Exclusive Interview with Serbian Patriarch I do not know what kind of resolution is implied here.
All problems that exist in dioceses outside of the motherland,
as well as potential problems that may appear, are consid-
continued from p. 3 concern for our believers, be louder and more open when it ered and resolved at the Holy Assembly of Bishops as the
of Raska and Prizren. In that context, they think that the comes to the question of economic and social conditions in highest church body. Of course, it is a principle to make all
effects of solving that case, had they been done in sequence, our state, as is the case in Greece and Russia? decisions in the spirit of canonical guidelines, in the spirit of
could have been much easier and less painful. Is this kind The current situation in Serbia is very hard, with the the centuries-old tradition, and considering the overall life
of thinking justified? tendency to become even harder. Unemployment is huge. in the particular church region.
Unfortunately, the matter which you address was already There is fear of more workers losing their jobs. The fight We are, Your Holiness, very much attached to the Serbian
overripe at the moment when it was resolved. Patriarch against crime and corruption is great, and there is no end in Orthodox Church and we endeavor to maintain close ties
Pavle’s illness, and his two-year absence, delayed the initia- sight at the moment. The current situation is the consequence with the motherland. As you already know, all around the
tion and resolution of the situation in the Diocese of Raska of everything that has happened in the last two decades. The world outside of the borders of the autocephalous churches,
and Prizren. Bishop Artemije had been in a divergence from great world powers had their involvement in those events as Episcopal Conferences of Orthodox Bishops have already
the Holy Synod of Bishops and Assembly of Bishops of the well. Commerce and economy have been destroyed, as has been organized which could grow into independent units.
Serbian Orthodox Church. He did not respect the decisions the system of moral values. It cannot be said that the current Could that contribute to the loosening of ties between the
of the Synod and Assembly. He did not report about his work government is not making great efforts to change things for Mother Church and us in the Diaspora? What is your view
or the great financial assets under his control to anyone. The the better. Maybe they are not doing as much as needed, or on this subject?
fateful questions about Kosovo and Metohija he considered in the best way. The needs are great and the possibilities are We are hoping and doing everything so that our Church
to be his personal problem, and his alone. In his own Diocese small. The people believe in and expect better days to come, survives on this continent, and it will exist here as long as there
he created division among monastics and priests, which could but it would also be good if the people would change some is a national consciousness among the people that they belong
not and should not have been allowed to happen. Further, he of their habits and contribute to their own improvement, for to the Serbian family and culture. We need to welcome and
surrounded himself with bad advisors and co-workers whose the things dependent upon them. support the organizing of conferences of Orthodox bishops
advice he listened to blindly. Thus, his remaining in places where there are representatives
at that Diocese was leading to its collapse, and it of Orthodox autocephalous churches and
made the already difficult position of Kosovo and people. There are many problems that are
Metohija even harder. common, and it is natural to solve them
How much is the Serbian Orthodox Church together. We all belong to one Church,
doing to improve or normalize the status of Or- that is only administratively divided, and
thodox Serbs on Kosovo and Metohija? it is completely natural and normal to lead
The Church has a huge role in the lives of a dialogue about canonical and pastoral
the Serbs on Kosovo and Metohija. The Church is issues on a common territory. This does
doing everything that is in its power. The Church not call into question relations with one’s
is organizing several soup kitchens for hungry Mother Church.
people, and collecting help in the form of goods Your Holiness, as the Primate of the
and money which is distributed through Bishop Serbian Orthodox Church you are exposed
Theodosius and the priests to the people. Bishop to criticism and praise. That which is cer-
Theodosius was very active in this field while tain is that you are a man of principle and
he was the Abbot of Decani Monastery. Now, as that you are open for dialogue. After your
Bishop of Raska and Prizren, he is doing this with election as Patriarch, at your first press
even greater diligence and responsibility. conference in Belgrade, you said to the
Your Holiness, in 2013, Nis, the seat of your journalists: “Ask me openly, everything
Diocese, will host the formal celebration of the that you wish.” Please amplify.
