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RPT 2023 Fizik (Versi Bi) - T4

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1.1 Physical Pupils are able to: PL 1 : Recall knowledge Note:
1,2 23-24 7
Quantities and scientific skills Physical quantities consist of
MAC, 1.1.1 Explain physical on Measurement. base quantities and
27-31 quantities. derived quantities.
MAC PL 2 : Understand Physical quantities involve
2023 Measurement, and able metric and imperial units.
to comprehend the Examples of imperial unit:
concept. foot, inch, yard, mile, gallon,
psi, etc.
1.1.2 Explain with examples PL 3 : Apply knowledge Note:
base quantities. of Measurement to Seven base quantities and
explain the occurrences their corresponding S.I units:
or phenomena of nature ● length, (m)
and perform simple ● mass, m (kg)
tasks. ● time, t (s)
● absolute temperature, T (K)
PL 4 : Analyse ● electric current, I (A)
information about ● luminous intensity, Iv (cd)
Measurement in daily ● quantity of matter, n (mol)
life problem solving
about natural Suggested activity:
1.1.3 Describe derived phenomena Discuss derived quantities in
quantities in terms of base terms of base quantities and
quantities and their PL 5 : Evaluate to make their corresponding S.I. units.
corresponding S.I. units.ties judgement about Note:
and derived quantities. Measurement in daily Formulas are used to describe
life problem solving and derived quantities in terms of
decision making to carry base quantities and to
out a task. determine their base
S.I. units.
PL 6 : Invent by applying
the knowledge and skills
about Measurement in
daily life problem
1.1.4 Explain with examples, solving or decision
scalar quantities and vector
making to carry out
activities/ assignments
in a new situation
creatively and
innovatively; giving due
consideration to the
social/ economic/
cultural aspects.
Pupils are able to: PL 1 : Recall knowledge Suggested activity:
3 3-7 5 1.2 Scientific
and scientific skills Discuss different shape of
APRIL Investigation
1.2.1 Interpret graph to on Measurement. graphs to show the
2023 determine the relationship between two
relationship between PL 2 : Understand physical quantities such as:
two Measurement, and able ● directly proportional
physical quantities. to comprehend the ● increase linearly
concept. ● decrease linearly
● increase non-linearly
PL 3 : Apply knowledge ● decrease non-linearly
of Measurement to ● inversely proportional
explain the occurrences
or phenomena of nature Suggested activity:
1.2.2 Analyse graph to and perform simple Plot a graph from given data
summarise an tasks. to:
investigation. ● state the relationship
PL 4 : Analyse between two given variables
information about ● determine the gradient that
Measurement in daily represents a physical quantity
life problem solving ●determine the area under
about natural the graph that represents a
phenomena physical
PL 5 : Evaluate to make ● determine the value of a
judgement about physical quantity from
Measurement in daily interpolation
life problem solving and ● make predictions through
decision making to carry extrapolation
out a task.
1.2.3 Carry out a scientific Suggested activity:
investigation and write PL 6 : Invent by applying Carry out a Simple Pendulum
a complete report for the knowledge and skills Experiment to
the Simple Pendulum about Measurement in investigate the relationship
Experiment daily life problem between the length of
solving or decision pendulum, and the period of
oscillation, T from the
making to carry out
activities/ assignments
● T against l
in a new situation
● T2against l
creatively and
The graphs plotted must:
innovatively; giving due
● have a suitable scale based
consideration to the
on the range of data obtained
social/ economic/
● be drawn using the best fit
cultural aspects.
line method
The value of g is determined
from the gradient of the
graph of T2 against l using the

The value of g obtained from

the experiment is compared
to the standard value. The
difference in the obtained
value and the standard value
has to be justified.
2.1 Linear Motion Pupils are able to: PL 1 : Recall knowledge
4 10-14 5
and scientific skills on
APRIL 2.1.1 Describe the type of Force and Motion. Note:
2023 linear motion of an
object in the PL 2 : Understand Force Discuss motion in terms of its
following states: and Motion, and able to displacement, velocity
(i) stationary comprehend the and acceleration.
(ii) uniform velocity concept.
(iii) non-uniform velocity
PL 3 : Apply knowledge
of Force and Motion to
2.1.2 Determine: explain the occurrences Suggested activity:
(i) distance and displacement or phenomena of nature
(ii) speed and velocity and perform simple Carry out activities using a
(iii) acceleration/deceleration tasks. ticker timer and ticker tapes
to determine the
PL 4 : Analyse displacement, velocity,
information about Force acceleration and deceleration
and Motion in daily life for an object in linear motion.
problem solving about Introduce photogates and
natural phenomena. electronic timer to determine
displacement, velocity,
PL 5: Evaluate to make acceleration and deceleration
judgement about Force with higher accuracy.
and Motion in daily life
2.1.3 Solve problems problem solving and Note:
involving linear decision making to carry
motion using the out a task. Derivation of the formulas is
following equations: required.
PL 6 : Invent by
Problem solving involves
applying the knowledge
linear motion with uniform
and skills about Force
acceleration only.
and Motion in daily life
problem solving or
decisionmaking to
carry out activities/
assignments in a new
situation creatively and
innovatively; giving due
consideration to the
social/ economic/
cultural aspects.
Pupils are able to: PL 1 : Recall knowledge Suggested activity:
5 17-19 5 2.2 Linear Motion
and scientific skills on
APRIL Graphs
2.2.1 Interpret types of Force and Motion. Pupils use "Data Logger" or
2023 motion from the appropriate smartphone
following: PL 2 : Understand Force applications such as "Tracker"
(i) displacement-time graph and Motion, and able to to map the motion of an
(ii) velocity-time graph comprehend the object in the form of the
(iii) acceleration-time graph concept. following:

PL 3 : Apply knowledge • displacement-time graph

2.2.2 Analyse displacement- of Force and Motion to • velocity-time graph
time graph to explain the occurrences • acceleration-time graph
determine distance, or phenomena of nature
displacement and and perform simple Subsequently, analyse motion
velocity. tasks. from the graphs.

