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1) Which of the following are b) Albendazole is the main Enterobius vermicularis

prevalent in rural areas of Sri drug used in all intestinal infections.

Lanka? roundworm infections.
A. Ascaris lumbricoides c) Oral iron replacement is 5) Which is true?
B. Necator americanus required in Trichinella a) All the segments of Taenia
C. Ancylostoma duodenale spiralis infections. saginata are of equal
D. Trichinella spiralis
d) Trichinell spiralis females length.
E. Strogyloides stercoralis
reproduce by b) Taenia solium inhabits the
a) A, B, D b) A, B, E c) parthenogenesis. large intestine.
B, C d) B,E e) B, C,
e) Autoinfection can occur in c) Clinical features of Taenia
Strongyloides stercoralis solium infections are
infestations. mainly due to the adult
2) Which of the following parasitic
infections are diagnosed by parasite.
demonstration of characteristic 4) Which of the following is true? d) Symptoms of Echinococcus
eggs in stool samples? a) Trichuris trichiura inhabits granulosus infections are
A. Ascaris lumbricoides the duodenum and mainly due to the adult
B. Necator americanus jejunum. parasite.
C. Ancylostoma duodenale b) The lemon-shaped eggs of e) Humans are the
D. Trichinella spiralis Enterobius vermicularis intermediate hosts of
E. Strogyloides stercoralis contain two translucent Hymenolepis diminuta life
a) A, B, C b) A, B, polar prominences. cycle.
C, D c)A, B, C, Ed) A, D, c) Posterior end of Trichuris
E e) B, C, E trichiura is embedded in 6) Which of following is false?
the mucosa. a) Taenia saginata and Taenia
3) Which of the following is true?
d) Low iron intake is a cause solium proglottids can be
a) Loeffler’s syndrome occurs of anaemia in Trichuris observed in stool samples.
due to obstruction by trichiura infections. b) Both Taenia solium and
Ascaris lumbricoides
e) Rectal prolapse is a Taenia saginata have four
common complication of suckers in their scolex.

A project by MSWSPage 11
c) Adult tapeworms do not a) Invasion of the liver by 10) Which of the following is false
cause any symptoms of Balantidium coli can cause regarding Cryptosporidium
significance. liver abcesses. parvum ?
d) Echinococcus granulosus b) Entamoeba histolytica a) Stool samples may contain
infections are diagnosed by trophozoites contain a cysts.
demonstration of eggs in large macronucleus and a b) It causes severe infections
stool samples. small micronucleus. in immunocompromised
e) Hymenolepis species c) Balantidium coli is the only patients.
inhabit the small intestine. flagellated human parasite. c) Its infections are
d) Entamoeba histolytica cysts transmitted by
7) Which of the following is false? cannot be differentiated contaminated food.
a) Humans are the only from Entamoeba coli cysts. d) Its infections lead to
natural hosts of Entamoeba e) Acute dysentery is a decrease in brush-border
histolytica. clinical feature of enzymes.
b) Entamoeba histolytica and Balantidium coli infections. e) Its infections are
Entamoeba dispar are self-limiting.
morphologically identical. 9) Which of the following is false
c) Entamoeba dispar causes regarding Giardia lamblia ? 11) Which of the following is/ are
mucosal invasion in a) Inhabits the upper small true regarding Trichomonas
patients with AIDS. intestine. vaginalis ?
d) Entamoeba histolytica b) Invasion of gut wall causes A. Transmitted from mother
doesn’t cause any blood and mucus to baby via the placenta.
symptoms in most diarrhoea. B. Cysts can be observed in a
individuals. c) The oval-shaped cyst is wet-smear of vaginal
e) Entamoeba histolytica can binucleated. discharge in infected
be transmitted by oral and d) Fat malabsorption is a females.
anal sex. feature of chronic C. Found in the prostate
infections. gland of the males.
8) Which of the following is true? e) Replicates by longitudinal
binary fission.

A project by MSWSPage 12
a) A b) A, B 15) River blindness is most likely 18) Dot and Dash appearance is a
c) A, C d) C e) caused by characteristic feature of,
B a. Loa loa a. Malaria parasites
b. Brugia malay b. Leishmanial parasites
12)Which one of the following c. Onchocerce volvulus c. Toxoplasma gonidii
resembles the non flagellated d. Tryponima pallidum
d. Wucheraria bancrofti
human parasite, found mostly e. Plasmodium falciparum
inside a macrophage? e. Brugia timori
a. Balantidium coli 16) Which of the following is not a 19) Which of the following is true
b. Trichomonas vaginalis resultant of acute filarial disease? regarding malaria?
c. Giardia Lamblia a. Lymphangitis a) It affects erythrocytes and all cells in
the liver.
