06 Cat Rele Corriente ABB
06 Cat Rele Corriente ABB
06 Cat Rele Corriente ABB
2/1 ABB | Catalog Electronic relays and controls 2016 | 2CDC 110 004 C0210_02 (I)
Measuring and monitoring relays
Table of contents
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Measuring and monitoring relays
Benefits and advantages
–– 45 mm wide housing – – Only 22.5 mm wide housing – – Only 22.5 mm wide housing
–– Output contacts: 2 c/o (SPDT) contacts – – Output contacts: 1 or 2 c/o (SPDT) – – Output contacts: 1 c/o
–– Continuous voltage contacts contact or 1 n/o contact
range (24-240 V AC/DC) or single-supply – – One supply voltage range or supplied – – One supply voltage range
–– Setting and operation via front-face by measuring circuit – – One monitoring function
operating controls – – Setting and operation via front-face – – Cost-efficient solution for
–– Adjustment of threshold values and operating controls OEM applications
switching hysteresis via direct reading – – Adjustment of threshold values and – – Preset monitoring ranges
scale switching hysteresis via direct read-
–– Adjustable time delays ing scale
–– Integrated and snap-fitted front-face – – Integrated and snap-fitted front-face
marker label marker
–– Sealable transparent cover (accessory) – – Snap-on housing: The relays can be
placed on a DIN rail tool-free - just
snap it on or remove it tool-free
– – Sealable transparent cover
Certifications / Approvals
For certifications and approvals we kindly advise to go the documentation/download section on the product web pages that are
referenced on the order pages.
Benefits at a glance
2/3 ABB | Catalog Electronic relays and controls 2016 | 2CDC 110 004 C0210_02 (I)
Measuring and monitoring relays
Benefits and advantages
The Easy Connect Technology provides excellent vibration Double-chamber cage connection terminals provide connection
resistance with gas tight push-in terminals – the right solution of wires up to 2 x 0.5-2.5 mm² (2 x 20-14 AWG) rigid or fine-
for harsh environment. Selected products of the electronic strand, with or without wire end ferrules. Potential distribution
timers and measuring and monitoring relays comply to the does not require additional terminals. The extended type
latest rail standards NF F 16-101/102, EN 45545, EN 50155 designators for products with double-chamber cage connection
and more standards which are relevant for railway applications. terminals are indicated by a S following the extended type
Find more inforamtion in the rail brochure 2CDC110084B0201. designator e.g. CM-xxS.xxS.
2 4 6 88
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Measuring and monitoring relays
Assortment overview
2/5 ABB | Catalog Electronic relays and controls 2016 | 2CDC 110 004 C0210_02 (I)
Measuring and monitoring relays
Assortment overview
CM-MSE and CM-MSS provide full protection of motors with Acquisition, messaging and regulation of temperatures of solid,
integrated PTC resistor sensors. liquid and gaseous media in processes and machines
–– Protection of motors against thermal overload, e. g. –– Motor and system protection
caused by insufficient cooling, heavy load starting –– Control panel temperature monitoring
conditions, undersized motors, etc. –– Frost monitoring
–– Temperature limits for process variables, e.g. in the
See “Ordering details” on page 2/74. packing or electroplating industry
–– Control of systems and machines like heating,
air-conditioning and ventilation systems, solar collectors,
heat pumps or hot water supply systems
–– Monitoring of servomotors with KTY sensors
–– Bearing and gear oil monitoring
–– Coolant monitoring
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Current and voltage monitoring relays, single-phase
Product group picture
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Current and voltage monitoring relays, single-phase
Table of contents
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Current and voltage monitoring relays, single-phase
Benefits and advantages
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Current and voltage monitoring relays, single-phase
Operating controls
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Current and voltage monitoring relays, single-phase
Selection table - Current monitoring relays
Order number
2/11 ABB | Catalog Electronic relays and controls 2016 | 2CDC 110 004 C0210_02 (I)
Current and voltage monitoring relays, single-phase
Ordering details - Current monitoring relays
The CM range current monitoring relays protect single-phase mains (DC or AC) from over- and
undercurrent from 3 mA to 15 A.