PL 4 : Analyse
2.2.3 Analyse velocity-time information about Force
graph to determine and Motion in daily life
distance, problem solving about
displacement, velocity natural phenomena.
and acceleration.
PL 5: Evaluate to make
judgement about Force
2.2.4 Convert and sketch: and Motion in daily life Note:
(i) displacement-time problem solving and
graph to velocity-time decision making to carry Average speed and average
graph and vice-versa out a task. velocity can be determined
(ii) velocity-time graph to using displacement-time and
acceleration-time PL 6 : Invent by velocity-time graph.
graph and vice-versa. applying the knowledge
and skills about Force Note:
and Motion in daily life
problem solving or
Problem-solving involves
decisionmaking to
linear motion with uniform
carry out activities/
acceleration only.
assignments in a new
2.2.5 Solve problems
situation creatively and
involving linear motion
innovatively; giving due
consideration to the
social/ economic/
cultural aspects.
Pupils are able to: PL 1 : Recall knowledge Suggested activity:
6 2-5 MEI 4 2.3 Free Fall Motion
and scientific skills on
2023 Force and Motion. Watch a video on free fall
2.3.1 Explain with examples motion.
free fall motion and PL 2 : Understand Force Carry out an activity for an
gravitational and Motion, and able to object falling with and
acceleration. comprehend the without air resistance.
PL 3 : Apply knowledge Qualitative explanation on the
of Force and Motion to motion of an object falling in a
explain the occurrences uniform gravitational field.
or phenomena of nature
2.3.2 Experiment to and perform simple Suggested activity:
determine the value of tasks.
gravitational acceleration. Use photogates to determine
PL 4 : Analyse gravitational acceleration, g.
information about Force Compare the value of g
and Motion in daily life obtained to the actual value of
problem solving about g at the Equator.
natural phenomena.
PL 5: Evaluate to make
judgement about Force The value of g is
and Motion in daily life approximately 9.78 m s-2 at
problem solving and the Equator and 9.83 m s-2 at
decision making to carry the poles.
out a task.
2.3.3 Solve problems Note:
involving the Earth’s PL 6 : Invent by
gravitational applying the knowledge
Value of g is positive when the
acceleration for objects and skills about Force
object is moving downwards
in free fall. and Motion in daily life
and negative when it is
problem solving or
moving upwards.
decisionmaking to
carry out activities/
assignments in a new
situation creatively and
innovatively; giving due
consideration to the
social/ economic/
cultural aspects.
2.4 Inertia Pupils are able to: PL 1 : Recall knowledge Suggested activity:
7 8-12 5
and scientific skills on
APRIL 2.4.1 Explain with examples Force and Motion. Carry out an activity to
2023 the concept of inertia. demonstrate the concept of
PL 2 : Understand Force inertia.
and Motion, and able to Introduce Newton’s first law
comprehend the of motion
PL 3 : Apply knowledge
of Force and Motion to Newton's First Law of motion
explain the occurrences states that an object will
or phenomena of nature remain stationary or move
and perform simple with constant velocity if no
tasks. external force acts on it.
Inertia is not a physical
PL 4 : Analyse quantity.
information about Force
and Motion in daily life
2.4.2 Experiment to find the problem solving about Suggested activity:
relationship between natural phenomena.
inertia and mass. Carry out an experiment using
PL 5: Evaluate to make an inertial balance to
judgement about Force determine the relationship
and Motion in daily life between mass and inertia.
problem solving and Discuss why an inertial
decision making to carry balance can be used to
out a task. measure mass in outer space.

2.4.3 Justify the effects of PL 6 : Invent by Suggested activity

inertia in daily life. applying the knowledge :
and skills about Force Discuss:
and Motion in daily life ● Examples of situations in
problem solving or daily life
decisionmaking to involving inertia.
carry out activities/ ● Positive and negative
assignments in a new effects of
situation creatively and inertia.
innovatively; giving due ● Methods of reducing the
negative effects of inertia.
consideration to the
social/ economic/
cultural aspects.
2.5 Momentum Pupils are able to: PL 1 : Recall knowledge Suggested activity:
8 15-19 5
and scientific skills on Carry out activities to
MEI 2.5.1 Explain momentum, p as Force and Motion. investigate how the mass and
2023 the product of mass, m velocity of an object influence
and velocity, v. PL 2 : Understand Force the effect of stopping the
p = mv and Motion, and able to object.
comprehend the Discuss the definition of
concept. momentum, the unit of
momentum and momentum
PL 3 : Apply knowledge as a vector quantity.
of Force and Motion to Discuss the applications of the
explain the occurrences concept of momentum in daily
or phenomena of nature life .
and perform simple
tasks. Suggested activity:
2.5.2 Apply the Principle of
Investigate situations
Conservation of Momentum
PL 4 : Analyse involving the Principle of
in collision and explosion.
information about Force Conservation of Momentum in
and Motion in daily life everyday life.
problem solving about Use the Dynamic Trolley Kit
natural phenomena. to investigate the Principle of
Conservation of Momentum.
PL 5: Evaluate to make
judgement about Force Carry out project based
and Motion in daily life learning:
problem solving and ● Research on rocket
decision making to carry launching technology, based
out a task. on the Principle of
Conservation of Momentum.
PL 6 : Invent by ● Design, build and launch
applying the knowledge water rockets.
and skills about Force ● Write a report on the
and Motion in daily life application of the Principle
problem solving or of Conservation of
decisionmaking to Momentum in water rocket
carry out activities/ launching technology
assignments in a new Note:
situation creatively and Discussion is restricted to
innovatively; giving due collision and explosion in one
consideration to the
social/ economic/
cultural aspects. PBL(1)
Pupils are able to: PL 1 : Recall knowledge Suggested activity:
9 22-26 5 2.6 Force
and scientific skills on
MEI 2.6.1 Define force as the rate Force and Motion. Carry out activities to
2023 of change of generate ideas on the
momentum. PL 2 : Understand Force relationship between:
and Motion, and able to ● force and acceleration
comprehend the ● mass and acceleration
2.6.2 Solve problems concept.
involving F= ma. Introduce Newton’s second
PL 3 : Apply knowledge law of motion.
of Force and Motion to
explain the occurrences Note:
or phenomena of nature
and perform simple Newton’s second law of
tasks. motion states that the rate of
change of momentum is
PL 4 : Analyse directly proportional to the
information about Force force and acts in the direction
and Motion in daily life of the force:
problem solving about
natural phenomena.

PL 5: Evaluate to make
judgement about Force
and Motion in daily life
problem solving and
decision making to carry
out a task.

PL 6 : Invent by
applying the knowledge
and skills about Force
and Motion in daily life
problem solving or
decisionmaking to
carry out activities/
assignments in a new
situation creatively and
innovatively; giving due
consideration to the
social/ economic/
cultural aspects.
CUTI PENGGAL 1: 29 MEI - 2 JUN 2023
2.7 Impulse and Pupils are able to: PL 1 : Recall knowledge Suggested activity:
10 6-9 4
Impulsive Force and scientific skills on
JUN 2.7.1 Communicate to explain Force and Motion. Carry out activities and
2023 impulse and impulsive force. discuss:
PL 2 : Understand Force
and Motion, and able to ● the effect of increasing or
2.7.2 Solve problems
comprehend the decreasing time of impact
involving impulse and
concept. on the magnitude of
impulsive force.
impulsive force.
PL 3 : Apply knowledge ● situations and applications
of Force and Motion to involving impulse in daily
explain the occurrences life.
or phenomena of nature ● situations and applications
and perform simple involving impulsive force in
tasks. the safety features in
PL 4 : Analyse
information about Force Introducing Newton’s third
and Motion in daily life law of motion.
problem solving about
natural phenomena.