d. Leishmania tropica b. Chyluria
b) Anopheles culicifacies is the
e. Wuchereria bancrofti c. Adenolymphangitis intermediate host of P.vivax.
d. Funiculitis c) Sometimes P.vivax and P.falciparum
13). What is the parasite most
likely to be transmitted by tsetse e. Epididymo orchitis can affect the same person.
fly? d) P.falciparum causes malignant
17) Which of the followingis not true? quartan malaria.
a. Loa loa a. Temephos and fenithion are used e) Its clinical manifestations are partly
b. Trypanosoma to eradicate Culex. due to damage to erythrocytes and
c. Leishmania b. simple hygienic methods are partly due to damage to hepatocytes.
d. Yersinapestis induced in the global elimination
e. Rickettsia programme of lymphatic 20) Which of the following is false
regarding the life cycle of P.vivax?
14) Inhalation is a route of filariasis.
a) Sporogony takes place in the
transmission for c. Loiasis is caused by eye worm. mosquito.
a. Plasmodium vivax d. The characteristic features of b) Infective stage is the sporozoite.
b. Ascaris eggs Onchocerca is blindness and c) Merozoites infect RBCs.
c. Cryptosporidium parvum itching. d) Schizons are present both in RBCs
d. Toxoplasma gondii e. Black flies are vectors for and hepatocytes.
e. Leishmania Diarofilaria spp. d ) Dormant hypnocytes in the RBCs
reactivate to cause relapses of malaria.

A project by MSWSPage 13
21) Which of the following comparisons a)A a) Humans are the intermediate hosts.
of the life cycles of P.vivax and b)A,C,D b) The adult worms reproduce and the
P.falciparum is true? c)B,C,D females lay eggs, from which
P.vivax d)C,D microfilaria larvae emerge.
P.falciparum e)All c) A few bites by an infected vector will
a)Longer hepatic phase cause filariasis in humans.
b)Merozoites invade all stages of 23).Which of the following is true d) Culex quinquifasciatus is an
erythrocytes regarding leishmaniasis? anthropophilic mosquito.
c)Maurer’s clefts are seen in infected a)Vector is the black fly. e) The drugs used for the treatment of
RBCs. b)Amastigote is the infective stage. filariasis target the adult worms only.
d)Gametocytes are crescent shaped. c)Both amastigotes and promastigotes
e)erythrocytes are macrocytic. have the ability to multiply. 26) Which of the following is false
d)Amastigotes multiply in the regarding filariasis?
neutrophils. a) Lymphatic obstruction is due to
e)Skin lesions of cutaneous inflammatory reactions.
leishmaniasis occur mostly as groups. b) Elephantiasis cannot be improved by
any kind of treatment.
22) 24) Which of the following is false c) A disadvantage in antibody tests is
A - Sporozoites of P.vivax enter the regarding leishmaniasis? its poor specificity.
body via the proboscis of the mosquito. a) Volcanic lesions occur in cutaneous d) A chest X-ray of the individual with
B – Diagnosis of P.falciparum can be leishmaniasis. tropical pulmonary eosinophilia will
easily done by examining a peripheral b) L. donovani complex is the main have a “snow flake” appearance.
blood cause of Kalar-azar in Sri Lanka. e) Oviposition by the vector is
sample. c) Post kala-azar dermal leishmaniasis prevented by using polystyrene beads
C – In P.falciparum infections more can occur in some patients. to cover water surfaces.
than one parasite may infect a single d) Diagnosis can be made by
hepatocyte. demonstrating promastigotes in a blood 27) Which of the following is false
D – The hepatic phase of the life cycle film. regarding toxoplasmosis?
of P.falciparum continues as long as the e) The vector is active during dusk and a) Definitive host is the cat.
infection lasts. night. b) It can be contracted by inhalation of
Which of the following gives the correct 25).Which of the following is true c) Parasites invades enterocytes and
combination of the false statements? regarding filariasis? multiply there.
A project by MSWSPage 14
d) Choriorectinitis is the most common e) Anopheles culicifacies ai e) Vertical transmission can occur
sequelae of congenital toxoplasmosis. considered as an efficient vector durin delivery.
e) Diagnosis is easily done by of Plasmodium vivax.
demonstrating the parasite in a blood 32)Regarding mosquitoes
film. 30) Each of the following statements a) Mansonia sp. is the vector for
concerning Toxaplasma gondii is yellow fever
28) Which of the following is true correct except, b) Adult aedes mosquitoes are jet
regarding malaria? a) T. gondii can be transmitted black in colour, with a silvery
a) Quartan malaria is caused by across the placenta to the fetus. marking on the dorsum of the
Plasmodium falciparum b) T. gondii can be transmitted by thorax
b) Coma in Plasmodium falciparum cat faeces. c) Culex quenquefasciatus are
is due to sequestration c) T. gondii can cause encephalitis the vectors for subcutaneous
c) Rossette formation can be is seen in immunocompromised filariasis
in Plasmodium vivax. patients. d) Anopheles culicifacies adults
d) Mild splenomegaly is not a sign d) T. gondii can be diagnosed by can be recognized by the ‘salt
of malaria. finding trophozoites in stool. and pepper’ appearance on
e) Does not cause placental venous e) Risk of congenital transmission their wings
congestion. by infection during pregnancy e) The ideal breeding site of an
increases with progression of Aedes mosquito contains
29) Which of the following is true pregnancy. stagnant, polluted water.