Ordering details
Description Type Order code Price Weight
2CDC 251 054 V0011
(1 pc)
1 pc kg (lb)
1SVR730840R0200 0.145 (0.320)
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Current and voltage monitoring relays, single-phase
Selection table - Voltage monitoring relays
Order number
2/13 ABB | Catalog Electronic relays and controls 2016 | 2CDC 110 004 C0210_02 (I)
Current and voltage monitoring relays, single-phase
Ordering details - Voltage monitoring relays
The CM range voltage monitoring relays provide reliable monitoring of voltages as well as
detection of phase loss in single-phase mains.
Ordering details 2
Description Type Order code Price Weight
2CDC 251 060 V0011
(1 pc)
1 pc kg (lb)
1SVR730830R0300 0.135 (0.298)
CM-ESS.MP CM-ESS.1S 1SVR730831R0300 0.164 (0.362)
1SVR730831R1300 0.164 (0.362)
1SVR740830R0300 0.126 (0.278)
CM-ESS.1P 1SVR740831R0300 0.155 (0.342)
1SVR740831R1300 0.155 (0.342)
1SVR730830R0400 0.153 (0.337)
See “Selection table - Voltage monitoring relays” on page CM-ESS.2S 1SVR730831R0400 0.181 (0.399)
2CDC 251 059 V0011
S: screw connection
P: push-in connection
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Current and voltage monitoring relays, single-phase
Function diagrams
2 Measured value
11-14 (15-18)
Measured value
11-14 (15-18)
If the measured value exceeds resp. drops below the adjusted threshold value, the output relay(s) energize(s): on the CM-SRS.1
immediately, on the CM-SRS.2 after the set tripping delay T V. If the measured value exceeds resp. drops below the threshold value
plus resp. minus the adjusted hysteresis, the output relay(s) de-energize(s). The hysteresis is adjustable within a range of 3-30 %
of the threshold value.
Measured value
Measured value
TS TV < TV Open-circuit principle
Open-circuit principle open
11-14 (15-18)
11-14 (15-18)
11-12 (15-16)
11-12 (15-16)
21-24 (25-28)
21-24 (25-28)
21-22 (25-26)
21-22 (25-26)
green LED
green LED
red LED
red LED
yellow LED
yellow LED
Closed-circuit principle closed
11-14 (15-18)
11-14 (15-18)
11-12 (15-16)
11-12 (15-16)
21-24 (25-28)
21-24 (25-28)
21-22 (25-26)
21-22 (25-26)
green LED
green LED
red LED
red LED
yellow LED
yellow LED
Reset Reset
Threshold Measured value
Hysteresis Hysteresis
Measured value Threshold
Open-circuit principle open Open-circuit principle open TS TV TS < TV
11-14 (15-18) 11-14 (15-18)
11-12 (15-16) 11-12 (15-16)
21-24 (25-28) 21-24 (25-28)
21-22 (25-26) 21-22 (25-26)
green LED green LED
red LED red LED
yellow LED yellow LED
Closed-circuit principle closed
Closed-circuit principle closed
If the measured value exceeds resp. drops below the adjusted threshold value before the set start-up delay T S is complete, the
output relays do not change their actual state. If the measured value exceeds resp. drops below the adjusted threshold value
when T S is complete, the tripping delay T V starts. If T V is complete and the measured value is still exceeding resp. below the
threshold value plus resp. minus the set hysteresis, the output relays energize h / de-energize g.
If the measured value exceeds resp. drops below the threshold value minus resp. plus the set hysteresis and the latching function
is not activated e, the output relays de-energize h / energize g. With activated latching function f the output relays remain
energized h and de-energize only, when the supply voltage is interrupted / the output relays remain de-energized g and
energize only, when the supply voltage is switched off and then again switched on = Reset.
The hysteresis is adjustable within a range of 3-30 % of the threshold value.