PL 5: Evaluate to make Note:

judgement about Force Newton’s third law of motion
and Motion in daily life states that for every action,
problem solving and there is an equal but opposite
decision making to carry reaction.
out a task.
Impulse is the change of
PL 6 : Invent by momentum:
applying the knowledge Impulse, Ft = mv – mu
and skills about Force
and Motion in daily life Impulsive force is the rate of
problem solving or change of momentum in
decisionmaking to collisions that happen in a
carry out activities/ short period of time.
assignments in a new
situation creatively and
innovatively; giving due
consideration to the
social/ economic/
cultural aspects.
Pupils are able to: PL 1 : Recall knowledge Note:
11 12-16 5 2.8 Weight
and scientific skills on
JUN Force and Motion. Gravitational field strength, g
2023 2.8.1 Describe weight as the
is the force on a unit
gravitational force that acts
PL 2 : Understand Force mass due to gravitational
on an object, W = mg
and Motion, and able to attraction.
comprehend the For an object on Earth, g =
concept. 9.81 N kg-1

PL 3 : Apply knowledge Suggested Project:

of Force and Motion to
explain the occurrences Design a model of a vehicle
or phenomena of nature that applies Newton’s laws
and perform simple
of motion.

PL 4 : Analyse
information about Force
and Motion in daily life
problem solving about
natural phenomena.

PL 5: Evaluate to make
judgement about Force
and Motion in daily life
problem solving and
decision making to carry
out a task.

PL 6 : Invent by
applying the knowledge
and skills about Force
and Motion in daily life
problem solving or
decisionmaking to
carry out activities/
assignments in a new
situation creatively and
innovatively; giving due
consideration to the
social/ economic/
cultural aspects.

3.1 Law of Universal Pupils are able to: PL 1 : Recall knowledge Suggested activity:
12 19-23 5
Gravitation and scientific skills on
JUN 3.1.1 Explain Newton’s Gravitation. Discuss that the gravitational
2023 Universal Law of force exists between two
Gravitation: PL 2: Understand objects in the universe.
Gravitation, and able to
comprehend the Note:
Gravitational force can be
PL 3: Apply knowledge explained by Newton’s
of Gravitation to explain universal law of gravitation.
the occurrences or F is directly proportional to
phenomena of nature the product of mass of the
and perform simple objects and inversely
tasks. proportional to the square of
the distance between them.
PL 4: Analyse From the law:
information about
Gravitation in daily life
problem solving about
natural phenomena.

PL 5 :Evaluate to make
judgement about where,
Gravitation in daily life F = gravitational force
problem solving and between two objects
decision making to m1 = mass of first object
carry out a task m2 = mass of second object
. r = distance between the
centre of the two objects
PL 6 : Invent by G = universal gravitational
applying the knowledge constant
and skills about (G= 6.67 x10-11 N m2 kg-2)
Gravitation in daily life
3.1.2 Solve problems problem solving or Note:
involving Newton’s decision making to carry Discuss the effects of mass
Universal Law of out activities/ and distance between
Gravitation for: assignments in a new two objects on the
situation creatively and gravitational force.
(i) two static objects on the innovatively; giving due
Earth consideration to the
(ii) objects on the Earth’s social/ economic/
surface cultural aspects.
(iii) Earth and satelites
(iv) Earth and Sun

3.1.3 Relate gravitational
acceleration, g on the Deriving gravitational
surface of the Earth acceleration, g from:
with the universal
gravitational constant,

Thus, the gravitational

acceleration,g is:

M = mass of the Earth

r = distance between the
centre of the Earth and centre
of an object (r = R+h)
R = radius of the Earth
h = height of an object from
the surface of the Earth
Discuss the variation of g with
h using the graph g
against h for:
● r<R
● r≥R
3.1.4 Justify the importance Suggested activity:
of knowing the values
of gravitational Compare the values of
acceleration of the gravitational acceleration for
planets in the the moon, the Sun and the
Solar System planets in the solar system
Discuss the importance of
knowing the gravitational
acceleration of planets in
space exploration and
sustainability of life.
Carry out a multimedia
presentation on the effects of
gravity on human growth
based on:
● difference in density
● bone fragility
● size of lungs
● blood circulation system
and blood pressure

3.1.5 Describe the centripetal Suggested activity:

force in the motion of
satellites and planets Carry out activities to
system. understand centripetal force
using a Centripetal Force Kit.

Objects that orbit the Earth
will experience free fall
toward the centre of the
Satellite and planetary motion
systems are circular motions
which are constantly
experiencing a centripetal
acceleration, a where:
v = linear velocity
r = radius of orbit

Suggested activity:
3.1.6 Determine the mass of
the Earth and the Sun using
To determine the mass of the
Newton’s universal law of
Earth and the Sun using:
gravitation and centripetal
● Newton’s universal law of

● centripetal force:

● speed of the Earth orbiting

the Sun:

r = average radius of orbit
T = period of the Earth
orbiting the Sun

3.2 Kepler’s Law 3.2.1 Explain Kepler’s Laws. PL 1 : Recall knowledge Suggested activity:
13 26-27 2
and scientific skills on
JUN Gravitation. Sketch an elliptical shape
2023 based on the elliptical
PL 2: Understand dualfocus concept using
Gravitation, and able to thread and pencil.
comprehend the Discuss that the elliptical
concept. orbits of the planets in the
solar system are almost
PL 3: Apply knowledge circular.
of Gravitation to explain
the occurrences or Note:
phenomena of nature Kepler’s first law: All planets
and perform simple move in elliptical orbits, with
tasks. the sun at one focus (Law of
Orbits). Kepler’s second law:
PL 4: Analyse A line that connects a planet
information about to the sun sweeps out equal
Gravitation in daily life areas in equal times (Law of
problem solving about Areas).
natural phenomena. Kepler’s third law: The square
of the period of any planet is
PL 5 :Evaluate to make directly proportional to the
judgement about cube of the radius of its orbit
Gravitation in daily life (Law of Periods).
problem solving and
decision making to Note:
carry out a task Derivation of the relationship
. is required. Kepler’s third law,
T2 ∝ r3 can be derived from:
PL 6 : Invent by
applying the knowledge
and skills about
Gravitation in daily life
problem solving or
decision making to carry
out activities/
assignments in a new
situation creatively and
innovatively; giving due Therefore, Kepler’s thrid law
consideration to the is expressed as T2 ∝ r3,
social/ economic/ where,
cultural aspects. ● M is mass of the Sun; for
the Sun and planetary
● M is mass of the Earth; for
the Earth and satelite

From Kepler’s third law:

