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‘cay vortnrcraeusécorns ntpsingriaraegiiahegntan 1, or dtr ee gf Rrorat Pr fires (ea. 1 1) “parea” dot wet vftara deftaiar od. ee erage (wa) eee 10k Pn 7-H baSe ‘Eek qhne nosy F/M, /RCO-G202122 14 y ‘aay, Rte aft, 28]o[fsor2 ‘rer si, Bem ETT sayy /actarenan / Gh / Be / Tae / eros / TET / Rrra / ator / ang / ange / aot / eT / eR / aide /aheat / iar / rey / SAAT / tH / MATA C006 Weedicide (Post Emergence & Pre Emergence) Cereals, Pulses, Oil Seeds & Vegetables @€ 2021-22 8 wra—Peares Ge HRM A TTT ef yore a araee after oe Res ost 2022 rae Rerarcefe des & fr Poa a sires safer RCO-06 Weeds (Post Emergence & Pre Emergence) Cereals Pulses, Oil Seeds & Vegetables 082021225 se srereh Dare wera ea a rye aT we aM 20212208 FETE OH ATE, PH 20.01.2002 erm aA eer ae RRs 19042029 A say tH ATH, gE Re ah & maar at aio ox ite SGSTATE 1. Mis Advance Cropeare (India) Pvt, Lid, Office Add-203, Indore Trade Cone, South Takogas}. indore (MP) Factory Add- 20,21,2425 lnduatrial Agoa, Rangwasa Road, Rau, Indore (M.P.) Contact Person- Mr. Panaalal Josh MabileNo9329263060 Fall posh saipnagmailcom Ms Allwin Industries Office Adie Corp. Ich Up Floor Dawn Bazaar {3-14 NT Marg fedore (MP) Factory Aéd- Plot No. 174 Sector Industria) Arex Pidhampur Dist. Dhar (MP) Contact Person- Mr. Pramod Hetdia Mobile No ‘998198448 Email ld allwnraperialceom 3. MA Chhatigach Agro Biotech Lab Office Factory Adé- Sivom Vihar Colas, ‘Near Sal Mandir, Rurs, Raipur (CG) 492013 Contact Parson- Mr. Piyash Jain ‘Mobile No. 7415111022 Email é-cablaborstoryzymail com 4, Mis OJAS AGRO CHEMICAL Oifie [Facioy Add Plot oo. 2-B Indoaial tate Kerbe road. Champa, Dis Janjgit Champa (CG) 495671 Contct Peron- Me, Santosh Rai Mobil No. 7772090979 Email d- ojsaarochemicel yahoo.com ‘5S. Ms Sri Gangoti Industries Ofice Add- Kerodih Block Kank, Dist. Jaspur (CG. Paciory Add- Sti Gangoti Industries, Mank Dipa Tasiiwat Ranchi 838103 (GH) Contet Persone Mr, Rarhvendra Narayan Sigh Mobile No, 9470358002 ami -sigangoternd gmail.com (6. Mis Srisnti Organies Office Ade- 5-5, Phas-Hl, Khanchan Ganga Colony, Near ‘Saraswati Shisha Mand, Behind Science Collage, DD Nagin, Reipor (CG) Facto’ Adde Plot No. 17.1819. Bhoramdev’ Industial Area, Village= arinchopra,Blook-Bodla, Dist~ Kabindham (C.ce) Contact Porson Mi. Hest Chandrakar Mobile No. 9827978205 Email sist. organies200872gmai-con 11. Mi United Pesticides Office Ae Bansal Amardeep Talkies Read, Reipur(C.G) Factory Add- New Industrial Arce Rawabata, Raipur (C.G.) 493221 Comtact Person. Mranil Patera Mobile No, 9827136466Email ——1d- unitedpesicidesnipur@gmail com oe 5. Mls Veena Agro Industries Office Adé- 291- Manavia Nagat Kanadiya Road Indore (M.P) 452016 Factory Add- Survey No, SIEEE-2/12, Village Dathna thei Dist Dews-15500 | (M.P.) Contact Persoe-Mr. Tarhand Naik