1700th Anniversary of the proclamation of the We live in a time when everyone
Edict of Milan. Besides the Orthodox, this oc- thinks that he is called and has the right to
casion is expected to draw the presence of other render his own judgment, whether or not
Christian communities, even the Pope of Rome. he is familiar with the essence of the prob-
You would be the first Serbian Patriarch during His Holiness Patriarch Irinej with Fr. Dobrivoje Milunovic lem. Praise comes easily, and criticism and
whose time the Pope would step on Serbian soil. objections come even easier. This mostly makes
Are you ready for such a step? Is it time for this? The demographic picture of Serbia is very concerning. me feel unconcerned and at peace, while I surrender myself
The Christian world is preparing to formally celebrate a Every year 33,000 more people die than are born. This is to the opinion and judgment of God. It is important what
great date and great event from its history—the 17th centen- not something you hear a lot about in church circles and people think, but far more important is what the One who is
nial of the time when Emperor Constantine the Great declared publications. The Serbian Church could be the initiator of a above us thinks and judges of me. I would recommend this
the Edict of Milan. In the opinion of representatives of both national renaissance in this field, don’t you think? principle to others.
the Eastern and Western Church, it would be the most normal The demographic picture is more than concerning. Ev- Every story about what is happening in our homeland
that the central celebration takes place in Nis, the birthplace ery year one city of 30,000 or more souls disappears. Villages often attains a different character and connotation by the
of Emperor Constantine. We believe that the Serbian Church are abruptly dying out due to the departure of the youth to time it reaches America. What is your message to the Serbian
and Serbian State, which are the organizers of this historical the cities, who later leave the cities to go abroad searching Orthodox people in America concerning the resolution of
jubilee, should invite representatives of all the churches and for jobs and sustenance. The lack of employment for young problems in the Church? To whom should they listen?
recognized Christian communities to take part in this historic people is the main reason for delaying marriage and thus At one time, more normal than what we have today, it
celebration. This occasion could be an occasion and oppor- bearing children. Of course, there is another and maybe even was known who can and had the right to talk, and who was
tunity to open a new era in inter-Christian relations. Instead more important reason, and that is the low moral conscious- called to address and solve problems in the Church, state,
of hostility, hate, and intolerance, may the spirit of Christ’s ness and life of vice among young people. The Church is and other institutions. The rest accepted these decisions with
love take hold, something that was often missing in the past not indifferent toward these problems, but its voice does not confidence. And from there comes my advice to our faithful
centuries and recent past. easily reach those for whom it is intended. Other messages Orthodox people to let the Church solve problems and make
Your Holiness, the whole world is in the midst of a great are far more attractive and acceptable. decisions with regard to faith, morals, and Church organiza-
economic crisis. Besides the crises and strikes, unemployment Your Holiness, you are one of the bishops who are tion, and that they as a faithful and loyal people accept these
and hunger, corruption and crime are in full bloom in Serbia. well informed about the condition of the Serbian Orthodox decisions with full confidence and love.
The ruling structure is attempting to present things in a better Church in America and Canada. Will the next meeting of the Your Holiness, you recently marked the first anniversary
light than they actually are, but the state is quickly falling in Holy Assembly of Bishops finally resolve the organizational of your election to the Throne of the Serbian Patriarchs. Dur-
a catastrophe of debt. Should not the Church, out of love and structure of our Church in these regions? ing your inaugural sermon in the Belgrade Cathedral, you
said words that have remained in my memory. You said that
when you were first elected as Bishop, and later as Patriarch,
your heart trembled like an alder leaf that is blown by the
The Serbian Orthodox Diocese of Eastern America wind. Can you tell us something more about that feeling?
Yes, I said those words during the official enthronement
Ecclesiastical Court, Mars, PA at the Cathedral Church in Belgrade. The calling of bishop
In the Ecclesiastical Court of this Diocese, divorce proceedings have been initiated by Mirjana Skocic against her estranged and patriarch in Christ’s Church is a huge honor and gift
husband Darko Drljaca, whose current address is unknown. from God, but it is also a huge responsibility before God
Whereas the wife’s whereabouts are unknown, and unless she responds to this public notice within 14 days from the date of and the Church. Many have rejected that honor out of the
publication of this notice, the Court hereby appoints V. Rev. Stavrophor Rastko Trbuhovich, parish priest of St. Stephen Serbian fear of the spiritual height to which they would ascend. This
Orthodox Church in Lackawanna, NY, as proxy for the defendant, in accordance with Article 56 of the Statutes for Ecclesiastical thought was not foreign to me either. Even then as now, I
Courts, whereby this case shall proceed and be concluded, the decision of which shall be binding upon both parties. am well aware of the huge calling and fearful responsibility.