● For a planet that orbits the

r = the distance between the
center of the planet and the
center of the Sun.
● For satellites orbiting the
Earth; r = R + h (distance
between center of Earth and
satellite center)
R = Earth radius = 6370 km
h = satellite elevation from
Earth's surface
3.2 Kepler’s Law 3.2.2 Express Kepler’s Third PL 1 : Recall knowledge Suggested activity:
14 3-7 5
Law and scientific skills on
JULAI T2 ∝ r3 Gravitation. Sketch an elliptical shape
2023 based on the elliptical
PL 2: Understand dualfocus concept using
Gravitation, and able to thread and pencil.
comprehend the Discuss that the elliptical
concept. orbits of the planets in the
solar system are almost
PL 3: Apply knowledge circular.
3.2.3 Solve problems using of Gravitation to explain
Kepler’s Third Law the occurrences or Note:
phenomena of nature Kepler’s first law: All planets
and perform simple move in elliptical orbits, with
tasks. the sun at one focus (Law of
Orbits). Kepler’s second law:
PL 4: Analyse A line that connects a planet
information about to the sun sweeps out equal
Gravitation in daily life areas in equal times (Law of
problem solving about Areas).
natural phenomena. Kepler’s third law: The square
of the period of any planet is
PL 5 :Evaluate to make directly proportional to the
judgement about cube of the radius of its orbit
Gravitation in daily life (Law of Periods).
problem solving and
decision making to Note:
carry out a task Derivation of the relationship
. is required. Kepler’s third law,
T2 ∝ r3 can be derived from:
PL 6 : Invent by
applying the knowledge
and skills about
Gravitation in daily life
problem solving or
decision making to carry
out activities/
assignments in a new
situation creatively and
innovatively; giving due Therefore, Kepler’s thrid law
consideration to the is expressed as T2 ∝ r3,
social/ economic/ where,
cultural aspects. ● M is mass of the Sun; for
the Sun and planetary
● M is mass of the Earth; for
the Earth and satelite

From Kepler’s third law:
● For a planet that orbits the
r = the distance between the
center of the planet and the
center of the Sun.
● For satellites orbiting the
Earth; r = R + h (distance
between center of Earth and
satellite center)
R = Earth radius = 6370 km
h = satellite elevation from
Earth's surface
3.3 Man Made Pupils are able to: PL 1 : Recall knowledge Suggested activity:
15 10-14 5
and scientific skills on
JULAI Satellite
3.3.1 Describe how an orbit of Gravitation. Orbital velocity of satellite is
2023 a satellite is maintained derived and determined
at a specific height by PL 2: Understand using centripetal force and
setting the necessary Gravitation, and able to Newton’s universal law of
satellite’s velocity. comprehend the gravitation.

PL 3: Apply knowledge
of Gravitation to explain
the occurrences or
phenomena of nature
and perform simple
tasks. Orbital velocity is calculated
for satellites, such as,
PL 4: Analyse ISS and Measat.
information about
Gravitation in daily life Discuss the effect on the
problem solving about satellite if the satellite’s
natural phenomena. velocity is less than its orbital
PL 5 :Evaluate to make
judgement about
Gravitation in daily life
problem solving and
decision making to
3.3.2 Communicate on carry out a task Suggested activity:
geostationary and .
nongeostationary Search for information on
PL 6 : Invent by
satellites. geostationary and
applying the knowledge
and skills about
satellites in terms of its
Gravitation in daily life
function and life span.
problem solving or
Present ideas in the form of
decision making to carry
folios, multimedia
out activities/
presentation and others.
assignments in a new
situation creatively and
innovatively; giving due
consideration to the Examples of satelites :
social/ economic/ MEASAT, TiungSAT,
cultural aspects. RazakSAT, Pipit, ISS and

3.3.3 Conceptualize escape Suggested activity:

Describe the escape velocity
of an object from the
Earth’s surface.


The escape velocity,v is the

minimum velocity required by
an object on the Earth surface
to overcome gravitational
force and escape to space.
Escape velocity is achieved
when the minimum kinetic
energy supplied to the object
overcomes gravitational
potential energy.
Gravitational Potential Energy
+ Minimum Kinetic
Energy = 0
The gravitational potential
energy, U gained by an
object at a distance, r from the
centre of the Earth is:

m = mass of object
M = mass of The Earth
v = escape velocity

● Derivation of U is not

Formula of escape velocity of

an object from the
Earth’s surface is derived
using U and EK:

Discuss why:
● Earth can maintain its
atmospheric surface
● aeroplane cannot escape
from the Earth based on the
Earth’s escape velocity.
Escape velocity of the Earth =
11.2 km s-1
3.3.4 Solve problems Suggested activity:
involving the escape
velocity,v for a rocket from Discuss escape velocity from
the Earth’s surface, the the Earth’s surface, the
Moon’s surface, Mars’ Moon’s surface, Mars’ surface
surface and the Sun’s and the Sun’s surface

Pupils are able to: PL 1: Recall knowledge Suggested activity:
16 17-21 4 4.1 Thermal
and scientific skills on
JULAI Equilibrium
4.1.1 Explain with examples Heat. Carry out an activity that
2023 thermal equilibrium in shows thermal equilibrium
daily life. between two bodies in
PL 2: Understand thermal contact.
Heat, and able to Discuss situations and
comprehend the applications of thermal
JULAI concept. equilibrium in daily life.
(CUTI Suggested activity:
AWAL 4.1.2 Calibrate a liquid-in- PL 3: Apply knowledge
MUHAR glass thermometer of Heat to explain the Carry out an activity to
RAM) using two fixed points. occurrences or calibrate a liquid-in-glass
phenomena of nature
thermometer by using boiling
and perform simple
point and melting point of
distilled water for calibration.

PL 4: Analyse
information about Heat
in daily life problem
solving about natural

PL 5 : Evaluate to make
judgement about Heat in
daily life problem
solving and decision
making to carry out a

PL 6: Invent by applying
the knowledge and skills
about Heat in daily life
problem solving or
decision making to
carry out activities/
assignments in a new
situation creatively and
innovatively; giving due
consideration to
the social/ economic/
cultural aspects.
Pupils are able to: PL 1: Recall knowledge Suggested activity:
17 24-28 6 4.2 Specific Heat
and scientific skills on
JULAI Capacity
4.2.1 Explain heat capacity, C. Heat. Discuss heat capacity and
2023, examples of daily life
31 situations involving heat
JULAI 4.2.2 Define specific heat PL 2: Understand capacity.
2023 capacity of a material, c Heat, and able to
comprehend the Suggested activity:
Gather information to
compare the specific heat
PL 3: Apply knowledge capacity of different materials
of Heat to explain the such as water, oil, aluminum,
occurrences or copper, and other materials.
phenomena of nature Note:
and perform simple

PL 4: Analyse
information about Heat
in daily life problem
solving about natural
4.2.3 Experiment to phenomena.
(i) the specific heat PL 5 : Evaluate to make
capacity of water judgement about Heat in
(ii) the specific heat daily life problem
capacity of aluminum solving and decision
making to carry out a
4.2.4 Communicate to explain Suggested activity:
the applications of
specific heat capacity PL 6: Invent by applying Gather information and
in daily life, material the knowledge and skills report on the applications of
engineering and about Heat in daily life specific heat capacity in daily
natural phenomena. problem solving or life, material engineering and
decision making to natural phenomena.
carry out activities/
assignments in a new Note:
situation creatively and
innovatively; giving due Examples of specific heat
consideration to capacity application in daily
the social/ economic/
cultural aspects.
● selection of traditional
building materials in
various climate zones
● cooking utensils
● car radiator system

Examples of application of
specific heat capacity in
material engineering:
● outer layer of a spacecraft
● production of the latest
materials in the
construction of green
● cooking utensils
Examples of natural
phenomena involving specific
heat capacity:
● land breeze
● sea breeze

