Milling Machine
Milling Machine
Milling Machine
A milling machine
Labeled Photograph
Tramming the Head
Squaring the Vise
Types of Milling Cutters
Removing and Installing End Mills
Climb vs. Conventional Millng
Calculating Speeds and Feeds
Setting Spindle Speed
Using an Edge Finder
Using the Micrometer Dials
Squaring Stock
Face Milling
Milling Slots
Advanced Work Holding
Milling machines are very versatile. They are usually used to machine flat surfaces,
but can also produce irregular surfaces. They can also be used to drill, bore, cut gears,
and produce slots. The type of milling machine most commonly found in student
shops is a vertical spindle machine with a swiveling head. Although there are several
other types of milling machines, this document will focus only on the vertical milling
A milling machine removes metal by rotating a multi-toothed cutter that is fed into the
moving workpiece. The spindle can be fed up and down with a quill feed lever on the
head. (click here for video) 656kB.
The bed can also by fed in the x, y, and z axes manually. In this clip the z axis is
adjusted first, then the y, than the x. (click here for video) 1.33MB
Once an axis is located at a desired position and will no longer be fed, it should be
locked into position with the gibb locks. (click here for video) 247kB
Most milling machines are equipped with power feed for one or more axes. Power
feed is smoother than manual feed and, therefore, can produce a better surface finish.
Power feed also reduces operator fatigue on long cuts. On some machines, the power
feed is controlled by a forward reverse lever and a speed control knob. (click here for
video) 739kB
Spring Collets
To remove a tool, move the quill to the highest position and lock it in place. Then,
engage the brake while loosening the draw bar with a wrench. Ensure that the draw
bar's threads are still engaged in the collet. Tap on the end of the draw bar to release
the collet from the spindle. If the threads of the draw bar are not engaged, the milling
cutter will fall, and could be damaged. Finally, unscrew the drawbar from the
collet. (click here for video) 2.29MB
To install a tool, place the desired milling cutter in a collet that fits the shank of the
cutter. Insert the collet into the spindle. Ensure that the key way on the collet mates
properly with the key in the spindle. While holding the tool with one hand, start the
threads of the draw bar into the collet by hand. Use a wrench to tighten the drawbar
down with one hand while holding the brake.
Conventional Milling
Climb Milling
The cutting speed is mostly determined by the material to be cut and the material of
the tool. To find the right speed for any task, refer to the Machinery's Handbook or
other reference. To calculate the proper spindle speed, divide the desired cutting speed
by the circumference of the tool expressed in feet. The feed rate depends on the width
and depth of cut, finish desired and many other variables. To calculate the desired
feed setting from the feed rate, multiply feed per tooth per revolution by number of
teeth and rpm of the spindle.
The spindle speed dial indicator shown above has two scales, one for low range, and
one for high range. The machine is swithched between ranges with a lever.
Sometimes, the spindle must be rotated slightly to allow the gears to mate
properly. (click here for video) 370kB.
Many modern machines have digital readouts. These are preferred since they measure
the bed position directly so you need not be concerned with backlash. They also
readout bed position in metric units if desired.
Squaring Stock
To create a square corner on a part, first orient an already finished edge vertically in
the vise and clamp lightly onto the part. Set a machinist's square against the finished
edge and the bottom of the vise. Lightly tap the part with a plastic hammer to align it
with the square. Clamp the vise down securely. Now the top edge of the part is ready
to be milled to horizontal. (click here for video) 1.23MB
Face Milling
It is often necessary to create a flat face on a large part. This can be done best with a
facing cutter. Select a cutter about one inch wider than the workpiece so that the
facing can be accomplished in one pass.
Face Milling
Milling Slots
End mills are designed to cut square slots. They will produce a slot to within two
onethousandths of an inch in one pass. If greater accuracy is required, use an end mill
a little smaller than the desired slot. Measure the slot produced and open it to the
desired dimension with a second pass. The following clip shows and end mill cutting
a slot. Note that the depth of cut is approximately equal to the diameter of the
cutter. (click here for video) 1.31MB
Round stock often cannot be held securely in the vise without damaging the work. A
collet block is designed to hold round stock. Square collet blocks allow the part to be
indexed to put in features at 90 degree increments. To mill features at 60 degree
increments, use a hexagonal block. (click here for video) 3.19MB
A workpiece can be set up easily when the desired features are parallel with or
perpendicular to the workpiece edges. When the features are at an angle to the edges,
more ingeniuty is required. Here, an angle plate is used to set the position of a vise
within a vise. Thus a slot can be milled into a workpiece at any desired angle. (click
here for video) 418kB
Some parts don't fit well into a vise. These parts can be secured directly to the bed of
the machine with hold down clamps. It is good practice to create a gap between the
bed and the work with parallels. The clamps should be tilted down slightly into the
work. (click here for video) 1.95MB
To create circular features on a mill, a rotary table can be installed onto the bed. The
table allows the workpiece to be rotated. A dial indicator allows precise control of the
angle of rotation. (click here for video) 290kB
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