regarding malaria?
a) People who haven,t got duffy 31) Each of the following statements 33) Regarding flies
blood group antigenare more concerning Trichomonas vaginalis is a) House fly causes myiasis
predisposed falciparum malaria. correct except, b) Sandfly only acts as a vector
b) Antibody detection can be used a) T. vaginalis is transmitted for leishmaniasis
to diagnose acute malaria. sexually.\ c) ‘Hatchet cell’ on the wing is a
c) Development of immunity b) T. vaginalis can be diagnosed by characteristic feature of sand
against malaria infection is only visualizing trophozoite. fly
seen in the presence of stable c) T. vaginalis be effectively treated d) Sleeping sickness is
transmission. with metronidazole. transmitted by house fly.
d) To exclude a patient from d) T. vaginali causes bloody e) When at rest, the sandfly
malaria infection single blood diarrhea. wings are kept over one
sample is sufficient.
A project by MSWSPage 15
another, while tsetse fly wings e) Both rat snake and python are c) Vipers are back fanged
are kept erect slightly venomous snakes snakes.
d) Venom producing glands of
34)Which of the following is false 36)Regarding snakes, snakes are modified sweat
regarding arthropods a) Both Russell’s viper and glands.
a) Hard ticks are vectors for python have almost identical e) The python kills its prey by
several medically important appearance coiling around it and
diseases, including tick born b) Both sea snake and fresh crushing it to death.
typhus. water snakes are non
b) Pubic louse and body louse venomous harmless snakes 38) Which of the following
have different morphology, c) Vasculotoxins are not found in statements is true regarding
but they both reside on human snake venom but neurotoxis vipers?
body are commonly found in it a) They are usually long and
c) Anopheles adult mosquito lies d) Green pit viper has a black slender.
at 450 angle strip running from the eye to b) Their heads are oval in
d) Phlebotomus has its head bent the jaw on each side shape.
acutely down e) Ceylon wolfsnake is deadly c) Their venom is mainly
e) Lice are dorsoventrally poisonous, and contributes to vasculotoxic.
flattened whereas fleas are the highest number of fatal d) They can be differentiated
laterally flattened. snake bites in Sri Lanka from elapids from the
location of fangs in the
35) Regarding snakes, mouth.
a) Ceylon krait is a moderately 37) Which of the following e) They have Duvernoy’s
venomous snake found in Sri statements is false regarding glands.
Lanka snakes in Sri Lanka?
b) One of the hooded snakes a) Naja naja (cobra) accounts 39) Which of the following is
found in Sri Lanka is the for most of the deaths due false regarding identification of
Ceylon cobra. to snakebites. snakes?
c) Saw scaled viper has a b) Only a minority of the a) The saw scaled viper has a
characteristic ‘Bird’s foot’ people who get bitten by bird foot mark on its head.
marking on the head snakes go to a hospital to b) The Ceylon wolf snake is
d) Russell’s viper attacks(bites) receive proper treatment. often mistaken for the Sri
are not common in Sri Lanka Lankan krait.
A project by MSWSPage 16
c) The green pit viper has a 1) d 2) a 3) e 4) d 5) b 6) d 7) c 8) e 9) b
black stripe extending from 10) a 11) d 12) d 13) b 14) d 15) c 16) b 3) WOF is false regarding Human
the eye to the angle of the 17) e 18) b 19) c 20) d 21) 22) 23) c 24) Papilloma virus?
