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Trends 2

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1 Complete the sentences with the time expressions below.

at the moment • by this time • while • soon • yet • at this time • in ages • by the time
1. You will have received an answer ……………………………… next week.
2. ……………………………… the police arrived, the thief had managed to escape.
3. ……………………………… tomorrow, I’ll be running in the marathon.
4. The witness was explaining what had happened ……………………………… the detective was
writing down notes.
5. ……………………………… , I can’t speak to you because it’s very busy at work.
6. We haven’t spoken ……………………………… . I wonder how she’s doing.
7. I bought this dress last month, but I haven’t worn it ……………………………… . I’m waiting for
the right occasion.
8. Hopefully, we’ll hear from them ……………………………… .

2 Complete the sentences with a suitable verb. Use present, past, perfect or future tenses.
1. By next summer, we ……………………………… secondary school and no longer be students
2. I’m so excited. At this time tomorrow, I ……………………………… my friends in New York City.
3. Don’t be late! You ……………………………… the bus.
4. Don’t worry. We ……………………………… you find your way home.
5. I don’t like Jerry. He ……………………………… he’s always right.
6. What ……………………………… you ……………………………… when the waitress spilled the
drink on you?
7. What ……………………………… they ……………………………… when they discover the
8. You look sad. What ……………………………… you ……………………………… about?
9. Thanks for the tickets. It was the best performance I
10. They ……………………………… me until I took off my mask.

3 Rewrite the sentences using the correct form of the verbs in brackets. Do not change the meaning
of the original sentences. Make any necessary changes.
1. What’s his opinion of my proposal? (think)
2. She’s a vegetarian. (eat)
3. On her 80th birthday, she went abroad for the first time. (never / fly)
4. Sam was busy with his homework when we arrived. (do)
5. I’m still working on my essay. (complete)
6. This is the first time our team came in first place. (win)
7. There is no doubt that he’s very tired. (must)
8. It is possible that John is upset (might).
9. I will finish my education before I turn 30. (By the time).

4. Complete the sentences with a suitable modal affirmative or negative and the correct form of
the verbs in brackets. Some sentences may have more than one correct answer
1.Nobody ……………………… (do) anything to prevent yesterday’s tragedy.
2.In my opinion, you ……………………… (wear) that shirt any more. It’s too tight on you.
3.……………………… I ……………………… (have) a cup of tea, please?
4.I ……………………… (believe) that Teri is going out with Jack. She knows how much you like him!
5.You ……………………… (pay) me back. It’s a gift.
6.I forgot my mobile phone. …………………………… (borrow) yours?
7.I’m not going straight home. …………………………… (stop) at the bank first.
8.There is so much for me to organise. What …………………………… (do) first?


5. Complete the sentences with the appropriate modal perfects.

1. My bag’s gone! Someome …………………..taken it.
2. Paul…………………taken the dog out, but I’m not really sure.
3. Jill………………..taken the car-the keys are still on the table.
4. I feel ill. I…………………..eaten so much cake.
5. I’m sorry I didn’t phone you. I ……………………told you the news sooner.


6 Write a suitable continuation for each sentence below with the words in brackets and a suitable
verb. Use the Future Simple, be going to or Present Continuous. There may be more than one
possible answer.
1. Don’t forget to call her on her birthday. (happy)
2. I can’t join you tonight. (for an exam)
3. Watch out! (off the chair)
4. I heard you’re also going to the party next week. (shoes)

7 Complete the sentences with the verbs in brackets. Use the Future Perfect Simple or Future
1. Our friends are arriving late. Do you think they …………………… (already / eat) ?
2. Good luck on the exam. We ……………………………… (think) about you.
3. Don’t call before noon. I ……………………………… (not wake).
4. …………………… you still ……………………………… (study) when I come home tonight?
5. I sent her three e-mails. I hope I ……………………………… (receive) a message from her by
the end of the day.
6. Next month, we ……………………………… (know) each other for over ten years.
7. At this time tomorrow, we ……………………………… (enjoy) the warm weather in California.

8 Complete the sentences so that their meanings are similar to the original sentence. Use a suitable
future tense.
1. My wedding is next month.
I ...................................................................................... .
2. The exam is from 10.00-12.00.
At 11.00 .......................................................................... .
3. We don’t expect to win the competition.
We probably ................................................................... .
4. The train is arriving in an hour.
In an hour from now ........................................................ .
5. He’ll make lots of money before his 30th birthday.
By the time ……………………………………………………………………

