Nanoscale High-K Dielectrics For Junctionless Nanowire Transistor For Drain Current Analysis
Nanoscale High-K Dielectrics For Junctionless Nanowire Transistor For Drain Current Analysis
Nanoscale High-K Dielectrics For Junctionless Nanowire Transistor For Drain Current Analysis
5, 2018
Ó 2018 The Minerals, Metals & Materials Society
2680 Pravin, Prajoon, Nesamania, Srikesh, Senthil Kumar, and Nirmal
HfO2 exists in three low pressure crystalline phases. The silicon substrate wafer was taken and heated
The first is monoclinic, the most reliable and thermo- in the presence of oxygen at temperature of about
dynamically stable phase at ambient condition. At 400°C for about 3 h, resulting in the formation of
temperatures of 1700°C and at 2200°C, HfO2 trans- silicon dioxide.
forms into its tetragonal and cubic phases, respec-
tively.8 HfO2 is also a commonly and highly indexed Materials Characterization
coating material for optical components,9 and is used in
The characterization of the synthesized HfO2 was
heat resistant sensors10 and photo luminance mate-
carried out with a Shimadzu x-ray diffraction (XRD)
rial,11 mainly because of its transparent spectral range
6000 x-ray diffractometer using Cu-Ka radiation. A
from infrared to ultraviolet, thermal stability and
Shimadzu IR Prestige-21 model fourier transform
relatively wide band gap energy.
infra-red (FTIR) spectrometer in the range of 4000–
In the present paper, we have synthesized HfO2
400 cm1 was used to record Fourier transform
nanoparticles using a precipitation method. The
infra-red (FTIR) spectra. The Malvern particle size
synthesized HfO2 is characterised with scanning
analyser which uses triple distilled water as a
electron microscopy (SEM), energy dispersive x-ray
medium was used to measure particle size. A JEOL
spectroscopy (EDX), x-ray diffraction (XRD), parti-
Model JSM-6360 scanning electron microscope was
cle size analysis (PSA) and fourier transform infra-
used to study the structural morphology, and atomic
red (FTIR) spectroscopy. The comparison is also
weight percentage of the elements was found by
made with conventional SiO2 gate dielectrics. We
energy dispersive x-ray spectroscopy (EDAX) anal-
correlate the effects of crystallite size, bulk resis-
ysis. Impedance analysis was done by using a
tance and dielectric constant of the gate dielectric
Solartron SI 1260 impedance/gain phase analyzer
material to the leakage or off current of the
for the calculation of bulk and grain resistance.
junctionless transistor device. The comparative
Additionally, morphological characteristics of the
study of leakage current is made for semiconductor
samples were also studied exhaustively by high
devices such as junctionless nanowire transistors
resolution transmission electron microscopy (HR-
with HfO2 and SiO2 as gate dielectrics. We confirm
TEM), using a JEOL JEM 2100 device.
that HfO2 is the best alternative to SiO2 in junc-
tionless nanowire transistors, by virtue of its struc-
tural, morphological and electrical properties.
X-ray Diffraction (XRD) Analysis
Figure 1a shows the x-ray diffraction (XRD) pat-
tern of the pure phase HfO2 nanoparticles prepared
Materials Used via the precipitation method. The obtained HfO2
nanoparticles show the polycrystalline monoclinic
The chemicals hafnium chloride (98.5%, Sigma-
phase, which is compared with the reported stan-
Aldrich), sodium hydroxide (Loba Chemie) and sili-
dard JCPDS data for HfO2 (JCPDS card no: 34-
con wafers were used without further purification.
0104). The strong diffraction 2h peaks of 28.48°,
31.67°, and 34.97° correspond to the indexed plane
Synthesis of Hafnium Dioxide and SiO2 on
of axes (111), (111) and (200), respectively. No other
impurities were found along with HfO2. An increase
In this research work, chemical a precipitation of about 500°C in the annealing temperature results
method is followed by a calcination process for the in the pure crystalline phase of monoclinic HfO2,
preparation of HfO2 nanoparticles. The aqueous along with the amorphous phase.12 The peaks
solution contained 0.1 M of Hafnium tetrachloride obtained confirm the presence of the monoclinic
which was added dropwise into a 0.4 M aqueous phase.
