LessonPlanHealthGR 4
LessonPlanHealthGR 4
LessonPlanHealthGR 4
AY 2022-2023 School Theme: “Benedictine Education: In the Spirit of Communion, Participation & Mission”
Grade Level: 4
Learning Area: Health
Quarter: 2
I. Learning Outcomes:
At the end of the lesson, the students will be able to:
• Define what germs are and how they can cause illness
• Explain how germs can be spread from person to person
• Identify ways to prevent the spread of germs
AY 2022-2023 School Theme: “Benedictine Education: In the Spirit of Communion, Participation & Mission”
In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and In the name of the Father, the Son, and
of the Holy spirit Amen. of the Holy spirit Amen.
AY 2022-2023 School Theme: “Benedictine Education: In the Spirit of Communion, Participation & Mission”
Are you done? Yes Ma’am!
Transmission of Communicable
diseases(routes for spread of infectious
- direct transmission
e.g. skin to skin
- indirect transmission such as airborne
e.g. common colds, influenza, tuberculosis
vector borne e.g. malaria, dengue, rabies,
AY 2022-2023 School Theme: “Benedictine Education: In the Spirit of Communion, Participation & Mission”
- Wash your hands after touching
I’ll give you ten minutes. You can start anyone who is sneezing, coughing or
now blowing their nose.
- Don't share things like towels, lipstick,
toys, or anything else that might be
contaminated with respiratory germs.
EVALUATE Quiz: Answers may vary
In five sentences, explain why is it
important to know about germs and
give one example of a way to prevent it.
Create a poster or presentation about
the importance of preventing the spread
of germs.
CLOSING Okay class, that’s it for today. Let (Students standing up)
us stand up and pray.
In the name of the Father, and of the Son,
and of the Holy Spirit. Amen In the name of the Father, and of the
Angel of God, Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen
my guardian dear, Angel of God,
to whom God’s love commits me here, my guardian dear,
ever this day be at my side, to whom God’s love commits me
to light and guard, to rule and guide. here,
Amen. ever this day be at my side,
In the name of the Father, and of the Son, to light and guard, to rule and guide.
and of Amen.
the Holy Spirit. Amen In the name of the Father, and of the
Son, and of
the Holy Spirit. Amen
AY 2022-2023 School Theme: “Benedictine Education: In the Spirit of Communion, Participation & Mission”
Grade Level: 4
Subject: Health
• Define what germs are and how they can cause illness
• Explain how germs can be spread from person to person
• Identify ways to prevent the spread of germs
• Begin the lesson by asking students if they have ever been sick before. Ask them
to raise their hand if they have.
• Ask students what they think might have caused them to become sick.
St. Peter’s College of Ormoc, Inc.
http://spcormoc.edu.ph/; (053) 255-7597
A member of the Association of Benedictine Schools
AY 2022-2023 School Theme: “Benedictine Education: In the Spirit of Communion, Participation & Mission”
• Introduce the concept of germs or disease agents and explain that these are tiny
organisms that can cause illness. Show the students pictures or diagrams of
germs or disease agents to give them an idea of what they look like.
• Have the students work in pairs to brainstorm a list of ways that germs can be
spread from person to person.
• Encourage the students to think about different situations, such as shaking
hands, sharing food or drinks, or sneezing or coughing without covering their
• After the students have finished their list, discuss the ideas as a class and add any
additional points to the list.
• Explain to the students that germs can be spread through close contact with an
infected person or through contact with surfaces or objects that have been
contaminated with germs.
• Use the list created during the Explore phase to illustrate examples of how germs
can be spread.
• Explain that some common symptoms of illness caused by germs include fever,
cough, sneezing, and body aches.
• Have the students work in groups to come up with a list of ways to prevent the
spread of germs.
• Encourage the students to think about things like washing their hands frequently,
covering their mouth and nose when sneezing or coughing, and avoiding close
contact with sick people.
• After the groups have finished their lists, discuss the ideas as a class and add any
additional points.
AY 2022-2023 School Theme: “Benedictine Education: In the Spirit of Communion, Participation & Mission”
• The poster or presentation should include information about what germs are,
how they can be spread, and ways to prevent the spread of germs.