From the Office of the Ecclesiastical Court of the Serbian Orthodox Diocese of Eastern America in Mars, Pennsylvania. (Ecc.
The alder leaf always trembles even at the smallest breeze,
just as my heart trembled, filled with fear at the awareness
In the Ecclesiastical Court of this Diocese, divorce proceedings have been initiated by Aleksandar Janjic against his estranged and realization of everything that would be expected from
wife Jasmina Janjic, whose current address is unknown. me on that responsible path.
Whereas the husband’s whereabouts are unknown, and unless he responds to this public notice within 14 days from the date Your message to the faithful children of the Holy Ser-
of publication of this notice, the Court hereby appoints V. Rev. Stavrophor Rastko Trbuhovich, parish priest of St. Stephen Serbian bian Orthodox Church would be…
Orthodox Church in Lackawanna, NY, as proxy for the defendant, in accordance with Article 56 of the Statutes for Ecclesiastical We are on the threshold of the Great and Honorable Lent.
Courts, whereby this case shall proceed and be concluded, the decision of which shall be binding upon both parties. I congratulate the faithful people in these blessed days with
From the Office of the Ecclesiastical Court of the Serbian Orthodox Diocese of Eastern America in Mars, Pennsylvania. (Ecc. prayers to the Lord to give His Divine Grace, that you may
01/11). spend these holy days in joyful repentance and prayer, and
that you may await the most joyful feast of the Resurrection
In the Ecclesiastical Court of this Diocese, divorce proceedings have been initiated by Stephanie P. Triko against her estranged
husband James D. Selelyo whose current address is unknown. of the Christ in this spiritual state.
Whereas the husband’s whereabouts are unknown, and unless he responds to this public notice within 14 days from the date Your Holiness thank you for this conversation. May
of publication of this notice, the Court hereby appoints V. Rev. Stavrophor Rastko Trbuhovich, parish priest of St. Stephen Serbian the Lord give you good health and long life. Many years
Orthodox Church in Lackawanna, NY, as proxy for the defendant, in accordance with Article 56 of the Statutes for Ecclesiastical to you, holy Vladiko!
Courts, whereby this case shall proceed and be concluded, the decision of which shall be binding upon both parties. The interview was conducted by Protopresbyter
From the Office of the Ecclesiastical Court of the Serbian Orthodox Diocese of Eastern America in Mars, Pennsylvania. (Ecc. Dobrivoje V. Milunovic, Parish Priest, Schererville, Indiana
03/11). (Translated by Tamara and Nenad Djordjevic, and Peter
Katic, Esq.)
that makes sure that our lamp, our faith, is always lit, as we Gospel, the priest brings the Cross out of the Holy Alter The Patriarch then removes all of his vestments and robes
wait to encounter Christ ourselves. in a solemn procession and places it in the middle of the and is inspected by the Israeli authorities to ensure that he
Church. Now the Crucifixion of Christ is approaching. continued on the next page
Q 1. Is Holy Week part of Great Lent? A. The Saturday of Lazarus and Palm Sunday both have greatly, O daughter of Zion; shout, O daughter of Jerusa-
A. Technically, Holy Week is outside of (after) Great the same troparion. These two historical events occurred lem: behold, thy King cometh unto thee: he is just, and
Lent. within less than a week of each other. The troparion shows having salvation; lowly, and riding upon an ass, and upon a
the link between the two events: colt the foal of an ass.” (Zechariah 9:9)
Q 2. When does Great Lent end? In confirming the common Resurrection, O Christ God, St. Matthew’s gospel mentions this prophesy. The Fathers
A. In general, the weekends are considered to be /Thou didst raise up Lazarus from the dead before Thy teach that mystically, the Ass, being an unclean animal
somewhat outside Great Lent, as the Horologion has Passion. /Wherefore, we also like the children, /bearing the according to Jewish law, represents the Gentiles. Jesus led
rubrics for the Hours which refer to “Great Lent”, and symbols of victory, /cry to Thee, the Vanquisher of death: the Gentiles into “Jerusalem” as well as the Jews, and this
these are ignored on Saturday and Sunday. Fasting is /Hosanna in the highest, /blessed is He that cometh /in the was made apparent after Pentecost.