9 Complete the sentences with a suitable verb. Use a future tense.

1. Ladies and gentlemen, the film …………………………………………………………. in a few
2. Did you forget your lunch? Don’t worry – I ……………………………………………….. mine with
3. Move out of the way! The car …………………………………………………………………. you!
4. We …………………………………………………………. on the beach tomorrow at this time.
5. Hopefully, I ……………………………………………….. by the time I’m 25 years old.
6. Hurry or we ……………………………………………………. late.
10Complete the dialogue with the correct form of the verbs in brackets. Use the
FutureSimple, be going to, Present Continuous, Future Perfect or Future Continuous.
There may be more than one possible answer.
A:Hi, Kate. I’m just calling to say goodbye.
B:Where are you going?
A:At this time tomorrow, I 1. ……………………………… (fly) to Tuscany. My parents gave me a six-day
cookery course holiday as a birthday gift.
B:That’s great! I know you love cooking, but …………………… you ………………………………
(cook) the entire time?
A:No, there 3. ……………………………… (be) lots of activities for all the participants to do there,
including horseback riding, because the cookery school is on a farm. In the mornings, we
……………………………… (study) with
a local chef and the rest of time we ……………………………… (explore) the area on horseback
with a guide.
B:It sounds like you ……………………………… (not have) any time to relax.
A:Don’t worry. There’s also a swimming pool and a gym which I 7. ……………………………… (use).
B:How many people are in the course?
A:Five other people ……………………………… (take) the course with me, but I’m the only person
from Britain.
The others are American and Australian. I’m really excited!
B:Good luck! Hopefully, you ……………………………… (learn) a lot about Italian food by the time
you come back.
A:I hope so. It’s a promise, I 10. ……………………………… (invite) you for a meal.

11 Write a question for each answer. Pay attention to the words in bold. Use the correct verb tenses.
1. ………………………………………………………………………………..?
We were waiting in the queue when we saw Mark.
2. ………………………………………………………………………………..?
I haven’t seen Jack for ages.
3. ………………………………………………………………………………..?
My cousin went to England last summer.
4. ………………………………………………………………………………..?
Jim used to play hide-and-seek when he was little.
5. ……………………………………………………………………………….?
No, I haven’t. I have never eaten a snail.
Katie plays tennis twice a week.
7. ………………………………………………………………………………?
There were twenty three children at the party.
I got teased at school because my hair looked funny.

9. ……………………………………………………………………………………?
The workmates informed their boss about the project.

12 Complete the sentences using the appropriate gerund or infinitive verb.

1. I always avoid………………………(phone) people after 10.pm. I think it is impolite.
2. Do you regret……………………….. (marry) him?
3. Do you mind…………………………. (travel) such a long way to work every day?
4. It was great ………………………….(catch) up with you after such a long time.
5. Football practice ended early today. We stopped ……………………… (play) shortly after it began
…………………… (rain).
6. I’m taking a course in Italian instead of …………………… (continue) with French.
………………………….(travel) around Sicily has changed my mind about that marvellous language.
7. My little niece is very lazy and messy. I would like her ………………………..(be) more responsible.

13 Reported speech

Turn the following sentences into indirect speech:

A) Statements and questions
1. “She wants to come here” I said.

2. My parents are listening to the evening news”. He explained.

3. “Mark has stopped eating chocolate” I told my sister-in- law.

4. “It rained all day” He mentioned.

5. “Hannah will get home late tonight” Jack complained.

6. “Are you going to buy this magazine?” My son asked me.

7. Why don’t you watch this film? Our neighbour said.

8. Did you have a party in the house tonight? Her parents asked.
9. Where’s the TV? I wondered.

10. How did you break this window? The teacher asked Sarah.
The teacher wanted to know……….
11. Why are there empty bottles on the carpet? My grandmother asked.

12. Can you give us an explanation for your bad results? Mark’s parents said.

13. “ She may be a muslim because she covers her body and head with long clothes” people thought.

B) Orders, requests and suggestions

Change the following orders and suggestions into indirect speech using the verbs in brackets.
1. Mr Phillips said to his son, “Post these letters” (tell)

2. My husband said to me, “Buy some milk today” (remind)

3. Sam said to his friends, “Let’s meet here in an hour” (suggest)

4. Amy’s aunt said, “ Hurry up or you will be late” (advise)

5. The boss said to his employee, “Don’t tell anybody” (warn)

6. My daughter said, “You should buy this skirt” (recommend)


1. Larry asked his boss how much money he had earned from his articles.

2. My mum suggested that I apologise to my friend.

3. The thief claimed that he was not proud of what he had done.

4. My mother-in-law wanted to know if/whether I was looking for a job.

5. He told me not to wait for him. / Or He said to me not to wait for him.

6. Mary told her children not to get up early because they didn’t have to go to school the following day.
7. My workmate asked me if/whether I wanted to go to the cinema with him.

