Conduct Rules Notes ISTM
Conduct Rules Notes ISTM
Conduct Rules Notes ISTM
(i) the wife or husband as the case may be, of the Government servant, whether
residing with the Government servant or not but does not include a wife or
husband, as the case may be, separated from the Government servant by a
decree or order of a competent Court;
(ii) son or daughter or step-son or step-daughter of the Government servant and
wholly dependent on him, but does not include a child or step-child who is
no longer in any way dependent on the Government servant or of whose
custody the Government servant has been deprived by or under any law;
(iii) any other person related, whether by blood or marriage to the Government
servant or to the Government servant's wife or husband, and wholly
dependent on the Government servant.
(Rule – 2)
- Avoid indulgence in any act of sexual harassment of any woman at work place.
An officer in-charge of a work place should take appropriate steps to prevent
such harassment.
A Govt. servant can enroll as member of St. John Ambulance Brigade and
receive training but this should not interfere in discharge of his duties.
(1) No Government servant shall indulge in any act of sexual harassment of any
woman at any work place.
(2) Every Government servant who is in charge of a work place shall take appropriate
steps to prevent sexual harassment to any woman at such work place.
The rule also details as to what entails sexual harassment, and what constitutes a
(Rule- 3 C)
9. Criticism of Government
A Government servant cannot make any statement of fact or opinion via
any broadcast or document or press directly or indirectly, which is an adverse
criticism of any recent or current policy of the Central/State Government. This will
also apply in cases which are capable of embarrassing the relations between
Central Govt. and State Govt. and Central Govt. and Foreign State. This will not
apply when a Govt. servant makes statements or expresses views in his official
(Rule -9)
Government of India’s Decision
The Govt. servant visiting abroad should avoid making any written or oral
statement without prior approval.
(Rule- 10)
Govt. of India’s Decisions
Govt. servants are free to submit memoranda to the Commission and give frank
expression to their personal views but there should not be given any publicity.
Memoranda can also be submitted to the Pay Commission.
12. Subscriptions
A Government servant requires previous sanctions of the Government for
asking or accepting contributions or associating with raising of any fund or
13. Gifts
A Govt. servant shall not accept or allow a member of his family to accept
any gift. On occasions like Weddings, anniversaries or religious functions gifts may
be accepted from near relatives or personal friends who have no official dealings
with him in terms of religious and social practice. However, such relatives and
personal friends should not have official dealings with the Government servant.
He shall report the fact of accepting gift to the Government if the value of gift
exceeds certain monetary limits. These are as follows: -
A Government servant, in other cases, cannot accept a gift without the sanction of
Government if the value exceeds certain monetary limits. These are as follows: -
I. A Govt. servant shall not be permitted to accept gifts of more than trifling value
at the time of transfer. He can accept gifts at the time of retirement from
members of staff with prior permission, if required.
II. Acceptance of passage and hospitality by officers from foreign contracting firms
is not permissible.
III. For receipt of gifts on occasions like weddings from persons having official
dealings with the Govt. servants, sanction of Govt. will be required, if the
amount exceeds the prescribed limits.
14. Dowry
A Government servant shall not give or take dowry. He should also not
demand directly or indirectly and dowry from the parents or guardian of a bride or
(Rule 13-A)
15. Public Demonstration in Honour of Government servants
A Govt. servant should report to the Government the details of his family
members engaged in a trade or business or own or manage an insurance
agency. A Govt. servant may not accept any fee for work done for a private or
public body without sanction of the prescribed authority. He can do so if it is
permitted under general or special orders of Government.
Govt. of India’s Decisions
18. Investments, Lending and Borrowing
A Govt. servant should further not lend or borrow or deposit money from/to
any person or firm or private limited company which may place him under a
pecuniary obligation. He can also not lend money to any person at interest for
which something is charged. This will not, however, apply in the ordinary course
of business with a Bank or public limited company.
The Annual Property Returns required to be filed under the Central Civil
Services (Conduct) Rules, 1964 may be filed in the prescribed form 11. The returns
are required to be filed by all the Government servants belonging to Group 'A' &
'B', 'C' and erstwhile Group 'D', in terms of Rule 18 (4) of the CCS (Conduct) Rules,
1964 which empowers the Government to require a Government servant to submit
a statement of movable or immovable property as may be specified in the orders
from time to time.
A Govt. servant shall not attempt to bring political or any other outside
influence on any supervisor authority in support of his interests regarding service
under the Government.
(Rule -20)
Government of India’s Decision
Government servants should not canvass for out of turn allotment of Govt.
accommodation through MPs, prominent persons, politicians etc.
No notice should be taken of a representation on service matters submitted by
a relative of a Govt. servant.
A Govt. servant shall not enter into a marriage with a person who has a
spouse living. He shall not enter into a marriage if he himself has a spouse living.
A marriage could however be permitted by the Govt. if such a marriage is
permissible under the personal law of the Govt. servant and the other party. Under
other permissible grounds also such a marriage could be allowed. If a Govt.
servant marries a person who is not an Indian national, he should intimate this to
the Government.
A Government servant shall not employ any child below the age of 14 years.
(Rule- 22A)
Govt. of India’ Decision
Note: Interpretation