relaxed - Orthodox may eat olive oil and drink wine on Name of the Lord. (Tone 1)
Saturday and Sunday during the Great Lent “period”. Q7. It is traditional for the faithful to hold Palms during the
Q 5. What Gospel(s) is the Raising of Lazarus recounted
The Friday evening before Palm Sunday, when the Vigil Palm Sunday liturgy. When are these palms given out?
in? What day is the Feast celebrated? Why? Who were
for the Raising of St. Lazarus is celebrated actually ends What other plant is popularly used, especially by Russians
Lazarus’ siblings? What happened to St. Lazarus after his
Great Lent. Holy week is a special time liturgically, and is and Serbs? In the historical Palm Sunday, how were the
wholly outside of Great Lent, but of course, fasting and palms used?
A. The story of the Raising of Lazarus is only given by St.
even more rigorous and edifying services continue. A. The palms, and possibly pussy willow branches, which
John the Theologian. The Feast is celebrated the Saturday
Russians and Serbs especially favor, are blessed in the
before the Entry of the Lord into Jerusalem, because it ac-
Q 3. Usually, Feasts of the Lord are several days long. matins service at the vigil for Palm Sunday on Saturday
tually did occur just before Palm Sunday in actual fact, and
The feast is celebrated in some way after the main com- night. They are given out to each person after the Gospel
because the resurrection of Lazarus is a ‘type” of the resur-
memoration. There is one great feast of the Lord that is venerated, which is read in about the middle of matins.
rection of Christ (the troparion and many hymns from the
only lasts one day. Which is it and why is it so? The scriptures tell us that when Christ entered Jerusalem,
feast emphasize this point). Lazarus had two sisters, Mary,
A. The Entry of the Lord into Jerusalem, one of the people saluted Him: “On the next day much people that
and Martha. After the giving of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost,
the “Great Feasts of the Lord”, also called “Palm were come to the feast, when they heard that Jesus was
St. Lazarus eventually became bishop of Crete.
Sunday” only lasts one day, because Holy week, with coming to Jerusalem, Took branches of palm trees, and
its many services in preparation for Pascha, begins the went forth to meet him, and cried, Hosanna: Blessed is the
Q 6. Why did Christ ride into Jerusalem on the foal of an
next day. King of Israel that cometh in the name of the Lord.” (John
Q 4. Which TWO separate feasts use the same tropari- 12:12-13)
A. This was prophesied by the Prophet Zechariah: “Rejoice
on? Why?
Our View is the official publication of The Serbian Orthodox Youth Ministry Committee and is a regular feature of The Path of Orthodoxy.
Comments can be directed to the committee via e-mail at:
Ексклузивни интервју
continued from p. 11 забрињавајућа. Сваке године нестаје један православних цркава, већ су организоване без обзира да ли је упућен у суштину проблема
дужничку катастрофу. Зар љубав и брига Цркве град од око 30.000 и више душа. Нагло се гасе Епископске конференције православних или не. Олако се изричу похвале, а још лакше
према нашим верницима не би требало да буду села одласком младих у градове, који потом Епископа које би могле да прерасту у самосталне приговори и критике. То ме најчешће чини
мало гласнији и отворенији када је у питању из градова одлазе у иностранство за послом и јединице. Да ли би то допринело слабљењу веза индиферентним и мирним, препуштајући себе
економско и социјално стање у држави, као што ухљебијем. Недостатак посла за младе главни између Мајке Цркве и нас у расејању? Како Ви на мишљењу и суду Божијем. Важно је шта мисле
је то случај у Грчкој и Русији? је разлог за касно ступање младих у бракове то гледате? људи, али је најважније шта о мени мисли и
Садашње стање у Србији је врло тешко а тиме и за рађање деце. Наравно, присутан је Ми се надамо и све чинимо да се на суди Онај који је изнад нас. Овај принцип бих
са тендецијом да буде још теже. Велика је и други, можда важнији, разлог а то је ниска овом континенту наша Црква одржи и она ће препоручио и другима.
