent binding sites on the surface, the
becomes dependent on supply of analyte molecules rather bivalent analyte can form a bridged complex (Figure 17).
than the actual kinetics of the interaction. The shape of the This interaction is linked, meaning that the formation of
binding curve will be determined by the rate at which the AB2 complex cannot occur before the formation of AB,
analyte diffuses to the surface, and will change with flow and AB cannot dissociate before the dissociation of AB2.
rate. As flow increases, so does the apparent binding rate, as This avidity effect results in a slower apparent dissociation
the supply of analyte molecules available to bind increases. rate than would be expected if the interaction followed a
1:1 binding profile.
km ka
Abulk Asurf + B AB
km kd Two sets of rate constants and KD values are reported using
the 1:2 bivalent analyte model. The first set of values reflects
Often mass transport limited curves are often less steep
than expected, and can appear as straight lines (see Formation of Formation of
Figure 10C). AB complex AB2 complex
Mass transport limited data can be fit using the Mass Trans-
port binding model, which fits the binding of the analyte
taking into account two steps: 1) rate of transport of the Figure 17: Illustration of bivalent analyte binding. Due to limited distance
analyte from the bulk solution to the surface (km), and 2) between adjacent ligand molecules on the surface of the biosensor, a
bivalent analyte can form a bridged complex. This effect creates a lower
interaction of the analyte with the ligand. Diffusion limita-
apparent dissociation rate than would be expected. The bivalent analyte
tion occurs when km is much smaller than ka[B] binding model accounts for avidity when calculating on- and off-rates.
dR ka * [Analyte] kd
= (Rmax – R) – R
dt ka ka the binding due to the affinity of the interaction. The sec-
1+ (Rmax – R) 1+ (Rmax – R)
km km ond set of values represents binding due to avidity. Three
equations are used to fit bivalent analyte curves, the first
Agitating the sample plate in the Dip and Read format cre- describing association of A to B, the second is the associa-
ates a turbulent flow over the biosensor which is not subject tion of AB to B, and the third describes dissociation of the
to laminar forces and is highly efficient at replacing volume AB2 complex.
close to the surface of the biosensor. If mass transport
effects are an issue, the supply of analyte to the surface dB
= –(2ka1 * [A] * B – kd1 * AB) – (ka2 * AB * B – 2kd2 * AB2)
must effectively be raised. This can be accomplished by dt
reducing the level of immobilized ligand, or increasing the
shaking speed during the assay to increase flow rate. dAB
= (2ka1 *[A]* [B]–kd1 *[AB])–(ka2 *[AB]*[B]–2kd2 *[AB2])
lower the density of the immobilized ligand by decreasing The most accurate kinetic and affinity constants are
ligand concentration or decreasing the loading step time. A obtained when performing a global fit using several analyte
lower ligand density will effectively increase the distance concentrations. Global fit analysis includes all binding curve
between molecules on the surface, minimizing the likeli- data in the group using a full fit option. Fitting several
hood of a bound analyte reaching adjacent molecules. This curves to one set of results yields more robust and reliable
approach may require some optimization because lowering curve fits. The kinetic constants that are calculated depend
the ligand density will decrease the sensitivity of the assay. upon the binding model selected. Rmax should remain
Alternatively, reversing the assay orientation so that the unlinked by biosensor when separate biosensors are used
bivalent molecule is immobilized on the surface will elimi- for each individual analyte concentration. When Rmax is
nate the possibility of analyte bridging. The 1:2 binding linked, the theoretical maximum response is calculated
model is useful when the bivalent molecule cannot be cap- assuming equal binding capacity between biosensors. Dif-
tured due to issues related to instability under conditions of ferent biosensors will have slight variability in surface
immobilization, lack of sensitivity in the opposite assay ori- capacity. Rmax can be linked if the same biosensor is used for
entation, reagent availability, or if an interaction needs to be every analyte concentration in the series. This strategy is
tested in multiple formats. typically used in small molecule analyses, where dissocia-
tion is rapid and complete and enables re-use of the same
biosensor for a new sample concentration. In standard large
Local Fitting: Full vs. Partial Fit molecule kinetics assays, where each sample is run on a
new or regenerated biosensor, Rmax should be unlinked to
The Octet® Analysis Studio Software provides full or partial enable calculation of separate Rmax for each sample.