4.2.5 Solve problems Note:

involving specific heat
capacity using formula: Problem solving involving:
Q = mc ΔѲ Q = mc ΔѲ
Pt = mc ΔѲ
P = electric power (W)
t = time (s)
Assumptions made in
problem solving should be
Carry out project-based

Build a model of a cluster

home that can reduce the
problem of extreme
temperatures (refer to PdP
Physics Resources at

 PBL (2)


Pupils are able to: PL 1: Recall knowledge Notes:
20 14-18 5 4.3 Specific Latent Heat
and scientific skills on
OGOS 4.3.1 Explain latent heat. Heat. Explain the concept of latent
2023 heat in terms of molecular
bonding during melting and
PL 2: Understand boiling.
Heat, and able to
comprehend the
4.3.2 Define: concept. Suggested activity:
(i) specific latent heat, l
Compare and discuss:
PL 3: Apply knowledge ● Specific latent heat of
of Heat to explain the fusion of ice and wax
occurrences or ● Specific latent heat of
(ii) specific latent heat of phenomena of nature evaporation of water, oil and
fusion, and perform simple other substances
f tasks.
(iii) specific latent heat of Note:
evaporization, v
PL 4: Analyse Specific latent heat, is the
information about Heat quantity of heat, Q absorbed
in daily life problem or released during change of
solving about natural phase of 1 kg of a substance at
phenomena. constant temperature.

4.3.3 Experiment to PL 5 : Evaluate to make

determine: judgement about Heat in Suggested activity:
(i) specific latent heat, f of daily life problem
fusion of ice. solving and decision Compare and discuss the
(ii) specific latent heat of making to carry out a value of the
evaporation, v of water task. ● specific latent heat of fusion
of ice, f and specific latent
heat of vaporization of
PL 6: Invent by applying water, v
the knowledge and skills ● the values of f and v
about Heat in daily life obtained from experiments
problem solving or with standard values.
4.3.4 Communicate to explain decision making to
the applications of carry out activities/ Suggested activity:
specific latent heat in assignments in a new
daily life. situation creatively and Carry out an activity to show
innovatively; giving due that evaporation causes
consideration to cooling such as blowing air
into alcohol.
the social/ economic/
Discuss the applications of
cultural aspects.
specific latent heat in daily
life such as:
● the cooling system in a
● sweat evaporation from
certain fabrics
● the steaming of food
4.3.5 Solve problems
involving latent heat. Note:
The formula used is:
Pt = m
Assumptions made in
problem solving should be

Pupils are able to: PL 1: Recall knowledge Suggested activity:

21 21-25 5 4.4 Gas Laws
and scientific skills on
OGOS 4.4.1 Explain pressure, Heat. Observe computer
2023 temperature and simulations or models to
volume of understand the behaviour of
gas in terms of the PL 2: Understand gas molecules.
behaviour of gas Heat, and able to
molecules based on the comprehend the
Kinetic Theory of Gas. concept.

4.4.2 Experiment to PL 3: Apply knowledge Suggested activity:

determine the of Heat to explain the
relationship between occurrences or Deduce Boyle’s law by
the pressure and phenomena of nature discussing the experimental
volume of a fixed mass and perform simple results based on the P-V
of gas at constant tasks. graph.
temperature Note:
Boyle's law states that for a
PL 4: Analyse fixed mass of gas, pressure is
information about Heat inversely proportional to
in daily life problem volume at constant
solving about natural temperature.

PL 5 : Evaluate to make
judgement about Heat in
daily life problem
solving and decision
making to carry out a
PV = k, k is a constant
P = gas pressure (Pa)
PL 6: Invent by applying V = gas volume (m3)
the knowledge and skills
about Heat in daily life
4.4.3 Experiment to problem solving or Suggested activity:
determine the decision making to
relationship between carry out activities/ Discuss the experimental
the volume and assignments in a new results including:
temperature of a fixed situation creatively and
mass of gas at constant innovatively; giving due ● extrapolation of V-θ graph,
pressure. consideration to to show that when
V=0, θ = - 273 0C
the social/ economic/ ● absolute zero temperature
cultural aspects. and Kelvin scale
● V-T graph where T is
absolute temperature
● deduce Charles's law


Charle’s law states that for a

fixed mass of gas, volume is
directly proportional to
absolute temperature at
constant pressure. ,where

k is a constant
T = absolute temperature (K)
4.4.4 Experiment to Suggested activity:
determine the
relationship between Discuss experimental results
the pressure and that include:
temperature of a fixed ● extrapolation of p-θ graph
mass of gas at to indicate when
constant volume. p=0, θ= -273 0C.
● p-T graph, where T is
absolute temperature
● deduce Gay-Lussac law


Gay-Lussac’s law states that

for a fixed mass of gas,
pressure is directly
proportional to absolute
temperature at constant
volume (p ∝ T).

4.4.5 Solve problems

involving pressure, Note:
temperature and volume for a
fixed mass of gas using Gas The formulas used:
law formulas.



Pupils are able to: PL 1: Recall knowledge

22 4-8 5 5.1 Fundamentals of
and scientific skills on Suggested activity:
SEPT Waves
5.1.1 Describe waves. Waves. Carry out activities to
2023 investigate the production of
PL 2 Understand waves through oscillating
Waves, and able to systems or vibrations.
comprehend the Carry out activities using
concept. ripple tank/ slinky/ computer
simulations to generate the
PL 3: Apply knowledge idea that wave transfers
of Waves to explain the energy without transferring
occurrences or matter.
phenomena of nature
5.1.2 State the types of waves. and perform simple Note:
tasks. Two types of waves:
● Progressive waves
PL 4: Analyze ● Stationary waves
information about
Waves in daily life Progressive waves are waves
problem solving about where the profile of the wave
natural phenomena. changes with time.
Progressive waves consist of:
PL 5 : Evaluate to make ● Transverse waves
judgment about Waves ● Longitudinal waves
in daily life problem
solving and decision Stationary waves are waves
making to carry out a where the profile of the waves
task. does not change with time.

PL 6: Invent by applying Examples of stationary waves

the knowledge and skills are waves produced by
about Waves in daily life musical instruments.
problem solving or Discussion on stationary
decision making to carry waves is restricted to its
out activities/ meaning and shape only.
assignments in a new
situation creatively and Waves are categorized into
innovatively; giving due
consideration to the ● Mechanical waves
social/ economic/ ● Electromagnetic waves
cultural aspects. For example:
Mechanical waves – water
and sound waves
Electromagnetic waves – light
and radio waves

5.1.3 Compare transverse Suggested activity :

waves and longitudinal
waves. Carry out activities using
ripple tank/ slinky spring/
computer simulations to
explain transverse waves and
longitudinal waves.
Give examples of transverse
waves and longitudinal


Examples of transverse waves

are water waves, radio waves
and light waves.
An example of longitudinal
wave is sound waves.