2/15 ABB | Catalog Electronic relays and controls 2016 | 2CDC 110 004 C0210_02 (I)
Current and voltage monitoring relays, single-phase
Function diagrams
11-14 (15-18)
11-14 (15-18) 11-12 (15-16)
11-12 (15-16)
21-24 (25-28)
21-24 (25-28) 21-22 (25-26)
21-22 (25-26)
green LED
green LED
red LED
red LED
yellow LED
yellow LED
ON-delayed A current window monitoring with parallel OFF-delayed B current window monitoring with parallel
switching c/o contacts j: switching c/o contacts j:
If the measured value exceeds resp. drops below the adjusted If the measured value exceeds resp. drops below the adjusted
threshold value before the set start-up delay TS is complete, the threshold value when the set start-up delay T S is complete,
output relays do not change their actual state. the output relays energize h / de-energize g, when B is
If the measured value exceeds resp. drops below the adjusted configured, and remain in this position during the set tripping
threshold value when TS is complete, the tripping delay TV starts, delay TV. If the measured value exceeds resp. drops below the
when A is configured. If T V is complete and the measured threshold value plus resp. minus the fixed hysteresis (5%) and
value is still exceeding resp. below the threshold value minus the latching function is not activated e, the tripping delay T V
resp. plus the fixed hysteresis (5%), the output relays energize starts. After completion of TV, the output relays de-energize
h /de-energize g . h / energize g , provided that the latching function is not
If the measured value exceeds resp. drops below the threshold activated e. With activated latching function f the output
value plus resp. minus the hysteresis and the latching function relays remain energized h and de-energize only, when the
is not activated f, the output relays de-energize h / energize supply voltage is interrupted / the output relays remain de-
g. With activated latching function e the output relays energized g and energize only, when the supply voltage is
remain energized h and de-energize only, when the supply switched off and then again switched on = Reset. When i is
voltage is interrupted / the output relays remain de-energized adjusted on the device, the functionality is equivalent to the one
g and energize only, when the supply voltage is switched off described above. There is only to consider that in this case,
and then again switched on = Reset. instead of both output relays, only one output relay each will
be switched.
“>I“ = 1115-1216/14 18 ; “<I“ = 2125-22 26/2428
2CDC 252 208 F0205
Measured value TV < TV
Measured value
11-14 (15-18)
11-14 (15-18) 11-12 (15-16)
11-12 (15-16) 21-24 (25-28)
green LED 21-22 (25-26)
2CDC 252 211 F0205
Threshold Threshold
11-14 (15-18)
11-14 (15-18)
11-12 (15-16)
11-12 (15-16)
21-24 (25-28)
green LED 21-22 (25-26)
Depending on the configuration, the voltage monitoring relays CM-ESS.1 and CM-ESS.2 can be used for over- d or undervoltage
monitoring c in single-phase AC and/or DC systems. The voltage to be monitored (measured value) is applied to terminals B-C.
The devices work according the open-circuit principle. If the measured value exceeds resp. drops below the adjusted threshold
value, the output relay(s) energize(s): on the CM-ESS.1 immediately, on the CM-ESS.2 after the set tripping delay T V. If the
measured value exceeds resp. drops below the threshold value plus resp. minus the adjusted hysteresis, the output relay(s) de-
energize(s). The hysteresis is adjustable within a range of 3-30 % of the threshold value.
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Current and voltage monitoring relays, single-phase
Function diagrams
Open-circuit principle open Open-circuit principle open
< TV TV < TV
11-14 (15-18) 11-14 (15-18)
11-12 (15-16) 11-12 (15-16)
21-24 (25-28) 21-24 (25-28)
21-22 (25-26) 21-22 (25-26)
green LED green LED
red LED red LED
yellow LED yellow LED
Closed-circuit principle closed
Closed-circuit principle closed
Reset Reset
Threshold Measured value
Hysteresis Hysteresis
< TV TV < TV
Open-circuit principle open
Open-circuit principle open < TV TV < TV
11-14 (15-18) 11-14 (15-18)
11-12 (15-16) 11-12 (15-16)
21-24 (25-28) 21-24 (25-28)
21-22 (25-26) 21-22 (25-26)
11-14 (15-18)
11-14 (15-18)
11-12 (15-16)
11-12 (15-16)
21-24 (25-28)
21-24 (25-28)
21-22 (25-26)
21-22 (25-26)
green LED
green LED
red LED
red LED
yellow LED
yellow LED
If the measured value exceeds resp. drops below the adjusted threshold value, the tripping delay TV starts. If TV is complete
and the measured value is still exceeding resp. below the threshold value plus resp. minus the set hysteresis, the output relays
energize h / de-energize g.
