Effectiveness of Reward As A Modifier On Students Behavior at Primary Level
Effectiveness of Reward As A Modifier On Students Behavior at Primary Level
Effectiveness of Reward As A Modifier On Students Behavior at Primary Level
2023, Vol. 7, No. 6, 95-104
Assistant Professor Education Department Humanities, Education & Psychology Air University, Islamabad.
Chair/Assistant Professor Education Department Humanities, Education & Psychology Air University, Islamabad.
M.Phil. Education scholar Department Humanities, Education & Psychology Air University, Islamabad.
M.Phil. Education scholar Department Humanities, Education & Psychology Air University, Islamabad.
The effects of reward system on student of Chak Shahzad performance and there learning behavior at primary level were
explored in this study. The incentive Theory was used in this investigation. This theoryis critical to comprehend a student's
performance and learning behavior. In this study descriptive research method was selected. The influence of the reward
system on students' performance was investigated using questionnaires. A total of 200 students were chosen as a sample
from Windsor International schoolChak shahzad, Islamabad. This study's findings showed that a student's reward system
significantly affects their performance at the elementary level.Moreover, this study provided a substantial contribution
to understanding the links between reward systems and primary school students’ performanceand learning processes at
primary level. It is recommended that a university- level study be done to determine the elements influencing students'
psychological well-being measure in order to improve their academic success.
Keywords: Reinforcement, Positive and Negative Reinforcement, Stimulus, Achievement, Performance and
to keep themselves comfortable, which makes them 1.1. Statement of the Problem
lack interested in studying.Rather than prizes, students
The teachers at these schools frequently lack the
should receive instruction that focuses on their
motivation to help students with learning problems,
intrinsic motivation (Bowen, 1995). Considering
and that’s why they come with poor results in their
learning about the student's interests a need as compared
academic exams. Their behavior may be modified by
to a reward should be a common goal. In the classroom,
rewarding them with the intrinsic motivation in the
students who are encouraged to perceive themselves as
responsible individuals are more likely to take chances
and achieve higher scores. In fact, pupils who feel they
have greater control over their education have higher self- 1.2. The study's objectives
esteem (Ryan, 1986).
Teachers need to receive training on how to motivate The study's main goals are:
students in a genuine way rather than by promising To evaluate which primary school rewards are effective
them the next external reward. The most important and ineffective.
aspects are creating a self-contained learning
environment and helping pupils to see themselves as To evaluate how students' and teachers' attitudes on the
decision-makers (Gunaretnam, 2021). use of rewards different.
The major goal of this study is to see how effective To give guidance for primary-level reward strategies
reward is as a behavior modification for pupils that work.
(DECHARMS, 1972). All teachers and students are
important to the educational process.Teachers are the
builders and architects of the nation, while students 1.3. Significance of the study
are the building blocks. Effective learning can only be
The study's conclusions are helpful for teacher-
accomplished if teachers and students have a positive
training programs. to develop teacher’s attitude and
relationship. As shown in a latest report in the journal
valuesfor reward practices at primary level. This study
of Psychological science by Cornell researchers
aims to provide set of pedagogical strategies that promote
Kaitlin Woolley and Eyelet Fish Bach, participants
rewards at the primary school level.
who got instant, People who received regular rewards
The researcher looked into the significance of rewards
for completing simple tasks showed more passion and
in learning results and success, how intrinsic
interest in their work than those who only received late
motivation impacts student performance, how to
awards at the conclusion of a lengthy assignment
encourage students, and how to motivate students
(Woolley, 2018).
with learning disabilities.
However, they found that the same people remained
motivated and engaged in their work even after the
1.4. Research questions
rewards were stopped, showing a long-term good in
managing between rewards and performance, Are reward practices at primary level school effective
especially when regular rewards were given early in enough to modify students’ behavior in theclassroom?
their workload. Three approaches—cognitive, social, What are the effective and ineffective ways of rewards
and humanistic—are used to explain the idea of practiced at primary school? What are the beliefs of
learning. According to Skinner, operant conditioning students regarding the reward practices held in the
is a type of learning in which a behavior's outcomes classroom?
change the likelihood that it will occur; for instance, a
2. Literature review
reward depends on how an individual
responds.(Halonen, 1996).In comparison to skinners, The importance of education is undeniable. Education
operant conditioning uses the incentive-learning link is understanding how minimize one’s abilities. human
to explain learning. It is impossible to emphasize the being is not a human being in the proper sense until he
role that motivation plays in learning. The research is educated there are two main arguments for the
amply supports the relationship between motivation necessary of education education, human mind
and success (Morin, 2017 training is incomplete.
97 Journal of Positive School Psychology
Education develops a man's ability to think clearly. It incentives or rewards then it will have very positive
instructs man on how to think and make decisions effects on their behavior (ralay., 2000).
(dad, 2010). The principal explanation for education's The significance of education in economic development
relevance is that only via education is man allowed to cannot be denied. The importance of education as a
collect knowledge from an outside world, acquainted major factor in economic development was shown by
himself with past history, and obtain all required economic research over the past four decades.
information about the current. Man is as if he is in a Education is the process of improving a person's or a
sealed space without education, while he is in a room workforce's human skills and knowledge. Economic
with all of its windows open to outside the world with progress needs both a qualitative improvement in the
education (PHELPS, 1997) type of education provided and a quantitative increase
This is due to the high value that Islam places on in the number of educational possibilities (Komenan,
knowledge and education. When the Holy Quran was 2009).
initially revealed, the first verse's first word was 'Iqra,'
which means read. As a result, education is the 3. Research Methodology
beginning point for all human endeavors (Khattak,
In this research the Quantitative as well as qualitative
method has been used. However, survey has been
Education should strive to produce a balanced
conducted to facilitate the research in Windsor
evolution of a man's full personality by teaching his
international school Chak shahzad. In that school 200
spirits, intellect logical self, emotional state, and
students took as sample and doing experiments’ by
bodily sense. Therefore, education need to be
asking question them.
motivating. All elements of man's growth, including the
moral, intellectual, creative, physical, scientific, and
3.1. Study design
linguistic ones, should aim for goodness and perfection.