jaw. d 25) d 26) b 27) e 28) b 29) c 30) d 31) a) It is a non enveloped ssDNA
d) The Russell’s viper has d 32) b 33) 34) b 35) c 36) d 37) a 38) b virus
three rows of dark brown 39) e 40) b b) Some types of HPV are
spots on its body. associated with malignancies
e) The rat snake has lung Microbiology c) Most important
shaped markings on its characteristics of HPV
head. 1) Regarding spirochetes, pathogenesis is its specificity
a) They are all gram positive for epithelial cells
40) Which of the following is rods d) Condyloma acuminata are the
true regarding the first aid b) Can be made visible by warts formed in genitalia
given to a person bitten by a staining with heavy metals e) Recurrence can occur when
snake? c) Cultures are used for treated with liquid nitrogen
a) The limb should be diagnosis therapy
splintered to prevent blood d) Borrelia’s one or both ends
from reaching the affected are hooked 4) Regarding Neisseria gonorrhoeae,
part. e) Gonnorrhea is caused by a) The organism lives as a
b) Alcohol is not given as it spirochetes commensal in the female
increases the absorption of genital tract
venom. 2) Regarding syphilis b) Most of the infected females
c) King coconut water can be a) Primary syphilis becomes are symptomatic
given to dilute the venom secondary syphilis in 2-4 c) Urethritis is the major
in the blood. weeks manifestation in females
d) Aspirin can be given to b) Chancres are painful, usually d) Is resistant to drying
reduce the pain. a single ulcer e) Some strains produce
e) A tourniquet is used to c) Lesions of secondary syphilis penicillinase
reduce the blood flow to is highly infectious
the affected part so that d) To heal the chancre 5) HIV,
venom absorption would medication is essential a) Is a virus of picorna viridae
be reduced. e) Treponema can infect the fetus b) Is non enveloped
Answers only during child birth
A project by MSWSPage 17
c) HIV 1 is the most common c) Vulvovaginal candidiasis a) There is a low concentration
strain (VVC) usually is not of anaerobic bacteria
d) Cannot be transmitted by transmitted sexually b) Mainly caused by gram
breast feeding d) VVC is a rare condition negative rods
e) Incubation period is between among females c) Has a thick, malodorous white
6-8 weeks e) Vaginal discharge is quite discharge
watery in VVC d) Presence of clue cells on
6) Which of the following is not true for microscopy confirms
Herpes viruses? 8) Chlamydia, diagnosis
a) HSV 1 is shed in saliva a) They are obligate intracellular e) Gardnerella are curved rods
b) Herpes viruses become latent organisms
in the sensory ganglion cells b) Chlamydia psittaci is a species 11) Which of the following is true
c) Neonatal herpes caused by of genus Chlamydia regarding Pharyngitis?
HSV 2 is chiefly from the c) Those causing a) It is not usually caused by a
contact with vesicular lesions lymphogranuloma venarum virus
within the birth canal, so has 14 serotypes (A-K) b) Always benefits from
prevented by forming cesarian d) Immunity is complete so antibiotic treatment
section reinfection is uncommon c) Of bacterial origin can be
d) HSV 2 virus is shed in the e) Exist in the form of distinguished from viral
genital secretions from time to elementary bodies which are pharygitis on clinical signs
time, especially during intracellular pathogens alone
intercourse d) Can lead to
e) Vesicles of genital herpes are 9) Clinical manifestations of known glomerulonephritis
shallow, painless ulcers sexually transmitted diseases do not e) Can be caused by
include streptococcus group B
7) Regarding vaginitis, a) Chondyloma lata
a) Normal flora of the vagina b) Chanchroids 12) Common cold cannot be caused by,
doesnot vary throughout the c) Wart like lesions a) Coronavirus
lifetime d) Mucopapular rashes b) Epstein-Barr virus
b) Vaginal discharge can be only e) Koplik spots c) Parainfluenza virus
caused by vaginitis d) Respiratory syncitial virus
10) Regarding bacterial vaginosis, e) Rhinovirus

A project by MSWSPage 18
13) Which of the following virulence b) Polysacchrides degrading b) Organism will grow on
factors is common to Neisseria, S. enzymes bacteriologic media in 3-6
pneumoniae and H. influenzae? c) Anticapsular antibody weeks
a) β lactamases d) Activated macrophages c) Prolonged therapy (9 months
b) IgA proteases e) cytokines of longer) is required to
c) Lipopolysaccharide prevent recurrence
d) Protein A 16) Which of the following is most d) Skin tests for delayed
e) Protein G likely to be the cause of pneumonia in hypersensitivity are useful
an immunocompromised patient? diagnostically
14) Each of the following statements a) Norcardia asteroids e) Organisms multiply in
concerning Mycobacterium tuberculosis b) Serratia marcescens macrophages
is correct except, c) Mycoplasma pneumoniae
a) After being stained with d) Legionella pneumophilia 19) A 6 month year old child develops a
carbolfuchsin, M. tuberculosis e) Non capsulated Haemophilus persistent cough and a fever, Physical
resists decolouration with acid influenzae examination and chest x-ray suggest
alcohol pneumonia. Which of the following
b) M. tuberculosis has a large 17) Which one is the most frequent organisms is least likely to cause this
amount of mycolic acid in its bacterial cause of Pharyngitis? infection?