Mobile No, 8720872807 Bal l-vcenasgroindux@zmalcom OTHER STATE 9. Mis Shipon Chemicals Pv. Ltd. Office Add- 1st Floor Gaya Markst 38 Ware ioase Road Indore (MP) Factory Add- Plot No. 386.587 Sector No. ARVN Industrial Estate Pihampur Contr Person Me. GK Soni Mobile No 9770054000 Eamil I stiponehemicals@gmail com 10, Mis Swastika Chemicals & Fertliee PRL. Office & Factory Add- 14823 B, SectorC. Industrial Area, Mandideep Distt Ralsen (MLP) Contat Person Mr Sachin Jin Mabie No, 989528215, 997726007 al I e207 game HET aA wera wt rt PTET wee 1% -(@) Picross a ain eee aT AMT ae A z¥ GsmosT eer] GstosTan ak oT Te} a afte APRGHNa ae wT eA Ae Re ten ge ent atone G@) ae one Tare aera Me -BOR ET Baw HA WH ae softer ren & ot REA ee Et aT Be 2. iter 2 gaata. Seite oh Ri /iaa Bran arate we Frere eraic sion oaiking wot ora wa a ert foe eet) ora Wg gre gay a vet Pu ode | Were ane kaw A tee oh arecen 9 Bara WA & eae eeu eran ore oreaeT eT i toot eh eae Ber A ary A I aur EET I A Peer ory er yw fave ard a ae greta hg RR cake ara af eh ere, Pe A) anes Pra aA Plo wet oH El eb ate fcr eer ait era aE we ee al GACH ATA ATE : eH ey, re ce A ieee Roar a eb eT dS aqqun ft ma at Hy a ore at on 2 cle Fat me rege TET, ot oat amt anh fist ort are eee fe ‘are fd A Ue oa He we Rae oa wa ae ai ‘ara a Re, weg eI (GST HSN Hew Seay wr sete et) arr & nama o aeq wd daa GSN Te A eR saTTH 1 i Hin cna 3 2 a BIA feet ot vor A ge wore A ont tt oe eh a- i i aR FRR ore fein afte rare aA er pnara ey aA Re er srrek en ATATIRT eH / aT HTS hee TARTAN PT We Wa wT] 12 fort A gene caret / amit when & fre or Bat TYR ATETEE ern ue fret of sare a aft Ret war ph oareare EP sacar wet & afhttnr eeereat wt ARs FA ay wae Ae a oA saat we sand ei 14 PRT oA Rae ect ob sree sree, fh eat A we, water) eh aft ot a eet ah Freee wer a maitre aH BERT 15. a oY ator os 2 arava cert bg ae ei | same sort raat a es es ore wea bg wa Rot ated aed gy eel et oes A walla MMT a eo {aPT PURCHASE & SELLING RATE OF RCO-N6 Weedicie (Post Emergence & Pre Emergence) Cereals, Pues, Oil Sed & Vegetables e202 (cate eres rer egifec) lettin ere, Ya [pe /HBIAM /RCo602122 ||UCS way, Pate, zfo)|2022. +. Pra ame, arr Es A, orale, snare, BATE, moe Te, caf sare we enter foie, wearer, fh oe aeAel HAECT fot wares, eae /saet ares MEN, Te, we eae HE | ‘are Sf, war err, erm aA ite GET TL Wale Ger, senha ea wes TAA, wea. RRL wR ote qerahy fare ug foe Sand grad war, er, ayy aA oe ee NT | ge wits, ger Tied a MealSrers cage at ihe arn! He | Sa rea (Ore A, / CATA / Als / aRE/ TpeaTeT Tere BA site ETAL SA WARE QA, VA nn (err) a aie aR! a aime /seiue Para Ser, (Set (TRA) A SR ETA ste Fos wd ox, aera, TaN a ote ar AP ou rates (ier /Sen), pra are, aise TET, yeaa wayy a sie eu . 