5.1.4 Explain the Suggested activity:

characteristics of
waves: Define the following wave
(i) Amplitude (a) terms:
(ii) Period (T)
(iii) Frequency (f) ● Amplitude (a)
(iv) wavelength (λ) ● Period (T)
(v) wave speed (v) ● Frequency (f)
● wavelength (λ)
● wave speed (v)
Introduce the formula of wave

5.1.5 Sketch and interpret Suggested activity:

wave graphs:
(i) displacement - time Determine the value of the
(ii) displacement - distance following from the graph:
● Amplitude (a)
● Period (T)
● Frequency (f)
● wavelength (λ)
● wave speed (v)

5.1.6 Determine wavelength, Suggested activity:

λ , frequency, f and wave
speed, v. Carry out an activity using
ripple tank and digital xenon
stroboscope to determine
wavelength and frequency of
a wave, and hence, calculate
the wave speed using the
wave formula, v = f λ.

Pupils are able to: PL 1: Recall knowledge Suggested activity:

23 11-15 5 5.2 Damping and
and scientific skills on
SEPT Resonance
5.2.1 Describe damping and Waves. Observe the phenomenon of
2023 resonance for an oscillating/ damping in an oscillating
vibrating system PL 2 Understand system such as a simple
Waves, and able to pendulum and sketch an
comprehend the amplitude–time graph.
concept. Discuss the cause and ways to
overcome damping in an
PL 3: Apply knowledge oscillating/ vibrating system.
of Waves to explain the Carry out activities/ view
occurrences or computer simulations/ make
phenomena of nature observations using a Tuning
and perform simple Fork Kit and Barton’s
tasks. pendulum to investigate how
resonance occurs.
PL 4: Analyze
information about Note:
Waves in daily life
problem solving about During damping, the
natural phenomena. oscillating frequency remains
PL 5 : Evaluate to make For Barton’s pendulum, the
judgment about Waves pendulum in resonance
in daily life problem oscillates with maximum
solving and decision amplitude.
making to carry out a
5.2.2 Justify the effects of task. Suggested activity:
resonance in our daily lives.
PL 6: Invent by applying View videos of an event or
the knowledge and skills incident, for example the
about Waves in daily life collapse of Tacoma Narrows
problem solving or Bridge, USA in 1940 and the
decision making to carry tuning of musical
out activities/ instruments.
assignments in a new
situation creatively and
innovatively; giving due
consideration to the
social/ economic/
cultural aspects.

5.3 Reflection of Pupils are able to: PPL 1: Recall Suggested activity:
24 18 - 22 5
knowledge and scientific
SEPT Waves
5.3.1 Describe reflection of skills on Waves. Carry out activities on the
2023 waves from the following reflection of plane water
aspects: PL 2 Understand waves in a ripple tank to
(i) angle of incidence (i) Waves, and able to determine:
(ii) angle of reflection (r) comprehend the ● angle of incidence (i)
(iii) wavelength (λ), concept. ● angle of reflection(r)
(iv) frequency (f), ● wavelength (λ)
(v) speed (v) PL 3: Apply knowledge ● frequency (f)
(vi) direction of propagation of Waves to explain the ● speed (v)
of waves. occurrences or ● direction of propagation of
phenomena of nature waves.
and perform simple
tasks. Note:

PL 4: Analyze Wave fronts should be

information about introduced.
Waves in daily life
problem solving about
5.3.2Draw a diagram to show natural phenomena.
the reflection of plane water
waves by through a plane PL 5 : Evaluate to make
reflector. judgment about Waves
in daily life problem
solving and decision
5.3.3 Justify the application of making to carry out a Suggested activity:
reflection of waves in daily task.
life. Discuss the applications of
PL 6: Invent by applying reflection of waves in the
the knowledge and skills following fields:
about Waves in daily life ● Telecommunication
problem solving or ● Medicine
decision making to carry ● Aquaculture
out activities/ ● Oil exploration
assignments in a new
situation creatively and
5.3.4 Solve problems innovatively; giving due Note:
involving reflection of waves. consideration to the Problem solving is limited to
social/ economic/ the reflection of water waves
cultural aspects. and sound waves.

5.4 Refraction of Pupils are able to: PL 1: Recall knowledge Suggested activity:
25 25-29 4
and scientific skills on
SEPT Waves
5.4.1 Describe refraction of Waves. Carry out activities on
2023 waves from the refraction of waves for plane
following aspects: PL 2 Understand water waves using a ripple
(i) angle of incidence (i) Waves, and able to tank.
(ii) angle of refraction (r) comprehend the Discuss refraction of waves is
(iii) wavelength (λ) concept. due to the change of wave
(iv) frequency (f) velocity propagating through
(v) speed (v) PL 3: Apply knowledge two different densities or
(vi) direction of propagation of Waves to explain the depths.
UR of waves. occurrences or
RASUL) phenomena of nature
and perform simple
5.4.2 Draw diagrams to show tasks. Suggested activity:
the refraction of waves
for two different PL 4: Analyze Discuss by drawing the
depths. information about refraction of plane water
Waves in daily life waves propagating at a
problem solving about particular incident angle at
natural phenomena. the boundary of two different
PL 5 : Evaluate to make
judgment about Waves
in daily life problem
solving and decision
5.4.3 Explain natural making to carry out a Suggested activity:
phenomena of task.
refraction of waves in Discuss natural phenomena of
daily life. PL 6: Invent by applying refraction waves such as:
the knowledge and skills ● sound is heard more clearly
about Waves in daily life at night
problem solving or compared to during the day
decision making to carry ● wavefronts follow the
out activities/ shape of the
assignments in a new shoreline as it moves
situation creatively and towards the beach
innovatively; giving due
5.4.4 Solve problems consideration to the Note:
involving refraction of waves. social/ economic/
cultural aspects.
5.5 Diffraction of Pupils are able to: PL 1: Recall knowledge Suggested activity:
26 2-6 5
and scientific skills on
OKT Waves
5.5.1 Describe diffraction of Waves. Carry out activities/ view
2023 waves from the following computer stimulations to
aspects: PL 2 Understand show diffraction of:
(i) wavelength (λ) Waves, and able to ● water waves
(ii) frequency (f) comprehend the ● light waves, and
(iii) speed (v) concept. ● sound waves
(iv) direction of propagation
of waves PL 3: Apply knowledge
of Waves to explain the
5.5.2 Determine factors occurrences or Suggested activity:
affecting diffraction of waves. phenomena of nature
and perform simple Carry out activities of
tasks. diffraction of plane water
waves by changing:
PL 4: Analyze ● width of the gap
information about ● wavelength
Waves in daily life
problem solving about
natural phenomena.
5.5.3 Draw diagrams to show Suggested activity:
the pattern of PL 5 : Evaluate to make
diffraction of water judgment about Waves Draw a diagram to show the
waves and the effect of in daily life problem pattern of diffraction of plane
diffraction of light solving and decision water waves for different
waves. making to carry out a widths of gap and different
task. wavelengths

PL 6: Invent by applying Carry out an activity with red

the knowledge and skills laser light (λ= 700 nm) to
about Waves in daily life observe and draw the effects
problem solving or of diffraction through a single
decision making to carry slit and a pin hole.
out activities/
5.5.4 Explain the applications assignments in a new Suggested activity:
of diffraction of waves in situation creatively and Gather information and
daily life. innovatively; giving due discuss situations on
consideration to the diffraction of water waves,
social/ economic/ light waves and sound waves
cultural aspects. in daily life.