call wall a) Streptococcus aureus a) Respiratory syncytial virus
c) Appears as a red rod in gram b) Streptococcus pneumoniae b) Adenovirus
stained specimens c) Streptococcus pyogenes c) Parainfluenza virus
d) M. tuberculosis appears as a d) Neisseria meningitis d) Rotavirus
red rod in acid fast stained e) Haemophilus influenzae e) Streptococcus pneumoniae
e) Resistant to drying 18) Each of the following statements 20) Which of the following viruses/
concerning Mycobacterium leprae is groups of viruses is the most common
15) The most important way the host correct except, cause of croup?
circumvents the function of a) In lepromatous leprosy, large a) Rhinoviruses
pneumococcal polysaccharide capsule numbers of organisms are b) Enteroviruses
is via, usually seen in acid fast c) Respiratory syncytial virus
a) T lymphocytes sensitized to stained smears d) Parainfluenza virus
polysacchride antigens e) Coronaviruses

A project by MSWSPage 19
21)Which of the following is the most b) Otitis media – Streptococcus d) Mantoux reaction used to detect
common lower respiratory pathogen in pneumoniae tuberculosis is due to type II
infants? c) Atypical pneumonia – Legionella hypersensitivity reaction.
a) Respiratory syncytial virus pneumophila e) In tuberculoid meningitis protein
b) Adenovirus d) Typical pneumonia – level is markedly reduced in CSF.
c) Rhinovirus Mycoplasma pneumoniae
d) Coxsackievirus e) Epiglottitis – Haemophilus
e) Rotavirus influenzae 27) The most important protective
function of the antibody stimulated by
22)Which of the following is false tetanus immunization is,
regarding Streptococcus pyogenes, a) To opsonize the pathogen
a) Infection can be followed by 25) Which of the following b) To prevent growth of the
glomerulonephrits is incorrect? pathogen
b) Is a common cause of meningitis a) Haemophilus influenzae is c) To prevent adherence of the
in children susceptible to freezing pathogen
c) Can be isolated from pharyngeal b) Haemophilus influenzae type b is d) To neutralize the toxin of the
swabs of children the most virulent serotype pathogen
d) Produce exotoxins c) Chlamydia can cause pneumonia e) To inactivate the invasive
e) Are ß haemolytic on blood agar d) Slit skin smear is used to enzymes of the pathogen
diagnose tuberculosis
23)Which of the following is false e) Mycobacteriujm leprae damages 28) The most important contribution
regarding Mycobacterium tuberculosis, sensory nerve fibres of the capsule of Streptococcus
a) Usually grows slowly pneumoniae to virulence is
b) Non sporing and non capsulated 26) Which of the following is correct, a) To prevent dehydration of the
bacteria. regarding Mycobacterium organism on mucosal surface
c) Motile tuberculosis, b) To retard phagocytosis by
d) Cause chronic inflammation a) Can be cultured on Lowenstein polymorphonuclear leukocytes.
e) Diagnosed by Ziehl-Neelsen stain Jenson medium. c) To inhibit the
b) Human carriers are considered polymorphonuclear leukocyte
24)Which of the following are paired as the main source of pathogen. chemotaxis
incorrectly? c) Inactivated Mycobacterium bovis d) To accelerate tissue invasion by
a) Toxic Shock Syndrome – bacteria is given as the BCG its collagenase activity
Streptococcus pyogenes vaccine.
A project by MSWSPage 20
e) Release of its autolysin resulting d) Clostridium botulinum 34) Which of the following statements
the lysis of host cells e) Streptococcus pyogenes concerning viral meningitis and viral
encephalitis is correct?
29) Three organisms, Streptococcus 32) Which of the following is a a) Herpes simplex virus type 2 is the
pneumoniae, Neisseria meningitides and coccobacillary gram- negative rod that leading cause of viral meningitis.
Haemophillus influenzae cause the vast is an important cause of meningitis in b) Herpes simplex virus type 1 is an
majority of cases of bacterial young children? important cause of viral
meningitis. What is the most important a) Bacteriodes fragilis encephalitis.
pathogenic component they share? b) Haemophilus influenzae c) The spinal fluid protein is usually
a) Protein A c) Pseudomonas aeruginosa decreased in viral meningitis.
b) Capsule d) Chlamydia pneumoniae d) The diagnosis of viral meningitis
c) Endotoxin e) Niesseria meningitidis can be made by using the India
d) ß- lactamase ink stain on sample of spinal
e) Endospore 33) Each of the following statements fluid.
regarding poliovirus and its vaccine are e) Japanese encephalitis virus is
30) Each of the following statements correct except, double stranded RNA virus.
concerning Neisseria is correct except, a) Poliovirus is transmitted by feco-
a) They are gram negative oral route 35) Which of the following viruses is
diplococci b) Pathogenesis by poliovirus most likely to be a causative agent of
b) They produce IgA protease as a primarily involves the death of encephalitis?