незапосленост. Страхује се од новог отпуштања морална свест и порочан живот младих. Црква постојати све док постоји национална свест овог
радника. Борба против криминала и корупције Свака вест о ономе што се догоди у нашој
није равнодушна према овим проблемима народа да припада српском стаблу и култури.
је велика и њој се, бар сада, не види крај. отаџбини, док стигне у Америку, често поприми
али њен глас не допире лако до оних којима Одржавање конференција православних
Садашње стање је последица свега онога што другачији карактер и конотацију. Каква је Ваша
је њен глас упућен. Друге поруке су много епископа, тамо где постоје представници
се преживело за последње две деценије. Томе порука Православним Србима у Америци када је
примамљивије и прихватљивије. православних аутокефалних Цркава и народа,
су кумовале и велике силе света. Разорена је у питању решавање проблема у Цркви? Кога они
Ваша Светости, спадате у ред архијереја треба поздравити и подржати. Многи проблеми
привреда и економија као и систем моралне треба да слушају?
који одлично познају стање Српске Православне су заједнички и природно је да се заједнички
вредности. Не може се рећи да садашња власт У једном времену нормалнијем од нашег,
Цркве у Америци и Канади. Да ли ће на и решавају. Ми сви припадамо једној Цркви,
не чини велике напоре да стање усмери на боље. знало се ко може и има право да говори, ко је
наредном задесању Св. архијерејског сабора само административно подељеној, и сасвим
Можда не чини колико је потребно и можда не позван да се бави и решава проблеме у Цркви,
коначно бити стављена тачка на организацију је природно и нормално да се о канонским и
на најцелисходнији начин. Потребе су огромне а у држави и у другим институцијама. Остали су
наше цркве на овим просторима? пастирским питањима заједничког простора воде
могућности мале. Народ верује и очекује боље то са поверењем прихватали. Отуда мој савет
Не знам на какву тачку се мисли. Сви дијалози. Овим се не доводе у питање односи са
дане, али би било добро када би и сам народ нашем верном православном народу да Цркви
проблеми који постоје у епархијама ван отаџбине својом матичном Црквом.
мењао неке своје навике и сам више допринео препусти решавање и одлуке које се тичу вере,
и проблеми који могу да се појаве разматрају се Ваша Светости, као Првојерарх Српске
своме добру, у ономе што од њега зависи. морала и црквеног устројства и поретка, а да
и решавају се у Светом архијерејском сабору као Цркве, изложени сте и критикама и похвалама.
Демографска слика у Србији је веома они, као верни и Цркви одани народ, те одлуке са
највишем телу Цркве. Наравно, принцип је да се Оно што је сигурно јесте да сте човек од
забрињавајућа. Сваке године у нашој земљи пуним поверењем и љубављу прихвате.
одлуке доносе у духу канонских прописа, у духу принципа и отворен за комуникацију. После
умре око 33.000 особа више него што заплаче Ваша Светости, недавно сте обележили
вековног предања и целисходности живота у избора за Патријарха на првој конференцији за
деце. О овоме се и у црквеним круговима и прву годишњицу од избора на трон Патријарха
дотичној црквеној области. новинаре у Београду обратили сте им се речима:
гласилима веома мало чује. Српска Црква би Српског. У Вашој приступној беседи У
Ми смо, Ваша Светости, привржени Српској “Питајте, отворено, све што желите.” Можете ли
на овом пољу могла да буде покретач једног београдском Саборном храму изговорили сте
Православној Цркви и настојимо да одржавамо нам рећи нешто више о томе?