solution of sodium hydroxide. The PH was well In Fig. 1b, the x-ray diffraction (XRD) pattern of
maintained above 10 during this reaction. The the pure silicon substrate shows the high intensity
resultant precipitate was further centrifuged at peak at 2h 69° corresponding to the (400) plane
2400 rpm with double distilled water and dried (JCPDS card no: 89-5012). After annealing, the
under 100°C for 1 h. The resultant material was intensity of the (400) plane becomes suppressed.
further introduced into a calcination process by two The presence of the broad amorphous peak around
steps. Annealing was performed at 250°C and 2h 26° corresponds to the (011) plane, confirming
repeated at 500oC for the pure crystallinity phase the formation of the SiO2 compounds (JCPDS card
of HfO2 nanoparticles. no: 88-2487). From the x-ray diffraction (XRD)
pattern (Fig. 1a and b), no extra peak is detected.
Room Temp
HfCl4 þ 4NaOH ! Hf ðOHÞ4 þ 4NaCl This shows the phase pure formation of HfO2 and
SiO2 compounds. The crystallite sizes of the
Heated ð100;200 and 500 CÞ obtained samples are calculated by using the Scher-
Hf ðOHÞ4 ! HfO2 þ 2H2 O rer equation from (1) as follows:13
Nanoscale High-k Dielectrics for Junctionless Nanowire Transistor for Drain Current Analysis 2681
D¼ ; ð1Þ
b cos h
where k is the Scherrer constant (k = 0.9), k is the
wavelength (k = 1.54), b is the full width half
maxima (FWHM) and h is the Bragg’s angle. The
average crystallite size of the prepared HfO2 and
SiO2 compounds were found to be 8 nm and 13 nm,
Morphological Analysis
Figure 2a and b show the scanning electron
microscopy (SEM) image and particle size distribu-
tion of HfO2 particles.
From the scanning electron microscopy (SEM)
image, it is clear that HfO2 particles have both
primary and secondary particles on the surface. The
presence of both particles is also confirmed by the
particle size distribution spectra. The average size
of the primary particles was found to be 100–
130 nm, whereas the average size of the secondary
particle was found to be in the range of 20–40 nm
with agglomeration. An energy dispersive x-ray
spectroscopy (EDX) spectrum is shown in Fig. 3.
Further, EDX analyses were performed for the
confirmation of the elements (Hf and O) present in
the prepared compounds; it shows the presence of
hafnium and oxygen. No other impurities are
detected in the sample. Fourier transform infra-
red (FTIR) was used in order to confirm the metal
oxide bond of HfO2.
The particle size/shape and d-spacing of the
sample HfO2 was investigated by transmission
electron microscopy (TEM) and high resolution
transmission electron microscopy (HRTEM) studies;
Fig. 1. X-ray diffraction (XRD) pattern for (a) HfO2 Nanoparticles (b)
Si-wafer and SiO2 wafer.
the images are shown in Fig. 4. In Fig. 4a clear
polyhedral shapes can be seen and the particle sizes
Fig. 2. (a) scanning electron microscopy (SEM) micrograph (scale: 1 lm, mag: 920,000) and (b) particle size distribution spectra of HfO2
2682 Pravin, Prajoon, Nesamania, Srikesh, Senthil Kumar, and Nirmal
are in the nanometer range. High resolution trans- H–O–H bending mode and is indicative of the
mission electron microscopy (HRTEM) reveals presence of molecular water in the samples. The
(Fig. 4b) apparent lattice fringes of 0.28 nm for peak near 2500 cm1 is due to the presence of
prepared HfO2 compounds, indexed to the lattice dissolved or atmospheric CO2 in the samples. A
spacing of the (111) plane. SAED pattern (Fig. 4c) broad band arising at 3419.94 cm1 is assigned to
confirms the formation of polycrystalline HfO2 nano O–H stretching vibration, du to the nanoparticles
particles and matches with the x-ray diffraction physically absorbing atmospheric moisture.14,15
(XRD) results.