virulence factor. sensory neurons. a) Yellow fever virus
c) They are oxidase positive c) The live, attenuated vaccine, b) Rabies virus
d) They grow best under anaerobic which contains three serotypes, is c) Rotavirus
conditions recommended for use in children. d) Rubella virus
e) Pathogenic species are ciliated d) An unimmunised adult traveling e) Rhinovirus
to under- developed countries
31) Which of the following organisms should receive the inactivated 36) Which of the following is true
causes meningitis in vaccine. regarding meningitis?
immunocompromised patients and e) Live attenuated vaccine produces a) Viral meningitis has a high rate
neonates? both IgG and IgA mediated of mortality.
a) Corynebacterium diphtheriae immunity. b) Blood culture is of very little
b) Listeria monocytogens value in diagnosis of meningitis.
c) Bacillus anthracis
A project by MSWSPage 21
c) CSF sample resulting from 38) The majority if UTIs are caused c) They are gram negative rods
bacterial meningitis is turbid. by, d) Are motile
d) Streptococcus pneumoniae is a a) Pseudomonas aeruginosa e) Produce pyocyanin pigment
common cause for neonatal
b) Enterococcus feacalis
e) In viral meningitis CSF glucose c) Proteus mirabilis 41) A patient who came to the OPD of
level is markedly reduced. d) Escherichia coli NHSL was diagnosed as having an
e) Klebsiella pneumoniae UTI. A urine sample was sent to the
37) Which of the following is microbiology lab for further
true of Haemophilus 39) A- Klebsiella colonies are mucoid. investigations. After receiving the
influenzae? B- Swarming motility is report, the OPD doctor recommended
a) Invasive infections are most characteristic of Pseudomonas a scan for renal calculi. Which of the
commonly are commonly aeruginosa. following could have been the organism
associated with encapsulated C- Proteus mirabilis has urease responsible for the UTI?
strains. activity. a) Pseudomonas aerugonosa
b) Most invasive infections occur in Which of the following gives the b) Proteus mirabilis
infants during the neonatal correct combination of the true c) Serratia marcescens
period. statements out of the ones d) Staphylococcus saprophyticus
c) Most human infections are mentioned above? e) Candida spp
acquired from domestic pets. a) A,B,C
d) The organism can be readily b) A,C
cultured on sheep blood agar in 42) Which of the following
c) B
statements is false?
an environment of elevated CO2. d) B,C
a) Proteus mirabilis is a
e) Older adults are rarely at risk for e) All statements are false
facultative anaerobe.
infection with this organism
b) The most common infection of
because they typically have a 40) Which of the following statements Klebsiella pneumoniae is
high level of immunity. is false regarding Serratia marcescens? urinary tract infection.
a) Causes nosocomial infections
b) Produces lipase, gelatinase and
A project by MSWSPage 22
c) Pseudomonas aeruginosa B. Transmitted by faecally 46) What is the most correct
colonies produce a distinct contaminated food and statement regarding
sweet smell. water. Varicella-Zoster?
d) Pseudomonas aeruginosa is C. Difficult to diagnose a) The virus is non-enveloped.
resistant to a large range of clinically, before rashes b) Primary infection can be
antibiotics. appear. followed by a latent period.
D. Maculopapular rashes can c) Transmission doesn’t occur
e) Serratia marcescens can cause
be seen on trunk and limbs. before the rashes appear.
catheter associated
a) A,B,D b)B,C,D c) d) Varicella zoster virus
A,C,D, d)A,D, e)all remains latent only in
of the above spinal sensory ganglion.
43) An elderly man, hospitalized and e) Varicella Zoster
recovering from cardiac bypass Immunoglobin shouldn’t
45) Regarding Rubella and be given to pregnant
surgery, develops pneumonia. Rubella virus. women.
Sputum culture reveals a gram- E. It is a RNA virus.
negative rod that produces a green F. Subclinical state in
47) What is the most correct
pigment but does not ferment pregnancy during first
response regarding the
carbohydrates. The most likely trimester doesn’t infect the
immunity towards the Varicella
organism is, zoster virus?
G. Effective vaccines are
a) Klebsiella pneumonia a) Chicken pox is sporadic
polyvalent, related to its
b) Serratia species and occurs only in
numerous serotypes.
c) Proteus species immunocompromissed
H. In congenital rubella IgG
d) Enterobacter species antibodies in the baby’s
b) Antibodies induced by
e) Pseudomonas aeruginosa blood are tested.
Varicella vaccine decreases
I. It can be transmitted by
after 5 years.
direct contact.
44) What are the true c) It doesn’t down regulates
a) A,E b)B,E c) B,C MHC class I and II
statements regarding the d)A,B,E e)B,C,D
measles virus and measles? molecules.