5.6 Interference of Pupils are able to: PL 1: Recall knowledge Suggested activity:
27 9-13 5
and scientific skills on
OKT Waves
5.6.1 Explain the principle of Waves. Investigate superposition of
2023 superposition of waves. waves using computer
PL 2 Understand simulations/ transparency
Waves, and able to slides.
comprehend the Carry out activities to show
concept. the interference of waves
with two coherent sources of
PL 3: Apply knowledge waves for:
of Waves to explain the ● water waves
occurrences or ● light waves
phenomena of nature ● sound waves using an
and perform simple Audio Generator
tasks. Kit.
Discuss constructive
PL 4: Analyze (antinode) and destructive
information about (node) interference using the
Waves in daily life superposition principle.
problem solving about
natural phenomena. Note:

PL 5 : Evaluate to make Two waves sources are

judgment about Waves coherent when:
in daily life problem ● both waves have the same
solving and decision frequency
making to carry out a ● their phase difference is
task. constant

PL 6: Invent by applying
the knowledge and skills Suggested activity:
5.6.2 Describe the pattern of about Waves in daily life
interference for problem solving or Draw the pattern of
(i) water waves decision making to carry interference of waves for
(ii) sound waves out activities/ different distance of
(iii) light waves assignments in a new separation of slits / sources
situation creatively and and for different wavelengths.
innovatively; giving due
consideration to the
5.6.3 Relate λ, a, x and D for social/ economic/ Suggested activity:
the wave interference cultural aspects.
pattern. Carry out activites to
investigate the relationship
between , a, x and D for the
wave interference pattern of:

● Water waves
● Sound waves
● Light waves (Young’s
double-slit experiment)

5.6.4 Solve problems Note:

involving interference of
waves. Formula:

Suggested activity:
5.6.5 Communicate on the
applications of interference of Gather information on the
waves in daily life. applications of interference of
waves in daily life.
For example : non-reflective
glasses, design of theater hall
involving seating
arrangement and other
related examples.
5.7 Electromagnetic Pupils are able to: PL 1: Recall knowledge Suggested activity:
28 16-20 5
and scientific skills on
OKT Waves
5.7.1 Characteristics Waves. Gather information on the
2023 electromagnetic Waves properties of
PL 2 Understand electromagnetic waves.
Waves, and able to
comprehend the
concept. Note:

PL 3: Apply knowledge Electromagnetic waves are

of Waves to explain the formed from magnetic and
occurrences or electric fields oscillating
phenomena of nature perpendicularly to each other.
and perform simple
5.7.2 State the components of tasks.
the Electromagnetic spectrum
according to wavelengths and PL 4: Analyze
frequencies. information about
Waves in daily life
problem solving about
natural phenomena.
5.7.3 Communicate to explain Suggested activity:
about the applications PL 5 : Evaluate to make
of each component in judgment about Waves Gather information on the
the electromagnetic in daily life problem daily life applications of
spectrum in daily life. solving and decision components of the
making to carry out a electromagnetic spectrum,
task. such as:
● radio waves, example:
PL 6: Invent by applying radio
the knowledge and skills communication, television
about Waves in daily life and
problem solving or communication devices
decision making to carry ● micro waves, example :
out activities/ microwave
assignments in a new oven, cellular telephone,
situation creatively and wifi,
innovatively; giving due Bluetooth, zig Bee, z-wave
consideration to the and
social/ economic/ satellite television.
cultural aspects. ● Infrared, example : remote
Infrared camera and
infrared binocular
● visible light, example : laser
technology, photography
and optical
● ultraviolet rays, example :
note detection, and
● X-ray, example: security at
forensics and medicine
● Gamma rays, example :
medical and other


6.1 Refraction of Pupils are able to: PL 1: Recall knowledge Note:

29 23-27 5
and scientific skills on
OKT Light
6.1.1 Describe refraction of Waves. Refraction of light occurs due
2023 light to the change in velocity of
PL 2 Understand light when traversing through
Waves, and able to mediums of different optical
comprehend the density.
6.1.2 Explain refractive index, Suggested activity:
n. PL 3: Apply knowledge
of Waves to explain the Compare the refractive index
occurrences or of different materials such as
phenomena of nature air, water, oil, glass and
and perform simple diamond.
tasks. Relate the refractive index of
a material to its optical
PL 4: Analyze density.
information about Note:
Waves in daily life
problem solving about Refractive index, n is the
natural phenomena. degree to which light bends
when traversing from vacuum
PL 5 : Evaluate to make to a medium.
judgment about Waves Refractive index is defined as
in daily life problem the ratio of speed of light in
solving and decision vacuum to speed of light in
making to carry out a the medium:

PL 6: Invent by applying
the knowledge and skills
about Waves in daily life where c= 3.0 X 108 ms-1
problem solving or
6.1.3 Conceptualize Snell's decision making to carry Note:
Law out activities/ Law of refraction of light
assignments in a new states that for light traversing
situation creatively and between two mediums:
innovatively; giving due ● The incident ray, refractive
consideration to the ray and normal line meet
social/ economic/ at a point and lies in the
cultural aspects. same plane.
● Snell’s Law:

n1 = refractive index of
medium 1
n2 = refractive index of
medium 2
Ѳ1 = incident angle
Ѳ2 = refracted angle
If medium 1 is air (n1=1),
n = refractive index of
particular medium
i = incident angle in the air
r = refracted angle in the

6.1.4 Experiment to Suggested activity:

determine the Carry out an experiment to
refractive index,n for determine the refractive
glass block or perspex. index, n for glass block/
perspex using laser beam/ ray
box and semicircular glass/
perspex block.

6.1.5 Explain real depth and

apparent depth. Suggested activity:

Draw a ray diagram to show

real depth, H and apparent
depth, h.

The relationship between
refractive index, n with real
depth, H and apparent depth,
h is:

Suggested Activity:
6.1.6 Experiment to Carry out an activity to
determine refractive index of determine the refractive
a medium using real depth index of water by using real
and apparent depth. depth and apparent depth
using a
non-parallax method.

6.1.7 Solve problems related Note:

to refraction of light.
Problem solving is limited to
light traversing between two
different mediums
Pupils are able to: PL 1: Recall knowledge Suggested Activity:
30 30 5 6.2 Total Internal
and scientific skills on Carry out activities to observe
OKT- Reflection
6.2.1 Describe critical angle Waves. the phenomenon of total
3 NOV and total internal internal reflection
2023 reflection. PL 2 Understand
Waves, and able to
. comprehend the Suggested Activity:
6.2.2 Relate critical angle with concept. Discuss the relationship
refrative index, n, between critical angle and
PL 3: Apply knowledge refractive index using Snell’s
of Waves to explain the Law with the aid of a ray
occurrences or diagram.
phenomena of nature
6.2.3 Communicate to explain and perform simple Suggested activity:
natural phenomena and tasks. Gather information and
applications of total discuss natural phenomena
internal reflection in PL 4: Analyze that involve total internal
daily life. information about reflection.
Waves in daily life Carry out activities to observe
problem solving about total internal reflection in a
natural phenomena. water stream or optical fibre
PL 5 : Evaluate to make
judgment about Waves Note:
in daily life problem Example of natural
solving and decision phenomena:
making to carry out a ● Formation of rainbow
task. ● Mirage
Example of application:
PL 6: Invent by applying ● Prism periscope
the knowledge and skills ● Optical fibre
about Waves in daily life
● Cat’s eye reflector
problem solving or
decision making to carry
out activities/
6.2.4 Solve problems assignments in a new
involving total internal situation creatively and
reflection. innovatively; giving due
consideration to the
social/ economic/
cultural aspects.