8. The lawyer warned the politician to stop lying to the public if/whether he wanted to be respected.

9. My mother warned me to stop teasing my younger brother.

10. He told his daughters not to talk aloud because their little brother was sleeping.


14 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verb in brackets.
1. When/If you ………………………..(mix) blue and yellow paint, you get green
2. If your computer……………………..(be) slow, it may need a bigger memory.
3. you were more careful, you ………………….(make) so many mistakes.
4. They won’t understand her unless she …………………(speak) slowly.
5. If you …………………….(put) more salt in the soup, it might have tasted better.
6. If your computer had had a bug, it ……………………………(crash).
7. Unless you log into this site, we……………………………..(not be able) to chat online.
8. If Kate ………………………more attention in class, she’d get better marks.
9. If you could travel through time, which century …………………………..(you go) to?
10. I would have gone to college if I ………………………………….(pass) my exams.
11. I wouldn’t have got so wet if I ……………………………………..(forget) my umbrella.
12. People ………………….(die) if they don’t eat.
13. What would you do if you…………………………………….(see) a gosht?
14. I won’t go to the party unless she ……………………….(come) too.
15. As soon as they …………………………….(arrive) I’ll serve coffee and cake.
16. My husband will come home when he ……………………..(finish) work.
17. Ann ……………………………(brush) her teeth before she goes to bed.
18. She will meet me after it ……………………………..(stop) raining.

Usamos el futuro con las time clauses u oraciones subordinadas de tiempo. Recuerda que
usamos la coma cuando la oración principal (la que contiene futuro con will) va en segunda

I'll visit you when I go to Madrid.

When I go to Madrid, I'll visit you

Los adverbios de tiempo o expresiones adverbiales más comunes que podemos encontrar en
la oración subordinada son:

after, as soon as, before, by the time, the moment, till, until y when.
Eg. "I won't go out until it will stop raining."
“The gardener will plant new trees in the park as soon as the weather gets warmer”.
15 Rewrite the sentences to make 1st, 2nd, 3rd conditional statements. Use the correct form of
the verbs in brackets.
1. You can’t swim so you don’t go to the pool very often. (can).Eg. If I could swim, I would go to the pool
more often.
2. You lost the match yesterday because you were too tired. (win)

3. You didn’t get the job because you were too nervous at the interview. (get)

4. You want to try the new cinema, but you’re not sure you are going out this weekend. (go out)

5. You don’t understand the exercise so you can’t do your homework. (understand).

6. You want to go on holiday in the summer and you might visit Italy. (go)

17. Replace the words in bold with the phrasal verbs below.
Catch up Fall out Break up  Give up Clean up cut down run out of  give off throw away look up
Lie down Take on Catch on Write down Make up Take up  Ask out  Take after Take off

1. Can you note down the address of the bookshop for me in my notebook, please?
2. Companies that cause pollution should pay to remove the mess.
3. Experts say that we will finish our global reserves of petrol soon.
4. Instead of discarding bottles and plastic containers, we should recycle them.
5. Car, buses and planes emit tons of carbons dioxide gas every day.
6. We can reduce the amount of electricity we use by turning off domestic appliances.
7. If you don’t know the meaning, search for the word in a dictionary.
8. That argument was two weeks ago. It’s about time you two reconcile.
9. She split up with her boyfriend last week. They didn’t get on well.
10. I have decided to start (a hobby) salsa dancing. It’s fun.
11. Why don’t you invite Sally on a date? I know you fancy her.
12. Fran has argued with his parents badly. They just don’t understand each other.
13. Don’t surrender. Keep trying and you will achieve your goals!
14. Spinners became popular among students last year. Now they have practically disappeared from the
15. We all take for granted that genes determine physical characteristics. However, I don’t resemble my
parents at all!
16. Could you please remove the lid this jar for me?
17. Since I have been living abroad for two year, I have to get up-to-date with my best friends.
18. Due to the current crisis, the company won’t hire any more employees.
19. After having done all these boring sentences on phrasal verbs, I’ll have a rest/recline. I worth it!

18. Rewrite the following sentence without changing its meaning. Begin as indicated.
1. Although it was raining, we went out.
2. I have attended Juergas Festival for 5 years.
It has been five years……………………………………………………………………………………….
3. These men and women can go nowhere else.
These men and women cannot…………………………………………………………………………….
4. It is not necessary for them to attend the lecture on poverty and hunger.
5. I think I should get some rest.
If I………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….
6. Sarah didn’t miss the wedding reception. She was ill.

19 Join the following sentences with an appropriate linker. (Do not use and, but or because).
Make changes if necessary.
1. All beliefs are equally valid. Everybody should respect them.

2. He got a high grade on his university entrance exam. He was able to get into medical school.

3. I was extremely tired. I had to go to bed immediately.

4. Lots of tourists visit that old building every summer. It is one the major attractions in London.

5. My neighbour watered the plants. It had been raining for the whole weekend.

6. She had enough money for the computer. She didn’t buy it.

7. The internet has changed how humans communicate. It has made communication faster and easier.

20 Complete the sentences with the correct connectors below.

Although • since • so • in addition to • in spite of • also • consequently • but • however • due to

1. ……………………………. the rain, we decided to play football in the park.

2. ……………………………... completing our assignment, we had to study for final exams.
3. …………………………….we were tired, we went to the meeting.
4. …………………………….the size of the demonstration, there were a lot of police.
5. Many celebrities attended the event. ………………………………., they raised a lot of money.
6. Please, be quiet ……………………... I want to hear the president’s speech.

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