If the measured value exceeds resp. drops below the threshold value plus resp. minus the set hysteresis and the latching function
is not activated e, the output relays de-energize h / energize g. With activated latching function f the output relays remain
energized h and de-energize only, when the supply voltage is interrupted / the output relays remain de-energized g and
energize only, when the supply voltage is switched off and then again switched on = Reset. The hysteresis is adjustable within a
range of 3-30 % of the threshold value. Further function diagrams see data sheet.
If the measured value exceeds resp. drops below the adjusted threshold value, the tripping delay
Measured value
< TV TV < TV
TV starts, when A is configured. If T V is complete and the measured value is still exceeding resp.
Open-circuit principle
below the threshold value minus resp. plus the fixed hysteresis (5%), the output relays energize
11-14 (15-18)
11-12 (15-16)
21-24 (25-28)
h /de-energize g.
21-22 (25-26)
green LED
If the measured value exceeds resp. drops below the threshold value plus resp. minus the
red LED
yellow LED
Closed-circuit principle closed
11-14 (15-18)
11-12 (15-16)
21-24 (25-28)
hysteresis and the latching function is not activated e, the output relays de-energize h /
energize g. With activated latching function e the output relays remain energized h and de-
21-22 (25-26)
green LED
red LED
yellow LED
energize only, when the supply voltage is interrupted / the output relays remain de-energized g
and energize only, when the supply voltage is switched off and then again switched on = Reset.
OFF-delayed B voltage window monitoring with parallel switching c/o contacts j:
Voltage window monitoring 1x2 c/o contact j
OFF-delayed B without latching e
If the measured value exceeds resp. drops below the adjusted threshold value, the output relays
2CDC 252 233 F0205
Measured value
energize h / de-energize g, when B is configured, and remain in this position during the set
tripping delay TV.
If the measured value exceeds resp. drops below the threshold value plus resp. minus the fixed
Open-circuit principle open
11-14 (15-18)
11-12 (15-16)
hysteresis (5%) and the latching function is not activated e, the tripping delay TV starts.
21-24 (25-28)
21-22 (25-26)
green LED
red LED
yellow LED After completion of T V, the output relays de-energize h / energize g, provided that the latching
function is not activated e. With activated latching function e the output relays remain
Closed-circuit principle closed
11-14 (15-18)
11-12 (15-16)
energized h and de-energize only, when the supply voltage is interrupted / the output relays
21-24 (25-28)
21-22 (25-26)
green LED
remain de-energized g and energize only, when the supply voltage is switched off and then
red LED
yellow LED
2/17 ABB | Catalog Electronic relays and controls 2016 | 2CDC 110 004 C0210_02 (I)
Current and voltage monitoring relays, single-phase
Connection diagrams, DIP switches
A1 1115 2125
2CDC 252 207 F0005
Position 4 3 2 1
B B-C Measuring ranges AC/DC: ON
30-300 V; 60-600 V
1115 -1216/1418 Output contacts - open- or open V
2CDC 110 004 C0210_02 (I) Catalog Electronic relays and controls 2016 | ABB 2/18
Current and voltage monitoring relays, single-phase
Connection diagrams, DIP switches
2/19 ABB | Catalog Electronic relays and controls 2016 | 2CDC 110 004 C0210_02 (I)
Current monitoring relays, single-phase
Technical data - Current monitoring relays
In case of measured currents > 10 A, lateral spacing has to be min. 10 mm
Open-circuit principle: output relay energizes if the measured value exceeds b / falls below a the adjusted threshold value
Closed-circuit principle: output relay de-energizes if measured value exeeds b / falls below a the adjusted threshold value
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Current monitoring relays, single-phase
Technical data - Current monitoring relays
2/21 ABB | Catalog Electronic relays and controls 2016 | 2CDC 110 004 C0210_02 (I)
Voltage monitoring relays, single-phase
Technical data - Voltage monitoring relays
1) Open-circuit principle: output relay energizes if the measured value exceeds d / falls below c the adjusted threshold value
Closed-circuit principle: output relay de-energizes if measured value exeeds d / falls below c the adjusted threshold value
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Voltage monitoring relays, single-phase
Technical data - Voltage monitoring relays
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