Chronic Adenoiditis
Chronic Adenoiditis
Chronic Adenoiditis
In addition to acute adenoiditis and adenoid hypertrophy/vegetation, chronic adenoiditis is anoth-
er disease of the adenoids. However, most physicians overlook chronic adenoiditis or confuse it
with adenoid hypertrophy/vegetation. The incidence of chronic adenoiditis has increased in
recent years as a result of higher rates of chronic nasopharyngeal or upper airway infections.
The clinical characteristics of chronic adenoiditis can include but are not restricted to the fol-
lowing: long-term infection (especially bacterial infection); obstruction of the upper airway;
infections of adjacent regions, such as the nose, nasal sinus, pharyngeal space, middle ear, and
atlantoaxial joint; induced upper airway cough syndrome; and the presence of several “infectious-
immune” diseases, including rheumatic fever, autoimmune nephropathy, and anaphylactoid pur-
pura. To date, no consensus on the treatment of chronic adenoiditis is available. However,
adenoidectomy can address the local obstruction, and some patients benefit from systemic or
local anti-bacterial therapy. Physicians in the Departments of Otolaryngology, Respiration, and
Pediatrics should be familiar with the clinical manifestations of chronic adenoiditis and try to
develop effective treatment methods for this disease.
Adenoids, adenoid hypertrophy, adenoidectomy, chronic adenoiditis, infection, upper airway
Date received: 18 March 2020; accepted: 13 October 2020
Although chronic adenoiditis is listed in the
International Classification of Diseases-10- Pediatrics, First Affiliated Hospital of Heilongjiang
Clinical Modification (ICD-10-CM) as University of Chinese Medicine, Harbin, China
J35.02 (, most Corresponding author:
Hai Wang, Pediatrics, First Affiliated Hospital of
clinicians, including some otolaryngolo- Heilongjiang University of Chinese Medicine, Harbin,
gists, are unfamiliar with this diagnostic ter- China.
minology. In recent years, an increasing Email:
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Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 License ( which permits
non-commercial use, reproduction and distribution of the work without further permission provided the original work is attributed
as specified on the SAGE and Open Access pages (
2 Journal of International Medical Research
number of patients with chronic inflamma- diagnosis is not difficult if physicians are
tion of the adenoids and complicated nasal, familiar with these manifestations.
pharyngeal, and auricular diseases have
been admitted to the Respiratory, Adenoid hypertrophy/vegetation
Ophthalmology, Otorhinolaryngology, and Adenoid hypertrophy/vegetation is the
Pediatrics Departments.1 Therefore, chron- most common condition reported. It is
ic adenoiditis has become a common clini- described in three sections in the ICD-10
cal disease. The aim of this review was to as follows: J35.2 (hypertrophy of adenoids),
summarize the recent progress in the J35.3 (hypertrophy of tonsils with hypertro-
research on chronic adenoiditis and associ- phy of adenoids), and J35.8 (other chronic
ated diseases and improve the awareness of diseases of tonsils and adenoids: . . .;
this condition among clinicians. Adenoid vegetations; . . .). The manifesta-
tions of simple adenoid hypertrophy
Diseases of adenoids include mouth breathing, snoring (which is
more severe in the supine position and can
According to the descriptions in most text-
progress to obstructive sleep apnea-
books, there are only two types of adenoid
hypopnea syndrome [OSAHS] in severe
diseases, acute adenoiditis and adenoid
cases), and adenoid-face.
hypertrophy/vegetation. However, the diag-
nosis of “chronic adenoiditis” is described
Chronic adenoiditis
in some published articles and ICD codes.
The use of the term “chronic adenoiditis”
Acute adenoiditis was rare in earlier studies. As a description
of a clinical manifestation but not a specific
The clinical manifestations of acute adenoi- term for the diagnosis of a particular disease,
ditis include sudden high fever, severe nasal no exact definition or diagnostic criteria
obstruction, mouth breathing, and yellow were available for “chronic adenoiditis”.
snot dripping from the posterior pharyn- As of August 2020, less than 100 studies
geal wall. Nasal obstruction in infants can on chronic adenoiditis have been published,
lead to dystithia, increased neutrophils, and the first authors of more than half of
high C-reactive protein (CRP) levels in the these studies were from Russia. The first
peripheral blood, and enlarged adenoids on study on chronic adenoiditis, which was
the lateral image of the pharynx.2,3 Because also authored by a Russian investigator,
the adenoids are located behind the nose was published in 1967.4 However, eight stud-
and cannot be directly observed through ies on chronic adenoiditis have been pub-
the mouth, misdiagnosis and missed diag- lished since January 2019, suggesting that
nosis are relatively common in clinical prac- this disease has received increasing attention.
tice. Nasal endoscopy has important value
in diagnosing acute adenoiditis. However,
Clinical characteristics of
this disease is generally overlooked by
physicians in the Respiratory and chronic adenoiditis
Pediatric Departments of primary and gen-
Manifestations of upper
eral hospitals. Additionally, diagnostic
devices are limited in these hospitals. The
airway obstruction
clinical manifestations of acute adenoiditis Chronic adenoiditis involves an increase in
are relatively specific, and thus the the size of adenoids, which induces
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