A. It has a single serotype. d) Herpes Zoster is usually
bilateral in a single
A project by MSWSPage 23
e) Increases in Varicella disease of past but not 51) False statement regarding
antibody titre may occur in recently. morphology and culture of
patients with HSV K. Dengue haemorrhagic Leptospirae
infection. fever is a leading cause of a) One or both ends are
childhood death in several hooked.
48) What is the false statement Asian Countries. b) Actively motile, best seen
regarding Dengue virus? L. In urban Countries Dengue using a darkfield
a) It is an Arbovirus. epidemics are explosive microscope.
b) Its incubation period is and involve appreciable c) Can be impregnated with
approximately 4 days. portions of population. silver.
c) The risk of the M.They often start during the d) Grow best under anaerobic
haemorrhagic fever rainy season. conditions.
syndrome is about 0.2% a) A,D, b)B,C,D c) e) Can survive for weeks in
during first dengue C,D, d)A,B,C, 5)all of water.
infection, but two folds the above
higher during infection 52) Correct statements
with second dengue 50) True statement regarding regarding Leptospirae.
serotype. Chikungunya. N. Transmitted through the
d) Vector mosquito remains a) Causative virus is a DNA intact skin, abrasions and
able to transmit dengue for virus. mucous membrane.
its entire life after b) Has an incubation period O. Leptospirae establish in
infection. approximately 2 weeks. parenchymatous organs,
e) Virus multiplies in the c) Can cause Arthralgia and producing haemorrhage
salivary glands of the Arthritis affecting joints. and necrosis.
mosquito. d) Antibody tests are not P. Human urine may contain
useful, as the level is very spirochetes in the second
49) What are the true low. and third weeks of the
statements regarding the e) Can be prevented by disease.
epidemiology of Dengue? proper cooking of poultry a) B,C b) A.B c)
J. It is the most important food products. A,C d) C e) all of the
mosquito borne viral above

A project by MSWSPage 24
53) Regarding rotaviruses; c) Shigella dysenteriae need b) Campylobacter jejuni
a) Rotavirus is the very higher number of c) Staphylococcus aureus
commonest cause of organisms to cause d) Salmonella enteritidis
childhood diarrhoea. diarrhoea. e) Escherichia coli
b) Is a DNA virus. d) Food history is not useful
c) Mode of transmission is for clinical diagnosis. 59) The pathogenesis of which one
inhalation of virus e) Sometimes culture methods of the following organisms is most
particles. are used for diagnosis. likely to involve invasion of the
d) Infect and damage the intestinal mucosa?
epithelial cells of large 56) Each of the following agents is a) Vibrio cholerae
intestine. recognised causes of diarrhoea b) Shigella dysenteriae
e) Cause blood and mucous except; c) Enterotoxigenic
diarrhoea. a) Clostridium difficile Escherichia coli
b) Enterococcus faecalis d) Clostridium botulinum
54) In the intestine, c) Escherichia coli e) Clostridium difficile
a) Clostridium defficile is an d) Vibrio cholera
opportunistic pathogen. e) Shigella dysenteriae 60) Which of the following
b) Vibrio cholera invades the organisms is the most frequent
epithelium. 57) Thirty-year-old patient has cause of bacteraemia?
c) Oral antibiotic therapy has bloody diarrhoea for past fourteen a) Shigella dysenteriae
no effects on normal flora. hours. Which of the following b) Campylobacter jejuni
d) Shigella dysenteriae causes organisms is least likely the cause? c) Vibrio cholerae
watery diarrhoea. a) Clostridium difficile d) Salmonella typhi
e) Prominent bacteria are b) Streptococcus pyogenes e) Escherichia coli
aerobes. c) Shigella dysenteriae
d) Salmonella enteritidis 61) All the following statements are
55) In diarrhoea, e) Escherichia coli correct except;
a) Rectal swab is the best a) Escherichia coli ferments
sample to collect. 58) Two hours after a dinner a lactose whereas Shigella
b) Sterile container is whole family has developed and Salmonella do not.
required for collection of vomiting and diarrhoea. What can b) Escherichia coli is not a
stools. be the most possible cause? part of the normal flora.
a) Shigella flexneri
A project by MSWSPage 25
c) Some strains of Escherichia e) Staphylococcus aureus d) Stool culture will not be useful
coli produce and in diagnosing typhoid fever, in
enterotoxin that causes 64) A lactose fermenting, glucose the first week of infection.
diarrhoea. fermenting, gram negative rod e) Presence of hepatitis B core
d) Cholera toxin acts by isolated from a previously healthy
stimulating adenylate antigen in the serum indicates
child with bloody diarrhea is most highly infective stage of viral
e) Staphylococcus aureus likely to be, hepatitis.
produce and enterotoxin a) Shigelle sonnei
that causes vomiting and b) Pseudomonas aeruginosa 66) Which of the following
diarrhoea. c) Escherichia coli organisms does not cause blood and
d) Salmonella enterica mucus diarrhoea?
