Indeed – Intradevar
Obviously- evident
Clearly- clar
Furthermore- In plus
Besides- Pe langa
Moreover- Mai mult decat atat
Nevertheless- Cu toate acestea , totusi
Despite- in ciuda , in pofida
Whereas- intrucat
Above all- Mai sus decat toate
Previously- Anterior
Therefore- Prin urmare
Thus- Astfel
Hence- Prin urmare , de aceea
Namely- respectiv
Likewise- de asemenea
Altogether- Impreuna . complet
To summarise- pentru a rezuma
Although- Desi
However- Cu toate acestea
Transition words
As well as-
Such as-
In addition to-
In this case-
Have you ever tried to think about the thing that you cant buy even if
you are the richest people in the world?Of course you tried , and this
thing is already – the health.
For example, for me indeed this is the most important thing in my life
because without healty you are nothing you can not do a lot of things
and obviously I try every day to maintain and maybe to improve
Therefore , the best ways to stay fit and healthy are to do exercices ,
to do different types of sport and of course to follow some diets , to
reduce the amount of fat products and sugar.Thus these points are
the most suitable for a person who wants to stay fit and to maintain
his health for a long period.
To summarise , all humans have health but not all of them maintain it
and it is the biggest mistake the people can make.Do you agree?
Young people are the most trusting people and the most influenced
people , especially by the Celebrities or famous people.Indeed for
the young people is hard not to follow the latest news or
trends ,made by the celebrities.
Whereas we live in the 21 century , people draw attention
especially on clothes and shoes , and try to be in the latest trends of
the fashion.I think celebrities show a cool style and tend to attract
young people in the right way , with special and trendy clothes.
Hence young people follow these trends and tend to be as their
Nevertheless , the most important feature is behaviour and the
behaviour of celebrities is one of the best because what they do can
affect their career and they try to be as good as they can , in this
way motivate young people to be as well as they.
Above all the general impact is a good one because most of the
young people make their best version following their idols from
different fields and in this way they shape their personality.
To sum up , celebrities have a huge effect on young people and this
effect is welcomed because it create new stars and new future
• Purpose of an article
The goal of an article is usually to talk about a topic you like or in which you
are an expert. Also, your article should aim to keep the reader engaged and,
in some cases, recommend whatever it is you are talking about.
• Language
Articles are usually expected to be less formal than essays. Because they are
intended to entertain, you can use more relaxed language, using contractions,
phrasal verbs and more informal words. Also, it is common to use rhetorical
questions and exclamation marks to keep the reader engaged or to make a
point. You should address the reader directly and you can use humour where
you think it’s appropriate.
• Structure
Articles usually have a title. If possible, this title should be catchy so it grabs
the reader’s attention. Then, you should have a paragraph for each aspect you
are writing about. In your conclusion, you might be expected make a
recommendation. It is a good idea to finish your article with a rhetorical
• Giving your opinion
An article is all about your opinion, so feel free to give it wherever you feel
it’s necessary. Usually, you are asked to write articles about topics you like or
familiar with, so it makes more sense for your opinions to be generally
positive. An article is a very personal piece of writing, so you can use rst-
person sentences freely.
• Common topics
You may be asked to write articles on a variety of topics: the Internet, health
and tness, music, plays, hobbies, etc.
A local magazine has asked readers to write an article about their favourite
things about the Internet. Write the article talking about the things you do
with the Internet and recommend a website to other readers.
Write your article.
Keep It Healthy!
Are you a busy college student? Do you struggle to keep t and eat healthily?
Don’t worry! I am going to tell you exactly what you should do. Keep on
reading, you will thank me later!
First of all, you must start moving your body. You could go to the gym, if
you have the time. But if you’re busy – you’re a student, you should be busy!
– don’t sign up for a gym. Instead, start cycling to college and give up using
elevators. You’ll see how your tness improves quickly!
Secondly, your diet is just as important. I suppose you live on a low budget,
so I suggest you don’t eat out much. Eating out can be unhealthy and
expensive. So go to your local supermarket and buy healthy, inexpensive
vegetables and fruit.
Finally, pay attention to how you sit when you are studying. Posture is super
important to feel well, especially if you are a student or an of ce worker.
If you follow all these tips, I’m sure you will keep t easily! And if you
already tried that, let me know how you feel now.
Music Is My Life!
Since I was a young boy, I have listened to music almost every day of my
Impressive, right? I know, I am a big music fan and I’d love to share my
views with you.
Although I like pop music – it’s catchy and upbeat – my favourite kind of
music is indie. I love indie because it’s a mixture of rock and pop, so it has
the energy of rock but more likeable melodies.
Because I like listening to music so much, I love going to live gigs with my
friends! In my town there are many places to watch bands play, but the best
one is the Irish Pub in the city centre. They always have cool Irish singer-
songwriters playing live at weekends.
As for music in my country, I don’t like it much, because I am not very keen
on amenco. However, there are also many new pop bands which play really
All in all, I can say that music is my life. In fact, the only time I’m not
listening to music is when I am sleeping! What about you? Do you love
music as much as me
Useful Expressions
Sample 1:
- I love it!
- One of the cool things about
- straight away
- Isn’t that fantastic?
- For example,
- Imagine that
- However,
- the greatest thing about
- In fact,
- I totally recommend it to everyone! - In conclusion,
- For me,
- What about you?
Sample 2:
- Don’t worry!
- Keep on reading, you will thank me later!
- First of all,
- Instead,
- Secondly,
- Finally,
- pay attention to
- super important
- especially if
- If you follow all these tips, I’m sure you will
Sample 3:
- Since I was a young boy,
- Impressive, right?
- I’d love to share my views with you.
- Although
- my favourite kind of
- but the best one is
- As for
- However,
- All in all,
- In fact
- What about you
More Useful Expressions - Rhetorical questions:
- Have you ever...?
- Do you ever wonder...?
- What do you think about...?
- Are you a... like me?
- Are you one of those people who...?
- What would you say if I told you that...?
- Introducing different paragraphs/ideas:
- Firstly,
- First,
- In the rst place,
- The coolest thing about
- What attracts me most
- To begin with,
- One thing to consider is
- Another consideration,
- Secondly,
- As for
- As to
- Also, as regards
- In addition,
- In addition to that,
- Moreover,
- Concluding
- In conclusion,
- On the whole,
- Tosumup,
- To conclude
- Allinall
- ... you will not regret it!