Association of Guidance Service and The Development of Individual Domains Among Tertiary Students
Association of Guidance Service and The Development of Individual Domains Among Tertiary Students
Association of Guidance Service and The Development of Individual Domains Among Tertiary Students
with their awareness on what is happening in the to the dictates of time (Utami & Latiana, 2018).
guidance services that exist in education system, Self-development in the use of technology assists
students may differ in their attitude towards guidance the counselors in implementing guidance services
services its either be positive or negative depending on and can be obtained through different capacity-
their awareness about services happened in the building activities and the provision of facilities
guidance. (Prawiro, 2019).
the scenario, it might be seen as negative or low. The accomplished in a variety of ways, including by
way a person reacts to the services they receive or an gaining more knowledge, making new generalizations,
event they have has an impact on their attitude, gaining greater insight into the components at play,
according to the statement. According to the study, the identifying new causal relationships, better defining
middle of adolescence is the time when new cognitive the issue at hand, and many other things. Since this
skills start to emerge. The young person's intellectual study measured data that already exists and the number
horizons suddenly broaden significantly. Students are of respondents is not large, the descriptive- correlation
becoming more independent, even if their peers still method of studies is best suited.
have a significant influence on their lives. Their
worries regarding peers are primarily focused on those Participants
of the opposite sex. This is also the time when one's
efforts to develop psychological independence from The respondents in this study were one hundred (100)
their parents pick up speed. Preparing for adult roles tertiary students were selected from Laguna State
and making early judgments about career objectives Polytechnic University-San Pablo City Campusone (1)
occupy a significant portion of their psychological school through random sampling technique.
resources. Despite occasional acts of delinquency,
middle adolescence is a time when children are more Instruments of the Study
inclined toward what is good and proper. In addition to
learning to curb their impulsivity, they are growing in The survey questionnaire served as a primary
behavioral maturity. For them to be helped as they instrument for collecting data in this study. The data
advance to the next stage of their lives, guidance collection instrument for this study is researcher self-
services are a necessity. made questionnaire, the 4-point Likert Scale
questionnaire will contain 3two parts, the first part of
Additionally, tertiary-level students are helped by the questionnaire consists of questions about the
competent guidance services, either individually or in demographic characteristics of respondents such as
groups, to develop the skills necessary to adapt to their sex, year level, socio-economic status the second part
surroundings, deal with various situations, and make contains a close ended questions about the association
wise decisions in life, according to Mutie and of attitude, awareness and availability of guidance
Ndambuki (2011). They also pointed out that modern services and the third part is also a close-ended
societies' social, educational, and occupational question about the development in the individual
frameworks are becoming more complex, necessitating domains among tertiary students. The substance of the
the use of advisory services.. Ngeno and Amos (2014) questionnaire was validated by professional RGC’s,
focused their guidance services on youngsters, people, Linguistic professor and a College Professor. When it
and their future. The context of guidance as it pertains comes to finalizing the questionnaire structure, their
to education is the individual and the judgments that opinions and recommendations are taken into
only they are capable of making. One of the goals of consideration, and then the questionnaires are
guidance services is to ensure that students, their distributed to the respondents using google forms with
teachers, and parents are aware of how the various the approval of the research advisers.Several
stages of an individual's development interact with one questionnaire totaling six (6) pages, including a letter
another and have an impact on the growth, adjustment, of request, have been developed; they include
and decision-making processes of the students. The students’ demographic profile which includes
researcher mentioned that classroom teachers were information such as, year lever, gender, and socio-
urged to view each student as a unique individual. economic status. The part was composed of the
perceived level of guidance services in terms of;
Methodology attitude, awareness and availability.
According to the findings of this study, Association of
attitude, awareness and availability of guidance The original title of the study proposed by the
services have an impact on the development of researcher was checked, revised, and rechecked by the
student's Individual domains. In this investigation, the researcher’s adviser to maintain conformity on the
descriptive-correlation method was employed. subject research. The self-made questionnaire-
According to the descriptive method described checklist that aims to draw out proper responses on the
researcher, the study focuses on the current situation. objectives of this study was presented to and validated
Finding new truth is the goal, which can be by 5 Registered Guidance Counselor 1 college
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