свенародног препорода, зар не? речи које су ми остале у памћењу. Наиме, казали
блиске везе са матицом. Као што Вам је познато, Живимо у времену када свако сматра да
Демографска слика је више него сте да је приликом избора најпре за епископа
широм света, изван граница аутокефалних је позван и да има право да изрекне свој суд
а потом и за патријарха, ваше срце задрхтало,
устрептало као лист јове када га ветар покреће.
Можете ли нам рећи нешто више о том осећању?
Закључци Међународне конференције у Нишу Да, те речи сам изговорио приликом
службеног устоличења у Саборној цркви у
Међународна конференција покренутих питања, учесници Београду. Епископско и Патријарашко звање
НЕПРОЛАЗНА ВРЕДНОСТ Конференције позивају да у Христовој Цркви је преголема част и дар
И ТРАЈНА АКТУЕЛНОСТ на њима у интегралном Божији, али и преголема одговорност пред
МИЛАНСКОГ ЕДИКТА одржана дијалогу убудуће одговорно Богом и Црквом. Многи су се одрицали од те
је у Нишу, од 24. до 26. фебруара, раде сви субјекти друштвеног части страхујући од духовне висине на коју се
2011. године. Конференција је, као живота: државне институције, уздижу. Ни мени није била страна та мисао. И
прва манифестација такве врсте, Цркве и верске заједнице, тада и сада сам свестан превеликог звања и
организована у Нишу, родном као и организације цивилног страха од одговорности. Лист јове увек трепери
месту цара Константина Великог, друштва. и на најмањем поветарцу, баш као што је и моје
а у сусрет 1700 –ој годишњици За припаднике срце треперило испуњено страхом од свести и
Миланског едикта. хришћанских Цркава сазнања свега што ме на том одговорном путу
На конференцији су нарочито надахнуће у напору очекује.
размотрени различити аспекти препознавања изворног Ваша порука верној деци и чедима Свете
епохалног и трајног историјског јединства Цркве представља Српске Православне Цркве била би...
и цивилизацијског значаја акта околност да је Миланским Налазимо се на дверима Великог и
којим је први пут афирмисано едиктом отворен пут сазивању Часног поста. Верном народу честитам ове
начело пуне верске слободе људи Првог Васељенског сабора у благословене дане са молитвом Господу да
и равноправност свих верских Никеји. подари своју благодат, да ове свете дане
уверења и стваралачког дијалога У том духу учесници дочекате и проведете у радосном покајању
хришћанства са грчко-римском Учесници међународне конференције у Ниш Конференције , који у и молитви и у том духовном расположењу
културом. Participants of the International Conference in Nis предстојећем великом јубилеју хришћанства дочекате и сверадосни празник Христовог
На трагу слова и духа Миланског едикта, проблема данашњег човека, као што су: виде јединствену прилику за унапређење Васкрсења.
учесници Конференције су посебну пажњу • Непостојање ничим ограниченог права на међухришћанског и међурелигијског дијалога Ваша Светости хвала Вам на разговору.
посветили уочавању и истицању непролазне верску слободу као и дијалога са савременим светом, позивају Нека Вам Господ подари крепко здравље и дуг
актуелности овог документа у светлу изазова са • Угрожавање или непотпуна заштита да се учини све како би ова велика могућност живот. Долгоденствуј Свјатјејшиј Владико на
којима се суочава савремени свет. Јединствено људских права била оживотворена на најбољи начин и у општем многаја и благаја љета!
је закључено да правилно разумевање идеја • Недостатак социјалне правде и интересу. Разговор водио Протојереј Добривоје
садржаних у Миланском едикту може битно • Перманентно нарушавање мира у свету. Учесници Конференције, Ниш В. Милуновић
допринети решавању неких од најсложенијих Имајући у виду значај и домашај 25. 2. 2011. Парох у Шерервилу, Индијана
Кичинеру, Канада.
За велики број посетилаца свечарски
програм приредили су ђаци и наставници Српске
школе из овог града која носи име великог
српског светитеља и просветитеља – Светог
Саве. Сличан програм са истим извођачима
претходно је изведен и у просторијама Српске
школе у Кичинеру и Културном центру ‘’Свети
Ђорђе’’, при истоименој цркви у Ватерло.
Bridgeport, WV 26330