After discussing the topic of accounting information users, students will be able to:
1. List at least 5 users of accounting information such as owners, banks, prospective buyers, tax inspectors, and prospective partners.
2. Differentiate between internal and external users of accounting information. As an example, the manager of an ice cream stand keeps accounting records to make better business decisions, while customers would want financial information to feel confident purchasing ice cream.
3. Define the term "external user" of accounting information as someone outside the business, like a customer, who uses the information.
After discussing the topic of accounting information users, students will be able to:
1. List at least 5 users of accounting information such as owners, banks, prospective buyers, tax inspectors, and prospective partners.
2. Differentiate between internal and external users of accounting information. As an example, the manager of an ice cream stand keeps accounting records to make better business decisions, while customers would want financial information to feel confident purchasing ice cream.
3. Define the term "external user" of accounting information as someone outside the business, like a customer, who uses the information.
After discussing the topic of accounting information users, students will be able to:
1. List at least 5 users of accounting information such as owners, banks, prospective buyers, tax inspectors, and prospective partners.
2. Differentiate between internal and external users of accounting information. As an example, the manager of an ice cream stand keeps accounting records to make better business decisions, while customers would want financial information to feel confident purchasing ice cream.
3. Define the term "external user" of accounting information as someone outside the business, like a customer, who uses the information.
After discussing the topic of accounting information users, students will be able to:
1. List at least 5 users of accounting information such as owners, banks, prospective buyers, tax inspectors, and prospective partners.
2. Differentiate between internal and external users of accounting information. As an example, the manager of an ice cream stand keeps accounting records to make better business decisions, while customers would want financial information to feel confident purchasing ice cream.
3. Define the term "external user" of accounting information as someone outside the business, like a customer, who uses the information.
Objective Knowledge Activities Users of After The users of accounting information Students are Introduce the topic: "Today, Listen to Video accounting discussion, are: familiar we will be discussing users teacher information students will Owner with what of accounting information." ErS9YjZ4p0 List atleast 5 Bank accounting Explain the importance of users of A prospective buyer is accounting information in accounting Tax inspectors making informed business Engage in information A prospective partner decisions. discussion Differentiate between See ppt attached Engage students by asking: internal and "Can anyone think of any externals Exit questions individuals or groups who Brainstorm users of might use accounting and answer accounting 1. 1. Define the term "external user" of accounting information? questions information information. Introduce the concept of Imagine you are the manager of a small ice cream internal and external users stand. You sell different flavors of ice cream to your of accounting information. Listen to customers. You also need to keep track of your expenses like the cost of ice cream ingredients, wages Use a YouTube video (link teacher for your helpers, and how much money you make provided) to illustrate the from selling ice cream. difference between the two 2. Internal Users Question: As the manager, types of users. Observe why is it important for you to keep a record video of how much money you spend on Discuss the video, ingredients and wages? How can this emphasizing the roles and information help you make better decisions Brainstorm about your ice cream stand? needs of each user group. and answer 3. External Users Question: Think about the Ask students to provide questions customers who come to your ice cream examples of internal and stand. Why might they be interested in the external users. financial information about your ice cream business? What kind of accounting Distribute quiz in the form information would you want to share with of a short quiz (3-5 your customers to make them feel confident questions) related to the lesson. Collect the quiz to evaluate in buying your ice cream? student understanding. 1. Provide feedback and address any misconceptions.
Define the term "external user" of accounting information.
Imagine you are the manager of a small ice cream stand. You sell different flavors of ice cream to your customers. You also need to keep track of your expenses like the cost of ice cream ingredients, wages for your helpers, and how much money you make from selling ice cream. 1.Internal Users Question: As the manager, why is it important for you to keep a record of how much money you spend on ingredients and wages? How can this information help you make better decisions about your ice cream stand? 2.External Users Question: Think about the customers who come to your ice cream stand. Why might they be interested in the financial information about your ice cream business? What kind of accounting information would you want to share with your customers to make them feel confident in buying your ice cream?