Through Muslim education, people, groups, and Descriptive research was used by the researcher.
humanity as a whole can come to complete obedience to Information is acquired in descriptive research to
Allah. (Rumfola, 2022). address major concerns the study's subject's current
The following examples demonstrate how valuable situation.
and fulfilling is the information. "He who obtains Descriptive studies are typically focused on assessing
wisdom obtains a large portion." "If somebody is on attitudes, opinions, and demographic data. There are
his road in search of knowledge, God makes the path two basic reasons why descriptive research is
to Paradise easy for him" (Pintel, -2006). beneficial.
Descriptive research studies account for a large
2.1. Theoretical Framework portion of published research studies.The descriptive
technique can be used to research a wide range of
The Researcher applied “Incentive theory of Human
educational issues.
development by Kohlberg (1958)” to further support
the argument. This theory suggests that the need for an
3.2. Population
external reward frequently motivates our behaviour. The
Students at the primary level in Islamabad were the
incentive theory, one of the major theories of motivation,
target of the study.
argues that the demand for reinforcement of rewards
motivates behaviour (Bowey, 1993). 3.3. Sample
You surely recognize a few times when the prospect
of a reward or punishment had a direct impact on your In this study we used a sample of 200 respondents
behaviour. Maybe you worked hard to study for a test from Windsor International School Chak
to get a good ranking ran a marathon to draw attention,
or to obtain a promotion, changed jobs. An
inducement to acquire anything in return for your
efforts influenced all of these activities. Similarly, if
we apply that theory on students and provide them
Dr. Sadaf Zamir Ahmed 98
Excellent students 45%
Struggle students 55%
Poor or weak student 65%
Annoying student 35%
4. Data collection
3.1. Data Analysis
The data was collected from the students. Assent of
members was made obligatory and the gathered The investigation and analysis from the 200 students
information just came from the people who were able survey review reflects the students’ performance in
to share their view points on the research. learning and which thing could adopt to improve them
in tutelage process.
99 Journal of Positive School Psychology
3.2. Results
Table 1
Table 2
The annoying students would take participation in someone encourages their efficiencies vice versa.
the learning and pay full intention to study when The other categories showing their interest.
Table 3
As indicated by the review, over 70% of the student’s significant issues looked while utilizing in the strategies
consent to the way that intrinsic motivation is one of the adopting to given the lesson to student in tutelage.
Table 4
As indicated by the study, over the majority class students take hefty time make stronger as
strongly agree that the culture difference create compare to the richly one.
huge distraction in the mind of students. The poor
Table 5
A contention with irritating understudies can't be tied occurs assuming you take the street of discipline.
in with winning. As an instructor, it is not difficultto Rather than rebuffing, introduce yourself as an issue
rebuff and feel that you have made the best choice. Be solver. Ask your understudy, why the person is acting
that as it may, discipline isn't consistently the correct that way. Likewise, introduce yourself as an answer.
method for pivoting rowdiness. Despite what might be Say that you are there for themselves and you need to
expected, it can additionally expand the issue. An assist them with adjusting their getting into mischief
understudy can't rebuff you, yet the individual can propensities.
continue to disturb you with a similar conduct. That
Table 6
According to this research many students who agree But few of them were disagree to saying that it’s no
that Understudies who are inspired by extraneous with us Understudies who are inspired by extraneous
variables complete exercises to get an outer award. variables complete exercises to get an outer award
Table 7
Question Students Strongly Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly
Categories Disagree Agree
Engage inmulti- Excellent 2% 6% 40% 61% 62%
Poor/weak 0.5% 5% 28% 25% 45%
activities are
useful for the Struggle 0% 0.5% 15% 60% 80%
students. students
Annoying 21% 23% 25% 43% 44%
Dr. Sadaf Zamir Ahmed 102
Multi sensory instructing is powerful for all enlightening an understudy regarding a specific
students; however, it is particularly helpful for idea, multi sensory exercises permitan understudy
battling peruses.The objective is to observe every to encounter the idea. Taking part in techniques and
understudy's learning assets and connect with those exercises that join each of the faculties can assist
qualities to present new data. Rather than understudies with seeing new data in manners that
turn out best for them (Dr. Gulap Shahzada,2017).
Table 8
The contribution of guardians in a striving kid's learning, so ponder giving guardians perusing
schooling can improve things greatly. One method methodologies that can make at-homeunderstanding
for including guardians and keep them educated fun, for example, the youngster retelling sections in
regarding their youngster's proficiency the most natural sounding way for themas the parent
improvement is to offer ways of building up peruses a book so anyone might hear. The per cent
recently mastered abilities at home. Many ratio is agreed and strongly agree that the
guardians can feel scared by broadening their kid's involvement of parents effects in study process.
Table 9
Although children who struggle with learning may not strategy. Did they make help notes, do studies, work on
always get high scores, if they put forth any effort, it air movement, or think about feedback from previous
should be recognized. Teachers may select to focus on assignments? No matter the ratings or grades, it may
a student's approach to the assignment or review take a lot of confidence to try a different strategy, so it's
103 Journal of Positive School Psychology