5 12, Gem trond, fr ak ah Peer, wenge wt le ee BRA 13 orevfiat. we, gore way a she april ay ae BR Amo tame (bepsagriportaLegsicin“besjnigam) erat gfe ee i a aie GIA oe Ger 8 RH ower eral aq sagt eT ET goeonrepeen enya 1% | town oe aoe 8% Kee tee) sem Speieton 0 ol» Chae SF ee om | ac sow, ‘eonoe] 9000 Ta Le | __ sean oncom | vise | wise | nents | 90a ~ er et) Sv ama, ww one) oo era, ag. ea Fa ofA warpage erm eft tae frat a1 ema we PURCHASE 8 SELLNO RATEOY ROGER 202 (.G. RAJYA BEIA EVAM KRISH VIKAS NIGAM LTD, HEAD OFFICE "BEES BHAWAN" TELIHANDHA RAVIGRAM RAIPUR PURCHASE & SELLING RATE OF RCO-06 Weediide (Post Emergence & Pre Kimergence) Cereals, For The Wear 2020-22 SiNoabomco owaee33 iC = 6S owe Bue L-Roer Mis Alta Industries, Office a Crp. 10, 44 lane Dan Bonar 1-11 RNY Mate lore (ME) Pastry As Dis. Dhar MP) Contact Pus Mr Pramod Hara Mobile Na 8819444 mall ll naw [uss | esr | mae fest sosr | 7 tl Wisi | raed | Code | 96 | Rate | 9x | oe Peet rata 5086 unr oe | me | POR. Dest em anes | uss | esr | gave | cast | sasr Sw. Band | Coie | 36 | Rae | 9%. | aye Tem [ar | aa ee | 6a | 03s 30 Jal aia 350 ws | at | oyna ats cays = (\ [= Ds [ee [2a [ae ‘oo | 0m Peale ee te aes ere epee acd aA rye wo WA] Be Arm a | gene eR [PURCHASE & SELLING RATE OF ACO-06 Weediie Rato 2021-22 Fiat CG. RAJYA BEEJA EVAM KRISHT VIKAS NIGAM LTD. HEAD OFFICE "BEES BHAWAN" TRLIBANDHA RAVIGRAM RAIPUR (C.G.) i (Post Emergence & Pre Emergence) Cereals, Pulse, Oil Seeds & Vegetables For-The Year sNamoncoasnmiar 116 ~ 65° mie ap/e! [rane (GST No. 22ABLEMTISICUZS(Chathgaeh gre Be Ms Cohatsgarh Agra Ritch La, Ofeetaeary Add 8 em actrees Sh omen lacks re sles rea, PURCHASE & SELLING RATE Of RCO-06 Weedicide (Post Emergence & Pre Emergence) Cereals S.Nestto.nCO.se2021.201 Mis Os Aro Chemie, Ofc /Futory Ae CG. RAIVA BEEJA BVAM KRISHI VIKAS NIGAM LTD, MEAD OFFICE "BEE BHAWAN" TELIBANDHA RAVIGRAM RAIPUR (C6.) Plt wo 2 indus Exe Korb oa Chan i Year 2021-22 (OST Na. 22AGIPMOSSTELZR (Ojm Aer0 sieCham (CO) 8671 ‘Mobil No.- 7773001079 Pad wjagrochemcelvabonom I Seeds & Vegetables For The eu | neon | ae sung nace tien ate! | HS | gy 94| Mase [cost sos | Sting | cast} scr |Setias Re ne fee st ve | G/U oss) RN |S SS ei | a rest | sas 1 | ag | sommes ct ae %® OF —_pundhace 8 SELLING RATE Of 200-00 Wendie Rate 202122 Fal “Bans em maw | ss re | Bee in uae | MA | HSN Jase 9 6 | | wametesotum tore, [amar | Sets [oe | a Pebiminre wo | st | cygteme ast SNe, [a | aap eaten ate Aeti o FN ee tee fe e | stat alles sure Rye ieee te (CG. RAJYA BEEIA EVAM KRISHI VIKAS NIGAM LTD. HEAD OFFICE "BEEJ BHAWAN” TELIBANDILA RAVIGRAM RAIPUR (C.G) PURCHASE & SELLING RATE OF RCO.G6 Weedisile (Post Emergence & Pre Emergence) Cereals, Pulses, Ol Seeds & Vegetables For The Year 202122 weap foi [aea0 ‘esr na 2AAcesseo ‘ya Markt 38 Ware Has Ro Indore (2) actor Ad Phat No 86-87 Sct Pere Me Sn! Mob Na, 70800 Kamil slpenchoniegmaleo sae Loe em vt | Matertrana | sv cade st | mevicte | HST sry Se 16% Fon