Electrochemical Characterisation
Fourier Transform Infra-red (FTIR) Analysis
AC Impedance Analysis
Figure 5 shows the standard Fourier transform
infra-red FTIR spectrum obtained for the prepared The Nyquist plots of HfO2 and SiO2 thin films for the
HfO2 nanoparticles. The FTIR spectrum identifies frequency range of 0.1 Hz–1 MHz with AC amplitude
the formation of crystalline metal oxide bond vibra- 0.1 V, taken at room temperature (303 K), are shown
tion and also identifies any other adsorbed species in Fig. 6a and b, respectively. The complex impedance
on the surface of the nanoparticles. This analysis plane of HfO2 thin films is found to have two over-
was done using the KBr method at room tempera- lapped semicircles at high and low frequency, whereas
ture. The peaks that appear at 525 cm1 and the complex plane of SiO2 thin films shows overlap-
759.02 cm1 can be attributed to metal–oxygen ping of one semicircular arc at high frequency along
(i.e. Hf–O) vibrations which indicate the monoclinic with a low frequency semicircular region. This shows
phase of HfO2. The peak around 1339.02 cm1 may the different polarization mechanisms within the
be attributed to the C–H in-plane bending modes in sample.16 The higher frequency semicircular beha-
the sample. The peak at 1600 cm1 is attributed to viour is due to the passage of charges within the grain
region (parallel combination of bulk resistance (Rb)
and bulk capacitance (Cb)). The low frequency semi-
circular region is attributed to the parallel combina-
tion of grain boundary resistance and capacitance.
Absence of spikes at very low frequency suggests
negligible electrode polarization in the sample. The
bulk and grain boundary resistance are calculated by
fitting the plot using Z-view software and the corre-
sponding equivalent circuit, as shown in the insets of
Fig. 6a and b.
The fit values are tabulated in Table I. The
table clearly reveals that HfO2 thin films show
much higher electrical resistance (both grain and
grain boundary) than SiO2 thin films. From this
result, it is expected that the HfO2 thin film based
MOSFET device will deliver very low leakage
current compared to a SiO2 thin film based device
Fig. 3. EDX spectra of HfO2.
on scaling of the device. The dielectric constant
Fig. 4. HRTEM images of HfO2 nanoparticles. (a) TEM image of HfO2 Nano particles (Scale: 20 nm), Shape: Polyhedral, (b) HRTEM image of
HfO2 Nano particles (Interplanar distance of 111 plane: 0.28 nm) and (c) SAED pattern (Polycrystalline monoclinic phase).
Nanoscale High-k Dielectrics for Junctionless Nanowire Transistor for Drain Current Analysis 2683
One of the major applications of nano-size HfO2 is
that it can be used as an alternative material for
SiO2 as gate oxide in MOSFET devices. A junctionless
nanowire transistor has been used for this study. The
device has no junction, with the same type and
concentration of doping throughout the device’s active
region from source to drain. The junctionless nano-
wire transistor is discussed in Refs. 18–21. In this
device, the conventional gate oxide SiO2 has been
replaced with HfO2 and its leakage current measured.
The Sentaurus technology computer aided design
(TCAD) simulation tool was used, employing physical
models such as a band gap narrowing model, a
temperature dependant carrier transport model and
Fig. 6. (a) Nyquist plot of HfO2 thin films, (b) Nyquist plot of SiO2 thin quantum models. Auger, Shockley–Read–Hall (SRH)
films. and radioactive recombination were included for
leakage current analysis.
HfO2 nanoparticles were prepared by a chemical
precipitation method and modified as a thin film by
a dip-coating method. This was further compared
with SiO2 thin film made from a silicon substrate.
The parameters obtained from the experimental
analysis of HfO2 were incorporated in a technology
computer aided design (TCAD) device simulation of
a junctionless nanowire device with HfO2 gate
dielectrics. HfO2 thin film based metal oxide semi-
conductor field effect transistor (MOSFET) device
delivers lower leakage current than SiO2 based
devices. The main reason is the lower crystalline
size, nanometre particle size and high resistance of
the former. This reveals that crystallite size and
resistance play a vital role in determining the
leakage current of metal oxide semiconductor field
effect transistor (MOSFET) devices. From this we
conclude HfO2 is a promising option for replacing
SiO2 in junctionless transistor devices.
Fig. 10. (a) Drain current with respect to gate source voltage for
junctionless transistor with SiO2 and HfO2 as gate dielectrics (b) OFF REFERENCES
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