fit options under Local Fitting. When local fitting is per-
formed, kinetic parameters are derived individually for each
analyte concentration. The full fit option assumes that an Steady State Analysis
interaction is fully reversible, so that as the dissociation step
time approaches infinity, all of the analyte bound to the Steady state, or equilibrium analysis, may be performed
ligand will dissociate. Since the dissociation curve will even- when full kinetic analysis is not possible or required. The
tually reach the pre-association baseline, the rate of Steady State option is useful for analyzing interactions that
dissociation is extrapolated until it reaches zero signal on are of low affinity or with very fast on-rates (see Table 1 for
the Y-axis. The full dissociation option is recommended for instrument dynamic ranges). If the initial slope of the bind-
data with a very low dissociation rate. ing curve is steep, it can be difficult for the software to
perform accurate curve fitting. Steady State analysis is
The partial dissociation model does not assume the signal often used with protein-small molecule interactions,
will reach pre-association baseline. Only a portion of the where on and off rates tend to be very fast and the signal
analyte bound will dissociate even as the step time fairly low. For accurate Steady State analysis results, the
approaches infinity, and the rate of dissociation is fit to the association binding curves must reach equilibrium for
measured data only. Partial dissociation can be used to fit every analyte concentration in a titration. Extended asso-
portions of curves in data sets with significant or biphasic ciation step times of 30–60 minutes may be required to
dissociation, however partial fitting may tend to give higher reach equilibrium binding. This approach is feasible only
kd values. The curve fitting assumptions do not include dis- for well-behaved binding pairs exhibiting 1:1 binding kinet-
sociation signal decaying to zero. ics. In Octet® Analysis Studio Software, when the
‘Response’ option is selected, binding rate and affinity
constants will be calculated based on the average signal
Global Fit response (nm) during the assay time specified. If the ‘R
equilibrium’ option is selected, rate and affinity constants
will be calculated based on the theoretical Req value based
on the curve fits. If all curves have reached equilibrium,
these two sets of values should match.
Once curve fitting has been performed, it is necessary to
evaluate the quality of the fit and reliability of calculated The R2 value indicates how well the fit and the
binding and affinity constants. In order to assess how well experimental data correlate. In general, R2 values above
the fitted curves adhere to the experimental data, refer to 0.95 are considered a good fit.
the general guidelines listed below. Examine Full Χ2 values. Χ2 is the sum of the squared
Visually inspect the data and determine if the fit lines deviations, which generally should be below 3. Χ2 is a
conform well to the data traces. If the fit lines are far from measure of error between the experimental data and the
the actual data, this indicates the fit is not ideal. fitted line. A smaller Χ2 indicates a better fit.
Look at the highest and lowest concentrations of your
analyte. Is the behavior of one or both of these curves
different from the other concentrations? If the highest Conclusion
concentration(s) show greater deviation in fitting, it (they)
may be excluded from the analysis. Likewise, if the lowest Here we have described the key elements to performing
concentration shows little or weak response, these data large molecule kinetic assays on the Octet® platform and
may be excluded as well. Exclusion of concentrations discussed strategies for producing quality kinetic data. With
outside of the working range of the analyte titration will a wide variety of biosensors to choose from, Octet® systems
improve fitting in a global analysis. offer a great deal of flexibility in assay design. Proper assay
Confirm that the apparent kinetic constants are development is critical to a successful assay and in assuring
consistent with expectations based on literature or that an interaction can be fit to a 1:1 binding model. Consid-
previous experimental knowledge of the interaction. erations such as method of immobilization, assay
Residuals are calculated in the results table and plotted orientation, and choice of buffer can impact results. Optimi-
below the data trace in the Analysis window, and can be zation of ligand loading density is a critical step that should
examined to validate the fit. Residual values should not be be performed for every new binding pair, as an excess of
greater than ±10% of the maximum response of the fitted ligand can lead to binding artifacts in the data. Be sure to
curve. The shape of the residual plot corresponds to choose an appropriate range of analyte concentrations and
differences between the fit curve and the experimental take steps to minimize non-specific binding heterogeneity
data and should show signals that are equally distributed in the data. By using proper assay development and experi-
above and below the mean. Higher values indicate mental design, kinetic analysis on the Octet® system will
inaccurate fitting. consistently yield accurate, reproducible data and reliable
Error values are provided in the analysis table for ka and kd. kinetic and affinity constants.
These errors are considered acceptable if they are within
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