ea] anova a8 Fah et segues we eh Bane Pear | tee coer fet ome os wipe a sixemommeo waniay 1isy641- 65 _paeng forlgung Mis Se Gantt Isic, Oe A- Keri (LHL Contact Person Mr. Raghwendea (CG. RAIVA BEEIA EVAM KRISHT VIKAS NIGAM LTD, HEAD OFFICE "BEES BHAWAN" TELIBANDHA RAVIGRAM RAIPUR (C.G) PURCHASE & SELLING RATE OF RCO-06 Weedicide (Post Emergence & Pre Emergence) Cereal, Pulses Oil Sods & Vegetables For The ‘Year 2021.22 Kanha Dist Sesipur CC. Facory Add 1 Gag Siagh Mobil Ne. 7488072 Mater |usv|ocr5,| Baie [ast] scsr Brand | Cos| Rate | 9% | 9% & Jee) S| & |evela|s|e|e)s)s|aig/e ew ase ale] [els 8 i Sao (easel od coe PURCHASE & SELUNG RATE! RCOIE Wei Rae 252122 Fal Page? 6: RAJYA BEEJA EVAM KRISH VIKAS NIGAM LTD. HEAD OFFICE "BEE. BHAWAN” TELIRANDITA RAVIGRAM RAIPUR (C PURCHASE, & SELLING RATP Of RCO.A6 Weedicie (Post Emergence & Pre Emergence) Ceres Pu orkiarganso200h@zral.om A sna Hem tom vat | Make Brand ost ssw sate | cost sos 10 | Sm ane sacs Sse, Cote Nate [Parca] Marta egy] 9m sosr |r| om Inne sa Rate eI) Wen) 10% iss as byes Ew vnnemagall sna reer epee esse sos amen nag te oh gee ae wee foe a coer oo ou TR et Nowe (CG. RAJVA BERJA EVAM KRISHI VIKAS NIGAM LTD, HEAD OFFICE "BEE! BHAWAN" TELIBANDHA RAVIGRAM RAIPUR ( PURCHASE & SELLING RATE Of RCO-06 Woedicide Post Emergence & Pre Emergence) Cereal, Pu For The Year 2021-22 1464 GS owteae foot asa9 (OU Seeds & Vegetables sn] ttm ew vin | materneen 2 | 2 [immanent st sw Jo | | aortas 0 ean are ary ‘38 wa (en) ere eR Rota att agerapeT yaw wet tere flee Ta | ~ ea bene yore oye sor eR PURCHASE & SELLING RATEOF REDE eose Re 290-22 Fi Poe Hee CG. RAJYA BEESA BVAM seaD OFM "DEES AWA ica MF ATPUR PUNCHASE& SELLING RATH OF RCO. Weease Put Emergence & Pre Posner ssantomcooion at 1164-65 owe 2gletfanay Ma sited Pets, Off Ai HentalAnerdue Tati nd Pac Mobi Ne sxe 4m et tine | Ms 5 |] cayman, 80 ve ve | Mate | HSY |g} aac [case sesr| tirand | Case [| ae [Sie ane | ap Peseta tate : parry 8] semi sia cpien 1 hes en santa | HV Jog | Baie [ease] scr nen rnd | Cae we |e | oe ee —= Spat tia WA os es oh ee Pe eT f, & See ge C.G. Rajya Bee) Evam Keishi Vikas Nigam Ltd, Raipur ( PURCHASE & SELLING RATE OF RCO-06 Weediside (Post Emergence & Pre Emergence) Cereal ‘The Year 2021-22 SUNDALOIRCO-NaND- IB} 4 Est manag fot/aeg 9 GS No, 22APYPNISSSEAZE (Veena Agro Industries) ‘ts Yee ro naire ice Aa 91 Aasate Napa Kale Roa Inde (LP) AGP acory AE Servey 8. (MUP Contact Peon Maran Na ote Ne- 728720% Fae i-eenaprefnpmal sn ales Oil Seds & Vegetables ‘raat | Nim sa te oa rac | Make) / 159 [osrag) Bate [cost | sasr) Til | Se Se] SR, Beant | Cae [OT Re | “Sr | “| Pasbne | Marae ae katte 256 t | 7 [set ttc 8 ce errs rcs | Margie eae | 1 cose Bae [cost | sosr Aes Fasiabe ary freee ‘ore pone Sor Phe AR oF angers ome a ee fear rar

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