Pupils are able to: PL 1: Recall knowledge Suggested Activity:

31 6 - 10 5 6.3 Image Formation by
and scientific skills on Carry out activities with
NOV Lens
6.3.1 Identify convex lenses Waves. Optical Ray Kit to show
2023 as converging lenses convex lens as converging
and concave lenses as PL 2 Understand lens and concave lens as
diverging lenses Waves, and able to diverging lens.
comprehend the Introduce terms used in
concept. optics:
● principle axis
PL 3: Apply knowledge ● lens axis
of Waves to explain the ● optical centre, O
occurrences or ● focal point, F
phenomena of nature ● object distance,u
and perform simple ● image distance, v
tasks. ● focal length, f

6.3.2 Estimate focal length for PL 4: Analyze Suggested Activity:

a convex lens using information about Carry out activities to observe
distant object. Waves in daily life real images and estimate the
problem solving about focal length of a convex lens
natural phenomena. using distant objects

PL 5 : Evaluate to make
32 4 6.3.3 Determine the position judgment about Waves Suggested Activity:
13 - 17
and features of images in daily life problem Carry out activities and draw
formed by : solving and decision ray diagrams to determine
2023 (i) convex lens making to carry out a features of images formed by
(ii) concave lens task. convex lens and concave
lens for different object
14 NOV PL 6: Invent by applying distance:
(CUTI the knowledge and skills ● u>2f
DEEPA about Waves in daily life ● u = 2f
VALI) problem solving or ● f<u< 2f
decision making to carry ●u=f
out activities/ ● u< f
assignments in a new Note:
situation creatively and Virtual image is an image that
innovatively; giving due cannot be formed on the
consideration to the screen.
social/ economic/
6.3.4 Explain linear cultural aspects. Suggested Activitiy:
magnification, m as: Carry out activities or observe
computer simulations to
generate ideas about image
magnification with the aid of a
ray diagram.

Linear magnification can also

where :
hi = height of the image
ho = height of the object
v = image distance
u = object distance
6.4 Thin Lens Pupils are able to: PL 1: Recall knowledge Note:
33 20-24 5
and scientific skills on
NOV Formula
6.4.1 Experiment to: Waves. Focal length, f of a convex lens
2023 (i) Investigate the is determined from the
relationship between PL 2 Understand
object distance, u and Waves, and able to
image distance, v for a comprehend the
convex lens. concept.
(ii) Determine the focal length
of a thin lens using lens PL 3: Apply knowledge
formula: of Waves to explain the
occurrences or
phenomena of nature
and perform simple

PL 4: Analyze
6.4.2 Solve problems using information about Note:
lens formula for convex Waves in daily life
and concave lens. problem solving about
The value of f for convex lens
natural phenomena.
is always positive and
concave lens is always
PL 5 : Evaluate to make
judgment about Waves
in daily life problem
solving and decision
making to carry out a

PL 6: Invent by applying
the knowledge and skills
about Waves in daily life
problem solving or
decision making to carry
out activities/
assignments in a new
situation creatively and
innovatively; giving due
consideration to the
social/ economic/
cultural aspects.

6.5 Optical Pupil are able to: PL 1: Recall knowledge

34 27 NOV 5
and scientific skills on
-1 DIS instruments
6.5.1 Justify the usage of Waves. Suggested Activity:
2023 lenses in optical
instruments such as PL 2 Understand Carry out ‘hands on’ activities,
magnifying lens, Waves, and able to active reading and/ or
telescope and comprehend the internet search to justify the
microscope. concept. usage of lenses in optical
. instruments
PL 3: Apply knowledge
6.5.2 Design and build a of Waves to explain the Suggested Activity:
compound microscope occurrences or
and astronomical phenomena of nature Carry out project-based
telescope. and perform simple learning:
. tasks. ● Gather information about
PL 4: Analyze microscope and
information about astronomical telescope.
Waves in daily life ●Draw ray diagrams to show
problem solving about image formation in
natural phenomena. compound microscope and
astronomical telescope.
PL 5 : Evaluate to make ● Design and build
judgment about Waves compound microscope and
in daily life problem astronomical telescope
solving and decision using convex lenses
making to carry out a
6.5.3 Communicate task. Suggested Activity:
application of small
lenses in optical PL 6: Invent by applying Discuss about small lens
instrument technology. the knowledge and skills application in optical
about Waves in daily life instruments such as cameras
problem solving or in smart phone and CCTV.
decision making to carry Discuss about the limitation
out activities/ to the thickness of a smart
assignments in a new phone due to the thickness of
situation creatively and the camera’s lens.
innovatively; giving due
consideration to the
PBL (3)
social/ economic/
cultural aspects.

Pupils are able to: PL 1: Recall knowledge

35 4-8 DIS 5 6.6 Image Formation by
and scientific skills on Suggested Activity:
Spherical Mirrors
2023 6.6.1 Determine position and Waves. Introduce terms used in
features of image optics:
formed by: PL 2 Understand ● principal axis
Waves, and able to ● focal point, F
(i) concave mirror comprehend the ● object distance, u
(ii) convex mirror concept. ● image distance, v
● focal length, f
PL 3: Apply knowledge ● centre of curvature, C
of Waves to explain the ● radius of curvature, r
occurrences or
phenomena of nature Draw ray diagrams to
and perform simple determine the position and
tasks. features of image formed by:
● concave mirror
PL 4: Analyze ● convex mirror
information about
Waves in daily life Carry out activities and draw
problem solving about ray diagrams to determine the
natural phenomena. features of images formed by
concave and convex mirrors
PL 5 : Evaluate to make for different object distances:
judgment about Waves
in daily life problem ● u>2f
solving and decision ● u = 2f
making to carry out a ● f<u< 2f
task. ●u=f
● u< f
PL 6: Invent by applying
the knowledge and skills Note:
about Waves in daily life The radius of curvature of a
problem solving or mirror is twice the focal
decision making to carry length:
out activities/ r = 2f
assignments in a new
6.6.2 Explain the applications situation creatively and Suggested activity:
of concave and innovatively; giving due
Gather information to justify
convex mirrors in life. consideration to the
the use of concave and convex
social/ economic/
mirrors in life.
cultural aspects.
CUTI PENGGAL 3 SESI 2023/2024 (15 DIS 2023 - 1 JANUARI 2024)



CUTI AKHIR PERSEKOLAHAN SESI 2023/2024 (10.02.2024 – 10.03.2024)

Prepared by,


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