62) All of the following statements e) Helicobacter pylori
regarding viruses causing diarrhoea a) Campylobacter jejuni
are correct exept; b) Vibrio cholerae
a) Transmitted primarily by 65) Which of the following is true c) Shigella dysenteriae
faecal-oral route. regarding the diagnosis of d) Trichuris trichiura
b) Rotaviruses have a double gastro-intestinal and abdominal e) Entamoeba histolytica
stranded RNA genome.
c) Causes watery diarrhoea. infections?
d) Norovirus causes diarrhoea a) Salmonella gives pink colonies 67) Which of the following is true
in people of all ages. on MacConkey agar. regarding hepatitis and its
e) Rotavirus invades the b) Seagull shaped arrangement aetiological agents?
enterocytes of intestinal of bacilli under light a) Hepatitis A virus is protected
villi. microscope is a characteristic from gastric acid by its
feature of Vibrio cholerae. envelope.
63) Organisms found in the normal
flora of intestine include the c) Detection of antibodies b) Chronic carrier state is not
following, except; against cholera toxin in serum seen in hepatitis B infections.
a) Escherichia coli is useful in diagnosing c) Hepatitis C infection can be
b) Clostridium perfringens cholera. prevented by vaccination.
c) Enterococcus faecalis
d) Candida albicans
A project by MSWSPage 26
d) Hepatitis D infection can be d) Post-exposure prophylaxis is b) Clostridium perfringens – food
prevented by vaccinating possible by administration of poisoning
against hepatitis B. hepatitis B immunoglobulin. c) Bacteriodes – non-sporing
e) Both hepatitis A and E e) Antibody against hepatitis B Gram negative bacilli
infections are characterized core antigen is not detected in d) Clostridium difficile –
by feco-oral transmission and plasma. exogenous infections
acute onset of symptoms. e) Intra-abdominal infections –
70) Which of the following is enterobacteriaceae,
incorrect regarding infections enterococci, and obligate
68) Which of the following is not a
caused by obligate anaerobes? anerobes.
feature of anaerobic bacterial
a) Clostridium spp. usually cause
infections? 72)Regarding staphylococcus aureus,
exogenous infections.
a) Foul-smelling discharge a) It’s a well known cause for
b) Routine bacterial culture is erysipelus
b) Positive Gram stain and
usually positive. b) Can be differentiated from other
negative routine culture.
c) Clostridium difficile is staphylococci by its coagulase
c) Readily respond to common
responsible for antibiotic positivity
antibiotics. c) Is incapable of producing
associated colitis.
d) Patients appear to be ‘toxic’. enterotoxins
d) Clostridium perfringens is a
e) Creptitations. d) Causes scalded skin syndrome
member of the normal gut which is due to its ability to
commensals. invade tissues
69) Which of the following is true
e) Crepitation is a feature of e) When grown in blood agar their
regarding hepatitis B virus?
infections caused by anaerobic colony appears gray without β
a) Is an ss-DNA virus of
bacteria. haemolysis
hepadnaviridae family.
b) Vertical transmission is 73) Regarding staphylococcus species
71) Which of the following is
mainly due to its ability to a) Staphylococcus saprophyticus is
matched incorrectly? not found in the normal flora in
cross the placenta.
a) Clostridium botulinum – female genitourinary tract
c) Vaccine is composed of
hepatitis B core antigens.

A project by MSWSPage 27
b) Staphylococcus epiderdimis can 52) a 53) a 54) a 55) e 56) b 57) b 58) c
cause infection to a person who is 59) b 60) d 61) b 62) e 63) e 64) c 65) d
given a saline drip. 66) b 67) d 68) c 69) d 70) c 71) d 72) b
c) Staphylococcus aureaus differs 73) b 74) c
from others by its catalase
d) Staphylococcus saphrophyticus is
a common sause for neonatal
e) All Staphylococcus species
produce β haemolysis in blood

74)Infections by a dermatophyte is
mostoften associated with?
a) Intravenous drug abuse.
b) Inhalation of the organism from
contaminated bird faeces.
c) Adherence of the organism to
perspiration-moist skin
d) Fecal oral transmission

1) b 2) c 3) a 4) e 5) c 6) e 7) c 8) a 9) e
10) d 11) d 12) d 13) b 14) c 15) c 16) c
17) c 18) b 19) d 20) d 21) a 22) b 23) c
24) d 25) d 26) a 27) d 28) b 29) b 30) d
31) b 32) b 33) b 34) b 35) b 36) c 37) a
38) d 39) b 40) e 41) b 42) b 43) e 44) d
45) a 46) b 47) e 48) e 49) b 50) c 51) d
A project by MSWSPage 28

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